The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Feb 27, 2022


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The Feri War

Chapter 22

That night I went to sleep alone and woke up the next morning in Wren's arms. Silas had a sleepover with a few friends at Trash's place, so we had the wagon to ourselves.

It was still early and I could sense only a few people walking about.

Wren was fast asleep. His face was right up to mine. Snoring softly, he looked peaceful and cute. His mane of curls which he normally kept tied up was loose. It often got loose after a shift back to human form. Smiling, I pushed a lock of curls out of his face. His long eyelashes fluttered causing me to pause. He didn't wake though. I didn't want to wake him but his head was on my arm and I kind of had to pee.

I kissed his eyelids, his nose, and then move down to lick his lips. His mouth pulled into a smile.

'What are you doing?' He said in a cracky voice.

'What does it look like I'm doing?'

'You're taking advantage of me,' he said grinning.

'Hmm! That isn't such a bad idea,' I said palming his nakedness with my free hand. I squeezed it.

He moaned. Although, his eyes remained closed. 'Do that again.'

I complied and he grew in my hand. I tugged and teased him. His hips jerked to match my movements. He moaned louder. He took possession of my lips and sucked on them while reaching for me. He rubbed my length with long gentle strokes. Breathing hard in each other's mouths, he thrust faster into my hand. After a time, his eyes rolled back in his sockets and he shot four thick ropes of his essence all over my hand and thigh. To reach my climax, I pushed his hand away and furiously jerked off. He chuckled and try to take back what I'd denied him. Alas, I was beyond the point of no return to let him reclaim it. I came a few seconds later with laboured breath. He chuckled. 'I wanted to do that.'

'You were too slow,' I said releasing my tense muscles. Then my bladder began protesting. 'Oh shit! Got to pee! Got to pee! Got to pee!' I rushed outside naked and sighed as the stream of warm liquid gushed out of me.

Ah! It felt so good.

I ran into a group of guys on my way back.


'Sweet feri!'

'Nice ass.'

There were more catcalls, whistles and laughs.

All that didn't bother me. I know they were only teasing. Like a true targ, I throw them an award- winning smile and strutted.

I told Wren about the vision about the dragon core. He didn't interrupt me and waited patiently for me to be done.

'You did right not to say anything. Besides, the knowledge of the stone isn't relevant for our mission, so yeah, let's keep it to ourselves for now.'

I nodded yes.

Silas joined us for breakfast at the pole barn. 'How are you feeling this morning?' I said washing down some oats with tea. I reached for a handful of berries.

'I'm still sad but Trash has been good company.'

Wren placed his spoon down, messed the little guy's hair and tucked him to his side. 'Hey. You're allowed to feel sad. I would be worried if you didn't. Just remember that we're here for you no matter what.'

Silas flushed and smiled. 'Thanks.'

I felt warm inside watching those two. Silas was sixteen but he was still a teenager. He needed to know that he wasn't alone anymore. Wren kissed him on the head. 'Eat your breakfast. You'll need your strength to do your chores later.'

Silas nodded yes and took a spoonful of oats with a radiant smile.

There was a commotion at the front gates. However, we didn't budge. We didn't have to wait long to know what it was all about when Rhett, Ferard and Russell joined us.

'What's going on over there?' Wren said.

'My cousin's men is finally here,' Russell said taking a bowl of oats from Ferard.

'Looks like Eric and Doug are going to draw out the welcoming mat,' Rhett said with a grin.

I turned to see them crossing the courtyard in long strides. Doug has been a good host. We've practically taken over his fort and still, he hasn't complained once. Not that I would know since I couldn't read his thoughts. But action speaks louder than words. He has done nothing but made us feel welcome and try to be of help. Eric today looked like someone on a mission. I noticed for the last two days he'd been more tense than usual. I knew and understood how he feels. The more time passes the heavier the anxiety. We were a bunch of kids to him to confide in us. At least he had Malik.

Wait! Where's Malik?

'Wren, I can't feel Malik.'

'He's in Valpak. He'll be back soon,' Ferard said.

Malik was a warlock who mated Charlie's sister. Warrick, the Blacknell alpha is technically also his brother in-law. Of course, they worry about Charlie too and would want to know what was going on.

'How do you know?' Wren asked.

'Our cabin is next to theirs. The wall is thin so we heard them talking.'

'Did you happen to hear why?' I said.

Ferard glanced at Russell. His partner shrugged. 'We didn't hear everything. We were kind of uh... busy.'

All of us laughed, including Silas. Ferard didn't have to censor anything for us because we all knew they had been fucking like rabbits since we left Soren.

Suddenly, I felt a surge of ferilight energy. The lumiums I sent yesterday were finally back.

Excitedly, I jumped to my feet. 'They're here!'

'Who's here?' Rhett said.

I think I might have made a mistake when sending the lumiums. I should have programmed them to return to me, but they appeared at the location Wren and I were at when I sent them. No matter, they were heading towards the fort.

I stood in the courtyard and looked skyward. The guys had followed me there. "What's going on, Rye. Is Seth coming?" Wren said through our link.

I didn't say anything since they were already here. So, I just grinned at him and returned my gaze over the western wall.

Thirty seconds later, a little more than a dozen giant eagles screamed above our heads. People gathered to marvel at the mesmerizing scene. The birds circled above the fort a few times before landing safely in front of us. Seth was the first eagle shifter to land with Dale on his back.

All the other eagles also carried people. 'You called everyone?!' Wren said with a grin.

'We wouldn't miss this for the world,' Nicholas said hugging me after Alessa.

Eric came running with the Malakai in tow. He greeted his brothers. The twins, Reed and River, looked a bit more mature than the last time I saw them. They hugged Wren and Rhett.

'Thank you for including us, Rye,' Reed said.

'Yeah, finally. Wain was driving us off the wall,' River added.

Bron came from behind them and hugged me. 'Nice to see you, Rye.'

'You too, my friend.'

Chase came too. Charlie was his father and I know he felt useless staying home. 'Hey, dad,' he said to Eric. Eric teared up and drew him into a tight hug.

'It's good to see you, son. Have you been eating right?' Eric said looking at him at arm's length.

Chase was a tad taller than his father. Growing up in the human world such affection would have been embarrassing for him. 'Dad!' He protested, yet his action was the complete opposite. He never let go of his father.

'Enough of this kissy-kissy stuff. It's grossing me out,' Kaia said. 'You guys, I'm starving. Robin and I hadn't had breakfast yet.'

'Yes. Me too,' Seth said pulling up the pants Dale handed to him.

Another spike in ferilight energy told me that two more guests had come. A guy shrieked and ran to hide as two enormous tigers entered the fort.

'Caleb. Eva,' I said rushing to hug them. They morphed into their human forms to greet me. Dale and Seth were right behind me. As soon as I released his sister Dale was already in her arms.

'Looks like you invited all your friends,' Fiori said next to Doug, Ned and her second in command whose name I couldn't remember.

'Wolves, eagles and tigers. This should be interesting,' Musa said behind Fiori.

'And a cute little leopard too,' River said pointing at Bron with a grin.

Bron playfully punched him in the gut. He pretended it hurt.

More laughter erupted.

Eric introduced our group of friends to the Malakai and the people of Dougsfort. Don't know who came up with the name but that's what we're calling it from now on.

At the pole barn, Sylvia and some women served my friends some leftover oats, bread and fruits with tea. I know they were used to better, regardless, none of them showed any displeasure over the simple meal. Seth even asked for seconds within minutes adding to Sylvia's joy.

'Guys,' I called for everyone's attention. 'I want you to meet a few new friends of mine.' I introduced Trash, Ben, Zeek and some curious renegades who I got the pleasure of meeting yesterday. When it came to Silas, I grabbed his hand and pulled him to me on the mat.

'What going on, Rye. Did you get another boyfriend?' Seth said looking from me to Wren.

'Shut your trap. Rye would never do that to Wren. They are in love,' Robin said in a cute adoring girly voice.

A few people laughed.

Wren moved closer and put a hand over Silas' shoulder. 'This little guy is Silas. I want you all to be nice to him,' Wren said with a serious undertone. He was letting them know that we have an intimate claim to the boy and that they should treat him as much.

"Did something happen to the boy? He's flashing some serious emotions." Nick thought. He knew I would hear him.

"Silas has been through a lot." Since Nick was an empath, he would understand better via imagery. So I shared everything I know about Silas through a thought montage.

"Wow, that's so sad," Alessa said in my head.

This wasn't just a thought I picked up from her, no. She was projecting. She has telepathic abilities too. Awed, I gazed at her. "I'm a feres too brother," she projected with a smile.

"I know that. I meant you can use telepathy as well now."

She beamed. "I've always been able to do that. Remember the Nereii, they taught me but I wasn't good at it. However, after the ritual with grandma Moira the other day, everything because clear and I found myself more adept."

After breakfast, Wren and the guys joined the others to begin the construction of the new community hall while I took Alessa and Eva to the kitchen. They wanted to be useful too. But first, we dropped by Wes' cabin. I wanted to check on him.

The young man was already up and about when we arrived at his place.

'Hey, Wes.'

'Your Majesty. Hi. If you came by to see me I'm feeling way better today.'

I smirked at him. 'Yes. I can see that.'

It looked like he was on his way out. 'You're not going to work, aren't you?'

He grabbed his tunic over a chair and flung it over his shoulder causing a tiny draft.

Eva stiffened next to me.

'I am,' he said sheepishly.

I gave him a stern look. It was useless to try and stop him though. If he was a shifter, then he'd inherited their stubbornness as well. 'I won't stop you. Just don't overdo it, ok.'

He gave me a big jovial smile as a thank you. We followed him out and watched him leave.

'Rye, that boy is a tiger shifter like me,' Eva said.

'You knew that,' Alessa said having read my thoughts. How is she getting past my mental shield?

'I knew he was a shifter but not that he was a tiger.' Then I thought of something. 'Why did he not react to you just now? He's almost nineteen, shouldn't he be able to recognise his own. Could he be a cambion?'

Eva rubbed her temples. 'We tigers transition later than other shifters. I think it is a self-preservation thing.' Her sire told her that, that was why her voice was laced with resentment and contempt towards him.

Alessa blinked but remained silent.

'How come?' I said.

'Female tiger shifters are rarer than males. So we depend on the women of other species to survive. The thing is, they don't look too kindly of our males. Because of their overzealous reputation of being womanizers, they are often villainized to the status of sex demons even.'

I understood now. 'So you guys transitioned later than other shifters to throw off others' suspicions so you could survive?'

'Not just to throw off people's suspicion more like to be old enough to defend ourselves. Rye, the boy is in danger, even more so his friends.'


'Tiger transition is five times more violent than other shifters. He shouldn't be around people when it's happening because he would attack them. It never ends well.'

'Another reason to be hated and feared by the others,' Alessa said with understanding. 'How did it go for you?' Alessa asked.

'Our mother knew what we were from the beginning. She loved our father but he just used her for breeding. When her family realized that they chased us off. He abandoned us in the streets where Niall found us. He showed up only a week before our transitions. He took us to a cave and guarded the entrance preventing us from leaving. When the transition was over he vanished again.'

Eva and Dale were twins! I always thought Eva was much older. Not that she looked older but more mature, even more now that she had given birth to the Redhurst triples.

We arrived at the kitchen where Sylvia was bossing everyone about. Agatha was also there.

'Hey, Rye,' she said when she saw me coming. She was peeling peas with a bowl and a stack of pods in front of her.

'We're making pea soup tonight and grill meat from the game your shifter friends brought this morning.'

I'm not surprised they went hunting. They aren't too keen on eating vegetables all the time.

'Who are those lovely ladies you brought to see me?'

'This is my sister Alessa and our friend Eva.'

Agatha smiled. 'Another feres. I'm so blessed to be in your presence. It's nice to meet you, ladies.'

They responded in kind.

'I'm leaving them with you, so take care of them for me, will you.'

'Don't worry. This is going to be fun.'

The girls chortled.

Eric, Doug and Fiori were waiting for me in the cottage when I entered. They were at the small table in the tight kitchen area.

'Ah. Rye. Come,' Eric said. 'We're going over our plan of attack.'

Spread in front of them was a map of the capital. It looked freshly made. And the details...

'We spent all day yesterday making this with the help of Silas and his pigeons,' Eric said.

I stared at the crosses which represent the different troops all over the city and beyond. When we thought he had failed, Charlie did succeed in getting them to react. Looking at it now, the painstaking task of going back and forth to Pixan over the summer to get the witches on board with us by gathering their forces and joining the war was certainly worth it. And it was clear the council did listen to him. It's just that they're not using this army to do what they were supposed to be doing in the first place; which is to defend their borders and protect their citizens.

'Ok, how are we doing this?'

'We begin tonight,' Doug said.

'We'll attack in three phases. Phase one, Doug will lead his group and the renegades to neutralize the Border guards,' Eric said.

'Most of the renegades are teenagers, why send them after the border guards?' I asked.

It was Doug who answered. 'We have been trouble for them ever since they expanded their patrolling ranges. They've never seen us as a threat, so they won't expect us to be on the offensive. We're counting that they won't sound the alarm. They will try to either drive us away or get rid of us.'

'Besides, Doug's group isn't to engage them directly. Their orders are to lead the border guards away and long enough to create an opening for phase two to happen,' Eric continued.

'I will lead phase two,' Fiori said in a confident voice. 'I will have the elementals, ground shifters and close-range combatants under my command. Our goal is to create chaos and draw out the assembled army and keep all eyes on us. I have orders to keep the level of casualties to the minimum, if we could.' She added when she saw the worried look on my face.

I was worried for my friends too. They were a little less than a hundred going against thousands of warlocks. How to keep them all alive?

'This is war, Rye. This is not the time to be soft-hearted. Every one of us understands the risk and we're willing to take it,' Fiori said.

I sighed but said nothing.

Eric stared at me. "You ok?"

I was conflicted. Nonetheless, I nodded yes.

'Phase three is us. You, me, Wren, a few others and the eagle shifters. We'll go with your plan, stealthily infiltrating the city by the seafront. We won't be attacking at dawn. On the contrary, we should use the cover of darkness to our advantage. If everything goes according to plan, it should all be over by then. Phase one and two would take place at midnight tonight and phase three after a signal from Fiori.'

I don't know why I shivered when I heard the plan. I played it as being nervous but I felt there was something more to it but I chose to ignore it.


End of chapter 22

Next: Chapter 114: The Feri War 23

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