The Ice Rink

By Ryan White / Licious Ryan

Published on Jul 10, 2012



Hey friends!

A once off story this. This story starts with two straight guys, who discovers the love in their hearts for eachother as they grow older, having met accidently through one's younger brother. A tradgedy forces circumstances however to become more emotional and complicated than they ever imagined.

Also, please be so kind as to make a donation to keep this wonderful archive going. The archive is like the family I never had, so please, even if its only a few dollars, please find it in your heart to donate.

If u wanna chat to me, talk to me about the story or shit like that, feel free to mail me on I LOVE GETTING MAILS!!! Makes my cock superhard knowing you read my stories.

I have a NEW TWITTER ACCOUNT!!! Please follow me on @LiciousRyan if you wanna have a chat with me.

Hugz, Ryan

The Ice Rink


"Rocky! Watch out!"

The little seven year old blonde boy suddenly twisted his body 48 degrees to see where his brother's voice that called out his name had come from. Before he could do that, he literally crashed into the tall teenager that was skating on the ice right infront of him. Both of them immediately plummeted towards the iced ground below them, and especially for the teenager, it was most definitely a case of "the bigger you are, they harder they fall". The guard on duty at the ice rink was at the incident within seconds and ordered everyone to stand away from the little boy and the teenager. He knelt at the latter and started to pull the teen's hands away from his foot that he was clutching with all his might.

"Okay, dude just be very calm and breathe in and out. Im gonna carry you to the outside and then we'll see the extent of the damage to your foot, okay?"

The tall teen nodded and the guard swiftly and using all his might and experience in this field carried the patient to outside the ice rink. Whilst that was happening, the little boy was taken away from all the people by his big brother. Once they were in the bathroom his brother knelt down aswell and started to untie his skates. Not one of those two was interested in skating any longer.

"Tommy?" came the little boy's timid voice.

"Yeah Rocky?" his brother answered back.

"Will that guy lose his foot?"

"No buddy, you just crashed into him and I think he's maybe just sprained it or worse case scenario, he has broken it. But they won't just chop it off!" Tommy laughed but then saw that his younger brother by 7 years wasn't taking it so well as he was. Rocky was on the verge of crying, his entire body was shaking and Tommy knew that the tears would have started to flow if it wasn't that Tommy was with him. Rocky always wanted to impress him, wanted to show Tommy how tough he was, even for a seven year old. When Tommy went to Highschool at the beginning of the year, Rocky just put on the most defiant face he could have, wanting to show his big brother that he wasn't sad of the fact that Tommy wasn't gonna be home much later from now on. Tommy was really Rocky whole life, apart from their parents ofcourse. Tommy placed his arm around Rocky and together they took their skates back to the counter where they had hired them from earlier.

When they got there, the guy into which Rocky had crashed into was sitting nearby on a bench with an ice pack draped around his foot. Tommy gave their skates into the guy behind the counter, and then directed Rocky towards the lanky teenager.

"Uhm...excuse me, but my brother would like you tell you something," Tommy said to the teenager, who in turn looked up, as if in fear.

"Im like so, so sorry that I bumped into you! I really didn't mean it! Really I didn't!" Rocky was rambling on, actually begging the guy not to hit him or something, and on the other hand really praying deep inside his young little heart that the guy's foot wouldn't have to be chopped off.

"Ah kid, look its okay. Accidents happen, right? And even more times it happens on the ice rink where you cannot always control where you're going. I don't blame you, but the medic just told me my ankle was badly sprained, meaning I would be able to play tomorrow."

"Shit dude, im very sorry to hear that...what sport are you talking about? Rugby, Soccer?" Tommy asked, feeling somewhat shit hearing that.

Soccer, I'm centre foward. Jeez my coach is gonna roast me..." the teen said, looking fearingly at his broken ankle.

"Look, if you wanna, I'll go and talk to your coach and tell him it was just an accident," Tommy offered, but the boy shook his head.

"Nah, I wasn't even supposed to be here tonight. A couple of friends bullied me into coming. Also, there's this hot ass girl who I wanna impress! By the way, my name is Daniel. Im 14 and in the 8th grade."

"Im Tommy Laverham, also 14, and this is my little brother Rocky. He's 7. But...I don't think I've seen you at Creston High before?"

"No you haven't because i'm just visiting. Im staying with my cousin, Kyle Abrahams for the week coz my parents is away on business, perhaps you know him?"

"Ofcourse, I do, he's in my class at school. What kinda work does your parents do?"

"My dad works for Corp Industries and my mom...?"

"Holy shit, get outta here! So does my dad!" Tommy said excitedly.

"Cool, we should most def hang out sometime. Sorry guys, my friends are waiting up there. See you dudes around sometime again?"

"Yeah, maybe. Come on, Rocky. Well...see ya Daniel."

"See ya, Tommy."


"I told you we should have been more careful, dude! FUCK!! By tomorrow morning the entire fucking school will know!"

"Tommy, calm the fuck down, okay? There's nothing we can do about any of this now!"

Tommy started to pace up and down in their livingroom, nervous like hell and shaking until Daniel's strong hands grabbed him on his shoulders.

"Just last week you said that we cannot keep on hiding what we have, dude. Now that Kyle have seen us, now you wanna freak out?"

"Daniel, its okay for you! Your parents is so broad minded they wouldn't mind you being this way! Fuck, I'm freaking out!"

Daniel captured Tommy in a fierce embrace and held the boy he fell in love with 2 years ago very tightly. He could feel Tommy's breath on his neck as he felt the latter's arms circle him aswell. They stood in eachother's arms for a while before Tommy pulled back and looked deeply into Daniel's eyes.

"I fucking love you," he said, almost crying from the emotion spreading through him.

"And I fucking love you aswell, dude. I still can't thank your brother enough to colliding into me that day at the ice rink. Otherwise I would have never met you, Angel..."

Tommy gasped when he felt his lover's lips on his for the utmost time. He reached up with his hands and caressed Daniel's soft black hair, moaning at the exstacy that Daniel was giving him. Daniel pulled Tommy closer to him and leaned down with his head to kiss the latter's neck as Tommy inwardly groaned with lust and love for his boyfriend. Tommy clung to Daniel as he felt his lips on his neck travelling down towards his collarbone and to his Adam's apple. Tommy then pulled Daniel's head upwards and kissed him with all the love that he had to give. Lips mingling, tongues searching and finding the other, dancing their tango of love inside their warm mouths until they both had to stop to breathe, resting their foreheads onto eachother's in what may seem like a sort of afterglow.

"I love you, Tommy," Daniel whispered, caressing the back of Tommy's head, feeling the latter's soft hair underneath his fingers.

"I'll love you forever, Daniel," Tommy whispered back, his eyes closed, his heart full of emotion, but also full of terror of what might happen the next day. Two of their friends at school saw them making out in the gymnasium right after soccer practise. They had thought everyone had gone home, but clearly not. It was then that Tommy had seen Kyle in between the kisses he planted on Daniel, and he could do nothing except freak out and watch Kyle run to his car, pull the door open and race away, screaming "Faggots!" after them. Tommy knew that tomorrow the entire school will know about him and Daniel. Kyle was a very good friend of them both, and indeed also Daniel's cousin, but he was also 100% homophobic. There was a sudden noise at the door and they quickly pulled apart. Tommy's parents and Rocky entered the door.

"Hey buddy, how was swimming practise?" Tommy enthusiastically asked, but Rocky just ran past him and up to his room. Tommy looked back at the 9 year old boy speeding at the stairs and then turned confused back towards his parents.

"What the hell is the matter with him?" Tommy asked with a frown on his face.

"Well...when his brother is called a faggot by the other kids in his swimming team, and when I get a phone call from my boss saying that my son was seen kissing a another fucking boy, what do you expect from him?"

Tommy stopped dead in his tracks. He didn't dare look at his father. He knew what had happened. Kyle's father was the CFO at the company where his dad worked. And Kyle obviously told his little sister in Rocky's swimming team about his big brother kissing another boy.

"So? What do you two have to say for yourselves? I assume it was this piece of shit here that you were sticking you're lips onto?" George Laverham spat the words out.

"Now just wait a second, Mr Laverham..."

"Daniel, I'm giving you five seconds to get the fuck out of my house. You will never see my son again. Im getting an interdict against you for turning Tommy's head into this gay shit that you..."

"DAD!! It wasn't him okay? It was me who fell in love with him! I told him how I felt first, hoping that he wouldn't break our friendship, but Dad, instead of him fucking me up, he told me he felt the same!" Tommy screamed out in sheer desperation.

"Tommy, my boy, you're not thinking clearly at the moment. Once we get you out of this filth's claws you will be fine and forget that you ever felt anything for him. Daniel, get out!"

"So you can beat him senceless? I don't think so!" Daniel said defiantly, ready for anything that George Laverham might dish out. But for that the latter was unfortunately way too clever.

"Mona, call the police. Tell them there's a thief on the premises," he told his wife, who ran to the phone as quickly as her high heels could carry her.

"You think I'm fucking stupid, boy? The moment I touch you, the police will be arresting me in a flash! Im giving you five seconds."

"If Daniel goes, I go aswell!" Tommy shouted, his voice hoarse with emotion.

"THAT...will never happen! Not unless Daniel wants a kidnapping charge against him aswell as breaking and entering," George said, his face smug with glee.

"You can't do that, Dad! Daniel has been my best friend ever since we met two years ago! Dad, nothing you do will change the fact im gay! Dad!! Your son is gay!!"

"ENOUGH!! Daniel, the police should be on their way. Im giving you a chance to get out. If they arrive and you're still here, I will have no choice as to say you broke into my house. If you obey me and go, never to see Tommy again, I'll tell them you escaped before they would get here. Your choice, boy."

Tommy turned to Daniel, grabbing his lover by the shoulders.

"Daniel, you gotta go. My dad's serious! They're gonna lock you up!"

"FUCK HIM! I'm not leaving here without you!" Daniel screamed, his face etched in anger at George Laverham.

"What good will it be if you're in jail, dude? Please, just go!" Tommy begged him with tears running down his face.

"Daniel, I bet your dad would LOVE his colleagues to know that the CEO of Corp Industries's son sucks cock..." George said, knowing that he would probably be promoted to CEO should that piece of news leak out. He has hated Daniel's father for years because of his sucess and wise management. Ofcourse George didn't know that Daniel's father already knew of him being gay, but nevertheless, with everyone at Corp finding out, it will indeed make the world very difficult for Daniel's father.

"PLEASE Daniel, just go!" Tommy screamed and hugged Daniel against him one last time. Daniel knew that his father would be devistated if this got out, and only because of that, he reluctantly retreated towards the front door, his eyes still firmly on Tommy.

"I love you," he said, looking Tommy straight in the eye, before opening the door and running towards his home before the police got there.

Tommy's tears continued to flow down his cheeks as the boy he loved left. He could hear his father coming closer and closer to him. He braced himself for a massive beating...but instead George Laverham just calmly and quietly sat down next to his son.

"Tommy, its better this way. God make Adam and Eve, for the purpose of a male and a female mating and falling in love. Please son, I know you have...strong feelings for Daniel, but that has to end. Its not natural, Tommy. Its not what God would have wanted!"

What both of George and Tommy didn't notice, was that little nine year old Rocky was standing at the top of the stairs, his tear stained cheeks heaving silently up and down, his fists clutching in anger.


"FUCCCKK!! That's awesome bro!"

Tommy's shoulders was totally relaxed as he looked down and saw his best friend Gaz suck up and down his rock hard 7 inch cock. Gaz took time to pay attention to Tommy's bulbous cock head and long thin shaft, bathing it in his warm saliva. His hands danced underneath Tommy's low hanging balls, feeling the little gems which was hidden inside and just waiting to explode their sticky goodness inside his mouth. Tommy ran his fingers through Gaz'a gelled hair as he thrusted his 19 year old cock into his mouth. Much too soon, the tingling feeling in his balls began and before long, Tommy pulled Gaz's head from his groin and started to toss off his red, glimmering dick.

"You want it, Gaz? You want my cum on your face? You want those motherfucking juices spraying over you?"

"Fuck yeah dude, fuck yeah!" Gaz panted as he opened up his mouth, ready to recieve.

"Ohhh...I'm gonna cummmm...Fuck yeah I'm gonna cum all over you...gggahahh" Tommy groaned as he jerked his foreskin back as far as it would go and launched his white, thick sperm onto Gaz's face. There was a fucking lot concidering that Tommy hadn't seen Gaz in three days. When Tommy finally calmed down, he fell to his knees, to Gaz's level, grabbed the back of his head and kissed him violently, his teeth crashing into the other man's. Tommy released Gaz and stood up, grabbing his clothes from the floor, while Gaz remained on the floor, gently tossing his own dick back and foward, getting rid of the excess cum he spurted out as he was sucking Tommy's dick.

"Are you just gonna lie there the whole fucking day, bro?" Tommy asked.

"Can I? Sure as hell don't wanna get up from this view," Gaz said, looking at Tommy's now limp dick swaying in the air.

"Well, you can have it again tonight. Jeez bro, I can't believe we're freaking graduating tomorrow! Feels like yesterday we entered College!"

"Yeah bro, it does. The shy geeky kid who I changed into a sexy whopper of a young man!" Gaz said, laughing as he remembered seeing Tommy for the first time. Tommy went over to his desk and pulled out his old and worn out pencil case from his primary school days. Inside there was a package that keenly awaited him. He took the package out and showed it to Gaz with a sly smile and a knowing look in his face.

"DUDE!! Why didn't you tell me you got Snow?" Gaz said as he suddenly forgot that he wanted to remain on the floor when he saw Tommy scatter the white powdery substance onto his desk.

"Well I knew that if I told you, it would have all been gone by now," Tommy laughed, taking his bank card from his wallet and scraping the cocaine together in two equal parts, one for him and one for Gaz.

"You're awesome!" Gaz said, as he kissed Tommy on his side of his head, before taking the pipe that Tommy was offering him. He stood ready at the counter of the desk and with one quick allmighty sniff, the white powder was gone and into his nostrils.

"Damn dude...motherfucker, that's some strong stuff! Where did you get it?"

"Doesn't matter bro, Snow is Snow," Tommy sad, pushing Gaz out of the way, and taking his turn at snorting the cocaine upwards into his nose. The feeling was a bit more surreal and powerful than what he was used to, but nevertheless, he wasn't gonna complain.

"FUCK!! That went down well. Gotta be chilled when the rents will be here tommorrow."

"Your parents are actually coming? Mine simply said they don't have time," Gaz said, still wiping his runny nose.

"Yeah they will, and my little brother Rocky ofcourse. Although not so little anymore, the dude must be, what, fourteen right now. Haven't been home all year Gaz, you know that."

Tommy placed the pencil case back where he had found it before he finished dressing and left the room with Gaz.

The next day was the Graduation, and thousands of parents turned out at the college to see their kids recieve their diplomas. Gaz waited for Tommy at the main entrance and together they entered the audotorium where the festivities would take place. Tommy looked for and eventually saw his parents sitting at the back of the venue, with a teenage kid next to them. What the fuck...was that Rocky? HOLY couldn't be! Perhaps just some teenage kid that happened to sit there when they arrived...

After the ceremony was over and the pupils all rejoined their families to take the journey home for the final time after all these years of studying, Tommy ran up to his parents. The teen kid he saw sitting next to them was no where to be seen. He sighed a sigh of relief. It was just some kid afterall.

"Congratulations Sweetheart!" his mom beamed with pride as he kissed him on the cheek, before he turned towards his father.

"Sir, don't you have anything to say to me?" Tommy asked, looking his father straight in the eye.

"What is there left to say? Come on, lets get going. Told you, Mona, that this would be a waste of time!" George Laverham said before they got in the car and drove off.

"George! You forgot Rocky!" Tommy's mom yelled.

"Fuck! Where's that damn kid anyways?" George asked, clearly frustrated. Mona took out her cellphone and called a number.

"Rocky? We're about to leave without you! We're parked opposite MacDonalds across the college! Get your ass here!" she screamed before ending the call.

"Wow...Rocky has got a cellphone now?" Tommy asked in disbelief.

"That has nothing to do with you, boy!" George said, starting the car.

Tommy was started when he heard the door open and the same teen kid he saw sitting with his parents got into the car.

"Drive on, George," his mother ordered and off they were.

"Rocky?" Tommy nervously asked, completely thrown by what he was seeing.

"The name is Rock, dude."

Tommy's eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. This kid, his younger brother was now the spitting image of a punk. His hair was standing in all directions, he was wearing a blue and white striped shirt, with black jeans, and a silver necklace. Further on he had spikes around his wrists and a FUCKING tattoo on the side of his neck! Nevermind that this was his kid brother, but Rocky was damn sexy. He had lost all his baby fat, he had the beginnings of a six pack even at the age of fourteen. Tommy decided not to speak for the duration back home. Quite frankly he was stunned beyond belief. What happened to that little kid who crashed into Daniel all those years ago? Daniel...Tommy shook his head. He didn't wanna think about Daniel. Not now.

As the days past, Tommy had found himself a nice suitable job at the same company where his dad worked, as their IT technition. He was pleased to hear that Daniel's father wasn't the CEO anymore, as he really didn't wanna run into Daniel himself. Daniel had ofcourse tried to contact him over the years, came to the college once and even sent him an invite on Facebook, but Tommy chose not to see him. He didn't wanna go through that ever, ever, again in his life. That day where he had forced Daniel to leave his house was the last time he had seen him. His father, even though he had promised not to tell a soul of Daniel being gay to his colleagues, he did, eventually piling on the pressure on Daniel's father, as no one respected him anymore because of his gay son. Eventually Daniel and his father had to move away as the gay bashing and the threat to Daniel's life got to much in this homophobic little town. Tommy was really starting to crave another snort of cocaine. He hadn't had any since the graduation, and whilst he had only taken it for relaxation in college, the demands of his job had gotten too much. Also being back in town and not seeing Daniel, the man he still loved with all his heart, here where they had two years of utter love, fun and enjoyment. He remembered Daniel's last words to him five years ago..."I love you"...

It was a Saturday and George, who was now the CEO of Corp Industries, allowed Tommy a day off, since he had been working on stop ever since he was appointed in the job. That Saturday morning, George had woken up very early and went on a jog through the town. His craving for a snort made him hyper sensitive and quite frankly he could NOT sit still for a moment. He felt as if the four walls of their house would squeeze him to death if he would remain there for one more second. He ran and ran until he felt like his legs would fall off his body, but he wanted to ran the craving...and Daniel in a sence, out of his systym. As he finally got home, he fell down exhausted on the living room floor, too tired to get up with sweat dripping everywhere. He had totally over worked his body, and he knew it. But his abs would thank him later for that. Just as he was about to fall asleep right there on the floor, the thought that he might have heard a noise coming upwards from the rooms. Just as he told himself that he must have imagined it, there it was again! But now the sound/noise was much clearer. It was something or someone coming down the stairs...Tommy flipped his body over to try and see who it was...

It couldn't be. It just couldn't!

But the resemblance and the memory was clear enough. Tommy watched as if in a dream, as Daniel knelt beside him and gently reached his hand out to caress Tommy's face. If this was a dream, then surely that touch would have woken him up?? But no, it was real, as Rocky came down the stairs aswell, jumping the steps twice at a time.

"I called him. You two need eachother," was all that Rocky said before he placed his cellphone's earphones in his ears and walked out, leaving Daniel and Tommy together after five long years. All the pain that was caused was over at last.

"You know I never forgot you..." Daniel said tearfully, still caressing Tommy's cheek.

"I tried to forget you...really I did. But...oh fuck, I couldn't either. I love you, still after all these years, Daniel, I love you so fucking much!"

"Then why don't we do something about it then?" Daniel said as he leaned down and kissed Tommy with all the love he had to give. Five long years felt like a milennium of wait, times where he thought he might die because he would never see Tommy again! As he kissed his lover's neck one more time, he finally felt at peace.


"Tommy!! Tommy!! I've got the rings for you...Tommy?"

Gaz looked around in his best friend's apartment. He was sure that Tommy said he would be here at this time?? He heard the shower running, so he naturally assumed that Tommy was in there. Ah, after all they messed around in college, Tommy won't mind Gaz seeing him in the nude again LOL. As he entered the bathroom, everything was full of steam and wetness.

"Tommy, you in there?" he asked one final time before his body suddenly shuddered with pain and shock. The pain was rapidly streaming through his entire body and he had just enough strength left to turn around, and see his attacker.

"You???" was the final words he would ever say as darkness overwhelmed him, falling to the ground, his head banging the basin, leaving a spurt of blood splattering on the white tiles. The attacker walked towards the body of Gaz and pulled out the knife of its back. Gently the person wiped the blood off with a couple of tissues before they left the bathroom, and finally the apartment itself.

March 2012

"I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss eachother!"

The three people that was in attendance to the greatest day in Daniel and Tommy's lives was all standing up and applauding as these two lovers had finally tied the knot. The two was smiling so broadly and happily, that no one would dare ruin what they had and felt for the other. Except one person...

That night in their honeymoon suite in the hotel that was booked and paid for them by Daniel's father, the two newly weds couldn't get enough of eachother. They kissed, licked, fucked, sucked, every possible way of showing their husband just how much they loved them. Thinking of all they had gone through in the nine years since they had met, it was certainly all worth the wait. Daniel thrusted into Tommy for one last time before falling on top of his lover, whispering over and over how much he loved him. Tommy simply cradled his head in his arms, kissing Daniel on the forehead as they fell asleep, for the first night in the rest of their lives together.

It was around three in the morning that Tommy woke up, and thought that he had heard something coming from inside the hotelroom. But that was impossible as only they had the key and they had let no one else inside. Still, after poor Gaz was killed in his apartment last year, he wasn't going to take any sort of chance. He gently moved Daniel off him and walked quietly over to the livingroom area. Once there, he leaned against the wall as quietly as he could, listening or any sort of noise that was not meant to be there. For a while he stood there, his ears on red alert, before he sighed. It was probably just the wind knocking something over, he thought and went back to bed. Just as he lifted the duvet to get back inside, he heard another noise, this time even louder than the first. There was most def something or someone in their hotelroom!

"Daniel...Daniel!" he whispered, gently shaking his husband awake.

"Mmmm wh..what?" Daniel groaned, but Tommy quickly placed his hand over his mouth.

"Sshhh...there's someone here in the room! I think someone has broken in!" he whispered urgently, looking back at the entrance of the bedroom.

It took Daniel only to hear that before he leaped off the bed like a cat, and reached for his bag. Tommy's eyes grew wild as Daniel unzipped it and pulled out a 9mm pistol.

"What the fuck...?" Tommy whispered loudly, unable to keep his voice down.

"You think I would come here without something to protect us after Gaz had died last year? After your dad vowed to kill us when we moved away? After we just got married yesterday? No way, love. I knew that somehow, someone would try and fuck up this for us. I came prepared," Daniel said before he pushed Tommy into the on suite bathroom.

"Im gonna check things out...wait here. Don't come out of here no matter what. If you hear a gun shot or whatever, don't worry about me, do not come out of here, you understand?"

"Fuck no, I'm going with you..."

"Tommy, I think I know who is behind this, and the murder of Gaz. I think I also know who it is that has broken into the room. Please listen to what I'm saying! If I'm correct, I don't want you to see this!"

Tommy's eyes got even more confused, but he had no choice. If this was the way that Daniel wanted it, then he had to respect it. Afterall, it was Daniel who was the rookie Police Officer, not him.

Daniel held his service pistol at the ready, and quietly walked out of the bedroom. He held his nerve like he had been trained as an officer. He stopped to listen numerous times. Thugs that break in always gives themselves away somehow. There! There it was again! Just a little noise that sounded like the sound of a shoe sliding over the marble floor. Daniel held his gun ready as the footsteps that he could now clearly hear came ever so closer. He quickly hid inside the one of the sparerooms that the suite had, and closed the door until only an inch was open. This way he could trap the intruder in the bedroom. Whoever it was, they seemed to know their way perfectly to the bedroom, because they were heading straight there. Daniel watched as the intruder was now fully visible from the back, and waited for 5 seconds after they had entered the bedroom. He quietly slid out of the spareroom and tip toed to the bedroom. He clutched his pistol. He reached for the light switch...

"FREEZE, police here!" he screamed and switched on the light at the same time. The intruder was standing on the bed, with a kitchen knife in their hand, ready to strike, obviously thinking there was people inside of it. If Daniel thought that the intruder would just give up and surrender, he was wrong, as he threw the knife at Daniel. Daniel was so stunned that he did the most fucked up thing he could...he dropped his gun to protect his body against the knife. With the speed of lightning, the intruder had reached for the gun and held it at Daniel. Daniel knew that he had failed Tommy. He swore to protect him, and now that he had seen the height of the intruder, he knew that he was right all this time.

"Are you really gonna kill me, Rocky?" he whispered.

The intruder threw off the cape and cloak that he was wearing, and Daniel could at the moment and time not find anything of the little boy that had once crashed into him on that ice rink nine years ago. His every look, his expression, his eyes was only full of hate.

"It looks like its either you or me, Daniel," he said, not bothering to keep his voice down.

Against everything that Daniel had ordered Tommy NOT to do, Tommy pulled open the bathroom door, in hearing his kid brother's voice. What he saw, nearly made him have a heart attack.

"Rocky! What the fuck are you doing?" he screamed. That startled Rocky and gave Daniel enough time to tear the pistol out of the teenager's hands. Tommy ran over to the struggling pair and try his best to pull the gun from his kid brother's hands. Suddenly a shot was fired. Suddenly everything was deathly quiet. Daniel looked down to his body, but there was no injury or gunshot wound he could see or feel. As if in a dream, he saw Tommy with the gun in his hands on the floor. It was turned onto his stomach in the struggle and he was shot. Tommy...

"Look what the fuck you did, you fucking faggot!" Rocky screamed and jumped on top of Daniel, pinning him to the wall, and getting his hands firmly on Daniel's throat, and started to choke the life out of him. For a sixteen year old martial arts fanatic, Rocky was extremely powerful, even for his short frame, and there was no way that Daniel could escape Rocky's clutches. Daniel started to feel light headed as Rocky continued to choke the life out of him, but the knife was too far away from him and the gun was in Tommy's hands...what the fuck?? Where was Tommy?

Rocky's face began to have the look of an insane man as he started to laugh watching Daniel die at his hands. Suddenly there was two shots that thundered through the hotelroom. The grip on Daniel's throat immediately relaxed, and the latter started to cough and breathe in air furiously, falling to the ground, but trying his best to scatter away from Rocky.

Rocky then turned around the best he could, because it was rather difficult with 2 bullets in his upper back. He looked straight into the eyes of his brother, the brother he always loved, the brother who was always his hero, the brother he swore to protect from Daniel that fateful day when he was only nine years old. Thanks to Daniel, Tommy was then sent away to boarding school, and away from him....and was Tommy that had now shot him twice.

"You're my you" Rocky croaked before he tumbled to the ground, the blood seeping from his back. Daniel quickly crawled over to Rocky and felt his pulse...he was gone.

Daniel immediately stood up and took Tommy in his arms.

"Come on...come on Love, we gotta get you to hospital, you were shot..." he said but Tommy didn't move. It was then that Daniel felt the hardness underneath Tommy's chest. He quickly undid Tommy's shirt and found that Tommy was wearing his bulletproof vest that he had placed in the bathroom earlier that night.

"When I saw it laying there, I thought I'd better put it on just in case..." Tommy whispered, his voice having no tone whatsoever. Once that Daniel knew Tommy had not been fatally wounded, he embraced the man he loved for nine full years. He knew that Tommy deserved answers, but now wasn't the right time. They needed time.

July 2012

"Hey love, how was therapy today?" Daniel asked Tommy as he picked him up from his weekly appointment.

"It was okay, I guess. Although I will never forget what Rocky did or what he turned out to be in the end, I have made peace with what happened. Even the nightmares have somewhat stopped. Its easier knowing that you are next to me at night," Tommy said as they drove off to their apartment. Daniel had just graduated as an Officer, but he arranged with his station commander that he took Tuesdays off, to be with his husband after each therapy session. Tommy wasn't working at the moment. When George Laverham was told about just how far Rocky had gone to murder Daniel, he publically declared that he was proud of his son for dying in trying to kill a faggot. But after the several letters and Rocky's diaries over the years was found, and had its contents revealed, George had a massive stroke and unfortutately, subsequently passed away. His wife and Tommy's mom, Mona, refused Tommy entrance to his father's funeral and after the latter's policies and pension from Corp Industries had paid out, she had travelled overseas and no one had heard from her since.

What was the worst for Tommy was the reasons why Rocky wanted to kill Daniel. He remembered that day, two days after he had murdered his kid brother in selfdefence, that he was given the letters Rocky had written to him over the years but had never gotten the courage to actually give it to him. He especially attached fond memories to the ones that talked about how they always spend time together, how they went to the ice rink, how Tommy took Rocky to the movies. But after Tommy had met and fallen inlove with Daniel that day in which Rocky had accidenly crashed into Daniel on the ice rink...everything changed for little Rocky.

Suddenly the diaries entries was full of hate, full of plans to take revenge on Daniel of taking his brother away. Tommy in particulary shuddered when he thought back at the last letter that Rocky wrote to him a day before he was killed, infact it was the last thing he ever wrote...

"Dear Tommy.

I cannot live with his guilt any longer. You and Daniel will be getting married tomorrow and I cannot let that happen. So forgive me if you find out what I have done. I have loved you ever since I could remember and I have already had to watch Daniel rob me of you once before. Im NOT gonna lose you to that faggot again. I already killed Gaz, because he could suck your cock at college, while I had to sit at home, wishing it was me. I hated that guy.

I was the reason you and Daniel met all those years ago, so I figured I have to solve this problem on my own. I just hope you can forgive me and that we can be together again one day. Not as brothers, but as lovers.

Love always,


Tommy closed his eyes and silently wept.

September 2012

Being a rookie cop back then, Daniel had always known that Rocky's feelings for Tommy was a little weird. But when the blood was tested at the Crime Scene Investigation after Gaz's death, there was two sets of bloodprints found. One ofcourse was Gaz's own blood, but the other was unknown and a O-Negative bloodtype. A very rare type indeed. When Tommy cancelled a date with Daniel because Rocky had sliced his finger a few days ago and the would have become septic, he had to take him to hospital. But that still wouldn't have made Daniel supiscious if is wasn't for the fact that Tommy told him that the nurses asked Rocky to donate some blood, since O-Negative was so hard and rare to come by. Taking everything into account, that was what made Daniel look differently at the boy who was once an innocent little seven year old. He also found one of Daniel's diaries hidden at the back of his bed one day when he was searching for clues to back up his theory that Rocky was Gaz's killer, even as crazy as it seemed. Then the final clue was the day before they had moved out of Daniel's father's home. Rocky was sleeping over as to say good bye to them, but that night, Daniel thought, was the night Rocky was going to make his move and kill him. He sat up the entire evening with his service pistol waiting, but nothing happened. At five in the morning, he heard a noice coming from the room that Rocky slept in. He quickly stepped into action, but it was simply Rocky moaning in his sleep, where he confessed in his sleep that he had killed Gaz, that he loved his "big brother" so much he couldn't stand it...and his plans to murder Daniel. That wasn't enough to take Rocky in however, he Daniel couldn't prove anything, even with the Diary he had. But nature and time worked out its course, and in the end, Tommy chose between his brother and the man he loved. And Rocky finally lost his life long battle.

"Here, I made us some coffee," Tommy said to Daniel as he sat down next to his husband.

"Thanks, Love. I was just thinking...there was a huge fuck up with one of our servers today, and the internet was off for almost three hours. This is the fourth time it has happened this week! Could you maybe come and take a look at them? Afterall, you are the IT expert."

"I'd be happy to," Tommy said with a smile. There was a moment of silence between them as they just enjoyed the atmosphere of their own apartment. It was then that Tommy whispered...

"He really loved me, didn't he?"

Daniel placed his and then Tommy's coffee on the coaster and then pulled his husband towards him. He caressed Tommy's cheek before kissing his forehead.

"He did. So much so that he became obsessed with you. Remember a couple of years back, when you finished with college? Remember he actually called me and told me you were back? That was one of the main confusions I was faced with when I knew he wanted me dead. But then I thought...he planned his revenge for years, but after me and Dad had moved away, he obviously didn't know where to find me, and he couldn't ask your dad, since he hated my guts. He must have gotten my number from one of your old cellphones or sim cards and tried calling it. Just my fucking luck that I kept my same number all these years. Love, he brought me back so that he could finished me off. He loved you so much, he was willing to take me out to be with you."

"You know what, Daniel? Deep inside I keep seeing this little blonde boy on his skates on that ice rink. The way he worried after he crashed into you if your leg would be chopped off. He was a really special guy. I remember when I was eight, and he was one year old, when he wouldn't stop screaming until I held him. Only then would he have calmed down. Strange when you think about it."

"Think he could have loved you that much even then?" Daniel gently asked.

"Makes sence, doesn't it? I'll never forgive myself for killing Rocky, but it was either him or you, and he wanted you dead. For me, there was only one solution. In the end, Rocky was nothing but a cold, blooded murderer."

"You shouldn't think of him like that, Love. He fought for the guy he loved, only on devious ways. We should remember Rocky as he was, that little seven year old blonde boy that crashed into me, before he became this obsessed."

Tommy smiled at his husband and leaned into him to fully relax in his arms. Daniel once more kissed Tommy on his forehead and together they looked upwards, right above their fireplace to where the enlarged photo of a little blonde boy was hung, and a candle on a podium just below it. The boy on the photo was smiling brightly, showing his happiness at the new bike he got for his birthday.

That was how Tommy and Daniel always wanted to remember Rocky Laverham.


Please mail me! Send me a e-mail at I always make sure that I reply to each and every one I get!

Ryan White

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