The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Jul 9, 2013


Happy reading!

The Feres King

Chapter 18

`Morak Tal is HERE.' Seth's voice boomed within the chamber.

Wain and Rhett stirred, shaking the bed as they did. `Fuck off, asswipe,' one of them growled. I shared their annoyance, for I too wasn't ready to be up yet. Pulling the pillow over my head, I repositioned myself. Wren mumbled something incoherent when he felt me moved in his arms.

Come on, you guys, it's time to get your asses out of bed,' Seth said, slapping our butts. Irritated, I sat up and rubbed the clouds from my eyes. The celebration will be starting at any minute, and I don't want to miss a thing.'

`Great Feres, can't a guy get some sleep over here?' Wain yelled.

`Cut the crap and go get ready, princess. It's party time. You'll have all day tomorrow to catch up on your beauty sleep.'

Wain slid out of bed followed by an equally bothered Rhett. Everyone watched them as they tramped around the furniture on their way to the door.

Seth and Dale burst into fits of laughter. Contagious as it was, Wren and I laughed too.

`Is he always that cranky in the morning?' I asked.

`Always,' both Wren and Seth said in unison.

After hearing the pep talk given by Seth about what a wonderful day we'd be having, Wren and I got up and got dressed. I wasn't that cheerful, but when I saw what we'd be wearing, I might say I was both hesitant and intrigued. Like Seth and Dale, we had donned thin, almost see-through, blood-red loincloths.

`Why are we wearing these daffy pieces of cloth?' I blithely asked.

`It's Morak Tal your Highness,' Dale said as if that would explain everything.

`And that's supposed to mean what exactly?'

Let's put it this way,' Wren said after seeing my confusion. Back in the human realm you have special costumes for special occasion, right?'


`Well, the blood loincloth is ours for Morak Tal.'

`I got that. I'm not a complete idiot. What I want to know is why are we wearing nothing but this?' I asked, holding the loincloth.

They all laughed. And still grinning, Wren pulled his hair into a ponytail.

`Morak Tal is all about honoring our forefathers. The loincloth was the attire they wore in the old days and the red color symbolizes the blood we all share,' Wren told me.

`Shoot, here I thought it was because it could easily be discarded with all the prospects of sex,' Seth said.

`That too,' Wren said chuckling.

I watched Wren and couldn't help but laughed too. It was good to see him back to his old self again.

Where're the others?' Wren asked, as Rhett and Wain waltzed into the chamber holding hands. They both looked sexy in their loincloths, especially Rhett, who stood a few inches shorter than Wain. His stocky body was ripped with muscles. His wet blond hair matched his dirty-green eyes. Charlie and Eric are still in the meeting at Notwitt. And Chase is having fun chasing asses with his cousin and his new found friends,' Seth said.

`It's about time. The boy was suffering from a bad case of blue balls,' Wain said.

Although I promise Chase not to say anything, I suspected all along that the others knew what was going on with him.

`You guys knew what he'd been going through all along didn't you?'

`Sure. We've been down this road too, you know.' Wain replied.

`Why didn't you do anything to help him?' I said, astounded by their apparent dismissal and unwillingness to help out a friend.

`Rye, there are two sacred rules we Targs lived by when it comes to sex. One; we never bang our close relatives and two; we should stay clear of younglings in their first two years after the transformation,' Wren stated.

`The first is considered taboo and it's kind of gross if you asked me. So far only the leopard shifters are known to ignore that rule. And look how they turned out, ill- favored and dumb. The second is because younglings tend to be clingy and it can get messy,' Wain explained further when he thought I was still confused.

`I get what you're saying, but why messy?'

You know how certain animals are affected by the rut,' Wren said and I nodded. Well, the same thing happens to younglings. Except they bring bag loads of feelings into the mix. We are a promiscuous race, adults take sex wherever they can get it, but bedding a youngling means trouble. You'll have to have no other but him because emotions clouding a rutted mind, blinded with jealousy, would cause him to do irrational things like become exceedingly aggressive, possessive and downright suicidal.'


`So how would Chase get through this?' I asked out of wariness for my little brother.

`The only way is for him to join a "brood pack" consisting of younglings like him. Their friendship will forge a partnership that would keep their emotions in check,' Seth said.

God! The more I learn about Targeten the more perplexed I get at the complexity of its society. I wondered why I didn't go through the rut but then when I thought about the strange attachment I had with Alex my question was answered. Well... not entirely. Although I could understand I wasn't a shifter, my own experience was light weight compared to what they had been telling me.

`Are we ready to move?' Seth asked. I could see how excited he was.

`Yes, let's go,' Wain said.

We were nearly out the door when my lover halted in his track.

`Guys we'll meet you downstairs. There's something I have to discuss with Rye first.' He turned to face me.

Now what, I thought.

Closing the door after the others he guided me to the sofa. I couldn't read his expression and that bothered me. I hope it wasn't something serious.

`We once had a conversation about sharing our bed with others, remember?' I said yes, even though I was unsure where this heart-to-heart was heading.

`Well, during Morak Tal, all love ties between couples would be symbolically lifted. Between bonded lovers it means both parties receive a free pass to do whatever they want without the hindrance, regret or burden of their significant others...'

Uh-oh! This is not good. I opened my mouth to protest but Wren stopped me.

`Just listen to me first atsa.' I nodded, even if I didn't feel like keeping quiet.

`I'm not asking for your permission to go promiscuous on you, no. On the contrary I'm asking for the opposite.'

I frowned.

`Would you accept to wear my "fidelity band"?'

He produced two blood-red strips made of the same fabric as our loincloths. I smiled because although I knew this wasn't a marriage proposal it sounded just like one.

He tied a strip around my wrist.

`What's the purpose of this?'

`As its name implies, it would tell everyone that we're not available and that we do not wish to share our intimate moments with anyone but each other for the duration of the celebration.'

Wren had me tie his, too. Although I didn't notice when he did it to me, the fidelity bands are tied around the glyphs.

When I asked why, he told me that some couples do choose to go promiscuous; thus their glyphs would be exposed signifying their availability at Morak Tal.

Wren and I walked out of the palace doors. Immediately, I was hit with a blast of hot air coming from the square two dozen steps below. For a long while, we stood there and marveled at the scene that unfolded before our eyes. It was breathtaking.

The paved square was littered with activities. Decorated with colourful tapestries and flowers, various stalls had been set up and merchants were loudly calling for the attention of the gathered crowd. I saw a woman procuring a large serving of roasted meat, which she had difficulty carrying, from a vendor nearby. I watched as she almost got smacked by a flaming stick as she obstructed the path of a juggling jester. I giggled and pointed at her for Wren to see.

Loud noises in a corner of the square drew my attention. I saw that against the high outer wall, people were standing in circle watching a dog fight. They were loudly cheering and jeering at the animals. I hated this part of Targ culture, yet my eyes were glued to the scene. I was shocked as the victor morphed into a man when the fight was over.

Urgh! Shifters!

`Rye, look!' Wren said.

On the other end of the square, there was a pole erected to the height of twelve men. In the center of the gathered crowd, a handful of naked men were trying to climb the pole.

What a strange game, I thought.

`What are they doing?'

`It's a game called Towering. In teams, men will attempt to climb that pole. It looks easy, but really not. You see, before setting the pole, it had been greased with animal fat, therefore, making any attempt to climb it virtually impossible.'

I saw a naked man embracing the pole while another climbed to stand on his shoulders. It looked painfully hard because it took him almost three minutes to get up there. A third naked man entered the scene. Rousing a cheer from the crowd he began climbing on his team-mates. But halfway through he slipped and fell on his ass. The crowd laughed and jeered at him.

Poor fellow, I thought.

`How does one win this game?'

There's a prize at the top. Get it and you get to keep it. But these fools are doing it wrong. The best way is to form a human pyramid around the pole.'

`Have you ever tried it before?'

`All the time and had a couple of wins too.'

It was then I noticed something curious.

`Wren, this is a joyous celebration but I don't see any children.'

Wren laughed. `Sure you won't. If you look carefully, you'll understand why.'

I looked and saw what he meant. I wondered why I didn't notice it before. I saw men and women in every stage of undress and sexual acts going on in every nook and cranny of the place. I even saw a group of men tagging a woman.

I was floored at the level of indiscretion on display. I felt self-conscious. I was glad Wren had given me a fidelity band. I wouldn't be seen dead having sex in full view of everyone.

`We skipped breakfast this morning. Let's go get something to eat.'

We were on the last step when I saw Wren's father coming to meet us.

Like all of us, the only clothing he had on was the red loincloth. He looked young and sturdy for someone his age. And I could see where Wren got his looks.

The King was all smiles. Despite his earlier ruse, I couldn't help but returned the smile.

Good day to you your Highness,' he said to me and then glanced at his son. Good day, son.'

`Good day father,' Wren returned politely.

Good day to you too sir,' I replied. I am sorry for the trouble I caused last night. It was not my intention to be so rude.'

`Apology accepted your Highness, although it was not entirely you fault. As regards my court, as High Alpha King, I am well aware of their ignorance on many significant matters. But no matter, I am genuinely pleased you chose to stay among us.'

`Likewise, and might I say I'm enjoying what I'm seeing right now. My atsa told me it is the best event of the year,' I said looking at Wren tenderly.

`Wait! Am I to understand you are bonded to my son?' His eyes darted to our wrist. I chuckled at his bewildered expression.

`Can I see it?' He asked his son.

Sure father.' Wren drew at the fidelity band and exposed his glyph for his father to see. We've been bonded for nearly two months now,' he told him.

Graylard's face lit up. He embraced us. He kissed us. `I'm the happiest man in Theran right now. My son bonded to the Feres. What an honor!'

He released us. Not able to contain his joy, he laughed abundantly. Then he turned around and waved five other men to our side. I recognized one of them to be the Alpha king Benson. Shyly he hung his head as he approached us. I grinned.

`Gentlemen – my son is bonded to the Feres,' he said proudly. Immediately all eyes fell on our wrists. Soon after, they congratulated us and Graylard, as if he was personally responsible for playing our match maker.

`Your Highness is looking radiant as usual, I see,' a familiar voice said from beside me. In delight, I jumped in the arms of the one who spoke and that bear of a man caught and hugged me tightly.

`Good to see you again Niall.'

`Good to see you too Rye,' he whispered in my ear.

When he put me down he pulled Wren into a hug too. They exchanged a few words before they finally separated. It's good to see him again. He hadn't change at all, well except for the attire which made him look like a WWF wrestler.

I was about to ask the whereabouts of Xander when I saw the look on Graylard's face. If looks could kill, Niall would be dead right now.

Niall Redhurst had stolen his thunder and he wasn't pleased. To my surprised, instead of reclaiming my attention, like I thought he would, he excused himself and left; but not before inviting Wren and me for breakfast the next morning.

Wren, Niall, and I watched as he disappeared with his posse.

`So, where's Xander?' I asked.

`He's in Notwitt attending the meeting with Charlie in my stead.'

`Aw! I've would have liked seeing him too.'

`Don't you worry; you will be seeing a lot of him in the future.'

Redhurst followed us around the square as we picked up breakfast. We chatted and laughed some more until we were able to find somewhere decent to sit down and enjoy the festivities. We were there for hours when I sensed a pair of eyes staring at me.

Curious, I looked around until I saw who they belonged to. And someone smack me, if I wasn't happy to see the face I was seeing.


End of chapter 18

Next: Chapter 34: The Feres King 19

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