The Immigrants

By bokjay / John

Published on Jul 23, 2017


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By Bokjay. Comments welcome to

The Immigrants 4

Chapter 4

Although Stuart was thinking any reference to Sunday would be embarrassing, nevertheless he soon began to worry there wasn't! Not a remark, not an innuendo, not a glance held longer than normal. By Tuesday he actually began to wonder if it had been imagined, a dream that he thought had really happened.

But come Wednesday, he woke as the clock radio came alive. Almost simultaneously Jan let out a deep sigh and rolled into his back. A second or two later and he thrust his cock inside him. For a moment he wondered what had hit him, then the pain swept over so that he had to bite his lip to stop crying out. After that, nothing. He could hear Jan, face into his shoulder breathing just as if he was still asleep. Stuart had to clench and relax just to adjust himself and ease the discomfort. He could feel Jan throbbing inside but for all intents and purposes, he slept on. Another few minutes and Jan gave a little whimper and Stuart could feel him erupting inside. It was all over hardly before it began and it appeared as if Jan knew nothing about it.

Stuart was happy that something had crossed his mind and made him do it, but physically he was not happy. His bum was as sore as hell with him pushing in dry and at a somewhat awkward angle. If he didn't know better it was enough to put him off for life. He made up his mind rather than try to stop anything similar in the future he would put a little Vaseline around his hole each night, just in case.

So the day started with Stuart very happy and yet very, very sore.

In the evening a phone call from his mother made him very excited. She told him a long time family friend and a local builder was retiring and would be selling his yard. He wanted to give Stuart first refusal. He knew it well, a completely secure area with covered bays for sand and gravel and materials storage. Above them were lots of rooms, enough for an office and perhaps he could make some accommodation for his workers. But the best thing, it would give his company a valuable asset, which the bank would lend against. His bank manager had mentioned it before; he was running a company with his own machines, which were gradually being written off in value, but no basic assets. With the yard, he could make his business a limited company and the bank would fund to buy it and if needs be, lend against it if for instance if he had to buy another truck. He was over the moon!

For the rest of the week, he had meetings with the builder, his accountant and the bank manager. He had to let his workers fend for themselves but he needn't have worried. Robert looked after one gang and Wit, Jan and Miro formed the other. Everything went like clockwork, which was a great relief.

After a whirlwind of meetings, he did the deal and it was all signed and done by the weekend. He would take possession in six weeks when the builder had finished off his remaining work and sorted his affairs. He told Stuart there would probably be some bargain bits and pieces he could have when everything was sorted out. He couldn't have been happier. It had taken a few years but now things began to look settled for the future.

Saturday night was more than a drink with his workers; it was a celebration for the deal on the property. They understood something special had happened, but he didn't spell out the details. Still, they were of the opinion that any excuse was good for a party and they went overboard for the night. Luckily the pub was walking distance and he left his car in the car park.

Stuart didn't drink so much that he forgot to use the Vaseline, yet he did forget to turn off the alarm radio. When it went off he cursed inwardly, till he realised he didn't have to get up as usual.

Jan disturbed by the alarm but knowing it was Sunday, turned to cuddle.

"Boss?" he whispered.

Stuart gave a grunt.

"You fine today, not too much drink last night?"

He thought about it, no headache at least.

"I'm fine, but I've no right to be."


"Never mind, I'm okay," he chuckled.

"Good," said Jan and gave him a hug.

After a minute or two, he moved his hand down to feel Stuart's cock. It took him by surprise and he jumped a little.

"It's sleeping!" whispered Jan.

But hardly had he finished saying that the whole scene of the previous Sunday filled Stuart's mind and he began harden.

"Oh! Nice," whispered Jan

He played with Stuart making him rock hard. The feeling transferred to Jan and he could feel him poking him in the rear. A few slow humps left him in no doubt what he was thinking.

Stuart reached between his legs and grabbed Jan's dick and moved it to the right place. Then he left it to Jan. Slowly he pressed, gyrating his hips as he increased the pressure. His cock seemed to screw itself inside Stuart without too much difficulty till they were pressed tight and he was squeezing and pressing back against Jan's slow and quiet thrusts.

"This very nice Boss."

"Very nice!" whispered Stuart.

They played around like this for quite some while, neither in a hurry to finish. When the time came each knew the other could go on no longer. Jan began to breathe heavily, pressing himself tightly against Stuart while milking his cock. When Jan came, moments later so did Stuart, pumping his juice into Jan's hand. He thoroughly massaged all his cum over his cock and balls and stomach. He didn't pull out but took a rest for a while before slowly starting it all over again. Stuart didn't actually cum again, but he was happy as in his imagination he came a hundred mores times before Jan brought the second bout to a close.

They both slept after that for a while. Stuart noted it was just before ten when Jan started again. He was a bit afraid that Wit would be waking up soon, but at the same time, it made it more exciting to be sailing so close to the wind, knowing that he could discover them at any moment.

In the event, he didn't and Jan got up after his third time. Stuart lay exhausted but glowing, almost light headed. Three times Jan had got excited, so now he knew it was not going to be a one-off affair and Stuart's mind ran wild imagining what the future might bring.

After he had showered Jan went downstairs but Stuart felt no urge to get up. It had been a long time since he had good sex and he kept re-running the morning's events through his mind's eye again and again.

He heard Jan go to the front door looking for the newspapers. It was the sharp twang of the letterbox closing that seemed to go through the house as if you were stood next to it. It was the sound that finally knocked Wit out of his slumbers.

He groaned and stretched, and then looked to his side and saw Stuart. He sighed contentedly and moved to push him onto his side so that he could cuddle up behind. Every other time that had been fine, but Stuart knew although his cum had dried on his cock and balls, his bum was wet and he didn't want Wit pushing his leg between his and then wondering what all that sticky stuff was.

For once he resisted being turned and instead did the opposite and pushed his leg between Wit's, cuddling face to face. Wit didn't seem to mind at all and appeared to be dozing off again.

But as with every other cuddle when Wit awoke, slowly Stuart could feel his dick begin to expand. He pulled away slightly and watched it lengthen like an expanding telescope. From being a normal sized soft dick, it grew and grew till Stuart's own dick was dwarfed.

Still feeling light headed, he took hold of Wits cock to pull it up straight. Then he decided to put his own against it, just to measure the size once and for all. Stuart knew he was around eight inches and Wit was another two or two and a half more in length, plus he was much thicker.

He loved to see and feel it. It was a source of never-ending wonder the way it grew into such a gigantic animal. Of course, he had grabbed it before kind of joking with each other but this morning he was distracted enough not to let go. It was so hot and the skin smooth. A couple of times, Wit sighed or groaned and humped into him, which Stuart returned. He knew it would only last a few minutes before Wit got up, so he was making the most of it.

Wit breathed deeply and sighed. Stuart knew it was the cue to get up. He pulled away and rolled onto his back.

Stuart watched him, staring at the ceiling for a while. He turned to Stuart and slowly moved his hand down to his dick.

"Boss, you making me," he hesitated. "You making me milk."

"I'm making you cum!" corrected Stuart amused.

"Yes," he agreed thoughtfully.

Stuart reached his hand over and took hold of his dick again, Wit letting his own hand fall away. He played with the head and shaft, not moving up and down but more like teasing him.

He groaned again.

"You like?"

"Yes, it's very beautiful," he answered, using his one of his favourite terms for anything he enjoyed.

Stuart was intrigued. He had always assumed Wit's lesser amorous cuddles meant he was perhaps not inclined to have any fun with another guy. But so far, he was incredibly laid back.

With this in mind, Stuart tried not to bring him off quickly but instead just played with his dick trying to make the episode last as long as possible. In the end, though he could see Wit's stomach muscles begin to contract and his hips push up from the bed to start a rhythm going.

"Okay, you can finish now," said Stuart as he decided to wank him off properly.

It meant moving a little and also to get a better view he rested his head at the side of Wit's chest. Wit responded with pleasurable groans and Stuart became entranced watching his stomach muscles work and his legs stiffen as he became more and more worked up.

The first surge of juice landed above his belly button, the second and third went somewhere past Stuart's head high up his chest. The rest diminished successively back down his body.

Stuart was impressed with the amount of jizz, he obviously had not had a wank in quite some time.

He tore his gaze away from his dick and looked up at Wit. He still had his eyes closed.

"Good, or what?"

"Very beautiful, very beautiful it was for me, thank you."

He looked down to Stuart and smiled. But then he began to frown and his eyes opened wide in horror.

"Boss, sorry boss!"

Stuart wondered what he was on about but saw his eyes focused on his face. He had not felt anything but now his attention was drawn to why he could be looking so aghast.

Automatically he wiped his face with the back of his hand and then realised it was wet. Just a little smudged across his lips, but he made a joke about it to see the look on Wit's face.

"Ah, nice Polish juice, very tasty," he laughed.

Wit couldn't believe it. "Boss, no good," he said.

Stuart laughed. "Nothing wrong with it, tastes good to me".

"No Boss that no good."

Stuart didn't mind at all, but he did mind that Wit thought there was something wrong with tasting juice.

"Wit, remember that Vodka you brought last week? That was no good, that stuff was awful and you all agreed it was awful Vodka, yet you all drank it."

They had found some new brand that was supposed to be from Poland but tasted like petrol, they all thought it was terrible stuff.

Wit nodded remembering.

"Well, that Polish juice was terrible, but there is nothing wrong with your Polish juice. If you drank that stuff last week then there is nothing wrong with me drinking your juice."

Wit thought about it and laughed.

"Yes, it was terrible stuff, but still!"

Stuart dipped his fingers into a pool on his stomach and brought it to his lips. He watched bemused as Wits eyes widened more the closer his fingers got to his mouth. He hesitated just to see his reaction, then slowly put them in his mouth and sucked them clean.

"Ah, this is really good Polish juice. Best quality I would say! If you drank that awful Vodka, nothing wrong with me drinking this."

Slowly Wit shook his head while he stared back. Stuart then noticed that Wit was squeezing his cock and was going to wipe the cum off the end and onto his stomach.

The devil was in Stuart and he was getting a kick out of shocking Wit. It was obvious that even though he didn't mind another guy wanking him off, he didn't know anything more.

Without a second thought, in a flash he moved his head down to Wit's cock and sucked the end. He did suck a little longer than necessary to lick off the cum, but he couldn't resist.

Looking back up to Wit, he said "Even better, straight from the machine. Fresh from the maker!"

This time Wit laughed. "You crazy sometimes Boss."

Perhaps thinking that was the end of it, Wit squeezed his cock again and brought up just a little white bead.

Again Stuart went down. "Ah, you found some more fresh juice, thank you."

Before Wit could pull his cock away, Stuart took the end in his mouth and sucked and licked. It was only a small spot of cum so a single swipe of his tongue would have sufficed to prove the point, but he gave it a good going over. Before he had finished life was coming back into the dick, beginning to lengthen and harden again. Behind him, he heard a groan.

If Wit was shocked by what had happened he hadn't done anything about it. Even now he hadn't moved an inch.

"Good Wit?"

"Oh Boss, yes of course, it's good"

A determination came over Stuart to push this as far as it would go. First, he had to change to a more comfortable position though.

He tapped Wit to open his legs, which he did without question letting Stuart move down the bed and lie between. With that, he continued sucking the head of his dick. He wished somehow he could take it all but given the size, it was quite hard to keep his mouth so wide even as he worked on just the end.

Taking a rest, he moved down to his balls. His sack was big and Stuart couldn't resist pushing his face into the folds of warm smooth skin. He licked and sucked drawing ever more groans from Wit. After getting bored of that, he lifted the sack and licked behind. The angle was straining his neck, so he pushed his legs back to his chest. Wit never murmured, at least till his tongue ran down his crack, then he groaned and clutched the sheets.

Stuart had never been into licking around arses before. Dicks he liked, anything behind the balls usually it held nothing for him. But now he couldn't get over how easily Wit went along with everything he was doing. He licked his hole and soon found Wit pushing his bum into him. He played with the hole using a finger, gradually working just the tip inside. He could hear Wit drawing the air through his teeth, sometimes as if in pain and at other times in pleasure. Although he wanted to push Wit, he didn't want to hurt him.

"That good Wit?"

"I don't know Boss, sometimes....."

He pushed his face into him and tongued his hole again, soon feeling him pushing back. Then he wet his finger and slowly entered. Once through the outer defence, in one slow smooth push, he buried his finger all the way in.

"Boss!" Wit gasped. "What are you doing?"

"I'm playing with you from the inside."

Once there he didn't move his finger, waiting till Wit had tried to break it with his arse muscles. Then Stuart could feel him experiment pushing his arse back against it, more and more trying to fuck himself on his finger. He moved back up and began sucking his cock.

Wit began throwing his head from side to side.

"Boss, Boss, you making me finish again," he complained.

As the first spurts filled his mouth, he slowly pulled out his finger so it would not be there when his orgasm finished. Stuart watched him cumming, the stomach heaving and his legs quivering in tension and hips trying to push more of himself into his mouth.

It was all extremely satisfying to Stuart, watching him become a post orgasmic wreck. Just because of what he had done to him.

He let the dick slip from his lips but kept his face in his groin. Wit began to recover and he let down his legs. He moved one hand to Stuart's head and began to run his fingers through his hair for some time.

Finally, Stuart broke the spell. "Second time better than the first time?"

Wit opened his eyes and looked down and nodded slowly. "You make my head go crazy. Very, very beautiful."

Stuart moved up the bed and lay beside him.

"Good, I'm happy you enjoyed. I like to see you enjoy."

They were silent for a while, and then Wit stirred.

"You enjoy Boss? You like too?"

"Yes, I like your cock, you have a fascinating cock."

"You have a nice cock too," he said returning the compliment.

"But you know you have a big one, I really like to play with it."

Stuart was feeling telling the whole truth would not go amiss.

"I bet the girls love it, your girlfriends back home."

Wit frowned. "No, my girlfriends never like it, tell me it's too big. One time a girl tells me it was like having a baby again. She never wants a second time. Always like that." he sighed.

"Well, I like it," assured Stuart.

They were quiet again for a while, each to his thoughts.

"Boss, better get up now."

Wit sat on the edge of the bed and then stood and stretched. Stuart followed him.

"Boss!" he said a bit excited.


Wit laughed as he bent down to pick up his shorts.

"I still think you a bit crazy!"

Stuart laughed with him. "Me! Crazy? I'll show you crazy."

Wit was bent down as Stuart moving along the bed grabbed his arse cheeks and pulled them apart with his thumbs. Before Wit knew what was happening he pushed his face into his arse and began licking furiously.

Wit yelped in surprise and as he began to straighten up, Stuart broke off.

"Wit, touch your toes. Touch your toes now. Right, don't move till I tell you."

With that Stuart went back to rimming his arse. If Wit was surprised, Stuart had surprised himself too. But having rimmed him a while ago he no longer had any reservation about doing it again. He actually thought Wit would laugh and run to the bathroom, but he followed exactly what he was told.

He licked and he pushed in his finger, then licked again. Soon he could feel Wit leaning back into his face and then soon after, pushing back.

It started as a joke and after a few minutes, Stuart's jaw began to ache. He had sucked and licked too much already and enough was enough. He pulled away and clipped the cheek with his hand.

"Crazy? That was crazy!" he laughed.

Wit stood up slowly and Stuart immediately noticed his eyes were unfocused as if he was drunk. And his dick! He was used to seeing it stuck out in front of him, almost every day he had seen him in the mornings with a hard on, sticking out. But now it was pointing straight up against his stomach. He had never seen it like that before and reached to give it a playful twang. It was steel hard and slapped back against his stomach.

It dawned on Stuart that Wit was extremely turned on by the messing around. He took Wit's hand and put it on his cock.

"Play with it, make it finish again."

"Boss, two times already, enough."

"Play with it, I want to see you do it."

And he did. He began jerking himself really fast. Stuart watched quite amazed, it was the last thing he had expected. Wit beating himself off, head thrown back and eyes closed. Stuart began to get excited watching. He leant forward to lick his balls, hearing a pleasing groan in response. He knew it was playing with his arse that had done it, so he pushed his hand between his legs, Wit immediately moving them apart so that he could.

As he continued beating off, he reached out one hand to Stuart's head for support playing with his hair again.

It took a few minutes, but even before he said anything Stuart could tell he was ready to cum. For the first time, Wit took some control. Gently he pulled Stuart away from his balls and as his orgasm came nearer, bit by bit lowered the angle of his dick till it was straight out in front of him. He turned a little bringing the cock to Stuart's mouth and gently pushed on the back of his head. Stuart opened and let as much in as he possibly could. For the last few moments, Wit humped into his face while holding with both hands.

When he came, it was not too much, which was hardly surprising. But for Stuart at least it was one of the sexiest things he had ever been a part of. When he had finished cumming, he stood there making no move to take it out of his mouth. Likewise, Stuart held it, feeling the mass slowly contract allowing him to run his tongue over the end.

Eventually, Stuart's aching jaw forced him to back off and he looked up at Wit's face. He had had his eyes closed and now opened them and grinned.

He bent down to Stuart and gave him a proper kiss on his forehead.

"Don't worry, I love my crazy Boss!"

He laughed. "Now, I must go to bathroom and make water".

It was the phrase Stuart had expected to hear from the first cuddle.

He sat on the edge of the bed thinking. He couldn't quite believe what they had just done, nothing like that had been expected. There he was thinking Jan was the one to play with and all along on the other side was someone as docile as a teddy bear and equally horny as Jan.

The shower went on in the bathroom. Stuart pushed himself back up the bed and lay back. He gave himself one glorious wank.

Next: Chapter 5

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