The Kiss

By Lorenzo Cooper

Published on Oct 13, 2001



I am fairly young to this new life. I am starting to learn some of the new talents I possess. My five senses have been accelerated 100%. I know I can lift at least a ton when I want to. I can read peoples thoughts, and I am extremely swift. I am immune to poisons, ailments, and I can heal all physical wounds in minutes. I am also unable to age, and can live indefinitely if I stay safe. I can't shape-shift, communicate with animals, or fly yet. Oh, I apologize if you don't know what I am describing to you. I am a vampire. Probably the youngest one right now.

In human years, I am only 20. Or you could say I died and rose again at the age of 20. My name is Angel Malik Brown. I was born the youngest of twelve siblings. I am 5 feet even,and 150lbs. I wear a size 6 shoe, and I have small hands. I was "blessed" with long thick eyelashes, thick eyebrows, small lips and grey eyes I inherited from my grandmother. Before being brought into The Life, I hadn't believed in vampires, ghosts, witches or anything like that. I went to church faithfully every Sunday, because The Browns Family were "church going folk" my grandmother would say.

Now that I am a vampire, I know first hand that they do exist right amongst everyday people. So many stories have distorted the truth about vampires. The fact the vampires don't like churches or crucifixes are false. I love churches and yes I still believe in GOD. Another false fact is that vampires kill only innocent people and like only virgin blood. Well honestly, it depends on the type of blood a particular vampire likes to taste. Personally, I prey on evil, sadistic people like serial killers, murderers and so forth. Their blood tastes the sweetest. Virgin blood tends to be very dry. Vampire blood is extremely intoxicating, and children's blood is bitter to me. Killers to me make the best blood. Another false fact is that the vampire's bite makes you a vampire. Nothing but myth. In fact, we only bite to feed. The only way a vampire can make another vampire is by exchanging sexual fluids like semen and for female vampires their breast milk. Also vampires live by very strict codes like we only make another vampire if we desire a mate. The only time vampires pick a mate is if we aren't compatible with our companion, or the death of our vampire companion. Vampires never kill one another or they will be hunted and eventually murdered. Vampires can only die by he light of the sun, or fire with scattered ashes. Decapitation can kill us, but thats only if the head is burnt immediately. But to become a vampire is fascinating. Let me tell you about the birth into The Life.

I was in the twelfth grade, and my life crumbled around me. My oldest brother died in a car accident. I suffered a severe case of pneumonia, and I didn't have any friends. I wasn't interested in girls, and they equally weren't interested in me. I was a virgin. I had never masturbated nor did I ever have an orgasm. I didn't know what cum was. I didn't even notice I had an attraction to boys until my prom night.

It was the month of May and I was preparing for the prom despite the fact that I would be going alone. With only a week away, I had to make some final preparations. I went all out. I rented a limousine that had champagne. I even got my aunt to make my suit. It was Deep Midnight Blue and the pants were Sky Blue. The top fit like a snug trench-coat splitting just above my navel and fell into a train that had rhinestones throughout the material to make an effect like the night sky when light hit it. My pants shimmered with silver in the material. When prom night came I felt like a king. My hair was cut and shaped to perfection. When the limo finally came and picked me up. I felt like I was on top of the world. I was going to remember this night, I vowed. I wasn't losing my virginity, but this definitely was a hallmark moment.

When I arrived at the school banquet hall everybody stopped and stared. People that never spoke, spoke to me. I actually held conversations with some girls, and I even danced all night long until they slowed the music down. The lights went dim and the DJ played music that got everyone in a romantic mood. I was thrusted back into the realization that I was at the prom alone. I decided to take a seat, drink some punch, and long for an episode of The Simpsons when I noticed another figure standing alone across the room. I figured he was there with some girl in my class. He seemed to be searching the room for someone, so I turned away. After about ten minutes of sulking to myself, I decided to get up and go outside. I noticed hat he wasn't there either. When I went outside I stood alone, and watched young couples kiss, talk, and kiss some more. I got the feeling I was being watched. I noticed in the distance someone leaning against a tree. Under normal circumstances, I would have ignored this because I didn't know them, and I didn't know if this person was actually staring at me. Deep within my mind I felt my conscious being pulled. It made me curious, and I found myself walking in the direction of the person. By now I knew it was a boy, but when I got even closer I knew that it was the boy standing alone in the prom. I got within speaking distance, and I spoke.

"Nice night tonight, the prom is really nice," I said. He smiled. It made me feel uneasy, but I continued on. "Who did you come with?, I asked. "I came alone," he replied. "Don't feel bad so did I," I stated. I began to feel like a fool. He was not talking to me, and I really felt like I was desperate for conversation, so I turned to walk away. "Why don't you speak from your heart? I might want to say more to you," he stated. I turned but when I saw him it was in a different light. I could really see him even though it was dark, and I saw all of his features. He was tall, and he held scary grey eyes like that actor Christopher Watkins. The one that played in the movie The Prophecy. He also had strong jaws like a lion, thick eyelashes, thick lips that fit his face, and a mane of dredlocks. When he looked at me, I felt I had to tell the truth because he knew me. I stammered, "What are you talking about?" He looked at me and smiled revealing perfect white teeth. I looked at him as he raised off of the tree. He was thick, but I didn't know if that was muscle or clothes. I looked up at him, and he walked closer to me. I wanted to run, but something held me there. Before I knew it. I felt him grab me. I felt his lips press against mine, and my knees buckled. He kissed me deeply for what seemed like hours, and I felt his arms hold me. I felt his tongue inside my mouth, and I pushed but it felt as if I were pushing a steel wall. I summoned up enough strength to push away. I tripped over the train of my coat and fell. When I got back up to say something, he was gone. That messed up my head. I immediately went home, pulled out some Cherry Garcia ice cream,and ate ice cream until eventually I went to sleep.

In my dream, I found myself fantasizing about the guy that was at the prom. I was all alone at home. It was late and it must have been raining because he was wet from head to toe. I must have offered him some dry clothes, because eventually we were in my room. I was looking in the closet, and when I turned around he was naked. That's when he grabbed me and hungrily kissed me. This time I didn't fight. He made love to me, and for the first time I 'came'. When I woke up there was cum everywhere. All over me, all over the sheets, but I hadn't moved out of the bed. My room hadn't changed an inch. I suddenly began to have this reoccuring dream night after night. I would always wake up with cum all over me. This happened until August.

August was the month of my birth. I would be 20 on August the 8th, and I was feeling quite pleasant. I graduated 2nd highest in my class, I was going to a good college, and I had met a girl I liked. I was doing okay. I was working at a law firm as a receptionist. I was doing just great. Lately I hadn't dreamt about the strange guy. I figured it was a phase I was going through. My birthday came, and I was disappointed because my girlfriend was sick. My presents were cool, but I only had my family there. No friends at all. I decided to spend the evening inside watching some videos I rented. It was raining outside very hard, and lightning was fucking up the reception. I figured this was some birthday, but I would eventually get over it. That's when the bell rung. I went to the door. When I looked through the door I saw Mrs. Esther my next door neighbor. "Hello, Mrs. Esther how you doing? Come on in. It's pouring down out there." I said. "Naw, I am just letting you know your upstair windows was wide open. They say the storm is getting worse. You better shut them before you flood the upstairs." she replied. She left and I went upstairs to shut the windows. When I came back downstairs I noticed the television was extremely loud. I thought this was due to the storm. I turned it down, and felt as though I was being watched. When I spun around there he was standing right over top of me. I screamed, "Yo what the fuck are you doing here?" "I live in the neighborhood," he replied. He was wet all over. "How did you get in here? Why did you come in here? I mean, shit, you scared the hell out of me." "You don't have to be afraid of me. The door was opened, I heard the television was extremely loud so I came in because it reminded me of some bad horror movie. I came in to see if everything was okay." he replied. "Well how did you know I lived here. Why are you here?" I asked. I was afraid of him, but I think the fear made me confident of myself. "I wanted to introduce myself, and apologize for prom night. My name is Omar, and I want to apologize if I acted too abruptly" he stated. I looked at him, and his eyes seemed to have a light inside of them. They were beautiful. I offered him some dry clothes, and he followed me up to my room. I walked to my room, and Omar followed. When we got to my room, I told him to undress while I find him something to wear. I knew he couldn't fit any of my jeans, but a white t-shirt and a pair of my sweat pants would fit him perfectly. I was rummaging through the closet as he undressed. When I turned around he was completely naked. Omar had the body of an Adonis. Perfectly sculpted chest, arms, and legs. His body was perfectly proportioned. I was amazed. I felt my face got hot, and I felt as if I was falling. I turned away quickly. I was ashamed that I was actually staring at him, when I felt his hands turn my face slowly towards him. Omar looked deeply into my eyes, and said, "Please don't fight me. Let me love you forever." I wanted to say something, but I couldn't. My words were replaced with tender lips as he kissed me deeply. I felt my body shudder as his tongue explored my mouth, and his caress felt like steel bars locking around my waist. Instinctively, my hands moved to the back of his head. I felt him lift me ever s gently off the ground, and it seemed as if we floated to the side of my bed. Before I even knew it, I was being kissed from head to toe, and my clothes were being removed simultaneously. The light in the room danced around our nakedness. My skin became aroused as he licked me with his satin soft tongue. My breathing was rushed as if I was running for miles. I grabbed his head as Omar's mouth found my penis. He licked the head of my penis before he caressed and licked my balls. I could feel the sweat on my forehead as he began to suck my penis gently. Omar sucked slowly. Tasting every bit of my 8 1/2 penis. I felt myself cumming. I began to shudder all over as I began to writhe about like a beheaded snake. Omar quickened his sucking, and I screamed as a 'came' in his mouth. My knees buckled, and I fell. I was still cumming. Omar smiled and said, "I haven't begun to love you yet. Will you let me have you? Completely." Without even thinking, I felt my head nod 'yes'.

Omar reached down and wrapped his arms around my waist. My penis was still erect as it brushed up against his hard stomach while he hug me close to him. My legs dangling off the ground. He was like a giant. Omar's tongue drifted down my neck. Between each lick he would tenderly bite down causing me to whimper in painful pleasure. He laid me onto my bed gently. I gazed at his body for minutes that seemed like hours. Studying him in the dark room. The only light seeping in s from the street lamps outside, and the flashes from the lightning. I looked at a flawless being. His penis standing 12 inches from his body. I gyrated my hips in anticipation of what he was about to do to me. I couldn't control myself. I was moving to forbidden music, dancing a forbidden dance, eyes closed in a trance. I was over flowing with passions that had been locked away, and I wanted him to drink from my nectar. Omar crawled on top of me slowly taking hold of my neck. With his tongue, he licked expertly around an artery making it erogenous. I turned my head to allow him more access. Suddenly, I felt two pricks simultaneously on my neck. I cried out. "Ohhhh please," I pleaded. It felt as if two needles pierced my neck. I felt my energy drawing away from me. My limbs became so light. My head began to spin. My eyes filled with water. I started to cry instinctively. I felt him lift my legs towards my chest. Omar raised up from my neck, and I saw the two canine teeth pertruding over his lower lip slightly. I wanted to scream, but all that came out was a slight whimper. "You wanted love eternal. Let me give it to you. Relax your mind, and your body. Submit to me," he stated. I closed my eyes and felt him place the head of his penis against my ass hole. He left his penis in position as he took his index finger, and touched the wounds he had made on my neck. Smearing the blood onto his finger, he placed his finger upon my lips. I tasted my own blood which seemed to taste so dry but good. Then Omar pressed his mouth against my throat, and began to suck from the original spot. I cried out loudly as I felt his penis burrow slowly past my sphincter. Penetrating my hole. My nails dug deep into his back as I began to cry. I felt him so deep within me. I felt him even in my stomach so it seemed. As he drunk from me, I felt him drive angrily inside of me. Bearing down within my hole, causing me to call out with every thrust. Panting and groaning, scratching and pulling we became two beings of extreme passion. My walls broke and I release myself to him. He sucked and made love to me with savage passion. I felt the extremes of every emotion through him. I learned his age (425 years old), I knew he died at 20 also, and I knew he was loved me. I knew these things as if he were passing his thoughts to me through our lovemaking. Omar quickened his pace, and I closed my eyes. Then He slammed into me causing me to scream out in pleasure as I 'came' all over myself. He threw back his head and roared like a lion. I screamed again. Begging him to stop as I felt the pulsing of his penis release within me, and he pumped it deeper into me. Not allowing anything to seep out. It felt so warm, and my insides loosened. With tears in my eyes, and him still deep inside of me I faded into darkness.

I died that night. So my family assumed. I was 'dead' for about a week. I heard them state that I died of a heart attack. Apparently, they found no traces of foul play. The bites on my neck had vanished. I apparently looked younger and more perfected as if covered by beauty. I heard my eulogy. Then Omar came for me in the midnight hours. I rose again. Omar gets better with time. I thought vampires were unreal I was proven wrong. I thought love unconditional was unreal I again was wrong. Omar didn't believe in angels until he met me.


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