The Immigrants

By bokjay / John

Published on Aug 1, 2017


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By Bokjay. Comments welcome to

The Immigrants 8 Chapter 8

Now that Stuart had tasted Miro, he couldn't wait to get his hands on him again. But the following Sunday he was pressured into going shopping with the other two seeing as he had missed the previous weekend. So it was two weeks before Miro was able to stay back, saying he was going to help Stuart measure up for some quotations. Once they were out of the house, they had three hours in bed in which Miro had him seeing stars.

On top of his usual measure of Jan and Wit before they go up, his body was aching so badly at the end of the session that he had to phone his apologies and rearrange the appointments for Monday evening. He didn't like lying but they had to tell Miro and Jan that they had been out and finished the measuring up before they returned. But for Stuart, it was worth it. Miro was even better than the first time and they had done it on the bed, against the wall, on the floor and in the shower. Despite using his cream, his arse ached badly and his mouth was bruised so that he felt he was not forming his speech properly, like having been to the dentist. Even given all that, he absolutely loved having sex with Miro.

But Miro was not uppermost in his mind in these weeks. Almost but not quite. He was to finally take over the builders yard and the thrill of owning this little bit of industrial real estate kept him on top of the world. The only let down was after he collected the keys and went to open the gates. He remembered going there with his dad as a kid, and the place was all neat and tidy. Now as he walked inside it was obvious for the last few months as they had cleared their building sites, materials had been thrown off anywhere. The place was an absolute shambles.

With his workload being full at the busiest time of year there was no way he could spare anyone to begin clearing it up. However, he could start using the office straight away and made the necessary telephone arrangements and changed his advertisement in the local press.

What he did do with his three lodgers was to clean out one room upstairs at the yard and repaint it. He was also able to find enough leftover materials in the yard to construct a shower in the corner of what would be Miro's room. There were ample toilets at the end of the upstairs corridor, they remained from the factory that once occupied the site before making way for the courtyard to become a builder's yard. They were in good enough condition to be used without any maintenance bar a coat of paint.

He also had a talk with Miro about his brother and agreed he could send for him. Later that evening after they had been to the pub, the subject of more workers came up. He hung back a little from the others and had a word with Jan, asking if he would be able to find another three guys. Jan said it would be easy, saying there were thousands wanting work back home.

"But I want a photograph of them first," said Stuart.

"Why?" queried Jan.

He was only half joking, but said "They have to be good looking! About 19 to 25 years old should be fine."

Jan began to laugh.

"What's wrong with that?" asked Stuart playing hurt.

Jan moved close and whispered into his ear.

"I know Boss, I understand what you want!" he then pinched his arse.

Stuart didn't care; the few pints of beer had loosened his reserve.

"They have to be like you said before, not care what you do. You understand?"

Jan laughed again.

"Don't worry, you want them young, handsome and fun in bed!"

"Nothing wrong with that? You said there were thousands to choose from, shouldn't be difficult to find what I need. Very difficult job this contracting work, not everybody can do it. You know that now!"

Jan walked closer and bumped into him, sliding his hand down to grab his crotch.

"No problem Boss, I find what you want. I know many people back home you will like."

"You mean that I like and will work hard."

"Yes, sorry, my English is not so good."

They laughed again and quickened their steps to catch up with the others.


It was the following Wednesday when Miro had a word.

"Stefan left home this morning, for Warsaw. I think he will be here on Saturday"

"How is he taking four days?"

"He come by bus, it take time."

"Bus, from Warsaw!" Stuart couldn't believe it.

"First he take bus from our town to Warsaw, then bus to London. After London, he come here. I think it will take till Saturday. It's very cheap, too much money to use airplane."

"I never imagined there would be a bus service to Poland, you live and learn."

"Oh yes, very popular, no problem. So, Boss, I move to room tomorrow and Stefan can stay with you and Wit and Jan, okay?"

Shit, it had come around soon or so it seemed. Now there would a lot less chance for fun once he left the house. But his business came first or there would no Miro or anyone else to have fun with or anything else for that matter.

On Friday they all went for a drink in the evening. During the conversation, Wit mentioned that he and Jan would also like to move to the rooms at the yard if that would be okay. Goose pimples ran up Stuart's back. His guys were leaving home and he would be alone again. Despite the jokes and happy atmosphere, he began to feel a little depressed.

Saturday was a half day for work, but Wit asked instead of going home at lunch time if they could stay and begin preparing another room. Reluctantly Stuart said it would be okay. Sense told him the living arrangements couldn't last, it was never intended to be a permanent situation and in fact looking back he was a little astonished it had gone on so long. He remembered thinking perhaps a week or so at the outside when they took up the offer of living at his place and now they were into summer.

"Boss, you not leaving?" Miro shouted as he was about to drive out of the yard.


"3 o clock, bus arrive from London. We go bus station and meet Stefan?"

He couldn't believe how he had become so distracted to forget.

"Sure," he said making out he had not forgotten. "Let's go now and have something to eat along the way, should be there in good time."

He parked next to the bus station, more than a little apprehensive. Inviting someone to come all this way based on a photograph, it was a really stupid decision. He berated himself with this and other arguments while waiting for the coach to arrive.

The long white vehicle swung fast into the bay, brakes screeching its arrival like some old coach horn counterpart. Stuart began to get nervous at the impending meeting.

Miro got out of the pickup and ran across the road, Stuart following more slowly in his wake. People began to spill out of the bus, and the lower panels of the vehicle opened to disgorge suitcases.

He lost sight of Miro for a while, it looked like a rugby scrum as people jostled for bags. Then he saw him walking towards him, a younger and slightly smaller guy bringing up the behind with a just a shoulder pack.

Stuart felt decidedly queasy at the coming introduction, but he could see the excitement on Miro's face as they walked towards him.

"Boss, Stefan here!" he shouted while still many metres away. He pushed his obviously shy brother forward.

"This Stefan!" he nudged his brother hard. "This Boss, you work for him now!"

Stuart reached out to shake his hand and received a firm grip in return. He looked him in the eyes and almost lost his voice. He was everything on the photograph and more. Shit, he was so handsome! Miro saved him from talking by reverting into Polish and a non-stop conversation catching up on news from home.

On the drive home he inwardly calmed down, Miro taking over the explanation of living at the house, his room and everything else. At least he could see Stefan looked pleased, his smile was very engaging and came easily every time he spoke.

He left them to prepare the dinner while he did a bit of paperwork. Wit and Jan rolled in just after 6 and there was much laughter and noise as they read letters from home, which Stefan had brought for them.

After dinner, it was beer and vodka till late and everyone was in a happy mood. Miro had intended to catch the bus back into town, but time slipped by and he ended up sleeping on the sofa as Stefan took over his bed and room.

With all the drink unusually it was Jan who woke first, horny as normal and knocked Stuart from his dreams by invading his rear. Mindless to the new lodger in the next room, Sunday morning was two hours of sex with Jan and after he went downstairs, he woke Wit for more with him.

It was Miro coming up and into the room that brought an abrupt end to the engagement, but he was not too upset as he was on his second run when he had to quickly pull out and roll over as if still asleep.

"Boss, I go now. I want do washing and shopping later. I tell Stefan everything so now he know. Any problem and these two explain him, okay?"

Stuart nodded, faking sleepiness. "Okay, see you tomorrow."

Once up and eaten, Wit and Jan said they wanted to go to the yard and carry on painting the room, expecting to move in the next weekend. He was left with Stefan, which made him really nervous. Every time he looked at him, his chest tightened and his throat seemed to restrict. But soon, they both began to talk and he was pleased to find Stefan's English the best of them all. Still, the afternoon was relieved when he asked if it was okay to go to bed, as he was still very tired from all the travelling. Stuart said it was no problem and once he had gone upstairs set about checking his invoices for the month's end accounts.

Monday brought much relief as he watched Stephan work. He was intelligent and enthusiastic, making him wonder why he would want to come to England and do labouring work. All the time he noted Miro kept him closely chaperoned.

Back home, he watched as Stefan got his first taste of the openness in which they lived. As soon as they were through the door, Wit and Jan got out of their work clothes leaving themselves to make a drink and take a rest in front of the TV in their briefs. Stefan didn't bat an eyelid and although he disappeared upstairs, came back down wearing only shorts, but the outside variety. As they all knew each other from home, there was an immediate joking and banter between them, so Stefan appeared to settle in quickly.

The following morning as they got up, Stuart heard nothing from Stefan's room, so he went in thinking he would be still sleeping. He was awake and just getting out of bed, fully naked. He jumped seeing Stuart and dived under the covers, so quick that Stuart only got the barest of glances.

He came into the bathroom in his underpants, to find three guys fully naked showering and getting shaved. As Jan vacated the shower he was sharing with Wit, Stefan dropped his pants and took his place. Stuart saw him for the first time through the mirror. His chest tightened again as he looked at the slim body and then the dick. He was not big, but that was no detraction from the total package. He found himself getting a hard-on and quickly concentrated on finishing shaving without slitting his throat open.

By the time he had cleaned his teeth, Stefan was out of the shower drying and on receipt of a few flicks of the towel to his bum from Wit. He grinned and gave back a good slap before Wit retreated to the bedroom to get dressed.

"Good, don't give him an inch," said Stuart.

Stefan was facing him fully naked and drying his hair. "I not give him one millimetre!"

Stuart quaked inside at the vision and quickly followed Wit before his dick sprang up again.

Next: Chapter 9

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