The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Oct 7, 2012


Happy reading!!

The Last Feres

Chapter 11

`Where the hell is he?' I asked Nick half an hour later from the time when Wren took off after the witch. I was on edge and couldn't sit still. I was also troubled. Something may very well have happened to him.

`Relax. The mutt is strong and could take care of himself. Besides, he could always call for help.'

Nick was right. Well partly at least. Wren was indeed strong and more than capable but Christine even though she appeared to be beautiful, young and frail, we however, don't exactly know what the girl is capable of under all that glamour. And not to forget the fact that she has allies, allies which are as equally strong, more agile maybe and possibly more devious than Wren. I remembered how they lured me into their traps the last time. They could well try again. Annoyed, I stepped out of the car. I'd made up my mind. I was going after Wren. I couldn't take it anymore.

`Rye, wait!' Nick shouted after me as I meandered away. I heard him opened and closed the car door and the jiggling keys in his jean pocket as he jogged to join me.

`I'm not returning to the car Nick, so don't waste your time in trying to convince me,' I stated before he could utter a single word.

`I know you wouldn't, that's why I'm going with you.'

We walked a few blocks in silence not really knowing which route Christine and Wren took.

<Where are you?>

Nick and I stopped in front of a hardware store because the street spread in front of us had dozen alleyways which Wren could have taken in pursuit of the witch.

`Is there a spell that could lead us to him?' I asked Nick.

`Probably, but I'm not a spell caster.'

`What good of having a witch if he can't do a little spell,' I said sounding meaner than I intended.

As always Nick took it in stride. `For your information, spell casting is a gift few witches possess and it so happened I don't have it.'

`I thought Charlie said your mother and aunts put the protective shield on our house.'

`Yes they did but I took after my dad, who can't.'

`Now what do we do?'

`Easy. I have something better than the ability to cast spell. I'll use my empathy to track his emotional imprint.'

WHAT!' I yelled. A man in a business suite beside me jumped against the glass window startled. You have the ability to find Wren all this time and you didn't tell me.' It was more a statement than a question.

`I was following you, remember. I thought you knew what you were doing.' What a poor excuse, I though angrily.

Unexpectedly, Nick grabbed my shoulders and veered me so that I would face him.

`What's with you? I feel and understand your wariness but what's with the paranoia I'm picking up right now.'

`I don't know what it is but something is happening to Wren. I could sense he's in distress.'

`I understand but Snap out of it alright. We'll get to Wren I promise.'

`Yeah whatever, find him now Nick.'

He squinted a little while scanned the area. It took him less than thirty second to find what he was looking for. `There! He went that way.' he said pointing to the third alleyway on our side of the street.

I was about to sprint over there when Nick stopped me.

`It would be faster if we teleport,' he said holding my arm. There were far too many people in the street, so Nick dragged me into the Hardware store and we teleported out in an empty aisle.

Wren was pinned to the bricked wall in his naked human form by an invisible force when we teleported in the alley where he was moments later. Christine outstretched hand showed clearly that she was the one holding Wren up there. Beside her, looking glum were Ted and Ned.

Since we materialized quite a distance from them they haven't seen us yet. I wanted to go and face them right there right then but Nick pulled me behind a parked truck.

`When I get out of this I'm going to tear your heart out bitch!' Wren yelled furiously. Except for his ego he didn't appear to be hurt.

`Yeah, I want to see you try mutt.' She said coolly.

When can we have him? I'm tired of waiting, the Feres isn't coming.' Ted said. You're denying the revenge Xell promised us.' His brother added.

`You want to have me, huh! Can't wait to feel my big cock in your ass don't you Ted,' Wren baited the idiot.

`Fuck you mutt!'

`I'm not letting you have him, at least not before the Feres arrives. Trust me he will come and when he does you can have this one.' Christine said.

`That little prince is not coming I tell you. Hand the mutt over now!' Ted said moving threateningly towards the witch.

I found that the only way to tell Ted and Ned apart is through their speech. Ned seemed more composed and cool when he speaks whilst Ted was more impatient and aggressive, besides he's the only one to called me little prince the last time. Christine waved a hand in Ted's direction and he suddenly went stiff. He held his throat and gasped. His breathing became rugged; the witch was strangling him with her power.

Enough!' Ned yelled angrily. We'll do it your way but if you tried that shit one more time you're dead meat witch and Xell wouldn't be there to save you this time.'

Christine released Ted and chortled.

Christine! It infuriated me just to look at her. She took my best friend from me, fraternizing with the brut that nearly raped me and now holding Wren against his will. The raged inside me bubbled up and I gave in to it. Nick sensed my anger and tried to stop me but I shrugged his hand off and stepped clear of the truck walking towards them. I threw my hand as if to backslap Christine.

Yanked by an invisible force, she sped horizontally and back first she slammed against the dumpster nearby. The brothers' gaze followed her and then turned towards me. Ted smirked and salivated upon seeing me.

Wren on the other hand had landed on his feet and he too stared at me in approval.

Wincing in pain, Christine got up. `What are you waiting for you idiots, get them?' She yelled at the brothers. They snarled and shifted. They didn't get any further though because a wall of fire rose and trapped them in a tight circle. Nick appeared next to me and touched my shoulder.

<Grab the bitch's handbag> I heard Nick's voice in my ear. It was meant for Wren since he was closer to it. He swiftly did what he was told and sprinted to us. Christine raised her hand to stop him but Nick threw a fireball at her. She parried with an invisible shield and ready to counterattack but by then Wren was already by our side.

`Get us out of here!'

Nick grabbed Wren with his other hand and we dematerialized leaving a hysterical Christine screaming in aggravation.

We materialized back in the hardware store. We startled a young boy reaching for some nails. Stunned he stared at the naked Wren as he transformed into a wolf. He was about to scream but Nick shushed him. The poor little guy was hyperventilating. I calmly walked up to him.

Don't be afraid we won't hurt you.' I pulled out fifty bucks and put it in his hand. Don't tell anybody about what you saw alright.' He shook his head and watched us walked out the store.

`Wren, are you alright?' I asked once we were in the car driving home.

`Yeah, I'm okay. They just surprised me that's all.'

`What were you thinking?' Nick reproached him. Fortunately wren didn't answer.

`Why did you ask him to take the handbag?' I asked Nick some while later.

`The spell my aunts will perform would be more powerful with a personal artifact belonging to one of the capturer. It will work its way around any of their defenses.'


We were quiet for some time after that. Wren was still naked in the back seat when Nick drove past my former high school, and more than once during the drive I caught him staring at Wren's body and wondered if he fancied him. I smiled inwardly and thought what it would be like having a threesome with the two hottest guys I know.

`Guys, don't tell my brother and Charlie about this. I know where the bitch lives and I'm planning to make a house call soon.' Wren said drawing me back from my reverie.

I looked at Nick and he grinned. `On one condition,' he said. "We're coming with you.' I smiled because he was including me in the escapade.

Wren glimpsed at me. `What he said.' I simply said.

`Alright. We'll do it tonight before she figured out we know where she dwells and of course when Charlie and Eric turn in for the night.' God! This would be fun!

`Again,' bellowed Charlie for the eleventh time. We've been at this for almost an hour and I was exhausted. Earlier when Eric told me we're going to start with my training I thought I was going to learn how to use my powers but nobody told me that they were going to torture me with this martial art shit.

`First you need to be able to defend yourself without your powers...,' Charlie had said. I didn't like sport, let alone fight. I avoid them as much as I could. Fortunately for me I was never bullied in High School. For one I was well liked amongst my peers and two; our school had less than five hundred kids, everybody knew everybody so why fight.

`Get up!'

Wren and Nick sniggered nearby. I hated then.

Take your position and get ready.' Before I could have time Charlie attacked. I parried his first blow and second but the third send me flying on the ground again. You have to do better than this Rye.'

`I'm tired,' I cried. Charlie was impatient and too strict.

`Let's call it a day, shall we.' Eric said from behind Charlie when I didn't get up. That annoyed Charlie.

We'll pick this again tomorrow.' he pulled off his gloves and walked away. Are you alright Rye?' I nodded no. `Wren, Nick. Help him up and get him into the shower.'

Wren carried me upstairs in my room and laid me on the bed. I complained about my sores and that I couldn't move. So Wren removed my gloved and t shirt while Nick tugged at my shoes and shorts. Once I was naked they both stood there and worshiped my body. Soon I felt their hands and they were giving me the most wonderful massages I ever had. Wren was working my neck, shoulders and chest; and Nick my thigh, legs and feet. I've never received any massages before so I didn't have anything to compare it with but the fact that it was both of them turned me one. It made me think of the daydream I had in the car this morning. How will they react to my plan?

Come, let's get you to the shower,' Wren said. I faked feeling weak and they both grabbed one of my arms and walked me slowly into the bathroom. When they weren't at each other's throats they actually work well together. Nick held me up while Wren got naked to get with me in the shower. When he pulled me in and Nick started to leave I called him, Nick!'

He looked at Wren and he got a nod in response. He smiled and quickly stripped. The shower was cramped with the three of us. I barely had space to move without rubbing against either of them. Nick washed my front while Wren my back. All three of us were boned up and obviously horny.

I really liked Nick's cock. It was an inch longer than Wren's eight but were Wren's was straight his was slightly curved downwards perfect for receiving blow jobs. Nick balls were small and pulled tight to his cock while Wren's were full and hanging heavy within their sacs.

While they were busy rubbing soap into my skin, I reached for Nick's dick. I jerk it gently. He grinned and enjoyed the feeling. Wren noticed. He didn't growl like he usually did when Nick get close to me. Instead he leaned in and sucked my neck and shoulders.

So much for not being territorial because as I understand marking me sends a clear message that I belonged to him. In defiance, I pulled Nick for a kiss. He was a great kisser. It was even better than the kiss he gave me in the woods. Getting jealous Wren nibbled my lower jaw and an ear. I felt that he wanted in too so I grabbed his head and we had a three way kiss. Never had one before and I liked it. My eyes were wide open under the dripping water but my companions' were closed. Slowly I drew out of the kiss and watched them kiss each other. So hot! When they broke the kiss Wren turned me around and took me in his arms. He worked his way into getting his forearms under my knees. `Nick. Soap me up,' he said. Nick reached for Wren's cock and lathered it with a little soap, then he aimed it at my opening and Wren pushed me down on it. He slowly fucked me while Nick rubbed my back.

After a while Wren went still. I didn't understand why until I felt Nick's cock prying my whole open to joined Wren's. I cringed. There was a little pain but with the entire workout with Charlie earlier my muscles were relax and I was able to accept both cocks easily.

They waited for me to get accustom to the feeling before they both started to move. Men! I was in heaven. It felt so good that I couldn't stop from being vocal. They fucked me in that position for quite some time before Nick exploded into my rectum, soon after Wren joined him. I could have come then but I was saving it for Wren.

Wren put me down gently and went down for his prize. Just as he engulfed my cock I sprayed into his mouth and nearly drown him in the process. When he came back up we shared another three way kiss.

Giggling, we washed the soaped from our bodies and went into the bedroom naked after toweling off. Nick pulled off the dirty sheets and we all jumped into bed. Wren kissed me and I kissed him. I kiss Nick and Nick kissed Wren. After a while I got tired and fell asleep in Wren's arms with Nick spooning me from behind.

.............................................................. End of chapter 11. Here you go `Drew', the threesome you requested. I don't know if there will be more yet but I'll think about it. LoL

Next: Chapter 12

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