The Lady at the Bar

By HushedScribbler

Published on Oct 4, 2020



This story is entirely fictitious any resemblance to any real people is completely coincidental. This story is meant for adults so if you're underage then you need to leave, then again I can't exactly stop you so fuck it hope you enjoy it.

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I saw her sitting in the dim glow of the hotel bar, if I had to guess I'd say she was in her mid-thirties with coiffed and flowing red hair, low cut black dress displaying ample cleavage, long legs encased in black nylon with one crossed over the other ended in delicate feet wrapped in the thin straps of her heels. She was a true vision of mature beauty.

I was sat alone in the corner nursing on my first beer of the night, I knew I shouldn't have been looking at her since she was way out of my league but I couldn't take my eyes off her legs.

Slowly bringing the bottle to my lips my eyes moved up to her face and I noticed her staring right at me, I almost choked on my beer as I quickly turned away averting my eyes. After a few minutes I turned back to look at her and saw her still staring right at me, she smiled and wagged her finger at me beckoning me over. I looked around thinking maybe she was signaling someone else but I couldn't see anyone, in fact, the whole bar was pretty quiet, I looked at her again and she signaled more insistently.

Obviously, I was apprehensive as I got to my feet and nervously approached her, when I got close she pushed the stool next to her towards me with her foot.

"Sit," she hissed and took a sip of her drink as I did as she said. "You like legs, young man? You've been staring very hard at mine since you came in here."

"I, uh, I didn't, I mean I.."

"What's your name boy?" She was sharp, dignified and in control.

"J-Julien," I stammered extending my hand.

She looked down at it then back at my face, "take that hand away from me boy."

"S-sorry, um, wha-what's your name?"

"Mother," she stated firmly and took another drink of her colorful cocktail, "you may call me Mother."


"Leave then," she waved her hand dismissively, "doesn't matter to me, if you want to stay and play you will do as you're told, if not, well, you can fuck off. You understand what I'm saying?"

"Yes," I nodded.


"Y-yes M-Mother."

What the fuck was going on? Was this really happening? Did I really want this? Fuck yes I did, this could be my chance to finally lose my virginity and to a hot older woman no less, truth be told I kind of liked how blunt and domineering she was, If I wasn't so nervous I'm sure I'd have been rock hard.

After hearing my answer her eyes lit up and she smiled darkly, "it's a start I suppose but let's make things very clear from now on, if I have to ask you to do anything twice we are done, do you understand me, boy?"

"Yes Mother," I nodded without hesitation.

"Good boy, now give me your wallet," she held out her hand and raised her eyebrow when I didn't move, when I saw the smile start to drop I quickly reached into my pocket and pulled it out for her dropping it into her hand.

She turned back to the bar and opened it up, pulling out my ID she turned back to me and held it up next to my face, "let me see here, name: Julien Golightly, Age: 21. You're older than the boys I usually play with but you look young so I suppose you will do, for now."

I didn't like the sound of that but if I got to play with her and lose my virginity to her I wasn't going to complain. She stuffed my ID back in my wallet and slid it across the bar to me, I picked it up and put it back in my pocket.

"Another drink pretty lady?" I heard and turned my head and saw the muscled and tattooed bartender picking up Mother's empty glass.

"Oh, you're not the bartender that was here before but yes, I believe I will have another," she then turned to me and flicked her eyes towards the bartender, I wasn't sure what she meant but I found out when he put a new drink in front of her, "pay the man Julien, there's a good boy."

"Oh," I suddenly flashed with realization, "yes Mother." I pulled out my wallet again and pulled out the only money I had in it, a $20 bill.

"I just started my shift, hope you will be sticking around," he smiled completely ignoring me.

"You may as well keep the change with you dear, save him getting it out again for when I need another refill," she smiled seductively at the bartender who smiled back and didn't even look at me.

Mother turned back to me and dropped her cocktail napkin to the floor, I looked down at it and back to her face, "well?" she asked impatiently and raised her perfectly manicured eyebrow.

I swallowed hard and quickly jumped off the stool and dropped to my knees to pick it up, as I did my eyes were level with her swinging foot, with the dim light I couldn't see it through the nylon stockings but I could smell the slightly sweaty fragrance of it as it swung back and forth. I lifted the napkin up and looked up at her face with a slight smile, as I went to get to my feet her swinging foot moved forward and connected with my chest knocking me to my ass.

Before I had a chance to get up she pressed her foot harder against me pushing my back to the floor, she kept her foot pressed onto my chest and looked down at me. I didn't know what to do so I just stared wide-eyed up at her. She moved her foot upwards towards my face and rubbed the side of her heeled shoe against my cheek, she smiled and moved her 5" heel to my lips and pushed it through and into my mouth.

"Suck on that heel boy," she said pushing the thin stiletto the whole way in.

I did as she asked, I was so caught up in the fever of being dominated by a beautiful older woman I didn't care right now if anyone saw me, I sucked that hard leather spike for all I was worth, I reached up and wrapped my fingers around her slim ankle and she immediately pushed her other foot against my genitals and pressed down hard.

"Did I tell you to fucking touch me?" She growled crushing my balls underfoot making me wince, "no, I did not, I said suck my heel, now try again."

She removed her crushing foot and I continued sucking like a good boy.

"Where's your friend?" I heard from the bartender above, luckily I doubted he could see me from behind the bar.

"Oh, he went to the little boy's room, he couldn't hold his beer," she chuckled leaning on the bar.

"He's not really your son, is he? No way a hot lady like you could have a kid that looks like that," I heard him laugh soon followed by another chuckle from Mother.

"Aren't you a charmer? It doesn't really matter whether he is or isn't though does it?"

"Not in the slightest, I'd still fuck you given half the chance and I guarantee I'd make you feel way better than that shrimp," I could hear the sneer in his voice as I kept sucking.

"Of course you would," Mother grinned, "and who knows you may even get a chance to prove your boasts."

"Fuck yeah, anytime you want a taste you let me know."

Mother pulled her foot away from me and returned to her cross-legged position, she looked down at me with a grin.

"Sit," she pointed at the stool I was sitting on before, I stood up and glanced over the bar to see if the bartender was still there, he wasn't so I got up and sat back down. "Are you a guest at this hotel?"

"Yes, I'm here for the weekend," I nodded.

"Excuse me?" Mother barked sharply.

"Uh, I mean yes Mother, I'm a guest here," I corrected myself.

"Give me your key," she held out her hand and I rummaged through my pockets and placed my only room key into her hand.

She looked down at it and her lip curled in disdain, her eyes flicked bag to me and she dropped the key on the bar next to me. "If you think I will ever go into an economy room you are sorely mistaken."

"I'm sorry Mother," I looked down in disappointment and pocketed my key, I hopped down off my stool and was about to walk away when she stopped me.

"What are you doing?"

"I was just-"

"I'm not finished with you yet, sit down."

A little confused I did as I was told and as soon as I did she lifted her legs and flung them across my legs, I looked down at them then back up to her smiling face.

"Take off my stilettos and massage my tired and aching feet."

"Yes Mother," I reached out with shaking hands and untied the staps before sliding one of her shoes off, I dropped it to the floor and did the same with the other.

Mother watched me and sipped her drink, luckily the bartender stayed down the other side of the bar serving a couple of people who just came in. I slipped my fingers around her slightly moist right foot and dug my thumbs into her sole, the pungent odor was hitting me more now and all it did was arouse me more, I was sure she could feel my erection growing under her foot.

"Don't forget my calves, they need attention too," she hissed, drink in hand she leaned back a little on her stool and let out a relaxed sigh, as my hands slid up her nylon covered calves her toes curled on her other foot against my now fully hard cock. "You disgusting little pervert, your cock got hard rubbing your Mother's feet, take off your jacket."


"Do I need to ask you twice? You know the rules," she started pulling her feet from me.

"NO!" I yelled out and quickly pulled off my hoodie.

"Good boy," she grinned, "now drape it over your lap and my feet." I obeyed her without hesitation, "take out your disgusting little penis and put it between my feet."

I couldn't believe this was happening but I did as she asked, I slipped my hands under my jacket and unzipped my jeans and fished my cock out of the fly. I felt her toes touch my shaft and then the other foot followed, my cock was sandwiched in the grooves between her feet and toes and she looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Is that it? Seriously? My thumb feels fucking bigger than that," she sniggered as her toes squeezed down hard on my shaft.

"I'm sorry Mother," I said dejectedly and I felt my cheeks flush with humiliation.

Her feet barely even had to move, the tip of my cock wasn't even peeking out of the top of her feet. She began moving her feet in different directions, when one moved forward the other moved back, it felt so fucking good feeling the moist nylon squeezing my cock, my precum was leaking out freely.

"You want to cum on Mother's feet don't you boy?" She smiled sweetly taking another drink. "Don't be shy son, tell Mother what you want."

"I want.. I want to cum all over your pretty feet Mother," I groaned out as my head leaned back in pleasure.

"Ask," she smiled placing her chin on her hand as her elbow rested on the bar.

"W-what?" I asked a little confused.

Mother's eyes narrowed and she stopped moving her feet, I winced as she pressed her feet together hard squishing my cock. "Are you that stupid boy? Ask your Mother if you may soil her nylons in your watery little load."

"Please Mother, may I soil your nylons in m-my watery little load?"

"You may," she smiled sweetly, "however, know that if you do you will be getting to your knees and eating every drop of it."

That made me pause for thought, I wasn't gay and the thought of having my own sperm in my mouth was stomach-churning. Did I really dare take the risk just to get off with her feet? Turned out I didn't really have much choice, Mother seemed to notice my hesitation and grinned evilly, she used one of her feet to press the base of my cock to my midriff as the toes of the other tickled my tip.

"Mother, please," I choked out before I felt myself erupt, her toes curled around my pulsing tip.

My entire body shuddered in pleasure as I came down from the most intense orgasm I'd ever had, my eyes were scrunched closed as I felt my balls throb. I could hear Mother giggling as she continued to tickle my sensitive head.

"Another drink for the pretty lady," I heard and opened my eyes to see the bartender placing another drink in front of Mother.

"Thank you, my dear," she smiled seductively.

Once he disappeared to the other end of the bar Mother turned back to face me, "did you enjoy that boy?"

"Yes Mother," I nodded and gave a sheepish smile.

"What do you say?"

"T-thank you, Mother."

I felt her pulling her feet away from me but not before sliding her cummy toes across my jeans, she lifted it up so I could see my paltry load staining the dark nylon. I looked past her foot to her face to see her grinning.

"Put your little cock away Julien," she ordered and I obeyed slipping my hands under my jacket and slipping myself back into my fly. I looked back up at her and she pointed towards the floor, "you got my foot dirty, be a dear and clean it up."

I swallowed hard and reached out for her foot, she moved it down and away from reach.

"Get down on your knees, there's a good boy."

Closing my eyes I did as I was told and slid off the stool once again and lowered myself to my knees, I looked up and tried to plead for mercy when she quickly shoved her toes in my mouth. The saltiness of her sweat and the bitterness of my cum didn't make for a nice taste, her toes wiggled as I sucked them clean.

"Good boy, get all that nasty sperm off Mother's nylons," I did and vacuumed off as much of the slimy goo as I could get, my tongue lashed against her toes as I slurped up my cum.

When I was satisfied I had removed it all I pulled my mouth away from her and looked back up at her, she raised her eyebrow and curled her toes.

"Adequate I suppose, now put my heels back on," I picked her shoes back up and slowly put them back on for her, once they were on and she was happy I stood back up and took a big swig of my own drink to get rid of the taste of cum. "You may go," Mother said dismissively turning back to the bar.

"What? But I thought maybe-"

"You thought wrong, I'm done with you," she cut me off coldly, "now go."

Dejectedly I placed my beer bottle on the bar and grabbed my jacket and held it in front of myself to hide the cum stains and turned to walk away, as I got to the entrance I turned back to her hoping she would change her mind, she was talking to the bartender again laughing at whatever he was saying. She didn't even look at me as I lowered my head and left the bar.

With a disappointed sigh, I walked over to the elevator and pressed the button for my floor, I got some funny looks from the guy behind the desk but I didn't care. I was only on the second floor but I couldn't be bothered to take the stairs, I got inside and took the short journey thankful that it was empty. I looked down to survey the damage and saw a cum stain on my t-shirt and a small trail on my jeans, I tied my hoodie around my waist with it covering the front and got out as the elevator reached my floor.

Pulling out my key I opened the door to my room and went inside, with a groan of frustration I flopped on my back onto the bed. I should have been angry at being used and dumped like that, to be honest, though I didn't, the last half-hour had been the most exciting time of my life and I was frustrated that it didn't last longer.

I stood back up and stripped off my clothes before heading into the bathroom and got in the shower, as the water cascaded over my body I started feeling a little better, I figured I'd just forget about 'Mother' and treat what happened as a new experience and move on, I highly doubted I'd ever see her again anyway.

Once I finished I got out and dried off before heading back into the main room, I pulled on a fresh pair of briefs and my pyjamas and climbed into bed. It was only a little after 10 pm but I had a series of boring business meetings to face in 10 hours so I figured I should be well-rested.

I hit the light switch and snuggled into the unfamiliar bed, it was a little lumpy but I couldn't afford a better room. I must have just dozed off when I heard a knock on the door, I switched on the light and got to my feet as I heard another more insistent knock.

"Yes, I'm coming, just a second," I called out and undid the door latch and pulled the door open.

"Oh, nice pyjamas boy, here, open this and pour me a glass, there's a good boy," Mother smiled forcing a bottle of chilled chardonnay in my hand as she pushed past me.

I turned to watch her magnificent ass tightly concealed by her dress as she swayed towards the bed, I swallowed hard again as I closed the door and looked through the cupboard for a glass, unfortunately, there weren't any wine glasses so I had to settle on a regular drinking glass.

"Uh, I didn't, um," I stammered and looked around for a corkscrew, "I didn't think you-"

"Don't think," she cut in sitting down on the bed and crossed her legs, "just do, the wine?"

With shaky hands I opened the wine and poured her a glass, as I handed it to her she raised an eyebrow as she studied it.

"S-sorry Mother, there aren't any wine glasses," I apologized as I sat next to her on the bed.

"Did I give you permission to sit?" She asked coolly as she took a sip of her wine and pointed to the floor in front of her, "there, kneel."

I quickly obeyed and knelt in front of her, my cock was beginning to harden as I was mere inches away from the foot I had cum on earlier. In the bright light of the room I could make out the bright red nail polish on her toes through the nylon, the sweaty aroma hit me again and this time I could smell my cum too.

"Well?" She asked taking another sip.

"Y-yes Mother?" I asked unsure what she wanted me to do.

"Kiss Mother's foot you silly boy."

Rather than answer with words I leaned forward quickly and placed my lips on the top of her foot, between the straps of her shoes. Mother giggled above me and I was happy that I was making her happy, I reached up to grab her ankle as I kept kissing.

"Do you have difficulty understanding me boy?" She asked as her other foot shot out to kick me in the balls, "I didn't tell you to touch me did I?"

"N-no Mother, I'm sorry," I managed to croak out despite the pain in my balls.

Mothe pulled her foot away from me and stood up placing her glass on the bedside table, "I'm growing bored with you now, you seem to be unable to follow orders."

"No Mother please, I'm sorry, I promise I will do better." I begged pathetically kneeling forward pressing my forehead to the thinly carpeted floor, "I'll do anything you say."

I still wasn't entirely sure why I was willing to go so far, I mean sure she was the very definition of a MILF but she wasn't exactly nice. I'd always been a quiet boy but I'd never been ordered around like Mother had done, I guess I was just desperate for any kind of attention from a woman.

"Hmm, anything you say?" Mother mused and sat back down crossing her legs again, "very well, I'll give you one more chance."

"Thank you so much Mother," I smiled happily lifting my head to look at her.

"Let me see how far you will go then," she grinned, "stand up and strip, take off everything."

Without a word I got to my feet and began to unbutton my pyjama top, I threw it over in the corner once I got it off. Mother was looking at me with a neutral expression, I wasn't buff in the slightest, I was like a child with my skinny physique and no body hair. I pulled my pyjama bottoms down and kicked them over to my top, I was standing in front of Mother in just my briefs. I was embarrassed about pulling them off as I knew I was on the small side but I wasn't about to disobey, with a slight sigh I dipped my thumbs under the waistband and pushed them down to my feet. I stepped out of them while keeping my hands in front of myself hiding my cock from her view.

"Move your hands," Mother snapped sharply and I did, which elicited an uproarious laugh, "is that it? I could feel you were small back in the bar but seriously? My thumb is bigger than that."

I could feel my face heating up in shame as I lowered my head to look at the floor, Mother got to her feet and stepped towards me, as I lifted my head to look at her I noted just how much bigger than me she was. I stood at a meager 5'5 and in her heels mother looked to be about a foot taller than me, she circled me like a predator stalking its prey, despite how nervous I was diamond hard.

"Well, I'd say your ass is your best feature," as soon as she said it I felt a sharp swat on my cheek. "Yes, despite how skinny you are it's got some meat to it, I bet the boy's line up for a chance to slam their cocks up this bubble butt."

"N-no Mother, I've never had anything in there," I replied hoping she wouldn't want to put anything inside me.

Mother stepped in front of me and turned her back to me, she moved her hair to the side and looked back at me, "be a dear and unzip my dress."

My eyes widened in astonishment, I wasn't prepared for this, I assumed after she saw how pathetically tiny I was she would have walked out. I wasn't about to ruin the moment though and reached out with shaky hands, I let out a breath as my fingers found the small piece of metal and slowly lowered it. Mother's smooth and flawless bare back came in to view, her skin was so pale and creamy I just wanted to kiss her.

The zipper lowered to her ass I let out a soft moan as I saw the thin pink strap of a thong, once the zipper was lowered Mother stepped forward away from my hands and folded her dress forward leaving her top half completely uncovered, I stood and watched as she turned back to face me, when she did I gasped aloud as her bare breasts were on full display. It was only then I realized she wasn't wearing a bra.

"Do close your mouth boy, it's very unbecoming," Mother admonished as she sat back down on the bed, "you look as though you've never seen a pair of tits before."

I didn't dare admit that I hadn't seen any in the flesh, I licked my lips as my eyes roved over every inch of bared flesh. In the bar the lights were too low to make out her true beauty, now in the light of the room, I could see just how beautiful she was. Her copper-red hair hung past her shoulders in flowing waves, her eyes sparkled like emeralds through the dusky eyeshadow she was wearing. She had a cute little upturned nose and her full lips were pulled into a mischievous smile.

Finally, my eyes snapped to her breasts, they were high and perky and seemed to defy gravity. I took that to mean they were implants, I had no idea about sizes but they were quite large. Her areolas were large and puffy and looked almost invisible against her pale skin, her nipples were thick and pointed right at me, I desperately wanted to suck them. Below her breasts her stomach was tight and she had noticeable abs as she reclined backward.

"Do you like what you see boy?" Mother breathed seductively.

"Yes Mother, you are very beautiful," I nodded enthusiastically, my cock felt harder than it had ever been before.

"Suck on Mother's tits," she cooed and raised her arms beckoning me towards her, "come here and nurse on Mother's titties."

I didn't need to be told twice and almost ran towards her, I moaned and climbed on the bed next to her, my hand reached out to cup her right breast and I was thankful she didn't stop me, my mouth latched onto her nipple and I sucked it like a baby wanting milk.

I heard Mother moan above me as my tongue flicked against her hard nub, my lower body was pressed against her legs as I felt my cock rubbing against her nylons, my precum leaking out staining the material. Mother leaned over and I felt her fingers slip around my length and I almost came straight away.

"You really are pathetically small aren't you?" She chuckled, "I've seen children with bigger cocks."

I didn't answer I just kept sucking, Mother let me go and placed her hand on my shoulder and pushed me away, I feared she was done with me as her nipple slipped from my lips and she got to her feet.

"Mother I-"

I didn't get to finish as Mother slipped her thumbs into her dress and pushed it down, I gasped as her ass came into view, it looked like it had been sculpted from marble, there was no sag at all. Once the dress hit the floor Mother stepped out of it and looked back over her shoulder at me, Mother stood before me in her thong, thigh high stockings and her heels.

"Get on your knees boy and come remove my thong."

She was driving me crazy, my heart was beating so fast I thought I would have a heart attack, I slipped off the bed and got to my knees and shuffled closer to her. Mother's glorious ass was right in my face as I reached up with once again shaky hands, I grasped her hips and slid my hands down pushing my fingers beneath the waistband, I could barely get them down as I was shaking so bad.

When they finally did clear her ass I heard a heavy slapping sound, I wasn't sure what it was but I didn't care as I pushed the tiny panties down to her feet. Mother lifted one foot and then the other as I held her underwear, before she put her last foot down it pushed back against me and I fell backward onto my butt.

"Are you ready boy?" Mother smiled placing her hands on her hips, I nodded eagerly ready to see my first pussy, "Surprise," she yelled as she spun around.

My eyes widened as I gasped out loud as she did, there between her legs was a rock hard cock, it was thick and veiny as it pointed towards the ceiling, hanging below was her equally large balls.

I couldn't believe Mother was a man.

What the fuck was going on?!

Is this one worth continuing? It was an idea that has been floating around my head for a while now so I decided to finally write it down. Let me know what you guys think.

As always please feel free to email me about anything at all :)

My new email is:

Oh and as I get asked about any other stories I've written I figured I would start to add them here on my future releases.


My Brother's Best Friend -

Cabin Fun -

After School Boys Club -


Jack's Adventures -

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