The Island

By rr2253

Published on Dec 28, 2010


This is a fictional gay story. Please do not read further if it is illegal in your area or are opposed to gay fiction of this type. For all others, enjoy and please let me know your thoughts about the story. My e mail is

The Island - Chapter 9

In the morning, I made sure all my slaves were fed. They seemed happier than usual. Randy took the pony boys out with Martin so they could shit. Aiden and I went to the gym and worked out as I often did and he did everyday if he could. I was impressed that his body was developing so nicely. I also had our hair trimmed. While the barber cut our hair, slave boys licked our feet and gave us manicures. It was unusual to see a slave such as Aiden being groomed so well, but I insisted on it and the staff knew not to argue. We went to the hotel village area to see what was going on. The slaves all knew us and we watched as they worked. Some were simply staff and gardened, cooked, cleaned or did any number of tasks. Those were often nice looking lads but not as handsome as the sex slaves. We saw the sex slaves with guests doing all kinds of things such as fanning the guests in the heat, being their toilets if a regular toilet boy wasn't available or in anyway a guest wanted to use them. As the resorts were very open to anything, some guests were seen fondling or fucking with slaves on the beach or in cabanas near the pool.

Some inquired if Aiden was available and I assured them he wasn't. We went to the area where many of them were housed. It was not real pleasant - certainly nothing like the hotels. I decided the sex slaves had the best deal as long as the guests were not brutal, as they slept with or near the guests in their rooms thereby enjoying the finer things of life. Sadly, their roles as sex slaves only lasted from about 14 years old until around 25 as guests generally wanted younger boys or in some case girls. Sometimes, they wanted even younger boys. If guests wanted a child, one was provided for them although this wasn't encouraged. Once they were in their later twenties, unless they were exceptionally good looking, they were reassigned to more menial tasks such as pool workers, bar tenders or the other service jobs. When they lost their beauty, they would then be reassigned to the farms or made to do jobs like painting, carpentry or sent to the work farms to raise crops or do other jobs of burden. Like the pony boys who got to old to run as fast as they had, they worked long days doing jobs that could have been done by machines but weren't as the slaves were available at no cost. When they were eventually too old for that, they were sadly euthanized or sent to fight in events or other bestial activities for the guests enjoyment. Some were badly injured or even died. I shuddered to think about it. Aiden had said that he had witnessed it. He was fearful of the day he got to old and useless and was put down. I had assured him that as long as I was in control, he would never be sent away. No social security here and old age wasn't something to look forward to.

Many people had inquired if they could buy their slaves who were with them 24/7 as guests. We had no provision for this although slavery for poor and indigent people or those prosecuted who couldn't pay fines was not uncommon. Although sending slaves to other countries was not really legal, it had become known to have happened and authorities generally didn't pursue issues of slavery in most any countries. I thought about it and wondered if we should implement the practice. I knew I would have to speak to the Commander and his boss, and Aiden's mother, the prime minister of the land. Of course, their was a kind of ruling board but they generally supported everything she asked for . I was still not sure I wanted to do that however. Aiden dutifully followed me around until it was time for soccer training and we returned to get Richard to go to the training center. Over the next few days, many slave boys who picked up the rules of the game quickly, were made as assistants to them and the program was growing with good results.

I decided to have Martin get the ball weights that Aiden, Randy and the pony boys had. He smiled when I told him he would be so adorned and wore them proudly. I was glad to see them work and pull his smaller but nice balls down. I knew eventually, he too would have low hanging, swinging balls even though at times, the constant tugging and weight was straining. Martin was becoming a very good and loyal slave. I had made him Randy's assistant but decided that each of my slaves deserved a slave of their own so I decided to take them all to the breeding grounds to select one for each. I thought maybe I would look the place over and make some suggestions.

I had Randy hook up Jay and Jake and take me to the breeding center. We arrived in short order. I went in to see the doctor and nurse. I told them I wanted to breed my pony boys. I wanted a blond girl, very healthy and good looking. The nurse showed me pictures of girls they had and I selected one. I went to see her and found her in a room. She had delivered a boy several months before. She was only about 18. While the nurse had her strip for me ( she had only a loin cloth on anyway) she said the girl had been a twin herself. Her sister was now pregnant. The girl didn't seem phased by me inspecting her naked or the discussion abut her sister. she looked to be in good physical shape. I decided that she should be the one and I had the nurse get her ready to be impregnated. As the pony boys weren't that accomplished in fucking and I wanted their sperm mixed together, I had the doctor and a slave boy go out to milk my two pony studs. they gathered the equipment and went out to milk them. The young naked slave went up to them. I told them he was going to milk them. They seemed happy to oblige and merely stood there as he massaged their balls and cocks. He got Jay first and brought him to a full erection. He moaned with pleasure as the boy stroked him until he shot a big load in a container. He then did the same for Jake. The two boys shot big loads. The container with the warm sperm was handed off to the doctor while the slave boy licked them both clean. He was pleased that he had an opportunity to suck off such big cocks and taste their sperm. He thanked me for the opportunity. He got hard himself admiring the two stud boys. I told him for his good work, he could fuck either one of them. He selected Jay who he took off the carriage and had him bend over. Jay seemed to like having the young boy enter him and deposit a load which the slave promptly licked out of his ass. He moaned with pleasure as the boy ate his own cum from his ass. It was quite a site to see all this happen right on the front grounds of the hospital I went in after as the doctor prepared the mixed sperm and inserted it in the girl. She lay on the table in the lab with her legs spread wide not seeming the least bit concerned about me looking at her pussy. My old days of being a straight man came back as I hardened a little seeing her nice pussy but I knew that I enjoyed my boys so much as I never had to worry about them protesting or getting them pregnant. The doctor asked if I wanted to fuck her for good measure and to add my sperm to the collection but I declined as I wanted the child she might deliver to be the product of my pony boys.

Once we were done, the girl was taken away. I stressed with the staff that she was to be fed and treated very well as I wanted no complications. I went out and found my pony boys rehitched to the carriage. The slave boy had waited for me t

o return. He again dropped to his knees and thanked me for the honor of using his pony boys and offered himself for anything I might want. The pony boys both looked happy too having just shot a big load and being pleasured. I declined the slaves offers but stroked his nipples and said he had done a fine job.

The pony boys took me to the training center where I had the opportunity to see the slaves trained from birth to maturity. The babies were kept in a nursery and fed well. Slave girls fed them either from their well used breasts or on baby formula. As they matured, the babies were allowed to play together. They were all kept naked to learn that nudity was a normal part of their lives. Once they got to be 4 or 5, hey entered "school" Both boys and girls were taught to read, write and do math. The girls were given some coverage for their bodies. The boys were not as they were also taught to be sexual objects for women. they were started at a young age to learn how to treat women with respect. Even though the girls were slaves, the boys had to learn that they existed for the pleasure of women under the rules of the island's female controlled government. By the time the boys were ten to twelve, they had been used to lick pussy, drink girls piss and do anything a girl wanted. At abut 11 or 12, the boys' formal education ended. It also ended for slave girls. Only free girls continued. Slave boys were then assigned to an older slave boy and made his slave to be used anyway the older boy wanted. Of course they were made to be sexual objects. The older boys also supervised their physical training in order to develop the boys into muscular objects who could be sex slaves for the customers. All slave boys were supervised by trainers who could also use the slave boys both young and mature. Those boys deemed not attractive enough or who did not have good bodies or the potential for good bodies, were sent to work hard labor elsewhere. Records were kept of who bred them and those girls were sent from being baby makers to other work also.

I watched as the youngest boys were doing tough workouts. Their slave boy elders were provided with sticks and they used them on the younger boys to urge them on or to torment them. The trainers kept a close eye on the older boys as well making sure they were not too cruel for the wrong reasons. If they were found to be too cruel, they were taken and whipped while tied to a frame that secured their arms and legs. Whipping generally took place where all the boys could see. The young slave was made to watch and then allowed to piss on his former trainer and making the former master the slave. The youth would then have to suck his young prodigie's cock. He was often left to suffer after his blows, in the hot sun until the end of the training day at which time, any of the boys could fuck him. Witnessing this or having it happen, made the young training slaves mindful not to get too carried away. Sometimes, if it hadn't happened in a while, a youth was taken and beaten just to set an example as the young slave trainers changed often as they were sent to be of service when they were properly trained.

All of the boys had been fitted with ball weights unless they were especially low hung. If they had low hanging balls, just a ring was placed around their balls with no weight. The weights were not as attractive as the ones I had made and put on my slave boys. These were generally just steel. They had to keep them very clean as the metal could leave marks making them less desirable. I sometimes thought that some boys had their balls stretched too much. If that was detected and it affected their beauty, they were castrated and made into eunuchs. Eunuchs were popular with some of the guests especially lesbians and some guests who had younger daughters. They were usually made somewhat feminine looking as well.

I watched as the boys toiled at weight lifting and other exercises. Some boys as young as 13 had begun to develop nicely although others were fairly scrawny and very thin. They were always fed vitamins, some were given steroids and all given sexual l growth stimulants. It showed as even younger boys had fairly large cocks and balls. Riding crops and small whips were used frequently to stimulate and motivate them to do their work or exercises. At the end of the day, they were all exhausted.

The implementation of soccer had worked well. There was less need for whippings as the boys looked forward to each practice. Later, Aiden told me that a few teams might be ready to compete.

After viewing the training, I walked over to the nearby pony training farm. I wanted to see how the boy I had sent there was progressing. I found him again running on the track. The trainer said that he was making good progress. He looked healthy and his physiques had also improved. I knew I had to bring Richard by to see him. I approached and spoke to him. He had also learned to drop to his knees as all slaves did when approached. He fell to his knees when he saw me, and bowed bringing his face to the ground. I told him to stand. He looked up to me and stood but bowed his head and looked down. I reached out and stroked his chest. His nipples were big and attractive. He sighed as I touched him. Being bold and he was just a slave, I reached down and took his ringed cock in my hand and rubbed it. I asked him if it had healed. It looked fine and when not touched, hung nicely. I had him bend over to examine his balls. I could tell they had been beaten but not recently. The weights on them stretched them down too. He told me he felt ok. He asked me if he could honor me in any way. I said he could kiss my cock if he wanted to. He immediately dropped back to his knees and used his mouth to open my pants. He was having difficulty getting my cock out so I told him he could use his hands. He thanked me and immediately took it and placed it in his mouth. He asked if he could have my piss or sperm to make him a better slave. What a change! He had been so reluctant to serve a man sexually before and now asked for it. I said no to his request and his eyes welled up with tears. He only said "yes Master". I knew he was disappointed so I said he could have my piss. He looked up with gratitude and placed his tongue out. I laid my cock on his tongue and began to piss. He swallowed every drop never missing any. He thanked me for the honor. I had him stand again and drew him close to me. He protested a little saying he wasn't worthy and that he smelled. He did smell some of sweat from his workout but I told him it was ok and that I had news for him. He looked at me puzzled. I then told him about Martin being my slave and that I was going to bring him to see him. He was surprised and another tear formed in his eyes. I explained how Richard had told me about their being together on the streets in Canada. Before I left, I asked him his real name. He said it was Paul. I kissed him and said that Martin and I would be back soon to see him. He thanked me again. I told him to carry on with his exercise and he went but smiled at me for the first time ever.

I discussed his training with the trainer and he said that although he had to beat him several times, he was beginning to show promise. I watched other pony boy trainees for awhile as some were learning how to pull carriages. A handsome lot I thought.

I had my pony boys take me back to our quarters where I met with the Commander and informed him of all the things I had seen. He told me that he thought all was good and he wanted to share the information with the island Head of State (Aiden's mother) and inform her how well we were progressing. He shared with me that she seemed pleased that I had taken to my new role in life so well. I still missed the navy but realized that I too had been made a slave and probably would never be allowed to leave the island. Thinking about my sexual attitude changes and my love for Aiden and my slaves, I wondered if I would leave if given a chance.

The Commander said I was to accompany him to the government office the next day, The Head of State had a meeting planned for then anyway. I also told the Commander that I had an idea about selling slaves as the demand was apparently quite good. He told me we could discuss it but he doubted that she would allow it as the desire to have the slaves was a way to bring all the visitors back as often as they could come. I thought about it but decided, if given the chance, this might be a good opportunity for me to show her I was thinking about her financial interests. It might improve my stature with her and take away some of the bad feeling she had for her son, Aiden.

Aiden and Martin were both exhausted when they came back after working with the soccer teams. They both were sweaty but thrilled to tell me about their accomplishments. I told them about my meeting. They were both apprehensive as Aiden still feared what his mother might do to him. It appears that Aiden was fathered by another man before his mother came to the island to be its ruler. The other children she had were from other fathers. She had little regard for him since she cast him out of her home and made him a slave.

I told them that only the Commander and I would attend. They relaxed a little hearing that. I had them both clean up and we had dinner together. We went to bed early. Aiden and I made love. Martin asked if he could bring Randy in and I let him so he would have a playmate too. I took turns fucking both Aiden and Martin while Randy amused all of us by cleaning our asses and sucking the cum off my cock.

When we were finished, I told Martin that I had spoken with his old friend and I would take him to see him later in the week. Martin was so elated he kissed me all over. I was happy he was so elated.

In the morning, Martin Randy and Aiden were servicing me. Aiden ate my ass while Martin sucked my cock and Randy licked my toes and feet. It was such a pleasure to have their mouths all over me that I hated to get out of bed. Randy drank my morning piss before going out to feed and care for the Jay and Jake. He had become my major toilet boy and he seemed to relish in the activity.

As we were having breakfast, my phone rang and it was the Commander who told me that he had spoken with the ruler who said we should attend but she wanted my slave boys to attend also. I asked if it was really necessary and he said that I should never question one of her orders. I told Aiden and Martin who were again in a panic. Martin didn't know her but gathered from Aiden that she was a fearsome woman and that he didn't want to see her. I tried to assure him not to worry but he was obviously afraid. I had them both shower and clean up. I put skin cream and oil on Aiden to make him as beautiful as possible. He glowed with his deep tan and muscular features. I was told to wear just my loin cloth that day as she always wanted men, even those in authority as I was, to be dressed in a demeaning way. Of course, Aiden and Martin were to be naked.

We went out to the carriage where Aiden had my boys Jay and Jake ready for us. The Commander came out and had his slave with him also. The three slaves were all attached to the rear of the carriage and the Commander and I both got in. I hadn't worn my loin cloth out publicly for a few weeks so I was a bit uncomfortable, but the Commander wore his loin cloth, so I felt a little better. We went a a slow pace to the main government building. It was just on the edge of the tourist village. I had prepared Aiden and Martin to report on the soccer activities so i questioned, they could give a good report.

When we arrived, two slave boys, both good looking young men in their 20's, escorted us in. We were taken to a large room that looked like a meeting room. The lighting inside was subdued. When we entered, there was an assembly of about 10 women seated at a table. Two chairs were vacant at one end and we were escorted to them where we were told to stand. The slave boys were made to stand behind us. The woman in charge, the ruling figure of the island, was seated. All of the women were in high back leather chairs. Our chairs were not as fancy but nice. We all bowed and she welcomed the Commander and me to the meeting. She told us she had heard of the changes we made in slave training and had heard some good things. I don't know who told her what, but assumed it must have been the Commander. She asked that we share what was happening and what was planed. I knew Aiden didn't want to speak so I began to tell her what was going on. I told her of the new feeding, the soccer practice and that soon we would be ready to have games that the tourists could attend. She nodded in an approving way as I spoke. When I was done, she asked what role the two slaves I had brought had in the new program. I explained in glowing terms, how with their previous experiences, they had been able to get it all started and that they were , in effect, the coaches. She didn't smile or praise them. When I was done, she asked if there was anymore to report. I told her that I was thinking that we might begin to market some of our slaves for visitors to buy and take home. I told her it might bring in lots of revenue for her. She nodded that she thought it might be a good idea and that I should pursue the plan. The other women nodded in agreement.

She then asked if I had more to tell her. I told her that was all for now but I would keep her informed of any progress and let her know so she might be able to attend the first soccer game.

She said she looked forward to it. I was hoping that her approval might be an end to our meeting and we could all get out of there as soon as possible. She thanked me for my report and my good progress but then added something I didn't want to hear.

"I see your slave boys are with you as I requested. I'm glad they are a help to you." she said.

I told her they were very helpful and met my every need..

"I assume you are disciplining them appropriately?" she asked.

"Madam, they are both very good and hard working. I have had no real need to discipline them ." I told her.

Her facial expression changed. I wish I had simply said that I had beaten them.

"We like to see slaves work hard but they all need discipline." she said. Obviously, my efforts to make the slaves happier about their roles was lost on her.

"We usually have some slaves disciplined here as a part of our meeting. It gives us a good feeling of what is happening."

My heart sank. Was I to be disciplined or were the boys?

She went to say, " Have your two slave boys come forward." I looked at Aiden and Richard fearing the worst.

Both boys came around the table and dropped to their knees in front of her. They knew their role it was clear.

"She looked to the other women an told them that she knew Aiden personally. She didn't add that he was her son but I suspected they knew it.

"I want the slaves to jerk off for me." she said. "I think the other women would enjoy seeing them do that to show respect for us.and to show how much they appreciate being free to order other slaves around" I could see sweat on Aiden's back as he knelt in front of her. How could this woman ask to see her own son jerk off in public? How humiliating for him.

"Now do it, slave boys!" she ordered.

I looked at Aiden who didn't look back to me but merely took his hand and began to stroke himself. Martin also began to stroke. All of the women could see them plainly. Aiden's big cock began to slowly stiffen as did Martin's. The boys did not look at her until she ordered them to look at her as they stroked. I'm sure they were devestated. After a few minutes, both boys came and dropped their loads on the floor. She smiled at them and told them to both lick up the residue which they did.

"I see the slaves can pleasure themselves", she said. "I think we would enjoy watching more as they realize they are just slaves." We all sat there as she walked over to a door and her sons came in. "Now they can pleasure my sons who will rule them someday." The boys came in and stood in front of Aiden and Martin . "They will now drink the piss of their superiors. The two sons she acknowledged, stepped in front of my slaves and revealed their cocks under the loin cloths they both wore. Aiden and Richard were made to drink the piss of the two younger boys as her sons smirked. The made sure some of the piss ran down the faces of Aiden and Martin", and dripped on the floor. "Lick up the remains," she ordered. " It will make you both better slaves to have the honor of sucking your superiors." Aiden and Martin licked the remains off the floor.

I was disgusted that she made my two hard working slaves do such a mean thing. My slaves then remained with their heads bowed.

"I have one more thing for them to do before I send you all away," she said. I dreaded to find out what that might be.

She spoke to her sons quietly. They both smiled at her and smirked t the slave boys. "Go over to the table and bend over it with our legs spread widely", she ordered. Aiden and Martin both stood and walked to the large wooden table. they bent over the table as ordered. Their legs were spread and they balls were clearly exposed as were their asses.

"My sons need to practice whipping slaves", she said. they will each be given twenty lashes . This will remind them that they are still just slaves."

I started to protest but the Commander grabbed my arm and whispered that I was not to say anything. I was angered that she could treat these two boys so badly and harshly when they had done nothing but work hard. I could see some trembling in both of my boys as they leaned over the table side by side. Neither looked at the other. Her two sons were each given a paddle and a short whip. They went up behind my boys smirking with pleasure. Each slave was given ten lashes with the whip which hey ere made to count out. I could see the red marks form of each of their asses as they choked back tears while counting out the lashes. When they were done with the lashings, they dropped the whips and picked up paddles. They went up behind the boys and bent down to get a good look at their hanging balls. Then, each slapped the boys ten more times on their balls. I was so angry at this punishment as I heard my boys choke back tears as they counted out the slaps. Their balls were now red also. They swung back and forth a little. Her sons seemed to enjoy the pain they inflicted on their older brother and the other slave as well.

When the beating was done, my boys didn't move but I was sure they were in great pain. Her final act of indignity to my slaves was to make them bow to her sons, thank them for their "reward" and kiss their cocks. Both of her sons had gotten hard enjoying the punishment and had a little precum dripping off their cocks which my boys cleaned off.

Before she let them go, she took two large dildos from another table and went up and shoved one in each slaves ass. they groaned in pain as the non lubed dildos were pushed into them by her. She smiled and told them to return to me. I was angry and hurt but had not been allowed to speak my protest for the abuse.

She smiled at me and said she was looking forward to our next meeting. I didn't reply but simply looked at her. The Commander thanked her for the opportunity to attend the meeting. The other women applauded the events and we left with Martin and Aiden behind us, walking with some difficulty due to the dildos sticking out of their holes and their read and sore asses and balls.

When we were escorted out by her slave boys, I put my arms around both of my slaves and told them with tears in my eyes, how sorry I was that they were punished so. The Commander said nothing. His slave boy offered to help them walk. I'm sure he was just thankful that he had not been beaten but merely observed. Aiden and Martin both were sobbing from the pain they had endured. I lead them slowly out to the carriage where my pony boys noticed the slaves condition. They looked horrified at what had happened. I helped both slaves into the carriage. The Commander didn't object but tied his slave to the back. I had my slaves lay down in the back of the carriage where I promptly pulled the dildos from their asses. the pony boys knew to take us back to our quarters and ran quickly. Even though it was a heavy load for them, they got us back quickly.

When we returned to the quarters, I called Randy to help me get Martin and Aiden into my room. The commander stopped to remind me that both were just slaves. I thanked him for his input but said that I considered Aiden my lover and felt the punishment was too much as he had done nothing wrong. "It appears she just wants to see slaves tortured. I can't support that", I said as I led the two boys into my rooms. He shrugged and said we would talk about it more later.

I had Randy help them to the bed while I got cool compresses to put on their balls. Richard moaned as his balls ached. Aiden, I'm sure felt the same but looked at me and said he wasn't sorry he had been punished. "She punished me even when I was a free boy. I am just a useless slave and deserve punishment," he said quietly. I told him that he wasn't useless and that no one deserved to be punished for nothing. He thanked me for my kindness and laid quietly while I gently rubbed the compresses on both boys. I had them lay down for awhile. I was angry with her for her abuse. Both boys had very red asses and it looked like their balls were swollen.

After they had rested awhile, I had Randy come in to drink their piss. I knew both boys had to go and Randy enjoyed being a urinal. I had him lick their cocks for a bit. He took turns massaging their cocks with his tongue, I enjoyed watching him pleasure both boys. I realized that both were getting hard so I figured the pains were subsiding although their asses stil looked sore. While Randy sucked them, I appplied a soothing cream on their red ass cheeks before going out to see the Commander.

He was in his quarters with his slave boy on his knees sucking his cock. The action didn't stop when I came in. The boys blond hair moved as he buried his face in the Commander's pubes. It was a nice sight. The Commander waived for me to sit down, never having the slave boy stop.

I asked the Commandeer if we could discuss the morning. He told me he was sorry to see my slaves beaten and abused as they ad but said he stopped me for fear, the Leader might have done even more harm if I protested too much.

"I have seen her do similar punishment and then simply kill or castrate a slave for her pleasure.He told me of one boy about 17 who was brought to receive his punishment there instead of the detention center so she could watch. He was beaten for the better part of an hour, then made to stand as her fellow Board Members then had him strung up with arms stretched and legs spread. He was dripping blood but she allowed them all to come and examine and fondle the youth. They got him hard and he eventually came. Some of his sperm unfortunately hit her as he had no way to control it. She laughed as they tortured him but when his jiz hit her, she ordered that he be castrated right there. He screamed in agony as his balls were removed and bled all over her floor. His balls were stuck in his mouth to eliminate some of the screaming and he was allowed to bleed until he passed out and eventually died of blood loss. It was a horrible sight to see. Before she had him removed, she took his balls and had a slave take them to the kitchen where they were boiled and later served. The poor slave boy's offense was that he had whistled at a girl. He had been one who had been kidnapped and still had not learned his role of complete obedience and servitude. I'm sure you wouldn't have wanted that for either Aiden or Richard." he concluded.

I shook my head in agreement but wanted to know why she hated Aiden so.

"He was her first son," he explained. " She hated his father who she left before coming here. He was in an eastern bloc county, I'm not sure which. I think he may have been in the military. After she left him, she took Aiden and came here, when the island was just starting to move to it's current role. Aiden was just a kid. She seemed to treat him well at first but he was a determined kid. I learned later that because of her fetishes, she often made him do sexual acts with her. He didn't like it and started to use drugs when he was old enough to find them. He smoked pot and got into alcohol. I think she punished him brutally at first. She eventually became pregnant and left Aiden to is own devices. Although he is smart and learned quickly, she continued to abuse him sexually. When he was 14 or so, he had developed sexually and had sex with a young free girl who he got pregnant. His mother was furious as she didn't know he was sexually active. No wonder as he had been a sex toy for her for many years. The girl had to have an abortion which devastated Aiden and the girl. His behavior got worse and he took up with a slave boy. I think Aiden was bisexual at the time. When his mother found out, she ordered that he be removed from her home and made a slave. She had the slave boy he took up with castrated but saved him to be used as a kennel whore for dogs who brually fucked him all day long. He was not fed much and eventually got sick and died. Aiden was forced to watch the boy's castration. She wanted Aiden to suffer also as I think she never really liked him and he made her think of his father. I had been retained by this time. I liked Aiden and felt sorry for him so I convinced her to left me have him as my slave. So, you might say, I saved him from likely death Once you were here, I noticed he seemed to like you. Perhaps because of your military background or whatever, I noticed he wanted to be your helper. I had him fitted with the ball crushers because his mother wanted him to suffer painfully as my slave which I did. You of course took pity on him and had them removed. I think his mother noticed that when you brought him to the dinner. She wanted Aiden to suffer and she hoped never be able to have children of to enjoy sex again. I can see you changed that. His balls are now huge and the new weight you had put on him, only makes them hang lower and more prominent than before."

I thought about What Aiden had suffered through. Maybe he hadn't told me the purpose of the crushers as he wanted to further defy his mother. In any event, I decided that she had caused Aiden's problems and I felt he had already paid the price.

With that, the Commander ended his story. I asked I should keep Aiden from working on the soccer teams. The Commander said he thought he had done a fine job. "Aiden has a great desire to please. He will do anything asks of him hoping to gain a person's love. HIs mother treated him so poorly and never really cared about him. He merely wants to show that he can work hard. I think he should be allowed to continue. Maybe some day, his mother will understand that. In the meantime, her other sons as you can see, are fearful of her and knowing what they know about Aiden, don't cross her. I'm sure they get pleasure seeing their older brother suffer as it takes pressure off of them. You give Aiden love and responsibility. I think I should have given him more of that too but at the time, I couldn't. Have him continue. If I see potential for real harm to him, I will tell you. In the meantime, go ahead with your plan for a slave market and the soccer games. She may realize that you are helping her and Aiden is just a tool to help you do that.

The Commandeer pushed his slave boy off his cock and told him to prepare the bed for him. He stood and took me by the arm and led me to his bedroom where the slave boy removed my loin cloth. i stood naked in front of him knowing I had to submit to him just as Aiden had to submit to his mother.

The Commander pulled me close and I knew to kneel down in front of him. I realized that he considered me his slave also. i also appreciated knowing more about Aiden and wanted to submit to him as he had saved my lover from certain death.. He stroked my head and chest. He told me how beautiful I was. He fondled my pecs and rubbed my nipples. He pulled me up and gently pushed me to the bed. I spred my legs allowing him to access my ass. Even though the slave boy knelt and watched, I didn't care. I knew the Commander desired me and I let him push his thick cock in my unlubed hole. His first pushes hurt somewhat but i merely groaned as he began to fuck me. His large cock pushed all the way in and he smiled at me and kissed me. I could never imagined a few months ago, that i would allow myself to be raped and actually enjoy it. He pounded my ass until i felt the warmth of his cum explode inside me. When he withdrew, he motioned for his slave to cum and clean up my hole. The boys mouth and tongue felt wonderful as he lapped up the dripping cum. He then cleaned the Commander's cock clean and drank a load of his piss. I laid on the bed, tired from my ordeal but satisfied as I watched the piss flow into the boy's mouth.

End of Chapter 9

Next: Chapter 10

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