The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Apr 13, 2013


Happy reading!

The Feres King

Chapter 12

`Hey, what's up?' Chase said interrupting my reveries.

I was sitting in the courtyard next to the shallow pool with my feet in the water, while toying with the medallion, trying to evoke a vision.

`Hey Chase,' I relied only when he was close enough to hear my almost whispery voice.

`What're you doing out here all alone?'

`Nothing much, just trying to figure out this thing,' I said raising the medallion for him to see.

He lowered down and sat by my side. I watched him as he hugged his long gangly legs at the knee. God, he'd grown into such a tall handsome man. He looked comfortable in his new skin. Look at him all smiley and cheery.

`Have you tried putting it the water. It worked for Harry Potter.'

I couldn't help but laughed. He laughed along with me.

`So, how are you taking all of this?'

`All of what?' He asked curiously.

`The whole shifter thing. How is it working for you?'

He smiled sheepishly. `Oh that! I'm okay I guess. It was hard at first but I'm getting the hang of it.'

I felt happy for him. I knew he wanted this since he saw Nick's hands lit up in flames the first day we met him.

`Yeah, it's pretty cool but there is something that I can't get a hang of it though,' he continued.

I openly and intently gazed at him. `What's that?'

He blushed profoundly and hid his face. Then after a few moments of silence he met my gaze again and grinned.

`Well, it's pretty cool going into beast mode but I'm having a hard time controlling the lust.'

`I don't understand?'

`Before the change I craved sexual contact and it turned me into some sort of a slut, so to speak. I couldn't get enough of the good stuff. That why I talked Kyle into the bookstore's restroom the one time you caught us back home.'

I remembered that day as clear as yesterday. Kyle was shy and scared while he was downright smug.


`So, the craving hasn't stop. More so, it'd been magnified now. Whenever I see one of the guys I ...'

I understood where he was coming from. Wren told me a bit about that yesterday. From his recollections, I wasn't surprise in hearing Chase little problem. The difference between Chase and Wren though, was that Wren had a bunch of friends his age willing to help him out. Chase doesn't have such a person here in Notwitt.

`Have you talked to the others about this?'

`No. It's too embarrassing, especially when you're lusting after them.'

`You told me.'

`Yeah well, you're my brother. I don't see you in that way.' That was good to know, because I've been told that shifters get very attached with their first lovers after the change.

I watched Chase for a while. `Do you want me to tell someone?'

No, please don't!' He practically jumped on his hands and knees begging. It's bad enough as it is. The humiliation will kill me.'

Although, I chuckled, the gravity of the situation was very real. Suppressed desired and lust can have a devastating effect on someone's libido and life, let alone his entourage. No. Something has to be done to help Chase. I wonder why the others haven't pick on that yet. After all they're all shifters. They should know the signs.

`Okay. I won't tell but promise me you'll tell me when things get too overwhelming for you. Like you said, I'm your brother and I hate to see you unhappy.'

With that Chase jumped into my arms and gave me a bone crushing hug. Yikes! He has a very powerful hold.

When we finally became apart he again looked me in the eyes.

`Rye. I never properly thank you for what you did for me during the transitioning. Thank you. I'll always be grateful for what you did.'

`You're my bro. No need to thank me. To see you up and about was heart-lifting enough for me.'

He hugged me again. I got emotional too and a tear escaped me.

As the tear rolled down my cheek, it fell on the medallion and almost immediately, I went rigid and blacked out soon after.

I woke up in the throne room from inside the fortress. It felt strange because I was standing up when I woke. Next to me was a man, who by the way has an uncanny resemblance to the feres carving in the Equinian's common hall. That wasn't all he was having the most intriguing conversation with another man much taller, muscular and darker than him. I said darker because everything about him was dark; his hair, eyes, skin and even his clothing.

"I am absolutely disgusted with you. My own brother consorting with the enemy, how could you do this? How could you be so stupid?'

`No. You are wrong your majesty. They can help us. If you let me explain I'll ...'

`ENOUGH! I have heard enough of your treachery for one day,' the Feres King yelled in an inhumane voice. The hall shook and the collective audience cringed in fear. I included.

The tall dark man addressed the feres who yelled as his majesty, which mean he was the king, the Feres King. He must be one of my relative. I wonder who? Was he my great grandfather or my grandfather? Or was he perhaps ... my father?

A pregnant minute passed. And as he was weighing his options the King held the bridge of his nose with a grimace on his face.

`Brother, please I beg you ...'

Stop talking,' the King cut him short. What you have done is far worse than I could ever imagine. You have betrayed your birthright. You have betrayed your people.'

And to the assembly he said, `Now hear me. Let it be known that I, Joen the Feres King, would not condone the actions and treachery of my brother. He would be given a just punishment for his crimes of both against me, his King and of all the Kingdoms of Targeten.

The King yanked something hanging from his chest that I hadn't noticed before. Looking closely, I saw it was the very medallion I held in my right palm.

Outstretching his arm, the King aimed the medallion at the accused.

`Let it be known that from this day forth, the man I called brother, who I deemed unworthy, had been stripped of all titles he previously owned. And from now until forever, he will be known by another name, the keeper of Sandridon. His earnest duty is to keep the very enemy he consorted with at bay from the kingdoms.'

`Brother, please! I beg you. Do not do this. Have mercy.'

Suddenly, the medallion emitted a glowing blue light. And with the speed of a bullet, a stream of energy jetted out and hit the dark man straight in the chest. As a result, he fell over and shrieked in pain.

I watched in horror as the dark man writhed like a worm on the marble floor. Soon after, I saw a pair of silver bracers appeared on his forearms and around his neck, a silver collar. The most horrid moments were when his eyes clouded and the irises began to swirl in a silvery glow. It must have been excruciatingly painful because there were clawed marks and blood where he had dug his fingernails around his eyes in trying to get the pain to stop.

The new Keeper of Sandridon writhed and cried until he passed out completely.

`Take him away,' the King said to his guards.

For a brief moment the king looked in my direction. For some reason, I got the impression he knew I was there. His next words confirmed my suspicion.

I heard in my head. Mystified, I stared at him. As I opened my mouth to speak he was already on the move.

I followed him to the annex room and found him staring solemnly out the window.

`How did you know?' I asked.

`Know what?' He said.

`How did you know I was there?'

He turned and openly stared at me, which by the way felt really uncomfortable.

`I would not be the Feres king if I did not, would I. For your information however, I was the one who sent you that vision.'

`Who are you?'

He grinned. `As you have heard already, I am Joen, the Feres King and also ... I am your father.'

I almost fell on my ass with shock. It's one thing to suspect that Joen could be my father and another to hear that my suspicion was the actual truth.

I stood there for what seemed like hours unable to utter a single word. I couldn't wrap my brain around the fact that I'm communicating with my dead father.

Gradually, my mind began to reboot. If Joen was in control of this vision, then he showed me what happened earlier on purpose. Why?

It is simple really.' He said as if he'd heard my thought. I showed you this scene because it is perhaps the most important pieces of the puzzle that you and your friends need to defeat the enemy that had set your destiny in motion.'

Great a riddle, I hate riddles. Why can't he speak like a normal person would?

Joen laughed.

Shit! He heard me.

`Your friends will help you with that one, I sure of it. Contrary to your belief, I can speak like a normal person; however, the future is susceptible to change. If I tell you more than you could handle it will change your perception of things and thus the outcome of your actions.'

That doesn't make much sense since he'd already interfere by showing me this scene as he put it.

He laughed again but then took a more serious tone.

You have the gift of sight, do you not?' I supposed he meant the vision, so I nodded. Then you know that what you see had come to pass. I on the other hand have the gift of foresight. They are two different gifts. While yours is limited, mine is limitless. I can see many things, basically all possible futures. And meeting you here in this vision was one possibility I foresaw even before you were born.'

Crap! What the hell is he talking about?

Again, he laughed. I am going to fast,' he said more to himself. He thought about it for a second. I can see this conversation is getting us nowhere. I am sending you back to your own time now, so reflect on what I have just shared with you.'

My face fell. I just met my father. There were many questions I wanted to ask about him and my past. Like why did he abandon me? Why send me to the human realm? Why does everyone seem to think I'm their savior or something?

He closed the distance between us and smiled.

`Have a little patient my son. There will be more time for you to get to know me later. In fact there is a chamber within this fortress with all the answers. Find it and you will learn more.' As he spoke his last words, images of the chamber in questions filled my head.

I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me before I could utter a word.

`You really must go, son. Now close your eyes and you'll be home.'

I sighed. It was clear he wasn't going to say anything more, so I closed my eyes and woke up in Chase's arms.

`Thanks god you're okay. You almost gave me a heart attack,' he said even though he didn't look like a guy in panic mode.

I got up and Chase did the same. I was a bit unsteady in my movements. Chase reached out to touch me. I slapped his hands away.

`I'll be fine, don't you worry.' I said.

`Good, let's get you to your room then. You should rest.'

Oh no. I had no intention of resting. I going to find the secret chamber my father showed me.

My father, huh! It felt weird to be thinking that.

As we reached the hallway I veered to the left instead of the right to the bedchambers.

`Where do you think you're going?' Chase said stopping me.

He had a frown on his forehead and he clearly wasn't kidding about taking me to bed.

`Chase, I'm okay, really. I've just had a vision back there and I need to find something really important.'

He crossed his arms over his chest, looking skeptical.

`Fine, don't believe me if you will but I'm not going to bed.' I turned and walked away leaving him standing there.

`Wait up. I don't know what you're up to but I'm coming with you.'

`Suit yourself.'

Following the images in my head we soon arrived to what I believed to be the entrance of the secret chamber. The crazy thing though, the archway was visibly there but it has been bricked up.

I ran a hand along the wall trying to find a lever of some kind. There wasn't any.

`What're doing?'

I wasn't hearing it. I knew the chamber was on the other side and I wasn't giving up. I banged on the wall with my fist like I was possessed or something. Chase caught my hand after a few I did it a few times.

`Rye, you should stop. You're hurting yourself.'

He was right. This was pointless. I resigned. Clearly there's no way in.

`There you are,' Wren said as I entered the kitchen behind Chase a while later.

He took me into his arms and pecked me on the mouth. `Huh! What's up with you? I feel like I just kissed a statue.'

`Rye isn't feeling well. He just had a vision.' Chase said.

Everyone who was at the table eating lunch paused and stared at me, even Chase.

`Is this true?' Charlie asked.

I gave Chase a dead stare. I wasn't planning on telling anyone, well, at least not just yet.


`Yes. It's true.'

Wren sat me down and while I described the vision, the food was temporarily forgotten.

When I was done, the room went as quiet as space.

`The dark man, did you get a good look at his face?' Eric asked me.

Yes but I haven't seen him before.' Then something hit me. Charlie, do you think that he might be the hooded man I saw in the vision I had in Belen?'

`I'm certain it's the same man,' Charlie said.

Wait a minute!' Wren said. You had a vision in Belen and you didn't tell me.'

He looked hurt.

I nodded.

`It isn't Riley's fault if he didn't tell you because for everyone's safety I told him not to,' Charlie replied.


Charlie and Eric exchanged looks.

`You might as well tell them because they find out soon enough.'

`Tell us what?' Wain said intrigued.

`The darklings in Belen weren't there by chance. They were looking for something...'

`What?' Wren interjected.

`They were looking for this.' I held the medallion up so that they could all see. Then I told them about the vision I had that day I found out the darkling were looking for it.

`What's so important about it?' Seth asked.

`If Rye's visions are correct, it's the key to free the dark man who could possibly be the hooded man who sent the darkling in Belen as well.' Charlie said.

Wren shook his head. `That doesn't make any sense? They couldn't possibly be the same man. The hooded man was commanding darklings for god sake. No feri can do that. Could they?'

Yes it could,' Eric said and then added. Rye, I'm sorry for saying this but it looks like the person responsible for this war is your uncle.'

Uncle! God! I hadn't thought of that.


End of chapter 12

Next: Chapter 28: The Feres King 13

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