The Journal of Angus Fergusson

Published on Sep 18, 2014


The Journal of Mr. Angus Fergusson 7 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Once Douglas relaxed, the floodgates opened. I think he was trying to make up for thirty years of repressed sexual desire. He had done nothing except feel desire and reject those feelings. He was ripe and ready. He had no clue as to the physical nature of a sexual connection. He hadn't thought of the possibility of cock sucking or fucking.

He was over ripe and willing. This worried me. I was afraid the physical requirements of sex might offend him or perhaps even revolt him. When you describe sex, it seems so improbable. If I said, "I'm going to get rock hard, cover my cock in lubricant and then shove up your behind," it does not sound appealing.

I was lucky in an odd way. Douglas' aunts had told him that sex with women was degrading and painful but had not mentioned sex with men. They also had avoided mentioning any of the particulars of sex. He found out it was related to his cock in some way, but he knew nothing of the mechanics.

He trusted me and regarded me as an intelligent man of the world. He was willing to be guided by my experience and me. When I told him that this was the way you did it, he believed me. That might not have worked with some men, but in spite of his aunts, Douglas was intensely sexual and responsive. He had never experienced sexual pleasure and it was a revelation to him.

I was also worried about is deep religious upbringing. He solved that problem on his own. His aunts had warned him about succumbing to the pleasures of sex and licentiousness. When he experienced sex, the pleasures were so intense he knew they were god given. He was briefly worried about non-procreative sex, but I was told him sex was pleasure giving with or without the potential for pregnancy.

That first night I sucked him for a while. I was uneasy about bringing him to a climax, but I decided it would be cruel to prime the pump and then leave him unsatisfied. He shot a spectacular load. I put him in bed and he fell asleep immediately.

The next morning I was afraid he would feel guilt or remorse. I think the experience was so far out of his expectations he was fine. He was a bit confused and unsure of what had happened to him, but he was good. Douglas went on a walk and I sat on the terrace. Jean and Pierre came to see me. They had watched us the night before.

At first, I thought they were trying to blackmail me, but I completely misunderstood. They wanted to join in. I had suspected they shared my sexual interest. They had been on their best behavior in front of us in case such activates offended us. They wanted to be free to enjoy themselves and were willing to share the wealth.

I told them about Douglas' situation. They were sympathetic and understood. They told me that in France they referred to his condition as being a "Nun's Son."

"It is much better to live in the world with all of its problems and pleasures than to avoid it. Life can be difficult, but it is bad to experience only its pains with none of the pleasures," Pierre said.

"He is well equipped to experience some of the pleasures," I said. Jean and Pierre laughed.

"So are you," Jean said as he winked. "Sometimes we are your servants, sometimes we are just men. We work for you. Other times we might relax and enjoy each other?"

"That might be possible," I said. "We are alone together is this house."

"I don't like to mix business with pleasure, but what we do at night is our own business," Pierre said. I smiled and then he smiled. We understood each other. Douglas returned from his walk and read a book. It was a quiet day and there was a good breeze. I told him about my conversations with Jean and Pierre, explaining that they shared our sexual tastes. He was surprised but relieved. He had been afraid they might have seen our activity the night before. I told him that would not have been a problem. I did not tell him that they had watched us.

"I was under the impression that our sexual tastes were particular to our class," he said. "It hadn't occur to me that servants could feel the same way."

"I think that men are men, and social status, educational attainment and wealth are but a thin veneer," I said. "Underneath the thin layer, we are all very much alike."

"Have you enjoyed common men?" he asked.

"I have, and I must confess I enjoyed it greatly," I said. "I am quite sure they enjoyed me too. As I said, we feel the same things."

The nest night the mayor and the Prefect of Police came to dinner. The Mayor had invited us to a banquet at the Hotel de Ville and it seemed correct to reciprocate.

The Mayor came with his wife, daughter and son-in-law. The Prefect came with his wife and young daughter. To say that Douglas and I are minor nobility almost over states the case, but they were most pleased and honored. Julio, the cook prepared a superb dinner mixing some English dishes with Provençal delicacies. Desert was a cake surmounted by French and British flags; it was a total success.

When they left, I saw the Prefect cup Pierre's genitals. Apparently, they shared the same sexual tastes. I woke up early the next morning. The servants were swimming. It was Sunday and the men were not working except for Julio. I joined them in the water and Pierre made contact with my genitals under water. I played with his organ and discovered it was much more impressive than I had guessed. Douglas watched from about. It did not seem to disturb him.

The day was very hot, but there was a shady corner of the terrace that caught the sea breeze. Douglas and I sat there reading as and Jean brought us cool drinks. We were wearing only shorts. That was exciting for Douglas and me since a wool sweater was often needed in Scotland's summers.

After an hour, I decided the shorts were too much and I stripped naked. I had a towel to cover up when Jean appeared. Ten minutes later Douglas stripped off his shorts.

"It's odd to think that nudity was something that happened only a second or two before you took a bath and a few more seconds afterward," I said. "Not wearing a tie was rather risqué in Scotland."

"My aunt thought it was sinful. I am not sure they ever looked at themselves naked," Douglas remarked. "I saw a sculpture of a nude Venus at a friend's house once. I was shocked. They also had a Hercules but he sported a fig leaf!"

"Did you ever swim?" I asked.

"No, never," he replied. "I didn't get out much. Did you?"

"Yes I did, but it was in a stream near out house. I swam nude with the local boys," I said. "Given the temperature of the water, it did not show off our privates to advantage." Douglas laughed. "The warm water here lets our French friends hang low. Did you notice their balls swing freely?"

Douglas looked shocked and then smiled. "I did notice, but didn't want to say I had noticed. They excite me."

"They excite me too. I encountered naked men first in the Turkish bath in Edinburgh. It was hot and steamy and the men were nude or nearly nude. At first, I tried not to look, but after a few visits, I realized that was not a problem. After all we were born naked," I said. "Some cultures had no problem with nudity. Ours is not one of them."

"It is a different world here. It is as if we are on a different planet," Douglas replied. "The old rules do not seem to apply."

"The primary rule is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." I observed. "I think some people get bogged down in the mass of Old Testament rules, and forget the essential rule. Have I done anything that was painful or degrading to you?"

"Not at all, it was so exciting and pleasurable," Douglas, said. "It does not seem impossible that I could reciprocate. Is that a problem?"

"Your aunts raised you in a way that might be regarded as almost perverse," I said. "They drained life of every pleasure, joy and affection. Strange as it was, it was what you knew. I think you will relax and soon you will regard this new world as the real."

"I'm not sure I could do it correctly," he complained.

"Let me tell you a secret about this new world you have found yourself in. You are a handsome man of character and intelligence. You are also well endowed with manly characteristics. I must add that you possess impressive manly organs. Men will be more than willing to give you lessons!" I explained. "Did you realize that what I did with you yesterday was as exciting and pleasurable for me as it was for you?"

"Even when I . . ?"

I assumed he was talking about his orgasm. "It was fine."

"I could never do that," he said.

"You don't need too," I said. "At one time, I was uneasy about taking the fruits of your loins, but I like it in some cases now," I said. I leaned over and began to nurse his cock back to life. He lost interest in conversation.

Jean and Julio were watching from the house. Jean was fondling Julio's privates. They enjoyed the view. I did not mind being watched. I became engrossed with Douglas' impressive organ and forgot the observers until I took his load. It was fresh, creamy and still warm from being stored in his balls.

The rest of the day was pleasant. I did note that the servants were a little more relaxed, but they were just as prompt and pleasant. The daily swim was more relaxed too. There was nothing overt, but genitals were on display and Douglas liked that.

That night there was a storm, quite violent for the Mediterranean. In the morning, I saw a floundering yacht in the distance and a small dinghy in the water. I sent Emile off to tell the Prefect of Police to get help. Douglas took our small boat out to see if he could be of assistance. Pierre went with him.

Normally, it took a half hour to get to town. Emile ran and forty-five minutes a steam launch from the town was on the scene with a flotilla of small boats. The Prefect arrived by carriage with several men at about the same time. He had also telegraphed to the navy and other appropriate persons.

I could see activity on the ship in the distance and Douglas had transferred several people from dinghy to his boat. Pierre brought our boat to shore and Douglas took the dinghy to the floundering ship. The ship was American and the dingy held two small children, their mother and a maid. The children were fine, the mother was in shock and the maid was sensible and reassuring. She was a small woman and rowing the boat through the choppy waters was too much for her.

As soon as they landed, Emile had blankets and food ready and Jean took charge of them. I was doing translating. An hour later, Douglas was back with the rest of the passengers of the yacht. The townspeople were working on saving the yacht along with the crew. A small French Naval vessel appeared. Everything became well organized then.

Douglas had performed well and the French officials had been impressed. He had been decisive and helpful. It takes a lot to impress a French official. Later, he was called to the French naval vessel to give a report on what he found. The passengers went off to a hotel in the town, and I was alone at the house with the Prefect of Police.

"Douglas is quite a man," the Prefect said. "I did not expect him to be a man of action."

"I think he just needed an opportunity. He has had a secluded life," I said.

"He is very much a man," the "Prefect said, "As are you." He scratched his privates. "I take it you are a man of the world?" he added.

"I don't think of myself as a man of the world, but I have more experience than Douglas," I said. For some reason my hand was at my crotch rearranging my private parts. I did not do that on purpose; it just happened. The Prefect noticed.

"The day has become hot. Perhaps we might swim," the Prefect suggested. "It is secluded here."

"The house is cool. I have a shower bath in my bedchamber. Have you used a shower? It is very refreshing," I said. As I expected he agreed. We went to the bedroom and stripped. The Prefect was not shy, and had no reason to be shy. He was an imposing man in his uniform, but he was just as impressive nude and semi erect.

"Are all Frenchmen as impressive as you?" I asked as I looked at his equipment.

"It is curtesy of my grandfather; he was known as Pierre le Gross. I inherited it from him. Are you a fancier of male organs?" he asked.

"If I said yes, would you be offended?"

"Not at all, I share the interest," he said. "I am what you Englishmen describe as a randy gentleman. I have five children and my wife is delicate. My seed is potent and I have no desire to father bastards."

"I've never heard of a man becoming pregnant," I observed.

"We understand each other," he said. "I've never tasted an Englishman's cock."

"I am a Scot, but I'm not sure there is much difference," I said as I dropped to my knees. I peeled back his foreskin exposing his knob. It was shaped like an overripe strawberry. It took a few minutes to get his sex juices flowing, but once they began to ooze it was a rich brew indeed,

I was happy nursing his Gallic organ, but he insisted on sucking me. He was both intense, skilled and enthusiastic. The warm water from the shower washed over us as we played and explored. The Prefect was imaginative and perhaps sly. Somehow, he managed to ease his cock into my ass. He returned to my ass several times, each time he probed deeper.

His organ was large, but with each probe, I wanted more. He was a big man and he could have forced his cock in me without difficulty. I shot off and that induced an orgasm in the Prefect. It was very good.

He left. "Might I visit you in the future? I have enjoyed this greatly," he asked. "You are most attractive, and this villa is secluded. In my position this is most desirable."

"I would like that," I said. "The situation with Douglas is delicate. I must be careful."

"I am a big man but I can be very gentle. I would enjoy him and I am sure he would enjoy me," the prefect said. He returned to town.

An hour later Douglas returned from the French Naval vessel. Apparently, the yacht's crew had been unintelligible. The owner of the yacht had been overly economical in his selection of the crew. He thought he was much more experienced than was the case. The crew was useless in the storm. The French officers thought the owner had learned valuable lesson. The officers had been effusive in their praise Douglas' actions. Douglas was surprised.

He had only done what had to be done. He was surprised that they regarded it as being admirable. We sat on the terrace and enjoyed the sun. It was hot. Douglas fell asleep. I was naked by the time he woke up. He saw me and smiled.

Douglas fell asleep in a shady spot of the terrace. I was nude and reading a book. Jean came out with cold drinks. He saw me naked.

"I'm sorry, I was too lazy to cover myself with a towel," I said. "You can see that I have adapted to the climate,"

"I like the view," Jean said as he smiled. "It is not a problem at all," he whispered. "You must be tired. Let me put you to sleep. He leaned over and took my cock into his mouth. He sucked me to an orgasm and took my entire load. I was asleep after the last ejaculation.

The next few days were busy. The yachtsman, Roderick Granby, and his family came by to thank us. Roderick was an industrialist and most successful. He made pumps. He was a bit rough, but his wife was sweet and the children were pleasant. Roderick apologized profusely and genuinely for his misjudgment.

He was a crude looking man, but very masculine in a way that ugly men can be. He got along well with Douglas. I talked with his wife, who was quite charming but distracted. She didn't seem to have been aware of what happened. The event had faded away in her memory.

The next day a French Naval officer, Alfred DuPlessy, visited. He had met Douglas and Douglas had invited him to visit. I assumed it was merely a polite gesture. Alfred was handsome and young. He must have seen something in Douglas.

We walked down to the water and looked the beautiful blue sea. The water was warm.

"It looks like a beautiful pace to swim," Alfred said.

"Do you like to swim?" Douglas asked. "We swim here often."

"I taught Douglas how to swim au natural. I learned to swim in Scotland. It was hard to describe it as a pleasant experience," I said. "The Mediterranean is an entirely different experience."

"I am from northern France. My experience is similar to yours," Alfred said. Douglas began removing his shirt. Alfred and I followed suit. When Alfred saw Douglas naked, he stared. I sensed that Alfred was a polite man, but he stared at Douglas' genitals. Douglas noticed and he adjusted his balls and jumped in the water.

Alfred was not as well equipped, but he was semi erect. He jumped in the water. We swam around for a while. Pierre and the other gardeners came down for a swim. When they saw us, they turned back. I waved at him and told them to join us.

Alfred looked at Pierre as he jump into the water. "I am in the land of the giants," he whispered to me.

"Don't worry. They are friendly giants," I said.

"Is Douglas a friendly giant?" he asked I nodded. Alfred and Douglas were both timid men. I expected them to take thing at their own pace. Alfred jumped into the warm water and a half hour all was well. I wondered if Douglas' help in rescuing the yacht had given him more confidence. He seemed more self-assured. Alfred was an attractive man and he was clearly smitten. A short time later, Douglas was on the small beach area with Alfred gently administrating to his cock. I was doing the same to Pierre's member. Pierre had rich ball juices and they inspired me to sit on his cock. I was afraid this might bother Douglas, but I was driven wild by Pierre's precum.

I head Alfred moaning. He was on his hands and knees. Douglas' organ was fully lodged in the Frenchman's ass. Douglas had a positively blissful look on his face. I had given him no instruction on fucking, but he seemed to have figured it out on his own.

I tend to worry, and I was afraid that this dramatic change in attitude to like might be too much for Douglas. To move from a live of total abstinence and chastity to a free and sexually rich life was a big change. Feeling pleasure is its own reward and Douglas was now experiencing intense pleasure regularly.

Next: Chapter 8

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