The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Jun 29, 2013


Happy reading!

The Feres King

Chapter 15

Wren was taking a bath. I was sitting at the edge of the tube watching him.

`Are you feeling okay?' I asked him. Ever since he got zapped by the energy shield he'd been hiding the fact that he was aching all over. I knew because his body language told me so.

`I'm good,' he lied.

I faked ignorance as I grabbed the washing cloth from his hand and told him to sit up so I could rub his back. He winced doing it. Empathy made me winced too.

I wanted to say something, except I didn't. Stubborn fool, he wouldn't admit he was in pain, not even to himself.

`Are you happy to be going back home after being away for so long?'

He seemed to think about it. `I might have before, but right now I don't feel like I'm going home.'

`How so?'

Bonding does crazy shit to one's mind.' I frowned, not understanding. He saw the look on my face because he smiled. He reached up and touched my face. What I meant is that I'm in love with you; and being bounded to you makes wherever you are feels like home.'

I blushed with joy. `I love you too atsa.'

We stared into each other's eyes and I marveled at the love I feel for this man. `Do you think people will be happy to see me down there?'

Honestly, I have no idea,' he said. We live in a crazy world. War, hardship and pain are everywhere and some blame their misfortunes on the absence of the Feri. However, some people are hopeful about your return. I knew I was when I heard of you.'

I was about to ask another question when Wain walked in.

`Sorry you guys. I knocked and nobody answered.'

Hey bro,' Wren said, what's up?'

`Oh. I've come with a message for Rye. Charlie wants you to meet him in the war room right away.'


`He didn't tell me, although, you know how cryptic Charlie can be.'

I laughed. `I know it all too well.'

Both brothers chuckled.

<Take care of him for me Wain. He's in pain.> I said as I turned to leave.

<I will. Don't you worry.>

I smiled at him while Wren looked at us with a puzzled look.

`You were talking about me behind my back, weren't you?' I heard Wren said when I exited the room.

`Technically your back wasn't turned.'

`Fuck you. Just out with it...' Wren persisted. I went out the hallway snorting.


`You wanted to see me,' I said to Charlie once I was at the door. He was standing next to a huge table that contained a 3D map of Targeten. I love watching it too because it shows thousands of little globes, which I figured were Feri-lights aimlessly floating about practically everywhere.

`Hey! Come on in.'

I walked to the table and put my hands over the map. Like magnets, all the tiny globes nearby rushed to touch me. It tickled. I chuckled.

Charlie smiled too.

`So, what did you want to tell me?'

`Come, I want to show you something.'

I followed him to the back wall where there was a door I didn't see before. We entered and I marveled at what I saw. It was some sort of walk-in closet. And it contained clothes, accessories, armors and weapons belonging to my father. I knew it was his because I actually saw the clothes he wore in one of my vision. `These belonged to your dad and every Feri king that came before him.'

`Every Feri King, don't tell me they wore the same clothes because that would be gross.'

`As a matter of fact they did. These clothes are like crowns, which is past down to the next successor to the throne time and again. They are timeless, priceless and endless. They are special. They are protected with Feri magic. Bulletproof would be understating its usefulness. Not only can they protect you but can help you to channel your powers like a witch's wand, thus giving you better control.'

`How do you know?' Gathering what my grandmother told me about my father and what I've learnt from Charlie himself, Joen was a secretive man. He wouldn't tell such things to anybody, just like that.

`Your dad told me and I saw it in action myself, once. Remind me to tell you the story later.'

I heard him but I still remained a bit skeptical about the whole thing. `Do witches really have wands?' I asked not finding anything else to say.

`No. I was referring to the human version of witches.'

`Oh!' I said.

`Chose one for I want you to be well protected while we're in Theran.'

Oh brother! `Do I have to?'

`Yes and there's no use arguing. You'll thank me later for it. Now get dress. We leave in an hour.'

He left me on my own after that.

Amongst the multitude of choices, I chose to wear some leather-like tight pants which felt soft against my skin. For top, I chose an hourglass, long v-necked, teal- blue vest that showed parts of my chest and front. At the back and sides, it reaches the ground. I wore no tunic underneath, so my arms were not covered and perfect for the arm rings I chose. I also kept the leather bracers and boots I had on.

Despite my earlier disgust, I felt comfortable and happy with my choices. And when I entered the lounge later, I knew I made the right choices. Everyone was staring and whistling at me.

Wren came up to me and kissed me on the lips. `You look handsome.'

He was looking handsome himself. Like the other shifters, he was bare-chested with a cloak covering only his back and shoulders. He also wore tight leather pants and boots.

`Come one guys, we best be on our way,' Eric said.

We followed him and Charlie outside to the vanishing pool where I met the twins earlier. I was a little hesitant at first but coaxed by Wren and Seth I made it to the middle where the other awaited.

`Have you traveled in this fashion before?' I asked Wren.

`Loads of time. It's quite jarring at first but you'll survive. Just ask Chase. He enjoyed it.'

Chase who were in front of us turned and gave me a thumb up. `Don't worry bro. It's like ridding on a roller coaster.'

That didn't assure me because I hate roller coasters. In fact I hate anything that disturbed my internal equilibrium.

Charlie placed a heavy hand on my shoulder. `You'll be all right Rye. Just remember to breath.'

Eric enunciated a well rehearsed line and there was a blinding flash of light. Then I felt a jolt. If Wren wasn't holding my hand – hence telling my brain that I was still standing up – I would have been floored.

I was surprise when my vision came back and nothing else happened. We were still standing on water; we were no longer in the courtyard at Notwitt though.

We were in a close private courtyard in some castle-like structure. In front of us were three men.

`Welcome to Theran your Highness.' The tallest of the three said rather forced.

I gave a little bow and followed the other out of the water.

`Hello brother,' Wren said to the one who spoke. Un-phased, his brother barely acknowledged him. He must be Kane, the evil brother. The one everyone hates.

`Rhett my brother, how you been?' Wain exclaimed when he saw the blond guy standing on the left-hand side of Kane. He was cute and sexy looking just likes my boys. I wonder if there was such a thing as an ugly Targ. Everyone in this realm looked just about sprang off a page of a catalogue.

Rhett broke formation and the two got entangled in a healthy manly hug. Seth and Wren laughed.

When they released each other, Rhett punched Wain on one of his bulging pectoral muscle.

`That's for leaving your best friend behind, you dumbass,' he said lightheartedly. Wain surprised me when he pulled his friend close and kissed him.

`Cut it out you two,' Eric said with a chuckle. We all laughed, well, all but Kane.

When you're finish,' Kane said, father is waiting for the Feres in his chamber.'

We all stopped laughing. I watched him carefully. He has the traits of a Graylard yet he didn't resemble the brothers in character. He looked so serious, so rigid, and so dark. Regardless, I do hope that he and I could become friends.

`Lead the way,' Charlie said.

`What's eating him?' I asked Wren.

He snorted. `Don't mind him. He'd always been like this. He thinks his above all of us, more so now because father named him as heir when Eric ran off with Charlie.'

That reminded me. What would be Graylard's reaction when he sees Eric and Charlie and his other sons? I shivered at the thought.

We followed Kane through the palace silently. Well, some of us were silent, but not Wain, Rhett and Seth. They were bantering and laughing all the way.

After five minutes of walking through hallways we finally stopped in front of a large wooden door adorned with intricate markings.

`I'm sorry but only the Feres is allowed past this point,' Kane informed us.

The hell with that,' I exclaimed beating everyone to it. I'm not going anywhere without my guardians.'

The others voiced their agreement and Kane flushed. He fixated me with a death gaze. I could tell we're not going to be good friends after all.

`I insist ...'

Look pal,' I interrupted him. Either we all go in or we all leave right now.'

`Father said he wants to see no one but you ...'

`Brother, come on!' Wain said but Kane dismissed him.

`No,' He yelled.

Before long the door opened and an older version of Eric came into view.

`What the hell is going on out here?' He said looking annoy.

Everyone fell on their right knee and bowed.

The older man ignored them, and when he saw me his demeanor changed, probably because I was the only one still standing.

`Have some respect for the King,' Kane said to me.

I sniggered but I was dead serious when I replied. `I am the Feres. I bow to no one.'

Chase held back a laugh. I would have laughed myself if the situation were different.

The old King looked straight at me and smiled. Then he turned to his son. `Let them pass, let them all pass.'

Wren's father was a confident man. I could see it in his strides, posture and manner. Yes, he was a true leader, a force not to be reckoned with.

Kane huffed and swayed his arms as a sign of welcome. I went pass him into the chamber with Wren by my side smirking.

<You're enjoying this, don't you atsa> I whispered.

Please take a seat,' King Graylard said. Would you like something to drink your Highness?'

`No thank you.'

`Very well. Please do feel at home.'

I sat on a cushioned chair opposite him quietly. The other stood in a tight semi circle around me.

I watched the King as he surveyed our merry band. When his eyes finally rest on Eric and Charlie they flickered with a tint of anger.

`I see you've enlisted my sons in your servitude.' He said with an almost patronizing tone.

What servitude? I wanted to ask but then I immediately knew by his eyes that he was not pleased with seeing them flocked around and fussed over me like they were.

`I did not beguile any of your sons by my side, if that's what you meant. The boys and I are really good friends. They see me more as a little brother in need of their protection. So it's only natural for them to act this way, don't you think?'

He laughed but I knew it was a false display to hide the anger he was feeling inside.

He forced a grin. `Yes indeed.'

Graylard gave a sign to Kane, who brought him a goblet of alcohol. By the smell of it, I'll say firebrew.

`Sorry for the misunderstanding earlier, I merely wanted to have a private word about some trivial matter.'

`And what that might be?'

He eyes shifted to Charlie and then back to me again.

Nothing that cannot wait,' he said. But I was thinking on the line of forming an alliance with your Highness.'

Yeah right. I knew straight away what he was after. I could tell he was a manipulative man. He thought of getting me alone so he could win me over, a fact that he'd been contemplating ever since he saw his sons by my side. No wait! That was Charlie's whisperer.

Charlie whispered again.

`No need to tell me my Lord, an alliance can be advantageous for both of us. But let me dwell on the matter at length before I give you an appropriate answer.'

He seemed to get the message that I was not to easily be swayed because he laughed.

`A diplomatic answer; you are wise beyond your years, your Highness. I am please you are even contemplating on my behest.'


I guessed that was what he wanted to hear because he stood up, called for his cloak and asked us to follow him.

He was still smiling when he said.

`We have been anxiously awaiting your arrival, your Highness. Let's not keep the others waiting any longer shall we.' He said.

`Rye, you were incredible back there. I didn't know you could talk like that?' Charlie murmured in my ear.

`You've always told me I watched too much TV back home. Now aren't you glad I didn't listen to you.' I winked at him and he ruffled my hair grinning.

We entered a great hall. It resembled the war room at Belen yet grander, brighter and better equipped.

The occupants of the room all went down on their right knees as we strolled in. I notice the different colors cloaks around. Wren had told me about the different clans of the wolf shifter community; Blood-red for the Redhurst Clan, White for the Whitestone Clan, fern-green for the Brownwood Clan, Black for the Blacknell Clan and Slate gray for the Graylard Clan.

Niall Redhurst, the leader of the Redhurst Clan and friend winked at me as I sat at the head of the table next to Graylard. I winked back. Behind Niall, Xander stood with Jeff and Talia, Redhurst other commanders I had the pleasure to meet back in Belen. Xander also smiled and bowed slightly when he saw me looking his way. I winked at him too.

Another group that caught my eyes was the Blacknell Clan. At their head I saw a spitting image of Charlie. He couldn't be my uncle's father because he was youthful looking. My guess would be his brother or maybe a cousin. I thought he would be angry seeing Charlie but no, he was smiling at his brother. I saw Charlie bow acknowledging his brother. I could feel the warmth radiating from him. He was happy.

`My fellow Kings, I am so glad you could make it to Morak Tal in one piece. I know the torment you all been facing and I hope everything goes well while you are away from home.

`Before I go any further, permit me to present you to the long awaited Feres King Riley, who has graciously accepted the invitation of this Council.'

They did not applaud but held the palm of their right hand in front of their faces and bowed slightly as a sign of respect for me.

`With that done, we will get straight to the first order of business. Gentlemen, take your seats and we will commence.'

They all sat, save for the leader of the Whitestone Clan.

`My King, like you yourself said, Targeten has gone through so much for the past couple of decades. Every race throughout the nation had been affected in one way or another; especially us the people of Wyrmer. What I want to know, and what I want to understand is why the Feri abandoned us? Where is the Feres King Joen? Why is it only now another one decided to grace us with his presence as if nothing happened? Do we pretend that the last twenty years didn't exist? Do we still cling to the idea that the Feri should be our great leaders? After all, isn't this their war to begin with?'

That was a lot of words to take in; except I did take it in. And I sympathized with his plea. The medallion around my neck started to vibrate. I grabbed it and listened to what it was telling me.

At the corner of my eyes, I saw Graylard's mouth twitched. And I realized he'd been waiting for this moment. I was even more convinced when he said, `I'm afraid no one but the Feres can give you the answers you are hoping for Benson. Your Highness the floor is yours.'

Well, well, well, Graylard was exactly what I thought he was a true wolf in sheep skin. I guessed I shouldn't be surprise.

<Don't say anything Rye.> Eric whispered.

<Eric is right Rye. Let's walk away.> Charlie chipped in.

The room was silence and every pair of eyes was directed towards me.

You should show respect to your High King, Benson ...' Niall shouted from his seat. You should be grateful, it was thanks to him that I was able to come to your aid when Holl needed help.'

Suddenly the room went in roar. Everyone started talking at once chipping in to the forgoing arguments.

"...they are very angry at us for disappearing on them. So be aware that you will have to tame them..." I heard grandma Moira voice in my head.

Wren whispered.

But instead I stood. An all the feri-lights above our heads flickered, mimicking what I was feeling inside; anger. Ungrateful son-of-bitches! Wow. That wasn't me. I tried calming down but i couldn't. it was as if i was possessed.

They all stopped and gaped at me.

You are wrong,' I said in a calmly yet I surprised myself because my voice seemed to have echos like I was speaking with two voices or maybe ten. You seemed to be under the allusion that we Feri were responsible for this war. I will tell you again, you are wrong.'

I looked straight at Benson and pinned him with a stare.

`You may have forgotten why and how the war started but we Feri have not. And Benson, it all started because of you.'

Everyone grew uncomfortable and kept looking at each other. I firmly believed it was because of the particularity of my inhuman voice.

The war WE are fighting may seemed to be with the Darklings but it is not,' I stopped myself. My father would not approve of what I am about to say next but Grandma Moira may. I take solace in that. The Darklings are merely agents of our common enemy. If you have forgotten they are what your historians called the forgotten one, we Feri called them Northenders of the Northlands because that's where they dwell even right as we speak.

`In case you don't remember, your ancestors were human once and you belonged to them. We Feri didn't steal you, no. You dragged us into this and we were kind enough to agree to help you regain your freedom. Let me remind you that the Northenders seek to unslave you once again. They were your masters because they brought you here from the Human realm. Their oppressions were so laborious that your ancestors escaped to find refuge here in Targeten where we Feri lived. Yes, this is our lands.

`Despite of that Benson, we are not as callous as you may think. When your ancestor Ranuk Graylard, the first wolf Shifter King and his band turned up on our doorstep three thousand years ago we welcomed them, we fed them, and we sheltered them. We gave Ranuk and his kin the powers to defend themselves; the gifts you still possess, but even that weren't enough. So we took it a step further to help your kind. We sacrificed ourselves to create a barrier that would shield you from the Northenders. We paid dearly for that, for we lost our freedom in return.

`Even then we did not abandon you. I am here aren't I. My father was here before me, weren't he and his mother before him and so forth,' I said as I made my way around the table until I stood in front of Benson, the leader of the Whitestone clan.

Did I answer all of your questions?' He didn't answer because he was too petrified. So you see Benson we have been doing all we could to help you. And while you despair and start losing faith in us, you are bringing down the very barrier, the only protection left that is protecting you and these lands from the Northenders.'

I turned to the assembly now. `I will offer help to anyone who seeks it for that is my purpose but I would not lie to you. I am new at this and I will need your help for it's unfortunate that my successor vanished before he could really past down the knowledge he should have given me.'

I walked back to my friends. They had mix feeling about everything. Some of the things I've just revealed were new to them as well.

`I will leave you now. So think about my words at length. Once and for all, I intent to finish this War. You either stand against me or with me. I will not have both. Think wisely. Consult your elders and scholars. I will be back in two days for your answer.'

While all their eyes were on me, I called for the feri-lights from the ceiling. They rushed to surround me and my friends before they teleported us somewhere other than where we were.


End of chapter 15

Next: Chapter 31: The Feres King 16

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