The Hydration Tablet

By Benji Bright

Published on May 29, 2018


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Frankie and I didn't exactly have the most typical upbringing. Our parents--a clinical researcher and a critically-renowned artist--had spent much of our childhood traveling and even when they were around, they weren't always in the headspace that having two young kids required. We were reared by a rotating draft of au pairs, babysitters, and family friends. By the time we were old enough to be on our own, we jumped at the chance. Our parents agreed to mortgage a house for us, in my name, but I refused to take any more of their money afterward. I paid the bills. I worked two jobs and looked after my brother because someone had to.

At the end of the day, Frankie's relationship to me was somewhere in between a younger brother, a ward, and an absentminded roommate. So there was no way to account for the situation we found ourselves in:

Frankie lying in a tub full of his own piss and me--for the second time that hour--pissing my pants. It was hard to keep the moral high ground with my knees buckling as the wetness ran down my legs and pooled at my feet, even soaking the inside of my shoes. I had to put a hand out to the wall to steady myself.

Frankie watched me soak my jeans and made a strangled sound. His cock was still hard in his fist, and he jerked it while I wet myself. The image of him stroking off as I pissed my pants brought back all of the irritation that I had earlier felt, though it had been blunted by embarrassment.

"You little fucking pervert. Is this what you wanted to happen?" I asked.

Frankie shook his head, and fucking finally took his hand off his dick--though it gave a little sympathetic spurt of piss as he did so. "No. No! I didn't know it would be like this! I'm sorry. Until I took the pills myself, I didn't realize..."

I looked down at my little brother, lying there in his own piss and apologizing to me. And I felt...well, it's enough to say that the next twitch in my soaking jeans wasn't because I was going to wet them again. At least not with urine. I wanted to be angry because that made more sense than getting hard at what was happening in front of me. So I shook my head, made a disgusted noise, and told Frankie to clean himself up.

I went to the downstairs bathroom and showered. The urge to piss myself repeatedly had subsided, and I was able to get dressed and call a ride-share car to get me to work without any further issues. I was late as fuck and had to take a few urgent bathroom breaks, but the day was mostly uneventful. I found myself thinking about Frankie in the bathroom, covered over, hard dick in hand and had to try to put the image out of my head.

A couple guys from work wanted to get a beer after and I said I didn't have plans. I knew I should go home and talk to Frankie, but I didn't want to deal with that, so instead I had a few at a place called Rita's. One of the other movers at my company, Tom, kept going to the bathroom and eventually the guys started teasing him for it. He had a bit of a darker complexion, but I thought I could see the blush in cheeks as he told the guys to lay off. I thought it was cute, but I didn't say anything. I started to think about Tom taking one of Frankie's fucked up `hydration' pills. I don't think he'd have been able to make it ten minutes without pissing his pants.

That thought got me majorly sprung, and I had to shift in my seat. My boss--well, at least my supervisor since he doled out the job assignments--noticed me squirming and asked if I had a bladder as small as Tom's. I laughed off the comment, but there was something about the way he was looking at me when he asked that tickled the back of my mind. Maybe it was just the beers, though.

We didn't intend to stay out too late, but it ended being almost one by the time I headed home. Frankie was asleep in his room by the time I go in, which was just as well. I didn't know what I was going to say to him anyway.

The next morning I woke up to a phone call from my boss asking me to stay home, since they'd over-scheduled labor for the day. So with a full day off ahead of me I climbed out of bed, put on a pair of shorts, and a t-shirt then headed off to find my brother.

He was sitting in the living room screwing around with some electrical components. Maybe someone else wouldn't have noticed, but I realized almost instantly that he was waiting for...something. Frankie had a look when he was focused and in the zone, and he didn't have it today. He looked up as I entered the room and gave me a slight variation on his "I fucked up" expression.

"Bryce..." he began.

I put my hand up, and he stopped. "I don't want your apology, boy genius. I want to make us even."

"Even? How do you mean?" Frankie asked.

I went to the kitchen table and came back with a closed fist. I walked up to Frankie and opened my hand. His eyes went wide.

"Wait? What?"

"Take the pills, Frankie. Then we head down to the bus stop, and you piss yourself. Maybe you'll be lucky, and there'll be no one there."

Frankie's face turned bright red. "That's not...I didn't do it on purpose!"

I edged closer. "You remember that time I tried your self-driving bicycle and ended up with a concussion? This is worse than that, Frankie. Take the pills, let's get this over with, or I swear to god that I will never be your guinea pig again."

Frankie looked stricken, but I didn't care. I'd been humiliated for his sake too many times already.

He took the pills and swallowed them dry. He looked bashful as he stood and followed me to the door. He was already dressed, maybe he had intended to go get some components from the local computer store or something. I didn't ask.

We walked down the bus stop and as we approached I saw the same guy who had been standing there yesterday. He waved as we came up the sidewalk toward him.

"Hey," he said, as he got closer. "You feeling better?"

I nodded. "Much. Thanks. I'm Bryce, and this is my little brother, Frankie."

Frankie put up a hand in greeting but didn't say anything.

"Nice to meet you guys, I'm Gino," the bus-stop guy said by way of introduction. He continued: "That was pretty crazy yesterday. I'd never seen anything like that. I was worried, but I didn't want to follow you or anything. I'm glad you're doing better."

I gave him a huge smile. "Yeah, actually, my brother here is a bit of a scientist. He created a new drug that has some potential. But it has some side-effects he hasn't worked out yet. He actually took some today."

Gino gave me a quizzical look. "Really? So is he know...have the same trouble? Shouldn't you be close to a bathroom?"

"Well, Gino, I'm glad you asked," I said, and put an arm around Frankie's shoulder. "Since my brother sent me out yesterday and made me piss myself in public. I'm doing the same to him. Except he took double the dosage, and I've seen what this stuff can do. Right, Frankie?"

It was mid-July and pretty warm out, but not quite warm enough to explain the sweat that was beading up on Frankie's brow. I could feel him squirming with my arm around his shoulder.

Gino laughed, a bit hesitantly. "So is this, like, payback?"

I pointed at him. "You got it."

"Look. I get that I fucked up, but can we just call it even now? I gotta' go," Frankie said.

"We can go back to the house right now, but if you want me to go along with your harebrained schemes ever again, then there's only one thing I'll accept in this situation." I patted his lower stomach, and he made a pitiful noise.

Gino looked around, then checked his watch. "Well, the bus comes in five minutes. And this is an otherwise pretty secluded spot." He pointed out the high shrubs from the house behind them and across the street. "If you were going to piss yourself, this is probably one of the better spots. But once the bus comes, you'll have an audience."

Frankie was bouncing on the balls of his feet now. "I don't know...Bryce, come on..."

"It's your choice, bro," I said.

Frankie shook his head and said 'fuck' a few times. It was Gino who pointed and laughed. "Holy shit. He's actually doing it."

Frankie's khakis had started to darken at the crotch, and his expression was somewhere between abject misery and total relief. I reached down and squeezed his crotch and was rewarded with a squirt of clear piss dripping through my fingers and onto the grass beneath us. Frankie's dick--half hard until that point--firmed up once my hand was against it, but he continued pissing. I wondered if my little brother had emptied his bladder that morning. I liked the idea that he might not have, that he might've been desperate before we'd even left the house.

"Jesus. How are you still going?" Gino asked, leaning in to watch the show from a closer vantage.

It took a while, but Frankie's flow eventually tapered off, but I didn't move my hand from the front of his soaked khakis. Instead, I kept rubbing his bulge, squeezing out the excess piss from the fabric gradually. Frankie groaned pitifully but didn't pull away as I stroked him.

"Good job, bro. Not so bad, was it?" I asked.

He shook his head, maybe not trusting himself to speak.

"Do you mind if I...?" Gino asked me. It felt significant--like a turning point in the scene--that this stranger was asking me permission to grope my brother who stood in stunned silence. I had the feeling that Frankie would go along with whatever I dictated, but I shook my head to rid myself of the thought: I wanted to get even with my little brother, not to pimp him out.

"It's Frankie's call," I said.

That seemed to shake Frankie out of his distracted haze. He fixed his blue-green gaze on Gino, snuck a glance across the street, then nodded. Gino grinned and crouched down on his haunches so that he was eye level with Frankie's soaked crotch. I moved my hand and Gino's replaced it. He was a bit more...motivated. He slid his palm over Frankie's wet bulge for a bit, then wrapped his fingers around the outline of my brother's cock and squeezed it, so that piss ran over his fingers and down his wrist.

"Fuck," Gino groaned, which Frankie echoed, clearly enjoying being handled. "Got any more in there for me?"

Frankie looked down at Gino through lust lidded eyes and grunted softly. A fresh flow started, running more down his legs that straight down over Gino's hand, but their new friend didn't mind. He just rubbed the wetness in wherever it appeared, and Frankie just let himself piss more and more. His pants were thoroughly sodden now, and they clung to his slim frame. My erection tented the front of my shorts obscenely as I watched Gino play with my brother.

Frankie started tapering off, and Gino rubbed his crotch a little harder and more purposefully.

"Think I make you cum before the bus gets here?" Gino asked. "You wanna get your cock off in your piss soaked pants? Right on the street?"

Frankie didn't say anything, but his balled fists at his side and his heavy breathing practically answered for him.

Gino laughed, and looked up at me, not bothering to stop or slow down. "You guys are really something. Glad I caught the early bus again. I was kinda hoping I'd run into you, but I didn't expect all this."

Frankie grabbed Gino's wrist and hunched over slightly. "I'm gonna..."

"It's cool, dude. You're already soaked. Just let it loose," Gino replied.

Frankie reddened, huffed out a series of curses, and started cumming in his pants. Gino massaged Frankie's dick expertly as it tensed and spewed jizz through the wet fabric of my little brother's khakis and whatever underwear he'd been wearing under. I watched with rapt attention as Gino whispered encouragement and Frankie practically vibrated through the powerful orgasm that left a slimy white patch dripping down the front of his pants. Gino rubbed the spunk in with his thumb.

"Fuck," Gino said. He shook his head, repeated, "fuck."

Gino stood up and straightened. He wiped his wet hands on his pants and laughed as he pointed down the street. "Bus is coming. You boys might want to head home before the audience gets here."

I'd always been the responsible one, the careful one, so it surprised even me when the next words out of my mouth were: "You wanna come try the pills? Can you get out of work?"

Gino blinked at me, looked at the bus slowly making its way toward us, then said, "fuck yeah."

And defying all physical laws, my dick got even harder.

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