The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Dec 2, 2012


Hey guys! Sorry for making you wait for so long. I've been pretty busy and hardly had any time to sit and write. Those of you who emailed me thank you for your kind words and compliments. I really appreciate the gesture.

Happy reading!

The Feres King

Chapter 4

`How long are you here for Char?' Redhurst asked while tearing a bite size piece of bread and dipping it into the broth before him.

It was almost an hour past sundown, Charlie, Chase, Nick, Wren and I had been invited to join Redhurst and his second in command for dinner in his private quarter. The meager meal wasn't inviting but I saw past that because I was hungry like everyone seemed to be around the table. According to the big Alpha, the entire populace of Belen was on rationed because they weren't sure how long the siege situation will go on.

It made perfect sense from my standpoint because even if Seth and his eagle shifter companions made a big difference in the fight earlier on, the battle was far from over. The enemy still roamed the streets of Belen and it didn't look like it would be safe for the civilians to go back out and to business as usual anytime soon.

`A day or two at the most, we can't stay long.' Charlie answered before taking a mouthful of broth and bread.

`What's the emergency? I mean, we could use the magnificent brain of yours and put it to good use here,' the big alpha said.

Charlie chuckled, so did the rest of us.

`I would love to stay Niall, but I've got business in Notwitt.'

The Feri citadel ... Great Feri the rumors were true then. You're the protector. Which also means one of them,' he said pointing at Chase, Nick and me, is the feres.'

Noticing how Redhurst's eyes linger on me, no doubt I knew he knows who the feres was. So did his right-hand man. But they never said it outright.

Yes,' Charlie said nonchalantly. And he needs training because as you know, this realm is coming apart and what we've seen today was just the first wave if not the second of a full on war.'

Charlie's words troubled me. It also showed me how much these people were depending on me for something that I myself had yet to grasp. My shoulders became heavy and it slumped a little. I, a mere teenager who before a week ago was thinking of nothing but finding my place in a world that wasn't mine to begin with was now being thought of as a savior to a conflicting world of extraordinary creatures and monsters. What a mind fuck!

I felt Wren's hand on my thigh and I calmed down a bit. Nick too gave me a nod from across the table. I nodded back, to show him that I'll be okay.

Redhurst's second in command saw the gestures and smiled.

Never fear young one,' he said directly to me. His calm, melodious voice surprised me because it sounded like a soprano singer. For a minute there I thought it was a woman talking. I don't know what it feels like to have the burden of the world dump on my shoulders but I do know about the anxiety and hassle you're must be going through right now. Expectations are high but you have friends, and I'm pretty sure they'll help you through whatever it is you're experiencing right now like I did.'

`Well said atsa,' Redhurst said. Wow! Redhurst and his commander were bond- mates. I didn't see that one coming. They didn't act like it.

You see my boy; Xander here is a shifter cambion. Like Charlie, he has the wolf but he can't shift. Growing up he had been groomed knowing that one day he'll lead the Whitestone pack in his father's stead when the latter retire. But the shift never happened and he was disinherited and casted away like leftovers off a plate.' Redhurst explained. He gazed across the table at his bond-mate and gave him a gentle smile. Except he wasn't as useless as they say he was. Xander didn't let that bother him at all, did you atsa. I didn't make him commander for nothing you know. He's one of the fiercest warriors I know and he has his heart in the right places.'

I didn't know what to say to that. My predicament was different from his, however I got the message. Nobody should go through life challenges alone. Whenever, I needed a push or comfort my friends will be here to do just that.

I smiled at Xander, letting him know I appreciated his kind words of wisdom. The conversation shifted to battle strategies after that. I was exhausted and in need of a lie-down. I truly didn't want to be rude that was the only reason I stayed and pretended to listen.

I would have thought Chase would want to get away from the adults with all this talk of fight and war, sadly I was mistaken. The boy was a true Targ through and through. He was hanging to their every word like a moth to a flame.

`Are you okay atsa?' Wren asked me when he noticed I was lost in my thoughts. He had a concerned look on his face that almost made me laugh.

`Nothing just tired that's all.'

`You want to get out of here?'

`Yes please.'

`Come on then,' he said.

I looked at the others.

`Trust me it will be okay. They won't think badly of you.' With that he gave our excuse and we left Redhurst quarter hand in hand.

While Wren went to find us something to drink, I walked out on the small balcony of our room, which was adjacent to Redhurst's quarter.

There were feri-lights floating next to the ceilings. Canvases of shifters in animal form battling warlocks, darklings and each other, sparsely hanged on the crude, dull stone walls. The floor was carpeted and the furniture had been removed to make way for half a dozen mattresses.

Initially, Xander assigned the room to Wren and me but Charlie insisted that we share it with Nick and Chase. More protection for me he said. Then I found out that we would also be sharing the room with Wain and Seth.

I got goose bumps from just standing outside in the chilly air. If it hadn't been for the occasional smoke tang the wind carried my way along with the distant growling and roaring, the night would have been perfect. The moon was about a week past full and had enough glows to shed some light on the landscape.

`It's nice up here, isn't it?' There came a voice in a dark corner of the balcony. It startled me and I almost fell flat on my ass. Fortunately, the handsome stranger caught me in time. He stared into my eyes and smiled. I kept a level face.

Raising me to back on my feet, he held me close to his warm bare chest and his... package. It felt good. It felt familiar. Despite that however, I was embarrassed because the way he was touching me. It was too intimate.

I blushed. He chuckled.

`I can see why my brother is in love with you. You're beautiful,' Wain said.

I quickly untangled myself from his grasp and stood as far away as I could. He chuckled again.

Leaning on the railing facing the bedchamber he crossed his beefy arms over his chest.

`How come you look so much like Wren and Eric don't?'

Wain gave a short laugh. He sounded exactly like Wren.

`Because our father is a real asshole, that's why. Except for Reed and River, all his children have different mothers. My mother was his third breeder.'

He remained quiet for a while. I could see he was conflicted over something.

`I wasn't going to tell you this but since Wren is in love with you I figure he wouldn't mind me telling you. Somewhat after I was born Wren's mother, my mom's sister came to visit her; my father wily as he was, forced himself on her. He later told everyone that he was drunk and mistook her for my mom since the sisters were identical twins. And just because he was the alpha King, they all believed him and turned a blind eye. So there you have it. Wren and I don't have the same mother but we're somewhat related on two front.'

`Wow!' That was all I could say. Wow.

`Promise me you won't tell Wren you know that, at least not yet. It's still a touchy subject with him.'

`I promise.'

`You promise what?' Wren said joining us.

He hugged me from behind with a goblet in each hand. He kissed me on the nape. I took one of the goblets.

`Thank you atsa,' I said turning in his arms and gave him a peck on the lips. Meanwhile, Wain smiled and observed us closely.

`What were you guys talking about?' Wren said when he saw the guilty look on our faces.

Nothing,' Wain said rather quickly. Anyway I have to go meet with Seth. We've got sentry duties tonight.'

He left us standing there.

Wren watched his brother until he disappeared inside.

`You were talking about me, weren't you?'

Yeah,' I admitted. But nothing bad, I promise.'

Wren gave me a skeptical look but I played it cool. I took the goblet from his hand and place it next to mind on the flat surfaced railing. Then I locked my arms around his neck pulling him close for another kiss. As our lips touched he wrapped his arms around my waist tightening our bond. I got lost in the kiss.

`I missed you,' I whispered in between breath.

`I missed you too atsa.'

We began heavily petting each other. He tugged at my clothing but it was impossible to get them off in the position we were in. So I stepped away, pulled my t-shirt off and gave him a devious smile.

`Catch me if you can,' I said dashing inside.

Wren came after me laughing. Jeez, he was fast. He caught up with me as soon as I reach inside. Like a predator pouncing on its pray, he leaped on me, sending us both rolling on the soft mattresses.

He tickled me and I laughed so hard that I got tears in my eyes.

`Stop, stop, stop...' I cried.

He'd pinned me down with my arms above my head and sprawled my legs.

Give,' he sneered. He reached down and bit my nipple when I said nothing. Okay, okay, I give,' I said between giggles.

We stayed this way for a while and our panting was the only sound that could be heard.

Then he bent down again and crushed his lips against mine. He released his hold on my arms and I wrapped it around his head heavy with hair. I moaned in his mouth and I felt him shiver.

Untangling himself he jumped up. `Hold that thought,' he said before dashing outside to the balcony.

While he was gone, I unzipped my jeans and kicked it off along with my boxer brief.

Pretty soon he was strolling in again with the goblets we left outside. He was in the buff too. God I couldn't take my eyes from his swinging semi-hard cock.

I sat up and took one of the goblets. He sat cross-legged in front of me and told me to take a sip. I did and immediately regret doing that. My eyes became watery and I urgently had the urge to cough. Instinctively, I sprayed the liquid out soaking Wren in the process and fiercely began coughing.

Wren just laughed.

`What the hell is this?' The liquid smelled like sweet liquor and the taste ... it was something else entirely. There were no exact words to describe it but the taste was like a Molotov cocktail explosion in my mouth. As the liquid had washed over my tongue, my taste buds were assaulted with a mixture of flavors; honey sweet, alcohol burn, bitter lemony something I couldn't identify and a mouthful of fire.

`Firebrew also known as dragon-breath, the best drink you'll ever taste in the realm.'

`Well you can take it because I'm not getting that in my mouth again.' I said pulling a face.

`The taste kind of put you off, I know but what is to come will be better I promise,' he said giving my hand a little push.

I wrinkled my nose at the approaching goblet.

Do you trust me?' I nodded yes. Then drink it. I promise you'll feel better.' Pinching my nose I gulped down the liquid at one go. I still felt the fiery burn but I held it in this time. I trusted Wren and he did promise I'll feel better.

He smiled and drained his too shaking his head afterwards. I could tell it wasn't something he does often.

When the burn subsided Wren put the goblets away and kissed me. As the kiss deepened I began burning up and soon my whole body was on full alert. My senses heightened and I was left between a state of horniness and an intense orgasm. After a time my mouth became too sensitive and I pushed him of.

`Holly shit!'

`I know,' he replied laughing. He dragged his tongue over my jaw down to the crook of my neck. God my skin burned, tickled and invigorated all at once. I wanted more. I told him so. He did it again and again until I came without my cock being touched.

Quickly before it dried up, Wren coated his cock with my come and presented it to my opening. He trusted in and I swore I'd died and gone to heaven at that instant. As he fucked me I began to see the wonders of this world and beyond.

We kept at it until we both exploded together.

`Oh man! That's the best feeling ever.' I said giggling like a fool.

`You want to go again?'

`Yes please.' I simply replied.

Like dogs in heat and stags in rut we couldn't get enough. We fucked and fucked and fucked until we exhausted ourselves and passed out.


End of chapter 4

Next: Chapter 20: The Feres King 5

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