The Island

By rr2253

Published on Dec 16, 2010


This is a fictional story. No characters are real or based on real people. Please stop now if it is illegal to read gay fiction or you are opposed to reading it. Story is copyrighted.

My pony boys Jay and Jake, got me to the Training Center in good time. I purposely kept their tail dildos off so I could better see their big balls swing as they ran. When I arrived, the Commander welcomed me into his office where I knelt and kissed his crotch. He didn't seem to want anything more so I stayed kneeling until he asked me to follow him. I had left Aiden outside attached to the carriage.

The Commander and I went into a large compound where I could see young naked, mostly males, doing a variety of things. Some were running laps, others were doing physical excercises, some were digging a trench and a variety of other things. None seemed to be having fun or playing as it all looked like hard work. Guards dressed in a different color loin cloth than mine were overseeing the youths who ranged in age from about 10 to 20. Each had a whip and what looked like a baton of some kind. If a boy struggled or stopped, he was hit with a whip or the baton was struck across his body. They winced in pain as they were struck. They looked like they had been at their chores for some time. The Commander explained that they started around 6:30am after they were fed, allowed to shit or piss in a common area, and marched to the field where they would spend the next 8 to 10 hours. The younger boys were running a lot and had lots of sweat on them. The Commander explained that they were being checked out to see which ones showed the best stamina and strength. They would be separated eventually into future pony boys, those who would do mostly physical labor and those who might develop in and become sex slaves. They all had been bred on the island now that their were fewer young men who were kidnapped and brought over. The boys were of all sizes and races. Overtime, different roles, especially of sex slaves, necessitated having different races as customers liked all kinds of slaves. The fewer girls being trained meant they would either be used to breed or become sexual objects in the hotels as either whores or perhaps servers and waitresses.

I watched as the future pony boys ran in circles with long leads attached to the rings already placed in their cock heads. They learned quickly to keep up with the pace or their penises would be pulled and in some cases, ripped off. They were sped up and then slowed down. Most looked like they had been running for quite some time. I asked the Commander about it and he said they would be trained to run like this daily. When I inquired about their health, what they ate and drank and such, he didn't have much information. I told him as the person in charge of training, I needed to know so we went down and asked the trainers. They seemed very unskilled. As one boy fell, the giant wheel they were attached to was stopped but not before it nearly ripped the ring out his penis. I ordered the trainer to examine the boy. I saw the head of his dick was ripped and blood was coming out. The trainer commented that it was likely, they would simply castrate him completely and send him to the fields as pony boys were supposed to have good looking packages. I had the trainer disconnect him and help him to the side. A doctor was summoned and before I could get there, pulled out a large knife and cut the penis off. The boy screamed in pain. He quickly applied a dressing and had the boy carried off to be sewn up. Later I learned that when this happened, a small surgery was done to allow the kid to piss but his balls would bee cut off too. I was angered by the cruelty and pointed out to the commander that such disregard was costing the Island money as too many boys were either killed or maimed and no longer useful. I said I wanted to come up with a different training plan.

We toured about for sometime and each scene made me feel that there was too much abuse. Too many boys had been lost this year alone due to accidents or deliberate acts that killed too many boys. The Commander said that now that I was in charge of this, I could do anything reasonable but added that these are nothing but slaves, bred for use and abuse and that they would have no other life anyway so it really didn't matter. I was unhappy with his comment but decided I wanted a new plan and soon.

He took me to where many of the older slaves were sent when they got to old to be sex slaves or couldn't pull carts as fast anymore or in some way deemed no longer acceptable. I saw some as young as in their 20's and some into probably their 30's. They were used as farm hands, field workers,, pulled wagons with the help of a team of 4 or more. They still looked great to me but I could see they had little pleasure. Some were sent to fight where guests could bet on the outcome. As they were not really trained to box, I knew some were left in the ring and pummeled until they died.

I ordered the trainers to assemble. I'm not sure what they expected but explained that what was happening was not good for the Island's economy or to make the boys survive. I told them that every boy who died cost money and that if they allowed it to continue, they would suffer the same fate as the youths. I explained that the trainer responsible for maiming or killing a boy was going to be brought to me for far harsher discipline. I could hear a bit of mumbling but they knew I meant business. I also ordered that cases of fruit be brought in for the morning and that I would be there early to explain details. They were to stop the training, water and allow the boys to shit and piss and have them all fed and in their lodgings early. Training was to stop for the day. The Commander looked at me apprehensively but said nothing and only nodded to the men to follow my orders.

On our way out, I saw a few very young boys, probably no more than 10 who had been in the pony boy training class. They looked with some fear as I approached. I told them I was now in charge of their training. As all had little education, I'm not sure how much they understood but I led them out to see Jay and Jake. I told them they should all work hard to be just like them. I invited two of the smaller boys to come out and climb on their backs. I had a trainer remove the carriage and told Jay and Jake to each carry a boy on a jog and fast run around the track. The eager small boys had never done this so I had my pony boys bend down to allow the littler boys to climb on their backs. There was natural laughter when the boys ran off with the younger ones on their backs. One got so excited he pissed on Jay's back and it ran off and down his leg. He said nothing but the two raced around the track. They almost seemed to have fun carrying the little boys and racing against each other. All the boys seemed to have fun. The Commander also smiled and seemed impressed that the boys seemed so motivated. Jay and Jake helped the boys down and were rehitched to the carriage. The had a bit of fun too I think. They took us back to the compound office where I told the Commander I had much to do to get ready for the training day which he said he would attend. I was leary that if it didn't go well, I could be the next slave pulling a wagon or worse.

Aiden was impressed with what he saw with Jay and Jake. He smiled at me. Randy came out to take the boys and I instructed him to get some fruit for them. He wasn't real sure of what to do so Aiden went in to my quarters and brought back some fruit. I gave both pony boys a sliced apple. They smelled it and I told them to chew it up. I was stunned to think these boys had never been given fruit. They munched it up and seemed to enjoy it. I offered them more. Randy was also watching and I offered him some as well. He to liked it. I decided that as rewards, all slave boys were to enjoy fruit or juice especially when they excelled in their work efforts. My pony boys both thanked me for giving them such a treat. I asked if they liked running with the little boys on their backs and they said they did. They enjoyed having a little friendly competition too. I was pleased that both seemed to have more personality. I didn't want them to be so fearful. Finally Jay explained that they were rarely allowed to speak. They were used to getting whipped. No one had ever really showed them any kind of human kindness. I had Randy massage their tired muscles. I let them go out in the field to exercise and had Randy get them some weights and gym equipment to work out with. Randy struggled to get the equipment set up as he was so thin and lean. I wanted him to build up physically too. I went out in the field to watch them work out. They also knew when they were there, it was their time to piss and shit. After each shit, Randy picked it up with his hands and put it in a bag. And proceeded to lick their asses clean. They liked the feel of his hot tongue in them but I wasn't so sure I wanted Randy to eat so much shit. I asked him about it and he without hesitation, said he was trained that some of his food each day was to be their shit. As they were given vitamins and actually better food than he got, it was a way for him to stay less hungry. I told him that while he was to clean them, he could use wipes and only lick their holes as a means of pleasing them or to sexually stimulate them. I wanted him to eat regular meals. He was somewhat apprehensive but I told him that if he was going to come to my bed, I wanted him clean and not tasting like shit! He smiled and I finally got more meaning to the expression of a shitfaced grin! He bowed down to me and kissed my cock. He asked me if he could do any services for me. I was a little surprised but he explained that he was usually fucked every night be the trainer at the farm. I asked if he missed it and he said that that was all he knew. He wasn't sure if he pleased me or not and was in fear that I might not like him. Receiving seed from his Master made him feel that his work was satisfactory. He knew that rimming the pony boys made them seem happy. I asked if he ever had sex where he was allowed to fuck anyone. Randy said that he sometimes fucked the pony boys but generally was made to only eat them out after they sit or someone else fucked them. I assured him I would fuck him if it made him feel better. He thanked me again and thanked me for shaving his crotch to make him look like Aiden. I had Aiden wash him thoroughly and to bring him to our bed that night.

Aiden did exactly as told and cleaned him up. He even licked out the young boy's ass so it would clean for me. When he presented Randy to me, both boys were very clean. I so wanted Aiden who brought the boy into my quarters. He bowed and said the boy was ready. I laid the boy on my bed. And had Aiden apply some lube to my cock and Randy's ass. Randy said no one had ever lubed him before. I climbed on top of him and put my cock to his sweet tight anus.I could tell he wasn't a virgin but wasn't sure what size cock he had been able to take. He winced a little as I entered him stretching his ass ring but soon I was able to push my way in. I fucked him and he didn't protest but eventually moaned as I got close to cumming in him. I shot a nice load in his ass. As I withdrew, Aiden was immediately there to lick me clean. He asked that I piss in his mouth which I did as Randy watched. I told Randy not to get up and told Aiden it was his turn to fuck Randy. Aiden had a bigger cock than me and complied shooting his load in the boy. I could see the cum from both of us drip out of the boy. I had nicely stretched his hole so Aiden didn't have much difficulty plowing him. When he was done, Aiden began to lick up the cum and rim the boy's ass. I could tell that Randy really got into being eaten. He told us later he now knew how the pony boys must feel when he did it to them but no one had ever done it for him. I could see his five inch dick now very hard and dripping precum and told him that I wanted to suck it. He wasn't sure about it as a Master never sucked a slaves cock. I told him that I did it to Aiden not because I had to but because I loved the taste of his sweet cum. He let me lick his cock and he shot a load in just a few moments. Aiden kissed me with my mouth full of Randy's cum and swapped some for himself to swallow. We all hugged. Randy immediately got on his knees and licked my cock. As we had all now exchanged body fluids from each other, I decided that we were like one. I patted Randy on the head and told him that he could sleep with us. I also told him that he was mine but that Aiden would fuck him every day. He was all smiles knowing that we both accepted him.

Aiden helped me work on my plan for the slave camp. He was able to do some paperwork for me. I taught him how to use a computer- something that he never did before- and I was surprised how quickly he picked it up. While I worked, he massaged my shoulders and insisted on being my urinal. He wanted to do it he said because it was what he was supposed to do and even though he knew I didn't expect it of him, wanted to be as much a part of me as he could. He made me feel so good and did anything I asked or he anticipated I might need or want. I told him I was going to give him his own slave boy but he wanted me know that no matter what, his body was mine to do with as I pleased. I knew he had made the offer before to even be killed if it made my life better.

Eventually, he brought Randy back at bedtime. Randy had taken extra good care of my pony boys and had said he had fucked them both. I think they liked his little cock in their tight holes. He had cleaned himself and his dick was looking a little hard when he came to join us in bed. I asked he was still horny and he said he was. I had Aiden fuck him again as I watched, all of us in bed together. After that, we all slept. I wanted Aiden spooned with me so I could feel his warm ass against my cock.

In the morning, I awoke as usual to find two warm mouths eating my hole and sucking my cock. This time Aiden was sucking me and Randy was eating my hole. I told Aiden I was about to piss and he only sucked harder to take it all in. When he was done, Randy asked if I would shit on him. I wasn't sure I wanted to do that but he said that Aiden wanted to see him eat shit and he was willing to do so. He wanted to taste me as well as the pony boys. I agreed to do it. He crawled under me a I made a little turd that he took in his mouth. He gagged a little but took it. I got up and watched as he sucked it into his mouth and chewed it up. Kind of disgusting I thought but it made me hot to see Aiden then kiss him and stick his tongue in his mouth to get some too. Aiden then moved around to lick my hole clean. I got up to shower hiding my now rock hard dick. They saw it and both followed me into the shower to suck me off before washing me thoroughly. After we were all clean, Aiden went out to prepare food for all of us. I watched his big balls and cock as they swung freely as he served the breakfast. Damn, he was hot to look at.

Randy went to prepare the pony boys and feed them. Aiden cleaned up the bed and the house and I went to see the Commander about my new training program. He welcomed me to his quarters and we discussed the plan. He wasn't sure it would work as it seemed as he said, almost too kind. As we talked, he placed his hand under my loin cloth. I knew it was time for me to be his slave and knelt down to suck him off. He wanted more and ripped my loin cloth off and pushed me to his bed where he fucked me hard. His new slave boy watched. The slave boy immediately cleaned off his cock and went to work eating his cum from my ass. Unlike my slaves, the Commander's cum was his breakfast. The Commander pulled him off and slammed his cock into the boy's mouth and pissed in it. I noticed that the slave boy had the ball crushers on. He seemed to move with some pain every step he took. The Commander grabbed him by the cock and stretched it out and smacked his balls. I could see tears in his eyes as he was then spanked and slapped for letting a few drops of piss drip on the floor. The boy apologized and pleaded for mercy but the Commander wanted to show his authority. After striking him hard the boy was crying. The Commander didn't show any mercy and shoved a huge dildo into his ass. The boy screamed as his tight pink asshole was raped with the dildo. A little pink spot showed up and I assumed he had damaged his hole slightly. I felt bad for the poor kid but couldn't interfere. I told the Commander we needed to go to the Training Center. The boy tried to bend down and lick up the spilt piss and was struck again across the face. The Commander finally stopped and told the boy he would deal with him later. It was sad to see the young kid who was probably around 17 sob as he choked out repeated apologies.

We went out to the carriage. My pony boys actually smiled as I approached which the Commander found strange. We got in. Aiden had already attached himself to the cart to run behind but I told him I needed him to stay back and care for the quarters. He looked at me strangely but did as I requested. I didn't want the commander to decide to use Aiden for more punishment.

We ran at a faster pace then necessary. I didn't want my pony boys to work so hard but the Commander insisted he wanted them to work as hard as possible. He grabbed the whip and struck both of them. I winced at what must have been a very hard sting to their backs. Thank goodness, it wasn't far as we arrived quickly.

We went in the center and I called for all the trainers to come to the central courtyard. When we got there, I saw a young man tied with arms wide apart and legs also spread. One of the trainers was whipping him. I asked the offense over the sound of the screaming boy. I was told he had been delivering water to the workers and had spilled the pail and lost a container of water. I immediately told the trainer to stop beating the boy. He must have been about 15, sturdy enough to carry water but still young. His backed was marked where the whip had hit him on the back and butt. The trainer looked at me as I approached. I had two other slaves untie the boy and take him down as I chastised the trainer. I told him that the offense was not sever enough to warrant such a beating. I reminded him that if punishments were too severe, the punisher would be punished. I had the two slaves rip the loin cloth from him leaving him naked. I then had the two slaves tie the trainer to the same wooden frame the boy had been on. He pleaded with me for mercy but I didn't listen. I asked how many lashes he had given the youth. He said it was twenty. I then told him he would receive twenty lashes. I took the whip and cracked it hard against his bare ass. He yelled in pain as I gave him five more. Then I stopped and asked him if he had enough. He said he had as he cried. Without mercy I had him go to the slave he had whipped. I told the boy to stand over him which he did with some reluctance. I ordered the slave to piss on the trainer. He started with a small stream. I knew he must still be in pain and was fearful of what would happen to him. Slaves never pissed on masters. Once his stream got bigger, I grabbed the trainers head and pulled his mouth open so the piss went in. He tried to move his head to avoid the stream of piss but I held it firmly and told him to swallow it. Once the boy had finished, I let go of the man's head and told him to kiss the dick of the slave. He did so with fear on his face and an angry look to me. I then had the slave taken to the infirmary. The trainer was dragged up on his feet. The crowd of trainers was stunned watching what had just happened. I ordered the trainer to work naked the rest of the day.

Once I got better composure, I told them all that they had been warned to not use excessive force on the slaves as it produced few results. I then spent the next hour explaining that they were to treat slaves as valued property. Although punishment was allowed for severe infractions, they were to treat the slaves better giving them frequent water breaks, a rest every hour and to feed them fruits and vegetables at every meal and at breaks to maintain better strength and stamina. The slaves didn't quite know how to deal with eating apples and bananas and such but enjoyed them and ate happily as I distributed them with the help of some of the trainers. I said a more reasonable punishment for the boy who spilled the water would have been no more than a slap if it happened repeatedly. The trainer admitted that the boy had never spilled water before. I asked if perhaps he too needed water and the guards and trainers shook their heads in agreement. I told them from this time forward, no slave was to be openly beaten, killed or maimed without my permission or the permission of my assistant. After I said that I realized I had no assistant but decided not to change what I said.

The Commander watched and saw the slaves begin to work more diligently. I encouraged the guards and trainers to praise them for good work. The Commander seemed to be in favor of what I started. We stayed and observed for several hours. I also told him I wanted the same things done at the farm and any other training facility.

On the way back to the command center, the Commander wasn't nearly so harsh on my pony boys. They ran along nicely. When we got back, I went up to each and stroked their cocks and balls and said how well they did. The smiled at me and thanked me for the kind words. They tried to bend down to kiss my feet but couldn't reach. I instructed Randy to unhitch them and he did so quickly. I waited while he did it and the Commander watched. As soon as they were released they both knelt down and kissed my feet and then kissed my cock. Fuck, they had as good a mouth as my slave boys. The Commander was amazed at what they did. He told me they almost seemed human! I reminded him that they were humans in a slave role. I knew he got it and he put his arm around me and led me to his quarters where he hugged me and said he knew I was a good choice for the head trainer. He ignored his slave boy with the dildo stuck in him and the crushers on his balls. We went into his bedroom where he said he wanted to fuck me. I quickly dropped my loin cloth. Although I didn't always like his methods, I now found his cock in my ass to be pleasing and certainly filling. He fucked me more gently than usual. When he was done, I asked if I could fuck his slave. Rather bold on my part but he agreed and called the youth in. He walked with a little difficulty. When he got in the room, I gently knelt in front of him and loosed the screws that were crushing his balls. I also gently removed the dildo from his and kissed his boy cock. He seemed amazed. The Commander didn't say a word. I didn't look at him but laid the youth on his bed and placed my hard cock at his hole and gently slid it in. I moved slowly at first and then sped up until I came in him. The Commander's cum was running out of me. The youth moaned in pleasure when I dumped my load in him. He immediately turned around to suck me clean. He smiled up to me as he licked my cock. I embraced him and he thanked me and asked if he could have my piss. I let him suckle at my cock while I released in him. He drank every drop. When I was done, I pulled him up and kissed his piss filled mouth. The Commander was agast that I would do such a thing.

Later I told him that his slave boy would now be much more loyal to me. He would get the same thing if he treated him as I had. I also told him to leave the crushers and dildo out of him. He said he would consider it. We had lunch together that was served by his slave who for the first time, smiled as he worked.

Before I left for my quarters, the Commander said that I should now wear a uniform similar to his. Before I would have welcomed not having to be almost nude but I had gotten used to it and wondered how the others would react to see me clothed. He insisted and said a uniform would be sent to my quarters. Shortly after arriving, his slave boy arrived bringing the uniform wrapped in a plastic bag on a hanger. He came in and bowed. As always, he knelt down and kissed my feet. He wasn't bold enough to ask to suck my cock although he looked up and saw it under my loin cloth. I nodded and he proceeded to suck on it. I think he would have stayed as long as I wanted but I told him it was enough. I had him stand and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled and thanked me for all I had done. Aiden had come in and he looked to Aiden and I told him he could honor him as well. He immediately dropped back to his knees and took Aiden's cock in his mouth. He had a little trouble getting all of Aiden's cock in due to its size but he worked to suck in as much as he could. I didn't allow him to finish as I knew I wanted Aiden's cum in my mouth so I waved him off and he departed. I then hugged Aiden and took him to my bed where I finished the sucking and his juicy reward. Aiden was always puzzled why I would want his, as he described "useless cum." I told him it was far from useless and savored every drop. He insisted that I piss in his mouth so I did.

We spent a usual night of eating and fondling. I watched a little t.v that came in from the satellite. I suggested that I wanted to check out the hotel and club scene in the tourist area and had Aiden get my new uniform ready. The Commander was asked and decided to accompany us. I had my gorgeous pony boys take us to the clubs. Lots of the usual debauchery took place. Nude waiters and waitresses brought us drinks as we watched naked women in one club and naked men in another club dance. Patrons were allowed to touch and fondle the dancers and the wait staff. The free tourists dressed in anything from skimpy shorts to well made casual clothes and suits. The staff of course was naked except for the female managers. We watched all kinds of activity from dancing to a place where customers could sit around tables drinking and watching as both boys and girls were fucked and used on stage. The customers were allowed to call out orders of what they wanted to see. I kind of felt sorry for the ones on the receiving end. Most of those were slaves. Some of the hired sex staff accompanied the guests. Most of them came dressed very sexually or nude as the customer desired. They weren't subjected to as much of the depraved activities but I'm sure they earned their money later in the hotel rooms. At one club, a female slave with a strap on dildo raped a youth while he ate out the pussy of another woman. I used to be into female sex but now found it not so satisfying. I secretly wanted to have Aiden or maybe even Randy to suck me.

The Commander and I each had our slaves with us who stood and watched, got us drinks or did anything we asked. They were collared and stood or knelt next to us. Many of the women and men came up to see them and wanted to touch them as well but realized that they belonged to us exclusively and only limited touching was allowed. I didn't know it but a sex stimulant was put into each of their glasses of water so they were quite hard. Both boys stood with big hardons that were admired. They said nothing but precum was dripping from both. We went into the lavatories where young men or boys were chained to toilets. The customers had their choice of using the toilets or the boys. Regardless, after they had done their business, the boys licked them clean. I noticed that many of the visitors seemed to take great pleasure using the boys. The boys were changed out every hour or so. I went to their quarters where customers were not allowed and found that they slept in one large space. A large grate in and adjoining room was where they were allowed to piss or shit and showers were there to clean them up. I checked in to their diets and made sure that my new rules were being enforced to improve what they ate and drank. The evening went well and we had some fun as well as observed how sex slaves were being used. I also learned that all sex slaves males were given a sex stimulant every day to make sure they appeared well hung. Customers could use the boys as they wanted but many of the clients made them wear condoms if they were prone to wanting a hot fuck. The boys had no choice in the matter. The girls who were used for sex unfortunately did not get to request that their partner wear a condom but many male visitors did.

We returned to our quarters. My pony boys had waited patiently outside. Young boys had given them water and kept them taken care of. The pony boys, and there were many there, were allowed to piss as the young slave attendants came to each and sucked on them. I made a mental note to see how these boys did as they sucked in pony boy piss for hours at a time. I t was quite a sight to see so many pony boys standing outside waiting for masters to come out of clubs and bars and be taken to another and eventually back to their hotels. As I walked around observing the pony boys, I was proud that mine had probably the biggest cocks and balls. The pony boys were never allowed to fuck either males or females. They were always milked. The various pony boys wore different adornments. All had big rings through the tip of their cocks. All were cut so their cock heads were always prominent but some had additional bands around the top of the cock just below the head, most had ball weights and some wore little cages around their cock. A few had been castrated so they had no balls. I felt bad for them. Others like mine, simply wore the weights on their balls. Many were shaved clean and some had pubic hair trimmed in a variety of ways. One or two also had devices stuck in their piss slits that snaked their way out and then around the cock. At least two had things in the piss slits that made the piss spray out. It was a humiliating thing for them and the Commander said that it was done for punishment and amusement of the owners. The devices made the piss spray out and wet the pony boy all over the legs and torso. When they pissed, it looked like a kind of fountain or lawn sprayer. The attendants generally didn't service these pony boys as the spray went all over and was hard to get in the their mouths. The owners liked to see the spray when the boys ran down the street. It was kind of like a little fountain. Some of those pony boys looked more abused than the others. Most also had the dildo tails in their asses. I had not put the tails in my boys and was glad as it made them look more masculine and I 'm certain caused them less pain.

We left the Club with Aiden and the Commander's slave boy tied to the back. They had both received admiring glances and were touched as all the slaves were, by many. Both women and guys had fondled them as they stood behind us and now were attached to the carriage. The Commander and I were both in uniform , the slaves of course, naked.

We trotted slowly as to not over work my pony boys but also so that Aiden and the other slave boy were not totally exhausted. Part way there, the Commander suggested we stop by a beach and enjoy the moonlight. I didn't object. We unhooked our slave boys and they came with us. Both knelt behind us, ready to serve any need, with their arms behind their heads showing off their bodies. Other couples were also on the beach fucking or making out. I watched as two free guys and a guy and girl fucked on the sand. They were all pretty carefree about it and it made me horny. The Commander and I both developed hardons and decided to fuck our slaves right there. The Commander asked if he could fuck Aiden as he had been his slave before. I couldn't object as the Commander was rarely refused of anything he wanted. I knew Aiden would have preferred that I fuck him but he quickly came to the Commander and helped him to undress. His slave did the same for me. They laid on the sand so as to not dirty us. The Commander's slave was a pretty cute blond haired boy. As I had just recently fucked him, I think he looked forward to it. Both slaves sucked and rimmed us before they spread their legs and lifted them so we could enter. I chose to lick the slave's ass to lube him up. I was pleased that this time, the Commander did the same for Aiden. We fucked them good and hard for a bit before cumming in their holes. Both slaves immediately sucked us clean while they dripped cum, as soon as we were done. They helped us dress and we went back to our quarters.

Once inside, Aiden thanked me for rimming the other boy as he was sure it made the Commander do the same and it was much more pleasant for him. I washed out his ass before we climbed into bed and held one another. As I looked at Aiden lying on my bed, I had a great urge to stroke and feel his body. I caressed and touched every part of it. As I did, I noticed his gorgeous cock get harder and decided I needed it in me. I had gotten off but he and the Commander's boy were just our cunts. They hadn't had the pleasure so I laid on the bed and pulled Aiden close to me and tried to slide under him. He at first thought I wanted to be rimmed but I told him I wanted to feel his maleness inside me. He wanted to lube me but I wanted to take me as he had been taken so often and asked him to fuck me with just his precum for lube. He was a little reluctant but did as I asked starting slowly to slip past my ass rings. Once inside, his cock felt tremendous. I t hurt just a bit but his gentle touch relaxed me so that I begged him to fuck me as hard as he could and for as long as he could. He must have fucked me for ten minutes. I was so glad he had such stamina! Finally, I felt him tense slightly and then the warm rush of his hot boy cum exploded in me. He wanted to pull out and lick me clean but I insisted he stay inside for a bit. Once he softened, he slid out and I told him I wanted his cum in me all night. Once out, we were wrapped together tightly and fell asleep.. I knew he was a perfect boy for me and wondered how his mother could have sentenced such a loving boy to slavery no matter what minor offense he had committed. I was glad for me, though that he was mine. From his face to his beautiful feet, he was more than anyone could want.

End of chapter 6

Next: Chapter 7

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