The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Jan 26, 2013


Happy reading!

The Feres King

Chapter 8

`Sound the alarm!' Seth shouted at the warriors on sentry duty as soon as he landed and shifted into the courtyard.

`What going on commander?' One of them asked.

`Vampires ... lots of them are heading this way.'

They stood staring at Seth and me in disbelief. And when it was clear that we were not joking they quickly dashed away to raise the alarm.

Soon, the sound of blowing horns resonated throughout the four corners of the fortress. Around us the courtyard instantly became busy with activities. Warriors gushing out through the eastern gates with their weapons in hand, civilians stripping everything down to be carried inside, mothers plucking their children that were playing nearby, and livestock being herded to safety.

I saw Commander Nicodemus materialized three feet from us. Redhurst and Charlie were with him.

Swiftly, we rushed towards them.

`The vampires are coming, my Lords,' Seth told them.

By then Wren, Nick and Wain had joined us as well. They were breathing loudly from the effort it took them to get to us. They asked nothing, as if they already knew what was coming. No doubt Seth sent one of them a whisperer.

`How many do you reckon?'

`A dozen or so, I couldn't really tell, because the ones I saw were flying on the edge within a dark cloud, my Lord.'

`The Dark Mist ...' Redhurst face flickered to a leveled expression to a dreaded one and back to a leveled one within seconds. He was good at hiding his feelings but he wasn't fooling Nick because he was strangely staring at Redhurst with a frown.

Redhurst briefly locked gazed with Charlie, and then turned to the Nick's dad.

`Nico, how soon can the spell casters put up the shield?'

`Give or take forty minutes.'

Not fast enough,' he said pensively. Char, what do you recommend?'

`I agree with you. If they're bringing along the Black Mist we will certainly need that shield. Otherwise I'm afraid we wouldn't last long.'

Redhurst went silent for a second and then summoned his war councils. As they debated on what to do my eyes strayed from the group.

Silently and quietly, the warriors had taken positions from the wall-walk to the courtyard to the entrance of every door. It was easy to distinguish the shifters from the warlocks. The shifters were bare-chested and bare-handed so they could easily shift into their beast forms at any moment. The warlocks on the other hand were all clad in metal armors over their soft padded shirts and leggings. Those on the wall with no fire based abilities, had bows and quivers of arrows by their sides while those in the courtyard had their swords drawn out ready for some action.

Having listened to all his advisors, Redhurst called for silence.

`Okay gentlemen, now here's what's going to happen. Nico, get the spell casters started on that shield and do whatever you can to allow them to work without disruption. Godfrey, take some of your men and follow him. Jeff and Talia, you're in charge of the wall. Get the fire warlocks ready because they are our first line of defense. Xander you take the eastern grounds and I will take this one. Charlie you're defending the keep. Have an archer or two at every window and more on the roof. Shall the blood suckers succeeded in breaching the keep you and the guards inside should retreat to protect the civilians. And finally, Seth, get the eagle shifters down from the sky and join Charlie.'

Once they've got their orders everyone of them hurried away to carry them out, all except Charlie. He came to us wearing a worried face. `Rye, as much as I want you inside with me, you'll be more useful out here.'

I was surprise to actually hear my Uncle say that. `The only light that can penetrate and dissipate the Dark Mist is feri-light. Try to round them all up and stop the dark clouds from descending on the fortress. I know it would be hard but try to do it because even if Redhurst refrained from mentioning, the Black Mist is the vampires' greatest weapon.'

`How is that so?' I asked.

`Once the Dark Mist descended, it'll pull down a veil of confusion upon us. Even if we're prepared for that, the sudden change would still blind and disorientate us. In that panicky state, we'll be nothing but fat juicy blood bags waiting to be plucked one by one for snacking on.'

Then he turned to the three young men gathered around me. `Wren, Nick, Wain, I'm entrusting you with Rye's protection. And, do whatever you can to see him through the task as well.'

They nodded and gave a loud yes in response. With that Charlie trotted to the entrance hall and disappeared inside.

My hands began to tremble. I wasn't sure I could do what Charlie was asking me to do. Sure I have a certain amount of control over the light spheres but what he's suggesting will require me to remaining connected to them, I wasn't so sure I could manage that. I learned a valuable lesson in Xell's dungeon the last time. Back then, when the feri-lights consumed me, it made me feel like a god. It made me feel like I can do anything ... all that wasn't so bad except for the rage that followed. All my life, I never felt so much anger within me as I did then. And that was the main reason why I was afraid now. Afraid that if I remain bonded to the feri-lights for too long, I might succumb to this rage and hurt everyone I care about around me.

`Rye, listen to me. There's nothing to be scared of. You're going to be okay. You can do this. I know you can,' Nick said.

Wren stepped in front of me and raised my chin up with his gentle fingers. Atsa, look at me.' I looked into his fierce eyes and I felt the warmth coming from them. You can do this. Charlie wouldn't have asked if he doubted you for even a second.'

I realised that he was right about Charlie. If he thought I might fail he would have taken me with him.

Wren's face then fell a little. `For some reason you're avoiding me and I haven't a clue as of why. I know you'll tell me eventually but know that for whatever I did, I'm sorry.' He pulled me in a tight hug and sighted heavily.

I was moved. I hadn't entirely forgiven him for what he did but I appreciated and accepted his white flag. Like Seth told me earlier, he needed to know why I was upset and together find a way to work through our little problem.

As tears welted in my eyes, I embraced Wren. He kissed my forehead. `Come on atsa. Say that you will try at least.'

I turned towards the great hall entrance expecting to meet Charlie's gaze. I needed his assurance that everything would really be okay. He wasn't there of course but I wasn't disappointed because I knew he approved.

`I will try,' I finally said still clinging to my lover.

`Excellent,' Wain cried as if he'd been holding his breath all this time. I couldn't help but chuckled a little. All of them laughed after that. The laughter helped to calm me down.

`Come atsa. Let's get to work,' Wren said. He was so gentle and caring that I began to wonder if perhaps I hadn't been punishing him too harshly before.

Using Wren as my emotional axis, I was able to lock, stock and barrel my emotions. I was also able to think more clearly. I asked them to bring me somewhere high up. I didn't know how I was going to pull this off but I figured I needed to be on a vantage point to be able to see the whole fortress.

Wain suggested the North tower. Not only was it closer but higher than the others. As we were rushing there I thought of something.

`Nick do you still have the crystal pendants that renders people invisible?'

`Yes. There're with my belongings up in the bedchamber.'

`Go get them. I have a plan.'

Trusting me all the way he nodded and teleported out.

On top of the tower, I could see the approaching evil cloud they were all talking about. I wondered why I didn't see it before; maybe because it was too far and the fact that the sun was too bright for me to see it clearly.

I was also wondering why the vampires were out and about in broad daylight, but looking at the Black Mist I knew why. The darkness within it was so thick that not even the sunrays could penetrate it. Extraordinary!

`How long do we have until it gets here?' I asked.

`I'll say about ten minutes or less,' Wain said.

`Ever fought a vampire before?'

`I've heard stories but I haven't,' Wren said.

`I did once, in an alley in Theran. A group of my friends and I had been drinking in a tavern and it was dark outside when we decided to call it quits ...'

`Liar ... you guys were thrown out because you started a fight in there,' Wren cut in chuckling.

`Yeah, well, those leopard idiots started it. Anyway, we were all bruised in the brawl, and my friend Rhett had it worst than us. He was bleeding, although not much, from a leopard bit he'd received. Intoxicated, we boasted about the fight and sang on the way home without a care in the world. And, we all didn't notice that we were being followed. Then, one minute I heard Rhett laughing and the next he wasn't. When we realized he wasn't there, we started searching for him. We couldn't find anything that could explain his disappearance.'

`What did you guys do?'

`One of us managed to catch a scent and when he described the overwhelming perfumed fragrance use to cover their dead-body smell, we knew it was a vampire that took Rhett. We followed and caught up with them a few yards away. He was feeding off our friend. It released Rhett only to attack us when it sensed us approaching. As jacked up on firebrew as we were, we fought back. We broke off one of its arm and it took off.'

`You didn't tell father about that,' Wren said.

`What! To have him kicked my ass, no way! We kept that to ourselves.'

I just thought of something,' I said after a time. Why did Redhurst want the eagle shifters out of the sky?'

Again it was Wain who answered. Wren was too busy looking at the Black Mist.

`It's the same reason why Rhett couldn't defend himself when we found him. Like wargs, vampires also have venoms. It's not potent enough to kill us shifters but it will cause us to uncontrollably shift back and forth between forms. And if that were to happen while the eagles were in the air ...'

`They're as good as dead.'

`I was going for smearing the ground with their blood but yeah, they're as good as dead.' Wain said.

A while later I felt a cool breeze brushing up against me. It felt more like an eerie tremor that went through the air around us. I got goose bumps. Looking up, I saw the mist positioning itself above us. It was just like watching a thunderstorm, without the actual thunder and lightning, forming rapidly above us. I peered through the smokes and could faintly see figures brushing against the edge. Day light was dwindling rapidly, leaving a dark gloomy shadow mimicking the night sky over the fortress.

Right then, Nick materialized.

`What did I miss?' he said.

`You're just in time. The vampires are about to break free,' Wain said.

Nick raised his head to the sky and whistled. Wow, never seen anything like this.' Shifting his gaze to me, he said. Here you go Rye.'

He shoved the pendants in my face.

`No. It's for you guys.' He looked at me strangely. I got a plan. I wanted them to wear the pendants for when I lose control. If I can't see them I won't be able to hurt them when the rage hits. Besides, the vamps won't either and it would be to their advantage.

`Rye...?' Wren began but I stopped him.

Think about it you guys. Not only will it prevent you guys from being targets but you'll be more efficient in doing your jobs as protectors when the vampires came after me.' The boy does have a point,' Wain said to Nick and his brother. `Rye would be exposed yes, but it would be the perfect trap for the blood suckers. I don't know about you guys but I want a piece of the action too.'

Wren was quick to agree with his brother. I suspected he wanted a piece of the action too. Nick however, he could read me like a book. Not only did he know I was scared but that I had an ulterior motive as well. I pulled a pleading face at him to which he raised a brow. Finally, he seemed to get the message because he said okay.

`Here they come. Get ready,' Wain said.

Quickly, the brothers discarded their shirts and loosen their pants. Nick handed them each a pendant and they all put them on. Instantly they went invisible.

Like rain drops the vampires glided down face first from the dark clouds. There were more of them than I thought there would be.

I heard someone yelled fire and suddenly there were dozen barbecued vamps falling. Looking to the walls, I saw dozens of fire warlocks shooting flames skyward at the vampires. The archers were also cutting down their fair share of the enemy forces. The wounded vamps that survived the attacks quickly became friends with the warlocks' blades once on the ground.

As the vampires that got passed the first line of defense landed, the shifters transfigured to their beast mode. They attacked. The warlocks joined in. The fights were everywhere by then. I saw Redhurst go wolf. He tore three vamps apart with ease, showing that he was truly an accomplished fighter. I couldn't see Xander but I could hear him and the others fighting off the intruders on their side.

For now the archers from the keep windows were keeping the vamps at volley. As I moved near the parapet to have a closer look I caught the attention of one vampire. It glided towards me. Fortunately, Nick fried his ass before it could reach me.

Nick flamed a few more that wondered close when Wain said, `Jeez Nick. Leave some for us will you.'

`Rye, I think it's time to do your thing. The Dark Mist will start lowering down soon,' Wren said.

I looked skyward. The Mist was indeed crawling slowly down.

Focusing on the feri-lights, I called for them. When I felt them coming I open my eyes again.

Standing there atop the tower, more vampires saw me. I wasn't worried. As they landed the brothers attacked.

Like insect swarms, the feri-lights came flowing out the windows and doors. A few vampires scurried out of the way as they headed towards me. When they finally reach me they twirled around me like they did in Xell's dungeon. This time there were so much more of them. They buzzed and sparked me with energy.

What now?

For a while I just stood there, basking in the energy until something bumped into me. Annoyed, I turned. My gaze met a skinny vampire which appeared to be grinning.

Was he mocking me?

I went livid. I will not allow anyone to mock me like that. I flailed my hand in his direction and chocked him. Clawing his neck, he fell to his knees. I squeezed harder and before I knew it he burst in flames. That will teach him to mock me. I heard someone cry in pain. I walked to the parapet and looked down. Two vampires were feeding of a female warlock. One of them looked up at me and grinned. Mother fucker! He was mocking me too.

With a loud growled I leaped off the eighty feet tower and landed safely down in the courtyard. The feri-lights followed me. I walked up to the two vampires and with one touch they both burst into flames. That's what I'm talking about! No one mock me and live. But when I looked around me I saw more vampires staring with their blood red eyes, mocking me with the same stupid grin plastered on their pale faces.

Argh! Stop already!

I'm going to kill them. I'm going to kill all of them, and then will see who will be grinning.

Gathering the feri-lights to me, I opened my arms and levitated a good six meters of the ground. By then the fighting had stopped and all eyes were on me, even the vampires with their stupid grin. They were still mocking me.

With one burst of energy I gave out a shockwave targeting the enemy. As it rippled away from me every vampire it touched turned to a crisp. Just to make sure I've exterminated all those mother fuckers, I sent another shockwave.

I scanned the air around me. Everything had gone silent. The vampires that survived the blast were quickly retreating to their cloud. And very soon the Black mist was on the move.

Oh, no they don't!

I drained a few feri-lights and ascended towards the mist bringing along the remaining fire spheres.

As I penetrated the mist a few vampires came towards me baring teeth. I gave a short laugh. Pitiful fools! As if they could hurt me.

I yelled in an inhuman voice and all the feri-lights went ricocheting through the Black Mist. They destroyed everything they touched. Before long I felt the sun on my face. I became cold and I sensed my strengths fading fast. I realized then that I've exhausted all the feri-lights because I couldn't feel them anymore.

I couldn't tell what happened next, save that I was falling. To my death maybe, who know? But I didn't get to find out because everything suddenly went black.


End of chapter 8

Next: Chapter 24: The Feres King 9

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