The Immigrants

By bokjay / John

Published on Jul 21, 2017


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By Bokjay. Comments welcome to

The Immigrants 3

Chapter 3.

As the weeks followed, the weather kept its worst at bay, enabling Stuart to do two of his big contracts for the neighbouring city council. To his immense relief, they went without any serious hitches either with equipment breakdowns or the weather. Each of the jobs entailed laying over two hundred tons of macadam for resurfacing playgrounds, so the risk of a major catastrophe was constantly preying on his mind. But the rewards were equally as great. A job that consumed a lot of materials in a short space of time could generate a good profit. He recognised the part played by everyone doing their bit, no slackers were tolerated and he made sure they all had a bonus for each job. He believed in sharing some of the spoils, it made sure they were eager to get stuck in for the next one.

As the three got the hang of the business it wasn't long before he began to rely on them more and more. Miro was a stickler for making sure everything was properly done. He always walked around a job when they were finished, ensuring every bit of rubbish was moved and nothing left behind. Stuart did his own too, but he couldn't help admit Miro was pretty fastidious. It all helped to reduce the chance of any complaints. Wit was the organiser, moving people to where they were most needed to make sure the job was done as speedily as possible, a natural foreman if ever he saw one. And then Jan, in a second he could suggest to Stuart if he picked up some blocks for that job, on the way for some concrete for this job, he would save afternoons work for the big truck. He didn't even have to think about it, he just saw everything laid out in the coming week and mentally did the shortest path between each aspect. Stuart recognised he couldn't compete with his mental abilities and began to talk over all the material collections, knowing he would come up with the most time-saving sequence.

As the weeks went by and all but one of his big jobs were completed, he found himself relaxing more and more. He hadn't realised at the time the stress it was causing, but now most were finished he could see the results beginning to make themselves felt on his bank balance. The threat of going under had receded considerably and summer was not yet here. He picked up another big contract to re-fence the boundary of an out of town hospital, one of those old mansions set in its own parkland. The local health authority had a surprising amount of land on their books and this particular lot was mostly let out to neighbouring farmers. He had a couple of miles of fencing to erect, a job that was relatively easy and one the weather could not play havoc with. A nice job for one crew, it would take them through into the summer when the work would be piling in.

On the home front, he became more relaxed too. Gone was the nervousness sleeping with Wit and Jan. At first, he was worried a simple hard on would be cause for embarresment, now it was normal and not worth hardly a second thought.

In bed, Jan was not happy unless he had a leg draped over him, or his arm over his chest. Wit although more singular, nevertheless sometimes cuddled up before sleeping. But as he slept so quickly it was only a matter of a few minutes before he turned away to face the wall. In the mornings it was a little different. Quite often just as he began to wake, he would spoon up behind Stuart, pushing his knee between his legs. Different to Jan, he would put his hand on his thigh or between them. The fact that the back of his hand or his forearm would be against his balls or dick went unnoticed to him. As he slowly became conscious, his dick would harden so that Stuart felt it throbbing. Now and again Stuarts own hardon would register with Wit and he would playfully give it a squeeze as he broke away to get up. Stuart wasted not a second in grabbing him back, continually amazed at the size of his hard dick. Wit would do nothing to stop him until finally, he would say something like,

"Sorry boss got to go and piss," and he would watch him, as on every morning, stagger around the bed with his massive dick standing straight out.

Jan would never move until Stuart got up, sometimes playfully trying to make him stay in bed. More and more Stuart began to imagine sexual happenings between them. But it was only Sundays that he would allow these thoughts.

As much as he looked forward to the lay in, he always woke at the usual workday time. Only on a Sunday could he smile to himself and drift back off to sleep again. It was something similar for Jan, for around the time the alarm would have usually gone off, he would start to stir and drape himself against Stuart. For the next few hours, they changed position time and again, but always intertwined in some way. It was in this period Stuart's mind began to imagine all kinds of sexual scenarios.

He often thought of sex with Jan like he had with Richard, the engineer he shared the house with when he was working for a civil engineering company. He thought of sex with Wit too, but the size of his dick scared him. He loved to touch it, but he couldn't imagine him actually having sex. It reminded him of the General Foreman who fucked Richard on the sofa, he had a massive dick too and pounded the living daylights out of Richard. Mind Richard loved it, turned him into a lustful wreck actually.

Even though Jan was always hard on these Sunday mornings, he was completely passive and never made any move that Stuart could interpret as sexual. Quite a few times, he would move Jan's dick one way or another as it stabbed into his rear. It never brought any reaction. One time he put it between his legs and found it one of the best places it should go. He liked to feel it there, thick and hot, then letting his imagination wonder. Jan would quite often clench his buttocks, given the effect of a small thrust, but he had observed this before many times even when not in this position.

Given Jan's lack of reaction to anything, Stuart began to wonder how far he could go. One Sunday morning when Jan spooned behind him, instead of putting his dick between his legs, he moved his hips away just a little and put his dick up his crack. As Jan continued his half sleeping, half dozing, Stuart loved to feel those little movements as he clenched his buttocks and sent his dick pushing against his tender parts. Definitely, it was better than between his legs and thereafter at some point each Sunday he would position Jan's dick up his crack. His imagination worked overtime.

Although there was not enough time for it to show during the week, the several hours of dozing on Sundays had the effect of making Jan's dick leak. Stuart found after a while, his ass crack would be slick with Jan's precum. It was all fuel to his imagination.

It was about eight weeks since he had met the three of them. He awoke for the umpteenth time that morning and heard birds singing, the first signs that spring was on the way. Jan was pressed against his back, breathing long and deep. Wit was facing away as usual at the edge of the bed. He sighed, happy at the extra rest, the fine day to come and the nice time they had had at the pub the previous night. He stretched a little and automatically pushed back into Jan. He didn't realise for a few moments, but then it hit him. All those hours of letting his mind wonder and when it had been the furthest from his mind, he had pressed against Jan's hard-on and let the head slip into him.

His first reaction was to pull away, but as Jan seemed to be undisturbed he lay still debating what to do next. Gently he pulled away, just to see how the movement felt and then just as gently he pushed back a little. He could distinctly felt the head trying to open his channel. He clenched his ass a few times, alternately squeezing and then trying to open himself. Jan appeared to be oblivious. Little by little he pushed back against him, feeling the pressure build in his rear. Even though his last experiences were a few years back, he knew it was only the tip of the dick inside, nothing more. He decided he didn't want to ruin the feeling and lay still, but allowing his mind to run riot. Now and again he couldn't help but test again, clenching his ass and putting a little weight against Jan, just to feel the pressure build again. It was bliss. His mental wanderings soon had him drifting off to sleep once more.

His dreams were of debauchery, running over every encounter he could remember with Michael and Richard back on the motorway contract, even the General Foreman with his big cock. Somehow he morphed into Wit as he had endless sex with them all. He woke with a start, a raging hardon to remind him of the dreams. On each side, he could hear them sleeping.

His mind churned, fully charged from his imagination. He couldn't feel Jan's cock, so he quietly put his hand between his legs till he located it, and brought the head back into his crack, gently pushing back to lock the head into the entrance to his hole.

Closing his eyes and ran over the dreams he had just had. It had been a long time since real sex and he missed it so much. Sleeping with Jan and Wit was great but he wondered if it was, in fact, making his longing worse. He discounted the idea, he longed for sex when he was living by himself so nothing had changed.

If only he could feel a hard cock inside him again. Without thinking he pushed back and felt the pressure as Jan's cock began to widen his channel. It was a good feeling, a promise of pleasure to come if it went further in.

His mind churned. What would happen if Jan woke up and got angry? What would happen to his business if they left? He had only just got it on its feet thanks in no small part to these guys, and it would be foolish to throw that away.

Still, he had an itch deep inside. Perhaps if he pushed back a little more. At first, he was surprised at how big it felt, he had had frequent sex with Michael and Richard and now it was if he was a virgin all over again. He strained to open himself, alternating with clamping down hard trying to get comfortable with the intrusion that he was inviting to enter.

After a while, it seemed like it would go no further, at least without conscious help from Jan. He had put his hand between his legs again hoping to stop the dick bending instead of entering when he pushed back. But that was it; just a couple of inches inside he could do no more by himself. It was not enough to really satisfy, even though the occasional throb of Jan's dick sent a wave of pleasure through him.

He lay still debating whether it was all a stupid idea. Having a little cock was in a way worse than none at all. It was a pleasure almost within his grasp but it would never be quite there.

Jan gave a deep sigh and threw is arm over Stuart, pressing close in the process. His dick suddenly pushed further inside making him jump with shock. It was a little painful being such a sharp thrust. He quickly tightened and relaxed his muscles trying to adjust himself. In return, Jan's dick responded by throbbing and jumping.

A sleepy voice whispered slowly into his ear.

"Boss like?" It had an edge of disbelief.

Stuart was shocked to find Jan awake and obviously conscious of what was happening. Pretty silly to try and deny it on one hand, and on the other although he was now awake he had made no effort to pull out. He wondered what to say.

"Yes," he whispered.

Nothing happened for what seemed like an age.

"You like?" he whispered to him again, feeling his voice croaking with nerves at what the answer might be.

Another silence.

"Yes!" and then "Of course I like," as though only a fool wouldn't.

He spooned closer still driving his dick deep, making Stuart wince. Now it was happening it was a bit different to his dreams.

Stuart clamped hard and loosened in quick succession. He heard a sigh of pleasure from Jan, who pressed and relaxed in return. No thrusting, which might have rocked the bed, just squeezing and pressing tight.

Pretty quickly Stuart got used to the feeling till it was all pleasure, just what he had dreamt of. After years of no sex, he finally had a cock inside again. The very idea almost made him cum till he was fighting to keep the finish from happening too quickly.

He began to wonder what Jan was thinking or how he was enjoying when he heard him draw a breath through his teeth and then felt him gushing inside. He had forgotten how good it felt and his head spun.

"Good?" Jan whispered.

Stuart pressed back, reaching behind and grabbing Jan's ass closer.

"Yes, good, very good."

They were silent a few moments.

"You finish?" asked Jan, reaching around to feel his dick.

Stuart jumped, he had not been expecting Jan to touch him, it was the first time he had taken hold of him properly.

"In my head, I finished ten times, but not with my cock."

Jan gave a little laugh, "You want to finish? He was already playing with his now hard dick.

Stuart pushed back into him and Jan took up the rhythm pressing and grinding against his ass while playing with his cock. It was more than Stuart had imagined could happen only minutes before.

He could feel the cock inside him throbbing again, jumping with considerable force but now moving easily in his juices. In less than a minute he was on the edge. Again he felt Jan cumming inside and it sent him doing likewise into Jan's hand. When he had finished, Jan slowly rubbed his juice all over his cock and balls as an unexpected last thrill.

Stuart's last reservation was if Wit woke up and smelled cum. He prayed it would dry before he did so. But once he had got his senses back he became worried and rolled over Jan to the edge of the bed. Jan playfully tried to stop him getting up, but he wriggled free and went to the bathroom to wash.

He went back to the bedroom to grab his shorts, before going downstairs to make some coffee. Jan watched him put them on, grinning, and gave him a wink. Stuart suddenly a little embarrassed nodded towards Wit, worried, but Jan understood and shook his head to say it was okay.

Jan made no reference to it afterwards, which Stuart was thankful for. Now his hormones had subsided he felt it might have all been a big mistake. Yet when he woke on Monday morning, Jan was again there cuddling close although he didn't hint at anything more.

Monday saw them start a new job at a local garage, extending the forecourt. They had a lot of concrete to lay and they were at it all day long. In the afternoon it came really warm and Jan with a few others took off their shirts. Around four the local high school turned out and a group of teenage giggling girls stopped to watch them, obviously admiring the torsos. Jan had taken over driving the dumper, bringing concrete from the mixer truck to where they were working. One of the girls did a wolf-whistle at him and he returned a wave, which sent them running off laughing. Stuart smiled, he knew what they were seeing, a tall slim well-toned guy with shoulder length jet-black hair. He certainly looked sexy and that was what the girls were thinking, but never in a million years would they guess his sleeping arrangements!

Next: Chapter 4

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