The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Jan 13, 2013


Happy reading!

The Feres King

Chapter 7

I stared at the werewolf for a while and it stared back. Like a typical werewolf he was almost seven feet tall with bear-like head and bear-like claws, and it had a lot of sharp teeth. It also had a pair of big yellow eyes and a dense coat of fur covering the entire of its body. For a member of his degenerate species, I found him unusually calm. In fact his eyes were diluted as if he had been drugged. It was in a trance of some kind, totally lost to the world.

No, I don't believe for one second that it was the werewolf who spoke to me. Someone else is behind this. Instantly, my thought flashed on the time when Wren, Nick and I broke in Xell's mansion. We were rendered invisible by three blue crystal pendants Nick brought from his place. The intruder must be using one too.

All right fucker, reveal yourself before I fried your ass, I thought while scanning the place.

`Ha ha ha! You're pretty hard to fool. You know that.' The voice came from behind me not too far to the back wall. Quickly, I turned on my heel and sliced the air before me using my telekinesis. I heard a loud thud against the wall.

`Show your face you coward,' I said harshly.

`Geez, you nearly chopped my head off,' another voice said. At first I thought that now I had two intruders on my hands but actually no. I recognized the voice as the same one as before, except this time it changed to a few pitches higher to sound like a girl.

The intruder removed the pendant around her neck to reveal, just who it though she was, a girl. I may be into guys but she was a hot looking chick.

Getting to her feet, I could see her more clearly now. She could be a tad taller than me, with charcoal black short hair and chocolate brown eyes. She wore leather boots and tight pants that matched the sleeveless, blueberry colored vest that showed a lot of cleavage.

`What are you? And what are you doing here?' I asked.

She rubbed the back of her head, wincing in the process. I crossed my arms over my chest waiting for an answer.

`My name is Kayla and I'm your humble servant,' she skeptically said with a grin. I didn't find it amusing. And I just stared at her.

`Geez, you're so tense. Lighten up will you.'

`You haven't answer my questions, what are you?' I said sternly. She looked about as if trying to find an escape route. I raised a hand, ready to throw her down again.

`Okay, okay ... geez. I'm a witch.' A thieving witch is more like it.

`I heard that. And sure, I am a thief' Huh! She's telepathic too.

`What are you doing here?'

`I came to steal what else.' At least she was being honest.

`How did you end up down here?'

`Am I on trial?' She hesitantly said.

`Answer the question.'

`I was rummaging a room upstairs when a stupid mutt caught my scent. He followed me everywhere and I figured the dungeon would be the only place I could ditch him.'

She was beautiful and intelligent, two of the most dangerous combinations.

`Why thank you.'

`Shut up and stop reading my thoughts.'

`I can't help myself if you think so loud.'

`What did you do to that werewolf?'

I put him in a trance.' She said dangling a little pouch in front of her. Grinning, she pocketed it and walking up to the cage. Come one, come one,' she cooed as if she were talking to a puppy. The werewolf got closer and she patted him on the head. `Aren't you the sweetest thing?'

I watched her with amazement. How is she doing that? Would he attack me if I touched him too?

`Go right ahead. He won't bite I promise.'

I was tempted but I didn't trust her.

`Come one. You know you want to.'

I got closer and hesitantly I touched the werewolf's arm. The moment I did, however, the room went dark and then images starts flowing in my head. I was having a vision.

I found myself in a closed torch lit space somewhere damp and humid. In a cave, I was in a cave because I saw stalactites and stalagmites protruding from the rocky ceiling and floor. I wasn't alone. There were hundreds if not more werewolves and wargs around me growling, snarling and squabbling for dominance.

Then all of us went quiet as a hooded man appeared on a high rock platform. Beside him were two other figures. I recognized them both, Xell and his bitch daughter Christine. How? I knew Xell was alive but Christine, she was dead. I killed her myself. I took a whiff of her scent. She smelled like death. Then it dawned on me. And I couldn't believe it. She's a vampire!

The man started talking. He was addressing us but I couldn't really tell what he was saying. When he stopped, he dismissed us and told us to find what he told us to find. As the cave emptied, he told me and three others to remain behind. I moved closer and heard him telling Xell, "Leave for Pixan now and do as we discussed." As Xell bowed and left, He turned and stared into my eyes. Locking gaze with him was uncomfortable. It gave me goose bumps just by looking in his eerie, luminescent, green eyes. And they were the only thing I saw before I returned to the dungeon.

`What happened? Are you okay?' Kayla said when I released the beast and while I was panting out of breath.

`Nothing's wrong. I'm okay." I lied.

You're a terrible liar.' She sniggered. But I like the way you think. It's unique.' I forgot she could read my thoughts. `Well if you're done. I'm out of here, unless you're turning me in or something.'

`You can go. But wait. What about the werewolf? How long is he going to stay like this?' I didn't want to leave him like this, because in this place a docile werewolf is a dead werewolf.

`You're such a sweet heart. So noble of you to be thinking of the wellbeing of a lesser creature. But don't fret he'll be all right. He'll be himself in a couple of hours.' With that she donned the pendant and she went invisible again. Good riddance. With Kayla gone I didn't see any reason to linger here. I called the feri-lights and dematerialized.

After relieving Dale from guard duty, I went looking for Charlie. I have to tell him about the vision. I found him in Redhurst study which had temporarily turned into a war room. There were several people there as well, Xander and four other high ranked Warlords.

Aah! Rye. Come in and close the door behind you,' Niall Redhurst told me. Everyone but Xander looked at me when I approached them. What can I do for you my young friend?'

Sorry to interrupt, but may I have a word with my uncle in private please.' Go right ahead my Lord.' he was so polite and formal. That was a different Niall Redhurst.

`What is it Rye?' Charlie said as we moved to the annexed balcony.

`Char I just had another vision,' I began. I told him about everything I saw and heard. He listened quietly and asked questions to clarify certain things.

`Your vision is getting stronger because for what you described, not only you were there but you actually were in the werewolf's head. Think hard. When the hooded man told the darklings to go search for what he told them, what was the first thing that crept into the werewolf's mind?'

`Now that you mention it, I did see something. It's an object, a pendant or a medallion of sort.'

Huh! It doesn't make any senses,' he mumbled to himself. Then he shook his head as if to get rid of a crazy idea stuck in his mind. I would give anything to know what it was all about. You said you saw Christine. Isn't she dead? Could you have mistaken someone else for her?'

`No. It was her. The werewolf seemed to think that she's a vampire because she smelled like death.'

Yes, that would explain her presence there. Okay Rye, I going to ask you to do something very difficult.' He locked gaze with me and I had no choice but to nod yes. For now let's keep this conversation between us until we know more. Not even your friends should know. The last thing we need is to add panic into the mist of insecurities hovering above this place.'

Then he tapped me on the shoulder, smiled and said, `we haven't had a real chance to sit down and talk you and me. I promise that when we get out of here we would spend more time together like we used to. And about this morning, I'm really sorry for surprising you like that. I was so focus on righting a wrong that I completely forgot about your feelings.'

I hugged him. `It's okay Char. Your reasons were genuine.'

`Yes they were, but nonetheless, I can't promise it won't happen again because when it comes to protecting you I'm blind to anything but to see you safe.'

I know Char.' Tears welted in my eyes. I'm sorry for my behavior too Char.'

`I know you are.'

He released me and held me at arm's length. `God, you're mature some since you discovered the truth about your origins.'

We both laughed and hugged again.

Ahem.' Someone said behind us. I released Charlie and wiped away my tears. Charlie looked at the intruder and asked, What is it?'

`Lord Redhurst and Commander Xander are asking for your presence in the courtyard, my Lord.'

Very well. Lead the way,' Charlie said. Then he turned to me and said, are you coming?'

I smiled and said yes.

Charlie and I made it to the courtyard to see a significantly tall warlock materialized in front of us. He was soon followed by ... an army. Wow! That's a lot of men!

`Niall, how are you ... Great Feri! If it isn't Char the ass-breaker,' the stranger said smiling from ear to ear. That was the second time people had referred to Charlie as an ass-breaker. I wanted to know why.

The warlock was more than six-feet tall with long limbs and torso. He also had chocolate brown hair and eyes that somewhat seemed familiar. Where have I seen ... oh my god! He looked just like Nick, an older version but nonetheless I was seeing Nick. He even had the same smile, except for the neatly trimmed goatee with moustache. Nick didn't have those.

`Nico,' Charlie said embracing the man. Nico! Even his name sounded like Nick's.

The man released Charlie and did the same to Redhurst and Xander.

Finally, Redhurst brought him before me.

`Rye this is Commander Nicodemus Salinger. Nico meet the young Feres Lord Riley.'

Commander Nicodemus inclined his head. `It's an honor to make your acquaintance your Highness.'

`Thank you Commander.' I said as politely as I could. Then he surprised me by pulling me into a hug, a bone crushing hug. He was strong.

`Dad!' A voice said just as he released me.

Commander Nicodemus turned to see Nick standing there bug-eyed with his mouth open. `Nickolas! What're doing here?'

`I'm with Rye and Charlie. What're you doing here?'

His father opened his arms. `Aren't you going to give your old man a hug?' Like a ten year old, Nick ran into his father's arms. They hugged each other for the longest of time. When they finally let each other go, they both had tears in their eyes. But they were tears of joy because they were laughing.

Let's move inside, shall we. We have much to discuss.' Redhurst turned to one of his Commanders. Jeff, see to the warlocks, will you. Show them where they will be housed in the west wing.'

`Yes my Lord,' Jeff replied.

As everyone turned to leave the courtyard I saw Wren coming my way. Quickly, I walked the other way. He didn't follow me. He just stood there puzzled at my behavior.

Nick had gone in with his dad and I saw Seth was on the wall-walk talking to one of the eagle shifters in his eagle form. I decided to go and talked to him.

`Hey Seth,' I said when I was almost in front of him.

`Hey there,' he said looking around expected me to be with someone.

`I was wondering if we might have a word.'

`Sure. What can I do for you, your highness?'

There were people all around us and it would be hard stopping them hearing us. Then I saw Wain and Wren approaching. Not good.

Can we go somewhere private?' I looked around until I spotted a high abandon tower on the eastern side of the fortress. How about there. Oh! Can you take for a tour over Belen first? I want to see what it looks like from the air.'

`Sure. I'll shift and you just hop on.' he said without a hint of hesitation. I watched him shift into a giant eagle. He squawked and lowered himself down so I could climb on.

With the brothers getting closer, I climbed on. I lay flat on his back with my arms around his neck. His feathers were slippery. I was able to hang on though. And before I knew it eagle-Seth flapped his wings and we were airborne.


The wind was in my eyes and I could barely open them. I was beside myself. I was scared shitless and elated at the same time. It took me a while to be able to look down. Everything looked so tiny. When I got confident enough, I felt a little better. I could get use to this, I thought to myself.

Seth circled the fortress once and I saw the brothers gazing at us from down below. They looked more like figurines than people.

`Wahoo!' I shouted in the winds. Seth squawked again agreeing with me.

Soon we were flying over Belen. At lease what was left of Belen. Amongst the burnt rubbles and littered streets, I saw that some buildings survived the attack. They were still intact and standing tall. The wargs and a few werewolves were still there too, although, their numbers had dwindled. They were running around and fighting over rotten carcasses. It was a disgusting sight. After a time I was tired of looking at them, so I just closed my eyes and savored the moment.

Three more eagle shifters joined us after that. I watched them in delight as they performed some pretty neat aerial acrobatic moves around us. It was fun to fly. Twenty minutes later, Seth landed on the tower. And just as fast as he landed he shifted.

`Well. How was the ride?' He said panting and smiling.

`I liked it. Amazing how you guys get to see all of this from up there.' I said spaying my arms around.

Seth laughed.

I sat on a parapet and he joined me.

`So what was it you wanted to talk about?' He asked after a time.


Ah!' he said knowingly. What has he done to make you angry?'

I was taken aback for a minute there. Seth isn't a telepath as well, was he?

He laughed when he saw the look on my face.

`How did you know I was angry at him?'

`I saw him coming towards us back there on the wall-walk and you couldn't wait to get away from there.'

`Was I that obvious?'

`No but I knew Wren. The look on his face told me that he was annoyed at something. And when I recognized your mannerism I knew it was at you.'

`Great detective work there inspector Ravager,' I said laughing.

`So are you going to tell me what's bothering you?'

`I caught him cheating on me with some bimbo in the common bath,' I blurted out.

`Ah! I see. So tell me, that is bad because ...,' he said waiting for me to fill in the words.

`Where I come from if two people are together they shouldn't be playing around behind the each others' back.'

I know what cheating is, however, you're not in the human realm anymore.' Seth said and I really didn't want to hear this. Rye, in case you're haven't notice, people here live for sex. It's not like we're sex crazed maniacs, no.'

`Yeah, you people are sex crazed maniacs,' I interrupted him.

He chuckled. `Okay I admit it. But you got to understand where we're coming from. Targeten had always been a hostile place and people don't trust each other as much as humans do in their realm. Sex for us is like a middle ground where both parties involved could let their guards down. Between lovers it could be a way to show each other affection but with other people you're trying to gain their trust and friendship.'

`So basically what you're saying is that I have to lay with a bunch of people to have friends.'

No. You're not getting it,' he said more to himself than to me. I mean you got to talk to Wren. Set some rules and draw up some boundaries, have him understand your point of view in all of this.'

I understood Seth perfectly. I knew Targes got a history of violence and possible sex, but I don't like the idea of someone I was with playing around and sharing himself with a bunch of strangers like a slutty whore in heat. However, Seth said something interesting. Wren and I never sat down to discuss our relationship before. Like he said, I need to sat him down and tell him the way I feel. At that moment, it was decided. When I get back I'm going to look for Wren and we're going to sort this out once and for all.

`I get you Seth. As soon as you get me back down there I'll straighten out this misunderstanding with him.'

`Good. i'm glad i could help. I barely know you Rye but I've known Wren like forever. He's a little stubborn but he has a good heart. He'll ...' He suddenly stopped and fixated his gaze on the horizon.

Then surprisingly he jumped to his feet. I followed his gazed and saw what looked like specks of dust on the horizon before the dying sun.

`What is it Seth?' I said also getting to my feet.

Trouble,' he said. Then he turned to me and said. We're got to get back and warn the others. They're coming.'

`What are you talking about?'

There was a pause. He thought about it for a second, and then he said loud enough for me to hear.

`The vampires are coming.'


End of chapter 7

Next: Chapter 23: The Feres King 8

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