The In-Between Time

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on May 12, 2012




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


I took a look at the school's bulletin board and one of the posters there caught my eye. "Job Fair." I read it over, some fifty-plus companies were there, recruiting people for all sorts of employment. Some wouldn't require anything above a high-school diploma. Shit, they wanted a $20.00 registration fee to attend! Thing was next weekend, I guess I could try to raise the money between now and then and....

"Hey, Auggie!" came a call and I turned around. My actual name was Harold, but somehow in my not-well-remembered childhood, I had picked up the nickname. It was the one sure thing about my post-graduation plans, I was going to forget the nickname and everything to do with it. The last residual lump of my childhood, and I was going to flush it with the other turds that I'd shit out of my ass on graduation day. Only another five weeks to go. This time was like waiting for my life to begin, no longer a child, not yet a free-standing adult. Caught in between the two, that's what I was.

"Hey, Willie." I called back. William Jefferson, he had himself a football scholarship to the Willowdale Academy, a prestigious prep school that would get him contacts and advantages that...that I'd never get. But he was a fullback, I was merely a lineman. Big, strong, bulky, but not fast enough to do more than hold the line while people like Willie ran the touchdowns, won the cheers, their names in the paper, the awards, the attention. I got a certificate and a mention buried in a list, one of the "also played" members of the team.

I'd been to the school counselor, he had made mumbled references to the local university, a chance to play football there, a solid degree making a big difference in my life. But I had a 2.45 grade point average, there would be no scholarship offer unless my grades came up my freshman year at college. Which it wouldn't, everything I'd seen said that college wasn't easier than high school, it was tougher.

"You thinking over your future?" Willie asked.

"I don't have one." I mumbled to him.

"Hey, you don't have to jump into a career." he advised me, hand on my shoulder. "Lots of guys don't know right away what they want to do the rest of their life. Call what you're doing taking a year off, a "wanderjahr" they call it. You can apply for a college next year."

"Thanks. I'll do that, maybe." I said, and he smiled, and took off for his next class. Applied Physics. Yeah, Willie wasn't going to have any problems with his future.

Me, I had problems. I didn't have a clue what to do to make a life for myself outside of school. I'd better hit that job fair after all!

The job fair poster had a small pad on it, a condensed informational sheet of the stuff on the poster. I reached for the pad while looking at Willie, and found myself hitting another hand reaching at the same time. I looked back at the poster, startled. "You!" I said to the owner of the hand.

"Sorry." said the owner, but he didn't sound that sorry. But then, he wouldn't.

Glenn Elliott. The school gay. Oh, the school was big enough to have more than one gay guy in it, but Glenn was the one who was out about it. All militant and making speeches about gay rights and how he had wanted to take another guy to the prom last year and would try again this year (last year the school board had voted him down, this year, he'd gotten the go-ahead to have his guy-guy prom date after a big stink in the newspaper, that sort of thing), and now he had his hand under my hand and he wasn't yanking it away. Just smiling at me. He was five inches shorter than me, a hell of a lot less buff than me, and he was looking at me like he was five years old and I was a piece of chocolate cake! Shit!

I pulled my own hand away and said, "What are you looking at?"

"You going to the job fair?" he asked me.

"I might." I said, not seeing where this was going.

"You got plans after graduation?" he asked next.

"What's that to you?" I returned.

"My dad owns the Mi-T-Mart down on Crenshaw." he said. "He's going to be hiring some summer help, could turn into full time if you're good at the job, even. Want me to put in a word for you?"

"Well...sure. Thanks." I said.

"No problem. You can pay me back by giving me a ride to the job fair." he said.

So THAT was what that was about! Still, I did need a job after school, and I did have a car. The job fair wasn't in our town, it was at another town about a hundred miles away. If he would in fact speak to his dad about hiring me. "I...I guess I could, yeah."

"Hey, great!" Glenn said. "It's a date, then. Whoa, look, time to get to class, see you later, Auggie, bye!"

"Bye!" I said sort of dumbly, looking after him. I'd just set a date with Glenn? Shit! But I had to get to class. Now what was I going to do?

Turned out I wasn't done with Glenn that day. After school, walking to my car, I saw him again. This time, he was in the parking lot, surrounded by four guys from the football team. They were threatening him, God knows why. Glenn may have said something to one of them, he liked making cutesy comments and often they were slurs on a guy's masculinity. But whatever had started it, they were close to starting to slug on him.

And his father might become my boss. I'd tormented Glenn from time to time myself, usually for good reason like I'd said, but this time, I walked up and said to my teammates, "Hey, come on, guys, leave him alone!"

"What's the matter, Auggie, you gotten sweet on Glenda?" George sneered.

"No." I said. "But with all of us graduating next month, I think it's time we stopped acting like grade-schoolers." I said back to him. "Now come on, let him go." They weren't holding him, but they had him circled. I raised a fist, not in a threat but showing it just the same, and the guys backed away from the circle, enough that Glenn could slip through.

"You're going soft, Auggie, standing up for faggots." George stated.

"I'm getting sensible." I returned. "I may end up working for Glenn's father. What are you doing when you get out of school?" George was in my spot, not good enough a football player to get a scholarship, not good enough in school to get any other job.

"I won't end up working for a faggot." George said, but he moved on off. Me, I went on to my car. God, this senior year of school was going to take forever!

The next day, Wednesday, Glenn looked me up and invited me to dinner at his house! "Dad wants to meet you." he announced. "I told him how you'd stood up for me yesterday and also that you were looking for a job. So how about it? Can you come?"

"Well...sure." A chance to land the job now? Sure, I had to go!

"Great!" Glenn went on. "How about you come home with me right after school, you can drive me home."

Trust Glenn to turn an invitation later into an advantage now! "All right." I said dubiously.

"Great! It's a date!"

That sounded familiar. But I bit back the words and simply nodded. All this from looking at a poster on a bulletin board! Yeesh! But the summer job still beckoned brightly, I let him get away with it.

Mr. and Mrs. Elliott turned out to be nice people. I was careful to be extra polite, and thought we were getting along just fine.

Until dessert, when Mrs. Elliott cleared her throat and asked me point-blank. "So tell me, dear, how long have you and Glenn been going out together?"

I choked on my cake. "Going out?" I squeaked, and looked at Glenn.

Who was mortified. "Auggie and I aren't dating, Mom. He's just a classmate, and he's offered me a ride to Arden for the job fair this weekend."

"Oh, come now, Glenn, you know we've accepted your sexual choices here and I just wanted to know...."

"Nothing's happening between Auggie and me, I promise!" Glenn cut her off.

"Nothing?" Mrs. Elliott was surprised, then she dimpled. "Well, you ought to grab him, Glenn. He's cute!"

"Mom, cut it out! I promise if anything does happen, you'll be the first one I tell, all right? Now let it drop!"

That left us finishing dinner rather uncomfortably and I found an excuse soon after that to leave. Glenn apologized profusely at my car when he walked me outside. Halfway home, I started laughing so hard, I had to pull over the car and wait to get myself back under control. What else was going to happen here? What else between now and this weekend?

Glenn stopped at lunch at my table to apologize and we got to talking. That set the pattern the rest of the week, we ate together, and I'd drive him home after school. I saw him as an unlikely friend, but hell...everyone else would be soon a part of my past. Glenn was different. Glenn...was my future.

The job fair came finally, and I drove Glenn and myself up there early on Saturday morning. I went there with high hopes, which quickly enough got dashed to smithereens. They had jobs...provided you agreed to go to colleges or vocational schools and study certain subjects with special classes they'd hold as well. Others were looking for grunts to staff their production lines, repetitive work for damned little more than minimum wage. By five o'clock, I knew that my job prospects had diminished down to one thing...I'd damned well better get that job at Mi-T-Mart for Glenn's dad!

Glenn had another idea. I met up with him as arranged and he was holding an advance copy of the Arden Sunday Times-Gazette. "I say we spend tomorrow looking around town and see if we can find a job that way." he trumpeted. "We get a job, we can test out of our class subjects and graduate that way."

"You think so?" I brightened at that.

"Their Help Wanted section has sixteen pages." Glenn pointed out. "It's got to have something in it we can do besides stay at home and work at the Mi-T-Mart."

"What's wrong with the Mi-T-Mart?" I asked him.

"Dude, it's owned by my father. I get enough of him telling me what to do at home."

"Well, I understand that, but.... Wait a minute! Tomorrow?" I had planned on driving home tonight.

"It's okay, I'll pay for the motel room for us. This job fair isn't just the convention hall where we were today. Some of these places have special interview hours this weekend and others are open so that we can pick up job applications, too. We should look over the ads tonight and maybe call or visit some of the places tomorrow."

"Oh." I considered this. "All right, then."

"I'll get us a room with twin beds, don't worry. You won't have to sleep with me."

"Okay." I said stupidly. Hadn't even thought about that aspect of sharing a room with Glenn. Guess I was getting used to him.

But we found getting a motel room was trickier than we'd thought. That job fair, it was a pretty big to-do, and every motel we checked on was full up tonight. We finally found one place that had a vacancy, a pretty ratty place. And it only had one bed in it.

"I'm sorry, Auggie." Glenn said to me. "I can sleep on the chair if you're freaked about the bed."

"It'll be okay." I said. "It's a full-sized bed, we can share it."

"I was hoping you'd feel that way."

We got undressed and wearing only our briefs, got into bed. Inside, I thought of something and started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Glenn had his hand on the light switch, about to turn it off.

"I was just thinking that you've never done anything for me without wanting something back." I said. "You talking to your dad about the job meant I had to drive you to the job fair. You invited me to dinner, so I had to drive you home. Every time you do something for me, you make me pay for it."

"I didn't think of it like that!" Glenn was scandalized.

"Oh, I don't mind." I assured him. "But I was wondering what you'd want from me in exchange for getting us this motel room."

"You mean, besides the obvious?" Glenn responded, and we laughed some more. Then, in the comfortable silence that followed, he asked, "So, what about it?"

There's a freedom that comes at the end of your senior year of school. I had only a few weeks left to graduation, even if everyone in town heard about me and Glenn, I could simply pack up and leave and it would all be behind me. My whole life was like that, the old structure falling away, the new structure not yet in place, all of it leaving me...completely free.

"Yeah." is what I responded. "What about it?"

Glenn was on his back, he rolled over onto one side, facing me and said, "You want to?" and his hand brushed my chest, my nipples just barely above the covers, my head, neck, arms, shoulders and upper chest exposed to the air, my normal sleeping position.

"Why not?" I answered.

"Really?" was his strangled gasp of a response.

"Yeah." I smiled at him. "Really. Go on, knock yourself out."

His face dove at me and he kissed me, hard, as his body squirmed over and up onto me. He started trying to wrap himself around me as his lips left mine and began to work his way down my cheek, my neck, my shoulders, and the covers were carried with his back as he lifted up and began to kiss my shoulderblade, and down onto my right nipple. His lips were hungry, tremblingly eager as he tasted my body. He moved to my right armpit and his tongue dove into my armpit hair and lapped at the heady musk of dried sweat as if it were the nectar of the gods. Man, Glenn was fucking worshiping me! Me, the guy who didn't rate an athletic scholarship and couldn't cut the academic life, me, who was condemned to the eternal grind of minimum wage or middle management slavery, Glenn was licking at me like I was everything he could ever want or need!

His licking continued while his hand moved down to my briefs and fondled my basket, my cock swelled to rock hardness under his touch. Glenn gripped my dong through the cotton, groaned, and raised up onto his knees, throwing the covers down to almost my ankles. Glenn gripped my briefs, and skinned them down and off my feet, kicking the covers to the floor in the process. I was now naked and exposed and Glenn was feasting his eyes on my nude, muscled form. Like he couldn't decide what he wanted to do first.

I lifted one leg upwards, bent knee and leg lying to one side, to let my balls fall between my thighs and pull my cock so it would point more closely upright rather than pointing at my face. The glans bobbed at the top of my shaft, waggling at Glenn.

Who took the hint. He caught my bobbing, throbbing dong and bent down and over onto all fours (all threes, that is, one hand holding onto me instead) and guided it to his mouth. I felt that warm wetness enfold my prod and I just closed my eyes and moaned. Slow, slick and slippery, his tongue and lips slid up and down my shaft, more frenzy than finesse, he was moving hungrily upon my pud and his lips fed my brain an endless chain of sexual sensations racing through my dong and up my body.

Glenn kept up this pace for some time, then he shifted, turned, to lie alongside me, getting himself a more comfortable purchase. And this put his body's lower half up toward my face. I saw Glenn's hard dick bobbing there and smirked. Glenn always wanted something in return for everything he did.

I caught hold of Glenn's prick and he grunted, began scooting his body closer to me. His mouth moaned around my cock as he continued his unending feeding on my shaft.

Why not? My body told my brain as I licked my lips and met that glans with my kiss. It wasn't like I'd ever have to explain any of this to anyone who I didn't want to tell about it. Just the two of us in this time of between-lives, not quite still in school (like Glenn had said, we could test out of our subjects at this time, a passing grade on the test would let us graduate even if we never attended another class), but not quite out in the world as free adults, not bound by the rules of children but not yet saddled with the responsibilities of adulthood, we were here, we were with each other, we were doing just exactly what we wanted to do, answerable to nobody. So why not?

My kiss of his cockhead was followed up by my opening my mouth and letting it slide into me as Glenn wormed his way closer still. By the time he was done, only my own reserve kept any part of that dong outside of me, and I was taking as much of it as I could, as I dared, as I was able while moving my head back and forth upon his manhood.

Glenn's pleasure transferred itself into my own body, there is a joy into giving yourself to another man that you never quite match with a girl (yeah, I wasn't a virgin here, though this was my first time with another dude), but this was different, this was less a case of taking the girl's gift of her body for myself as it was a sharing of bodies, an equality of two spirits enmeshed in a single goal, that of mutual pleasure, giving it and taking it in equal amounts.

And in that sharing I felt a freedom I had never known before, a release of the boundaries and rules that I had abided by my entire life, I was doing this for no reason other than I wanted to, I did it because it felt good.

And Glenn groaned and he lurched hard and suddenly he was on top of me, his knees on either side of my head, his cock buried in my mouth and he groaned again, this time the sound going on and on and then he exploded down my throat. I choked, coughed, sprayed spunk up and onto my face, and then I started drinking it down as Glenn thrust at my face hard, not roughly but lost in his rapture and heedless of what he was doing besides keeping his pleasure at its apex.

I swallowed most of it, but then gagged and coughed again and more of his jizz sprayed up and onto his bush, dripped back onto my cheeks, my chin, into my mouth once again. And Glenn was done and I was drowning in his sperm, and Glenn groaned and rolled off of me, expended and his cock fell away, his mouth as well from my dong, and he was gasping to my side, me still heated up and loaded. Countdown to launch halted due to technical difficulties, hello, Houston, we have a problem!

"Hah! Hah! Hoo! Hah! Sorry! Hah! Sorry, Auggie." Glenn panted.

"S'okay." I breathed back huskily. "Uhhh, God! I'm so fucking hot!"

"God, your cock is so hard, so big and fat!" Glenn admired. "I wish I could just lie in bed all day and suck it, over and over again."

"Yeah! Sure!" I heaved. "Gah! I got to get off, man!"

"Oh, yeah! Sorry!" Glenn agreed. "Just had to catch my breath."

"So get back to it, dude! Please!" I pleaded.

And Glenn did, he took my prick back and began to suck it again. Only now, he was doing it less urgently, more contemplatively. Like he was teaching himself how to please me, see what made me groan and what didn't.

He soon learned just how to push my buttons and my cock was raging. "I'm going to come, Glenn!" I gasped. "Got to shoot it! You want it, Glenn? You want my come in your mouth?"

"Mmmhhh, yeah!" He mumbled around my glans.

"Then suck it faster, and you'll get it all." I assured him.

Glenn sped up and my climax arrived right on schedule. "Here it comes!" I grunted. "Right now, ah-huh-UUHH-UHHH-UHHH, GUH-UH-HUH, HUUUUUHHHHH!"

And my prick exploded upwards into Glenn's mouth. Forewarned by me, he took it well, sucking the moment I began ejaculating, he kept ahead of the flow and managed to siphon every dreg of my spunk down without any of the choking/gagging/spewing I had done that had left my face such a mess. I saw stars, real stars for the first time in my life, in front of my eyes they shone and shimmered as I orgasmed, and then it was done and I was simply a man lying on the bed once again, drained, slack, a limp shadow of my former glory.

And Glenn moved to put his face up to mine, and I opened my eyes and looked into his face.

And he grimaced. "Damn, Auggie, you're a real mess!"

"You're the one who did it to me." I accused him. "Now what are you going to do about it?"

His answer was to lick at my face, not lapping up his jizz, but lifting it off and then ferrying it to my mouth. His tongue would stab in between my lips, deposit their load on my tongue and he'd go back for more. I let him tongue-feed me his sperm and when he was done, he used a corner of the sheet which had come loose in our activities and dabbed at my now-wet face, drying it.

"How's that?" Glenn rested his chin on both hands which he'd overlapped on my chest, looked into my eyes like that, like a faithful dog waiting for his master to awake in the morning.

"Good enough for now." I agreed.

Glenn sighed and said, "I guess we'd better get some sleep now. Tomorrow, we need to see what we can do about finding ourselves a job."

"If we can't, you can always work with me at your dad's Mi-T-Mart." I offered.

Glenn grimaced. "I really want to get out of that two-bit, one-horse town." he admitted. "There's no future in it. I mean, I'll be in my fifties before I can inherit the business, and I don't want the business anyhow." He looked at me intently. "Come with me, Auggie. We'll find jobs together, share an apartment, take care of each other. It doesn't have to be forever, if that's not what you want. But it would be a place to start."

"Something to do in between school and the career I end up in." I agreed. "Sure, why not?" A thought hit me. "But on one condition."

"What's that?"

"Let's not spend tomorrow looking for work, we got five weeks still before the end of the school year as it is. Let's do that other thing you said, spend all day in bed and you suck me over and over again. What do you say to that?"

Glenn cocked his head to one side. "Depends. What's in it for me?"

"The same." I assured him. "Over and over again."

"You got a deal."

As we kissed, I realized that my future was no longer empty of possibilities, and this in-between time was shaping up into the best time of my life!


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