The Journal of Angus Fergusson

Published on Jun 21, 2014


The Journal of Mr. Angus Fergusson By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, any comments send them to

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I lived in Edinburgh, near the medical school. I had a small income that met my needs and that was enough for me. My Father had a large estate and five sons. I was the youngest and when I left home, it was good for everyone. Frankly, my father had too many heirs, and my lack of interest in his estates was a blessing. It was 1880 and the modern world seemed exciting to me. My father operated his estates the same way his father and grandfather had. I wanted a different life.

I know Edinburgh was not big compared to London, but it was big enough for me. It was filled with bachelors and unattached men. My bothers had all married and were producing heirs. My tastes were quite different. That was not a problem for my family. There were too many grandchildren already.

I had another reasons to get away from my home. Not only had I not found the right woman, I discovered I had a taste for men and sex with men. I had been at a public school and found a little sexual adventure there.

Edinburgh was the home of the large number of unattached men. Some of them needed a recreational outlet. I was willing playmate and had my own house. I did not share lodgings with a family or live in a rooming house. I was careful and selective. Eventually I found several men who shared my taste and inclination. I lived near the University and I found both students and Professors were congenial company.

I received a surprise visit from Professor Alistair MacDougall. He was a well-known professor in the medical faculty. He introduced himself as a friend of Alexander Burns, my oldest friend in the city.

"Mr. Fergusson, I am a scientist and I am undertaking a study of the human body. Let me be direct. I am proposing to study male sexuality. I am interested in the way male sex organs function. As you can well understand, this is an unstudied area and most controversial. This is a private study, not sanctioned by the University.

"I certainly do understand that," I replied.

"It is clear to me that sexual activity plays an important role in all men's lives and our prudery makes it almost impossible to study," he continued. "Mr. Burns suggested that you were experienced and skilled in sexual matters. I am looking for a man who is active, experienced and willing to help me in this study."

"How could I help?" I asked.

"To be direct, I want you to have sexual relations with men and tell me about it. If possible, I would like to select some of these men to observe. I want a man who can tell me what he has experienced and describe intelligently his reactions," Dr. MacDougall explained. "I know nothing of the subject, and I need to get a fundamental understanding. Of course you will be entirely anonymous."

"Is this truly a scientific study?" I asked.

"No, not yet. This is a first stab a designing a scientific study," he said. "I am trying to learn enough to create a real study."

"You have no personal experiences?"

"I have damn little. My parents are notably straight laced, and my personality tends to be single minded and directed. My study of medicine occupies most of my time. Mr. Burn's revelations were shocking and exciting to me. They opened up areas of study I didn't realize existed," he continued.

"Did this sexually excite you?"

"It did excite me, both intellectually and physically," he said. "I was used to the intellectual excitement, but the sexual excitement was unexpected. That was an aspect of my life that I didn't know existed."

"Were you shocked?"

"Yes I was, but the excitement seemed to overwhelm the shock," MacDougall replied. We talked a little longer and he left after asked me to respond at my own schedule. His proposal was so odd I hardly knew what to think about it.

My friend, Alexander Burns, came to see me the next day with another friend, Augustus More. Augustus was a younger man, but most enthusiastic about all things sexual. I told them about Dr. MacDougall's proposal.

"I suggested he contact you because you and Augustus here are the only men I know who admit that they enjoy man sex!" Alexander said. "Most men show no emotion or interest except for an orgasm and a few drips of cock juice. I know they enjoy it because they always come back."

"We are all Scots!" Augustus said. "We like hardship not pleasure!" We laughed. "I rather like the hard aspect of most men, especially when it is in my ass."

"I think MacDougall is right about our ignorance of sex. I know I like it and I know it gives me pleasure, but I have no idea why," Alexander said. "I can assure you that the professor is a serious man. He is not doing this as a voyeur."

"I might feel better about it if he was more excited about the sexual prospect," I said. "Clinical detachment is not an aspect of sex."

"That very well might happen. I do know that sexual urges are hard to control. I surprise myself some times," Alexander said. "One of those times was when I met you. That was both unexpected and pleasurable."

"I was a blushing virgin when we met," Augustus added. "Now I can't even remember why anyone would want to be a virgin. When you opened your ass for me, I truthfully can say that I had no idea what real pleasure was. I could not even conceive of the intensity of intimate congress. If you go ahead with MacDougall's study, I would be pleased to join in. I think I would enjoy describing my feeling and experiences."

"I have not told you this before Angus, but I went to a Turkish bath in London a year ago. I became involved with a handsome man. We were in a group of ten or more men. The other men gathered around us so we couldn't been seen," Alexander said. "They also watched us. It was unexpectedly stimulating."

The next day the Professor sent me a note inviting me to his house that evening. He told me Mr. Augustus More would be there with another man who shared similar interests. I sent him a return note agreeing to visit him.

I admit the prospect excited me. I would like to think I have a firmer grip on my emotions, but that was not the case. I had wondered if my sexual inclinations were voluntary or if they were out of my control. I was a proper gentlemen and knew how I should react. I knew what I should do, but that seemed to be less important than my sexual urges.

For me any resistance from my partner killed any desire. If my partner was interested, there seemed to be no way for me to be in control. I wonder if that was true of all men. This was the sort of thing I rarely admitted even to myself. I was excited at the prospect of meeting men who share my tastes. During the course of the rest of the day, the excitement grew. I was at his house on George Square on time. It was a large house; he lived on the top two floors.

The professor greeted me at the door and took me into the main drawing room. He offered me a drink, and then another guest knocked on the door. A large, lumbering man entered. He was dressed like a working man wearing his best clothes. He was clean and quiet. Alistair introduced him as Roddy. His rooms had been recently renovated. Roddy was the man who had done the work for Alistair. Augustus arrived a few minutes later.

The room was quite beautiful and I complimented Roddy on the work. The Adam Brothers designed the house a century earlier. Roddy had restored it rather than modernizing it and it seemed airy and bright

Roddy was most knowledgeable about building and the conversation was interesting. I was not used to talking with men of his social station, but it was not a problem. Alistair seemed to be quite taken by Augustus. Augustus is handsome and quite boy-like in spite of being thirty-three. The contrast between Roddy and Augustus could hardly have been greater.

After several drinks, Alistair told us that we had all agreed to help with his study. He wanted us to meet each other to see if we were compatible. He said he would arrange to have a meeting soon.

"Well, we are here now," Augustus, said. "Why not have some fun now?" Alistair looked flustered. "We can think of it as practice for the main attraction."

"I'm ready," Roddy said. "I'm always ready."

"Are you willing to join in Angus?" Alistair asked me.

"I did not expect this, but why waste a night," I replied. Alistair led us to a bedroom on the upper level. We disrobed. I knew Augustus, but Roddy was new to me. He wasn't built like the men I knew but he was an impressive specimen. He looked like a wrestler or a strong man you might see at a carnival. He was not handsome, but he was manly.

Roddy wasn't shy about his body. He was quite hairy, and I thought about Mr. Darwin and his theories. Augustus was soon at my cock. Roddy was already excited. At first Roddy was mildly attractive to me, but as his cock expanded to full size, the attraction grew.

Augustus went to the bed, and Roddy went to suck him. I went to Roddy's cock. It was thick and stubby, enshrouded in thick foreskin. I could barely get his cock head into my mouth. He was such a bull of a man; I was surprised it was so delicate. He shivered as my lips touched it. I pushed his foreskin back with my tongue exposing the tender, flared edge of the gland. He shivered again. Roddy had washed carefully and there was none of the crustiness I sometimes found.

I knew that the edge was the most tender part of the organ on many men. I soon began to taste the sweet juice men ooze when excited. My tongue strayed to the source, his slit. The slit was unusually wide and I probed it. I had never done this before. For most me the slit is too small to allow penetration. The inside of his sperm tunnel was smooth and filled with fresh sex juices. It was almost intoxicating.

My friends were upper class gentlemen or academics. I was not sure a man like Roddy would react the same way or respond to my ministrations the way they did. I knew that the juices only flowed when a man was excited. Some men oozed only briefly just before an orgasm; a few oozed continuously. Roddy was fully engaged.

As I wallowed in the sweet juices oozing from his cock, I heard Augustus moaning. His moans turned from a tenor pitch to a bass growl. I knew him well enough to know he was shooting. The flow of Roddy's sex juices turned from a trickle to a constant flow. He was still sucking Augustus' cock, so he was also taking the load with enthusiasm. I could taste his body respond to the excitement.

We broke apart to give Augustus a break and to catch our breath. Augustus tended to doze off after an orgasm.

"That was exiting," I said to Roddy. "What can I do to please you?"

"I am happy with what we just did," he replied. Roddy paused and then leaned closer to me. "I like to fuck," he said in a whisper. "I know it's big, but it feels so good in a tight arse. I like to take my time."

"Lie back and let me sit on it," I said. I surprised myself when I said that. I had no idea if it would fit. Roddy was game. I sucked his cock and got it all coated in saliva and then sat on it. Roddy moaned as I slowly sat back, balancing myself on his cock head. Alistair moaned too. I think it excited him. Alistair's moan distracted me for a little while and Roddy's organ slipped into me. I was my time to moan.

I had experienced a few anal sexual connections, but never with a man who possessed a cock of Roddy's girth. Never had a man's organ filled me so completely. The sensations were overwhelming. I squirmed and the cock slipped into an even better place.

Roddy rolled me over and spread my legs wide so that I was completely open and defenseless. He began to thrust, slow at first, but picking up speed. After a few minutes, I asked him to stop and slow down. He did. He soon began to thrust gently again and we soon built up a head of steam. We did this several times until he couldn't hold back anymore and he emptied his huge balls into my ass. I could feel him spurting.

The sensations were exponentially more intense than anything I had experienced before. It was almost overwhelming. I began to shoot and Augustus was there to take my man seed. It had been good for all of us.

It was getting late and we left. Alistair asked us if it had been a success. I said that it had been good. Roddy volunteered that it was a real ball buster. His description was both more colorful and perhaps more accurate than mine.

Dr. MacDougall visited me the next day. He asked if he could talk with me about the previous night's event. "My questions are personal. I would like to know what you were feeling both in terms of physical sensations and emotional reactions. Am I right in thinking both elements play a role?"

"You are correct, but I am not sure that there is a clear distinction between the two," I replied. "There is a mixture of elements and it is difficult to analyze when you are directly involved. Scientific detachment his nearly impossible. Of course, I knew Augustus so I had some understanding of his needs. Roddy was not the sort of man with whom I normally would come in contact."

"Did you find him objectionable?"

"Not at all," I replied. "I was uneasy at first, since he was from a different social class and I didn't know his expectations. That was not a problem at all. Augustus is always eager and he has a knack for getting the ball rolling. I was relieved when Roddy became involved so quickly. Some men hold back and pretend they aren't interested."

"Why is that?"

"Some men are uncomfortable with sex in general and man sex in particular, I think. I know that I was taught that showing your emotions was not manly. I have been with some men who only show emotions during the orgasm itself. They then collect themselves and revert to their normal mode." I said.

"Does that bother you?" he asked.

"Once and a while it used to bother me, but I discovered that some of the most reserved return for more. After three or four times, they can become quite enthusiastic," I explained.

You seemed quite taken by Roddy?"

"As I said, he was not the sort of man I normally associate with, but he was polite. When we stripped, I realized he was a manly man, muscular and strong. I was greatly relieved when he responded to Augustus. I may have assumed that my tastes were associated only with academics and scholarly men. He was enthusiastic. That excited me," I explained. "I must admit his private parts were exciting too. It is so rare to see a man's privates it is always exciting. His were large and impressive."

"You like them large?"

"That may be true. I am not so experienced to know. I think any time you meet a new man it is exciting; you are exploring new territory. The cock is varied and one never knows how it will affect you. His was so thick, I was uneasy about it, uneasy and excited. As soon as I sucked it, I knew all was well. He was already oozing sex juices and I like that. Some men do not say much, but when the juices are flowing, they are ready to play. "

"Did you notice any other thing?"

"His cock head was very tender," I said. "He was such a large and muscular, I didn't expect that."

Someone knocked at my door. It was a friend, a young man named Rupert. He was a clerk who worked for a lawyer. He did research for criminal cases, and was what one might call an investigator. As such, his work was sporadic and he came by to see me when he had spare time. Rupert was innocuous and bland looking. That was good for his job. He looked like any other clerk in the city. He saw Alistair sitting in my drawing room and apologized.

I told him Alistair was a friend who liked to watch. "He is very discrete but he finds watching intimate encounters exciting," I said.

Rupert leaned close to me. "I had a neighbor who did his wife at noon everyday like clockwork. I use to watch. It was exciting. I understand."

"Would you mind if he watched us?" I asked.

Rupert smiled. "I don't mind helping a man in need," he said. "It would be acceptable if he was naked too. He doesn't need to join in, but I'd feel more comfortable if he were naked," I went to Alistair and told him that my friend did not mind being watched and his conditions.

"This is quite unexpected," Alistair said. "Perhaps if I was naked in a closet or behind a screen? I would be less obtrusive. " That was acceptable to Rupert. My bedroom was small but there was a screen in the corner in front of my washing area. He went in the room.

When Rupert and I went in he was behind the screen and there was a neat pile of clothes complete with undergarments on view. Rupert smiled and we disrobed.

Rupert looked bland but he was not shy and was aggressive in some ways. If he wanted something, he went for it. That was good for his role as an investigator. He also liked man sex and he liked variety. Many men like to do the same thing every time they visited. Rupert liked to explore and try new things. He greatly enjoyed sperm and sharing it with his playmate.

I am generally much more timid and not inventive at all, but I had no problem with Rupert's desires. He enjoyed coaxing my juices from my balls. I took his load and he surprised me by kissing me and eating his cream from my mouth. I was a bit shocked, but stimulated.

Rupert had two characteristics what stood out. He possessed a long, quite thin cock. It was easy to suck without choking and easily penetrated an ass without pain. He also liked to talk during sexual relations. He liked to tell you want he wanted and then describe his feelings. Oddly, he referred to his cock as my friend. Alistair found this most interesting.

"My friend missed you, it's been three weeks since we last visited," Rupert said. He dropped to his knees and sucked the tip of my foreskin into his mouth. I have extra foreskin that interested him. He like to suck the skin and then work his tongue into the pucker and lick the tip of my cock head.

"I assume you have other playmates."

"I do have a few, but it's always a fast interlude in a dark place. You are the only one who is truly accommodating and open to the possibilities," he said. "You admit you like it. That seems to be rare in this Puritan town. I can't think of a reason not to enjoy sex, but that seems to be a minority opinion."

"Presbyterian morality doesn't affect you?"

"My father was a pillar of the church and mean as a rabid dog," Rupert said. "Religion and virtue are not connected with any regularity. While any sort of sexual irregularity sickened my father, he had no problem cheating his business partners of their fair share of the profits. He worshiped gold and his god just gave him cover."

We went to the bed and I sucked his organ as he worked mine. We could swallow each other's cocks with ease. Rupert liked[BW1] to share and he was even handed. Sometimes he would be over excited and fuck me nonstop for an hour or so. However, the next time he visited, he would open his ass and serve me.

I sucked him both for the joy of it and to lubricate his long tool. At some point, my urge to feel it in my ass always overcame me. We broke apart and I sat on it. It was a thin rod, but very hard. I straddled it and sat back, enjoying its trip into my ass. Alistair moaned from behind the screen. Rupert's long cock made it easy to view the penetration.

"You can come out and get a closer look!" Rupert said. "I'm not shy and I would guess you would enjoy it." Alistair came into room and tentatively moved closer.

"Get closer, take a good look," Rupert ordered. I was slowly bouncing on his pole. "I had neighbors who went at it and I liked to watch. I would have loved to have been nearer to see more. He was screwing his wife so it wasn't as exciting as doing it to man, but it was fun to watch."

Rupert pulled me forward so only his cock head was in me. He then pushed me back slowly so Alistair could see the full penetration. Alistair moaned again.


Next: Chapter 2

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