The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on May 29, 2022


Happy reading!

The Feri War

Chapter 23

We were wrapping up the meeting when Malik finally made an appearance. He didn't come alone. His mate Terra greeted me and pulled Eric into a hug. Frankly, I shouldn't be surprised that she'll want to join her brother's rescue.

'You brought more men,' Eric said smelling the air. True, I sensed more than fifty shifters outside.

'This is Charlie we're talking about. Warrick wouldn't sit by and do anything while his brother remains captive,' Terra said.

'I know. He let you come,' Eric said with a smirk.

'He wouldn't have been able to stop me even if he could. Malik surely tried and look where I am.'

Fiori laughed. 'Feisty sister. I like you already. No man can stop us if we put our foot down.'

'That's not the point Fiori,' Malik said with a frown.

'Oh, shut it. We rule this joint.' To Terra, she said, 'stick with me sister, we'll show them.'

I laughed as Malik pouted and Fiori left the cottage with his bondmate.

Dinner at the newly renovated hall was buzzing with excitement. Food was aplenty, conversations were abundant along with jovial banters and jokes. For once, alcohol wasn't a staple tonight. Clear heads for what was to come later have to be maintained.

As per a typical targ gathering before such an event, there were prep talks. And by far Fiori won over the crowd with her rousing speech. '... I know a few of you are probably shitting your pants in thinking that we are so few while they are so many. Yes, I'm talking about you Blackburn,' she said pointing at her second in command. He sheepishly waved her off while the crowd burst into waves of laughter. She chortled. Then settled the crowd with a head- level fist raised as if she was already on the battlefield. The effect of the gesture was instantaneous. I recognized her for what she was; a true-born leader. 'Remember, if a tiny skittish shrew can kill a cold-blooded snake, then let us be a shrew to their snake. Small but mighty. Let's make them dance like headless chickens on the eve of Morak Tal's feast. Show them that we're not afraid to join our maker. That we're not afraid to go for their balls while they helplessly watch us do it.'

As the evening progressed, I spent some time with my friends. Wren went out early to meet with Eric. When I got to the wagon, he was already there with Silas. They were in an argument.

'I know you want to come with us but the situation has changed. I want you to think again, stay here, and be safe.'

'You're not my father. I want to fight too.'

I could feel the hurt in Wren's voice when he said, 'I, not being your father has nothing to do with it. You're not skilled enough to be fighting. The enemy will not hesitate to hurt you. And you'll put others in danger in trying to keep you safe. Do you understand this?'

Silas took a moment to think about it.

'I just want to be useful,' he said solemnly.

Wren sighed. 'I know you do. But there are other ways to be useful.'

'Like how?'

'You have nothing to prove to us, Silas,' I said entering the wagon. Moving towards my bondmate, I kept my eyes on the boy. 'I know what you're trying to do. You want to join in the fight to prove your worth to either Ben's gang or the Renegades. You're a smart boy. You're thinking two steps ahead. You want to find your place after all of this.'

He grew quiet. He knew I was right.

Wren and I exchanged looks. We were already on the same page on this. 'We've been thinking about your future too, Silas.' Intrigued, he raised his head and gaped.

'We have been talking and we want you to come home with us to Notwitt. We have plenty of rooms. We want the best for you, Silas. I ask you now, will you come to live with us?' Wren said.

Tearing up, Silas hurled himself into our arms. He had made his decision. And we will accept it.

Led by the Malakai, we left Dougsfort under the cover of darkness. Given the number of feet, we were surprisingly quiet. It took a while for my eyes to grow accustomed to the darkness. And because of that, I stumbled a few times along the way since I couldn't see where I was putting my feet.

"Use the ferilight, brother," Alessa said.


"The ferilight, feel everything through it," Alessa projected.

Huh! Why didn't I think of that?

Seeing everything through the sentient energy made everything better. It was like having night vision. Everything was yellow and a different hue of bright. I couldn't make out people's faces unless they were close but it didn't matter because I knew who everyone was just by their core signature.

"I never would have thought to use ferilight energy for this purpose."

"Me, neither."

"How did you know then?"

"Grandma Moira shared a memory with me once. And I saw her do it," Alessa said.


'There's a camp up ahead,' someone said.

After a few meters, the troop stopped. And only a selected few went scouting, I included.

Finding a vantage point was easy because we were already at a higher elevation.

I could see several tents with a central fire pit in a clearing down below. A few men were hurdled by the fire while a few were up and about.

'Is that it? Is that all the border guards?' Fiori said.

'I don't know, but they might have set up numerous camps along the border,' Doug said. We watched them for a while before Doug spoke again. 'Ok, it's time to put phase one in motion.'

The moment the Malakai and the renegades dematerialized, the border guards were on their feet. They reappeared behind the bushes yet the guards were zeroing in on them.

'That's weird,' Wren said.

'What is weird?' Seth said.

'The guards. They know Doug and the others are there. Look how they're going for the guys already.'

I saw Ben dematerialized only to reappear behind one of the tents. A nearby guard sensed him and made a detour. He was going for the boy.

'Huh! What gives?' Malik Said.

Nobody had an answer. Not that there wasn't one, it was just that we couldn't explain it ourselves. I certainly wish it wasn't a spell because if that is so, sneaking past them would be impossible for Fiori and her group.

Having been discovered, the Malakai had no other choice but to engage the guards. The plan was to lead them away from the rest of our troops but it didn't seem to be happening. Ben and the others were doing their best to entice the enemy by repeatedly using their teleportation but the guards were either dense or they were on to their little tricks.

My eyes fell on Musa near the fire pit. Her opponent was strong but she could hold her own. At one point she saw an opening. Dodging a fist and kicking the guy in the nuts. That must have hurt. But the guy just punched her in the chest and threw her back a few steps before launching himself at her again.

Another guard was heading her way but it suddenly stopped and looked up right where we were hiding. He turned around and came for us. A chill shiver rippled over my skin. However, he didn't get two steps out when three renegades tripped him with a rope and proceeded to tie him up; magically of course. The guy was powerful and they couldn't afford to be within grabbing distance.

'What's going on down there?' Russell said startling me. He wasn't there a moment ago, and neither was Ferard.

'Has the Malakai met their match,' Fiori said. She wasn't there before either.

'I think I've got something,' Wren said. 'The guards can sense teleportation, but it is strange how none of them has used it. And correct me if I'm wrong but knowing what I know about Malakai, it's highly unlikely for them to be bested by a mere band of border guards.'

I don't know what he was on about, but I agree with him on teleportation. I've noticed it myself. Fiori, Russell, and Ferard teleported here just a moment ago, which explains why the guard was looking in our direction.

'You guys, these are not people!' Ferard said aghast.

'What do you mean these are not people?' Fiori said.

He turned to Russell as if he was the only one who needed convincing. 'Remember Auntie Daisy.'

'The old lady who got evicted from your dad's property, yeah!'

'Three people were sent to the infirmary that day in trying to remove her from her house. Do you remember why?'

Russell shrugged.

'Get to the point boy. We don't have time for your games,' Fiori said impatiently.

'Auntie Daisy was a spell caster. She conjured up a Gollum.'

'A Gollum! I've never encountered one before but I've heard how powerful they are,' Fiori said.

'How did your family deal with the Gollum?' Eric asked.

'My water elemental master. Gollum usually has a name that embodied their vengeful nature carved somewhere on their body. My master used his ink technic to locate and destroy it.'

'I presume you know how to do it,' Eric said to Ferard.

He nodded.

'Good. Fiori, proceed to the gate. If you don't mind, go around the camp. And don't let anyone use teleportation or any magic for the time being. Ferard, you and Russell get down and do your thing.'

'We should leave too,' Wren said.

'Yes, we'll monitor everything from up there,' he said pointing to the sky. It was completely dark, apart from Alessa and I who were using feri energy night vision, Wren and the others were shifters. They could see better than most in the dark.

Seth and his kin shifted and we were airborne a minute later.

............................................ End of chapter 23

Next: Chapter 115: The Feri War 24

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