The Island

By rr2253

Published on Feb 22, 2011


The Island - Chapter 15

This is an erotic gay male sexual story. If it is illegal to read or you don't like such material, please stop now. If you have comments, please sent them to me at

We went back to the quarters where I had Jake carry Kurt into the stable. Randy led Paul there too. They looked around in wonderment not knowing what this change would bring to them. Jake laid Kurt on a straw mat. Paul stood nearby. Jay and Jake looked on but stood where they usually slept. Kurt only laid there a moment before he got himself up and got on his knees and extended his arms forward and sat in a kind of dog stance as dogs do when ordered to sit. His legs were spread wide and his cock and balls were thrust forward due to the ring around them. He looked at me obediently and I smiled at him. I turned my attention to Paul who waited patiently. Randy was stroking him on his chest. His nipples were nicely sized and his cock reacted at the attention. Jay and Jake looked at his cock as it got hard. I told the boys that Paul was there as a gift for Martin. Martin could use him as he pleased but that Jay and Jake could also use him. I explained that he was there so they could, if they chose, fuck him. Paul didn't seem to rect. It was quite a change from when he said he only fucked women. Now he was going to be the bitch.

Kurt got up on all fours and crawled over to us and got very close to me. He was in a dog like stand on all fours. I looked down at him . His white body obviously needed some sun to tan him like the other studs. I reached down and rubbed his ass and told him he could stand if he wanted. Kurt looked at me a little perplexed and said "Master, dogs don't stand." I reminded him that he wasn't a dog and began to pull him up. He got on his knees and faced my crotch and asked if I wanted him to suck on me. Now I was a little surprised. I said he could if he wanted and he opened my pants , withdrew my cock and put it in his mouth. Even in his weakened state, he did a masterful job licking my cock. Paul had developed quite an erection so I had Mike suck him. I told him not to do too good a job as Paul was now our milk boy. As Kurt sucked me, i told Randy that he was to milk him everyday and bring the result to the table for me to use in my coffee. Randy asked what that meant to him and I laughed and told him he wasn't going to be the only benefactor of the cream that Jay, Jake and Paul would produce.

I shot a load into Kurt's mouth which he swallowed quickly. I had Mike stop sucking Paul just before he was going to shoot. I had him milk him the rest of the way and he shot a huge load into the cup. I then had him bend over and showed Jay and Jake his rosy ass. I said they could fuck him if they liked. The had only fucked Randy before and he was very tight as he was small. I told Paul it might hurt at first but I wanted him to get used to Jay and Jake entering him. He was very obedient and I had First Jay and then Jake fuck him. Paul screamed in pain when Jay first entered him. Randy had put the ring in a upward position but he ring and Jay's huge dick head were more than he could stand. Jay started to pull out fearing he had injured Paul but I insisted he try again. The screams continued but Jay continued to push. Eventually, he penetrated Paul's tight hole and the screams turned into more whimpers. Tears rolled down his face as Jay now began to fuck him. As Jay produced so much milk each day, I let him shoot into Paul to lube him up. After he came, Paul looked at me, his eyes begging for mercy. I stroked his head and his cock and said that he needed to get used to this. He nodded and while he still cried I had Jake enter him. It was much less painful this time as Jay's thick cum lubricated his ass. Jake fucked him and I noticed that Paul got an erection. His whimpers now turned to soft moans. Jake shot his load into him also. As he pulled out, a huge amount of cum drained from his stretched hole. I told him I was proud of him for taking the two studs cocks. He smiled at me and thanked me. Randy immediately got behind him and licked out all the dripping cum. His hole stayed open . I knew he could feel it. I had Randy insert the largest butt plug we had to encourage it to stay open. Jay and Jake both thanked me for letting them fuck their new stable mate. Mike went to work cleaning off their wet, cum covered cocks.

Kurt had watched the whole thing. I told him he would get used as well but would wait until his ass was healed a bit. I made sure each of the ponies and the stable boys knew one another's names. I said that when Aiden and Martin came home, they would be brought into the house . I instructed Randy to get a large bow to attach to each boys cock. I wanted them to look pristine when I presented my slave boys with their gifts. Paul was thrilled that he would get to set Martin again. Kurt smiled when I told him his former master would be his master again.

When Aiden and Martin returned from soccer practice, I told them they both had a surprise. They seemed a little fearful as for slaves, surprises aren't always a good thing. I had them cover their eyes and led them to the stable. Paul looked magnificent now cleaned and skin oil applied to him to make him glisten. I had Randy trim his pubic hairs before installing a large red bow around his cock and balls. He had also placed a large red bow on Kurt's genitals. which also stuck out due to the large cinch ring which was firmly attached around his balls making them jump forward and his cock rested on top. He too had been oiled but his skin was much whiter. Randy had given both a sex stimulant to make sure their cocks were enlarged and hard. Kurt was on his knees with his arms straight out supporting him next to paul who took the present position. When we got in the stable, I had Aiden and Martin face them and told them to uncover their eyes. They looked right at the new slaves and both smiled and then looked at me before I told them they could go and welcome their new slaves. I only thought for a minute how absurd it was that these two slaves were given presents of human flesh. They both ran up to their new prizes and hugged them. Randy and Mike stood by and watched. Martin hugged Paul who still had the plug in him, and kissed him. Tears came to all the boys. Aiden encouraged Kurt to stand up and he finally did. He looked at me first and I nodded that it was ok. I explained that they were gifts to the boys for being such good slaves. They could used them as they saw fit. Aiden and Martin ran back to me and kissed and hugged me forgetting that they usually asked for permission first. First Aiden and then Martin got down on their knees. I had stripped naked before they arrived as i didn't want to be the only one with clothes on. Aiden was first to take my cock in his mouth and ask to suck it. Martin, never to be outdone, kissed my balls. I smiled at how well they received their gifts. . After a few minutes of their hot mouths on me, I came and Aiden took every drop. I think Kurt was amazed to see his former owner in this position as the last time he had seen him, he wasn't a slave. they called their new slaves over. Kurt dropped to all fours and crawled over and Paul walked over.

I had the boys come in and make dinner. Mike cam along to help and be ready to be our toilet if needed. While we dined, Aiden and Martin kept thanking me for saving their former slave and friend and for bringing them to us.. After dinner, they went out to the stable to hug and hold their old friends. I was pleased that they liked my gifts. Before gong to bed that night, they warmly hugged their slaves and made sure they were comfortable. We put Paul with Jay and Jake and had Kurt sleep with Mike and Randy. I told them that Kurt was not to be fucked or sucked that night as he was still very tender. Mike offered to sleep with his mouth on his cock as from his five years as a dog boy, he tended to dribble some as that was considered ok in the dog pens. Mike let the boy sleep with his dick in his mouth. and Randy applied lotion to his hole after licking it clean..

Aiden, Martin and I slept in the bed as usual. I told Mike to come in overnight and to be ready to service us as well. In the morning, Mike was kneeling waiting for us to awake. I was up first and went out to tell Randy to bring the ponies in for milking. He awoke them while I went back to use Mike. Aiden and Martin were awake early too to see their new slaves. Martin went into the kitchen and kissed him. Paul wasn't sure how he should react so he did as his new master did and kissed him too. Aiden went out and led Kurt into the kitchen. He still was more comfortable on his hands and knees, sitting back on his feet with his arms extended to the floor to support him. He made sure his legs were widely spread to expose his cock and balls. I had Aiden and Martin come in to get cleaned up. Mike was there to accept all our piss and to do whatever else we asked. Aiden came into the shower with me and Martin followed to gently wash and lick me while I cleaned up. I shaved along with Martin. Aiden still had little beard and didn't need it today. There was no question about his manhood though as he sported his usual huge and stiff cock and balls. The hair under his arms was also pretty I thought, on his tanned body. Aiden asked if I needed him to take a shit in. I declined as I had Mike there for that. Although he had been trained as a pony and could still run fast, he was rapidly becoming an excellent toilet boy and did so willingly. I think he always was in fear as a cockles eunuch, he could easily be gotten rid of and he so appreciated everything I did to save him, he would eat all our shit all day and not complain. I allowed him to rim my ass afterwards but preferred that he didn't eat the turds as it wasn't the healthiest of diets.

We all came in to the kitchen. We were all still naked. The pony boys all bowed to me and said good morning. I kissed them all and touched there cocks as they stood with hands behind their heads. Randy had done a very good job of grooming them. They never smelled like some ponies did and their body hair was always neatly trimmed. Mike had cleaned up from his toilet duties and was helping Aiden prepare breakfast. Martin was interested in Kurt and stroked his head and body much like one would do with a real dog. Kurt seemed to enjoy it and licked Martin's hand. Aiden asked Martin to take him out to pee and he lead him with a leash. Kurt seemed happier and I noticed his cock was less red and sore looking already. I told the boys that I wanted our ponies milked everyday. I knew Paul as well as Jay and Jake all came often and produced a great deal. Randy did the honors as we all watched. Jay and Jake didn't seem to mind as much as Paul. Paul looked a little embarrassed as he was stroked. All did moan with pleasure as Randy first sucked and licked with his expert mouth and then gently rubbed their cocks. He was good at sensing when they would cum and held a small pitcher to collect it. I wanted to taste each one. Paul produced the most but Jay and Jake's was sweeter. I told Randy to make sure they all drank fruit juices which were healthier and I was told, produced sweeter cum. I took Jay's cum and spooned it into my coffee. It immediately changed it a bit lighter but I added Jake's and Paul's as well. I thought it made the coffee wonderful and allowed Aiden and Martin to try it. They both smiled.

Seeing the boys milked as he sat in the corner, I noticed that Kurt's cock produced precum and he quietly dripped. I had Randy milk him also and he produced a good sized load which I said I would have later.

After the milking, as the slaves all stood with legs wide apart, toes touching one another and hands behind their heads, I decided I wanted to take a photo of this beautiful sight. I had Aiden and Martin join them. Kurt knelt in doggie style so I had Aiden kneel next to him and put his arm around him. Paul stood but Martin also put his arm around his slave. I took several photos and made sure I could show the cocks of the slaves still wet with the cum that was milked from them. After the photo shoot, I had Mike make more breakfast and told the slaves they were to eat as well. The slaves didn't sit at the table but I had plenty of food made for them. I wasn't surprised that Kurt wanted his food in a dog bowl. I knew Aiden was distressed that he hadn't responded to not being a dog anymore but he rubbed him and played with his ass while he ate. Kurt got very hard as Aiden stroked his body. Paul seemed to love to have Martin nearby. Although he knew he was the inferior slave, Paul allowed Martin to stroke him and also play with his cock and the ring attached to it.

I quietly told both they could take their new slaves and use them. After eating, Aiden took Kurt and Martin took Paul. They decided to play together so the four went off to living room. All the slaves enjoyed the real food and ate everything provided. Mike cleaned up the kitchen with Randy's help and I took Jay and Jake to my office. where I played with their bodies for some time before getting dressed and going to my daily duties.

Paul and Kurt were both fucked by Aiden and Martin. Although they had been peers, Paul recognized that Martin was his superior now but willingly sucked and rimmed him. Kurt willingly got fucked by both boys. He had more trouble controlling his cum and shot several times which he licked up without prompting. He did want to stay on all fours however.

Later I had Aiden get him some knee pads and paw like gloves to protect his hands. He liked those and wanted to go with Aiden and Martin to practice. They walked to the soccer field with Kurt on his hands and knees. We had inserted a puppy tail in his ass. The plug went right in and he seemed happy with it. I think Aiden would have preferred him to be walking but he crawled at a good pace along with Martin and Aiden. Aiden had him by the leash. As they walked instead of jogged, they were stopped several times by free passerbys who wanted to examine him. Sadly, they both wanted to check out Aiden and Martin too and as slaves, had no choice but to comply. Kurt sat up on his haunches as Aiden was felt up and groped. he always found this distasteful but as a good slave, he simply took the position required of slaves, spreading his legs with his hands behind his head. Martin experienced the same treatment so it took awhile longer to get to their destination. Kurt was chained to a post next to the where the boys led the practice. Whenever Aiden came back to him, Kurt playfully, wanted to lick and suck on Aiden.

After the practice, they returned with the "puppy " in tow. They decided the next day to take Paul with them and have him put Kurt on his back so they could jog.

I had gone with Jay and Jake pulling my carriage, to the slave sales center to see how all was going. It had proved to be a very successful endeavor as several slaves were being sold and packed everyday. Once sold, the slave was lead to the back where other slaves and overseers cleaned out the slave with several enenmas. Once done, the slave was greased and plugged so that only a ring stuck out of their asses. It was like a pull tab so it could be removed. It kept the slave stretched but unable to shit while in transit. they were watered but not fed. Before being put in a crate, a catheter was inserted with a hose that was fitted into their mouths. This prevented them from making sounds and also provided a place for their piss to go and kept them hydrated. Air holes were put in the carton and the slave was then hauled to the van or to a carriage pulled by a team of slaves for the trip to the airport. Once there, the carton was loaded on to the plane the slave was headed to his new home. Usually slaves were sent on the same plane as the buyers so it could be enjoyed as soon as they arrived at home.

Most of the slaves went willingly as they really had no idea what was going on. As bred slaves they had nothing to compare it to anyway. Some of the captured slaves gave the packers more trouble. they were usually sedated. Whipping them wasn't good as it might leave marks on the newly purchased items as they were referred to.

The Commandeer was present and we watched as one youth was packaged. He did have a look of fear in his eyes. His new owner watched and generally enjoyed watching what happened. Before they went, if any modifications were to be done, they were done with the owner present if he or she chose. Most of the boys had been skinned now since right after birth but if rings or other pierceings were desired, they could be done in the shop. some were also tatooed. This particular youth had a tatoo done on his cock that looked like a snake. He cried in pain due to the sensitivity of his cock. Rings were sometimes done on the ears, the nipples , behind the balls or through the nose. Only a mild antiseptic was used as they slaves were used to suffering and only to insure the cut wasn't infected.

I knew I must have become much more hardened as it didn't seem to bother me to see them suffer. I paid no real attention to their anguish as rings were pushed through their nipples or cock heads. I was only glad that my slaves didn't get such treatment.

The Commander and I chatted and had coffee. A slave of about seventeen was brought in to serve us. He was milked so provide cum for our coffee. It was fun to see him jacked and a large amount of cum was deposited in each of our cups. We kept the boy nearby to service our cocks. Another was sent in to drink our piss which was great after drinking coffee for awhile. It turns out he was the same Hispanic kid I had taken to the hospital during construction. My new rules were in effect now and he wasn't made to drink piss all day. He seemed in much better health and smiled at me I guess in thanks, for helping him.

As we drank, we discussed the nights activities in the sporting area. There were to be several fights in the arena where slaves fought for the pleasure of guests. The loser was usually raped by the winner and other lucky ticket holders. The slaves who fought of course, were given no body protection and the spectators cheered when one of the other got kicked or kneed in the balls. Sometimes the fights were bloody but the guests enjoyed that too. Some of the fighters actually had to be put down sometimes as they were so badly injured. They were injected and died quickly. Sometimes their body parts were removed and sold as soveneirs to the guests. A cock kept in a jar was an expensive but cherished item.

A soccer game was to held also this time with younger players that Aiden and Martin and their other slave trainers had prepared. The Commander said tonight's bonus was a free slave. he had decided to give his cute blond haired boy as the prize as he was tiring of him and was getting several new ones. I felt bad as I liked the kid and had had him service me. He had also taken a liking to my slaves and I didn't want him sent away. He heard all this as he stood with a leash on his neck, right next to the Commander. I could see tears in his eyes but he said nothing. I had him come over and suck my cock as we talked. The Commander was busy getting sucked by another slave. As he slurped and sucked on my cock, I stroked his head. I knew this might be the last time I got to use him and I hated to see him go. I was just glad that I wasn't losing Aiden.

Finally we discussed the dog fucking arena. I told the Commander that I had had all the boys cleaned and wanted more hygenic conditions. He thought about it and agreed that it should be cleaner and that we should rotate the boys more often. I told him how I had brought Aiden's slave from there. He wasn't real happy as his sentence was supposed to be for life. I explained that he had suffered perhaps too much and that we were having trouble making him a slave boy again. He concluded that the punishment had been sufficient and that he was glad the boy might now have issues that made him think he was a dog bitch. I didn't want to offend so I agreed . I secretly thought that if he was happy to be with Aiden again, no matter how abused he had been, we would leave the topic alone..

The Commander had said that some visitors liked to see the procedures done to slaves before they were shipped out. He said that on occasion, he might want to open up the site for viewers if a castration was going to take place. Some people liked to have their boys castrated and others like to have artificial balls inserted in them to keep them looking like a boy but unable to produce sperm. He thought guest might like to witness the process. It kind of turned my stomach but said we could look into it. As most of the boys were bred as slaves, they had been bred to produce lots of sperm and to show off their cocks and balls. It was one of the few bits of pleasure they got but if the castrations were to happen, these boys had no say and would be sacrificed..Their balls, placed in formaldehyde could be kept by the new owner or sold. People liked having testicles from a slave as a remembrance of their visit

We finished our coffee and the packing of a slave and decided to have lunch. We went out with the Commander's blond salve in tow. I had Jay and Jake move to a shady spot as they were quite sweaty from waiting in the sun. We went to a nearby cafe where the hostess welcomed us and had two slave boys at our beck and call. We had lunch and the waiter brought over a milk boy to be milked to put a cum sauce on our berries. I taunted him a bit but stroking him even after he shot. It made him squirm a little touching his sensitive cock but I was pleased to see him only flinch a little. The Commander's slave stood behind him and watched. I suggested that he might want to try to milk his boy and keep him for a milk stud. He grabbed the boy's cock and stroked it until he shot a large load. I tasted it and told him it tasted wonderful. He smiled at me when I told the Commander how I had made several of my slaves into milk boys. He said he might reconsider giving him away as he produced so much tasty cum. I figured I had to try something to try and save his boy from sale. Another boy came over and offered his milk for my berries and I gladly accepted. The waiter asked if I wanted to milk him or if he should. I decided it was more fun to do it myself. The Commandeer watched and smiled as the youth shot his load over my fresh berries. I stroked his balls afterward knowing he could produce again. Milk boys were usually expected to shoot 3 or 4 loads. They were then inserted with a large dildo that massaged their prostrate so they could make more. They were never allowed any other release so they gladly served as milk boys. After he shot, I fingered his hole and stuck my fingers inside. He moaned with pleasure. Once I had my fun, he licked my fingers of his ass juices. I had the waiter take him to the back to get relubed. When we left, my pony boys were being fondled by a group of visitors. They were amazed with the weight of their balls. I watched as they suffered the proding and poking and lifting. They were very erect with a constant drizzle of precum when I came up to them. I admired how they had stood so calmly during the ordeal. I stroked them also and answered questions about them. I explained they were twins and bred on the island. A woman asked if I would consider selling the beautiful pair. She wanted them to have their cocks studded and to have permanent tails put on them. I cringed at the thought. She added that she would like to have their teeth removed in back to make a more permanent bridle. I thanked her for her interest but said I chose not to have tails on them very often and wanted them kept as near human looking as possible. She seemed disappointed. She asked if she could see them fuck someone, either a girl or boy slave. I again declined. I knew their huge cocks sent into the wrong pussy or hole could be very damaging and didn't want to destroy a good hole. I explained they were milked several times a day and had a hole they could use when I allowed it. I told her the best I could do was to allow her to witness a milking if she wanted to taste their cream. She was delighted. I had a slave boy come over with a small cup and had him milk the boys. Jay and Jake obediently stood still while the boy milked the cum from them and put it in the cup. She tasted it and was delighted how good it was. Grabbing her husband by the arm, she went off to the café to have it on fruit.. she tahnked me and they hurried away.

I was pleased that the commander decided to make his sex slave boy into a milk boy. I said we would be happy to do the honors for him each morning and he thought that might be nice. He wanted to come and see the new slaves I acquired and to show me his new slaves. I suggested we dine together and to bring our slaves with us for fun, later that evening. It was agreed to and the Commander got in his carriage and I in mine and our pony boys took us home.

I told all the boys that we would be having a party that night. They were delighted and all started to help clean up the quarters and get things ready. I decided to take Aiden and Martin with me to a shop where we could pick up a few things. I decided that as the weather was so nice, we would walk. the boys didn't need a leash and walked with me down the street they one step behind me as was custom. When we got to the store, I went in and made my selections. I decided that I was thirsty and had Aiden go to the nearby beverage counter and get us something. He willingly went while Martin carried the items I purchased. aiden got in the line always allowing free men to step in front of him. He knew he had no choice in this as slaves always were waited on last. When we came out, I had Martin set the packages down at a table where I sat and he stood next to me. i observed a free man who lived on the island, probably a teen in shorts and a tank top come up behind him. Aiden started to stand aside when the boy told him to stay where he was. Aiden said he could wait but the boy insisted. i watched as he stood behind Aiden. He began to touch him. Aiden did nothing as the young man touched his ass and then reached around to fondle his chest. Doing the slave thing, Aiden immediately took the slave present stance with his legs spread and put is hands behind his head. The young man fondled him and commented that he had arm pit hair. "I thought slaves were to be hairless", he commented. " Young think you're too good to to follow slave rules?" Aiden didn't turn but said "Sir, My Master wants me to have some body hair."

The youth stroked his ass and add," got some hair on your pussy too." I'm going to have you shaved like a proper slave." Aiden said nothing as the fondling continued. the young man called over to his friend to see the "uppity slave boy'. The other youth came over and grabbed Aiden's cock and balls. "think we should rape this uppity slave boy?" the first one said. HIs friend smiled and told Aiden to bend over. All this was happening right out in the open. I had seen slave boys molested before in public and didn't like it. The first boy told Aiden to get on his knees and face him. Aiden did so as the boy opened his shorts and hauled out his cock, the other boy looked on and laughed. I could see that Aiden was nervous and afraid but did as he was commanded. Just then, the second boy grabbed at Aiden's gold neck chain. "Think I might want this. No slave is supposed to wear anything like this." he smirked. the first bo started to rub his cock on Aiden's face aiming it toward his mouth. Aiden opened his mouth to accept it wen the boy let out a stream of piss spraying Aiden in the face and some going into his mouth. He leaned forward to accept it as the other boy pulled out his cock and started pissing on Aiden's chest and body.

By this time, I was out of my chair. Martin looked upset also as I quickly ran over to see what was happening. I yelled at the two youths and told them to stop. They quickly turned around to see me coming. "What right do you have to use my slave that way?" I asked. "He isn't your property and you can't do that to him. "Oh, Man, he just a fucking slave." they responded. "We can use slaves anyway we want." Realizing they were free men, I wanted to not create too much of a problem but wasn't going to allow them to molest Aiden in a public square. "Afraid not," I said. He is my property and you best stop abusing him now". They didn't seem real impressed that I as in my uniform. The first one, slipped his cock in Aiden's open mouth. "Do you relize that I can have you arrested?" I screamed. "Arrested for fucking a slave?" the one asked. "Yes, I screamed at them. Get you stinking cock out of his mouth right now!" the second boy, seeing my uniform, quickly got his cock back in his pants and started to apologize telling his friend they should go." the first insolent boy didn't seem to want to comply and was ready to challenge me. I grabbed his arm and pushed him away from Aiden, He was ready for a fight and I took him on giving him a sound slug into his gut. He fell backward with his cock still hanging out of his pants. His friend yelled to him to get up and get out of there as he hightailed it away. While the first boy laid there, I called over a policeman who immediately came to my aid. Realizing who I was, he grabbed the boy and pulled him up holding his hands behind his back. "Don't you realize that you could be enslaved for not respecting a man in authority such as this?" the policeman screamed at the youth. He quickly handcuffed the youth and asked me if I wanted him arrested. I looked at the youth in disdain and told the policeman to strip him. I got the same smirk as he had when he was pissing on Aiden. The policeman pulled off his pants and shirt and made him kick off his sandals. the shirt was cut as he was handcuffed. the youth squirmed and complained as he now stood naked. He was a pitiful site compared to Aiden. I told Aiden to stand which he immediately did. Piss was still on him.

"Your punishment, boy, is to lick the piss off of my slave. On your knees NOW!" I commanded. Spitting mad, bud fearful of getting arrested, the youth crawled up to Aiden who was still kneeling tin the slave position with hands clasped behind his head. He said nothing as the boy began to lick his body. I decided not to have Aiden stick his cock in the boys mouth as I wanted to. He did get erect as the boy licked up most of the piss from he and his friend who had now run away. When he was done, I told the policeman to make him walk, naked to the end of the shopping area where he was to be given his clothes back. I warned the youth to never mess with another man's slave again. Several people who had gathered, laughed as the youth was paraded off.

I turned to Aiden and told him to get up. I went to the counter this time and ordered iced teas for me and both slave boys. Aiden looked at me and thanked me for saving him . He was always fearful of what might happen to him when he was alone. the boys drank their teas standing as I sat. I was glad I had come along as Aiden surely would have been raped in the public square. Once we were done, we gathered the packages which Martin and Aiden carried, and headed back to finish preparations for the party that night. I had Martin wash and scrub Aiden which I knew brought them both pleasure, when we got back.

end of chapter 15.

Next: Chapter 16

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