The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Jul 5, 2012


The Last Feres

Chapter 2

A while later I strode into my house with the sun streaming after me. Exhausted from the day's work, I dropped my backpack on the living room couch, debating whether I should go for a quick snack or seek the solace of my bed. I chose my bed but then I couldn't ignore the rumbling coming from the pit of my stomach at the prospect of food. I felt hungry as a bear.

I thought of macaroni and cheese at first, but then the thought of cooking wore me out even more. So instead, I opted for a chicken sandwich because I remembered Charlie wrapping the leftovers last night after dinner.

I was about to open the fridge when I saw a green post-it stuck to its door. It was a note from Charlie. I read it without taking it off the fridge.

Rye! Gone to Grimsby's with Eric, be back right before dinner. Char

Eric! I though, the name didn't ring a bell. Just as well, I had the place to myself for a few hours before Charlie gets back from that ruffian bar.

After eating the last of my sandwich, I drained a can of soda before climbing the stairs to my room.

Once there, I stripped naked, grabbed my towel and went for a shower?nothing better that a cold shower to wash out the day's filth.

Ten minutes later, I was back in my room feeling light and clean. Unceremoniously, I jumped on my bed and dosed off.

I barely closed my eyes when I found myself back into the restroom at work.

I was standing in front of a guy wearing a white t-shirt, who was doing a number on my stiff pecker. Although he appeared to be wearing similar clothing as Johnny the restroom guy, he looked completely different. Short, bony thin and practically in an early stage of starvation.

A grimaced hiss escaped me as I stifling a cry. Just like the sex I witnessed between Johnny and Kyle, the stranger looked up at me grinning. Unfortunately, he didn't have the same glee in his eyes as Kyle did when he looked at Johnny. I figured it was okay because I wasn't in love with the guy. We weren't boyfriends. It was just about sexing between us.

Right then he swallowed the whole length of me and tactfully contracted his throat muscle around it. This took me by surprise and I couldn't help but shudder with excitement.

What a tease, I though.

Too soon, he abandoned my dick only to suck my balls into his anticipated mouth. He juggled them delicately with his skillful tongue. The sensation was so strong that I nearly toppled over. All the while his hand was making its way up my front to my nipples. He pinched them each in turn a few times, sending electric surges through my system. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. Before long, he spited my nuts out only to retake possession of my cock.

By then I was so aroused that I was leaking pre-cum like a faucet. I was getting closer. I could feel it. Just a few more bobbing and I were about ready to jump of the cliff, and that I did. Like Johnny did with Kyle, I lodged my cock down his throat with a swift thrust and spewed my essence down his gut. He eagerly swallowed.

Abruptly, the restroom became foggy. Then the ground beneath my feet began to swirl and I started falling. I woke up on my back soon after with a skinny guy, which by the way was looking far from the stranger I just did in the restroom, grinning between my legs.


Immediately, I propped myself onto my elbows and rubbed my clouded eyes. When I opened them, I was in my bed, leg spread eagle with my best friend, holding my glistering cock.

'Alex! Is that you?' I croaked, straining my eyes to see him clearly.

He didn't say a word, just giggled his answer.

At that moment I realized what happened. The stranger, the restroom, the sex?it was just a dream and Alex...

'Did you just blow me in my sleep?' I asked incredulously.

'I guess so, yeah,' he said with the husky yet cute voice of his.

'Wow' I exclaimed. 'That was intense. How did you...?'

He cut me off by gluing a bonny finger to my lips. Puzzled, I frowned and cocked my head slightly to the left. I must have looked funny because he laughed, abundantly.

I didn't. I just stared at him aghast.

'Well, that'll teach you to ditch your friend and ignoring his calls.' He laughed.

Resting my head on my pillow I gazed at the ceiling feeling disorientated. Between the intense orgasm and sleepiness, I felt a bit tipsy.

Alex climbed the rest of the way, still clothed, and lay down on his back by my side out of breath as I was. He grew quiet after a while and suddenly my heavy breathing was the only sound permeating the room. I had yet to come down of my euphoric state.

'So Alex, you figured that it was okay to break into my house and molest me in my sleep.'

He blushed profoundly.

Not the reaction I expected. Considering the thousands of time we sneaked through each other's window amongst other things.

'Next time give a guy a little warning before you try anything, will you. I prefer to be conscious when you're having your way with me, okay.' I said trying to lighten the mood.

'All right,' he simply answered.

'So, what's up?'

He propped himself on his side and gazed at me with his big brown eyes as if confused or something. In the meantime my eyes never strayed from the ceiling.

Alex life was intertwined tightly to mine. For starters, we were best friends; in fact we were more like twins I would say. He was an inch higher than my 5'08" but nonetheless short as I was. We also had the same boyish and toneless body, and the same eye color. Our hair was different though. Alex's hair was shorter than mine, more like frizzier and he often have it braided while I didn't. The freakiest part though, was that not only were we neighbors but we also shared a birthday. And to top it all up, we have the same infatuation for boys instead of girls.

Auspiciously, when we discovered we had the same attraction for boys, we explored a little. It later turned out into something else entirely. Nevertheless we agreed a long time ago that we would never hold each other back if either of us finds true love and wants to pursue it. I guessed we never did ? until now apparently.

Never once did we stray from this strange relationship we have. I knew I hadn't. Alex ? well, it would be easy to know if he did. The guy cannot lie. He's the sort of person that cannot keep a straight face when and if he did something wrong. This was one of the reasons we often get busted when confronted by his parents or Charlie.

'What is it Lex? Spit it out?' I turned and locked gaze with him. I inwardly laughed at his discomfort as I watched him turned from crimson to red. 'You've been avoiding me for days. You're parents lied to me about you being out when you weren't and you called in sick for work for the second time this week. So what's going on?'

'Oh! That.'

'Yes, that.'

I watched him intently as he chewed on his tongue piercing. I hate that thing. I remembered well when he got it. His parents flipped. His mother took him straight to the doctor to have it looked at. She relented only after the doctor had assured her that Alex would live.

Alex exhaled noisily before he began.

'Okay. I'll tell you. But promise me you won't be mad at me for what I'm about to tell you,' he said looking serious.

I cocked my head and stared at him feeling completely blank.

'Rye, come on.'

'Okay. I promise,' I replied.

'I don't know how to tell you this but here goes. I've met someone.' He blurted out. He waited for me to react before he continued but I didn't. 'Her name is Christine and she's a year older than us.'

It took a while for me to take in what he just said but when it became clear?'It's that it? Is that your big secret?' I started laughing.

Instead of joining in, Alex pouted. It was a beautiful pout. He could give a blowfish a run for its money.

Still laughing I suddenly notice the expressions on his face. Immediately a light bulb lit up in my head. And a new reality dawn on me then. Alex... no!

I stopped laughing. I sat up facing him. He dropped his gaze as if he grew a sudden interest in my bed linen. I pushed his chin up forcing him to look me in the eyes.

'Lex we've talked about this already.'

He started to tear up. I found it hard to continue without tearing up myself.

'I think I've made my position perfectly clean on that regard. And I'll say it again. There's no harm in either of us finding a new friend or someone to love for that matter because to me no matter with whom you spent your time with you're still my best friend. So don't feel guilty about something neither of us had any control of.'

He fell into my arms and bawled. It took Alex almost an hour to recover after that, and by the time he climbed out the window it was already dark outside.

'Thank you, Rye. You're the best.'

'And don't you know it,' I winked to which he smiled and ducked out of sight.

With Alex gone I pulled on a pair of shorts, grabbed a t-shirt from the closet and made my way downstairs. Halfway down, I heard voices coming from the kitchen. Great, Charlie brought someone home. I hoped they were not one of those bimbos he usually dragged home after a night of clubbing.

Not wanting to appear half-naked in front of Charlie's friend I slipped my t-shirt on. I was about to walk in the kitchen when I heard Charlie said in ragged breath, 'that was hot "Atsa" but take it easy next time. You nearly chewed my dick off.'

Okay, that was something I wasn't prepared to hear, my Uncle Charlie having sex in the kitchen, what a mind fuck. I guess I'm visiting the dark side of dreamland tonight. Again!

If I thought that was bad, what I heard next not only stopped me right in my track but also shocked me to the core.

'Anything for you "Atsa",' said the other person.

Wow! Woh-fucking-ow!

Okay, never in a million years would I have guessed that this could be possible. Charlie was just having sex in the kitchen. No, Charlie just got his cock sucked - in the kitchen. Moreover, Charlie just got his rocks off by a dude - in the kitchen. Yeah, a fucking dude!

I didn't know what to think. Was Charlie gay? How long has he been into guys? How's that possible? Who's this guy? How long has this been going on? Again, how's that fucking possible?

'Come on "Atsa", clean up. Riley is napping upstairs. I'm going to wake him up for dinner.'

I heard but I really didn't want to hear. Standing there flabbergasted, a few feet from the kitchen door, I couldn't decide whether I should bolt upstairs or walked in and pretend I hadn't hear anything. I thought about it - probably no more than five seconds - and I couldn't get my brain wrapped around the idea of going in there. Besides, I definitely wasn't prepared to face Charlie because I know I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face. So slowly, I backed away and then turned on my heel thinking I could make it quietly to the stairs.

Moments later, when Charlie waltzed into my room, I was on my bed listening to "Verve Urban Hymns' Bitter sweet symphony" on my MP3, over and over again. Soft yet intense, the music was exactly what I needed.

'Hey, you're up,' he said with a smile. 'I've been waiting for you downstairs for half an hour. Dinner's ready.'

I pulled the earpieces out and gaped at him. Consciously, I know I was doing it but I couldn't help myself. What went down earlier was still fresh in my mind. I honestly had no idea if I'll totally recover from it.

Charlie seemed to sense something was off for he closed the gap between us and sat next to me on the bed.

'Rye, is everything alright?' No, I wanted to shout. But I didn't dare to.

Apart from Alex, Charlie was the only thing that was constant in my life. I meant he practically raised me by himself since my mom died when I was seven. Having him in my life was like having a father and a brother and a friend melted into one package. We've been through so much together. We sort of have this open relationship where we would tell each other stuff. We used to share intimate details of our lives with one another. I told him about my preference for guys and he told me about his lust for sex with those bimbos he dragged home just about every night. I didn't judge, he didn't either. I could have understood if he enjoys both sexes, he isn't the first. Sadly, he couldn't trust me enough to tell me. That's it, isn't it? It all boiled down to trust. He didn't trust me.

'Rye, talk to me? Tell me what's wrong?' He sounded desperate. That broke my heart.

I can't remember one time when Charlie and I had a fall out. Usually when I do, I often stayed quiet and watched the other person squirm like a worm in holly water. I don't enjoy it but it was the only way to control the temper I know I have. Alex should know. He suffered through it throughout our childhood.

'Nothing,' I said at last, hating how uncomfortable I was making Charlie. I should give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it was a one-off thing. Curiosity, possibly something he wanted to get out his system. The way I figured, I could either learn to ignore it or accept it. I lost my mom; I can't risk losing Charlie too.

'Nothing, Char, it's just that Lex don't want us together in that way anymore.' I said, which wasn't a complete lie because if I read between the line correctly, what Alex meant was; 'I don't want to do the nasty with you anymore until I'm certain it's really Christine I want to do it with.' Of course, I was exaggerating; nevertheless I can't say it wasn't what I thought he meant.

'Oh!' He said, 'I understand why you're would be down. But cheer up. I'm sure Alex didn't mean to hurt you. You're both young, it was bound to happen sooner or later. You'll get through it, like you always do.'

With that he stood up and pulled me with him. 'Come on. Dinner is getting cold. And we've got company downstairs.'

'Eric,' I couldn't help but exasperate a little.

'Hah hah, yes Eric.' He laughed.

Eric was a nice guy once I've gotten past the deception. I could see why Charlie liked him. He was outgoing and loud, everything Charlie wasn't. In other ways he and Charlie were alike too. They were both "old" with crew-cut hair and have the same bearish musclemen look which kind of reminded me of Bill Goldberg the professional wrestler, yet Eric's demeanor was much softer than Charlie's.

'So, Riley, Char tell you about the time he saved my life in the War.' War. What War? Charlie hadn't been in any war.

'What War?' I said.

He exchanged looks with Charlie as if he'd made a slip up before Charlie said, 'Eric stopped exaggerating. I wouldn't call one little fight with the Moran gang war. We did give them a run for their money, though.'

They both laughed, reminiscing their past.

'Anyway, I was wounded in the fight,' Eric enthusiastically continued, 'severed an artery in my left leg. Couldn't walk, so for two days straight you're Uncle here carry me on his back till we met a healer that could heal me.'

Strange how he said "healer" instead of doctor, besides where were they that took two days to arrive at a hospital. Charlie was right; Eric surely get carried away when he talks. Nevertheless, I believed there were some truths in what he said otherwise Charlie would have called him on it.

All through dinner, Eric told me many more stories about his and Charlie's feat. Charlie kept interrupting but we ignored him. By the end of dinner we left everything in the sink and moved into the den where we watched "Lord of the Rings" because Eric never heard of it.

After some time I dosed off but the two old buddies kept chatting as if Eric had been out of town for a while. Well, technically, Eric kind of was.

'Rye, you uncomfortable, go get some sleep upstairs,' my uncle said. Without arguing I told him yes. It felt awkward under their stare as I exit the room, I kind of felt like a naughty child that had just been scolded by his parents.

The next morning I woke up with a hard body pressed against mine. At first I thought perhaps it was Charlie but I knew it wasn't him. I find this weird but Charlie hated to be cuddled or entangled in bed. I knew this for a fact for I've slept in Charlie's bed a couple of times in the past years. No, this was someone else.

Now the guy behind me stopped snoring as he adjusted himself. His lips were so close that his hot breath was starting to burn my nape.

Who is this guy?

More thinking led me to Eric; however, no matter how friendly they are Charlie wouldn't be at ease with having him share my bed.

Where did Eric sleep then? No doubt in Charlie's room. After yesterday, I wouldn't be surprise of a repeat performance in bed.

Fully awake now, I tried to pry myself out of the guy's embrace. My effort was futile for the guy had an iron grip.

Who the hell is this guy?

There were only three bedrooms in the house; my mom's room had been turned into a study plus Charlie's and mine makes three. Apart from the couch in the den - which looked far from inviting - I couldn't think of anywhere else guests would sleep.

Who is this guy?

I tried to pull free once more; unfortunately, the more I pulled the more he kept pulling me back. To make the situation worst, I was beginning to feel relaxed in his arms. I have to admit, it felt really good to wake up in someone's arm for a change. It kind of reminded me of my mom, about the love she had for me...

Wow! That's not good! Did he just do what I thought he did?

Oh! The bastard just did it again. He was pocking me. Yeah, his goddamn blunt spear was pocking me in the ass.

That was it. Enough was enough, no matter how good it felt. In one big effort I tactfully rolled over the edge of the bed - giving him no time to react - and landed on my feet. Before I could really see his face though, he shifted again; rolled the other way pulling the blanket over his head.

'Morning Rye,' Charlie said when I walked into the kitchen ten minutes later. Both men were there; Charlie was flipping up breakfast over the stove while Eric was nursing a mug of coffee looking paler than a ghost. I wore an oversized T-shirt over my boxers like I do every morning, nonetheless, I felt a bit underdressed looking at them both in olive combat shorts and plain wife-beater T-shirts that shows their bulging muscles underneath. I wasn't about to change my morning ritual just because we have company though.

'Morning,' I said plunking my ass on a high chair next to Eric. I poured a mug of coffee while I watched Charlie stack a plate with pancakes.

'So, can one of you explain to me why I found a naked guy with a raging hard on spooning me this morning?'

Both men laughed as if it was nothing. I flushed.

'You must have met my brother Wren,' said Eric. 'I guessed he wasn't feeling the couch in the den.'

'Well, I don't mind sharing but did he have to be naked.'

Again, they both laughed.

After setting plates in front of everyone Charlie sat down opposite us and dug in. I noticed Eric wasn't eating. The guy looked so sick that it was a miracle he was still standing.

'What wrong with you?' I asked him. Just like last night he exchanged looks with Charlie. Why do I suddenly feel like there was something going on that I don't know about?

'Probably something I ate last night,' he said but when he saw the concerned looked on my face he forced a smile. 'Don't worry I'll be fine. I'm sure Char got some spunk I could gobbled down to cure it.'

Suddenly, it was raining pancakes at the breakfast table. Eric and I watched in amazement as Charlie started coughing violently. He hit his chest a couple of time before it subsided. I noticed that Eric was doing his best to keep from laughing.

'Sorry, wrong pipe,' Charlie said with teary eyes as he reached for a glass of water.

Hmm, something's a little off here, I thought, but what exactly I couldn't tell.

Breakfast was uneventful after that - with me keeping a close eye on the adults' every move and word like a hawk while they gorged themselves and make small talk. Well, my Uncle was eating his friend was only playing with his food.

After breakfast, I went on facebook in the study. Alex had posted a photo of Christine and had updated his status as being in a relationship with her. Christine was awfully beautiful. She wasn't the type of girl I would have thought to be interested in a guy like Alex. Don't get me wrong, she looked like a supermodel while he looked like a geek, but I must admit, they looked cute together. I was commenting on the photo when I got a message from Sally.

Sall208 : What's up Rye. Ryeboi : Just updating Facebook before going to work. What's up with you? Sall208 : No work today, didn't I tell you yesterday when Rath called. Ryeboi : No, but cool! So what are you going to do all day then? Sall208 : Town with mom, then I'm going to hit the beach. Sall208: Meet you at the shack tonight? Ryeboi: Don't know yet. Sall208: Rye, come on. Mark is bringing a friend and I'll be bored. Ryeboi: will see... K. Yes. Sall208: YEY! See you there. Got to go now, BYE!

Done with facebook I open a page on nifty College, picked a story and began to read. I was half way through the second chapter when Eric pocked his head through the door.

'Can I come in?'

'Sure,' I said.

I noticed he looked a lot better than he was earlier this morning. Charlie's "spunk" did do the trick I see, I though trying not to laugh.

'What can I do for you?' I asked sensing his hesitation.

'Caught up on that did you?' he said. 'Wren is still catching up on sleep and Char is taking me to town. Are you heading to work later on?'

'No. Why?'

'Nothing. Urh... can you do me a favor? Whatever the reason, don't get out the house by yourself today unless Wren is with you okay.'

I nodded not fully understanding what he was asking me.

'Good. See you in a bit.' He ruffled my hair before he went out to meet with Charlie.

Okay, what just happened here? That was perhaps the strangest conversation I ever had with someone. God! This guy is really getting weirder.

Next: Chapter 3

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