The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Nov 4, 2012


Happy reading!!

The Feres King

Chapter 2

Petrified I watched the Equinians charge, heard their war cry as they plowed their way towards us. I think we should have had a contingency plan from the moment we saw the reactions of the two centaurs earlier. Evidently we had mistaken hostility for shyness. Now we're about to pay dearly for it.

Alarmed, Nick put up a fighting stance ready to throw some serious fires but Charlie had other plans.

Put your hands down Nick. We're clearly outnumbered. Let's try diplomacy first. ' The way these guys were coming at us, I doubt they're thinking of striking a conversation with us over tea. Be ready, though just not in a threatening kind of way.'

Helen instinctively shoved Chase behind her and made sure her hand on her good arm was free. Even Charlie was guarded. I get it. Charlie wants them to know we're not looking for a fight but if they attack us they'll get one.

My heart was beating a hundred miles per hour and it took great efforts on my part not to run off. I was somewhat relieved when they slowed down a bit before reaching us. They circled and pointed their spears in our direction at the same time as they shouted at us.

`Keram sta elihe, nosta dnore tal?' One of them barked. He was one of the heavy- strong types from the torso up. His horse half was robust as well. Bare-chested like the others, he had red bracers on his forearms. He exchanged words with Charlie who calmly responded in the same language he'd use. Chase and I didn't understand a thing they were saying. I was tempted to ask Nick but one look at the stern faces around was enough to make me think they'll strike us down if we even blink.

One word from the leader after Charlie said what he had to say, and all the warriors drew back their weapons.

`They're taking us to their leaders,' Nick told me. Flanking us on both sides, they herded us towards the settlement.

The gates opened and we walked through. A silent crowd of Equinians in both merged and unmerged forms had gathered to meet us. They were so quiet that I swore I would be able to hear a pin drop, although, there were tensions in the air. As we made our way along the crowded narrow street I noticed Nick and Helen were on edged. I could only imagine the level of anger and hatred their empath abilities were picking up from these people. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.

Finally the procession stopped in front of a large wooden structure in the middle of the village. It was tall and the facade was covered with intricately designed carvings. I think people back home would easily mistake this structure for a place of worship.

It was clear to me that we were entering a great hall when we were led inside. The brightness inside the hall mimicked that of the peering sun outside. The source of this mystery was evident; Feri-lights, hundreds of them were aimlessly floating between the beams that were supporting the enormous roof. The hall was also spacious, even more so since there were no furniture around. There were carvings there too. They were more elaborate than the ones outside. They could be found on every wall, and every post.

I was so intrigued by them that it took me a while to notice that we had stopped again. On a raise platform in front of us stood five elderly Equinians; three men and two women. They were in human forms but their horses stood quietly behind them. Wait! One horse was missing. I wonder why?

From the people we saw outside they were the only ones who I could officially say were wearing clothes; long robed tunics.

The old man in the middle in the brown sugar colored robe seemed to be their designated speaker because he started interrogating us the minute we arrived. I didn't understand a word he was saying because again he spoke in Targes.

`What is he saying?' I whispered to Nickolas. The old woman standing on the far left wearing a green tunic heard me. She didn't say anything though, but I could feel her gaze on me from then on.

`Apparently, their village is protected by a powerful shielding spell that had kept them hidden from the outside world for centuries. They are angry if not mystified as of how we came to stumble into their midst.'

This is not good.

"No outsides had been able to see past our cloaking spell before." Nickolas translated for me. "What magic possess you to be able to do that? And who are you and why have you come?"

"I assure you my Lord," Charlie said. "We bore no ill intention in coming here. We really just stumbled on this place. We are travelers from the human realm, stranded in the forest beyond because we were attacked by a warg..."

"That's a lie," shouted another man. He had long white beard and turmeric colored tunic. "Who sent you?"

"As I said my Lord, We are not who you think we are. What we said is the truth. What reason do we have to lie to you? Besides what harm could two wounded adults and three inexperience younglings do to you when we're clearly outnumbered by your fine warriors."

"Flattery will get you nowhere shifter," Charlie taken aback when the woman in green spoke. "However, you are right. I believe you when you said you did not come here with the intention of harming us and the fact that you were indeed alone because right as we speak my mergen is out there on the riverbank looking at the raff you were traveling on.

"I also believe you when you said you were from the human realm because the tall boy-witch at the back had been translating for the other one since you've arrived. But like my co-leaders, I am also baffled as of how you got past our cloaking barrier without a safe-word. So explain yourselves."

Charlie replied but I stopped listening. We were back to square one and this interrogation is never going to end until we give them proof of whatever it is they want us to say.

When he noticed that I wasn't paying attention anymore, Nick stopped translating. The carvings seemed much more interesting than the conversation right now.

I've been staring at them for some time until I began to see a pattern emerging. These were no random carvings. They were pictograms. Just like the hieroglyphs used by the ancient Egyptians they tell the history of their civilization.

For what I could tell the story goes somewhat like this:

"A long time ago a tall mysterious stranger came knocking at their door. He was badly hurt. Peace loving as they were back then, the Equinians took him in and nursed him back to life. But the stranger deceived them for he wasn't what he said he was. One night he showed everyone his true self. He betrayed them. He killed their leader and opened a portal right in the heart of their city. Through it came hundreds of darklings; mostly wargs and werewolves. They wreaked havoc in the city and killed everyone who stood in their way. But then the warrior Angels arrived. They flew down and fought the darklings. It was a wingless angel who gave the Equinians back their city and shielded them from prying eyes."

The story ends with a life size carving of the leader of the warrior angels. He was about 5'12" and bare-chested with only a medallion stringing around his neck, he wore a long blue skirt that covered his entire lower body. And the striking part of all was his face; it was almost identical to mine, especially his long straight nose and partly narrow eyes which could be very much mistaken for an Asian.

The resemblance was uncanny.

Nickolas,' I nudged him. The inscription under the carving behind the leaders what does it say?'

Nick looked past the horses behind the leaders for a minute before answering back.

`It's archaic. I can't really tell.'

`It reads "The Lightbringer",' whispered Helen who had heard us. Then they both returned their attentions back to the conversation.

The Lightbringer, what does that mean?

Then it dawned on me.

It's archaic. What if Helen read it wrong? What if the Lightbringer should have been the bringer of feri-light? If that is so, the leader of the warrior angels is really a Feres; thus confirming my assumption.

There lay the solution to our problem.

Charlie,' I spoke his name loudly to draw everyone attention. And it worked because everyone in the room turned their eyes on me. I wish to speak to them.'

Charlie's confused facial expression almost made me laugh. He exchanged looks with Helen before hopping up to me on his crutches and hissed. `What do you think you're doing?'

`They want proof of who we are, don't they? Well' I'm going to give them just that.'

Charlie seemed to understand what I was going to do because he came back with, `Absolutely not. You're not exposing your true identity to these people. We don't know what they might do to you...'

`Charlie relax, I know what I'm doing?' I interjected. He was right. I didn't know what I was doing, although, I do trust my instincts.

Charlie turned to the leaders.

`Please excuse the impertinence of the young one...'

Silence,' said the woman in green. We would hear what he has to say.' She spoke in perfect English which surprised me.

My Lords,' I addressed them as Nick translated earlier. It seemed more proper. The reason we could see past your cloaking shield is because of me.'

The leaders shared looks and began murmuring. When the woman in green raised a hand they ceased.

`Explain yourself.'

All this time I've thought about the speech I was going to give but then I realized that Charlie had been doing just that and got him nowhere. So I decided to deviate from my original plan. `It would be better if I show you.'

`Please, go right ahead.'

I turned and locked gazed with Nick.

He did just that bringing Chase and Helen with him. Charlie was reluctant but he did too.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on the feri-lights above. I hummed inaudibly and they flickered. The leaders gasped but said nothing.

I hummed again this time the lights went out, but the feri-lights were not dead. `What's the meaning of this? I can't see a thing?' One of the leaders said in Targes, and I understood him. That's rather odd!

I grinned though for he had no idea what is coming. Why are my so sure of myself all of a sudden?

One by one the feri-lights started coming back to life. But they weren't in the ceiling anymore, they were down swirling around me like a swarm of flying insect.

I glanced at the leaders and saw their jaws hanging. I grinned.

I up my game a notch. I made the feri-lights go faster and soon I was levitating at least a good two feet off the ground. Suddenly remembering the last time I did this, of how overwhelmed I got when the tiny spheres overloaded me with energy, I decided that it was enough. I descended from the air and then returned the feri- lights to the ceiling.

Standing before everyone, I couldn't help but feel respected.

`How did you do that?' An old man who hadn't spoken before asked.

I smiled at him and pointed to the Feres carving behind them.

`I'm one like him, your bringer of light.'

Shocked they looked back and forth between the carving and me. Then they did the unimaginable. They dropped to their knees, arched their back a little and laid both their hands flat on the ground before them.

What did I do now?

`How did you know what to do?' Nick asked me after we'd been led to a large chamber adjoined to the great hall.

Maia, the green robe leader, had accompanied Charlie and Helen to the healing house. Apparently she was one of their best healers. Chase wanted to go too, but I knew why he went with them though. Ever since a group of healers arrived to take the adults to the infirmary he'd been fascinated by a cute Equinian guy named Ravi. Cheeky bastard!

`The carvings on the walls told of the battle in which a Feres came to save the Equinians from extinction. I only assumed they will be please to see another Feres in their midst.'

`Ingenious, using one of their legends against them,' Nick said kissing me on both cheeks.

`It's no legend. I don't know how true the story was but a Feres really did come here. How else would you explain the feri-lights?'

I see,' Nick said taking me into his arms. So, I really want to pay you for what you did back there.'

`How will you be paying me?'

`Oh! I don't know. Do you take cash or visa?' He joked.

I grabbed his crotch and shook it a little. `This will do just fine.'

Nickolas bent over and kissed me. I swore he was the best kisser ever. Just as it was getting interesting someone came in.


We broke the kiss to see who it was. A young merger female entered without her mergen.

`Thousand apologies my Lords, I didn't mean to interrupt,' she quickly added.Does evrybody speaks English in this place? She was kind of pretty especially when she blushed.

`What's your name?' I asked after Nick released me from his hold.

`Saffia, my Lord.'

`Well Saffia, what can I do for you?'

`I was just coming to tell you that your bath is ready my Lord. Lord Raddi said you would want to freshen up before joining them to dinner.'

Lord Raddi was the old man in the brown sugar colored robe, the one that was giving us a hard time earlier. Also in my honor he was throwing a banquet in which they had extended us their invitation.

`Show us the way Saffia.'

Giggling, Nickolas and I followed her to the bathhouse.

The bathhouse was also another room adjoining the great hall. Unlike the great hall it was torch-lit without any windows. But there were two dozen small holes near the ceiling which I guessed was to regulate temperature since it was quite hot and steamy inside.

`You can put your clothes on the bench over here and I'll have them washed for you,' Saffia said before exiting the room.

Nickolas and I did just that before we entered the large warm pool that took half of the room. I might say I enjoyed splashing around in the warm water.

Sometime later I notice Nick on the far end with his head and arms resting on the edge of the pool. Swimming quietly up to him, I grabbed his cock from under the water and jerked it. I watched him smiling but nonetheless he didn't budge. After a few more jerks his cock became alive and kept pulsing in my hand. I laughed.

Then I had an idea. Submerging myself, I gave him a blowjob under water. I wasn't easy but I was able to pull it off by frequently popping up for air. Awake and alert, nick was watching me now.

After a dozen trips, Nick lifted me up and we shared another kiss. I hooked an arm behind his neck and secured myself by grabbing his shoulder while I fondled his balls with the other hand.

He moaned into the kiss.

Shortly after, I felt his hands on my butt. He massaged them a bit before playing with my butthole. As the kiss deepened the hornier we both got.

`Fuck me,' I whispered.

Climbing on his forearms I guided him in. Then I began riding him. My movements created waves on the water surface accompanied by swooshing and splashing sounds.

I've never fucked in water before and it felt wonderful. Nick's breath became heavy and I moaned in ecstasy. Sensing he was on edge I increased the speed and before long Nick hissed and coated my inside with come.

We were both panting with fatigue. I saw come sinking in the water around us and realized that I came too, without touching myself once. Incredible!

We shared another kiss and we began to laugh.

`Bravo!' I heard from behind me. I turned to see Chase clapping hands and Ravi standing next to him grinning.

I smiled at them.

`Never heard of knocking,' Nick said.


End of chapter 2

Next: Chapter 18: The Feres King 3

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