The Immigrants

By bokjay / John

Published on Aug 8, 2017


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By Bokjay. Comments welcome to

The Immigrants 11

Music filled the morning air. He stretched slowly and began to think of what everyone was supposed to be doing today. His mind began to plan out the work and then it hit. Shit! It was only Sunday and he had forgotten to turn off the radio alarm, again! He was furious, the one day in the week when he could stay in bed and he was awake thinking about work.

He let the radio continue hoping the relaxing music being played at this hour would send him back to sleep. He changed position, then again and then some more. The music ceased; the alarm had played for one hour before switching itself off. Shit! It was only 8-00.

At this time a few weeks ago, Jan would have had him at least once, maybe even twice. Shit again! How he missed those Sunday mornings. His dick had lengthened and he had to move position as it caught in pubic hair. Thinking of being sandwiched between Wit and Jan encouraged him to fondle his cock as he drifted between memories and fantasy.

Stefan moved and gave a deep sigh. Stuart snapped out of his dreams and looked across, momentarily jealous of his ability to sleep. Shit again! Last night, he had sucked his dick and balls, how come that was not his first thought this morning, it was an achievement he had been planning since seeing those photographs months back.

His dick leapt to full stand as eyes closed he re-ran every second he could remember from last night. Shit! It had been so easy! He worried about things and yet when it came to it, there was no trouble, well almost. Miro had been just a little outside of plan to begin with. Shit! The brother of the guy sleeping next to him, such a conservative, seemingly such a prude, yet he had been the best of them all.

But Stefan was not like that. With him, he never had the feeling it would be good to be fucked, not like the other three. With Stefan, he wanted to cuddle and kiss, lick and suck. Yes, and he wanted to fuck him. That had not been a priority before, it was sucking if anything had been uppermost in his mind. But the way he almost grabbed his finger, no he fucked himself on it, well that just seemed to open a whole new ball game. He had to replace the finger with his dick.

If he asked "can I fuck you", well, of course, he would say no. But he knew well enough now that he would have said "no" if he had asked if he could suck him.

His good side said he couldn't possibly fuck him if he didn't want. But another voice began to talk louder and louder. It was "that" voice that sometimes came over Stuart and got him to do things he wouldn't otherwise. He knew the symptoms, the trance-like feeling that took over, like when he goaded Miro into fucking him. The same one that made him fuck himself on Jan's tool. Now it was back again.

As if his subconscious had been aware he was being thought of, Stefan rolled on his side facing away. Stuart reached for the Gel and squeezed a dollop onto his dick, spreading it evenly all over. Putting it back on the bedside table, he picked a tissue to clean his hand. He knew the Gel he used the previous night would have dried where the air could get to it, but inside it would still be there.

Slowly he moved down the bed a little so that the end of his dick would be at the right point and not well up his crack as was when he cuddled. He moved closer, wondering whether to go ahead or stop and go downstairs instead. The voice told him to move closer.

His chest touched his back, followed by his knees fitting into the back of Stefan's. For a moment he felt his dick begin to go soft. Then in an instant, his mind was flooded with images of rimming his hole and the warmth that had surrounded his finger. He moved his hips closer.

Inwardly he groaned, his other self to hold of his dick, wiping a little of the Gel and then as softly as he possibly could, felt his way to Stefan's hole and wiped it around the entrance. Closer still and the same hand guided the tip of his cock to the right spot and let it rest in the fold of his crack.

Wiping the finger on the sheet, he put his arm over Stefan, who briefly disturbed put his hand over his and clasped it to his chest. Then nothing happened.

Stuart's dick was throbbing as he pressed it forward till it came to a halt against his crack. Any other day, Stefan would have squirmed and shuffled by now, knowing he was behind and spooned back. But today he continued to sleep. Thwarted, he wondered how to proceed.

It was almost like drumming his fingers in irritation. Suddenly he realised his hand was over one of his nipples. He had no idea if playing with them turned him on or tickled, but he began to circle the nipple and give the occasional squeeze. It didn't appear to register, so he increased the pressure of the pinches. Nothing again. He thought, ten more seconds and I will have to think of something else.

On eight, Stefan sighed deeply and smacked his lips. Then he pushed his body back. Immediately he felt the extra pressure against the head of his dick. The seconds ticked on. Then another sigh and he clenched the cheeks of his bum twice and pushed back again. Stuart kept still like a wall. He didn't push forward but he didn't allow himself to be moved back either.

Half a minute later Stefan mumbled something and pushed back once more. Like an electric shock, Stuart could feel the extra heat on the head of his dick. Seconds later and another complaining tone and he clenched his cheeks a few times as if he had an irritation. Another flood of heat to the head of his dick. Stefan sighed deeply and found Stuart's hand, clamping it firmly to his chest. To finish off, he pressed back more tightly. Stuart could feel his hole squeezing the head of his dick. Then as Stefan relaxed, the end slid slowly inside and he felt the engulfing warmth spread through his loins.

The surprise was that he still didn't wake up. He squirmed a bit, spooned back a little, enough to take half the length of his dick and made lots of little grunts as if he were talking under his breath, but the sleep continued.

Whenever he clenched his bum, it was like some hidden hand was playing with his dick. Although nothing much had happened, the fact that he had got himself inside Stefan was enough for him to think he was going to cum very, very soon.

He slid his hand from under Stefan's and moved it down his stomach to find his happy trail. Letting the silky hair run through his fingers he slowly moved down his abdomen to find the coarser pubic hair. He stopped for a while, but then gently continued combing the hair through his fingers. Moving around, he found his cock, lolling over his lower thigh. His heart jumped a little to find it was half hard. Unable to help himself he closed his hand around and began gently exploring every last millimetre.

With being able to touch his dick and have his cock inside was almost enough to make him cum. He could feel himself begin to boil but wondered if he should cum inside him while he slept. But before any decision was reached he realised that Stefan's cock was now very much fully hard. It would be wonderful he thought if he could cum with him and really enjoy an orgasm together.

He continued gently stroking, waiting for some sign he would also cum. Catching Stuart off guard, Stefan took a deep breath and made a long sigh. He stretched, flexing his arms behind his head. Turning to look over his shoulder he smiled evidently unaware of anything that Stuart was doing.

"Good morning!" he slurred sleepily.

He moved to lean heavily against him pushing Stuarts cock at least another inch inside.

He stared at Stuart blinking as his body began to send messages his brain was unable to sort out. Stuart resumed stroking his cock and it jumped in response. Stefan continued to stare as if he was drunk. Then he clenched his bum really tight a few times and grunted something.

At first, it felt like his dick was being cut off, but then he had the impression it was being sucked inside. Now it was Stuart that grunted. He let go of his cock and hugged Stefan really tight as he cried out unloading himself, unable to hold back any longer.

Stefan winced, "Oh, oh!" unable to fathom what was happening. Stuart grabbed his cock once more and began wanking him quickly. Still, Stefan did not seem to know what had hit him, but he dropped his head back on the pillow all the while giving noises of surprise and amazement.

Feeling the flood of cum inside, he began squeezing his bum repeatedly. Stuart wanked faster and began to hump. Stefan pushed back hard and at the same time, his dick gushed out streams of cum as Stuart pumped for all he was worth.

Before he came off his high, he pulled out as gently as possible and then cuddled him listening to his orgasm slowly recede.

They lay like that for some time, neither of them saying a thing. Getting cramp, Stuart turned on his back. Stefan followed him, hooking one leg over and laying his face on this chest. A few more minutes of silence followed then Stefan stirred and moved to take hold of Stuarts dick. He lifted it up a few times, letting it fall back to his stomach which made a slap, it not being fully soft.

Stefan cleared his throat and spoke into his chest, not looking him in the face.

"Did you put all that inside me?" he asked a little incredulously.

Stuart stroked the top of his head.

"No, only about half I think."

Stefan stayed silent for a couple more minutes. Then he pushed his face into Stuart's chest and said something. Stuart couldn't hear though.

"What did you say?"

Stefan hesitated a few moments, then looked up. His face went red.

"Next time, I want you to put it all in," he said quickly before turning his head away and laying it back on his chest.

Stuart thought he had not heard right, especially with him not getting it the first time around. It flashed through his mind that one of them had translated badly.

He realised he might not have got it wrong, when Stefan took hold of his dick again, standing it up and letting it fall back on his stomach.

"When is the next time?" he asked carefully.

Stefan looked back at him and frowned.

"Now!" he said as if Stuart was really stupid.

It took a few moments to sink in. He was asking for Stuart to fuck him. His dick reared up, at which Stefan gave an exclamation of surprise. He looked back at Stuart again and smiled.

"You won't hurt me will you?"

Stuart grabbed him and pulled him up the bed. Looking him straight in the eyes, he pulled his face close and kissed him full on the lips.

"I would never hurt you, ever."

Stefan went red again but then smiled.

"I know you won't, I knew that a long time."

As one they rolled onto their sides and Stuart slowly pushed his dick forward. As soon as the head popped in, Stefan moaned and pushed back hard sending half the length in at one go.

He groaned as if it was too much.

"You okay?"

His throat was thick and hoarse, "Yes, but I want all, okay?"

Stuart pressed firmly but left it to Stefan to keep up his fidgeting and pressing back to drive it home.

"There, I'm all in now."

"Really?" he reached down between his legs to make sure. As soon has he had, he let out a long groan, throwing back his arm to bring Stuart tighter still.

He began moving too and fro, gently at first for some time, letting him get used to being filled. As he began to speed up, Stefan moaned continually, it was only the grasping of Stuart's buttock which confirmed it was what he wanted.

For a second time, Stefan gushed cum, leaving the sheets wet and filling the room with a wonderful aroma. When he said he wanted to try for a third time Stuart said no, he at least needed more time to recover. But it did give the opportunity to go down and suck him.

There was no longer any threat of refusal or upset, Stefan was hooked now. He basked in being sucked and then fucked for the rest of the morning.

There is an old saying, "there are no zealots like the newly converted". Stuart had heard the phrase now and again, but nothing better described the new Stefan. Just like his brother, once kindled, the fire would not be put out. Hunger got them out of bed to take lunch, but as soon as Stuart managed to re-schedule his Sunday afternoon appointments, they went back again for the rest of the day.

Stefan became insatiable. Not just that Sunday, but every night of the week. As soon as there was a TV programme that he found hard to follow, his thoughts would turn and his hand would find its way under the elastic of Stuarts shorts, till he was also forced to stop watching and try to put out the fire burning in Stefan.

But it was on the Monday morning that amused Stuart. Just as they were about to leave for work Stefan held him back.

"Boss, you not say anything to Miro, sure? Because you know my brother, he not understand. Sure he would get angry and I don't know what he would do. But it would be very bad."

He had been brooding realising that they would soon be coming face to face.

It was hard to keep a straight face.

"Don't worry, I will not say a word, to him or anyone else". It was a promise he meant to keep.

"And Stefan, I want you to do something for me as well. As long as we are together in the house, try not to call me Boss. It's hard for me to do, you know, when you call me that. Try using Stu or Stuart."

"Okay Boss, I try".

They looked at each other and cracked out laughing.

"Okay, now I try."

"Too late, we are going to work, so you have to call me Boss, okay?"

"Sometimes you are confusing, you know that?"

They jostled each other out the door and locked up.

Just before he joined the main road he glanced over at Stefan. As if telepathic he turned at the same moment and they stared into each other's eyes. He reached to move into first gear, but then changed his mind and instead gave Stefan's thigh a squeeze. Stefan put his hand over his and they looked at each other once more. Then Stefan gave a laugh and moved Stuart's hand down to his crotch. Stuart grinned and then put the pickup into gear to move off and meet up with the rest of his workers. At that moment he could not remember being happier in his whole life.

The End

Next: Chapter 12

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