The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Oct 2, 2012


Happy reading!!

The Last Feres

Chapter 10

At the dinner table later that evening Charlie had something to say.

Riley, Wren. Eric and I had a long conversation about our talk earlier. And we've made some important decisions.' Charlie looked at Eric and they exchange a tender look. Rye, first thing tomorrow morning you quit your job at the bookstore.'

I love working at the store! `Why?'

`It's because of the second point; you're going to need the extra time to master some of your active powers. As you have heard in our previous conversation two factions are after you and you must be ready to defend yourself if we fail to do our duty in protecting you.'

Sally. I'm going to miss her.

`Thirdly, we've talked to Linda and she agreed for Nick to be part of your protection detail, so he'll be moving in tomorrow as well.'

Nick was coming to live with us! This would be fun. Wren wasn't happy with that one though.

`Where's he going to sleep?'

`Eric and I will be turning the study back into a bedroom by this time tomorrow. And lastly, we're going to do all we can to find Alex and his dad. Due to the recent events we believe that Alex kidnapping is somewhat tied to our situation. The police had no leads, they've reach a dead end.

`I never told you this but Eric picked up two distinct Darkling scents in the Parishes home this morning. One could be the warg that wounded Wren and something else he couldn't identify.'

I knew it. I knew it. Well, sort of.

`How are you going to find him?'

`The Faraday witches had agreed to cast a locator spell. It's a complicated spell and it will take some time depending on how well his captors had concealed him.'

`When are they casting the spell?' I wanted to be there when they do because I want Alex found as fast as possible.

`They've invited us for dinner tomorrow right. Probably after because we need to bring certain items that belongs to them for the spell to be effective.'

Charlie and Eric weren't shy about their closeness around me anymore. I caught them snuggling in the den when I was looking for Wren during the night. I woke up alone in bed and couldn't go back to sleep.

`He's on guard duty outside.' Eric had said before I left them to their business.

I didn't go outside to meet with him because I didn't want to distract him. Instead I went on facebook to catch up on the latest gossip. After sending a few replies to my online friends I checked Alex's photo albums. I clicked the one labeled "my Girlfriend and I" and browsed through. He had posted quite a few photos of the blonde Christine. She was pretty and quite camera-friendly too.

Then I saw one picture where she was holding one of Alex's goofy faces. The picture was well taken but the thing that caught my eye was the wrist tattoo she had. It resembled the "chipper" glyph on Wren's wrist only her intricately designed x overlapped the perfect circular arrow.

`She's a Targ.' I murmured, taken aback by the discovery. Still I wasn't too sure. So I copy paste the photo in Photoshop and blew up the tattoo. Then I printed out a copy of both the normal photo with her face in it and the blown up one. I'll run it by Wren later for confirmation.

I changed my mind after that.

I whispered.

In next to no time I heard doggy steps running in the hall and Wren-wolf entered the bedroom. Immediately he shifted and stood in front of me looking concerned.

`What is it? Is something wrong?'

No. nothing like that,' I said composedly. Just have something for you to check out for me.' I said handing over the pictures I printed.

Silently he studied them.

`The girl in the picture is Christine, Alex's girlfriend.' he didn't say anything but the worried look on his face speak volume.

`Call Charlie... now,' he said.

I sent.

`The tattoo on her wrist is it what I think it is?'

`Yes. It's a glyph alright. She's a wencher.'

A worried Charlie appeared in front of my bedroom door followed by an equally worried Eric. They both wore bathrobes and by the looks of things I must have interrupted something intimate.

`What is it Rye?'

`Char take a look at these. Rye found them on the compute thing. I fear that Alex might be in real danger.'

Charlie took the photos from Wren and studied them in turns. Eric strained over his shoulder to have a look too.

`You're right. She's a Targ alright.' Charlie said handing over the photos to Eric who studied them further.

`Now it's confirmed. Alex had been kidnapped by one of the factions after you.'

`Why Alex? I mean he isn't a Targ and he doesn't have powers.'

Charlie's mechanical brain started churning again. By now I was use to him in this state. In a way it calmed me down a bit because I know he was thinking of a way to help Alex. Wren moved next to me and gave me a half hug.

`You're right Rye. It doesn't make sense. Alex is human; however, Alex does fit the bill.'

`Char you're being cryptic again,' Wren said.

Charlie lifted his head and looked in our direction. Sorry but I think I may have the answer to Rye's question.' He said rubbing his chin.I personally think it was a case of mistaken identity.'


`Think about it Rye. Alex and you look a lot alike: same height, same body mass, same feature, same age, same birthday, and same neighborhood. I believed when they scry for you the protective shield on the house rebounded and caught sight of Alex instead. And the fact that you and Alex have had a lot of body contacts your scent might has been on his clothing. The leopard shifters might have picked that up too.'

`What make you think it's Xell who took Lex?'

Probably it's because of the crystal pendant around the girl's neck.' Eric chipped in. Look. She's a witch.' He handed me the pictures.

Sure enough she was wearing a pendant.

`That and also is the fact that Darklings don't have glyphs.' Charlie added.

`What now?'

`We find her. Find her and we find your friend.' Eric said.

I was about to say something but Wren beat me to it. `If you're right they have certainly realized that Alex isn't Rye by now. Why else would the leopards lure Rye into the woods then?'

`To capture him of course but keeping Alex prisoner would be for leverage.' Charlie said.

An awkward silence filled the room before Charlie told us to go back to sleep and that we'll talk more in the morning. He left with Eric.

I, on the other hand have more questions.

Why did they take Mr. Parish? Why kill Susan? And if wargs are servants of darklings not Councils, why was there wag scents in the Parishes home?

`I can smell your fear. It has intensified. What is it?'

Just worrying about Lex,' I replied. I wish there was a way I could help.'

Wren thought about it for a while.

`Couldn't you do the foggy eyed thing you did this morning when you found out about his mom? I don't know how you did it but it could work.'

Yeah! It could. But I have to find something that belonged to Alex first. If I'm not mistaken that's the way I found Susan. She was the one who gave me that picture for my birthday after she had it framed.

`Brilliant idea atsa,' I said kissing Wren on the cheek.

You know that's the third or fourth time you've called me atsa since we met,' Wren said enveloping me in his big arms. I couldn't help but feel flattered by his gesture. Do you even know what it means?'

`No.' I admitted. It seemed only natural to use that word when I addressed Wren that I never asked anyone what it means.

`Atsa means "my love" in Targeten tongue. It's a unique term use only between bonded lovers. If you were anyone but a Feres you would have had a bonding glyph on your wrist by now.'


`But I don't mind. You are my atsa.' Wren kissed me. I responded by wrapping my arms around his neck. I played with his hair while doing it too.

He moved his mouth over one of my ears and bit it somewhat. I moaned and threw my head back. Now he was tonguing it. It tickled. I giggled.

Before long he was tonguing my neck and shoulder. He sucked them one after the other marking me, claiming my body as his. I moaned in the meantime.

Too soon he left me standing there like a child that had lost his security blanket. Feeling slightly lost, I turned around to see him sitting on the bed. He was smiling.

`Strip.' he said.

He was naked and his erected member stood proudly against his belly button. Strip huh! He wants a show I'll give him a show.

Rhythmically I swayed my body to an inaudible music. I casted off my t shirt waved it around like a stripper and threw it in his face. He laughed abundantly and threw my t shirt on the floor.

Still dancing I caressed my chest and torso and played with my nipples. I saw him wet his lips. His cock twitched and leaked pre-cum. Now I rubbed a hand over my hard cock through my boxer shorts and toyed with the hem with the other. `More,' he said.

I seductively pushed down my boxer shorts. I turned my back to him and lowered it bellow my gluts. He reached up and smacked them. I faked surprise and stepped out of reach. I turned and waved a finger at him. `No touching please.'

He snickered.

I removed the boxer shorts completely and kicked it next to the t shirt on the floor. Then I closed in on him and he yanked me in his lap. Our cocks pressed together as he gave me a passionate kiss. I move my legs so that I could sit on his lap without breaking the kiss. Our cocks fought each other for spaces. He brought his index finger to my mouth and I sucked it. He dropped a kiss on my chest and breathed in my scent. 'So good.'

He took away his finger from my mouth and brought it to my asshole. He teased it until he pushed his finger all the way in. `Argh!'

He fucked me with his finger and I buckled on his lap causing our cocks to rub against each other. He introduced another finger. I reached for his head and lugged at it for another kiss. Impaling myself on his finger I humped my slippery dick against his. Too much for him, he picked me up and lay me in bed on my back. He climbed in and tried to push his hard cock into my ass. `Get the lube.'

Quickly he jumped out of bed, grabbed the bottle in the night stand drawer and applied some on his cock. He squeezed a generous amount on his fingers and spread it on my asshole. He made sure to push some inside as well.

Moving between my legs he breached my opening. When he was all the way in he put my legs on his shoulders and started thrusting. He was hitting all the right spots that I couldn't help but grunt. Without missing his rhythm, he bent down and kissed me. I grabbed his ass with my hands urging him to move faster and to go deeper. He understood.

After a while, we changed position. He had me on my belly with my ass held high. Plunging in again, he secured his hand to my hips and began thrusting again. Small sounds escaped me every time he drove forward. Wren began to grant too.

Getting uncomfortable I moved on all four to the famous doggy-style position and Wren didn't relent. He kept thrusting back and forth like a well oil machine. At one point I had enough and had to slow him down.

`Stop, stop, stop,' I pushed him out and took in short breaths. Doggy was too much for me so I told him to change position again. I lay on my side and he spooned me. He slow fucked me this time with longer stride. I felt better. I turned my head and we shared another kiss. He fucked me on my side for some time.

I wanted to see his face so I twisted my body, and he rose to a kneeling position once again. With his hands straddling my torso he pondered my ass well. And very soon I was about ready to bust a nut. My sphincter muscle contracted and we both lost it. He came in my ass and I on my chest and abs.

I don't know how he did it, but with his cock still lodge in my ass he bent down and licked the semen off my body before reaching up to kiss me. I loved the pressure of his body on mine so I didn't want him to move until I fell asleep.

`Rye. Where the hell have you been? I've been so worried?' Sally Hart, my best friend after Alex jumped me when I came out of Mr. Garth office the next morning.

`I guess you've heard about Lex huh?' I said with difficulty.

It was on the news last night and I couldn't believe what I was hearing,' she said. What happened?'

`I don't know Sally. I'm as shocked as you are. The last I've heard of Lex was two or three days ago and the thing about his mom...'

`I know sweetie. I've sent him a dozen messages on facebook when I saw the pictures he posted of his girlfriend and he never replied them. I know how you two are close, how are you holding up?'

`Good. No. Actually, I'm feeling quite helpless.'

`I know how you feel sweetie. What are you doing here anyway, you should be resting. You looked like you haven't been sleeping well.'

`I came to see Garth. I'm quitting the job Sally.'

`Why?' She sadly asked.

`I'm thinking of going back to college next semester. It starts in two weeks and quitting the job now will give me enough time to rest and get ready.' I lied. Although, that was my original plan before all of this crap was dumped on me.

She hugged me. `I understand.'

Alex and I had been friends with Sally for three years now ever since we started the part time job in the bookstore. We shared a lot of things together and I considered her to be someone trustworthy. I never told her about my being gay because it never came up. That and the fact that I didn't think I was in the first place. I am sure now and I wanted her to know.

`Can you take a break? I need to tell you something.'

Sally released me from the hug and stared at my face. She looked puzzled. Curious to know what's next she told me to wait for her outside while she rushed into Garth office.

Five minutes later she came out smiling. `What did you tell Garth?' I know him and allowing us to take breaks before time was a complete no, no.

`I told him you were distraught and in need of a shrink or some friend on friend talk.'


`Well, something along that line.' She snickered and grabbed my arms. We walked towards my car which was parked a few blocks away because of the Saturday rush.

`So what's so important that you couldn't tell me in the store?'

I knew I blushed. She saw my face and laughed.

`That bad! Huh!'

`Sally I'm gay.' I just blurted out. Holly-shit! I did it!

We continued walking and Sally didn't even miss a stride. I've told her the truth and she was still clinging to my arm. This has to be a good sign right?

`Sally,' I said when she didn't say anything. I know how some brains take longer to process this sort of information.

`Rye, to be honest I've known about you ever since your first day on the job. I wasn't sure of course but there have been a few mishaps on your part. Why do you think I kept pestering you about Ruth in the first place? Oh my God Ruth! She'll be heartbroken.'

Then she stepped in front of me, stopping me in my track. She had an evil grin on her face. I know that look. What's she up to now?

`Can I tell her? Please say yes.'

We continued walking.

`Why do you want to tell her?'

`Nothing, I just want to see her face when I do, well that and the fact that she stole my boyfriend in fifth grade.'

`Sally you're so mean.'

`Yeah, I know.' She said giggling.

We were a few feet from my car when Sally stopped me again.

`Don't look but there's a cute guy leaning against your car. Damned! He's so yummy!'

I didn't reply. I just walked up to Wren and planted a kiss on his lips in full view of the whole street.

HOLLY FUCK!' Sally shouted, forgetting where she was. That's your boyfriend?!' I nodded yes.

`Hey. I'm Wren.' Wren said taking Sally's hand and kissed it like a gentleman. Sally blushed in shyness.

`So, I've heard you hate dogs.' Wren said. I frowned at him for that.

`True. I'm more of a cat person.'

I was thinking of dumping that one,' he pointed a finger in my direction while looking at Sally, so that we could be together but too bad, I'm more of a dog person myself.'

Sally giggled. Her eyes never strayed from Wren.

I looked in the car and I couldn't fine Nick. When he came by the house this morning Charlie said that he should also be with me at all time in case we run into trouble.

`Where's Nick?' I asked Wren.

`He went to get coffee.' Wren said. I could sense the annoyance in his voice.

`Well, I really have to get back to work. Rye, call me if you get any news of Lex.'

`Will do.'

`It was nice meeting you Wren. And for your information I can learn to like dogs if "someone" is patient enough to teach me.' She teased before she sauntered back towards the bookstore giggling.

Ten minutes later, we were on our way to the supermarket to pick up some provisions Charlie requested before heading home. Nick was driving and I rode shotgun. We were making idle chats whilst Wren was in the backseat looking bored and watching the fast moving pavement.

All of a sudden, Wren urgently told us to park the car. Without question Nick park the car behind a tuck near the pavement.

`What's the matter mutt? Do you need to pee that bad.' Nick teased. But Wren wasn't paying attention to what he was saying. Rather he was scanning the pavement for something or was it someone.

`Rye you remember the witch don't you. Alex's girlfriend.'


`Okay, for a minute there I thought I saw... there behind the guy in the gray coat.'

He said pointing at the passerby. I looked in the direction he indicated. Sure enough, a blonde girl baring the striking resemblance of Christine walked past the car in a short white blouse, red mini skirt and a tall high heel boots at her leisure. She carried a fashionable red hand bag under her arm and around her neck was the same pendant she had in the photos.

`Yeah that's her,' I said and before I knew it Wren had his t shirt off and was pulling at his combat shorts.

`You guys wait here. I'll follow her and sees where she goes.' Nickolas and I didn't have time to reply when Wren shifted into Wren-wolf and quickly jumped out the car window. Nick and I watched him go and I wondered if we should follow too.

`Show off.' Nick shouted after him. Fortunately Wren couldn't hear him because he was way out of earshot.


End of chapter 10

Next: Chapter 11

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