The Holiday - Begninnings

By bokjay / John

Published on Nov 24, 2017



The Holiday

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The Holiday By John -

That Guy in the Hotel

We were talking yesterday about holidays; you know things that had happened out of the ordinary which you hadn't bargained for. It brought to my mind the time I went to the States with my partner of many years, Ricky. We had planned to fly to Washington, then with a package deal on Greyhound, travel down to Florida by bus and on the way, stopping off with some relatives of Ricky along the way. Included in the package was hotel accommodation with Holiday Inns. It sounded like a good deal, we thought we would see a lot for not so much money. In fact, we saw a great deal but not exactly what we had in mind.

The overnight flight was not so bad although generally, I don't like them because I can't sleep too well on planes. By mid-morning, we were checked in near Washington somewhere. The first thing was to catch up on sleep for a few hours and then in the afternoon we took one of those sightseeing trips around the capital, see where it all happens. The next day we were due to catch the bus south. Our visit to Ricky's relatives would take us to Raleigh in North Carolina, but we didn't have a fixed schedule or time to arrive. In fact, we didn't have any clear idea of how long it would take or the distances involved.

I guess our unusual holiday started with meeting a guy in the bar of the hotel. We had returned from our sightseeing trip, taken a meal in the restaurant and were relaxing over a beer in the bar. It was not a busy place and the only other customer started talking to us as I think he was curious hearing the strange accents. Generally I don't like strangers who put themselves into your conversation, but in this case, Mike seemed like a nice kind of guy. He was funny, had plenty of good jokes and didn't pry into our business like some strangers love to do.

After some time he remarked that he had a long drive the next day. His business was finished in Washington and he was headed home, which was near to Durham. We told him we were going to North Carolina too, a small town near to Raleigh. On the map, they looked like a stone's throw from each other. Mike said why not go along with him, it would be good to have someone in the car and it was bound to be better than travelling by bus. We could also save on a trip or two against our Greyhound tickets. Great, we were feeling pretty fortunate by the time we turned in for the night.

The next day we were up before 8, had breakfast and were off. Once out of Washington, the journey was fine. Mike seemed to have a never-ending store of amusing stories to tell, he even made last night into a laugh when he recounted this and that. By lunchtime, we were at Petersburg and he reckoned we were well on the way and we'd be there by afternoon. We hadn't quite expected the journey to be so quick and I began to have visions of sitting down to the evening meal with Ricky's family. By 2 o' clock we were at a place called Oxford, a nice English name, where we had a coffee. Mike said he would be turning off the freeway soon, but it was not far from where we were going. Fine, we had almost got to where we wanted in no time at all. Sure enough in a couple more miles he indicated to leave the freeway, went down the exit ramp and stopped the car.

"This is where I leave you guys, my hometown is down there", he pointed to the small road which headed to the west from where we had stopped.

"Down there," he pointed south, "Is where you two should be headed. It's not far, you can get a lift easily along here and should be at your relatives by around 6 o' clock."

We said our goodbyes, thanked him for the trip and he sped off down the road waving to us. Hoisting up our backpacks we set off along the way he had indicated. As we walked, the freeway moved away to the east till it was soon out of sight. The road we were walking must have been the old highway at some time before the freeway was built, but it now looked as though it didn't get much maintenance nowadays.

The afternoon was fairly hot with just a gentle breeze wafting. It seemed perfect at first. But as we went further we both noticed there was little, if any traffic. We tried hitching at a few cars and pickups, but they didn't stop. By another hour we were getting tired. It was just us, the crops in the fields and a small stream running at the side of the road. Peaceful, but a bit too peaceful. We hadn't reckoned on walking the last part of our journey but that's what we were doing. Our rests got to be pretty frequent. My feet were killing me as my shoes were new and I hadn't broken them in, so they were now very tight. I dare not take them off though, doubting I would ever get them on again. Ricky was a bit better off, but he too was dog-tired. We had thought Mike was a good guy, but he must have known this road had no traffic. Maybe he wasn't such a good guy after all and was laughing all the way home at the fix he had put us in. By 5 there was still no sign of habitation other than an odd farm away from the road. The sun was dropping and we looked to be a long way from any Holiday Inn or Ricky's relatives.

The Guy in the Pick-up

I had just about reached the stage where I was thinking of sleeping on the side of the road when a pickup truck came down the road behind us. Ricky got up from where we were sitting and started to thumb a lift. The pickup slowed down and stopped just passed. I scrambled up bad feet or no, and quickly got to the door.

"Where you headed?"

"We were going to Raleigh but our last lift said it was not far and let us off back at the freeway."

"Well," the driver said slowly, "you wouldn't be reaching there tonight if you're walking, better jump in and I'll take you on a bit."

Ricky jumped in first but as I climbed in I banged my foot on the doorway and I yelled out a cry at the pain.

"Sorry, but my feet are rubbed raw and I just caught it," I excused.

We drove on down the road and quickly introduced ourselves. The driver was called Pete and if I hadn't noticed him at first, now we were talking I could see he looked like a Tom Cruise, angular face, dark eyes and black hair and appeared to be around 24 or so. He lived just down the road and told us we must come in for a coffee and a bite. His mom would have just the right thing to bathe my feet. We both said thanks but the lift was more than enough. In truth, I could not walk anymore if he was going to drop us off. No Pete said, he wouldn't hear any `No thank you,' there was not much chance of a lift now it was getting dark and it would be no trouble at all.

Even though we continued to decline his hospitality, he took charge of the situation and insisted. Ricky was so tired his head was lolling forward as he drifted off to sleep, waking up with the jolts of the truck hitting the many potholes. Then Pete swung the truck off the road onto a track, which headed across a field to a clump of trees in the distance. We arrived at the farmyard, which was in the middle of the trees, with the house to one side which we hadn't seen from the road. As we rolled up Pete tooted the truck horn and his mother came out of the house to greet him.

"Hey mom, we got some company. These guys were hitching to Raleigh but they were on the old road and have walked themselves to a standstill. John here needs some help with his foot."

After sitting so long, I had trouble getting out of the truck and Pete was quickly at my side to steady me along into the kitchen. His mom led the way with Ricky, telling us to set our stuff down and take it easy. Pete was filling her in on our trip so far and she was happily chatting away about the place we were headed, which she knew quite well. Quickly she had coffee and some hefty sandwiches before us, and then Pete had a bowl of warm water with some stuff in it, which he insisted I put my feet in. Embarrassed at first, I soaked them while helping myself to the food, as both of us were ravenous. His mom took a look at my feet and said it was plain they were not going to take me anywhere soon, we would have to stay the night. We already knew we were not going to win an argument with Pete, and they were obviously nice people. Gratefully we accepted the offer.

The sandwich and rest woke us up a bit. We sat in the kitchen talking whilst his mom prepared the main dinner. Even with the snack, we were both still hungry and looked forward to the meal. Another brother called Alex arrived and when I said Pete was good looking, it was true. But the younger brother was even more stunning, around 20 I would guess. He sat and joined the conversation soon putting us at ease with his easygoing manner. Ricky and Alex quickly took with each other. Ricky was from the Philippines, so he quite often gets a lot of attention with his almond eyes, full lips and long hair. He is a natural crowd puller, but both of them had a mutual magnetism.

Mom's dinner was delicious, it was a long time since either of us had some home cooking and we told her so. With the eating over, the brothers helped wash up and get everything straight. Without her asking too, which was a bit different from when I lived at home. After they were through his mother excused herself, saying she always went to bed early and told Pete to sort out the beds for us. He said we should go into the lounge and have a few beers. It was really a nice comfortable room, nothing new or modern just clean and cosy. Alex brought in a case of beer and we settled down talking. Ricky and Alex hit it off together while I got on really well with Pete. He told me of their farm, his dad dying and him dropping out of college to run the place. Alex had finished his high school and hadn't made up his mind what to do next. There was another brother, Carl, who was still at school in Durham where he lived midweek with his aunt.

Where are we going to sleep?

Around 11, Pete suggested we turn in for the night. The first case of beer had gone to a second, so I think we were all ready for some sleep. He showed us to the bathroom while they sorted out the beds. When I had finished having a shower I went along to the bedroom to find Ricky already down to his underwear, as was Alex. They were looking out the window and called me over.

"There," Alex pointed into the blackness of the evening, "Durham is over there about fifteen miles by our road."

It was quite a distance away and I was thankful we had not attempted to reach there earlier. The two of them were fooling around and in high spirits. Alex had his arm over Ricky's shoulder and was pointing out the direction as if it was light! At the same time, they were joking and goosing each other, a little bit from the effects of the beer I guess. Pete said he hoped we didn't mind the mattress on the floor, but anything would have looked fine to me.

Alex said it was making work for ma if we used the sheets for just one night, why didn't we share their beds, because it was okay by him if Ricky didn't mind.

"Well," said Pete, "I don't mind, but how do Ricky and John feel about it?

Ricky shrugged and said "No problem," at which Alex tugged him over to his bed without further ado.

I agreed it was no problem for me either, but I didn't want to put them out, Pete had work in the morning.

"No it's fine, don't worry" he assured and went to put the sheets and bedding away again.

They had a bed each, not a double but bigger than a single, so we were going to be close, no getting around that.

Ricky and Alex resumed their ragging, pulling the sheets to and fro, and behaving like a couple of little kids. Pete returned and stripped of his clothes. I couldn't help but eye his body, excellent!

Once down to his briefs, he laughed, "I leave these on for guests."

I said I never usually wore them either, but climbed in keeping them just the same. We lay talking and he asked if I could drive a forklift and move some deliveries in the shed in the morning. Alex had to go into town and he had to go to a meeting so wouldn't be able to do it. If it rained he would have a big problem. I said of course, only too willing to give a hand around the place and it should be fun.

We talked while the other two continued to fool around although I wasn't listening to them particularly. Then it registered that some of Ricky's sounds were a bit familiar in another situation.

Suddenly Ricky gave out a loud "aagh".

`What was the matter?" I asked.

There was silence for a moment, and then Ricky giggled, "Alex was trying to put his sausage in the oven!"

I thought I had misheard and couldn't believe what I thought he said. He was going to get us kicked out talking like that. I held my breath as I digested what might be going on, then Pete started a great belly laugh. That took the edge of the situation and made me feel a bit more comfortable.

He whispered loudly to them, "Well while you two are cooking, just keep it quiet so that you don't wake up the neighbourhood!"

That was it, just accepted! I too was laughing but couldn't help wondering how they could be so blasé.

Alex laughed. "Not to worry, we'll be as quiet as a mouse, or two mice."

Pete and I resumed talking, but I was keeping an ear out for those two. I didn't mind what they were doing, it was obvious they liked each other and Ricky and I often had a 3-some back home. It was just doing it in someone's house, in front of virtual strangers and afraid how they might react.

Soon, although they had quietened down there was the unmistakable sound of loins slapping against ass cheeks. And it sounded like Ricky was the one getting fucked. Pete stopped talking, as it kind of killed our conversation dead. It was also making me hard although I wasn't thinking to do anything about it. But I was suddenly conscious of Pete's body up against mine and my imagination soon had me feeling as hot as hell.

Before Ricky and Alex started, I had been too busy talking to notice anything unusual. Now what they were doing was just about the only thing on my mind. How was I going to sleep like this?

Pete turned slightly, "Those two are making me so horny."

He reached over and put his hand on my briefs. I was stone hard. He checked it out and then took my hand and put it on his briefs. He was just the same.

"Come on," he whispered, "We are not going to get any sleep feeling like this, let's get these briefs off; we both normally don't wear them in bed."

He pushed his own off and I pushed mine down, kicking them off my feet. Pete put his hand back on my dick and pulled mine back to his. We played with each other a while, his dick certainly felt longer than mine and fatter too, and quite a handful. I was wondering whether to go down on him when he pushed me on my side and spooned up behind. Well, this was how it was going to be, was it? I hadn't realised just how horny he was, having no time for any foreplay. He spit on his hand to wet his dick and put it to the mark. I braced for the assault, but he didn't do anything, just left it resting there, gently pushing now and again my rear door. This was okay, I relaxed quickly and with him playing with my dick, our world quickly became just the two of us and shutting out completely the goings on of Alex and Ricky. Automatically, I was backing into his little thrusts as they were baiting me for more.

He understood and began pushing more firmly, and edging a bit deeper. We were working together like clockwork, this was getting really good. I hadn't been fucked by anyone but Ricky for a long time now and the feeling of a new sex experience was turning me on more with every second. Suddenly he gave a sharp push and was through my outer defences. I stiffened up with the shock so he stopped to rest and let me adjust.

In just a minute or two he was back pushing, only now his length was working its way deep inside. I half hoped he would gag me to stop my groans as some of his sharp thrusts knocked the wind out of my sails. He put his hands on my shoulders and his forearms on my chest to lock me tight against his body. There was no way I could move to cushion his thrusts. It was good, but I was feeling he would split me into two pieces with each movement of his dick. We were quiet, but he was determined and desperate. I don't think I had ever been fucked this hard before. I really was seeing stars! But his breath was in the nape of my neck and the bristles on his chin were scratching my shoulders, I was in heaven.

Far too soon I could feel him coming to the boil, his actions were becoming faster and his body slapping harder into mine. Throwing back his head, he groaned a cry of release, gave one final lunge, and pumped his jism into my guts. Feeling the heat was incredible and with the dying spasms spilling the last of his juice, I shot my load.

We lay there but he didn't pull out. I told him that was great and he said it was his first time for well over a year. Judging by the amount of juice, I would guess he never jerked off in that time either. But that was it, no more talking and we cuddled up close in the same position and drifted off to sleep.

Next morning, the alarm went off a 6 o'clock. He switched it off but then snuggled back up close again. He bit the flesh on my shoulders and whispered that he needed it again like last night. Though not fully awake, I gave him my permission by pushing back. Being still wet from the juices of last night he slipped in easily. This time he didn't have to hold me as if I might try and escape. In fact, he held himself away a little, just keeping his hands on my hips. Maybe he wanted to see himself fucking me in the morning light! Not as vigorous as last night, but it was just as good. I still thought it was the biggest thing ever to go inside of me. He was taking it slower and so lasted a bit longer until he gave a final cry and slammed in as if he wished to spear straight through. And he still had a lot of juice to add to last night's effort. I couldn't help the feeling it was running out; I was so full of the stuff. This time however, on finishing he gave me a peck on the cheek and said he must go, or else he would be late for his meetings. I drifted back to sleep feeling warm, wet and very contented.

I didn't wake up naturally, rather a noise woke me and on opening my eyes, there was Alex and Ricky on top of the bed. Alex had Ricky's legs back on either side of his head and he was plugging him with rapid smacks into his arse. I didn't move, just pulled the sheet down a little so I could watch them. Alex's body was nothing more than beautiful, you could plainly see every muscle in his body flexing and working as they made sex. They talked to each other constantly, still laughing and teasing as they worked to a climax. After finishing and rolling onto their sides, I made them jump by saying,

"Well done you guys, I enjoyed the show".

"We enjoyed yours last night too!" Ricky cut back, "What we heard anyway, but the rest could be imagined!"

"Oh, I thought we were quiet," I said surprised.

"How can you keep a jackhammer quiet?" asked Alex, laughing.

"It would seem we have all been enjoying ourselves."

"Mmmmm, you are right there, come on over here and join us," invited Ricky.

I climbed out and went over, lying down next to Rick. He grabbed my dick and asked if I got to use it.

"No, I'm afraid Pete did all the work, no chance for me yet!"

Alex leant across Rick, took hold giving a squeeze and pull, making it fill out a little.

"Well, I think you might find it a bit difficult to arrange a home for that!"

"It's not that big and look who's talking, by the time you are your brother's age, I bet you will be bigger than him."

"But I am just as good as he his now, even if not quite his size," he shot back.

Ricky added his bit, "Yes he is good, one of the best, you should give him a try!"

"Don't wait till I'm as old as Pete, you'll be gone by then!"

"Okay, okay, I never said I didn't want to try, if you still have the energy well so do I!"

Ricky gave a nod of approval and put his hand back on my dick to work it up, although with how we were talking, it was almost fully hard. Alex played with himself a little and I ogled his superb body and wondered how he would feel.

"Just one thing though, your brother has left behind quite a lot of himself, it might be a bit, well er..."

Alex smiled, "It's okay, we are all family!"

I was fully hard now and so were Rick and Alex.

Ricky said, "I want to see you on your knees so I can get a good view."

"Okay," agreed Alex, "I like that too."

I did as they asked, going down on all fours. Ricky milked my dick some more, then slid his head under to suck me. Alex pawed at my ass, putting a finger or two inside.

"Oh, my, no need of KY for you, self-lubricating today!"

He got himself up behind and inserted his cock almost full depth at the first push! It made me jump, but Ricky doubled up on his sucking and I was ready again in a second. He started slowly, working to get up to full speed, holding on to my hips to stop me being knocked away.

Although not as big as Pete, there was a big difference in the feel. True, I still felt stretched, but he had the knack of hooking up his hips at the end of each thrust, which gave me the feeling of being lifted up off the bed by his dick. It was the extra "umph" at the end of every stroke, something quite unusual but delightful.

Ricky stopped his sucking and slid out from underneath. I couldn't see him when he went off to the side of my view, but I guess he was just watching. Then Alex stopped dead on a thrust and let out a groan.

"Jesus, Ricky!" was all he said.

Although he kept tight up against me, when we started moving again I knew it was Ricky who was now into Alex! We were doing a train. Wow! Alex very slowly started pumping again, fitting his rhythm to Ricky's.

"Oh that's good," he exclaimed, "So nice, do I feel the same in you?"

"I guess you do," answered Rick, "I think we all feel the same."

"I had never imagined," said Alex, "this is a first time, but it's good, really good. In fact, I'm going to cum pretty damn quick."

Ricky started moving faster, giving him a taste of a good fuck, of which he was an expert. Alex echoed his pace and I could directly feel the effect on the size and hardness of his dick. I knew from experience Ricky was about to blow and when it happened, Alex let out a howl I thought would bring his mother running. Then I felt him shake and in a second his juice was shooting to join that of his brother. Slumping over me in exhaustion, he fell to the side.

"Wow, you guys are incredible. I don't ever want you to leave here."

He paused a moment and then exclaimed in some amazement, "Hey I just realised, I lost my cherry!" and playfully punched Ricky on the arm.

Part 2

I Got work to do

Getting showered, we went downstairs looking as if butter wouldn't melt in our mouths. I told them Pete had asked me to move the stuff into the shed. Alex said that was good because he would have to fly into town on his own errands. First, he would show me where everything was though. He gave me some sandals, as my feet were not ready for shoes just yet, and some old shorts of his so my gear wouldn't get into a mess with the work. He then asked Ricky if he would go with him into town.

I didn't mind, the thought of having some time to myself was quite appealing. His mother served a good breakfast and thanked me for helping out. She was a very quiet lady, but it struck me what a close and caring family they were.

Alex showed me out the barn, started the old forklift and told me where all the stuff had to go. I got stuck in and first tidied up the shed of its old stock of fertilisers, feed and seeds laying around. Then I started bringing in the pallets of new stores that had been offloaded in the yard. I was enjoying myself and could see the difference my efforts were making getting everything straight. It was a good feeling! Mom brought me some coffee and biscuits around 10 o'clock and I sat down for a break. We had a few words, but she seemed shy to talk too much and made an excuse for some job in the house and left. It was a fine morning, no sign of any rain and working in just shorts, I was working up a sweat.

I was lost in work when I heard my name being called out. I shouted back and Pete appeared around the corner with some bottles of Coke.

"Hey, you have been working hard, this place has never been so clean and tidy."

I know he was just saying it, but felt some pride in his comments and blushed a little.

"Take a break, come and sit down and have a drink."

We walked over to sit on some bales and he continued with his praise of what I had accomplished.

"We can't afford any help around here, but this is what it would look like if we could. I've just come home for some papers I need for a meeting after lunch, so I have only time for a quick bite and be off again."

Then he said in strange tone, "How are you?"

"Fine, what do you mean?"

"What we did last night, are you okay?"

"Of course, no problem." I laughed at his seriousness, "You are a very big guy, but I managed all right, don't worry about me."

He smiled and relaxed, "I got to tell you that I was worried, it's not every day I do that at least not with another guy."

"Well, to be honest, it was really great."

"That's what I thought too, in fact in this morning's meeting I couldn't keep my mind on the business, kept drifting back to what we did. The bank manager even asked if I was okay. It would have killed them if I had told him what was on my mind."

We both laughed. He was silent for a few moments staring at me. I looked back wondering what he was thinking or going to say. Finally, looking more than a little embarrassed he said,

"Hey, I got about half an hour before I head back into town."

"Okay," I said, "what?"

He cleared his throat and looked down at the floor.

"Did you like it enough to do it again with me right now?"

I was surprised at his reluctance to say it straight out, but I laughed and looked him in the eyes. I said nothing but grinned and gave him an exaggerated wink. A smile broke across his handsome face.

"Come on up," he said, climbing on some staging. "No one will surprise us up here out of the way."

I followed him up a short ladder to another storage decking.

"Over here," and we made ourselves comfortable on some sacks.

Reaching over, he yanked open my shorts. I started to help get them off but he was faster than I was, almost ripping them off my body.

"Sorry," he apologised, "But I've been thinking of nothing else all morning."

As soon as my briefs were off, he pulled up my legs and pushed them back to my chest. Holding them there he buried his face in my groin, licking and sucking my cock and balls. Quickly I got hard, then he moved down under my balls and in a moment had his tongue in my ass. Wow, I squirmed around the feeling was so good. I didn't think I'd be getting this treatment but I wasn't complaining. It was really terrific. But I thought shit, we only got half an hour and I want him to do this all day.

He knew it too, and after slaking that craving, he undid his pants with one hand and freed his enormous dick. Sitting up close, he put it to the mark and then just leant forward till his face was next to mine, forcing his monster cock inside as he moved up close. I wriggled my hips to help him penetrate easier. Once inside he rested for a moment till I recovered and gave him the signal to stop hanging about. He then went at it like food to a starving man. Sometimes you talk about being `Fucked stupid', well I was getting knocked out of my mind I can tell you, but it also felt out of this world. I just hung on and let him rip. Being so desperate, it was not long before he came to the short strokes, whispering into my ear how good he was feeling, how wonderful it was and how in a moment he would fill me up to overflowing. I almost came just listening to him and then with the force of a pile driver, he rammed his last and spewed out his own personal store of feed.

He sat back upright and lowered my legs, but they were set into position and it hurt with the cramps. Slowly, I put them on the floor and he helped me stand up. Just then mother called out to him.

He looked at his watch. "Shit, I really must go or I'll be late, I'll catch you later and don't you be going too far on those bad legs."

Grinning madly, he flew down the ladder and in another minute, the pickup started up and careered off down the track to the road.

After he had left, I sat down again and thought about what we were doing here with these guys. It was strange, to say the least, coming across these brothers, a bit like winning the lottery I suppose. Could everyone be this great in America? No not even I believed that one! In a while, I climbed down and went back to work. I wouldn't say it had given me a spring in my step, just the opposite, but I did feel a little light-headed!

Around mid-day, mom brought me a salad and sandwich plate. She said how well the place was looking, just chatting a little more easily than the morning before returning to the house. The food was most welcome, having worked up an appetite with both the work and play! I looked around again and thought I had nearly finished what Pete had wanted me to do plus a bit more.

Did you ever dream of someone?

In the afternoon, just sweeping up the last of the rubbish that needed throwing out I became aware of someone leaning against the shed door. He was stood watching me but with the light behind, I couldn't make out anything much.

"Hi!" I called out.

He slowly stirred himself and stood straight for a few moments before walking towards me carrying a couple of bottles of Coke in his hand.

"My Ma said to bring you a drink."

It was not till he was quite close that I could see him very well. This must be the younger brother. He handed me the bottle but not saying anything.

"You must be Carl?"

"Yeah, right!"

He paused not knowing what to say next.

"Just got home from school?" I asked to break the silence.

"Yes, back for the weekend."

He then looked at me directly and smiled, and repeated what he had just said but now saying it to me and not to the shed. It was like someone had flicked a switch and suddenly he became very talkative. Asking about what I had been doing and then telling me what he was doing. But I didn't listen; I was just stared at him. There were some photographs of the family in the house that I had looked at last night but I could see now that they were all years old. This was the younger brother, but you would not have recognised him next to the others. Where they had black hair and brown eyes, this guy was blond with blue eyes. Pete and Alex were after the father; this boy was after the mother. He was very slim with a small waist, long legs and his straight hair nearly to his shoulders. I guess fawning mothers and aunts call them angels, but with his smooth skin and looks you would have to go along with that description.

I finished the Coke and went back to work. Carl grabbed another broom, but didn't do much sweeping; instead, he used it to lean on while giving me a constant barrage of questions and opinions on his world. Music, fashion, school, work, cars, anything and everything. I didn't have to say much to keep him going, but it wasn't boring, he had a nice way of talking and was often funny with his observations. Perhaps he was or would be, a deep thinking kind of guy, as he had maturity in advance of his looks.

And so that's how we spent the rest of the afternoon until I had finished the work. I was extremely pleased with myself when I looked around. One of those rare days that everyone can see just what you have been doing and you have enjoyed to boot. I was tired, my body was covered in dust and crud and I was looking forward to a long hot shower and some clean clothes. Carl also thought I needed cleaning up and it was the first thing he said when I announced that I had finished. We put away the last of the tools and forklift and walked back to the house. Upstairs he came in to give me some towels, although Alex had left some out for me as well. He said he needed a clean up too, but it couldn't have been from working too hard!

He told me to use his bathroom which next to his room, telling me it was his parent's before. Pete had already told me that since she had had a bad fall soon after their father died, she now lived on the ground floor and hardly ever ventured upstairs. The boys shared all the cleaning upstairs so she didn't have any need to climb the stairs. He showed me the way, sorted the taps and then stood and watched me drop my shorts and briefs and step into the shower. I thought his directness a bit un-nerving but never mind.

Back in the bedroom, I was pulling out clothes from my bag when he came in from his own shower. Wearing just a towel around his waist, he watched me sorting jeans and tee shirts while he chatted.

"Come and see my room," he invited, "I have made a great place for myself."

Then he almost pulled me out the door, his sudden excitement taking hold. I followed him along the landing and into his room. A pad would be a better term. Alex and Pete had little in theirs apart from the usual bedroom furniture, with nothing of anything personal on the walls or dresser tops. Carl though had turned his room into a den. He had a computer, a small TV and hi-fi, books along shelves, pictures on the wall and stuff from school and magazines plastered all over. As well as the bed, there was a small table and chair, so it was really a one-room apartment.

"How you like it? Pretty cool?" he asked.

I agreed, it was a room I wished I'd had at his age, a real personal place. I was looking at some of his stuff and asked if the photo of the track runner was him.

"Yes, I do athletics and swimming at school but I'm not big enough for football."

He pulled out a photo album and spread it on the bed.

"Look, this is me, at last year's athletics championship."

I sat down and looked through the photographs. I didn't say anything about the good-looking guys on them, most of whom were dressed in shorts or swimming trunks. Pointing at one shot, Carl asked me if I thought the guy in the picture was good looking. A strange question I thought, but he was and I said so.

"That's my best friend," he said. "He's on the football team and as you can see, a big guy."

Funny someone would want to know if I thought their best friend was good looking or not! I looked at Carl as he spoke, his body was lean and firm as you might expect, with all the muscles well defined. Something along the lines of a statue, clear smooth skin with everything in proportion.

As he talked he drew up one leg so that he could scratch at his ankle, then moved his hand up to his knee. Maybe he was not aware of how he looked, but I was not so sure. The towel fell back to the top of his thigh with raising his leg. I was desperate to lean just a half inch to the left so that I could see what I thought this slight movement would reveal. I became self-conscious of my reasons and felt he might be reading my thoughts. He had a habit of looking directly at you as if he could see inside your head! It made me a little uncomfortable with what I was thinking.

Finishing looking through the album, he leant back to pick another from the shelf next to the bed. He stretched to do so and was almost horizontal. I couldn't help but stare at his body, centring at the large mound at the top of his legs. Perhaps I gazed too long as I thought he saw where my attention was caught. He showed me the next album, which seemed to be full of cute and handsome classmates or was it just my imagination running away with me? He raised his leg again and brushed the skin on his ankle as though he had a tickle as before. Suddenly he changed the topic and asked if I liked his brothers.

"Of course, they are great, your whole family are great."

He commented, "Alex likes Ricky very much."

"He told you that?"

"Oh yes, he phoned me at my aunts, telling me all about you guys." After a moment's hesitation, he added, "We don't have any secrets from each other."

For sure I was blushing but said that was good to have open families and such, I dribbled on while trying to get control of myself. Surely he didn't know what we had been doing?

Part 3

The most succulent cherry you ever did taste

Carl's hand absently traced over his raised leg, coming to rest at the lower edge of the towel. His fingers adjusted his balls through the covering, but as if he didn't realise what he was doing. Still, I noticed his hand stayed there, gently toying with the package beneath as he talked about where the photographs in the album had been taken. I was straining to watch him from the corner of my eye while looking at the pictures. I tried to focus my mind as it was becoming harder to concentrate. The milli-seconds I glanced at his crotch grew more and more frequent. I could not afford to gaze too long because he looked me straight in the eye as he talked, but I could swear that the mound was growing bigger.

Forgetting the album he sat upright, pulled both legs up and leant onto his knees. I could no longer see his crotch, but the towel had dropped right back to his waist, only covering a couple of inches of thigh. The line of his legs up to his waist was superb. He brought the conversation back to his brothers, asking what I thought of Pete. I could only say he was a really good guy and I got on well with him, what else?

"But do you like him?" he put the same question again as if I hadn't already answered.

If he meant something more specific than generalities, I couldn't reply without being embarrassed, so I just kind of nodded. He moved position again, stretching back on the bed with one hand behind his head. I could have jumped on him then and there but although I was beginning to think he might be trying to lead me on, it would be fatal to act at this point. I had to be sure.

He moved from his back to his side, propping his head on his elbow and looked at me. His other hand resumed the feathery touch of his body, up and down. When he spoke, he stopped my heart.

"Yeah, but Pete is so big, how do you do it?"

Did I just hear right or what? I blushed up and just stared at him not knowing what to say. He spoke when I didn't reply.

"I mean, I've spoken with my brother and Alex told me what you guys were doing, how do you manage with something so big?"

He was so casual and matter of fact. I couldn't possibly talk so directly. I had to answer something.

"Well, it just happens size doesn't have a lot to do with it if you want it, I mean if the situation is good, do you understand?"

"You mean, if you like someone then you can always do it?"

"Yes, if you like someone, then you are relaxed and the size bit doesn't come into it, except of course, with some of the super studs you see in the videos."

He stared at me, silent for a few moments thinking. I looked him up and down again in the conversation break. His hand had rested on his crotch, the fingers gently kneading the large mound that was now apparent. The boy was thinking of sex and was turned on by the subject. Another question,

"With you and Ricky, does he do it to you as well?"

"We do it to each other," I answered, now feeling a little more calmed and my voice no longer squeaky with the shock!

"Ha! So you do it, but not with Pete," he said.

"Yes, and Ricky did it to Alex as well" I put in just in case there was something he didn't know!

"Yes he told me, it was his first time and he said it was good, like being played with from the inside."

Wow, brothers talking together like this, I had never heard anything like it before. I pushed on,

"How about you, what have you been doing?"

"I had a girlfriend last year, but I didn't really like it. I think I want to be like my brothers. I like some of my friends at school a lot, but I have never done anything with them. Am I nice? I mean you know, do I have good looks and stuff?"

"You have got to be kidding! you are really handsome." And I meant it. "You and your brothers are all very handsome, quite a family."

It didn't seem to be the right answer or satisfy what he had in mind, but he couldn't articulate further. He started to speak, but hesitated, like couldn't get the words in the right order.

"Like, er, I want to be like my brother Alex. Do you like me, I mean for that? Will you do that to me, I want to try it?"

Fuck! Am I dreaming? Did I just get an invitation to do exactly what I was fantasising with this young god?

"You could say, I would absolutely love to do that. I have since I saw you in the barn."

I could look him directly in the eyes now, watching a grin slowly creep over his face. He leant towards me.

"Do it," he said, "I want to try!"

Not needing to be told twice, I reached down and traced my hand over his towel and the hard tube now evident beneath. I pulled it free from his waist. Fully uncovered, Carl's body was quite simply beautiful. Slim, smooth and well defined. His cock was not anything like Pete's, but neither was his age. He was only a little smaller than Alex, which meant big when he finished growing. I moved down to his crotch and played with his dick, hard as steel, but with a soft covering like foam rubber. Smooth and straight, it had no veins to disturb the surface and had just a little soft nest surrounding the base. I could live in this crotch.

Wanting to eat him I dropped my head over, taking it all and feel it pulsing in my mouth. My tongue rolled around the tip and just beneath, letting it work in and out making sure the head brushed against the side or roof of my mouth. Carl was arching his back, moaning "Uh's" and "Ah's", his hand now on the back of my head clutching hands full of hair. If this was his first time, he would blow quickly which I didn't want. I stopped sucking him and moved to use my tongue on his balls, then down underneath his sack. This was a tour, but a quick one. If he came now, I thought he probably wouldn't need me to continue and that I didn't want.

I moved around and pushed his legs back to his chest, all the time tracing my tongue around his balls, slowly working lower and lower until finally, jackpot. There was no hair at all; the flower of his asshole was completely naked. I lunged in with my tongue, using my thumbs to keep it wide open. He was squirming around sighing and moaning. I was pleased with the effect, wanting to stay there a long time but the final destination beckoned.

Moving back to his cock to resume sucking while with one hand I undid the buttons on my jeans and pushed them down as far as I could. From his cock, I traced my tongue up the centre of his stomach, letting my hair brush across his chest, and then to his nipples. I glanced at his face, his eyes were closed but his facial expressions moved to every touch. I sucked each in turn, licking around them which made him twitch and writhe. Quickly I spit to my hand and then anointed the head of my cock, making sure no part was dry and then brought it to the mark.

I nudged his pucker gently and then anointed it with more spit. Now I pushed a little harder and resumed the licking of his nipples. There was no sign of tension as I did this, so I increased the pressure little by little until I could feel the heat of his insides on the head of my cock. Again I put on more spit and slipped it back into position as fast as I could. He was ready. Using my shoulders to keep his legs folded back, I moved to his gorgeous face. Nibbling his lips, playing my fingers across the nape of his neck and darting my tongue into his mouth. He passed a milestone and responded actively, sucking it gently. I let my weight fall on my cock so that slowly but surely it slid through the door and continued in little by little right in up to the hilt.

He fought for air as I entered, but I kept him pinned with my mouth over his. When his discomfort subsided, he returned his hunger for my kiss and tongue and I began to buck my hips a little. Momentarily, he braced but quickly melted back to acquiescence as I picked up speed. He couldn't kiss anymore, he was gasping as my thrusts became stronger and stronger. No more moans, he was whispering `Fuck me, fuck me, Oh god, fuck me.' I raised myself up, using my hands on his legs to keep them back while I looked down at this wonderful sight. I was not able to control myself and really banged him hard a few times. He groaned, but continued his whispering, urging me to fuck him harder and not to stop. I let rip and gave it to him, but I was coming up quickly and didn't have much time left. I told him I was going to come and he begged me not to stop, saying it was fantastic and give him more. That would have to be another time though, I could feel my sap rising and I bucked into him ever harder, no longer taking care of this being his first time. He was moaning loudly as I came to the boil he shot his own load splashing across his stomach, some of it landing as high as his neck. Just to see him do this finished me off and I drove home fully and let it fly. He groaned as my juice pumped out, I knew what he would be feeling and I could tell he loved it.

We lay together a while and still linked, we fell over on our sides. I kissed him on the lips. He was lying quietly, floating on his feelings.

"Did that come up to expectations?"

Opening his eyes, he looked into mine.

"Oh yes, I just thinking before you said, that was the most incredible thing that has happened in my whole life. I think I am in shock or something." He looked into my eyes again, "That was totally out of this world!"

"Well hold on a minute, this might be the bad part!"

I disengaged my hands and slowly withdrew my cock. I was still hard though, which was unusual for me.

"Uh!" He winced a little. "Now that feels completely different," he said. "But it's okay, you didn't hurt."

He looked down and took my cock in his hand, the first time he had seen.

"Shit," he whistled through his teeth, "All that went inside?"

"Yes, just like all of Pete went inside me! Now you know what I mean."

"Mmmm!" He played with it, bouncing it up and down. "You know what?"

"No," I answered.

"When can you do it again?" he laughed.

"You know what?" I countered.

"No,?" I held his cock,

"When can you do the same to me?"

Then I wiped a finger across his chest where his juice still held in globs and brought it to my mouth.

"That's a good place for it tool".

He laughed and said he was looking forward to trying.

"Can you teach me all this before you leave here or is there too much to learn?"

"No, I think we can do a crash course in the next day or so that should see you passing the exam!!"

We laughed and struggled up to go for a shower, but this time together.

Our shower was more of the same, but cleaner! I loved the size and shape of his dick and sucked him back up to hardness. I wanted him to cum in my mouth, but he had other ideas and wanted to try it in my ass. So I leant over holding on to the taps while he held my hips and ploughed me. I liked it, a lot, maybe because I liked him very much. He came very quickly though, just when it was getting me really excited so when he pulled out I was hard again and wanting more. I reversed our positions, but before I filled him up with another splurge of my juices, I tongued his ass, which got him begging me to fuck him immediately. This I did, but I also came to the boil very quickly once again and we were finished in no time. I wondered if I could sleep the night with him, so I could take all the time I wanted in playing around with his body. I hoped so. I hadn't felt as randy as this for a long time and was a bit unsatisfied with each bout finishing so rapidly.

Part 4

Time to relax after a hard day's work

Finishing in the shower we dressed and went downstairs. Not too long after Ricky and Alex arrived but before I got a chance to talk to them, Mom called out to say dinner would be ready soon. The two of them scooted upstairs to get showered and changed and moments later Pete drove into the yard, tooting the pickup's horn. Soon we were sat around the table having the evening meal, me with a raging appetite with all the work I'd been doing!

After dinner Pete said he would take a look at the barn, so we walked out. He was in good spirits; his meetings had gone well. He was impressed with what I had accomplished and we sat and talked. After a little while the daylight was going, so we ambled back to the house and he suggested we should have a few beers to celebrate. Ricky and Alex were already in the lounge and Carl was cleaning up the kitchen. As we walked through, Carl grabbed me and whispered,

"Why are my knees shaking so much?"

"Ha!" I laughed, "it's par for the course, they will settle down again in a short time so don't worry about it."

He joined us a bit later and I wondered just how much of what we had been doing would be volunteered to his brothers. Even after all I had seen, that still made me a little nervous.

Ricky told me about his day and all the places they had been to, mostly suppliers for the farm, paying bills and ordering stuff. He didn't say it in so many words, but with the way he talked, I guessed they had had time for a little cavorting around. No doubt he would fill me in on that later. I was not jealous, this stopover had lifted both our moods.

But my dreams for the night fell apart when only after one beer, Carl announced he was very tired and was going off to bed. On the next day, his friends were coming over and he said I should come along with them to the creek for a swim. That sounded good, so I told him not to go without me!

So the four of us stayed drinking and yakking away till late. This evening there was no discussion on where to sleep, we paired off as before. There was a slight difference though, for when Pete undressed it was to the buff and so I followed suit. Once in bed, we snuggled up close just gently massaging each other as we talked. As with last night, it was the antics of Ricky and Alex that started the ball rolling. It was not long before the murmur of their talking grew sharper until it was plain they were having sex. We couldn't block it out of our own conversation and the effect was to direct our thoughts to the same, giving us both boners that needed attention.

They had thrown back the covers and although it was very dark in the room, you could make out the form of Ricky on top of Alex. The sounds of wet slicked dick and asshole colliding in a regular beat told that Alex was getting a good fucking. As the pace increased, Alex didn't bother to keep quiet and his urgings of Ricky to do it harder and keep it going longer told all. Of course, we joined in, it was impossible to remain unaffected. Pete reversed his position so that we could sixty-nine but then raised one of my legs to get his head underneath and started to eat my ass. If someone does that, I will do anything I don't care what. The feeling reduces me to ultimate compliance. He loved this work and couldn't get enough, but eventually had to make another move.

Up went my legs, pushing them back to my shoulders, and then he slid his splitter into my chute trying his damnedest to slice me in two. I really loved the feeling of pressure that wells up from a really big dick filling me up so completely. He dug in straight, then to the left and then to the right making me feel fully stretched as if he was purposely trying to break me. I could even feel his ball sack slapping. Tonight he had more stamina than last and moved me around on my side so that he could spoon up behind, then after that over to lay flat on my stomach with him on top. After a few minutes in that position, he picked up my hips to for dog style. But his sap was rising and to finish he wanted me in his favourite position, so it was back to the beginning with me on my back and legs up in the air. As he came to the short strokes his body came down in close contact, his face next to mine then with some tremendous jerks I felt him let go with his juice. As his pumping tapered off in exhaustion we lay together panting, but still.

I was feeling shattered as you might imagine, but with the changing of positions, I hadn't cum. He knew this and getting his thoughts back together, pulled out his cleaver from my arse and dropped back down the bed so that he could suck my cock. I liked it too much, for I was in no state to do anything energetic after his mauling. Just to feel those sensations while I was still flying from the sex of a moment ago was really beautiful. He was an all-rounder, not only wanting to fuck me but also obviously making every effort to ensure I got my rocks off in the best way possible. Not often do you get guys like that.

He knew his stuff all right, deep throating it all, licking around the head, down the sides of the ball sack and then moving down and behind. Pete's love of ass eating drove him to slowly work his tongue back there until losing control, he was fucking my hole with his tongue. His thumbs pried my cheeks apart so as to get in as far as possible while his hands firmly kept my ass in position. I couldn't buck and squirm away, not that I wanted to and I loved the feeling of control he had on the situation. Obviously, he didn't mind or was turned on by that fact he had just fucked my hole and filled it full of sperm. But it was not for me to mind, it was terrific, even better than when he did it before. I also liked him putting in some fingers and I knew he was just as turned on. Given all this, it was not long with my hand working hard on my cock, I was soon on the verge of blowing. He came out from under to kneel beside me, although he kept his fingers frigging my hole. As I started to cum, Pete was now also busy pumping himself and playing with my ass until my orgasm brought both our juices spraying across my chest. I was totally drained of energy, but truly "flying". This was fantastic sex and Pete never put a foot wrong. He collapsed to my side and we each held the other, drifting off to sleep without another word between us.

The Angel revisited

In the morning I was awoken not by Pete, who I soon realised had long gone to his work, but by Carl. He sat on the edge of the bed gently nudging me awake.

"Hey, have you forgotten we are going swimming today?"

"No way", I hadn't, and in fact was looking forward to it.

"Come on get up and take a shower, I've just had mine."

Alex and Ricky slept on and I thought to wake them after I had finished with the shower. I lazily stuck my leg out, but then Carl grabbed it and yanked me to my feet. No going back now, so I grabbed a towel and he tugged me along to the bathroom. I was caked with dried juices, so the shower was very welcome. I fixed my face with a shave and went to get dressed. Carl was waiting for me outside the bedroom door and asked me to come to his room. I wasn't thinking anything out of the ordinary, but once I stepped foot in there I could see he had other ideas.

"Before they wake up, I need another lesson Mr.,"

He grinned cheekily and lay down on the bed, throwing off his towel. Well, I thought, this is really wake up time and quickly got in the right frame of mind once his body was on show, that was not too difficult!

"I thought I would give you breakfast," said Carl grinning and waved his cock as if it was a carrot to a donkey!

"Can't say I mind my breakfast with cream," I quipped and lay beside him but with my face at the top of his legs.

"That's just what I thought to give you," he laughed and with one hand gently pushed my head onto his cock.

In a moment I lost myself in one of my favourite pastimes. I wanted to do this from the first and had got sidetracked with other goodies, now it was time to work on my pleasure.

He propped himself up on his elbows to watch, giving me a commentary on how it felt. Keeping his hand on my head, every now and again he bucked his hips for his added pleasure. I loved it, feeling him growing hard in my mouth, the heat rising and it digging deeper down my throat. The idea I would make him spew his cream into my mouth just turned me on more and more. As I felt him begin to tense, my own excitement made me want to cum too. The pitch rose and his hand forced my head onto to his spear deeper and deeper until there was no more of himself to put inside my throat.

His stomach tightened and I knew it was time, just the next lick or suck or the next or the one after that. I kept going wondering at which second I would receive that special nectar. He didn't have to force my head down, I would never let a drop escape, no need to worry on that score. Finally, in a flash, his cock's temperature soared and it turned to hard steel, whilst impossibly filling out to a greater size. Then I heard a groan from somewhere over my head and his cock started pulsing. This was it, in a split second I felt all this happen. His hot fluid pumped in, filling my mouth to overflowing even as I swallowed what I could between each thrust of his cock. The taste was good, sweet even, and nothing like some of the acidic flavours I've sometimes experienced. Maybe it was because of his age, I don't know, but I loved every drop. I could do that for breakfast for the rest of my life!

I rolled off on my back, out of breath as much as him, it makes you short when you can only take occasional gulps of air in-between a cock sliding down your throat! That was going to give me visions to jerk-off for years and years to come. I told him so which he found quite amusing. Excitedly he described how it drove him out of his mind, I knew the feeling quite well but was forgetting this was all new to him.

After all that, I still hadn't cum, but it just felt that way. He toyed with my cock, saying he wanted me too, and put it to his mouth and set about giving me the grand tour with his tongue. But I suggested there was another way to get me going if he would go along with it.

"Fine, just show me how."

I didn't move from where I lay but told him to sit on my face. I hankered after that hairless rosebud of his before he got his desserts. He squatted down on his knees and moved his ass over my head. I pulled him down so that I could lick the length of his crack and then tickle around his pucker. Loudly he drew the air between his teeth at the sensations. In a moment my lust took over and I probed his hole, trying to get inside with my tongue. I don't always like doing this, but with Carl, he was just so fresh and innocent it gave me such an extra rush. Soon he didn't need holding, he was pushing his butt down hard on my face and pulling his ass cheeks wider to let me in. I felt his cock and found him rock hard again.

Not sated, but wishing to move on, I eased him down my body and told him to sit on my cock. He wanted it as bad as I and brought me straight to the right spot. I just held him firmly whilst gently bucking up to get through his resistance. Once in, I relaxed a little and told him to sit down at his own speed. At first, he just gave a little weight and I moved him around in a circle to help open him up. Then biting the bullet, he threw his head back and sank his body down till his ass was on my hips. I let him rest and then slowly at first, began thrusting my hips. He winced a few times, but on slightly altering his position and supporting himself better, he was able and willing to match my rhythm and then lead me in the race.

It's a nice comfortable position, but not enough for me when it was someone like Carl. How I always wanted a guy with the looks and personality he had. About halfway there, I held him so we wouldn't separate and then rolled over so we were on our side. Putting my arms around his chest, I pulled him close and spooned up tight behind. I liked this position the best when it gets to the short strokes. I was able to hold him in my arms, stroke his chest, and at the same time restrain him so as to absorb my thrusts.

And thrust I did. Fast and furious, as they say. He whimpered, but it was music to my ears at this point. I just didn't want to fuck him, I wanted this to be every fuck I had ever had or would have. From tensing from each ram of my cock, he gradually melted into putty as I pummelled at his arse. When my volcano erupted, he moaned loudly as the flood of white-hot lava warmed his insides. We lay together for some time before unsticking ourselves. Just looking at him brought a pang of anxiety realising I would be leaving very soon.

Part 5

A day at the river

We had a quick snack in the kitchen, not having woken Alex or Ricky. Carl said to leave them and they would be along later, give them some time together and not to spoil their fun. I wondered if it might be his fun they would spoil. Just after finishing my coffee, a knock on the door brought in some of his friends. He introduced me around and then gathered up the stuff we would need and moved out into the yard. We all climbed in the pickup with Carl driving but not to the road but instead along a series of tracks that came out near to a slow-moving river, or I guess you might call it a creek. It was not so big, but at one point it had broadened out to make a small lake-sized area of water.

"This is part of our farm," said Carl, "but we don't farm all the way to the river because it floods this area sometimes."

Now it was dry, and the sky was clear with just a few cotton wool clouds drifting across. We all unloaded the gear and carried it to a grassy place a little way back from the water. Some of the guys wasted no time and flew straight down to the river, where they pulled off their clothes and splashed around having fun. Carl peeled of his Tee shirt and shorts, then spread a couple of blankets out and lay down to take some sun. His friend, who was called Mark, did likewise and after looking around the site and the scenery for a while, I joined them.

Carl asked me if I remembered looking at the photographs and the guy he had pointed out, which was Mark. I had, but the guy with us didn't look like the one in the picture. Well that was a year back he said, but this was his best friend, the same one.

"Well, you've certainly changed a bit," I said.

Gone was the trim youth and instead here was a tall broad young man, still with the narrow waist to give away his years but the rest was all meat.

"Yeah, well Mark plays football," as if this answered everything.

I looked him over; he had a great body if you like the type that looks as if it works out a couple of times a week. His face was still very young though, which gave everything away. Certainly, he looked handsome with his blond hair down to his shoulder just as Carl had. He was very quiet letting Carl doing all the talking as usual, but then he said it was time for a swim and ran off down to join the other guys. After he left, Carl told me this was his best friend and he really liked him. They got on well together, but he also thought he liked him more than just as a friend.

"But we haven't done anything and I don't know what he thinks of me, except he always calls me a nut," he said laughing, "But we make a good team."

I could see why he liked him, he was big and bulky in his build where Carl was lean, and there must be an attraction in that, both ways probably. Of the other three guys with us, they were just friends, nothing special in his feelings for them. Looking down towards the river, they were ragging each other around the water's edge. One of the guys had his shorts stripped off and they were swinging him naked back and forth ready to dump him in the water. The conversation returned to Mark.

"I knew I liked him in a special way," Carl explained, "And now I know I would love to do with him what we have done".

"I wouldn't mind doing it too," I laughed, "But the feeling has got to be mutual or else there is nothing there except perhaps rape and a lost friend".

"Sometimes I get the feeling he thinks likes me, but I can't talk about it with him."

"You talked about it easy enough with your brothers though!"

"Yeah, well that's different, maybe it's because I like him that I can't talk."

"You're right, but if I can give any tip at all, then it is just to leave yourself open with what you say and do with him. Don't make a play for him or come on heavy, but if he does think like you then perhaps he will go along with it, you never can tell."

We lay there quietly for a while; taking in the sun with perhaps Carl was doing some serious thinking. But it was not long before Mark walked back up from the river and sat down next to us. The swimming had done him some good; he was now lively and chatting away, joking over how they had been fooling around in the water. Carl sat up and tuned into his conversation while I lay back listening. Being how I am, I did zoom in on the fact the Mark had been swimming in his boxer shorts which now that they were wet, clung to his skin like he was shrink-wrapped. He was knelt down on his knees and his cock and balls were there as if he were naked. You could make out perfectly that he was cut and it was long, almost to the edge of the material. His heart must have been pumping after the exertions of swimming because it looked like he had a half hard-on. Very nice too, which made him go up a little in my estimations.

A new job as a teacher

As I watched and listened; you could see they had a special relationship, as really good friends have sometimes. They were a double act. As Carl got animated from his earlier seriousness, they started horsing around, Mark flicking him with the water off his body and Carl diving for him and wrestling around on the blankets. The banter started to deride each other, Mark said Carl was an athlete so he could run away quickly and Carl said he was a footballer because he was too dumb to be anything else. And so on, but it grew sexual too, Carl said he had a thick head to go with his donkey's cock, and then Mark said it was better than having no dick at all. At this point Carl was losing out with Mark straddling him, pinning his arms down for a temporary victory. Carl brought me into it asking for back up, to say that he did have a good dick. He couldn't have thought about how it would sound, like why I would know what his dick looked like in the first place. By this was lost on them at that moment. He asked me again for confirmation and so I said he had a good one, nothing in the short department there.

"See!" he sneered at Mark, "Not like you with a boner that is too big for anything but just to look at."

They were laughing all the way through this and so was I. Then Carl grabbed Mark's dick through the fabric and held it there to show me what he meant.

"Yeah, far too big for nothing, you'll have to use the cow in the barn."

More laughter, then Carl asked me, "What could anyone do with it?"

"Well", put on the spot again, "A lot actually."

"Oh yes," said Carl, "I forgot", and smirked.

"Forgot what?" asked the now curious Mark.

"Oh, John here is a teacher" answered Carl. I blushed at his forwardness, how could he end this line of conversation?

"And a really good one too, taught me a thing or two".

"Like what?" said Mark, not really understanding any of the innuendoes.

"Are you a virgin Mark?" asked Carl, "Ever had a blowjob for instance. Not that anyone could get your meat in their mouth in the first place."

Mark hesitated and blushed, by not answering he confirmed the question, he was still a virgin.

"You should try it," said Carl, "It would really blow your mind away, honestly."

"Just tell me where to go," begged Mark laughing.

Carl made a grab for his boxers and hoisted out his cock holding it up like a prize.

"What do you make of that, is that too big or what?" Carl asked me.

I glanced towards the river; all the others were still down there and had even moved a little farther away. Surprisingly Mark did nothing like he was also waiting for an answer quite comfortable with his buddy holding his pecker.

"No, it's never too big," going back to his question, "There is something special in every size, none is better than another and each has its own speciality which evens things up."

Carl was toying his dick, squeezing and rubbing it up and down absently while we talked. But it had started to fill out with the action.

"How about it John?" he asked, I looked at him and I thought his eyes had taken on a glaze getting turned on with the idea.

"How about what?" said Mark, not fastening on to what we were about.

I thought, we are leaving tomorrow and I don't live around here, so why not.

Carl spoke, "Just trust me, Mark, okay? Close your eyes and think of the best thing that ever happened to you."

Mark looked at him wondering, till Carl snapped back sharply, "Do it!"

He closed his eyes and Carl beckoned me forward to take his cock. I checked again with the guys on the river, but with his back to them, we couldn't be seen. I shuffled down the sheet and reached to take his dick from Carl's hand. I played with it a while bringing it up to almost full hardness. He was obviously a bit nervous as to what was going to happen. When I felt my own trigger start the lust in me, I leant forward to take it in my mouth. It was big, heavy with veins down the length. Playing around the end with my tongue, Mark groaned loudly. Carl asked him wasn't it the best feeling ever. He went along with it. I took more into my mouth although not able to take all. I don't know, but when I was at school no one was ever built like this. Carl helped by undoing the top button on the shorts so they fell open for better access.

"Wow, man that is great!" Mark gushed.

I was sure now he was going along, wherever it went.

Carl had his own dick out, hard and standing straight. I would have preferred him really, but this was his idea and I was prepared to help him out with his friend. He edged up closer to Mark, both of them on their knees pointing their dicks at me.

"Wait!" said Carl, "Don't be greedy, I need a little of that as well."

"Sure thing," said Mark, "But don't hog it for long."

His hand pulled my head over and I swallowed him up with pleasure.

Carl said, "I told you he was a teacher, this is what he has been teaching me for two days."

"Cool," said Mark, "Why didn't you call me over?"

"Didn't know you would go for it," Carl laughed.

Mark was hooked, "Shit man, how you couldn't go for this?"

I returned to Mark, keeping them both hard. They kept talking to each other, affirming how this was great and the best thing ever. I could tell Carl was playing Mark, although he was unaware of it.

"Yeah," said Carl a little louder, his tone changing just a little.

"What's that?" asked Mark.

"Are you in for more," shot Carl.

"Just show me the way to go," Mark said with some enthusiasm.

"How about you John, in for more?" It was a stupid question for me,

"Seduce the teacher," I answered.

Checking again on the whereabouts of the other guys, Carl had me lay back down on the sheet. Taking charge of the operation, he unzipped my shorts and pulled them down. Mark looked on wondering, I thought this guy is a bit on the slow side, doesn't know what's happening yet. Then he told Mark to sit up on my chest which he did, and Carl took hold of his dick, played with it till it got hard again and then pushed it down to my mouth. I sucked on it again, feeling Mark take up some rhythm for the job. Occupied with this, I could feel Carl playing with my dick and lubricating my ass with spit or something else from the picnic stuff I couldn't even guess.

When he thought I was ready, he stopped Mark and told him to kneel between my legs. He moved without question, and then when Carl told him he was going to have his first piece of ass, he looked a little surprised but still eager. Once between my legs Carl indicated for me to lift them, I knew the score even if Mark was completely green. Then Carl played with Mark's cock again till he was satisfied with its hardness and brought it to my ass.

"Now just push slowly," he commanded, "Take it easy you donkey."

He followed direction perfectly, moving only when Carl said. Soon he was fully inside and Mother Nature took over. He ploughed my ass well, I enjoyed it, can't say I didn't. Carl was at my side, keeping a lookout for the other guys coming back and also playing with my cock until I was nearly blowing.

Mark was there before me though, he apologised between gasps that he was going to cum and he was sorry but it was going to be in my ass, he couldn't help it. Being forewarned I am not used to. Then with a final cry, he rammed home and spilt out his juices inside.

"How about that," Carl asked him as he pulled out his big dong.

"Is that perfect or what?"

"Man, I can't tell you how good that was!" Mark gasped, the smile of an angel on his face.

"Then you big hulk move over quick, you think I can watch this and not want my share."

"Oh yes, sorry," he said sheepishly and moved to the side of us, his place quickly filled by Carl.

He was in me like a flash, and then with a joke about what Mark had left behind that he had to swim through, he was at me like a hornet. It felt good, the second one always does and with the guy I really liked. He rammed home beautifully, I was thinking I could have taken him for hours and wished he would. He stopped just once to give Mark instruction on how to play with me, which he did without question. I could see he found a genuine interest in my cock and what we were doing. I had to tell Carl I was going to cum, and he said we would do it together. Just looking at these two guys, one playing with my cock and balls and the other screwing my ass off, I was almost ready to pass out with the ecstasy. As my juices came to the boil, I could feel him harden inside and get that little bit deeper, all going like some kind of synchronised motion living off the excitement of the other. Then I came, a bucketful like I had rarely done before. The feeling of his cream exploding at the same time I was cuming, really brought stars to my eyes.

We cleaned up the evidence and walked, me a bit shakily, down to the water to take a swim. The rest of the afternoon was not eventful but I enjoyed it. The other three guys turned out to be good fun and we played around together in the river before taking lunch and then lying around in the sun. They were good-looking, two of them a little too young for me but they were all handsome, especially as they all had wet briefs or boxers, no-one had swimming trunks with them. Carl had some nice friends and it may have been my imagination, but Mark and he now seemed to be even closer after the earlier lessons. I knew when I had gone, they would continue at Carl's direction and Mark's innocent receptiveness. Carl had got his wish and I guess I was the fairy godmother.

Finale and farewell

Ricky and Alex never appeared; I didn't really think they would. He later told me they had some private fun of their own so no one missed out. Later back at the farm, I had the opportunity of having Carl's gorgeous ass one last time, taking full payment for the giving the lesson of the day. In the evening when Pete had returned we were all in the lounge including mother, who stayed up later than usual and took a drink with us. The next morning, Pete was going to run us all the way to Ricky's uncles, so no more hitching thank goodness. That was so great, I don't think I could have hitched again after this experience. If there is sex in these situations, it couldn't be any more than what we had and to be less would be nothing.

When we finally went to bed, Pete had me one last time, taking it long and slow. He was making the most of the time, perhaps it would be quite a while before he got the opportunity again. It was good, I enjoyed the way he held me like a vice when he was inside and when he wasn't, I loved the way he used his mouth without hesitation no matter what we had been doing.

That wasn't the end, quite. We kept in touch with them at Christmas and other occasions. Then when Carl was at university a few years later, he took off on a trip around Europe and called in to stay with us. By then of course, he had filled out and was no longer the lean youth but he had kept his looks and general shape. Just matured into a really handsome young man. We went at it at every opportunity, like rabbits in fact, almost eating, sleeping and fucking with a little sightseeing in-between to get our energy back. But the visit was brief and after a few days, he was gone on his travels. We have a plan to go back to the States next year and of course, Raleigh is high on the itinerary.


Hope this tickled your fancy! Any comments are welcome to John --

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