The Inheritance

Published on Nov 21, 2021


The Inheritance 7 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

My return to England was delayed by a major side trip to Constantinople. My carpet selling friends had several large operations there. They bought carpets from the mid-east and Persia. The also sold carpets to individuals as well as to other merchants in Europe and as far away as the North and South America. Abdul and Fahad both had operations in the city.

This was a pleasure trip for me. I knew Constantinople was an ancient city and it was modernizing. I wanted to see it before it modernized. Fahad told me there were some baths that I would find enjoyable. I sailed north from Alexandria and had a stop at Crete and then steamed to Constantinople. The city had the feel of the east with domed mosques and minarets. It seemed to me that Europe was distant.

Abdul the manager of the Athena arranged for a hotel that he thought would be particularly suitable for me. The hotel's door was small and unimpressive. It had a small sign identifying it as the Constantinople Savoy Hotel. The sign was almost bigger than the street frontage.

The passage behind the door was little more than eight feet wide. It connected to a large, square, lobby, three stories tall with a skylight above. It was covered is elaborately colored Turkish tiles and had a fountain. The rooms had big windows on the open galleries facing the lobby.

There was a restaurant on one side of the courtyard and a Turkish bath on the other. It was an all-male facility. No one mentioned that the guests fancied other men. I found out the Savoy had a second Hotel called the Savoy Deluxe. It was for unaccompanied women and girls. They could stay there in compete safety. They provided escorts and special carriage services for their lodgers.

I had a man from Fahad's company, Osman was waiting for me. He was to be my guide and servant. Osman in his twenties and learning English. We met one of Fahad's cousins, Omar, at the restaurant and had dinner. I had never eaten Turkish food, and it was entirely different from normal English fare. We went to the bath after dinner.

Baths were a traditional part of Turkish culture, I wondered if baths were inherited from the Romans, or were a Turkish development. The clientele of the hotel was of men who shared my sexual interests. The other patrons enjoyed the freedom of the place. While the men were upper class, I knew the sexual drive and lust were unrelated to social status.

The bath's main room was domed and was a conventional steam bath. Fahad and Murad, my servant in Egypt had given a full report to Osman and Omar. We went to a room to the left. It had a smaller, eight-sided dome, each of the eight sides had a recess. In three of them a man was spread eagled on a couch. One man was fucking him as other men talked and watched. The other four recesses were for men who were sucking cocks.

I was the only European there, and the only man with an uncut cock. Men came over and I was introduced as philanthropist who sponsored orphanages. They were also told than I had discovered thievery in Egypt and had rooted it out. They said I refused all honors and titles because I was humble. That introduction and my uncut cock was appealing.

Osman and Omar knew of my sexual tastes, and we went to one of the anal recesses. I caused a stir when I got on the couch and spread my legs. Europeans were rare visitors to the bath, and never were willing to take a Turkish cock. Turkish men seemed have an extra measure of male characteristics. They were bigger and hairier than Egyptians I had met.

A man who reminded me of Babu, the strong man in the circus, came up to me first. He said something which Osman translated as wanting to enter me. I said yes and spread my legs wider. He understood that. His cock was oiled, and he pushed gently into me. His cock was about the same size as Babu's organ. He made a hard thrust to pop past my sphincter. He and I both moaned as his bloated knob caressed my prostate and pushed deeper.

His name was Ali. I later found out all the men used a false name in the baths. We had a good time. My ass was not as virgin at it might have been, so there was no drama as he pushed deeper. He was quite gentle, but as his natural urges took control, his thrusts became vigorous. Ali said something to Osman.

"He wants to know if you would receive his seed?" Osman translated.

"I would be honored to take the seed of such a handsome gentleman," I said. I was afraid that might be too much. Osman translated it. I had guessed right, Ali smiled, frantically thrust, and then ejaculated twelve times deep into me. I told him I was pleased.

He asked if I were exhausted, or if I could take the seed of his brother, Hassan, Osman translated. I said I would be honored.

His brother had lost a leg in a battle. Thus, he was honored but crippled. He was on a bench, so I went over to him, sucked him to an erection and then sat on his cock. I bounced on his tool until he had a massive orgasm. When I got off his cock, sperm drooled from my ass. The men watching us seemed pleased. They weren't as pleased as Hassan or his brother. They were good friends to have.

The next day I went to visit Hagia Sophia, the great Byzantine church that was now a mosque. I was with Osman and two of Omar's people. One was a bodyguard, and the other a senior official. The building was huge but had quite confused exterior due to the many buttresses and new constructions stabilizing the 1300-year-old walls. I was greeted by an architect who worked to preserve the structure and a senior cleric.

I asked the cleric to warn me if I made any accidental comments that might be misinterpreted. He assured me that would not be a problem. The interior wasn't just impressive, it was almost magical. I was familiar with the marvels of the modern age, but this building seemed impossible. The huge dome seemed to float over the vast interior. The architect took me all over the building into areas that were not open to the public.

I was introduced to several clerics who were involved in charities. I described my work uncovering frauds. The men were impassive, but I noticed a few glances when I mentioned well paid administrators and hungry children. The oldest and highest-ranking man in the group thanked me for my comments and added. "It seems that Christian fraudsters are cousins of Islamic fraudsters." He asked if I might speak to his staff on the same subject. I agreed.

I returned to the Savoy and rested before dinner. I had been busy all day and the heat of Constantinople was enhanced by high humidity, unlike the dry heat of Egypt. I had dinner in my room with Osman. He spoke English well, but it was school English, very formal, and not colloquial.

I told him I would like to visit the baths again. He said that would be fine, but the patrons of the bath were less elevated in status than the men I met the night before. It was Friday, and most men were at the Mosque. I told him that I was still interested.

We were at the baths at eight. The clientele was varied. There were Lebanese, Egyptian Copts, Greeks. Bulgarians and Russians there along with a few western Europeans as well as Turks. We went to the big octagonal room, soon moved the smaller room. That room had only a few men sitting there. A little after we sat down, several men came from the big room. I knew from my experience at the Athena Baths in London, I was a new man, and they were curious.

I peeled my foreskin back and exposed my knob. I was talking with Osman in English. A stocky, muscular man came over to us. He looked like an Arab, but his thick cock was uncut.

"You are English?" he asked. "I am George, a Lebanese merchant."

I told him my name and said I was a tourist.

"I hope you enjoy the city. There are many pleasures to enjoy here." he said as his towel slipped exposing his cock.

I made no effort to avoid looking at it. "I think I may be looking at one of those pleasures now," I said.

He smiled, came closer to me, and leaned over. "Would you be shocked if I told you all the men in this room enjoyed the same pleasures?" he asked.

"Not at all," I replied. "I am a friendly man. I like the company of handsome men."

George looked at a man on the other side of the room and gestured to him to join us and then said, "I think we will enjoy ourselves tonight. My friend is Russian, he is a good man."

The Russian introduced himself as Boris. I assumed he was a military man and upper class, since he spoke in French. His uncut cock was impressive.

A very muscular, hairy man came up to us and whispered to George. George introduced him as Marc, his cousin who was a blacksmith. He came close to me. I assumed since we were speaking three native languages, that action would be the best way to start activity. Marc's cock was semi erect; I leaned over and kissed the tip of his foreskin.

"I see you are a playful man," George said as he bent over to suck Boris. There was a minute of unease until all the men in the area were sexually engaged. It seemed to me that a common interest in man sex, easily overcame the problems with different languages.

I was sucking Marc. His hand strayed and was playing with my asshole. A few minutes later I was on my back and Marc' cock was stretching my ass wider. That excited all the men in the room. Marc was getting increasingly excited. He slowed his pace and said something to George.

"He wanted to know if he can shoot off in you?" George asked in a whisper. "I would be pleased to have such a fine man ejaculate in me," I replied. A minute later everyone near us knew Marc was ejaculating in my ass.

I was worried the men would think I was weak. Most thought I was a novelty. It was rare for European men to make himself available for their pleasure. It was rarer to have him take their intimate fluids. Omar and Osman told some of my ability to find fraud in charitable institutions. They also said that while I associated with men of importance, I was modest and humble. Word of mouth and rumors was more trusted than newspapers and official documents. I was nothing like the haughty Englishmen who looked down on them and treated the as old-fashioned relics.

As soon as they had an inch or two of their cocks in my mouth or ass, they knew I enjoyed them. For many men, to fuck a man was to dominate him. I clearly enjoyed them and their manly organs. I was a sexual athlete and was able to suck sperm from one man's cock as another man deposited his sperm deep in me. If we were in a quiet corner, some would open their asses for my use. I ejaculate forcefully so they felt my orgasm. No one complained.

I assumed the other European men were spies. Boris, the Russian; Antoine, the French painter; and Sigmund, the Austro-Hungarian businessman, were all careful. They weren't quite sure of what I was. Since I knew nothing about Britain's foreign or military policy or intentions, I could be friendly and affable.

George told me there would be a little birthday party for friend the next morning at the bath. He said I shared the same tastes as many of his friends. Since it was the Islamic sabbath, much of the city would be at the mosques. I told him I would be pleased to attend. He assigned a young man, little Marc, to take care of me and to give Osman some time off. Omar and George were associated someway. Little Marc was the blacksmith's son. Little was not right word to describe him. He was taller, harrier and just as muscular as his father,

I returned to my room with Osman and Little Marc. I realized that Osman and Little Marc had needs too. They had been observers only of the festivities in the baths. My ass had been well used in the bath. I asked Osman if he wanted to enjoy it. I was not surprised when he did. He was a gentle fucker.

When I woke the next morning, I was surprised to find Little Marc's cock gently massaging my ass. The two young men had shared my ass for much of the night and I had slept through it. I took a bath, dressed, and had breakfast. Little Marc spoke some English and French. As we talked during breakfast, I noticed he was correcting his English as we spoke.

He also learned the words for cock, ass, orgasm, fuck, and suck. He told me that the men in the baths had been important persons. Some of the guests for the birthday party were humble, good men but of little import. He asked if I would be accepting of their attention. I said that was not a problem.

Marc then asked if I would be accepting of their sperm. I asked if George and his father took their loads. He said they took their sperm for Christmas and birthdays. "Life is complicated here," he said. "You never know when you need a friend." I told him that I had discovered that in my own life. I said I knew many honorable, hard-working men. I enjoyed getting close to them and receiving their manly seed. That was the right thing to say.

The party was festive with twenty men attending. George was the most successful member of the family and was clearly the leader of the clan. All wore the large towels typical of the baths. I was introduced as a distinguished visitor. The men tended to be muscular and hairy. After a half hour or so, towels began to vanish.

When George removed his towel, the older men kissed his cock, and sucked it. It was seemed to be a sign of being faithful to the family.

I had an unexpected experience. I was an honored guest of their leader, George. The less important men, farmer and youths who had not reached the elevated state that allowed them to suck his cock came to me. I now realized why Mark asked about dealing with persons of low rank. I was the second prize. The first man who came over to me was Babu. Little Marc told me he was a hard worker, who neve got tired. He could not talk. He was very muscular and exceptionally hairy. He dropped to his knees and kissed my cock. When he stood, I leaned over kissed his foreskin covered knob. When I sat up again, Babu was smiling.

By then his cock was half hard. I leaned over again and sucked his cock. He had a short fuse, and I took his load a minute or two later. He shot a huge load which I swallowed. I thanked him. Marc translated. He joined the other men. The next was an older, scrawny man. He looked almost fragile. He was Babu's father. He kissed my cock, and then thanked me for the kindness I showed his son. Marc translated that, and told me he was sick, and Babu did all the labor on his farm with his daughters.

"You have raised a fine man," I said. He smiled and Marc help him get up.

The next man was named Henri. He was a butler for a man of great wealth. He when he tried to get down, it was clear he had a bad back.

"Let me greet you as a friend," I said as I leaned over and kissed his cock. He thanked me for my kindness in a traditional extravagant style.

The last man to greet me young and handsome. He was an orphan named Ali. That name had been given to him in the orphanage that hadn't realized his parents were Christian. He kissed my cock and then caressed my knob with his tongue. He was finished school and hoped to become a doctor. He was a member of George's clan so that depended on George.

I went to one of the anal areas after the formal introductions. Marc, Babu and Ali came with me. Some men joined us for plain old sex without ceremony. I am friendly and have a welcoming ass and seem to have no limit on the amount of sperm I can take. Ali, the orphan was there, and he fucked me. I was uneasy about his age, but he cock was fully adult. He had an almost explosive orgasm in my ass. his sperm dribbled out on the marble bench for all to see.

Marc told me that increased Ali's status. An important European allowed him to fuck and bread. He was a man now, not an orphan boy.

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