The Immigrants

By bokjay / John

Published on Aug 4, 2017


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By Bokjay. Comments welcome to

The Immigrants 9

He quickly became at ease with Stefan, who also relaxed and made himself at home. Perhaps because of the age difference between him and the other two, he seemed in many respects to get on better with Stuart.

But at work, things did not develop quite so well. While Stefan worked hard and was a real asset, his brother leapt on his occasional mistakes. A simple accident like overbalancing with the wheelbarrow and letting it tip over and spill onto finished work had Miro physically threatening him. It forced Stuart to have a word.

"Everyone makes mistakes Miro, it was not such a big deal."

"I told him how to make in a correct way and he not do. He not make wrong, he come here to work good."

"You are being a bit hard, he is still learning."

"I tell you he will be good worker, so he cannot make mistake. I make sure he work in a good way."

"Well, don't get too upset about a simple thing like that."

But the tongue-lashing really got to Stefan and he remained really quiet the rest of the day.

Stuart could see that although he worked hard, he did not, in fact, have the knack at doing some things, like tipping a wheelbarrow. Instead of letting the inertia throw out the load, he tended to stop and lift the dead weight and of course that made it much more difficult. Some people can do manual work and make a job harder than it need be and unfortunately, Stefan didn't always get it.

A few days later and almost the same thing happened again. In an aside, Wit said that back home they were always fighting. It left Stefan looking like he would cry, and he hardly said another word till he went to bed. Stuart was forced into rethink.

The answer turned out better than he could have imagined. They way things were going, he would never have anyone spare to clean up his new yard. In Stefan, he found someone who was clever and had excellent English. He would let him have the job of clearing the yard and also, he would be able to answer the office phone, which would be a real bonus. He knew people hated using answering machines, but with an outside bell on the office wall, Stefan would hopefully be able to hot foot into the office and answer the phone personally.

Stefan liked the idea, he would be king of his own castle. Once Stuart showed him what he wanted, he left him there in the mornings when he picked up everyone and either collected him at night or let him get the bus home.

Immediately the benefits began to show. Normally he might get two or three messages a day on his answering machine, but from the first day, Stefan had a list of between half a dozen to a dozen callers. All the names and contact numbers neatly listed. In the long term, it meant even more work as the initial enquiries turned into solid orders. And very, very slowly things began to get moved around the yard and different materials collected to central points.

At the end of Stefan's first week, Wit and Jan were ready to move into the room at the yard. They had a night out on Saturday as a kind of celebration, but it was one which Stuart was inwardly regretting. On Sunday morning he got his usual from Jan plus a little more. He ran to four goes from early morning till around eleven. During the last one, Stuart realised that Wit was awake and faking sleep. As soon as Jan went downstairs, he pounced on Stuart fully worked up from watching through half-closed eyes. It was a wonderful farewell, for Stuart relished the power and urgency of being used by Wit and as a measure of a good time, it left him with aches and pains in various parts like wearing a row of war medals.

In the afternoon he ran them down to the yard so they could install themselves there. He had bought some second-hand furniture and a couple of beds with the linen to go with them. It was not a palace, but they were happy to call it home.

Back in the house, it felt empty even though Stefan was still there and even more talkative than usual. It seemed like a restriction had been lifted from him.

"Will you be wanting to go and live at the yard?" Stuart asked out of curiosity in the evening.

"You want me to go?" replied Stefan and little taken aback.

"No, I like you being here, just wondering if you would prefer to be there instead."

"Oh no Boss, I like here very much. I stay till you tell me to get out!" he laughed.

Stuart was relieved. He was fine being on his own last year, but now he had got used to others being around, he did not want to go back living a bachelor life again. And he did like Stefan being there. In fact, there were many times he felt as if he could jump on Stefan, kiss him, bite him, lick him and make love to him. He decided that last was important. He always thought of having sex with the other three, but for some reason that didn't fit with Stefan, it would be to make love.

He knew Stefan had had many girlfriends but his personality was very innocent, almost younger than his years. Whenever he was spoken to, there was a second or so when his eyes searched your face as if he was digesting the question and thinking the reply. Then he would smile warmly and speak. It was a quirk Stuart found really wonderful. If Stuart was not concentrating on work, Stefan could make his insides churn.

After his first day of modesty, he quickly fell into living like the rest. Nightly he would take off his work clothes and be in his underwear till taking a shower, and then again afterwards till he decided which tee shirt or shorts to wear. As with the others when they came, his clothes were not new. Most of his briefs were well washed and the elastic had given somewhat. Within ten minutes of walking around or sitting watching TV, they were hanging off his bum, only held up by the elastic caught on his dick. Jan made a habit of clipping his exposed bum, but Stuart would never do so as the longer he stayed like that the better he liked it.

Once Wit and Jan had moved out, many evenings were spent with both of them in briefs, never bothering with anything more after showering. It was all the visuals Stuart could ask for, but it never went further than that. At no time did Stefan ever do or say anything that could be taken as sexual. Nor when Stuart thought about it, would he do anything that might upset him and make him want to leave. Sleeping by himself was hard after five months of sharing a bed, but at least he could jack himself off anytime he pleased and always Stefan was there, if only in the next room and his imagination.

It took a while, but he became accustomed to sleeping alone once more. But when the Sundays rolled around he really did miss the fun with Jan and Wit. For their part, nothing was ever mentioned whether they had any similar regrets.

Exactly one month after Stefan arrived the weekend brought unbearable hot and humid weather, typical of occasions in the English summer. The weather forecast predicted "thunderstorms, heavy at times" for Saturday before a cooler front crossed the country.

It began in the early evening, the air became still and lifeless and the birds fell silent. Stuart noticed the cows had moved under the trees in the fields across the way. Slowly the rumbling became louder and louder. The lights began to flicker before the first flashes of lightning were seen. Just after eleven, the power went off.

There was nothing else for it but to go to bed. As time passed the storm increased in intensity preventing Stuart from sleeping. The centre felt like it was stuck over them and after a while, it began to make him worried. Time and again the flash and the thunder were almost simultaneous and visions of his chimney stack coming through the ceiling played in his mind. He could hear sirens on the main road; meaning someone was getting a bit of trouble in the neighbourhood.

The streetlights coming back on signalled the power was restored, but Stuart couldn't be bothered to go down and start watching television again. As one storm passed it was only a short time before the sounds of next were creeping nearer and nearer.

He got up and went to the toilet and tried the bathroom light and found it working. Back in bed, he attempted reading a book, but with the flashes and noise, he couldn't concentrate. He closed the book thinking to try and fall asleep knowing that really he would not be able to.

The bedroom door opening made him jump.

"I hear you still awake like me, I cannot sleep at all," said a tired-looking Stefan.

"Yes, this is a bad one, I can't sleep either."

Stuart almost gasped as Stefan then pulled back the covers and made to get in. He noticed Stuart was naked and paused for split second. He pushed off his own briefs and slid under the covers.

He was at a loss at what to say after that, quite stunned in fact.

"It is like this many time in England?" he asked.

"Usually we get them in July and August, this one is a bit early."

A flash lit up the room and a heavy blast of thunder quickly followed.

Stefan turned away from him and curled up, drawing the sheet over his head. Stuart decided to turn off the bedside light if he was going to try and sleep. The thunder rolled again and Stefan half turned, reached out to take Stuart's hand and pull him close.

Stuart had to bite his lip to make sure he was not dreaming as Stefan spooned into his front and clasped his hand to his chest. Then for a while, as each peal shook the house he squirmed and pressed himself against Stuart.

The situation was not sexual in the least, even if it was as if all his dreams had been answered. Rather he realised Stefan was a little frightened and needed comforting. He understood though, he did not like the ferocity one little bit and had become anxious a few times as each storm passed overhead.

For the next half hour it raged. Then as it became more distant, the air stirred and the temperature suddenly dropped a few degrees. He could hear the trees start to rustle as the breeze picked up and he relaxed knowing it had finally passed. When he thought of Stefan again, he realised he was fast asleep.

Slowly he disengaged himself and rolled away to the edge of the bed. Now it hit that Stefan really was in his bed, naked and only the arm stretch away. His dick reared up in recognition of the situation and as quietly as he could, jacked himself off before falling asleep.

Next: Chapter 10

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