The Immigrants

By bokjay / John

Published on Aug 6, 2017


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By Bokjay. Comments welcome to

The Immigrants 10

His memory must have stopped working. For a moment or two, he couldn't think who was wrapped up in the covers next to him. As soon as it twigged, his dick began to throb. He checked the clock and it was still early. He wanted to sleep longer but now he was wide awake and allowing his imagination to run riot. But last night surely would be a one off, and a very innocent occurrence and no way could he risk doing something that would cause a fallout, not only with Stefan but also his brother and perhaps the others too.

As if his thoughts were spoken aloud, Stefan began to wake. Opening his eyes a slit he also looked around not recognising the room. He focused on Stuart and rolled his body against him, hooking his leg over and throwing an arm over his chest.

"Morning Boss. Oh, I slept good last night; I think you have a very nice bed."

"I think because you were awake for half of it with the storm."

"Ah yes, the storm I forgot. But I like your bed."

At any moment thought Stuart, his arm might move down a little and find his raging hard-on. He could feel Stefan's dick, warm and soft against his thigh. The youth was not sexual.

He panicked and pulled away and sat up on his side facing the wall and slipped on his underwear.

"I'm making coffee, would you like some?"

"Oh yes Boss, that would be good."

Stuart keeping his hard-on covered slipped out of the room and downstairs. He inwardly gave a sigh of relief. If he had stayed there for sure he would have tried something because he knew once he was fired up he couldn't help himself. After he had calmed down he took a mug upstairs for Stefan, finding him now fast asleep. Leaving it on the bedside table he retreated back downstairs to read the paper.

Stefan appeared around lunchtime, still half asleep and wearing only his briefs which gave Stuart the shakes inside yet again. He gave him an English breakfast which he devoured, nearly taking the pattern off the plate. Afterwards, Stuart left for the rest of the afternoon to see a long list of enquiries he had accumulated through the week.

When he arrived back home, the house was empty and a left note said he was going to the yard to see his brother. He had arrived back on edge, thinking he would find him at home and probably half naked. To calm himself down and take the steam off, he went up to his bed and jacked himself off. Needless to say, his visions were all about Stefan.

He ate by himself and with the house quiet, took the opportunity to work on the jobs he had seen and prepare the quotations. Stefan returned around ten and quickly getting bored with the television, said he was off to bed. He continued with his paperwork until a big yawn reminded him he had better get some sleep too.

Not one for making his bed, he got in and began to straighten out the sheets to find Stefan there. He could have sworn he had heard him go into his own room, but now he had disturbed him and he was awake too.

He loved and hated the idea of Stefan sleeping with him in equal measure. But a smile from Stefan as he told him he really had to sleep in this bed if he was to get some good rest, melted his reluctance to let him stay.

"I tell you I not sleep good in other room, now I sleep here," he explained.

"It's okay," he replied, at a loss of anything else to say.

"Come, let's sleep now."

He reached to take Stuart's far hand and then turned away and pulled him close behind.

"Yes, I like this bed very much." he murmured.

Stuart obliged and let him fidget his way till he was pressed tight into his front. He could almost hear the contentment in Stefan's sighs.

Finding him in his bed was only half the shock of the previous night. So it was not long before he could feel his dick begin to wake up. He hoped Stefan would be far enough into the land of nod not to notice. Just before he made up his mind to gently roll away, he fidgeted again and pressed back. His dick reared to full hard against his bum.

So it set the pattern for the rest of the week. Stuart did enjoy having him there, but he was left tormented time and again. A few nights later and they went to bed at the same time, so Stefan was not quite as sleepy. Inevitably Stuart got his hard on, being unable to keep his mind from straying.

He panicked when Stefan suddenly pulled away from him a little. Then he died inside as Stefan got hold of his dick and pulled it between his legs.

"Why you always like this?" he complained. "It sticking in me, I not sleep like that."

For Stuart, it was even worse as he trapped it between his legs. And he didn't even simply move it; he kept hold of the end feeling the size for a moment or two.

He began to chuckle, "You have very big, Boss. Too much!"

Luckily he let go and moved his hand back over Stuarts across his chest. His fidgeting and small movements made Stuart think he was going to cum if it kept on.

The next night as they settled in, Stefan took hold of his cock straight away as if it was the most normal thing to do, and slotted it between his legs. It was far too dangerous for Stuart as it made him want to start humping. So he pushed his knee between his legs and pulled the upper one back a little, that way his dick felt freer. Stefan didn't seem to mind and within a few minutes, he was sleeping. The compromise became their way of settling to sleep from then on.

Saturday night they all went to a pub in town, except Jan who was off to meet some friend of his. Four in the pickup was a bit of a squash, but it was not far from the yard so they just about managed. Stuart had a couple of beers and then went on to soft drinks, as he didn't like drinking and driving in the town. Still, it was a nice night and a first for Stefan to see an English pub really heaving with people. He couldn't imagine it was all that different to a bar in Poland, but Stefan appeared to be quite amazed, especially the fashions of some of the younger end.

They were back home before midnight and began watching a movie on TV. It was not all that good but it held Stefan's attention and he more or less stayed watching it for him. Once they had gone to bed, Stefan began asking questions about parts of the film he didn't quite get.

It got quite involved as he explained the plot and why certain characters appeared to change sides. His English was very good, but of course, there were lots of things he missed especially when the dialogue was spoken fast.

At one point Stefan was leant against him, head propped up and his leg hooked over his while he chatted on. He could feel the warmth or his soft cock against his thigh. Suddenly he couldn't concentrate on what Stefan was saying and was giving him only half an ear while he tried to stop his cock rearing up.

Eventually, Stefan understood the plot and went quiet, putting his arm on Stuart's chest.

"Okay I know, now I can sleep."

"Fine," he laughed, "that took some doing"

He stretched to turn off the bedside light and what he had dreaded, happened. In moving towards the light, Stefan's arm had slipped down his chest and into his hard cock.

He picked it up judging the heft.

"Boss, why you always big? Always in bed and sometimes I see in the morning, every time same."

Stuart was embarrassed and tried to get hold of the situation.

"How about you, you never get big when you feel sexy?"

"Me, I'm not big, I am very small".

Now Stuart could tell he was embarrassed, having got the wrong angle on what he said. But in all the time he had been here, even when he was in the other room and he used to wake him in the mornings, he had never seen him hard, no pee-horn, nothing.

"But you are really big, I would like cock like this," he picked it up and stood it vertically. He laughed, "I would like half a cock like this."

"Why you say you are small? I don't think so." He pushed his hand down between them and noted Stefan pulled a little way apart to allow. His hand closed round a warm soft dick. Maybe Stefan didn't notice but his own jumped an inch off his stomach.

"See, I am very small, not same you."

"No, I think your dick looks very big," he said in a very measured way.

"How you say that?" he laughed

"How?, I show you how. Get up here, sit on my chest." He patted the spot.

Stefan frowned not understanding at all.

"Come, sit up here," he put his arm around his back to push him up.

He appeared both curious and nervous as he sat on Stuart's lower chest. Stuart put his hands on his arse and slid him higher till his dick was inches away from his face.

"Now Stefan, from here, I think you have one massive dick!" he said slowly.

He looked into his eyes smiling, and then Stefan began to laugh.

"Yes, yes, I think very big from where you are".

Stuart looked closely; he had not in fact been able to get more than just glances since he arrived. The happy trail of black hair from the navel that you would have thought might have led to a big bush of hair instead was a path to a neat small patch above his dick. His balls were hairless.

He reached up and took hold, then looked at Stefan.

"How big are you when hard? You are saying I am big, but what about you?"

Stefan took back his dick and pulled it a few times, then shrugged.

"I don't know, but not like you."

"Go on, make it big, I want to see."

He gave it a few pulls, but then stopped.

"I not come big I think." He looked embarrassed again.

"Go on, it's easy. I can make it big very quick. Very simple."

"How?" he asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

"You want me to show you?"

He thought about it for a few seconds and then nodded, "Okay you show me."

"Right, close your eyes and count slowly to twenty. By the time you get to twenty, it will be big, okay?"

He looked nervous again. "Okay."

"Don't count too fast, just nice and slow. Right close your eyes and start now."

Stuart watched him give a few seconds more thought before doing as he was told.

A danger sign flashed in front of his eyes telling him he might ruin everything. But he couldn't help himself. There was no way he could continue sleeping naked next to him every night and be a monk. Lust had put him on autopilot and he couldn't stop even if he had wanted to, and right at this moment he really didn't.

He raised his head from the pillow and closed his mouth over the end of his dick. Stefan jumped and made to pull back, but he was ready with both hands on his arse keeping him in place. Before Stefan had time to think what to do next, his dick began to grow. He groaned and eased up pushing against Stuart's grip. Only seconds later and his dick was hard and jumping against the roof of his mouth. Stefan was moaning and giving little exclamations of surprise.

He was right, his dick was not big. But that didn't matter one iota. It was smooth and hard and very strong, almost unbendable. Stuart reckoned he must have been well past twenty if his mind was still counting. He had stopped bracing himself to pull away and his head was lifted with mouth open allowing all kinds of sounds to fall out.

Quite suddenly he pulled back down Stuart's chest.

"Stop, stop, stop" he moaned. "Boss I finish soon, make a big mess if you carry on," he indicated the headboard and sheets. Of course, he never imagined cumming in Stuart's mouth.

"Okay, better not make any mess. Keep in my mouth." With that, he smartly lifted him back up and quickly took his dick back between his lips.

Stefan moaned as if in pain. He didn't want to cum in his mouth, but he had not the will to stop.

Then he gave another cry, unlike any before and moved forward of his own account. To continued whimpers, he began fucking Stuarts mouth. Quickly he was out of control, his body taking over from what his mind was saying. Sounds cried in despair but he was not able to stop himself.

Stuart changed to the new regime, relishing the cock pushing to the back of his mouth. He knew he wouldn't choke so allowed him to batter into his face.

He began to cum, each shot punctuation by a cry and then time was suspended for moments before another, then another. It went on and on, filling him so he had to swallow as fast as he could. He might have a smallish dick and tight little nut sack, but the amount of cum was far more than Wit or any of the others. But the best thing of all and it didn't hit him right away; there was no sharpness or bitterness with his cum. In fact, it was sweat. It was wonderful. In a split second, he fell in love with his cum.

When finished he fell forward against the headboard. The full weight of his hips pressed on Stuart's face. He had continued to suck and lick him and his dick didn't loose all of its stiffness, but he had to move. There was no movement for many minutes till it began to get uncomfortable and made him think he had gone to sleep.

He lifted him off gently and let him drop onto the bed. Slowly he opened his eyes and the look was one of total exhaustion. Stuart watched him for a while, getting concerned that he didn't say anything. He began to fear that he was upset.

"You are not small. Really," he said to him trying to get some kind of response.

He remained silent a while longer, prolonging Stuart's anxiety.

He raised his arm and let it fall over Stuart's chest.

"Boss, my head, my head. I think I lost my head." His eyes moved away from the ceiling and looked at him. Slowly he began to grin. Inwardly Stuart let go a huge sigh of relief.

"You know one time, back home. I have one girl, she do that to me many time, because she didn't want to, you know, make sex. So she do that instead. I think she was very good."

He looked Stuart in the eye. "But now, I know she no good, she no good at all." He kept a straight face for a while longer before a stifled chuckle broke free.

"I'm glad to hear it, it was hard work, but at least now I know your dick can stand up."

He glanced down and saw it was still half hard. He reached and took hold, playing with it gently.

"Now I woke you up, I see you still have more power there".

"Oh yes, I have a lot of power down there, sure," he laughed

Stuart felt this was the right time to push further.

"How about your balls, did she ever lick and suck them?"

He frowned that he didn't understand.

"Eggs, balls, what do you call them?"

"Jaja, pilka, jadra?" he offered.

"Did she ever lick and suck them?"

He shook his head slowly not comprehending what he was on about.

"Okay, I show you this too."

He moved quickly down the bed and pushing his legs apart got between them. Stefan looked on frowning with an expression that said, what the hell is this guy doing?

What a difference from Wit, who had large folds of skin holding balls quite a long way below his dick. Stuart liked to push his face into them and feel the sack cover his face. Stefan had two smooth little nuts, the bag stretched tight keeping them close to his body. He could easily take the entire sack into his mouth. When he did Stefan groaned and heavily dropped his head back onto the pillow.

Stuart began to wonder just how far he could go. Slowly he left the balls and let his tongue travel behind and lower. He could see Stefan's stomach heaving and his hips pushing up and down. He travelled up and down as far as he could, all the time moving very slowly. He had an urge to try more. Gently he lifted his legs back a little, allowing him to move further along the crack. Purposely, he let his tongue move over his hole without stopping, just in case it freaked him out. His moans didn't alter, so on the return swipe his briefly hovered over the hole and tongued it. Stefan grunted loudly and grabbed his own legs and pulled them up to his chest. It was a good omen. Just to tantalise, he went back to his balls, sucking and licking before returning again. This time he gently probed his hole and felt Stefan pushing back into his face. He began to get quite noisy, and it was evident that many of the noises he was making were of shock and surprise, as well as pleasure. Stuart knew no one had done this to him before.

He rolled to the side of the bed, quickly grabbing the Gel bottle and squeezing out some onto his forefinger. Then he moved back and continued licking and sucking, giving the gel time to warm up.

Again as he tongued his hole, Stefan was pushing his hips back and forth against his face. As he moved his tongue a touch to one side, he replaced it with his forefinger. Gently massaging the hole, feeling no change from Stefan he increased the pressure notch by notch. It entered the ring and he felt the smooth muscle. Careful not to push too hard, he just held it firmly and let Stefan's writhing do the rest. He could feel him opening and closing his ring and push against the fingertip. And then his finger slipped inside. Almost immediately it was as if he had found his sweet spot as Stefan increased his groans and squirming. One moment almost cutting off his finger as he squeezed, and the next pushing himself against it so that in less than a minute his finger was fully inside, slowly moving too and fro.

Stefan was making so much noise he didn't catch that he was trying to say something at first. But when he did, his throat was just croaking.

"Boss, please I want finish. I finish now," he begged.

Quickly he moved up and took his dick in his mouth and felt the first surge of cum begin. Stefan was grunting so loudly Stuart thought if anyone was walking down the lane they would easily hear what was going on through the open transom.

Carefully he withdrew his finger before he finished cumming, leaving him panting. He let go of his dick and pushed himself up beside him.

Stefan lay not moving or saying anything.

"So, your girlfriend not do that then?" he asked in a deadpan tone.

Finally, Stefan moved the arm that was covering his eyes and looked at him.

"Nobody do that, ever!"

There was another silence, which Stuart couldn't decide if it was good or bad.

"So," he said slowly. "Was it nice or not?"

Stefan gave him a nudge. "Of course it was nice. Very nice."

With that, he gave the signal that it was time for sleep by turning away from Stuart and pulling him to spoon behind.

Stuart began analysing what they had done, whether he had really liked it or just put up with it. With his lack of words he decided perhaps he would be too embarrassed to talk, but no doubt he would be going over everything in his own mind. As he quickly appeared to be sleeping that would not be tonight, but perhaps tomorrow or afterwards, sooner or later he would focus back on the night's events.

Next: Chapter 11

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