The Ka Of King Tut by Nigel Dean

By David Ashford

Published on Sep 10, 2015



The Ka Of King Tut by Nigel Dean

I have been writing man-erotic stories for more than ten years. However, it has been some time since I have posted anything – here's my new story The Ka Of King Tut which I hope you will enjoy reading. If you would like to drop me a line with any comments on the tale or would like to know about my other stories I would love to hear from you.

The dog bounded after the ball, his ears flowing back against his head as the air raced by. Without changing his pace he snatched the ball, made a wide circle to turn and race back to me. As I stooped to pick up the ball and throw it again I became aware of someone behind me.

"He is a fine looking dog, I feel sure you are proud of him."

"I am."

I threw the ball again.

"I used to have a dog," the stranger continued, "but that was a long time ago."

He did not look old enough for anything in his life to have happened a long time ago.

"Would you mind if I threw the ball for him ?"

"Sure," I said handing over the red rubber ball.

"Thank you. What's his name ?"


"Go fetch it Sam, go boy."

He threw the ball high and with such force it traveled a much greater distance than produced by efforts. Sam loved the chase, returning to drop the ball at the stranger's feet.

"He prefers to play with you," I smiled.

"One more time Sam and then I must be of. Go fetch it Sam."

And with that he was off, smiling as he left. Slightly confused Sam looked after him then back to me deciding not to run after the stranger but to continue playing with me. I think he enjoyed those two extended races, of course he did, but preferred my slightly less athletic demands.

I would miss my morning playtime with Sam but I would only be away for a week. Even in our world of instant global communications some things still have to be done face to face so my visit to San Francisco was necessary to seal the deal. I like San Francisco but it is such a long way away. Even flying business class the journey is an ordeal. Oh well....

"Time to go home Sam." I clipped the lead to his collar.

I did not see him in the departure lounge. I did not see him at the gate. When first and business class passengers were boarded he was not there. I quietly settled into my seat, aimlessly flicking through the in-flight magazine and sipped at a glass of orange juice. when the passenger took up his seat next to me. I turned to wish him Good Morning but the words did not come out like that.

"You, you're the guy from the park," I said in astonishment.

"And you are the man with the dog. What was his name ? Sam ?"

"Yes," I said, my eyes widening. "You are flying to San Francisco ?"

"And sitting next to you it would appear. Quite a coincidence."

"That's an understatement," I replied. "What are the chances of two random strangers meeting in the part then the next day being seated next to each other on a flight to California ?"

"Perhaps by the time we get there we will no longer be strangers but friends."

"I'm Danny." I held out my hand.

He took it.

"You would never be able to pronounce my name if I told you, to everyone who knows me I am Toot."

"Hello Toot. So what takes you to California ?"

"There's an art exhibition I want to see."

"Are you an art dealer then ?"

"No but there may be a few things I would like to buy."

Who was this boy ? How could someone so young be flying business class to an art exhibition ? Possibly buying some of the exhibits ? He was not old enough to have built up any wealth, he must have been born into money.

"So what is your reason for visiting The City By The Bay ?"

"I'm a web developer," I lied. "I have to see a client."

"Where are you staying in San Francisco ?"

"A hotel up in Palo Alto, it's close to the client. You ?"

"The Fairmont."

"On Nob Hill ?"

"That's the one. Do you know it ?"

"But that's......." I stopped myself from saying it is the most expensive and luxurious hotel in the city."

Who was this young man and how wealthy was he ?

"We must meet up for dinner one evening."

"That would be nice."

As the flight progressed so did our small talk chatter but I can not say I was getting to know him. I guessed he would have been in his early twenties, certainly no older. He had a tan which looked to be natural, far too special to have been achieved from a sun bed. His accent was as British as my own, he was no foreigner. Each time our eyes met he penetrated me as if he could learn all he wanted to know about my own life without asking.

"Who is looking after Sam while you are away ?"

"He's in good hands."

"I miss my dog, he died a long time ago."

"I'm sorry."

"He was a black dog, pointed ears and pointed face, tall and thin."

I had a vision in my head of the Egyptian god, what was his name. I searched my mind.


"That was it Anubis. "Did you name him after the Egyptian god ?"

"Some say he was the god."

The cabin crew started to serve lunch, within the time zone to which we were heading it would have been an early breakfast. Our conversation slowed as we ate. After coffee we both pushed back our seats, closed our eyes and tried to sleep. I always like to sleep on long flights, it helps to pass the time and eases jet-lag at the other end. TOOT, what a strange name, I wondered what his proper name was, understood my wish for slumber.

I was soon in another world oblivious to my present surroundings. When I awoke I looked at my watch, I had been asleep for only forty minutes but it felt much longer. I had just had the strangest dream of my life, in more than fifty years I had experienced nothing like it before. It felt so real, perhaps it was, perhaps my being high over the Atlantic Ocean was the dream. I would happily exchange it for the reality I had just experienced.

I was younger, much younger. Gone was my middle-age physique as I returned to my youth. I looked closely at my body, I ran my hands over my skin, I pinched myself. Yes it was me, I remember when I used to look that way or do I actually look that way and the body I have been living in is not real. I passed the palm of my right hand over my firm chest then down to my flat stomach. I was naked ! So were those with me ! Completely naked. So were those with me.

There were four of us in a sauna, completely naked. One had his shoulders bent low, a towel covering his head. Too hot for him I assumed. I have always enjoyed a sauna, the hotter the better. I reached to take a ladle of water which I poured over the coals. The water fizzed and hissed, the temperature rose significantly, too hot for two of the occupants who stood up and left. As the door to the sauna cabin closed the other occupant removed the towel from his head, looked at me and smiled.

"Toot !"

"We meet again."

He was a fine looking guy with his clothes on but without them I am not sure my literary skill are strong enough to describe all I could see. That tan was his natural skin colour, no sign of anything lighter anywhere.

"When we started the flight to San Francisco I said I hoped we would be friends by the time we landed. Friends should have no secrets, liked this we have nowhere to hide anything."

"Not like this, no."

"You are not embarrassed are you ? You have a fine body. Are you perhaps an athlete ? or may be a soldier ?"

"No, I'm a web developer."

"Are you really ? Are you sure about that ? I would have said you were something else. Stand up and let me look at you properly."

In the small space of the sauna cabin I did as I was told.

"Turn around."

"No you are not a web developer, that is for sure."

I sat down.

"So what about me ?" Toot stood up and threw wide his arms. "What do you say I am ?"

"I don't know. You are a wealthy young guy."

He turned his head to one side and gave a thin smile. "How old do you think I am ?"

"I don't know," I said again. "A lot younger than me."

"I would have said that physically we are of a similar age, by other forms of measurement there could be differences."

Toot moved to stand in front of me. He placed two hands on my chest. "This is not the body of a web developer, you really should be a soldier or an athlete."

His manhood was close to my face. Then my dream came to an end. I was awake.

There was a heaviness between my legs, hell I hoped it did not show. I dared not move down there for fear of attracting attention. It was a pre-erection sensation I had known and enjoyed so much from my younger days when so much as a simple thought could set a fire to a body overloaded with testosterone. Sadly today it is becoming a rarer occurrence.

I was back in my old familiar body - old being the right word to use in every sense although my brief excusion into a younger version had been fun.

"You did not sleep for very long," Toot smiled.


"Never mind the best dreams always happen in short sleeps."

He knew ! No of course he didn't. How could he ? Had I been talking in my sleep.

"Did you drop off yourself ?"

"No it was too hot to sleep."

The air conditioning was keeping the cabin at an even cool and comfortable temperature, it certainly was not too hot.

He knew.

I dared not sleep again so switched on the in-flight entertainment and selected a film to watch.

"I think I will try to sleep," Toot said, "It feels a little cooler now."

Toot indeed did sleep, slept longer that I did awaking only when the captain came on to announce we were one hour away from landing in San Francisco. "The temperature in San Francisco is a sunny eighty two degrees. The City By The Bay is looking forward to welcoming you."

"A different kind of heat," Toot smiled.

"Warmer than England that's for sure."

"Not as hot as where my ancestors come from."

"Where's that ?"

"Egypt. Ancient Egypt."

"I had a holiday in Egypt," I said, "thirty years ago."

I am sure Toot said I know but perhaps not.

"So when are we going to meet up for dinner ?"

I doubted I would be doing a lot during the evenings so simply said, "Anytime."

"How about tomorrow then ? Come up to my hotel for seven, we can have a drink first. The Fairmont on Nob Hill."

"I know of it and am sure the taxi driver will."

We exchanges numbers and agreed to meet.

At the airport I was met by my client, no I am not a web developer - Toot was right there - so I guess I should call him my colleague. I did not see Toot leave, he was through immigration ahead of me and when I got to baggage reclaim he was gone.

No I am not a web developer, I have a team of web developers in England who work for me. Now I had successfully taken over this business in San Francisco I would have another team. No Toot I am not a soldier and I am not an athlete, those who work with me simply call me Boss.

I spent a couple of hours meeting staff at my new acquisition, chatting informally and trying to get to know who was who. Of course I knew the management team but it is the people at the coal face, or at the computer keyboard, who do the real work. Tomorrow I would get down to the hard work. I needed a good long sleep and a relaxing evening to beat jet lag so left the office shortly after three, that would be gone eleven o'clock at home, and headed back to my hotel.

A shower and into bed. The moment my head hit the pillow I was asleep, asleep and back in that sauna with Toot. In the sauna and picking up from where things ended in the previous dream.

"You think this is a dream don't you ?" Toot said. "It isn't. Let me show you how real it is."

He knelt down, gently taking my cock in his fingers to guide it towards his mouth. I did not object, I just wanted this indeed to be real and not just a dream.

My friends mouth was warm. Taking my cock deep inside he closed his lips then began a gentle caressing motion with his tongue.

No this could not be a dream. In a dream you experience only the senses of sight and sound. I could feel what was happening. I could smell the scent in the air. I could taste the air.

Toot was an expert, giving pleasure yet constantly keeping me at the edge, evading a climax and ending it all. I closed my eyes then within the dream, dreamed what sexual pleasure I could give to my friend in return.

I placed my hands on Toot's head and ran my fingers through his thick black hair. "Oh Toot," I sighed, "what marvellous chance happening caused us to meet ?"

Suddenly and completely without warning I came. Like a volcano I erupted. I did not experience the normal sensation that precedes a climax, such were Toot's skills. In all my years of activity I had never experienced a sensation like this.

I made to speak but Toot placed a finger on my lips to silence me. Instead it was he who spoke. "When we meet tomorrow I will show you this has not been a dream. I will ask you about your visit to The Valley Of The Kings and from that you will know this has not been a dream."

I awoke.

My hands felt down between my legs. The end of my cock was still wet, yes I had cum but where was everything ? If this had been a wet dream why were the sheets dry ?

I got a drink from the mini-bar, sat in a chair for a few minutes then got back into bed. As I closed my eyes I felt a kiss on the top of my head. "Sleep well, pleasant dreams. Until tomorrow."

It was Toot 's voice.

I did sleep well. I did have a pleasant dream. A very pleasant dream but this time Toot was not there with me.

If asked the question, not that I have ever been asked, I would have to say that I am not sexually active and have not been so for about five years. The first two or three of those years I still fantasised but nothing ever went beyond a fantasy. Of late I have even stopped fantasising and have accepted this unfortunate element of old age, No, I am not sexually active.

But what about Toot ? This strange enigmatic young man has certainly put something into my mind that has manifested itself in dreams transporting me back to my youth.

In the days of that youth I had a fantasy, one which never became a reality, to self suck. Oh yes I tried, tried many times but always without success. My cock was not big enough and my body not subtle enough. I did wonder if taking up yoga would help but I never did.

That night in my dream my cock was indeed bigger than it had ever been, my body was able to position itself so self-sucking was as easy as counting to five.

ONE: I had the stiffest erection I have ever known.

TWO: my cock slid easily into my receptive mouth.

THREE: I could smell my own man-scent as my cock moved towards my mouth.

FOUR: It was inside and I was tasting the success of my long held fantasy.

FIVE: I had done it. I had achieved my life-long ambition.

But it was only a dream. When I awoke I tried, foolish I know but the dream had been so real. Reality ? What price reality ? I could not even manage a weak semi hard on ! Pathetic.

I wondered if Toot could self-suck. He probably could.

It was a very demanding day and while I gave everything my best attention my thoughts were never far away from Tut and our meeting for dinner that evening. Although my colleagues offered to take me to lunch I risked offending their hospitality as I did not want to spoil my appetite. As politely as I could I declined.

"Tomorrow," I said, "and it will be my treat."

I was pleased there was so much to do, so much to hold my anticipation in check. My meetings with Toot were real enough but there was a danger of my dreams blurring their edges with reality. I was having dinner with a chance acquaintance. nothing more. I was not about to embark upon a sexual adventure with somebody half and more my age. That belonged firmly in the stuff of dreams.

Americans have a tendency to confuse opulence and wealth with good taste. The word bling I suspect originated not in The Oxford English Dictionary but Webster's. The Fairmont Hotel on San Francisco's Nob Hill is a perfect example of extravagance in multiple directions save that of good taste. the word NOB as in Nob Hill, to an American means a wealthy and influential person. To my parents your nob was your head. When I was at school if a lad spoke about his not he meant his cock.

I walked through the wide doors where a uniformed attendant saluted me. Scarcely a few steps further and I was approached by another employee who smiled at me. H did not recognise me as a guest, goodness knows how he kept track of all those coming and going from residence, so asked me if he could help.

"I am here to meet a friend," I explained. "Mr..." I hesitated. What was his name ? I had no idea. "Mr Toot."

"Mr Toot ?" He looked confused then a realisation came over his face. "Lord Tutank, of course." If you would like to take a seat over here," he directed to me a deep red settee, "I will telephone His Lordship's room and tell him you are waiting."

As he left a waiter stood beside me. "Can I get you a drink Mr Carter ?"

How did he know my name ? "Thank you. A black coffee with no sugar would be nice."

"His Lordship takes his the same way, I will bring two."

His Lordship ? The enigma surrounding my friend darkened.

The smile on Toot's face was wide as he entered the lobby to meet me. He embraced me with a hug of friendship. "How lovely to see you again. Let's go straight through to dinner, we have so much to talk about."

Did we ? "Yes," I replied politely.

We were seated in a quiet area of a dining room every bit as excessive as the entrance lobby. Waiters had a sixth sense knowing when to approach our table and when our conversation should not be interrupted.

"I did not realise you were a member of the aristocracy," I said. "Lord - what was it ?"

"I use Lord Tutank," he smiled, "but I told you before you would never be able to properly pronounce my name."

"But you are a Lord ?"

"Indeed but not in the British aristocratic system. I told you before my ancestors come from Ancient Egypt."

"I did not realise Egypt had an aristocratic system."

"It does and one far older than your country."

The deep mystery surrounding my friend grew yet deeper. I was sure Egypt within its Arabic tradition did not have an aristocracy.

"Let's order some wine shall we."

Toot raised his hand, a waiter came, the order was placed then no sooner said than done the wine arrived.

"I thought Muslims did not drink alcohol," I said clumsily.

"I am not a Muslim."


"A modern day religion, Islam, may have infiltrated my country but I am no part of that."

"I see."

Toot looked deep into my eyes, almost locking us together. "I have a foreskin just the same as you have. Muslims do do not have foreskins do they ?"

I drew breath. This was obviously another dream.

"You have seen my cock and I have seen yours. Both of us are intact, not a circumcision between us."

What could I say ?

"Christianity, Judaism, Islam may have dominate the world today but the characters within their religion have so much fiction wrapped round them they do not represent any god I recognise. Whereas the gods of my ancestors are different and not a chopped cock anywhere among any of them."

"But -"

"Americans chop the ends of their cocks off don't they. do you realise we probbaly have the only two foreskins in the room ?" He laughed.

"But -"

"But you have only seen my cock in your dreams, is that what you were going to say ?"

I said nothing but nodded.

"In what you think were your dreams."

"But -"

"I'll show you my cock later and you can show me yours, we can compare how they were in your dreams."

"But -"

"How did you enjoy your self sucking ? And to answer the question you asked when you awoke from your dream, yes I can self suck."

"But that was a dream, how do you know about it ?"

"Was it ? Are you sure ?"

"Yes, besides you were not in that dream ?"

"I was, you just did not see me."

I was starting to feel a little fearful.

"I have been watching you for many years without your knowing it. I picked you out ever since you cast your seed in The Valley Of The Kings. Remember I told you in your dream I would ask you about The Valley Of The Kings ?"

I remembered. This was starting to feel weird. At the back of my mind something was telling me to get out and run. Toot smiled a reassuring smile so for the time being I stayed where I was.

"So The Valley Of The Kings, you have been there ?"

"Yes I visited the tomb of Tutank.....amun." Toot ? Lord Tutank ? Oh this was a joke. A carefully scripted and elaborate joke. "So you are now telling me you are Tutankhamen !"

He did not answer my question ? Did it require an answer ? Was it rhetorical ? He kept on speaking.

"So the wank, jerk off, casting seed in The Valley Of The Kings was it good ?"

"I suppose so, it was a long time ago."

"Will you cast seed with me later ?"

This was a dream, of course it was just like the earlier dreams with Toot so why not play along.

"Were you really there in the train compartment ?"


"How come I did not see you ?"

"That will be explained in a moment."

"How old were you when you were in the compartment with me ?"

"The same age as I am now, the same age as I was when my immortal Ka left my mortal body."

"Your what ?"

"My Ka."

"Is that the Ka as in Tut -an -Ka-mun ?"

Toot laughed loudly. Others in the restaurant who had not been able to overhear our quiet conversation looked up and in our direction.

"So if you want to cast your seed with me why didn't you do it back then when I was younger ? Why wait until now when I am fast approaching old age ?"

"Have you not been a young man again in your dreams ? Really I wanted to wait until your generation knew what Quantum Physics is. You have heard of it ?"

"Of course."

"But you don't understand it."

"Who does ?"

"I do, at least I understand how it works if not why it works."

"They had Quantum Physics in Ancient Egypt did they ?"

"Of course," Toot smiled. " Quantum Physics allows for something to exist in more than one place."

I knew that.

"There is also time. See this glass, it has been on the table for what thirty minutes ? Is it the same glass now as it was thirty minutes ago ? Will it be the same glass if it sits here for another thirty minutes ?"

"Yes, of course it will."

"Will it ? It will be the same but as it is existing in a different time it will not be the same will it ?"

There was logic in that.

"Quantum Physics also allows for something to be alive and dead at the same time."

"Are you really King Tutanakmum ?"

He smiled, put down his glass and stepped towards me. As Toot began to gently unbutton my shirt I felt a unique and strange sensation. It came from within me yet some how was initiated by Toot's hands.

"I do like hair on a chest," he said as he slid his palms over me. His touch was tingling. He did not make contact with my skin but held himself a fraction of an inch above me, close enough to send the sensation of touch down each hair on my chest to its nerve ending.

I began to unfasten my friend's clothing and soon we were both completely naked. It was with gentle alarm but also with pleasing surprise I became aware of my body taking on the form of its youth.

"Come and lay down," Toot took my hand as he lead us to an enormous bed. We sank deep into the mattress as Toot began his explanation.

"A man is made up of two things," he began. " His body and his Ka. The Ka is our word for the spirit. During his lifetime a man's Ka remains inside his body except for times when he is asleep and dreaming. Of course a man does not always dream but when he does that dream is his Ka leaving the body and existing as a separate entity."

"That explains my dreams. And this, of course, is a dream."

"Yes and No." Yes you and I have met in dreams but what is happening now is not a dream.

I made to speak but Toot placed a finger on my lips. That finger then slowly traced a line down the centre of my chest, along my stomach then joined its other fingers as Toot gently rested his hand on my cock.

"With much training and even more practice a man can move his Ka out of his body, an out of body experience. There are some hallucinatory drugs which will do this but the spirit is too intoxicated to be of much use. I gave you a drink, something very special and prepared by our high priest which puts the body to sleep and allows the Ka to leave it."

Ka's hand was slowly massaging my cock.

"That is what is happening to you right now."

I sighed, my cock was now stiff. I reached to place a hand on my friend. He moved it away.

"In a moment," he said. "Let me finish first. I am dead, my mummified body is in a cold tomb in The Valley Of The Kings. I have no use for it any longer, I exist only as my Ka."

"A Ka is immortal ? It lives for ever ?"

"Yes. A Ka can move through time and can take on any form it wishes. I keep my Ka the way I was when I died at the age of nineteen, you are keeping your Ka the way you were when you were a similar age."

"Quantum Mechanics says this can happen."

"Of course it does. That is why I did not approach you thirty years ago when you were in The Valley Of the Kings, I wanted you to be in a time where science would prove what I am saying to be true."

"Why me ?"

"You can put that hand back now," Toot said without answering my question.

"Why me ?" I asked again.

"Because I like your cock. Now shall we cast seed together ?"

"What's the Egyptian word for cock ?"

Toot laughed. "You would never be able to pronounce it if I told you."

"Try me."

"In Ancient Egyptian the hieroglyphic was actually the shape of a cock. In modern day Arabic the word is like this." Toot traced the word on my stomach. My muscles tightened as his finger moved. My cock twitched as Toot added the tree dots above and the three dots below the word.

Toot moved, propped himself up and brought his face above my body. "Something else about your Ka, you can make your cock bigger if you want. How about my Ka making your cock bigger ?"

No, this was not a dream. This was reality.

Toot took my cock into his mouth just as he had done before. His tongue gently caressed before his lips closed tightly and the air was sucked out of his mouth. My cock instantly hardened and grew. Being sucked off is my all time favourite playtime activity. There was a time when it was a regular source of enjoyment but in recent years it has been an activity more in my memory than on my agenda. Toot had changed this. If this was indeed not a dream then good times were rolling out ahead of me. Although what was physically happening to me occupied the greater part of my brain fantasies kept prodding round the edges.

Suddenly and without any real warning my balls began to throb, my cock was twitching in Toot's mouth and a climax was close. Toot must have sensed this, what he did to edge me I do not know but the urge to cum slipped back. Not that any of the sexual arousal lessened, no not at all, I was completely in my friend's power.

He let go his hold, moved back ever so slightly and began to speak. "Fuck me Danny. I want your cock inside me. Fuck me."

Oh yes I would do that.

Toot rolled over and lay on his stomach beside me. Parting his legs I moved between them. I placed a hand into each groin and lifted him up. Two beautiful buttocks were presented to me. I looked in amazement then gently caressed them with my hands. My hands could have continued their navigation of such a magnificent feature my by cock was getting impatient. The index finger of my right hand moved up and down the line dividing those symmetrical cheeks before starting to explore between them. That single finger was joined by a second and gently probed inside that place where my cock would soon be making its way. Those fingers sensed my friend was ready.

My cock needed little steering, it knew exactly where to go, As it entered Toot sighed with pleasure. I held it still momentarily for us both to savour the moment then began to press inside. Deeper and deeper until our bodies were locked together as one. The concave area either side of my cock matched perfectly the convex contours of Toot's bottom. Kneeling on all fours Toot pressed back to narrow the already tiny gap between us.

I withdrew ever so slightly, held my position for just a few seconds then pressed back to where we had previously been. Next time I increased the distance between us and shortened the time until I pushed my cock's length back inside him. Two, perhaps three - I was not counting, times then I set up a rapid motion to thrust in and out with a force not of strength but of erotic authority where I was the dominant and my friend the submissive. Strange that the most famous king from the ancient world could in any way be submissive.

Toot let out a yell, a cry of delight and with this I pumped my hot volcanic lava into King Tutankhamen the Pharaoh of all Egypt. Simultaneously his own cock erupted.

Exhausted I can not say how long we remained in that position. Our bodies were covered with sweat, we were panting for breath and our hears were beating rapidly. Eventually Toot moved to throw back the covers of that giant bed then invited me to lay back and pull the sheets over us.

"Can I kiss you ?" I asked.

There was no answer but Toot locked us together with our tongues moving deeply inside each other.

Eventually we lay back and looked upwards. Toot's hand moved to rest on my cock and I on his.

"So now we have cast seed," Toot said softly.

"Yes," I replied. "Was the casting of seed allowed when you were the Pharaoh ?"

"That's a strange question."

"Well was it ?"

"Most males would have cast their seed the way you did on the train in The Valley Of The Kings but nobody ever spoke of it. What we have just done was allowed only by invitation from royalty."

"How many royals were there ?"

"Only me."

"Did you issue many invitations ?"

"A few but I have been waiting through the ages for you."

I kissed my royal friend and we were soon asleep.

"Ladies and gentlemen we are beginning our descent to London Heathrow. Please make sure your tables are folded away and your seats are in the upright position."

I felt a hand on my shoulder and opened my eyes. I nodded to the cabin crew member that I had heard the captain's message and would comply. I was back in my old body. How long, I wondered, before I would again meet the Ka of King Toot ? How long before I was rid for ever of this aging mortal being and my Ka could spend eternity with my friend ?

It hadn't been a dream, or had it ?

I hope you enjoyed the tale. If you want to let me know what you thought of the story or would like me to tell you about my other tales do drop me a line:

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