The House Slave

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Aug 17, 2008



The House Slave Part One

In the year 1845 slavery flourished in the Deep South where agriculture was the main economy. Slavery also existed in the industrial north, but was slowly being abolished.

In one of suburban Atlanta's largest plantations, Manor Estate, the mistress of the house was giving birth to a son. Eleanor Reeves had miscarried five times. Only by being confined to bed throughout her pregnancy, was she able to carry nearly to term. Should the baby survive, he will be her only child.

Given her history, she did not labor long. The child wanted out and quickly. A mid wife and several slaves were there to catch the child as he exited. They cut the cord, cleaned him up immediately, swathed him in the softest of cotton garments and put him in Eleanor's arms.

"He's a healthy boy, Mrs. Reeves," the mid wife informed her. She and a gaggle of women slaves were glowing with excitement. The mid wife went out into the ante chamber to give Jeremiah Reeves the good news. He came rushing into the room, embraced his wife, cooed over the baby for a little while and went back to oversee the work in the cotton fields.

Jeremiah Reeves, Jr. was baptized on his thirtieth day of life at the Episcopal Church in Atlanta. Jeremiah, Sr. was gracious enough to give up four precious hours from the cotton fields to participate in this auspicious event. As soon as he delivered his wife and child back home, he mounted his horse and headed for the fields.

Do not for a moment think that Mr. Reeves was a cruel slave master. He expected that his slaves work to their fullest potential and to give him their best endeavors. For this, he rewarded them with good living quarters, which were maintained regularly, nourishing food, and short, ten hour shifts. As slave owners went, he was one of the best. Some God given insight, made him realize that healthy, well fed slaves were more productive than sickly, miserable ones. He certainly was a man of vision.

It was the custom of the time that when a child of the plantation owner reached his first birthday, he received the gift of a house slave. A house slave was lucky and blessed. He would never toil long hours in the fields, His lot in life was to be a companion to his master, dress him, fetch for him, and in short, see to it that every wish or demand of the master was fulfilled by him. Obviously, how well this would turn out for the house slave, would depend on the master.

Since Jeremiah, Jr. was destined to be an only child, and since his birth was considered by most people to have been a miracle in and of itself, you would think that his house slave was in for a life of pure hell. Believe what you will, but Jerry, as everybody called him, grew up to be a sensitive caring and loving individual. He could never tell a soul, but in his secret thoughts he believed that slavery was barbaric. He felt that way even though he grew up in a society that considered slavery to be normal and acceptable. When he studied the bible, he realized that slavery was also acceptable in the good book, and therefore condoned by God. This realization severely impacted on his religious beliefs. He vowed that once he was an adult, he would never step foot in a church again.

True to tradition, Jeremiah, Sr. went down to the slave quarters on his son's first birthday to select a house slave for Jerry. He didn't have to walk into several homes to make a selection; he knew just where he was going. Many mothers of one year old sons were disappointed. They wanted their sons to be selected. Not only did it assure a more leisurely life for the child, but the mother was allowed into the plantation home to care for her child until he was old enough to care for himself, usually until he was seven or eight years old.

Jeremiah, Sr. stopped at a shack that looked like all the others. He tied his horse to a post, entered the cabin and closed the door. The mother of the child he had selected for Jerry had been purchased by Mr. Reeves only two years ago. She obviously had a white father, probably her former owner himself. In fact, her mother had been half white and so she was only one quarter black. She had unusual features. Her hair was black, but straight and her eyes were hazel, not brown. Her skin tone was like a white man with a little too much sun tan. She was an exceptionally beautiful woman, and Jeremiah, Sr. had coveted her. In fact, he had coveted her over and over and over.

At their first encounter, when her son was conceived, he had raped her. After he had satisfied his lust, he shocked her by starting to cry. He begged her to forgive him for his most ungentlemanly act. She certainly didn't expect this from her master at all. Subsequently, they coupled caringly and eventually they fell in love.

Maria ran to Mr. Reeves and jumped into his arms. He kissed her passionately and for the next twenty minutes they made wild and animalistic love on the floor of the cabin. When they were finished, he said to her, "I've come for Joshua. I want him to be Jerry's house slave. But I warn you, if you ever tell the boys that they are half brothers, I'll sell both of you to the worst slave owner I know. Do you understand?" Maria said nothing, but she nodded her head obediently. She knew that he would never do that.

Jeremiah, Sr. dressed and went over to the cradle where Joshua lay quietly. His skin was even lighter than his mother's. He could easily pass for white. His hair was a light brown with golden highlights, and his eyes were hazel like Maria's. Jeremiah, Sr. was proud of Jerry's good looks and fine features, but he was equally pleased at Joshua's fair countenance. When Joshua looked up and saw his father, he began to smile.

"Gather up your things," he said to Maria. "I'll take you to the house and show you your room. She gathered her meager belongings and tied them in a bundle. Jeremiah, Sr. took the bundle and tied it to his saddle. He mounted his horse and started slowly to his house. Maria walked behind him with the baby in her arms.

Now Eleanor Reeves was not fooled. She knew that her husband didn't spend as many hours in the fields as he professed to do. She also knew that all the husband slave owners slept with their slaves as the whim possessed them. She also heard rumors that sometimes they used young boy slaves, but she dismissed that possibility with Jeremiah, Sr.

When Maria came into the house, Eleanor ran to the trio and insisted on viewing the baby house slave. One look at Maria and then the baby and Eleanor knew the whole truth. It seemed that she was about to say something, but she glanced at her husband's face. Never had she seen a façade so menacing, so threatening. She knew then and there that the subject was never to be broached, if she knew what was good for her.

Mr. Reeves called for his chief house slave, Malachi, and instructed him to show Maria to her quarters. He took Joshua from her and said to his wife, "Come with me, my dear." They entered Jerry's room. A second crib had been set up in his room. It was a plain wooden crib about half the size of Jerry's and not nearly as ornate. Still it was in his master's bedroom.

Jerry was playing on the floor with a young female house slave, soon to be replaced by Maria. He had been crawling for a few weeks and was now attempting to stand up. He and the slave giggled each time he fell down. Jeremiah, Sr. put Joshua down on the blanket next to Jerry. Joshua was three weeks younger than Jerry. He was able to sit upright and crawl, but was not yet ready to attempt standing up. As soon as he saw Joshua, Jerry crawled to him. He amazed everyone in the room, by throwing his arms around Joshua and kissing him on the cheek. Jeremiah, Sr. smiled inside and Eleanor was so appalled, she left the room. She was well aware that she had to grin and bear this situation if she was to survive in this household. That was lucky for Maria and Joshua.

Once the boys had a companion to learn things with, their motor and speech skills seemed to accelerate. Maria was assigned to be there nanny and she helped them both learn to walk in record time. She wanted her son to have at least as good an education as Jerry, and hoped that Jeremiah, Sr. would tutor the boys at home. If Jerry went to schools outside the plantation, Joshua would be left behind. In time she learned to love and protect Jerry as if he was her own. Eleanor grew more and more resentful, but what could she do? Maria was Jeremiah, Sr.'s slave, and Joshua was Jerry's. She had no jurisdiction over either. She just did the wise thing and began to accept the situation.

Whenever neighbors, relatives or strangers were at the house, and saw the two boys playing together, they could say nothing out loud, but everyone thought that Joshua could pass as Jerry's twin brother.

When the boys were four years old, Joshua could no longer fit in his crib. Mr. Reeves had both cribs removed and donated to deserving mothers in the slave quarters. In their place he ordered two standard size beds with a night table between them. He felt the boys were responsible enough that he even put an oil lamp on the table. The beds were identical. The status symbol had been removed. At least in their sleeping arrangements, the boys were equals.

Jeremiah, Sr. longed for Joshua to call him Papa just like Jerry did, but he felt he had pushed Eleanor far enough and so he said nothing. Still, when he visited the boys, and Eleanor wasn't present, he hugged both of them equally. He often committed the biggest, most common parental goof. He called Jerry, Joshua and he called Joshua, Jerry. That always brought gales of laughter from the boys.

As for the boys, they were inseparable. They loved each other. Even though Jerry was taught to expect Joshua to cater to his every whim, he refused to be demanding. He learned young enough, however, to order Joshua around in public, and Joshua accepted it, aware of what was going on. But in private they played together as two friends would, never suspecting that they were brothers. Joshua was so light skinned, that he was five years old before Jerry was aware that Joshua was a black slave. When he discovered the truth, he cried for days, and when they were alone, he cried while holding Joshua in his arms.

The boys had just turned six, when one hot and humid summer night, a sudden thunder storm rocked the midnight air. Both boys were awakened and nearly thrown out of bed by the first clap of thunder. Joshua dutifully jumped out of bed and closed the window to protect his master just as he had been taught to do.

Joshua heard Jerry crying. "I'm frightened," Jerry confessed.

"Don't be scared," Joshua told him, "It's just thunder." He climbed into bed with his master, put his arms around him and said, "Everything will be all right. I'll protect you." They fell asleep that way.

Joshua was awakened by a sharp blow to his cheek. "What are you doing in Jerry's bed?" Eleanor demanded to know.

"Mama," Jerry screamed, "What are you doing? I was scared of the thunder last night and I asked Joshua to protect me."

"That's no excuse. This is most unseemly."

Just then Jeremiah, Sr. burst into the room to find his two sons in one bed, clutching each other tightly, and sobbing their little hearts out.

"What in the world is going on here?" he asked.

Jerry said between sobs, "Papa, I was afraid of the thunder and I asked Joshua to protect me. We fell asleep together and mama slapped Joshua's face."

The blood rushed up into Jeremiah, Sr.'s face. Eleanor grew frightened. She knew she had made a tactical mistake after all these years of self control. To her amazement, Jeremiah, Sr. spoke to her in a very calm and soothing manner. Fortunately, he knew how to handle a woman, or at least, his wife.

He said to her, "Mother, we have here two young gentlemen. It is not appropriate for a woman to enter their bedroom without knocking, and without so much as a by your leave. In the future when you enter a gentleman's bedroom, you will kindly knock, and you will please wait until you are bidden in."

"Of course," she said. "It was quite rude of me. It won't happen again." She turned and left the room. Not a word was mentioned, nor was an apology given, for the slap on Joshua's face.

Eleanor went to her room and sobbed bitter tears. She realized that if she continued to show animosity to Maria and Joshua she could lose both her husband and her son. The irony of the situation did not escape her. The truth is she loved Maria and Joshua. It was Jeremiah Sr.'s infidelity that had betrayed her. Unfortunately, she had let her anger out on the wrong people.

When Joshua had first come to the house with his mother, Eleanor had fallen instantly in love with him. She had always wanted a zillion children and he represented at least one more. She spent hours in the nursery with Maria playing with their sons. The two women became confidants. Maria even told her that Joshua was the result of a rape by a white man, and burst into tears. Eleanor took her in her arms and tried as best she could to console her. She knew full well who the white man was.

In spite of all that, she had vented her frustrations with her husband by lashing out at Maria and Joshua, and now she couldn't seem to stop. Sitting alone in her room, crying, she made a decision. From now on she would show them her true feelings. She would even apologize to Joshua. After all, he was doing his job of protecting Jerry. At that very moment, she found it in her heart to forgive Jeremiah, Sr., and she brought peace to the Reeves household.

After the slapping incident, she hugged both boys equally as hard when she joined them in play. She began to instruct Maria in how to run a household. She never knew why she did that. She taught Maria how to set a table properly and how to pour tea. She even taught her how to plan meals for a family.

The boys were certain that Mrs. Reeves would never barge in on them again. In fact, Mr. Reeves always knocked from that day forward as well. After that incident, more often than not, the boys would sleep in the same bed wrapped in each other's arms. If Mr. Reeves had seen them he would only have concluded that some sixth sense had given them the secret knowledge that they were brothers. He would have been happy for them. He couldn't tell a soul, but he loved Joshua as much as Jerry.

Maria's wishes came true. Jeremiah, Sr. was just as anxious that Joshua be educated as Jerry. He hired a young tutor to teach both boys, and paid him a tidy sum. The tutor, Luke Farley, was smitten with both boys when he saw them. He couldn't get over their beauty. He too thought they were brothers. When Mr. Reeves explained that Joshua was Jerry's house slave, he was left speechless. He was also instructed that he was to teach both boys equally. That was no problem. When Luke was first introduced to the boys, his loin tingled at the sight of both of them. When he learned that Joshua had black blood in him, he desired him even more. In his room at night, he would masturbate dreaming of making love to both boys. Knowing that his life depended on his discretion, he suppressed every thought of making love to either of them. For all the years he tutored the boys, he did nothing to make anyone suspicious.

When Mr. Farley arrived on the scene, it was time for Maria to return to her cabin, but Jeremiah, Sr. would have none of that. He made her a house slave and her only duty was to care for the two boys. Eleanor was secretly pleased.

By now the boys had taken to sleeping in the same bed every night. Jerry instructed both Luke and Maria that they must always knock before coming into their room. It was not that anything was going on, but they didn't want to be caught in the same bed again.

True, nothing was going on, but it doesn't take genius to know that two pre-teen boys cannot sleep in the same bed every night before something will happen. Actually when they were eight years old Jerry woke up one morning with an erection. Joshua spotted Jerry trying to pee in their chamber pot, but he was having trouble.

"What's wrong?" he wanted to know.

"Look at this," Jerry said with absolutely no shame. My weenie is hard and I can't pee.

"Do you think we should call a doctor?"

"No, let's wait and see what happens first." With that said, Jerry's cock began to recede and he peed freely. After that, he woke up with a woodie most every morning. Within days it started to happen to Joshua, and they laughed at how hard it was to pee until their cocks began to flatten out.

One day, Joshua, out of curiosity, asked Jerry if he could feel his cock while it was hard. "Sure," Jerry said eagerly. Joshua stroked Jerry's cock gently and elicited a moan from him, which scared them both.

"Did it hurt?" Joshua asked.

"Oh no, it felt wonderful. Joshua still had his morning erection and Jerry said, "Here, I'll show you." He stroked Joshua as Joshua had stroked him. That was the extent of any sexual contact for many more months. But at that time they both started to have wet dreams, which both excited and disturbed them. They didn't know who they could confide in about these matters. They would not have dreamed of discussing this with a woman and especially not with Jeremiah, Sr.

One night, as they cuddled together in bed, Jerry accidently rubbed up against Joshua and his cock began to harden and rise. He couldn't believe how good it felt, and he wanted to share his delight with Joshua. He rubbed harder against Joshua's thigh. Joshua didn't mind, but he couldn't figure out what was happening.

"Look," Jerry said to Joshua. "If I rub my weenie against you, it gets hard like in the morning, but it feels so much better. Feel it."

Joshua was Jerry's slave. He would never have thought to disobey him. The minute Joshua began to stroke Jerry's cock, Jerry rubbed harder against Joshua's thigh. A strange sensation was occurring in his groin. His breathing grew labored. He didn't want Joshua to stop what he was doing, and begged him to continue. In a matter of seconds, Jerry had his first orgasm. Fortunately most of his cum landed on Joshua's thigh and in Joshua's hand.

"What happened, Jerry?" Joshua asked.

"I don't know but I made quite a mess, and it was worth it."

"We should clean up."

"Later," Jerry said. "First let me do it to you. Joshua was very hard. Jerry wrapped his hand around Joshua's cock. He instinctively and expertly peeled back Joshua's foreskin and began to stroke. It didn't take very long for Joshua to cum. Most of his spunk was in Jerry's hand.

Joshua could only muster up a hoarse whisper. "That was fantastic," he said. "I wonder how soon we can do it again."

Jerry brought his cum filled hand to his lips to smell it. "I wonder what it tastes like," he said, and tentatively touched some cum to his lips. "Pretty good," he said and he offered some to Joshua to taste also. The two boys gobbled up as much cum as they could and wiped up the rest with a bed chamber towel.

As they lay curled up with each other, Jerry whispered to Joshua, "I love you, you know. I think what we just did is love."

For the next few weeks, the boys continued to mutually masturbate each other. They loved swallowing cum after it was released. Neither of them could get enough of the other's sweet nectar.

One night, Joshua saw that there was cum left on Jerry's cock, which was quickly being sucked up by his foreskin, as his cock retreated back into it. Greedily, he grabbed Jerry's cock, peeled back the foreskin and started to suck what little cum remained there. This new sensation was more than Jerry could bear. He begged Joshua to keep on licking and sucking his cock head. Jerry's cock tasted so good that Joshua was glad to do his master's bidding. Actually he had no choice.

Jerry's cock began to engorge and harden once again. Instinct took over once more. Joshua expanded his licking to Jerry's balls and the shaft of his penis. All the while Jerry was writhing in ecstasy. "Suck me, suck me hard," he entreated his slave, and the slave happily obliged the master.

When Jerry came, his cum filled Joshua's throat and for the first time not one drop was wasted. Joshua was loathe to release his master's cock from his mouth, but as it began to shrink, he allowed it to slip out. Jerry lay still on his back unable to move. Joshua was about to ask him if he was all right, when Jerry said, "That was the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life." When he was fully recovered, he ordered Joshua to lie on his back and he began to give him the same pleasure. While he was sucking Joshua's balls, Jerry had a sudden urge to lick up and down Joshua's asshole crack. He had no idea where that urge had come from, but he didn't do it.

Since the boys were being home schooled, they had no classmates to learn sex from. If they picked up any new sexual activities it was pure luck and instinct. They didn't even know that what they were doing would be considered perversion by most of the residents of their community. They saw nothing wrong with their activities. However, there were some things they knew for sure. They couldn't tell anyone what they were doing especially their parents, and they wondered if what they were doing, was being done correctly. The logical person to discuss these delicate subjects with was their teacher. They agonized long hours over whether to speak to Mr. Farley about these matters or not.

Life is always rife with ironies. Very recently Mr. Reeves had spoken to Mr. Farley. He had told him that the boys were reaching an age where they would be curious about sex and begin to ask questions. He himself did not feel comfortable discussing such matters with them and he gave Mr. Farley carte blanche to discuss the topic with them and teach them whatever he deemed necessary. While the boys were trying to decide if and how to bring up the subject, Mr. Farley was trying to figure out how he could entice them into a discussion on the joys of sex. He even had unholy thoughts of demonstrating certain sex acts with them, which he knew he would never do.

One morning as class was about to start, Mr. Farley told the boys to put away their history books. "Mr. Reeves has bid me to instruct both of you in matters of personal hygiene, and, uh, certain other matters as well. Let's start with the importance of keeping clean under your foreskins in order to prevent diseases." The boys started to giggle. "This is a serious matter," Farley said. "Don't make me report to Mr. Reeves that you are lacking in classroom decorum." The boys settled down.

"Every morning, when you do your morning toilet and every evening before you retire for the night, here's what you should do. Fill your wash basins with fresh warm water and soap. Then pull back your foreskins and wash your..." Farley didn't know what he should call it so he decided to use the vernacular, "cock heads thoroughly. You must also be sure to dry yourselves thoroughly. Any questions?"

"No questions," Jerry said, "but I think you should demonstrate."

"Do you think that's necessary?" Farley asked as his trousers began to tent. This did not escape the attention of the mischievous boys.

"Joshua," Jerry ordered, "Go tell Malachi to bring us a basin of warm soapy water, some wash cloths and some towels. Tell him to make it quick if he knows what's good for him." Jerry enjoyed his empty threat.

Joshua returned quickly enough and Malachi followed by about five minutes. "Please put everything on Mr. Farley's desk," Jerry ordered Malachi, "and be sure to close the door on your way out."

As soon as the teacher and his students were alone, Jerry said to Mr. Farley. "Will you kindly show us the proper procedure for cleaning under our foreskins?" Farley was flabbergasted. He never expected that to happen. He had no choice but to obey the young master. He thanked God that he was flaccid at the moment, and not apt to erect given the circumstances. He dropped his pants and exposed his cock. He pulled back the foreskin, and immersed his entire cock in the basin of water. He took a wash cloth and scrubbed his cock head and with one finger he reached under the foreskin on the inside, giving it equal attention. When he was done, he removed his cock from the basin and dried it thoroughly. Then he brought up his trousers again.

"You see," Jerry said, "That's why I wanted to see how it's done. I would never have thought to put all of it in the basin. I would simply have cleaned the head with a cloth. This is much more thorough. Come Joshua. Let's clean ourselves and Mr. Farley can grade us." With that the two boys got up, exposed themselves and did what Farley had done, but they did it simultaneously.

Mr. Farley had really had more than he could stand, and told the boys that they would continue personal hygiene lessons on another day, but the boys had their opening and would not be deterred.

"Mr. Farley," Joshua said, "We need to talk to you about sex. Truly you are the only one we can discuss this with and who we can trust." Jerry went to the book shelf and got a copy of the bible. He asked Farley to put his left hand on the bible and raise his right. He made him swear that everything the three of them were about to discuss, was sacred. If he told another living soul, they would deny it ever happened and have him dismissed. Farley swore. Actually he was flattered that the boys trusted him over anyone else.

Jerry began the narrative. He recounted to Farley how little by little they had discovered how to give each other pleasure. He described what they did to get that wonderful feeling and produce that precious ambrosia. They let him know what techniques they were using to achieve these goals. Mr. Farley's trousers were stained with pre-cum. Jerry concluded. "Mr. Farley," he said, "We need to know if we are doing it right, if there is more we can do, what that white sticky stuff is, how often we can safely do it, and so forth. What does it all mean? Please give us your guidance."

Luke Farley's fantasies had a small chance of coming true, and he vowed to take advantage of this naïve request from two very naïve young boys. He said, "Sit down in your seats, and I'll try to explain. But first, I need you two to take the same vow I did." He got the bible and made them both swear that what he would reveal to them could never be repeated to a living soul. The boys were happy to take the oath. They both felt that Mr. Farley was about to reveal the secrets of the universe. Farley began to speak and the boys grew silent, listening intently.

"Have you ever seen a woman's vagina?" he asked. The boys shook their heads. "Well, it's very similar to an asshole. It's just a big receptacle. Ordinarily, it's where a man puts his erect penis, which men like to call a cock. The man moves in and out of the vagina just as you boys told me you do to each other with your mouths. In fact, think of your mouths as a woman's vagina. When that sublime moment comes, the man releases that white sticky stuff you have described. The semen or the cum, that's what it's called, combines with an egg produced by the woman inside her vagina. As soon as the connection is made, a baby begins to grow inside the vagina. It takes nine months for the baby to be able to live in our world without the mother's nourishment. When the nine months are up, the vagina expands and the baby comes into this world. Any questions?"

"Yes," Jerry asked. "Every grown up must know how babies are made. There sure are enough of them. Why did you make us swear not to reveal what you were going to tell us?"

"Well, young master, it's not what I just told you, it's what I am about to tell you that must remain a secret between the three of us." The boys nodded and Farley continued.

"When a man and a woman desire to couple, it's because they are, what is called, heterosexuals. There are many, many people on this earth who prefer to couple with those of their own sex, be it two women or two men. These people are called homosexuals. Unfortunately, most societies condemn homosexual acts, and so does the bible. Some of those societies would imprison you or even put you to death. What you are doing together, my dear boys, is homosexual. You are breaking the laws of Georgia, and could be jailed for many years.

The boys were silent with grief and fear. Jerry asked, "How can the bible condone slavery and condemn the love between two people? That's just not right."

Mr. Farley began to cry. "Ah my dear boy. How are you so wise and the world so bigoted?"

"Why are you crying, Mr. Farley?" Joshua asked.

"Because I am a homosexual, and I must keep all my feelings suppressed and hidden or get beaten to death by a mob or sentenced to hard labor by the state. It's a difficult cross to bear."

The boys ran up to their teacher and wrapped their arms around him. "Don't cry, Mr. Farley. Your secret is safe with us and I know our secret is safe with you," Jerry said.

Joshua, who was always the practical one, said, "Mr. Farley, sir, you are the perfect one to tell us about other homosexual acts we can do to pleasure each other. Will you kindly do that, please."

"Well," he said, "You seem to be doing just fine. About all you haven't tried is anal sex. That takes a lot of preparation, and it would be easier to demonstrate than to lecture on."

Jerry said. "Mr. Farley, don't you think that today is a perfect day for a school break and a picnic down at the river, just the three of us. You can demonstrate there, can't you?"

Farley grinned from ear to ear. "Tell you what," he said. "Why don't you have Malachi pack us a picnic basket, and we'll have our little break from formal class room lessons. Please tell him to let your parents know that we decided to have a picnic on such a beautiful day."

Joshua ran out to give Malachi the orders and was back in a flash.

Farley stood up and the boys broke out laughing. Farley's trousers were tenting and he was thoroughly stained with pre-cum. "I know," he said. "Before we leave I must go to my room, relieve myself, and change my trousers." By relieve himself, the boys thought he meant pee, and Joshua said, "If you're like us you won't be able to pee until that cock gets soft again."

Now it was Farley's turn to laugh. "I didn't mean pee," he said. "I meant that I needed to pleasure myself."

"In that case," Jerry said, "We can help you." He took Mr. Farley's hand and led him to his bedroom. Farley carefully locked the door and dropped his trousers. The boys had never seen a full grown, man size, erect cock before and they gasped in admiration. Little did they know that soon they would both be even bigger than Mr. Farley.

They each took hold of Farley's cock and began to stroke it as Farley moaned in pleasure. The boys were happy to hear that sound because it meant that they were pleasing him. As Jerry continued to stroke, Joshua took most of Farley's cock into his mouth and began to suck it as he knew he would like to be sucked. Farley began to buck and his balls almost disappeared. "I'm cumming," he yelled expecting Joshua to withdraw, but the lad did not. Farley filled Joshua's mouth with stream after stream of cum. Most of it began to dribble down his chin. Jerry began to lap up the dribbles. When Farley was finished ejaculating, Joshua shared some of the cum with Jerry and then they both kissed their teacher and offered him what was left.

"You boys are pretty good, considering you've had no instructions," he said. "Just think how expert you'll be under my instructions." He laughed and hugged them both. He cleaned himself and put on fresh underwear and trousers. Then he went to his drawer and took out a small jar of something and put it into his pocket. As if in answer to an unasked question, he said, "we'll need this for this afternoon's instructions."

They hiked a while to a secluded area along the river. They called it a river, but it was more like a stream. They spread a large blanket down along the bank and put the picnic basket along side the blanket. They all undressed quickly, and carelessly just let their garments fall where they may. When they were all naked, Farley said, "First of all, when we are alone and intimate like this, please call me Luke. Mr. Farley sounds so formal. Second of all, for your first lesson in anal sex, I want you both to fuck me, and I will attempt to begin the first stage in preparing you to receive someone else's cock. We'll start with each of you taking me and graduate to me taking each of you." The boys smiled in delight and anticipation.

"First," he said, "I'll suck your cocks until they are nice and hard. A good hard cock is necessary for a good fuck. He got down on his knees and began to suck the boys' cocks, going back and forth between them. The boys moaned in pleasurable ecstasy.

Then Luke lay down on his back and raised his legs to his chest. Now boys, I want you to lick my ass hole and insert your tongues as far inside as it will go. Joshua dutifully stood back and let his master go first. Luke had carefully perfumed his ass before they left and as far as Jerry was concerned it was the sweetest taste in the world. After a while he relinquished his joy to Joshua who could not only smell the sweet perfume, but he could also taste his master's saliva. He was heady with the joy of it.

Luke handed Jerry the jar he had brought and told him to spread some of the cream in the jar on his middle finger and then work it into his ass until he was nice and greasy. Jerry happily obliged. "Now coat your cock generously with the cream and place your cockhead against the opening in my crack. Once there you can start to penetrate. Joshua, hold Jerry's cock and help guide it in."

For a second or two there was some resistance and then Jerry was in to the hilt. "How does it feel?" Luke asked.

"Hot and wet and wonderful," Jerry replied hoarsely.

"In a threesome," Luke said, "the gentleman in the middle is considered the lucky one. Would you like Joshua to fuck you, Jerry, while you're fucking me?"

Jerry nodded his head vigorously. "Yes, yes, yes!"

"Fine. Joshua get Jerry's ass ready like you boys did to me. Coat your own cock and enter Jerry." The whole thing was accomplished in minutes. Joshua's boy cock met no resistance from Jerry.

"Now, begin to stroke in and out, but try not to let your cocks fall out." Luke thrust his hips upward and set the pace of the rhythm. Soon they were all pumping in harmony but moaning and groaning atonally. Jerry reached down to stroke Luke's cock, which allowed Joshua even easier access to his master's love canal. They came within seconds of each other and lay in an exhausted heap upon the blanket.

As they regained their strength Luke said, "Let's eat lunch and then we'll try some new things."

After lunch Luke prepared the boys by inserting first one, then two and finally three fingers into their asses. He stroked and stretched their love canals. Occasionally, he touched one of their prostates and the boy spasmed with pleasure. When he thought the boy he was preparing was ready, he entered him, but lay still, allowing the boy to get used to his bulk. When the boy finally told him that it felt wonderful, he fucked him for a while and then gave his cock to the other. He went back and forth that way until he could control himself no longer and he came. He didn't remember which boy had the pleasure of receiving his seed.

They rested awhile, regaining strength from their thorough exhaustion. They used the river to wash themselves. Reluctantly, they dressed. Luke embraced both boys and kissed them on the lips.

"Thank you," he said. "You have made all my fantasies come true. I do so love both of you."

For several years, the three of them made love together at every opportunity. Riverside picnics were had more and more often. Of course, Jerry and Joshua had opportunity to make love every night. Life for them was a fairy tale, until the War Between the States shattered their idyllic existence.

Part Two

The war clouds were gathering fast, much faster than Jeremiah Reeves, Sr. had anticipated. He knew he had to get off his duff and make plans quickly to protect and safeguard his family. He worked quietly and in secret so as not to alarm anyone. Finally he was ready to announce his plans.

One day he called his family into his office. Five of the nearest and dearest people in his whole world were bidden to sit by him. Present were Eleanor Reeves, his wife; Jeremiah, Jr., his son; Maria, his concubine and slave; Joshua, his and Maria's son out of wedlock and rape; and finally, Luke Farley, teacher and mentor to his sons, who Jeremiah, Sr. considered a member of the family.

They all looked at Mr. Reeves and listened intently. There was no doubt that this was going to be very serious. He began:

"I believe the war is only days, maybe hours away. I have been commissioned a colonel in the confederate army. I must report for duty by the weekend."

"No!" everyone moaned at once. Jeremiah, Sr. raised his hand to silence them.

"Let me continue." He walked over to Luke and put his arm around his shoulder. "Dear friend, I have secured you a commission as second lieutenant and have had you appointed my aide de camp." Luke's mouth dropped open.

When he recovered all he could manage to say was, "It will be my pleasure to serve you, sir." Jerry and Josh ran to Luke. They didn't care who saw what they did. They were crying bitter tears as they embraced him and kissed him on his cheeks and his mouth. Then they did the same to their father who bade them to be seated.

Then Jeremiah, Sr. looked at his sons. "I don't believe that I could do my duty properly if I had to worry about you two. At fifteen, you are too young to serve in the army or to run the plantation for that matter. I am leaving the plantation in the hands of my two foremen. As long as this estate is in confederate territory, they will switch from cotton to planting fruits and vegetables. The boys started to object, but he stopped them with a wave of his hands.

He continued. "I am sending you and your mothers to England for the duration of the war. My brother, Lemuel, has returned my urgent request and is happy to receive you. He lives in our family estate just outside of London. Actually, the estate is half mine but I have deeded it to Lem. He's a bachelor and there is plenty of room for all of you."

He opened a drawer in his desk and took out two envelopes. He looked at the name on the first and then directed his attention to Maria.

"These are legal documents giving you your freedom, my dear. You will travel to England a free woman, employed as personal maid to Mrs. Reeves. The documents name you as Maria Reeves. I didn't know what other surname to give you."

Maria broke into tears. She didn't know what else to do. Josh was about to comfort her, when to everyone's surprise, Eleanor threw her arms around Maria and cried tears of joy with her.

Then Jeremiah, Sr. looked at Joshua and tears welled up in his eyes. "Joshua, these are your documents of freedom too. Within these paragraphs you are named as Joshua Reeves, natural son of Jeremiah Reeves, Sr. I am forced by law to leave my estate to Jerry, but I am sure that Jerry will deed over to you whatever he deems to be fair. That assumes, of course, that there's anything left after the war."

Josh was too stunned to react, but Jerry jumped up screaming. "You mean we're brothers?" he demanded to know. Jeremiah, Sr. nodded slowly.

"Oh happy day," Jerry yelled and he threw himself at Josh, embracing and kissing him with joy. Then he sort of admonished his father. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?" he chided.

"I wanted for the two of you to be old enough to know that it is possible to love more than one woman before I told you. I love both your mothers so much, I ache when I think of it. I also love both of you boys equally . That's why I must send all of you away. I fear for your safety. I have told Lem that you boys are twins." He turned to his wife. "Eleanor, will you be comfortable telling all those Englishmen that both boys are yours?"

"Foolish husband," she cried and embraced her husband. "It will be my honor." She ran to Josh and embraced him, kissing away his tears.

"You will have to spend the rest of the day packing," Jeremiah, Sr. informed them. "You leave by rail for New York tomorrow morning and then by steamer to London next week. You'd better start moving."

Jerry and Josh had so much to get used to. The hustle and bustle of New York and now London did not begin to compare to Atlanta. It both excited and frightened them. Even harder to get used to was passing as two white twin brothers. Jerry was used to ordering Josh around in public to preserve the old façade. Even he, a greater emancipator than Abe Lincoln, had trouble getting used to it. If he slipped and gave Josh an order, Josh would look at him with a leer and say, "And since when did I become your slave?" Everyone around them wondered why the two boys laughed so much at that.

Uncle Lem met them at the shipyard in London. They all knew him immediately. Although he was two years younger than Colonel Reeves, they could have passed as twins also. Eleanor and Jerry had never met him although Jeremiah, Sr. had spoken often of him and fondly so. Somehow neither had ever travelled across the ocean for a visit, although they had wanted to do so often.

The coach ride from the yards to the estate took about forty-five minutes. On the way they passed Buckingham Palace, the home of Queen Victoria. The Reeves family thought that some of the plantations at home were magnificent, but this surpassed anything they could imagine. The coach was suddenly out of the city and bumping along country roads. Eventually it stopped in front of a very ornate gate. Uncle Lem pointed to a crest above the gate and said, "That's our family coat of arms."

"Good grief," Josh asked, "We have a coat of arms?"

"Yes, indeed. We can trace our ancestry back to the first millennium," Uncle Lem announced proudly. "I can't wait to show you boys around the entire estate."

When they arrived at the manor house, a bevy of servants helped them disembark the coach and take their luggage inside. Uncle Lem instructed the servants where to take the ladies' luggage. They were to have adjoining rooms in what turned out to be an entire wing of the house all to themselves. The boys had requested to share a room, which adjoined Uncle Lem's in a totally different wing of the house. When Lem escorted them to their room, he whispered, "I wanted us men to have our privacy." As he said that he winked at them and left them wondering.

Jeremiah, Sr. had instructed his brother that Maria was to be treated as one of the family and not as a mere servant. True to his brother's wishes, Maria joined the family at the dining room table for dinner that night, and every day for that matter. The meal was palatable, but the two women kept looking at each other and rolling their eyes.

"Lemuel," Eleanor said, "Would you mind terribly if Maria and I took over managing the kitchen? We don't have much else to do."

"That would be wonderful, my dear ladies," he replied. That being said, immediately dinner was over, Eleanor and Maria went into the kitchen to supervise the cleaning of the dishes and to plan the next day's meals. Lem asked the boys if they would like to join him in the drawing room while he had his after dinner cigar.

The boys sat on separate wing back chairs and Lem took a seat on the sofa. He lit his cigar and immediately filled the room with the vile smell of burnt tobacco. The boys wanted to run, but refrained from doing so. Actually Lem only took two or three puffs and stubbed out the cigar. He looked at the two boys and they realized he was about to begin some sort of dissertation.

"Boys," he said. "I belong to a gentlemen's club in London. I will tell your mother not to plan on my being home for dinner very much. At the end of the day, I usually ride my horse into London and dine there. I spend my evening at the club. Sometimes, I come home, and sometimes I sleep over in rooms provided by the club. The exception to the rule will be if I do stay home for dinner. So you see, you'll have lots of privacy."

Josh asked out of curiosity. "When you and our father were children, and your parents were alive, which were your rooms?"

"Actually we shared a room; the very one you two boys have. I know it seems strange, that with all the rooms in this house we preferred to share a room, but you see, we loved each other very much." He stressed the word `loved.' "Your dad is older than I and I guess he felt he needed to be with me and protect me from all evils. As you can see, we are very wealthy here in England, but your dad needed adventure. When he left to seek his fortune in America, I was devastated." He stopped and wiped away a tear.

Josh had a gnawing suspicion growing in his brain, so he asked his uncle to tell them about the gentlemen's club which took up so much of his time. "Not tonight, nephews" he said. "Tomorrow I want to take you to see the entire farm. Remember, you are my only heirs and this place will be yours someday, if you want it."

Jerry and Josh had not thought about that. There was every possibility that they would have no home in Georgia to return to, so this was a comforting alternative. Besides everything else, nobody in England would question Joshua's heritage. In Georgia he might have to face hatred and bigotry. Jerry shuddered at the thought.

"Let's retire for the night," Uncle Lem suggested. "We can get an early start tomorrow. Do you both ride horses?" he asked innocently. The boys laughed. "Of course we do," Jerry answered for both of them.

When they reached their quarters Uncle Lem showed them his room and their room right next door. Then he took them to a small corner room at the end of the long hallway. He opened the door. Inside there were two bathing tubs and chamber pots on a shelf. There were cloths on the shelf for cleaning oneself after answering nature's call and towels for use after bathing. "There is a similar room in the other wing," he informed them.

Uncle Lem explained. "I could never bear to have a chamber pot in my bedroom so I dedicated this small room for performing bodily functions and for bathing. Please feel free to relieve yourselves in this room during the night. Tomorrow morning when you rise you will find the tubs filled with warm water. The servants will help you to bathe. You can see now why I wanted a private wing for us men. Up to now this was not a consideration for me. Lest you are wondering, I am delighted that you are both here and that it has become a consideration. It's certainly no hardship." He held out his arms asking for a hug. Although the boys were almost adults, they were long lost nephews and still children to him. They were happy to oblige him with a hug. He embraced them tightly and Josh experienced the unmistakable feel of a hard cock against his body. He had a sudden suspicion about the nature of Uncle Lem's gentlemen's club.

There was only one bed in their room, and Jerry had to believe that Dad and Uncle Lem slept together until Dad was old enough to emigrate to America. He made a remark about it to Josh who said, "Yes brother, I have been thinking about that and about Uncle Lem's gentlemen's club."

"Well," Jerry laughed, "we could find out about Uncle Lem the same way we found out about Luke."

"Yes, but let's wait a bit and gather more evidence."

Back home Col. Reeves and Lt. Farley were turning in for the night. The sound of cannons firing could be heard in the distance. The flash of exploding gun powder filled the night air like lightening. The two men had grown used to it. Luke had secured the flap on their tent and the colonel was trying to get comfortable on his cot. Luke was trying to get comfortable in his sleeping bag. He thought that if they could only re-take Manor Estate, they could billet their entire unit in comfortable quarters.

He glanced over at Jeremiah, Sr. to see that he had sat upright on the edge of his cot. He was resting his head in his hands and he looked generally miserable.

"Is there anything I can do for you, sir?" he asked the colonel.

"I'm not sure," came the answer. "Sit up here next to me." He patted down the cot as if to invite Luke to sit with him. Luke slipped out of the sleeping bag and sat down next to the colonel. The two men were wearing long Johns and nothing else.

"I need to tell you something," the colonel said to Luke. "Please listen and try not to interrupt me until I tell you that I am done talking. Is that all right with you?"

"Of course, sir," Luke said with great concern."

The Colonel began his narrative:

I was born in England, just outside of London. The manor house I lived in would make my plantation home look like a shack. As big as the house was, and as many rooms as it boasted, my younger brother and I chose to sleep together in the same bed. You see we loved each other. Sleeping together every night became a challenge as we grew older. We could not help ourselves and we began to explore the mysteries of our naked bodies." Luke became very uncomfortable. This was beginning to sound like listening to Jerry and Josh describing their own experiences to him. He had promised not to interrupt so he remained silent.

"It didn't take long," Colonel Reeves went on, "and we were making love to each other every night. We pleasured each other for over ten years. Then I decided to go to America. I left my brother and his love and came here. I bought the plantation and enough slaves to farm the arable land. I was introduced to Eleanor and was immediately smitten. I knew that my brother had remained a practicing homosexual, but my preference was now for women. I never have been with a man since. During the time of month when Eleanor was indisposed, I needed to gratify myself so badly I took the slave women. Truly Luke, I am not proud of that, but I am grateful for the fact that my wantonness created Joshua." He paused for a moment and laid his hand on Luke's knee. He was totally unaware of doing this. Luke froze but remained silent.

When my boys insisted on sleeping in the same bed, I could see my brother and I and history repeating itself. One day when they were in class with you I went to their room and generously greased the hinges on their door. I made sure that if the door was to be opened a crack, the boys would not hear it. That night after they went to bed, I did open their door an inch or two. I could clearly see them sucking each other's cocks in the moon lit room. I closed the door and returned to my own bed with a smile on my face. That's when I asked you to instruct them in sexual awareness. Shortly thereafter, I felt the need for some solitude. I strolled down to the river and I saw you and the boys fucking each other."

Luke jumped up certain that the colonel was going to slay him. "Sit down," Jeremiah, Sr. instructed him. "I was ready to kill you at that moment, but I know your character and I was sure that you had been very ably seduced by both those scamps so I walked away and left you all to your pleasures." Jeremiah, Sr. seemed to be finished for now so Luke asked, "Why do you tell me this now?"

"My dear boy, I am a very sexual being. I have not been with a woman in many months. I am always surrounded by men or I am alone with you at night. I don't even have a chance to pleasure myself, even though I prefer to be pleasured by another. We have two choices here. You can look the other way and I can pleasure myself or we can pleasure each other. Remember I am much experienced having slept with my brother all those years."

Col. Reeves put his arm around Lt. Farley's shoulder and turned him so they faced each other. He placed his lips on Luke's and the two men began to kiss. At first just their lips met and then their tongues tickled each other invitingly. That first night they had oral sex only, but in the nights to come they alternated between oral and anal sex. Jeremiah Reeves, Sr. told himself that his sex with Luke Farley made life and the war tolerable. Farley, poor man, fell in love with his Colonel.

The first morning at Lem's estate the boys awoke early and walked naked to the bathroom. True to his word there was a male servant there who offered them chamber pots. They relieved themselves from both ends and were delighted to step into warm soapy baths. The servant offered them wash cloths and sat down on a nearby bench. "When you are ready," he said, "let me know and I'll help you out of the tub and I'll dry your bodies."

While they were soaking, Uncle Lem came into the room wearing a robe. The servant offered him a chamber pot. He dropped his robe which the servant quickly retrieved. The boys could see that Lem had a good size boner, which receded slowly allowing him to pee more strongly.

"We'll be through shortly, Uncle Lem," Jerry said.

"Nonsense, don't rush. Enjoy your morning bath. It's my favorite thing to do." With that he went over to Jerry's tub, took the wash cloth from him and said, "Let me do your back." He soaped up his nephew's back and then rinsed it. Then he went over to his other nephew and did the same. Both boys got very stiff and this did not escape Lem's notice.

Lem took two huge bath towels from the shelf and handed one to the servant. They each helped one of the boys out of the tub, and dried him. The servant was careful not to touch Jerry's genitals, but Uncle Lem was very careless about drying Joshua in his genital area, grazing him often.

"Now watch this," Uncle Lem said with a grin. "It's my own invention. Do you see those grates behind the tubs. They empty into conduits which drain down and out of the house into a small stream. All I have to do is tip the tub." As he said that he tipped one of the tubs. The dirty water began to empty into the grate. The boys could hear the water sloshing through the conduit. When the tub was empty, he tipped the other. As soon as the tubs were emptied, two more servants entered the room and thoroughly cleaned both tubs. They were followed in short order by other servants carrying big vats of warm soapy water which they emptied into one of the tubs.

Uncle Lem asked the servants to leave saying that he and his nephews could manage his bath. As soon as they left, he locked the door and asked the boys to help him step into the bath. They were still naked when they assisted him. Then he asked them to stand on each side of the tub. If Uncle Lem turned his head to the right, Joshua's cock dangled in front of him. If he turned to the left, Jerry's cock dangled in front of him. He turned first to Josh. He grabbed Josh's cock and leaned into him. He began sucking his nephew's cock until Josh was writhing in pleasure. When he saw Josh's balls begin to shrink, he released him and began to suck Jerry's cock.

Suddenly Josh yelled, "You went too far Uncle. I'm cumming. He grabbed his cock and started stroking. His jism landed all over Lem's face. Lem released Jerry's cock as he tried to catch every bit of Josh's cum. When he returned to Jerry, Jerry said, "Don't stop this time, Uncle. I want to cum in your mouth."

While Lem was sucking Jerry's cock, Josh reached into the tub and started stroking his uncle. Lem and Jerry came together. When finally Lem released Jerry's cock, Josh asked, "Did you and our father used to have sex together?"

"Absolutely!" Lem said. "It was the only true way we knew to demonstrate our love for one another." The two boys grinned at each other.

"Don't go to your club tonight," Jerry said. "Visit our bedroom instead. We'll make you very happy."

That morning the three men rode all over the Reeve's farm. The boys expected to see some sort of crop but were shocked to find it was a sheep farm. They were fascinated watching the hired hands shearing the sheep. Uncle Lem explained that the thicker and healthier the wool was, the better price it would command at the market. Josh said it was just like growing cotton only instead of growing plants, you had to grow sheep. Actually, the boys felt right at home here. They also made sure that Uncle Lem hardly ever went to his club anymore.

Uncle Lem enrolled them in a nearby preparatory school, and two years later they were off to Eton College. The boys began to take on a British accent and before too long they sounded just like Lem and their father. Eleanor and Maria somehow retained their American Southern accents.

At the preparatory school and at Eton, they were shocked at how many young students came on to them desiring sex. They were very choosy and very particular, but they developed some deep friendships, and had sex with some of their friends. As time passed, they began to feel more British than American. They even forgot that Josh was one eighth black. They were full blooded brothers in their minds, hearts and souls. Both boys prayed daily for the safety of their father and Luke, but inwardly wished fervently that the Confederacy would be defeated.

When the American Civil War ended, the family, including Lem, waited anxiously for news from Jeremiah, Sr. and Luke, but the weeks passed and none came. They visited the American consulate in London and were unable to get news of their two loved ones. Finally a miracle happened.

One morning a coach arrived at the manor house and Luke got out. He called for some help and one of the servants came running. He helped Luke carry Jeremiah, Sr. into the house. The poor man had been severely wounded in the right leg. The doctors had saved the leg, but said it would take months before he would be healed enough to try walking on it.

The servant ran to the kitchen and Maria and Eleanor came running. They almost smothered Jeremiah, Sr. with their kisses until Maria realized what she was doing and stepped back. Lem was somewhere out on the farm and one of the servants mounted a horse and went out to look for him. When he was found, he flew home. When he saw Jeremiah, Sr. he could not contain his tears, and he enveloped his brother, kissing him all over his face and especially his lips. Luke, standing by and observing the scene, could only marvel at how handsome Lem was. He was even handsomer than his brother, who was now a general. He envied Jeremiah, Sr. the sex he had had with his handsome brother.

When Lem could finally tear himself away from Jeremiah, Sr., he introduced himself to Luke. "Jerry and Josh have told me all about you," he said. "I am sure you and I will get along famously." There was no mistaking what Lem had in mind, and Jeremiah, Sr. had told Luke that Lem was a homosexual so Luke's heart was working overtime.

"Have you come to take us home?" Eleanor asked in great expectation.

"No, my darling wife. I am sorry to say we have nothing to go home to. Luke and I returned to find that our fields had been scorched. The Yankees have burned all of Atlanta. Our lands were foreclosed for failure to pay taxes and were bought up by Yankees. We asked if we could retrieve some of our belongings from the house, but they denied us. Most of the slaves were gone having dispersed themselves. I would have brought Malachi with us if only I could have found him. I hope you like it here because this is our home now. Everything we have in the world is here."

He looked at Lem and before he could say anything, Lem said, "My dear brother, this was your home, this is your home and this will always be your home." He looked at Luke and with his most disarming smile he asked, "Would you like to make this your home too? I know the boys would love it." Luke put on his most disarming smile also and being at a loss for words, he just nodded.

"Where are the boys?" Jeremiah, Sr. wanted to know.

"There at Eton College," Lem said. "They come home most every weekend and we are expecting them either late tonight or early tomorrow morning. This will be some surprise for them."

Jeremiah, Sr. still pictured them as teen age boys, and was shocked by the realization that they were college men. He ached to see them, but he waited so long and would have to wait a little while longer.

Lem said let me get you both situated, and then we'll meet for lunch. The servants carried Jeremiah, Sr. up to Eleanor's room and made him comfortable in bed. Lem took Luke to the other wing and assigned him one of the empty rooms. He showed Luke his nephews' room and his, as well as the indoor bathroom he was so proud of. He stayed with Luke while the teacher unpacked his meager belongings. "We'll have to do some shopping for you and my brother, I should think," Lem said observing how little the two men had.

"You are as handsome as my nephews said you were," he informed Luke as he closed Luke's door. "I would like to show you my gratitude for having cared for my brother so well," Lem said as he pulled Luke to him. The two men kissed, and as they did, the kissing got more passionate.

"I think I fell in love you with you, the second I saw you," Luke said to Lem.

"The same thing happened to me. I have waited so many years to feel like this," Lem said. "I feel like a school boy." They fell on the bed and started tearing at each other's clothing.

"I need you to fuck me," Luke begged. "It's been so long since Jeremiah has been able to have sex with me. OOPS!"

"It's all right, love. I should have suspected."

By now they were naked and pressing their erections hard against each other. Lem had no ointments in the room so he used his saliva to make Luke as moist as possible and he drove home, not meeting too much resistance. It was a real case of love at first sight, but as soon as Lem entered Luke their love was sealed as tight as a jewelry box with a lock. That night Luke slept in Lem's room.

Josh and Jerry had no plans for that evening and decided to come home and not wait until tomorrow morning. After their last class, which ended at 3 PM, they took the coach into London and from there they took the coach which went to their little suburb. It was a long ride and it was almost midnight when they got home. They stealthily climbed the stairs and intended on surprising Lem by bursting into his room and his waiting arms. The wing of the house they occupied was so isolated from the women, they didn't give it a second thought.

They went first to their room and stripped naked. Then they crept over to Lem's room. The door was ajar and they slipped in. Their intention was to jump into Lem's bed and consume him with kisses. As soon as they jumped on to the bed it became obvious that Lem was not alone.

"Oh, we are so sorry," Josh said. "We'll get right out of here."

"You'd better not," Lem said as Luke sat up in bed. The brothers took a moment to realize who was in bed with their uncle. They barely recognized Luke, he was so thin and frail. They began to consume him with their sloppy kisses.

Jerry was almost afraid to ask. "Our father???" he asked barely in a whisper.

"He's here. He's with your mother." He remembered that Lem was to believe the boys were twins and said mother', not mothers.' "He was wounded, but he's recovering. He's quite weak and I suggest you let him rest. You can attack him in the morning."

The brothers wanted to know about everything. Luke told them what had happened to the plantation and their father's decision to make England home again. The boys started to cry with joy. Because of Josh's black blood, they had already vowed not to return to Georgia.

"Now," Luke said. "Why don't you boys go to sleep. Your uncle and I have some unfinished business.

The boys smiled. "Sure," Josh said.

Very early the next morning the boys put on night shirts and ran to their parents' bedroom. They knocked loudly and without waiting for an answer they barged in. They smothered their father with kisses so that he couldn't even speak. Eleanor ran to get Maria, who kissed the boys and said she was going to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone. Eleanor went with her to help.

At the breakfast table, Jeremiah, Sr., who was the patriarch of the family, felt he wanted to say something. He asked everyone to hold hands, thus creating a circle. "After so many years that I have lost count, this family is finally together again. And dammit, nothing is ever going to separate us again. He picked up his coffee cup as if to make a toast. "Here's to the Reeves family," he said. "Long may they reign."

The others raised their cups too and in unison said, "Here, here."

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