The Island

By rr2253

Published on Nov 28, 2010


I woke up or least I think I woke up, not sure where or who I was. I don't remember much of anything. I glanced around the room. I looked like a hospital room as best I could tell. The usual hospital things were there, a visitor chair, thing to put food on was over the end of my bed. I glanced around and saw an IV bottle attached to my arm. What I couldn't figure out was why I was there. Was I in an accident or something? I didn't recall anything like that. I laid there and really didn't want to open my eyes but I did a little. Yep. It was a hospital room alright. I tried to rack my brain about my name or anything that was familiar. I simply laid there not paying much attention to my surroundings.

Finally, some things began to click. I was in the military, a Navy Seal I think. It slowly started to come back to me. I was involved in some kind of military thing. I began to recall lots of explosions on a ship of some kind. Then, it all went black and I couldn't remember the details. I glanced around the room and someone dressed as a nurse, I think, came in checked my head and said something about me waking up finally. Things were a little blurry so I didn't respond. I just laid there trying to figure out what happened to me.

I must have fallen back to sleep. I was awakened by that nurse again and someone reaching under the sheet over me. It was a nice feeling though. I suddenly became awake enough to realize that someone was touching my cock. I didn't stir much but it felt good.

"I think he's coming back. His cock is getting hard when I stroke it." I heard someone say. Maybe it was the nurse, I couldn't be sure. The woman in white seemed to be checking other tings about me as well.

After some time, I heard the table extended over my bed , be moved up toward me. I suddenly realized that I must be awake and felt a little hungry. I looked over to the nurse and was surprised to see a younger male placing a tray on my table. What was interesting about it was that the young man had no shirt on. I couldn't see him completely. He said something about my breakfast and walked away. I looked as he left and wasn't sure, but it appeared he had no pants on either. He looked naked to me. Surely I was hallucinating. No one worked in a hospital in the nude.

I didn't say anything to the nurse who continued to check me over. I ate some of the food. Not particularly good food at that. Typical hospital stuff was what it tasted like. After a little, if felt the urge to urinate. I asked the nurse if I could get up to go to the bathroom. Her stern reply was no. Sahe added that someone would be in soon to help me with that. A few minutes later, the same young boy came in. I was sure that this time I wasn't hallucinating. He was naked. He walked over to me and asked if I needed to urinate. I half nodded and said yes. He reached down and pulled the sheet back. I realized that I had no clothes on. I was embarrassed at being naked in front of this young man but realized that he too was naked. What kind of hospital was this I wondered? He reached down and took my cock in his hand. I assumed he was getting a bed pan or something when he bent over and took my cock in his mouth. His warm breath and lips around it felt good. He looked at me and nodded to go ahead. Was he going to drink it? My full bladder wasn't waiting and I started to piss. I looked down and this young man was drinking it in. It felt so good to relieve myself at first I didn't care. I could tell by his throat movement that he was in fact, drinking my pee. I was a little shocked and awed by the whole experience. Once my bladder was empty, he continued to lick the head of my penis. His right hand had a grip around my cock and he seemed to be stroking it. Damn it felt good I thought. I had never had such a great feeling in my cock. His hand continued to stroke moving now to my balls. I felt my cock getting rigid. Damn, it felt hot. I hadn't felt this good down there since I was in an Indonesian bar a while back and some whore I was with, had massaged my cock and balls. She had stroked my cock and balls while we were in a back room at the bar along with some other sailors. She had done this for a bit and I shot a huge load of cum. This wasn't any damn bar I was in now though. He continued to stroke and I felt my cock get bigger. All of a sudden, I felt myself cumming I moaned with pleasure as his tender touch brought me relief. I dawned on me then that I was, or had been, a Navy Seal. I felt myself start to ejaculate. His mouth remained on the tip of my cock. Once I was done, I looked up and saw some of my cum coming out of the side of his mouth. He wiped his hand over it and I sensed he swallowed the load. He looked down at me and smiled.

"Was that satisfactory, Sir?' he asked calmly.

I was astounded and wasn't quite sure what to say. I nodded my head. He bent down again and licked my cock clean of any remnants. Once done, he looked at me and thanked me. He straightened the sheet over my naked body, and spent a few moments covering me back up. I looked at him and muttered at thank you to him. I didn't quite know what to say. He then came up toward me with a wash cloth and proceeded to wipe my face and neck with a cool cloth.

I finally mustered up the courage to ask him where I was. He said I was in the hospital and that he would care for my every need. He didn't add any details but turned and left as the nurse came back in the room.

I looked at her and decided to ask her some questions. She said I had been involved in a ship bombing.

I could somewhat recall an explosion, lots of smoke and fire and hearing others screaming. I wanted to block it from my mind. She said that many had been killed but I was found and brought back to the hospital where I had been for about a month. I must have been in a coma or something as I didn't recall any of it. She also said that This was the first day they had been able to remove the catheter from me. I was recovering nicely she added and that a doctor and a general would be in to see me soon.

I started to feel better and by the next day, was able to sit up in bed. The young man came in every few hours and asked that I piss for him. I asked him why he was doing that. What was wrong with bed pans if I couldn't get up. He smiled and said he was my orderly. It was his job to take care of all my personal needs. When I asked why I was naked and so was he, he smiled and said that that was his role and serving another male was his honor. Not a very clear explanation I thought.

For the next several days, I remained in bed. The orderly who I learned was named Sergio, was with me quite often. He helped me to the lavatory where he continued to drink my piss and when I had to have a bowel movement, he helped me with that. I was shocked when I was done, he had softly wiped my ass with a moist towlette but then when I returned to bed, he had me lie on my stomach. At first I wasn't sure why but soon discovered his warm mouth and tongue were licking my dirty ass! I wanted to escape and get away from him but with a lack of strength and his persistence, I finally allowed him to enter my hole with his tongue. It felt so darn good that it was hard to protest. He also told me, if I was found with a soiled anus, he could be punished. What the fuck kind of hospital expected their orderlies to eat some dude's shit hole. I was baffled.

He took me to the bath where he ran the water and I was helped in. He washed all of my body but he seemed to spend more time on my cock and balls which he stroked. On several occasions, I came shooting big loads. Each time, he took them in his mouth. I had to admit that Sergio had quite a touch and brought me to ecstasy every time he did it. I told him how wonderful his care was. He thanked me for saying it but told me it was his honor to serve me. He didn't seem to want to talk about much.

When I asked questions, his answers were always vague and unclear. When I asked him where I was, he merely said I was on the island. I looked at him questioningly but he offered no more information.

When I asked about going home or calling my family, his response was all would happen in due time. I felt that I was getting nowhere with him except that I enjoyed his touch and personal care of my body.

I still couldn't figure out what kind of place this was and why such a nice looking young man like him was always naked and drinking piss and eating shit. I had no ideas.

A few days passed and the nurse came in and announced that I would meet with the doctor and the Commander the next day. I had no idea who either was but hoped it meant I would get to rejoin my group and head back home or to the Navy I knew. Boy, was I ever going to be surprised.

Next: Chapter 2

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