The Interview

By Robert Goater / winchesterbornbred

Published on Nov 9, 2015


A British Army NCO and Private were about to meet for the first time in an interview during the second world war. Like the entire world, this would change these two as well.....................

Just a short complete story which I hope you will like.

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Staff Sergeant Theodore Harold King, Senior army recruitment NCO, sat behind his desk and waited for the next applicant to come into his office. He did not look up as he was still filling in the last applicants form which he signed in the "reject" space, then picked up a stamp and smashed it down on the form. Staff Sergeant King was pissed off, he had interviewed four applicants so far and rejected the lot. "Maybe I am expecting too much from these blokes?"

All he he heard was boots marching in and then smashing onto the floor as the next applicant halted and came to attention on the two hundred year old oak floor boards which were once part of a Royal Naval "Ship of the Line," apparently.

"PRIVATE HUNTER HUNTINGDON-SMITH REPORTING STAFF SERGEANT!" Staff Sergeant Theodore Harold King (and from now on called Theo) looked up....... and up........ and up and finally arrived at Private Hunter Huntingdon-Smith's face."Yeah God's! How tall are you?""During my medical just now Staff Sergeant I am recorded at six foot eleven and a half inches." Theo swallowed and stood up, his neck was hurting!"My brother, calls me "Titch!" Sooo hilarious Staff Sergeant!""Yea God's! How tall is your brother then!?""Five foot and six inches Staff Sergeant!" Theo, who stood at a miserable six foot, continued to look up one foot eleven and a half inches at Huntingdon-Smith's face."Go and get that chair and sit down." He ordered.

"Right lets get on with this..... Full name?"Hunter Cornwallis Egbert Stewart Marshall Huntingdon-Smith."Theo checked the form, correct, no fucker could make that lot up!Date of birth?""Fifteenth of March Nineteen Twenty." Theo checked the form and confirmed, 15/3/1920. "That makes you 22 and 5 months." Not a question, just a conformation. This was August 1942.

"Huntingdon-Smith, sounds a bit posh, except the Smith bit.""Father is a land owner and has a vast estate in the west country and an even bigger one in Scotland. Mother is the daughter of one of his farm workers. She insisted in getting married to father when she became pregnant with me and also retain her maiden name." The fact that Daddy was fucking about with his farm workers daughters seemed to be quite normal by the off handed way he just rolled it off his tongue."Bet Daddy was a bit pissed off!""Oh no Staff Sergeant, they celebrated by having my brother a year after me and they carried on with a new one every year for the next eight. We are a very happy family. My father taught mother to read and write and now she writes children's books and has two published so far.""What name does she write under?" Theo surprised himself asking that, he really should not give a toss!"Emma Huntingdon- Smyth.""Why Smyth?""Looks better in print than just plain Smith. Mother can be a bit snobbish at times. Anyway it worked as she has published the two books. She is writing a book for every child she has but her maths are not too good as she told me she has eleven more to write." Theo kept quiet.

"So, it seems a very good family back ground, why are you not an officer?""Mother insists we always start on the bottom rung in life and work up the ladder, I will become an officer when the time is right.""Don't you think that will be up to others rather than expect what you think will automatically happen?""It will happen Staff Sergeant, just a matter of time." Theo looked at the "accept" box on Huntingdon-Smith's form and even the "accept" stamp which he had not used for the past two days.

"So, you joined up in 1940 at the age of 20 and you are currently in the Royal Dorsetshire Infantry and it seems a very good shot.""Yes, father taught me from the age of five to shoot a twelve bore, both game and clay pigeon and since the age of fifteen I have never missed a thing." Hunter was not being boastful or arrogant, just stating a fact. Theo wrote on the form and then tried to put the lad off."Shooting sporting guns is one thing, an army rifle is quite another." Theo looked at the smile coming over Huntingdon-Smith's face. "Don't tell me, father's got one!?""Yes Staff Sergeant, I have no idea how father got it but he certainly did after the Great War. When I was ten years old he began to take me in the back garden and taught me to shoot the Lee Enfield.""BACK garden? How fucking big is it?""If mother was here you would get a real telling off Staff Sergeant, she hates that sort of language. Its three hundred yards to its furthest point and from there into a massive forest." Again, not boasting, just stating other facts. Theo stared at this young man and just said the first thing that came into his head."Plenty of wood for the fire then.""Oh yes Staff Sergeant, all ten of them!""I need a piss......., I mean I have to empty my bladder, wait there." And for some inexplicable reason added, "please!" Hunter stood to attention and waited for the Staff Sergeant to leave the room, then sat back down and read the upside down form on the desk and smiled. "He likes me!"

Ten minutes later Hunter heard the door open and again stood to attention as Theo came back in with two, pint mugs of tea. He put one down in front of Hunter and told him to sit down."Thank you Staff." By now Hunter was feeling much more comfortable and relaxed and knew he could refer to the Staff Sergeant as "Staff" only. There are three Senior NCO ranks in the British forces that the holder would allow him/her to be referred too without the full title of that rank.Army Staff Sergeant, "Staff." Royal Air Force Flight Sergeant, "Flight." And Royal Navy Chief Petty Officer, "Chief." Very interesting.

"Lets get on. You look fit, are you?" Hunter smiled at Theo who stared back with a blank expression on his face and knew that once again "father" would be included in the reply.

"To quote the doctor who carried out my medical yesterday I am one of the fittest chaps he has ever met, he did take me through a very thorough examination and I was so pleased he did. When I was thirteen years old my father (Theo congratulated himself) told me I had to start boxing training. There were no clubs in our area but there was an army camp and father got me into the gym there and a Sergeant Fellows became my trainer. All the lads were very good to me and I learnt quickly and by the time I reached sixteen I was very good and even won a few bouts.""Only a few!? That's not like you!""Yes Staff, the lads were at least four years older than me and fully developed physically, I was always catching up but it was good for me as I was always up against better boxers than me, so really the only way to go was up! But very often down of course!""And you still box, maybe for your Regiment?.""Yes Staff and the Army as well and the combined forces boxing team." Theo fondled the black "accept" stamp handle.

"Education. what university would you have gone to, Oxford, Cambridge, Eton, Harrow?""I completed my education at Bournemouth Grammer School Staff, mother hated the four you mentioned even though father could get me into Eton as that's where he was educated. She is of the opinion that those places taught you a lot about nothing useful and all they could do was go into politics and were pretty useless to the world outside, mind you mother hates all politicians as well, but not Churchill, she thinks he is a good man and right for the job." Winston would be pleased to know that, Theo thought. "I have the usual Certificate of General Education and got the highest possible pass marks in all subjects including French and German and have since gone on to read and write in both languages as well as speak them fluently.""Of course you did, 99% would have been a failure to you no doubt." Theo told himself off for the sarcasm and glanced at the "accept" stamp again.

"Right, a couple more questions for this session." But he did not finish as the door opened and both men stood to attention as a Major came in and took one look at Hunter."What the FUCK! How tall are you!? Theo did we ask for giants?""This is Private Huntingdon-Smith sir and he is half an inch short of seven foot.""Then what the fuck is he doing here? He wont exactly blend in with the Frog's or Jerry's will he!" Major Paul Dowling turned to Hunter. "Why the hell did you apply?""I didn't sir, I was told to come here by my CO, Colonel Masters and sir, if I may add, I am sure NOBODY applies for this, we are all sent." The Major looked from Hunter to Theo. "It seems we have a cleaver shit Theo." He turned back to Hunter. "Ok cleaver dick, impress us and you have got just 15 minutes to do so." Hunter's mind went into overdrive and knew he had to come up with something quite different and something neither of them could possibly expect.

"If you agree sir I will ask you two gentlemen to leave the room for five minutes and when you come back in you will not be able to see me and I will also kill both of you, not for real of course." They all looked around the office and noted the desk, a few cupboards and shelves. The only window was barred and no door leading to another room.

"That's very good of you Private, my wife will be very pleased! Your time starts as soon as we close the door. Come on Theo." He looked at Hunter again. "This had better be good young man. I'm not the most patient of men and not only that I am dying for a pint and so is the Staff Sergeant."As soon as the door closed Hunter went into action, he had to work fast and hoped he had guessed the right amount of time before the Major and the Staff Sergeant came back in.

"Well Theo, is this bloke for real or are we being fucked about and he just wants to be rejected?""To be honest sir, I'm bloody sure he is what we want.""Bet you a pint he is buggering us about and is just having a week off. How the hell is he going to be invisible in THAT room?""We are about to find out sir and mines a pint of mild and bitter!"

As soon as Dowling opened the door he was sure Theo would be buying the pints and this fucking idiot would be on his way back to his Regiment.Both men stood still and looked at the floor and took in the sight of highly polished boots, with gaiters either side of them and socks, next was trousers, underpants, shirt, tie, vest, jacket and finally, beret. Everything was laid out as if for inspection. It did not take two seconds to realise that wherever Huntingdon-Smith was, he would be stark naked!

The door quietly closed and both men felt a sharp dig in the neck. "I think gentlemen you are both dead and I must remember to cut my nails when I get back to my room." They both turned round and stared at the magnificent sight standing in front of them!

They were both looking at a most handsome young man and from his black hair down to his size ten feet was a picture of absolute perfection. Everything was in perfect proportion, tight, well defined shoulders and arms, a chest which was broad and strong and flat stomach. His torso was completely hair free except for a thin line of black hair that ran from just under a perfect belly button down to a forest of thick black pubic hair which crowned a magnificent penis, the like of which neither men had seen before. This weapon was at least eight loose inches in length and quite thick, but to add to this spectacular sight were the two low hung and large hairless balls that came down to almost the length the cock! The Major and Staff Sergeant just stood there and simply could not take their eyes off the sight before them. FINALLY, they managed to drag themselves away from "monster cock" and look at Hunter's legs and were not surprised to see strong and well shaped thighs and perfect lower legs, even his fucking knee caps and size ten's were perfection!

Theo had to clear his throat twice before he could speak. "Get dressed." He squeaked. Even that was an experience for both of them as Hunter went to his clothes and they caught the sight of two tight and perfect bum cheeks with that monster swaying between his legs and when he bent over to pick up his underpants they could see a hairless valley, right up to the pink button!The Major and Staff Sergeant looked at one another with an expression on both of their faces which said, "FUUUUCKING HELL!"

Paul Dowling and Theo King sat in the local pub drinking the pints that Paul had to buy. "Bloody hell Theo, I just don't believe anyone could be that big! Christ the bastard has got my share!""Just bigger than mine!" Paul Dowling looked at him and wondered if Theo was joking. "Ok, apart from a big cock and bollocks what do you think? Worth a second interview sir?""Yep, the tall shit stuffed the pair of us up, so bloody simple and if he was the enemy we would both be dead! No, grill him tomorrow and find out if he has ever used that thing except for pissing and tossing himself off! We have to go into the sex questions anyway and I bet you another pint the bugger has had bloody loads of it, lucky sod!" Theo could not wait to have the lad sitting in front of him again!After another pint both men went back to camp and their rooms and when Theo got to bed he laid on his back thinking all the time about the naked and magnificent Huntingdon-Smith. A wank later he fell asleep!

At 09 00 the next day Theo was in his office having cancelled all appointments except Private Huntingdon-Smith's. Hunter was in the reception room as Theo came in to go to his office and stood to attention."Come in, in five minutes Private.""Yes Staff." Hunter had forgotten all about the day before and being naked in front of the Major and the Staff Sergeant, all he was thinking about was hoping to be accepted into this unit, what ever it was he knew it could be a massive life changing experience and was sure he would be sent to France if he was taken on and trained in undercover operations. There could be no other reason to be going through this interview.

At 09 00 on the dot Hunter knocked on Theo's door and was told to enter. Hunter went in and closed the door then marched to the desk and slammed his foot down. Theo winced and told Hunter to sit down.

"IF you ever come in this office again, DON'T make that fucking noise and tell mummy I'm sorry for swearing!""Yes Staff Sergeant." Hunter had a feeling this was going to be very different to the meeting the day before, it would be, but only because of Hunter himself, but before Theo could speak the air raid warning went off and as they left to go the the nearest bomb shelter, the first of a stick of six bombs went off, destroying half of an office block in which ten would die and many more badly injured but would come through because of the work of rescue teams that would save them, including Theo and Hunter.

They stood looking at the burning building and knowing it was too soon for anyone to take charge and organise a proper rescue plan, time was running out for those trapped.

"Follow me, lets go down wind at least it will be clear of smoke." It looked almost impossible, he dragged Hunter with him and went to a fireman, "Soak us!" The fireman did as he was told and after a minute both men, led by Theo ran into the building and between them bought four casualties out and after another soak went in again, it would be the last time they could. They found one body and that was all as by now the whole building was burning. As soon as they were clear the building collapsed ending all hope for further rescue attempts.

It was all over and both of them stood for some time together thinking there was nothing else they could do."We will continue with the interview tomorrow, I am staying here in case I can be useful, you can stand down.""I would rather stay with you Staff Sergeant just in case I can be useful as well." After a short while an officer came to them. "May I ask you chaps to help find bodies with the rest of us? I don't have to tell you it wont be nice." For the next three hours they joined others in the horrific job of recovery of several bodies and body parts, which were beyond description.

At last there was nothing more to do and they walked away from the site. "We both need a clean up, do you have showers in your barracks?" It took some time for Hunter to reply and Theo assumed he was in some sort of shock after the events of the past few hours."No staff, just baths.""You can come to the Sergeant's mess for a shower if you want, much better for getting that stink off of us, you can wash your uniform at the same time.""Thank you Staff I would like that, this is the only uniform I have.""You have got civvies, you were told to bring some so you can ware those tomorrow and hang your uniform in the laundry room to dry out.""Thank you Staff."

They both got under the streaming showers and except for boots and berets they were still fully dressed and allowed the water to soak through their uniforms.

"Hunter, wash the back of my jacket please and I will do yours." Hunter smiled to himself thinking of the Staff Sergeant using his first name, he wondered if he could call him Theo? No, better not.

It was something like a strip show as they took each layer off after a wash and then carried on when the item was free to wash all over again. Hunter was quite deliberate in facing Theo as he took one item off after the other. Now at last they were both naked with their clothes in a heap under another shower being rinsed off under cold water.

Theo made every effort to try not to look and failed miserably, but the magnificent sight of this young man made it impossible not too. Hunter was washing his head which allowed Theo to have a minute or so in staring at this incredible sight and much to his surprise found his cock joining in the fun! He just could not take his eyes off that massive weapon as it and his balls swung all over the place as its owner scrubbed his hair and face in an attempt to get the stink of smoke off of him. Theo had to get himself under control as his cock by now was at attention and had to turn his back to Hunter in the hope the bugger would "stand easy!"

Hunter already knew Theo was very good looking and appeared to have a nice body under his uniform and what he was now looking at confirmed his thinking. Theo was very well developed and had "athlete" written all over him and he guessed field events. Hammer, Discus, Javelin, Shot Putt, that sort of thing. His entire body was in wonderful shape and the fair chest hair only went to enhance the beauty of the man. Hunter guessed 29/30.He looked at the 6.5 inch or so man bit that Hunter was sure had just come down from a full hard on and with nicely hung balls and topped with a thick covering of fair hair. His legs were magnificent and well proportioned and looked very powerful. Yes, definitely an athlete, or maybe was.

If anyone was outside looking in what they would see was two extremely fine looking men standing naked and beautiful with the water cascading over their bodies, it was indeed a sight to behold. By now Theo's cock had got to just a semi and both felt at ease and very comfortable as they scrubbed their bodies trying to get the events of the last few hours off of them.

They were now out of the shower and drying off. "Got a bit of a problem Staff.""What?""How do I get back to my barracks?" "I will lend you my dressing gown and you can walk back without giving anyone a heart attack.""Thank you Staff but why would anyone get a heart attack if I went back naked?" You nearly gave me one when I first saw that cock! Theo thought."Because someone could trip over that thing and end up in casualty." Theo indicated to Hunter what he meant by staring at his shaft."Oh I see!" Hunter smiled to himself, like everyone else, it seemed Theo could not keep his eyes off his knob either!

They both had to concentrate hard the following day as the events of the previous one would take some time to try to get over. The horror of the bomb attack would never leave them, nor would the shower afterwards. Theo started this next interview hoping that he would be able to get his mind back on track and hoped he would STOP thinking about a naked Hunter. Theo had a new uniform on but Hunter was dressed in his civvies and looked completely different. Brown shoes, tan trousers, open necked white shirt and light brown jumper. His hair was slicked back with a middle parting. Theo liked what he saw. He did not know Hunter was thinking the same about his interviewer!

"Right, tell me why you think you are here." They looked at one another knowing full well that being naked together the previous night somehow changed this interview and the atmosphere was some what different, both men were more than relaxed, for the time being anyway , but it was about to go horribly wrong.

"I am pretty sure you are recruiting certain individuals to be trained and sent to carry out undercover operations in France or even Germany."

"And how have you come to think that?"

"I listen to every news bulletin on the radio and read the papers and I know that the reports are either made up for propaganda purposes OR there are people in France sending back intelligence, I think the later. If I am right that means there are groups already established and we want to send more people out there to strengthen those already engaged. Now I hope this does not sound too patriotic or any of that sort of thing, but it just happens we have been caught out by that murderous filth in Germany and once again we were unprepared and we need to get the right men and women with the right attitudes and skills to fight that lot and wipe them out. I have some skills and with training I will become a better soldier and want to go to France if selected."

"And what do you have to offer?"

"As I said yesterday, I am fluent in French and German, I am an excellent shot and know weapons inside out. I am as fit as the next man and I am more than capable of living off the land and could stay out for weeks on my own, I have the Scouts to thank for that. My friend Edward and I spent ages out on the moors in a small tent with no food or water and we spent the whole time surviving, it was great fun!"

"And how did you do that, kill rabbits and the odd sheep?"

"Oh NO Staff! Edward and I would camp about half a mile from a farm house or the outskirts of a village and at about 2am we would go and help ourselves to vegetables, eggs and some times a chicken. We would also help ourselves to as much fruit as we could carry of course."

"Of course, it would have been silly not too. So how old were you when you went on the Moors to rob the locals?"

"Thirteen, we both were." Theo looked at Hunter for some time and knew what his next move would be, he pushed the "accept" stamp into the pad and raised it above the form and was about to slap it down when he realised there was one more thing to ask.

"Girlfriends? A good looking lad like you must have a queue lined up for that thing." Theo nodded towards Hunter's crouch.The answer came as quickly as all the others, all this was, was yet another one and he just came out with it as though it was the most natural reply.

"Gosh no Staff, no girlfriends but a few boys and men though!" Theo dropped the "accept" stamp! Theo was speechless and all he could do was stand up and go to the window. The next part of the interview would be conducted with him staring out of it. Hunter sat there and waited and realised he had just touched a nerve.

"Are you fucking telling me you are....................... HOMOSEXUAL?"

"Yes Staff."


"Yes Staff Sergeant."

"Do you realise you are a criminal and could be put away for years and disgraced for LIFE as well as your family!? What would they think about your sickness!?"

"I don't think I am sick or a criminal Staff Sergeant. What the law is and what is natural are at odds with one another. Laws are man made, homosexuality is quite normal in my opinion and as for my family they already know of my sexual preferences." "Of course they do, how fucking silly of me!" Hunter kept his mouth shut, this was not the time to tell the Staff Sergeant that mother would not be pleased!Theo remained at the window and thought hard. He had been about to "accept" him, now this! At least I can give him full marks for being honest and that was a massive part of this interview. He took a deep breath and returned to his chair and stared at Hunter who returned the look but not in a challenging way, just waiting for the next part of this interview, it had now gone in a different direction and all because he said something that was open and honest. There was a very long pause.

"Right, I should now be calling for the MP's but I will give you five minutes of my time to tell me all about yourself and WHY you have just admitted to me you are homosexual when in fact you did not have to say a thing about it! And DON'T bring mummy and daddy into this either! Your time starts now." Hunter was stumped, how the hell could he reply without referring to his upbringing and those who did it!? He never swore and told himself off for thinking, "FUCK!" He cleared his mind and went on the defensive.

"It is very simple really Staff Sergeant, we are all bought up by our parents (Theo fought hard not to slam his fist on his desk) to be open and honest, even though an opinion may not be agreed by others, but to stand up for your opinions and your chosen way of life no matter what those choices are. All I have done is tell you something you are uncomfortable with and if you send me to prison I will be amongst many other men and will carry on being "illegal!" Theo suddenly found himself at peak interest and wanted to know everything even though this lad would see through it. Sod it, I'M the fucking interviewer and ask anything I want. Theo realised he was sweating.

"I need to know everything about you and your so called chosen way of life Private, you now have as much time as you need." Hunter risked his next words.

"Thank you Staff." He waited for a reprimand and smiled to himself when none was given. He glanced at the two stamps and had already worked out, the red handled one was the "reject" and the black handle the "accept." Staff Sergeant King's hand was nowhere near either of them at this time.

"I have already mentioned my friend Edward who went with me on the Moors when we were thirteen. It was the third time we went that we had sex. We would choose our spot and that nights target then wait in our tent after a naked wash in the stream. The first two times we would just wash ourselves and get back into the tent to warm up and get into our clothes. On this particular occasion it had been a very hot day and there was no hurry to get dressed. We began to play fight by trying to dunk one another and of course our bodies touched a lot and we began to get quite worked up and both became rather hard. It just seemed a natural step that we washed one another but it was me who washed Edwards penis first and I have to say it was a splendid feeling for both of us. Edward then washed mine and it went from there. We spent ages doing that and both of us became even more excited and as hard as our penis's could get! My word the feeling was amazing Staff absolutely amazing!When we got back to the tent we continued and, well I don't really have to explain but you will guess we had full sex and enjoyed it so much we did not go out that night or the next day either!" Theo wanted Hunter to tell all but he coughed instead.

"Ok, two thirteen year old's having a bit of a play, THAT'S not homosexuality, just two kids fucking about. You said MEN as well as boys. When did you start having sex with men and how old where you?"

"I was sixteen and boxing at the army camp."

"Oh Jesus! Your boxing trainer!? What's his name?" Theo looked at his notes. "Sergeant Fellows!?"

"I picked up a slight ham string and he took me into the his office to massage me and it went from that to him taking my shorts off and, well I don't have to say but I will admit I took his off as well!"

"How old was this bloke?"

"About your age Staff, 29/30 and a very nice body, just like yours."

"Do you realise I could report him and he would end up in the glasshouse!?" (Name given to British military prisons)

"No you can't Staff."


"He was killed at Dunkirk and so were two of the other boxers I had sex with. They may have had sex with me and according to the law they all broke it, but they also died for their country Staff Sergeant. Regardless of your opinion of those men and the homosexuality that was going on, MY opinion of them was that each and everyone of the three were really lovely chaps, none of them did anything to me that I did not want to happen. They treated me with respect and kindness and I regarded them all as friends. They taught me a great deal about friendship and care and I know that if I was in trouble they would have been there for me. They were good men, real men and died long before their time." Theo had not missed one word that Hunter had said and began to think about himself and what was supposed to be "normal."

"I am very sorry about the blokes that died, but I need to ask, did you ever get into trouble because of your homosexuality?" Again Theo did not exactly know why he asked that but he was buying time so he could think.

"Just once but before I tell you, because I know you want to know, I will be telling you more than any other person knows about me. I don't want to offend you and now realise I could be in deep trouble anyway." Theo already knew nothing would go out of this room.

"Please tell me all you want to say Hunter, I can promise you there will not be anything that you need to worry yourself about, not now."

"You called me by my first name Staff, I would like to thank you for that, but also forgive me for thinking this could also be a trap."

"Think what you want, but I can assure you it isn't. Perhaps you will accept my word as you did with the blokes you were involved with?" Hunter looked at Staff Sergeant King and was sure he was genuine, and also curious.

"When I was seventeen I got involved with a 21 year old from one of fathers farms and realised too late he had fallen in love with me and he said a few things that caused a bit of a stir and a few local lads picked up on it. They managed to corner him one night and beat him to a pulp, all four of them. He is fine now but lost a few teeth and he never had sex with me again mainly because he joined the RAF to get out of the village. After I found out what had happened I changed quite a lot and by then I was well over six foot, fit and a good boxer, I also felt anger and was about to change a few faces.

I waited until the time was right and selected each of them in turn and they all ended up with a few black eyes and split lips, but I hung back for the ring leader, there is always a ring leader and I made sure he knew I was after him which I knew would give him a few sleepless nights. I even got messages by friends of his telling me he was sorry! That made me even more mad!

I didn't do the obvious and confront him at night or anything stupid like that, no I went to his house and just knocked on the door. I have to admit I already knew he would be on his own after keeping watch on the family movements for a few days.

He didn't know what hit him as soon as he opened the front door and I did not stop until I was certain his jaw was broken and a few teeth missing and he could not see through his black eyes. I left him in a heap then then went home, but I had not finished with him. Staff I am not telling all this to impress because looking back on it there is nothing to be impressed about, BUT I will say now I would do it all over again with Hitler's shit because that's what they deserve. I DON'T deserve to be vilified by you or anyone else simply because I am homosexual and would never harm a sole because I am, BUT I will defend my right to be who and what I am and if that means public humiliation, WELL DONE to people like you who happened NOT to been born homosexual." Theo was totally focused and even though eight years older than this young man sitting in front of him, he was learning a great deal.

"What did you do to this bloke after you beat him up then?"

"Mother...." Theo could not help himself and burst out laughing. "What?"

"Nothing, just carry on."

"Mother would never approve of what I did and that's why you are the only person I have told. I have her respect to loose but I have nothing to loose telling you, at least I don't think so."

A week later I went to the hospital pretending to be this fuckers brother and was told I could stay for as long as I wanted too and they asked me to feed him his soup through the straw because his jaw was still wired up."

"You just swore! Your mother would not approve!"

"She's not here and besides she would forgive me anyway, she always taught us to forgive, even though it took sometime for me to forgive that bloke." Theo was beginning to wish he had a mother like that, all she and his father had done was beat the shit out of him if he and his brothers were "out of order." He had had a sad life and one of the reasons he had been in the army for 13 years.

"I ask again, what did you do to this bloke, beat more shit out of him?"

"No Staff, I spent some time talking to him and even made him sort of smile. He became to realise I was not there to give him more trouble and he seemed to like it when I slipped my hand under the sheet and got hold of his cock and wanked him off! I went back a few times and we did each other. He is a roaring homosexual now and I think in the Navy."

"Jesus Christ..............! Have you ever been in love?"

"No and I don't want to either, well not yet, maybe after the war is over but goodness knows when that will be. That's one reason I want to get more involved in this shit and IF I come through it, who knows, but I am putting my life on hold until this is over."

"But still have sex if someone comes your way?" Theo was fishing, not that he cared any more.

"Why do you ask Staff Sergeant? I am happy with who I am and I can be very violent if someone tries to stop me as I have just described. If people don't like me for whatever, that's their problem and I am very sorry Staff, but that includes you. Yes, if I meet someone who I like and he likes me, then fine, we will "do it" and if that gives you another problem I'm sorry, but at the same time, I could not give a shit, not any more." Theo was by know completely out of his depth and totally confused. This young man was 100% perfect for what he was looking for but the tall beautiful bugger had taken this interview way beyond the norm! Theo made it up, again.

"I have NO idea why I am asking this, but when was the last time you had sex with a bloke?" Hunter looked at Theo and smiled at him.

"You wont like this Staff but it was yesterday!"

"YESTERDAY!? But you were here! Who the fuck with?"

"If you remember me telling you, I had a thorough medical examination?"

"WHAT!? With the Medical Officer!?"

"Yes, its quite normal to have a medical by a doctor Staff and his Medic joined in as well, it was great fun and its possible you could now have three of us to send to prison, not that I would admit to having sex with those two........Staff its up to you of course, you have a choice in having me locked up and do nothing for the rest of this war or accept me for training and I can actually do something useful like helping to save lives as we did after the air raid?"

Theo's brain was in danger of blowing up and by now wondered who was actually interviewing who! He tried to get back in control with all this going through his head but also knew he did not want this to end, and then made the best decision of his life.

"This session is over Private. You will report back here at 09 00 tomorrow in civilian clothes again. Did you bring swimming trunks as you were told to do?""Yes Staff.""Bring them and a towel, dismiss." Hunter stood up to attention and went to the door as Theo watched him all the way. The door closed.

"OH FUCK.....! OH FUCKING HELL!" Theo had no idea how long he sat there with his head in his hands staring at Hunter's form trying to work HIMSELF out! He rang the Major.

"Dowling here."

"Sir, may I have the Jeep tomorrow?"

"Yes of course, are you still interviewing big dick?"

"Yes sir, I just want to take him off camp in civvies and get him to relax more and I think I will know by the time we get back if we can take him on."

"That's fine Theo, it just surprises me you haven't already, that boy is just what we are looking for!" If only you knew Major, Theo thought!

It was a lovely hot day and both men looked so different dressed as they were in their own clothes. Theo chucked a bag in the back of the Jeep, took the drivers seat and started up."May I ask where we are going Staff?""To Abbey House, I have a friend who owns it and he has told me to drive over any time and use the grounds and his private beach area. I sometimes get to see him when I pop over but mostly I just walk around and go for a swim and because we are in civvies, its first names only."""Yes Staff!" They both laughed and Theo drove off. Half hour later Theo turned off the road and went down a long drive, turned a bend and stopped outside a large house."Its a lovely place Theo. How old is it?""You guess.""200/300?""Forty years. The General is a bit odd and designed it to look old, did a good job as well.""The General is your friend?""Sort of, but his son was my real friend. He is Captain Thomas Black and he was my CO in Norway, he got badly wounded and I managed to get him and the boys out. He is permanently disabled and has to have 24 hour nursing care, he wont see me again because he wanted me to let him die. The General thinks differently and that's why he told me to come here when ever I wanted. I don't come that often but I thought you would like it.""Is that why you have the Military Medal?""Yes. Come on lets get to the beach and as you are younger than me, you can carry the bag.""Yes, old man!" This was already a happy day.

After a slow walk through the gardens they arrived at the top of the cliff and took the wooden steps down to the beach. Hunter could already see the beach hut just a few yards from the bottom step and assumed that's where they were heading for. As they climbed down he looked along the beach, there was not a sole in sight, they would be completely private and Hunters mind began to wonder and smiled at the back of Theo's head. "Will he!?"

Theo opened the double doors to the beach hut and secured them. Hunter looked into a large room which had a number of folded deck chairs, cupboards which held nothing, shelves with blankets folded up which Hunter assumed would be there for when the Captain was bought down.

Hunter put the bag down and looked at Theo, Theo looked back and kicked his shoes off followed by his shirt and vest. He looked at Hunter and raised his shoulders and opened his hands more or less telling Hunter to follow him, he did. For the second time they now stood naked facing one another and both smiled and pulled their trunks on, Theo tucking his 6.5 in and Hunter his eight."Swim?" Theo asked."Thought that's why we are here." They walked down to the sea, just two foot apart, and Hunter followed Theo as he went in up to his chest and then swam out a hundred yards and then turned parallel to the beach and swam for another four minutes. Hunter watched him and marvelled as his body seemed to glide through the water, it was almost effortless. Theo stopped and trod water waiting for Hunter to catch up." I had thought you were a field athlete, what were you?""Swimmer. I was in the national team but then the war got in the way like it did for hundreds of us. Do you fancy a race back? I will give you a 15 second start." Hunter turned round and got into his stroke but already knew this was a lost cause. Theo swam passed him with still 100 yards to go and again trod water directly opposite the beach hut waiting for Hunter to arrive. Hunter was happy and just swam straight into Theo and they fought and without a word both men tried to dunk one another and of course loads of body contact and Theo thinking about Hunter on the moors when he was thirteen.

They got out of the water and went back to the beach hut only this time much closer together, so close their bodies often touched. They dried themselves off and got a deck chair out each and put them on the decking in front of the hut and sat down to soak up the sun, neither saying a thing but both thinking hard and Theo covering the front of his trunks with his towel because he was! Hunter sat there with his legs apart and his fantastic bulge on display and knew why Theo had his towel where it was. Hunter was being a tart and fucking LOVING it! Still nothing was said but Theo knew he had too, that's why he had bought Hunter here in the first place! He could not believe what he was putting himself through. Here he was, the holder of the Military Medal after saving his CO and four other men by his actions in Norway, a real MAN and now sitting next to a bloke who he bloody well knew he was attracted too, but shit scared at the same time! With a pulse racing at a rate it had never reached, he finally spoke.

"Hunter?""Yes Theo and yes Theo.""Yes Theo what?""I think you are going to ask me to kiss you and if you are, I want too. Sorry if I got it wrong.""Have you ever kissed a man and meant it?""No, never.""If you kissed me, would you mean it?""Yes, I promise I will Staff Sargent and, Staff Sargent I have wanted you to do that since we showered together and Staff Sargent I have a confession.""What? And if you call me Staff Sargent again I will climb up there and beat the shit out of you!""I lied about not having showers in my barrack's but I knew if I said I didn't you wouldn't ask me to come to yours and shower with you.""Why?""You asked me if I had ever been in love and I know I have never been, but now I'm not so sure. I know this is going rather quickly but I am also sure you are thinking the same."

They sat in their deck chairs looking at one another and neither knowing what to do next, even though the silly sods knew EXACTLY what they both wanted but held back even though Hunter had made it plain he wanted Theo to kiss him.

Theo took "command!" and stood up. "I'm going for another swim and you are coming with me, short fucker!" Six foot Theo "towered" over Hunter and watched as the six foot eleven and a half inch young man began to get up. Theo timed it perfectly and as soon as Hunter was half way up, he pushed him back down and legged it down the beach and by the time he was chest high, Hunter had caught up, belly high!

General Sir Horace Black was with his son as he died holding his hand for the four hours it took Thomas to leave him. They were alone and the General sat still holding his son's hand deep in thought and all of it about what Thomas had said the day before about his love for Theo. "Forgive me dad but I need to tell you........I was in love with Theo, not that he ever knew it, can you imagine the outcry! I know you will understand and will not think less of me, I just needed to get it off my chest........." He was too weak to say any more but would hear his fathers reply. "There is nothing to forgive, you are my son and a very, very brave one."

He sat there looking down at Thomas and would never know what his life would have been like if he had survived the war, but now he was gone and it would be a secret that he would keep with him until his own death. He got up and went to the door and let those waiting to come in.

He went to the window and looked out onto the beach and sea. It was a view that Thomas had loved. He glanced down and was surprised when he saw the Jeep and knew that Theo was either walking around the grounds or in the sea for a swim. He saw two men and instantly knew one of them was Theo who seemed to be play fighting with another really tall young man. He picked up the binoculars and trained them on the pair of them. They had stopped fighting and instead were embracing. He lowered the binoculars and turned back to Thomas's bed and went back to him. He once again kissed his son's forehead and he left the room to go outside and walk to the cliff top.

By the time he reached the cliff and looked down both men were nowhere to be seen and guessed they would be in the beach hut and could only assume what was happening. Despite his loss he smiled at the thought and wished Theo and his friend a happy life, but he also knew the war could get in the way, it had already done so with his son. He would send a message to Theo about Thomas's passing in a couple of days, he did not want to spoil what would seem to be a happy time for both young men.

Both of those young men had been clinging on tightly together as the waves gently passed by them both wanting to kiss the other and still not too sure if they should, well Theo did.For Theo this was totally confusing but at the same time having this beautiful man's arms around him he was not about to break away.For Hunter it was equally confusing as this was the first time in his life he was holding and being held by a man who was different in that it was not the beginning to something else, this was all he wanted, IF something else happened he was in no hurry.Neither of them said a word and together waded out and walked up the beach towards the hut.

Theo sat in a chair and indicated to Hunter to knee down in front of him and once there they embraced again, for a very long time and during it both men waiting for the other to make the first move.

By now Theo was in a bit of a mess and even more confused and in panic pushed Hunter away. "Come on, we are going back, this is too fucking weird. Just forget this ever happened. Hunter, GET UP!" Hunter stayed were he was and said the one thing he knew would keep them there for a while anyway."No Staff Sargent I'm not getting up until we kiss.""Oh fuck!" They lent forward and at the same time wrapped their arms around one another again and very slowly they moved together and at long last their lips met for the first time.

Sometime later they went back up the steps and put the bag in the Jeep and went for a stroll around the grounds talking their heads off. Theo would never know the friend he had kept alive was now at peace just a short distance away or the love he had for Theo. The General was looking at them as they wondered off thinking that at least two people had been able to grab a few moments of their own peace as the rest of the world was tearing itself apart. He had never prayed that much but now he did, not just for his son, but these two as well now hoping that they would survive this madness and find something that they both hoped for.

"Theo?""Yes?""Do you think we could make love sometime?" Again there was a long pause, Theo was still coming to terms with what he had just found out about himself!"I have no idea but at the same time, yes I do. You are lucky in a way, you already knew from an early age what you were, ME! I have to except what I am and I'm 28 for fucks sake and never done that sort of thing with a man.""But you still want too, yes?" Another pause."Yes.""That's fine then, I will wait for as long as it takes.""You make it all sound so simple and I bet if a nice looking bloke comes along you will be in bed with him as soon as his pants go down.""That's NOT fair Theo, don't judge me because of my past and that's what it is, the past." Once again there was a long silence."I'm sorry, I really am, but you must understand all this has completely fuck...... Sorry, messed me up and I don't know if I'm on my head or my ass and I'M supposed to be the senior and much more experienced in life than you are and I guess I am, but not THIS!""I don't know what's happening either and I can tell you this has completely messed......Sorry, fucked me up as well! But Theo I will never regret coming for this interview, regardless of the out come even though I know you will except me now!""Don't be so bloody sure, there is still more of it to come. Come on, we have to get back.""Kisses first?" Half hour later they walked back to the Jeep and got in. As Theo started up he looked up at the house and saw the Union Jack flying at half mast and just knew it was not for the General. Two days later it was confirmed when he got a phone call.

The next day the Staff Sergeant and Private sat opposite one another in Theo's office, there was no mention of the previous day and for one reason, Major Dowling was there as well!

After half an hour of Paul talking and asking his own questions he turned to Theo. "That's it as far as I am concerned and if this was me, I would take him on him on board." Paul looked at Hunter again. "I am going out now and I will leave it to the Staff Sergeant to explain to you EXACTLY why you are here and what you will be getting involved with, but its entirely up to the Staff Sergeant, its his baby." They both stood up as Paul left, then sat down again.

"Theo, have I got it all wrong and your not looking for what I said I thought you were?""No, you are spot on but this now goes in a different direction as it seems we are also different because of yesterday. By the way did you like our time together?""Well of COURSE I did, surely you must know that!""Just taking the piss Private! I don't have to tell you I have found out a lot about myself. My best friend and I got involved a few times when we were teenagers and I have to admit I have never forgotten it, even though I tried. I know now I put myself in a cupboard and could not accept myself to who I really am.""Do you want to get involved with me in the same way Theo?""Of COURSE I do and I will accept you as well even though I know its going to be a bit of a shit for both of us.""BOTH of us?""Oh yes, you are coming with me! All this was about is me finding the person I wanted to go with me. I have interviewed a few and rejected the lot but I have also interviewed others who will be going solo and if you were a solo I would have rejected you, there is no way I would send you without me, someone has to look after you." "Thank you very much, so what happens now?""You and I report to the Major at 13 00 hours, so you have half an hour to get ready." Theo stood up followed by Hunter."Come down here." Hunter bent down and the two kissed once more which took some time. "Hunter, just remember this, even though you have been accepted, you can withdraw at any time after the Major finishes talking this afternoon. All the Major will be telling us, is the outline of our operations and where we will start our training. I already know it all and that's a bit unfair on you, but I needed to know so I could take on the chap I thought could work well with me.""I don't know whether to kiss you or hit you." Theo pulled Hunter back to his mouth and kissed him." There, I have just saved you from a beating.""Could you?""You will find out, but first there is something I have to do." He picked up both stamps and offered them to Hunter. "Your choice." Hunter looked at the stamps and put his finger towards the red handle and was half an inch from it when he changed direction and tapped the black one. "Sure Hunter?""Yes Theo, very sure." Theo bought the stamp down on the form and then signed it."Welcome to the unknown!"

Both of them sat in front of Paul Dowling as he outlined the next month and what they would be involved in and as he went on the more Hunter smiled, he just could not help himself becoming more and more excited and it showed. Theo just sat there already knowing what would be said but he also found him self thinking about the coming month.

"Gentlemen as soon as this meeting ends, you will be escorted to your rooms and you will pack, from there you will go to the equipment store and be issued with everything you will need for the next four weeks, it will then be put on board your truck and then you will come back here and be issued your boxes that contain every aspect of your training during the time you are at the cottage. It is isolated on Dartmoor and you will be completely alone so that you can get to know one another and train and study. After the four weeks you will be picked up and taken to the Montagu estate at Beauieu where we have our main training facility and from there to your operations in France when and where it is decided you two will be sent. I don't think I have to tell you that this month will be a time when you get to know one another inside out and a lot of that will be through your training during which time you will learn to know exactly what the other is thinking or the operations you will be asked to perform will end up in disaster.In your boxes you will find out your new identities and you are to become those characters from day one and speak French only throughout, your lives will depend on it. Right, I have finished except three things. One, it is more than likely you will be on your own most of the time and sleeping rough and living off the land, sending intelligence back by coded messages which means you will be very mobile, but you will also meet up with underground movements and work with them, they will arm and equip you and also some will join you. Two, your area is likely to be in the Normandy area and report back on enemy movements and coastal defences, these will be vital to the whole Allied effort.Three, you Theo are now promoted to Lieutenant and you Hunter to Second Lieutenant, but you will never ware a uniform until you come back but I can assure you IF you do, the war will be over.As of this moment you are to speak French only, right off you go, there is a Sergeant outside waiting for you."

It took just two hours to pack, go to the equipment store to collect all that they would need and load it. The track was left under guard while they went back to Dowling's office. Once there they were handed two large metal boxes which contained their new lives. They shook hands with Paul and would see him again when they got to Beaulieu in a months time and by the time they got there they would not only be completely changed characters, they would be deeply in love and ready for the next and final part to their preparations to be dropped over France by parachute. But, we will not be going with them.

At last the three fires had began to take effect and the cottage was now warm and unexpectedly comfortable. The living room fire had a couple of new logs on it and the one heating the water in the huge copper which doubled as a means of laundry and bathing was ready. The one in the bedroom was also blazing away for them to go to much later.They put all their equipment neatly in one corner of the large living room and together cooked the evening meal over the log fire and hooked the huge pan on for the beef stew to take the two hours or so to cook.

They now sat in front of the fire together not saying a word but knowing everything had been done and now just wait for dinner to cook. It resembled a newly married couple waiting for bed time!

"If we are going to become different people and work together neither of us should take the lead and just know what the other is thinking and both should know what it is Alain Dupont, (Hunter) said Eugene Rousseau, (the other one).

"Ce que suis im je fence alors a Eugene?" (what am I thinking then Eugene?)

"Vous voulez que nours faire l'amour dans la baignoire Alain (You want us to make love in the bath Alain.)

"Corriger!" (Correct!)

Back at the camp Major Paul Dowling was about to turn in and just before he fell asleep wondered how Theo and Hunter were getting on. He knew Theo inside out and was sure they were studying the contents of their boxes. "Two good men and they will do well, great to have them!" He said out loud, then fell asleep. Certainly there would be a lot of "inside, then out!"

Theo shuffled the pair of them around so they were laying out on the settee and got on top of "Alain" and they did not stop kissing until he had to get up and chuck two more logs on the fire and rush out to put two more under the bath. When Theo got back Hunter was in the same position only this time naked and with a massive hard on! Theo ripped every thing off and the two hard on's greeted one another, as did their owners.

During the next half hour or so the two practising Frenchmen carried out what all Frenchmen claimed to be in the love making department. They kissed, touched and fondled every part of "his" magnificent body, but finally they had to agreed that what with the physical excursions of this day, they whiffed a bit and a bath was more than a priority. That of course would be wonderful and one more physical experience to cross off a very long list and this was only the first day!

They dried off and went naked and sat in front of the fire, Theo between Hunter's open legs and both men holding one another and, of course, kissing. They had already discovered that kissing was one of the most profound ways of giving and showing their love and it would take a long time before they, again, explored the whole body with hands, lips and tongues. They twisted their bodies to give access to the other and by doing so they both become so worked up the next two steps were not long in coming as each of them entered the other and by the time both had exploded into "Alain and then "Eugene," the cycle was complete and they now laid wrapped up close together and for a short time the world outside was, for this brief and wonderful time, forgotten.It all ended back in the bath and then bed where there was a second coming.

This month would change both of them for whatever life they had left and not only did they become two totally different characters, by the end of it shared a love that could only be equalled. They would take that love from the cottage to the spy school at Beaulieu in Hampshire where they would continue to train with many others but unlike them would go to their room and once again make love but at the same time wonder how many more times it could happen.

Eugene Rousseau and Alain Dupont were strapped in the DC3, the only "passenger's." It was midnight and pitch black. The flight would take three hours to get to their drop off point and at 1000ft, the first pass would see half a ton of equipment parachuted out and on the second one, the two "Frenchmen." This was January 1944 and since the interview they had been together one year and four months and during the whole time no one ever realised that these two were not only fully trained to carry out their work in France but as important nobody knew that they were lovers as well. All that goes to prove was they were bloody good in being able to work closely with others and no one knowing anything about them!

The night before they would be parachuted into France they went to bed and tried to make love but it could not happen and instead clung together in complete silence, each with their own thoughts and wondering if this would be the last time like this. From now on it was a matter of carrying out their work and hope to survive it and come back home as Englishmen again and if they did.........? All both of them were sure of is that they had found love and had agreed that if they got into trouble, they would die together.

They stood at the door of the DC3 and with one last look at one another, they bailed out.........

Postscript to follow? Maybe.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it. Comments are welcome and say what you want, so long as its polite of course.

Next: Chapter 2

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