The Kea Tribe

Published on Feb 16, 2022




"THE KEA TRIBE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Andrej Koymasky © 2019
Written September 13th 1993
English translation by the Author
kindly revised by my friend John


When they celebrated the fifth anniversary of the Kea tribe, amongst the men a new couple had united, Sancio, now twenty-three years old and Mozuelo who was eighteen. Gloton, after his punishment, had calmed down, both because one moon of solitude (and solitary pleasure) had dissuaded him, and because as much as he liked giving head, so Machizo liked to be sucked, even because no one of his friends on the communal house had the courage to be penetrated by that huge mace. Alvaro once tried it, but at once gave up - he absolutely wasn't able to accept into himself that formidable stake.

There were also thirty seven living children, sixteen of whom were boys. In fact, quite a few children died at the birth or soon after. Behind the aku-marae they made a cippus under which they deposed the children's ashes. The elder of the children was now four years old. Each month they were taken care of by four men and four women, so that each of them had charge of five children. For these children all the men were "papa" and all the women "mama".

All the girls were now united in steady couples, so that their part of the village had eight houses plus the communal house now used just for the meetings. The men part had seven houses and the communal house where six men lived: Jose, who, being twenty eight years old was the house leader, Vilo, Gloton, Alvaro, Machizo and Dudo, a sixteen years old boy who a few months previously arrived from Kawaai.

Dudo told them that at the village it had become difficult to make love amongst males. They always allowed the children to mutually masturbate, but when it was discovered that Dudo was penetrated by a boy his age, Dudo's father had beaten him and had told him in rage: "If you like this kind of things, you have just to join the Kea, shameless boy!" So he decided to become a Kea, because he didn't want to give up being penetrated, and was not interested in having sex with the girls.

Dudo was a shy and reserved boy, but at night, as soon as his friends involved him in their erotic games, he participated with enthusiasm. He was particularly fascinated by Alvaro. Once Dudo said to him:

"Hincado told me that you are skilled in making love."

"Ah, Hincado! Did you make love with him?"

"Just twice. He likes his woman. And he doesn't want to be caught with a boy. He has been the first to take me, and then we did it again the night before I left the village."

"And the one you were caught with?"

"He too says he prefers the girls. Even if in fact it was always him to ask me to do it. But you are the best."

"Ah, really? And why?" Alvaro asked him, caressing his body.

"Because... because... I don't know why, but with you I feel wonderful, anything we can do together, even just to talk with you. I like the way you look at me, the way you touch me, and of course the way you make love. Everything. Hincado was totally right."

The six men living in the communal house now always slept together, and always together they made love. Probably Jose preferred Vilo, but he didn't have the slightest intention to marry him and to renounce the others. As once he said to Hernando:

"I have a little private harem, you see? Why would I have to leave it? Moreover, in less than ten years, the children wanting to stay with us, will start to be admitted to the communal house, and there must be somebody to watch over them and to guide them so that they will became good Keas, no?"

"Yes, and you seem to me to be perfect. You are a perfect house leader." Hernando assented.

When the village was close to the celebration of the tenth anniversary of its foundation, Chief Luolani said to Hernando:

"Listen, Hernando, my dear brother. In a while the elder of our children will reach the age when they would have to wear their first pareo. To keep them with the youngest doesn't seem right to me, but to mix them with the adults doesn't seem me fair. So, I propose to build, near the children's house, another house for them, where they can learn from the adults the Kea tribe history, traditions, rules, and the arts, including that of sex. Inside there, they would be free to have sex amongst themselves for two or three years. Then we will do a ceremony of their coming of age, and they will choose whether to remain with us and become Kea, or to go back to Kawaai. Do you think this a wise project?"

"Do you think, Luolani, that they are approaching puberty?"

"Normally we reach puberty between eight and eleven years, and the elder of our children has passed eight years."

"Well, so we will do as you propose. We will build the new house for the adolescents, we will plan a ceremony for the passage, and we will entrust them to the best of our women and men to instruct them in our laws, arts and activities."

"Don't you have to consult your men?" Luolani asked him with an amused glance.

"Certainly. But up to today all your proposal always obtained my men's approval. You are a wise chief, my dear sister." Hernando said gallantly.

The woman gracefully lowered her head, accepting the compliment.

So, near the children's house they built the "preparation" house, as beautiful as the first. They ended it just in time, because already three of the children had reached puberty. Those three were invited to choose a "presenter" and the boy in the group choose Duz.

Until then the children had a temporary name (as with the custom in Kawaai) and the boy's name was Fry because of his skill in swimming. When all the Kea tribe were gathered, Duz went to fetch Fry at the children's house and took him to the aku marae. Hernando and Luolani were sitting on their ceremonial stools, each before his own community, wearing the splendid feather mantles and headgear.

Duz went to the front of the altar and, lifting high the naked body of the boy, showed him to everybody and said aloud:

"Here, Kea tribe. This is Fry. He is starting to enter maturity, as you can see, and he wants to become a real man. Therefore he asks to receive his first pareo and to be admitted to the preparation house."

The men intoned a song, while Hernando and Luolani stood up. They took the small yellow pareo prepared for the occasion and tied it on Fry's loins. Then Duz put the boy down. Luolani put on the boy's head a garland of yellow flowers, then Duz and Hernando each took one hand of the boy and guided him amongst the men.

Soon after, in order of age, the same ceremony was held for the two girls. Then after a feast celebrated together, the tree children were taken to the preparation house. Here Fry had as first of his "masters" Mozuelo. The masters, besides teaching the novices the laws, the tradition and the activities of the Kea tribe, had to gradually introduce them to their developing sexuality. The rules fixed were very simple: a great gentleness and gradualism. Fry had to have his first experiences with his masters, and the girls with their woman masters. Before all they had to learn how to touch themselves, then how to touch their masters and be touched by them. To arouse themselves, then to arouse their masters, and being aroused by them, using their hands. Then their lips, their tongue, their mouth. At last, when they reached a full orgasm in that way, to penetrate and to be penetrated. At first with a finger, then by a master, chosen amongst those with a smaller member. All this had to happen when they were together, boys and girls, even if until now the preparation had been separate, so that they learned not to feel any embarrassment.

At this point, the boy was invited to do it with the girls, first, alternating the sex with them to the sex with his masters. And at last the boy had to try the sex with the women master, and the girls with the men masters.

When the day of his first penetration came for Fry, who was now twelve, Sancio had been chosen for the task since he had the less big member. In front of the attentive eyes of novices and masters, Fry lied on his back on the special pallet prepared for the occasion and decorated with flowers and, as had been explained to him, he rose his own legs to his chest, stretching out his little ass trusting and waiting. In fact he had reached that moment gradually and without the slightest trauma and, having tried to penetrate, and having already taken into him his master's finger, he knew that it would have been a pleasurable experience.

Sancio lubricated Fry's little hole with a scented oil, and the boy at once had a nice erection. The master first tested the hole with a finger, then with two, moving them inside the boy and rimming all around. Then, when he felt that the boy was completely relaxed and shivering with pleasure, he let his pareo fall down, revealing his already erect member, carefully lubricated it with the same oil and put its tip to the warm and quivering little hole of Fry.

"You know that I don't want to hurt you, and that if you don't feel pleasure, you have just to tell me to stop, right?"

"Yes, master Sancio." the boy answered with a smile.

"Can I start, Fry?"

"Yes, please, master Sancio."

Then the young man gently brushed the tip of his rod on the palpitating flesh bud, between the firm little buttocks and, looking Fry in his eyes, started to lightly push. Fry smiled at him. Sancio pushed a little more and felt that the hole was surrendering, opening. The boy continued to smile, trustful and shivering with pleasure. His little but hard member was throbbing between his folded legs. Sancio pushed a little more and felt himself received, wrapped by the fresh flesh of the boy. Fry was vibrating lost in an evident pleasure. All around, everybody was holding his breath. Sancio ceased for a while to push and, leaving his rod tip inside the hole, started to caress Fry all over his body, so increasing the boy's excitation. Then Sancio understood that the most was ahead, and started again to push it inside the boy with extreme gentleness, until he was at last completely inside him. Then all the others around started to sweetly sing and dance, while Sancio begun a slow, controlled coming and going. Fry was enraptured and caressed Sancio's hands that were caressing him.

When suddenly Fry came, spurting his seed onto his body, everybody started a joyous singing and a fast dance. Sancio, as soon as he realized that the boy had poured all his seed, and was starting to relax, slowly slipped out from him even if he didn't yet have the time to cum. He cleaned Fry's body, made him stand up and put his little pareo back on him. Fry picked up Sancio's pareo, gave a quick kiss to the still erect rod of the young man, and put back on his master the pareo. Then the boy took Sancio by his arm pulling him down and making him bend, and asked him in a whisper:

"Why, master Sancio, were you doing it so gently? I enjoyed it very much."

"You liked it right because I was gentle, Fry." Sancio answered caressing the boy's hair.

That night Sancio said to his Mozuelo: "I was so scared to hurt him..."

"No, you have been splendid. But with me don't be so gentle, please. The first time I was fucked, I was one year younger than Fry. It was a cousin, a sixteen year old boy, who deflowered me. He wasn't so delicate, and yet I loved it all the same. As rather probably it will be you the first to penetrate the novices, you will learn to do it with less fear. But now, take me. I think that after being aroused but held back with Fry, you will need to do it without worries!" Mozuelo said offering himself to his lover.

The day after Fry tried to penetrate one of the novice girls. And the day after that, when it was Zaga's turn to penetrate Fry, the boy told him:

"With the girls it is less interesting. They don't have a nice dick to suck or to put inside me, or even just to finger. And the little hole they have there in front, is nothing better than the back hole..."

Zaga smiled, and prepared him. They were no more in the special pallet in the centre of the room as two days before, and didn't have all the others all around them, but they were lying in one side of the wide room, while on the other sides the women masters were uniting with the novice girls. When Zaga felt that the boy was ready, he penetrated him with the same caution as Sancio. But Zaga, while gradually bringing Fry to an orgasm, he too reached it, and came inside the small, tight ass of the boy. Fry, while they were dressing each other back, looked towards Sancio who was waiting not far away, then approached him and said:

"Why the day before yesterday you didn't cum inside me as did master Zaga? It has been really great feeling him enjoy me, and inside me. Don't you like me, master Sancio?"

"Sure, Fry, I like you. It's not for that. But at times, just after cumming, it could be annoying for you to feel still pistoning inside."

"Oh no, I believe I would have enjoyed it. Will you please do it again with me? Will you cum inside me, you too?"

"I don't know, I don't think. You will have other masters. Moreover, I am united with Mozuelo, you know it. I cannot make love with you, I have just to teach you, and nothing more. When you come of age, you can do it with any man not married desiring to do it with you. And possibly also with the new novices."

"But... tell me, master Sancio, is it true that Machizo has a dick big like my arm?"

Sancio laughed, amused: "Well, no, a little less big. But for sure he has the biggest dick of all the Kea tribe."

"Mmmh! I hope to come of age soon, so I can at least lick it!" the boy said with a dreamful expression.

While they were going back home, Sancio said to Zaga: "I feel that Fry will ask to stay with us at Islakea."

Zaga smiled and nodded in assent.

And the day of coming of age and of the "choice" came for Fry, in fact he had passed his thirteen birthday. For the choice rite and the following rite of the admission or of the departure, just the males of the tribe gathered. Fry was almost certainly the son of Juan, both because he was the first born, and he clearly was a mestizo, and a beautiful one. But this, even if many thought so, was never said by anybody. It was clear that Fry was the son of the Kea tribe, without distinctions.

Duz, who was the presenter of Fry, went in the preparation house to get the boy ready. He made him wear his yellow pareo, and a simple garland of yellow flowers at his neck. For that occasion also Duz was dressed and adorned in yellow. He guided the boy to the aku marae, in front of all the men.

"I introduce you Fry, our new friend. He is now mature, he knows our laws, traditions, skills, he is a good worker and knows the art of sex. He therefore asks to make his choice here, in front of you all."

Hernando, in his ceremonial attire, stood up and asked to Fry: "Did you make your choice, young man?"

"Yes!" the boy answered with his crystalline voice, loud and clear, looking proudly at the chief.

"Did you choose to love men and therefore to remain with the Kea tribe, or to love women and then to go back to Kawaai?" Hernando asked in a solemn tone.

"I choose to be a Kea, if the Kea tribe accepts me." the boy answered, determined.

Then the men intoned a song, while Hernando went up onto the stone platform, approached the boy, took out the garland of the yellow flowers, then the yellow pareo, and asked aloud:

"Kea people, do you want to accept this boy amongst the men?"

All the men, then, dancing, passed in front of the naked boy and gave some purple flowers to Duz, who was plaiting them with the other purple flower he received until he shaped a garland. Each man, after giving his flowers to Duz, lightly and shortly caressed the boy's body, so that Fry soon had a glorious erection. Then also Duz and Hernando caressed Fry but, they alone, on his youthful turgid member.

Then Hernando, taking the garland from Duz, put it on the boy's neck saying:

"From now on, you are an adult in the Kea tribe."

Everybody started to dance. The boy's erection lasted for a long while, but at the end subsided. It was like a signal, everybody stopped in silence. Then Hernando said to the boy:

"You have now to choose your real name. Did you think about it?"


"Very good. Tell us and explain to us the reason for your choice."

"My name will be Dusango. Du, because Duz has been my presenter and gave me my first caresses. San, because master Sancio was the first to open me to the joys of the complete union. Go, for Santiago, who is a real man and he has the marks of glory on his back, and I hope one day to become strong and valiant as he is!"

"Well. You name from now on will be Dusango!" Hernando exclaimed and put the purple pareo on the boy.

Then he made the boy go down from the platform and everybody danced with the new member of their tribe, slowly accompanying him to the communal house.

Also the women did the same ceremony of the choice, and one of the girls asked to remain, the other to leave. After performing the admission ceremony for the first, and giving her the purple garland and pareo, they performed the departure ceremony for the second. The girl received a multicoloured garland and pareo then Luolani took a pirogue with another woman, and the girl with a woman took another pirogue and they went towards Kawaii, greeted by the two communities gathered on the shore. Hernando waited for Luolani's return on the shore. When she arrived, he went to meet her.

"Did they accept the girl?"

"Yes, of course, without problems."

"What did you feel seeing again your village after so many years?"

"My village? But this is my village, now. I am of the Kea tribe!" the woman said with a determined tone.

"Yes, sure, I meant..." Hernando said slightly embarrassed.

"Yes, I understood..." the woman replied smiling to him gently, "No feeling, no nostalgia. Here I am happy. We are creating our new tribe, with its laws, our laws, our customs, our songs and our dances. How could I not be happy?"

"How did the chief, the people, receive you?"

"With simplicity and respect. Half way between the welcome reserved to a chief, and that for a relative. And the chief asked me about you and told me he is happy to know that you are healthy. He was wearing your present."

"I am pleased."

"But I feel he will not welcome you, if you went there. When we have to bring there a boy, I think it will be better if we women accompany him."

"I too think so. And... forgive me, chief Luolani... didn't you miss a man, in all those years?"

The chief looked surprised to Hernando, then ironically asked: "Did you miss a woman?"

They laughed together, but Hernando said:

"But you were married, you had to undergo the choice your man did..."

"I underwent the marriage. I underwent this choice. So it is life. But now I am happy. Look, eight houses for you men and eight houses for us women and three near the aku marae in the centre. And in not so many years, more houses. The children's house already has sixty-one children, and the preparation house twelve. In a while the number will stabilize. Each year we will have, from now on, around two or three admissions to the men and the same to us, if the gods will assist us. And when the gods will call us, we will die seeing around us a beautiful tribe, young, strong, peaceful... And our ashes will rest there, behind the aku marae, with the ashes of our children and friends, of the people we loved. How not to be happy?"

"You really are a wise chief, my dear sister." Hernando nodded.

"You too, Hernando, my dear brother." the woman gracefully answered and went towards her own house.


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(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

Next: Chapter 9

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