The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Jan 11, 2014


Happy reading!

The Feri Circle

Chapter 1

`Look how cute he is!' Wren whispered. He stood in front of me looking down at the baby in my arms.

We were in the Redhurst nursery in Belen. We came to visit Niall and his family. We haven't seen Niall since the pledge ceremony almost four weeks ago, and I really wanted to meet the babies. Did I say I love babies?

Little Niel was a bit agitated so I rubbed his belly to keep him calm. Wren was now playing with his tiny hand. The baby grabbed his pinky tightly and wouldn't let go.

`And he's so strong too.' I loved the look on Wren's face and the way he doted on the child.

`What do you think he'll turn into a wolf or a tiger?' I asked Xander. He was in one of the two rocking chairs by the cradles with a baby of his own. Eva, who was breast feeding the other baby, was sitting in the other.

`Definitely wolf,' he said.

`What makes you say that?' I curiously asked.

`The father's genes are stronger when it comes to mixed breeding. So evidently they'll all be wolf shifters like their dad.'

I looked at Eva and she nodded as if to say that it was true.

That was unfortunate for her because, as I understood she and Dale were most likely the last two tiger shifters in existence. I wasn't sure how the Tiger shifter disappeared but I felt sorry for them all the same. Poor Dale, now he was probably the only one with the ability to propagate the genes of his species.

Thinking of Dale, he was now living in Yull, the Capital of the Eagle shifter's homeland with Seth Ravager, his bond-mate. He sent me whisperers every now and then, and by the looks of things he seemed happy. Wren and I had already made plans to go visit him in the near future.

`Do you think Niall would mind if we take Niel with us to Notwitt?' I asked. Eva and Xander laughed.

`Not unless you want your guts cut out of your abdomen and fed it to you,' Wren said.

I laughed joining the others. Yeah. Redhurst probably would. He was really protective of his sons. There were three maidens with combat experience in the room with us and four armed guards outside the nursery door. Whoever had a death wish has only to present their foot at the entrance.

You're good at this,' Eva said, watching me, ever thought of having one of your own?'

`Sure but not right now; maybe when everything is calm and settled.'

`Rye wants a whole room of them,' Wren joked to which all the adults in the room laughed.

`Why not, there's lots of room in Notwitt,' Xander said more or less joking. They were right though. I don't want a roomful but I would like at least three or four kids.

Except I have one problem with that plan.

Remembering the last time I was here in Belen, I caught Wren cheating in the common bath. I was angry and jealous, more so because he was doing it with a female. Now, what would happen when he starts bedding the breeder who would carry our brood?

Call me selfish but I dreaded this day. If I could have had it my way, any children we're going to have would have both our genes. Who am I kidding though, one way or another I'd have to wake up and face reality.

That afternoon, after sharing a small meal with the happy parents, Wren and I returned to Notwitt.

Just as we entered the common hall Reedley, one of Wren's brothers came to meet us.

`Rye, you have a visitor waiting in the lounge,' he said as if he had something stuck in his nose.

`Who is it?' I asked.

`You better go and find out for yourself,' he said with an attitude. He then mumbled something like "one was enough now two" before disappearing in the hallways leading to the main kitchen.

`What was that all about?' I asked Wren, who raised his shoulders at me.

Mystified, we went straight to the lounge.

As soon as I entered I saw the reason why Reed was acting odd. Looking outside through the window was a young leopard shifter who went by the name Bron.

Hey!' I yelled to which he turned to face me with a grin. When did you get here?'

He crossed the distance between us and hugged me tightly. `Jan brought me a moment ago,' he replied.

The last time I saw Bron was at my human best friend's mother's funeral. I recalled he stayed behind because he had a slave bond with Xell; one that would put him in danger even now that he was standing here.

`What're doing here?'

Bron released me. A great sadness crossed his face before he looked at Wren. `Hey mutt,' he said. Oh no! Here we go again.

Wren's whole demeanor changed. He breathed in deeply to composed himself. `Excuse me, I need some air,' he then said leaving us.

He wasn't mad but he and Bron didn't see eye to eye. Not that they disliked each other but I guessed it was a shifter thing.

I pulled Bron to the nearest couch.

`Bron, you're in danger here. Why did you come back?'

`I know. I was alone and bored in the human realm by myself.'

I frowned.

`What happened to Alex? I thought you two were together.'

Bron filled his lungs before answering. It's a long story...' He paused. After you guys left there wasn't a need for them to stay with the Faradays anymore. Allen was cleared of all the charges against him. He no longer was a suspect in his wife's murder. They went to live in your old house for a few months until he could get on his feet. I went with them. But nothing was the same anymore. A few weeks after I moved in, I noticed that Allen was a bit uneasy around me. It was subtle at first but then he really went all wacko. I guessed I reminded him of the creature that killed his wife. So it grew awkward for me after sometime. But things turned to the worst when I arrived home early one day. I overheard a conversation between Allen and his son. It was hard to tune it out because of all the yelling. It was about me of course. The father wanted me out and the son didn't. To settle that dispute I chose to move back with the Faradays.

`Alex and I didn't break up though. We saw each other at school and after school but eventually his father's uneasiness rubbed off him too. And one day out of the blue he called and told me we can't see each other anymore. That day I dropped everything and rushed to his house. By the time I got there the house was empty. They had moved out.'

I'm sorry,' I said as if it was my fault. I know how you must have felt.'

`Frankly, I wasn't angry at Alex or at his father,' he continued trying to be brave. I felt the sorrow in his voice and I sympathized with him.

`Having lived in the human realm for that long I came to understand the human psyche. Who could blame them really? I mean Alex and his dad were kidnapped, forced to watch someone being tortured in front of their very eyes and then to find out that monsters are real and that their mother and wife had been killed by one. That's more than enough to drive anyone crazy. To make matters even worse, they had another monster living under their roof. No I didn't blame them for running away.'

Bron was right. As much as it killed me to admit, Alex and his dad had gone through a horrible experience. It was truly a miracle they didn't break sooner. But I was glad they decided to put all of this behind them and started anew. They deserved to be happy and live their lives in peace. Now though, I was sad because I'd lost my childhood friend forever.

`Are you going to be okay?' I asked Bron.

`Yeah,' he said wiping his misty eyes.

`Good. I'm glad you came to us. Now come, I'll show you to your room and later you'll meet the others.'

Bron spent the whole afternoon bringing me up to speed about what had been going on in the human realm. I was happy to hear Sally Hart was engaged to be married to her longtime boyfriend Mark. Mr. Garth was still alive and grumpy as usual. The bookstore was still operational. And I thought Chase would like this one. His stepfather was arrested for molesting the neighbor's child. I felt sorry for the kid, but I was so glad they caught that perp.

Early that evening, hunger brought Bron and me to the kitchen where the others were. The whole room fell silent when we entered. And all eyes were on the new guy. Bron twitched uneasy by my side. I put my arm around his shoulders for support.

`Guys, I would like you to meet Bron. Bron meet the guys.'

There was a collective "hey" but that was it. Ned's face blanched and he shrank in his seat. All the wolf shifters, including Wren, lowered their heads and pretended to be busy eating and talking, except for Reed. He fixed Bron with a heated stare that even made me uncomfortable. He honestly looked like a mean dog waiting for an opportunity to run the cat up a tree. Their behavior disconcerted me.

The only two persons around the table with genuine reactions were Nick and Farren. Well, Farren looked like ... Farren, the indifferent one.

Hey Bron,' Nick said getting up from his seat, grinning. He hugged Bron. It's good to see you again buddy.'

`Thanks Nickolas,' Bron replied.

`Come. Sit by me and will chat a bit.'

Just as Bron were about to follow Nick, his eyes fell on Ned. He froze; so did I, fearing the worst case scenario. I forgot that he also suffered at the hands of the Moran twins when they worked for Xell. Bron's breathing became heavy. `What's he doing here?' He said with a tightening throat.

Nick followed his gaze and pulled him into a half hug. `Don't worry. We fixed him. He's harmless now,' he said and simpered.

Finally able to breathe, I felt relieved knowing Nick has everything under control. I stood there and watched the lost leopard shifter for a while, happy that at least someone had made him feel welcome.

`Aren't you hungry, Rye?' Eric said entering the kitchen.

`Yeah. I also just arrived.'

Uh, okay,' he said, and before I forget. Charlie will be home tonight. He'll want to see you early tomorrow before he has to leave again.'

  • `We need to have a talk, Wren,' I said as I entered the bedchamber and found him there. Getting naked, he was preparing for bed.

`What did I do now?' he asked, catching the reprimand in my voice.

`I didn't appreciate the way you and your little pack brothers were treating Bron at diner. He is my friend and he is in pain.'

`Come on, Rye. I didn't do anything to the "napidn".' Ever since the pledge ceremony when the leopard shifters turned up, I've been hearing this term at every turn. I didn't know what it meant, and when Ned finally told me I was very offended. And now hearing it on Wren's lips, I was infuriated.

"Sister-fucker". Really Wren. Is this how you'll treat my guest? Insulting them. Calling them names behind their backs.' I yelled. Now your little pack of bullies will be doing their very best to make Bron feels unwelcome in my home. I'm warning you, Wren Graylard, if you or yours can't deal with your racist crap I suggest you pack up and leave.'

I was so pissed that I almost missed Wren's reaction. He was edging backward towards the bed, eyes fixed on something around me with an alarmed expression on his face. Snapping out of it, I turned to see what he was staring at. That was when I saw it.

Golden smoke-like streaks of energy resembling the Memorium's protective barrier was twirling rapidly like a vortex behind me. That was when I also felt the heat coming from my shaking hands. And a sudden realization dawned on me.

It had come from me! I had done this!

I was petrified.


End of chapter 1

Next: Chapter 43: The Feri Circle 2

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