The Immigrants

By bokjay / John

Published on Jul 19, 2017


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The Immigrants 2

By Bokjay. Comments welcome to

Chapter 2.

He left the three of them with Robert to prepare for the afternoons concreting work while he went off to see his accountant and talk with the tax people about how to treat the newcomers for deductions. It would also give him an early second opinion on how they worked especially when he was not there.

He arrived at the site just after lunch. They had three truckloads of concrete arriving starting at two; so all hands were needed to get it inside and lay the floor for a new garage extension.

"I think tha's picked some winners with yon," said Robert. "They've shown t'others up already and they know nowt yet!"

It was good to hear, he didn't want any other feelings to cloud his judgement on how they worked.

The concrete arrived on time and the task began to get it barrowed inside and get it laid, compacted and trowelled off as quickly as possible. As soon as they started the heavens opened. The forecast said a chance of a light shower but as usual, it seemed as if the weather people were talking about the south of France and not the north of England when they came out with these things.

The concrete was covered up, but whoever was filling the barrows and wheeling it in was getting drenched. Stuart was on the tamper and trowel, so he had his own work cut out, as he had to keep up with four barrows dumping a continuous stream of concrete.

It was six when it was all finished and everyone looked like a drowned rat. Not only that it was cold, very cold. He quickly paid them all out and they jumped in the pickup and headed home with the heater full on.

"That's what it can be like. Do you still like the work?" he asked

"It's not good when its like that, but it happens. What to do? It's okay." Answered Jan.

It had crossed his mind to pursue getting some accommodation for them, but the rain put paid to that. All they wanted now was a hot shower and to get dry again.

Again they cooked for him while he did the day's office work. It was as they were finishing the meal that Jan spoke.

"Boss, you like us?"

"Yes, of course, I do, why you ask?"

"You not like us to stay with you, pay rent for living here? Maybe good for you and good for us. Maybe you not charge too much!"

It was a surprise request and one he had never considered at all. Yes, he did like them being here. After living by himself for so long it was good to have people around. And he could put the rent money into his `improvements fund' for the house. Yes, he thought, why not!

"Good idea. If you like it here then I am happy to have you. As you say, it would be good for all of us."

They laughed and called for Vodka, which they knew was finished, but still, they toasted with tea instead.

That night and for the rest of the week, Stuart was very much at ease sleeping between them.

When Jan got into bed, he asked half in jest, "Boss, you cold tonight?"

"Of course," joked Stuart, and immediately Jan cuddled close.

The mornings were little different, every day they both had hard-ons, Stuart being made well aware of Jan's as it either poked him in the buttocks or when more comfortable, laid up the crease of his bum.

Wit didn't need hugs and as soon as he fell asleep, he was out cold till forced awake the next morning. Once or twice Stuart found himself hooking a leg over his or his hand laid on his chest or stomach but nothing ever disturbed him. Stuart was tempted to investigate his cock but better judgement stopped him, at least for now. For his part Wit occasionally turned into Stuarts back, pushing his knee between his legs. Unlike Jan he didn't put his arm around him but usually laid it straight down his body with his hand on his thigh and never once had he a hard-on!

He also cuddled into Jan, who pressed back just as enthusiastically as the other way around. But Stuart couldn't keep there for long because sooner or later he got a throbbing hard on and he was just too embarrassed if Jan made something of it. Whenever it reared, he drew away and onto his back and usually to sleep.

As the days went by they accumulated more money and wanted to start looking around. He showed them where to catch the bus so they were not obliged to travel with him all the time. He took them to the vegetable market and also to a few different supermarkets so they could become independent and shop where they pleased.

They knew of some people from their hometown, or nearby, who had also migrated to England and began to make a few phone calls to establish old friendships.

By the end of the week, he was confident enough to leave them on a job by themselves and they didn't disappoint. He was feeling well pleased with the world as the weekend drew to a close.

Come Saturday night he took them to a pub he liked and introduced them to English beer. Jan and Miro were not impressed but Wit thought it was fine. However, he might have been trying to be nice as they eventually settled on lager for the night. Jan kept Stuart up to date translating as their talk became more and more animated and they opened up more than he had yet seen. Miro especially, usually the quietest one of the three came to the fore once he had a couple of pints inside him. Stuart had a few times wondered why they were all friends as Miro and Jan were opposites, but the drink lowered Miro's shyness or inhibitions and he held his own. Perhaps it was just his weakness in English compared with the other two that made him appear reserved, wondered Stuart.

After closing time and back at the house, they watched a late night movie before deciding that it was time for bed. Stuart couldn't remember the last time he had so enjoyed a night out so much.

Stuart was the last up, and he slid between them into a bed that was already starting to warm. Wit turned against him and unusually put his hand across his chest.

"Thanks for tonight boss, we really liked it."

Jan turned into him on the other side and did the same.

"Yes, we hope we can all go out again soon, maybe you can show us some other bars."

Their hands bumped together on his chest, so Wit slid his down to his usual resting place on his thigh. On the way, it passed over his dick and he gave it a squeeze and chuckled.

Without thinking, Stuart grabbed his dick and fondled it a couple of times, still wondering how it grew to such dimensions. In seconds he regretted his actions, but Wit only gave another laugh.

Stuart wondered if he was in heaven sleeping between these two, feeling naked bodies so close to his, the odd innocent goosing. It was not sex, but it was pretty damn good.

Wit soon tired and turned to face the wall and for a change, Stuart turned into Jan. It had always been front-to-back, but perhaps with the beer this time they faced. It made no difference to Jan, he pressed himself against him just like always.

Quickly Stuart started to get hard, in part because he could feel the heat of Jan and he knew he was the same way. Casting inhibitions aside, he pulled slightly apart and slid his hand between them. He grasped his own dick, painful expanding at the wrong angle, and pulled it upward against his stomach. Then he took hold of Jan and did the same. He never flinched. Withdrawing his hand Jan pressed back tight once more and left Stuart's mind churning, as he could feel his own and Jan's dick throbbing between them. It was almost sex and almost as satisfying. But most of all was relief that touching Jan's dick brought no adverse reaction at all. It was a bridge crossed.

Next: Chapter 3

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