The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Apr 23, 2014


Happy reading!

The Feri Circle

Chapter 5

I enjoyed my father's company. I didn't know why I was so scared to come and see him in the first place. We talked some more about the times he spent with my mother. They were really in love. My mom seemed like a lovely person. I would have liked to meet her.

All through our conversation, I noticed my father stealing glances at his orb on the altar. And I knew why.

`It's calling you, isn't it?' I asked after a bit.

He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. `Yes.'

It was then I realized that I had completely forgotten the purpose of my visit. We were having such a good time.

Dad,' I said quietly, I know we don't have much time left but can you tell me about the feri children? How do I find them?'

My father smiled. `It's what you came for, isn't it?'

I nodded.

`The feri children are the descendents of the first five Feri who were chosen to remain behind while the others entered Slumber. In case you're wondering, you and I both are feri children as well. As feri children, our primary purpose is to protect the Memorium and our slumbering brothers and sisters.'

`And to provide the necessary genome for their transformation,' I added.

My father raised a brow. `So my mother told you.'

I nodded.

`Go on. What else did she say?'

I quickly summarized everything my grandmother told me. My father attentively listened and not once did he interrupt me. When I was done he was smiling.

`You're a faster learner than I thought,' he said ruffling my hair.

I blushed at the compliment.

`Dad. I don't understand something. How are we, the feri children, providing the others with new DNA? And what's with the transformation?'

`Like my mother told you, our slumbering kin are not built for war or even to cope with a life of hardship. They aren't strong enough; at least mentally. Somewhere along the evolutionary ladder they lost the ability to adapt to changes. So they need it back. When the last five stayed behind they procreated with the Targs creating us. Of course it's been a long time since the originals, I am of the ninety- eighth generation. Can you guess my age?'

`Thirty something...' To me my father looked young but I wasn't so sure.

`Try sixty-six. Fifty is the age we, the feri children, are when we have to join the others in slumber. Since we are all connected my own DNA joined countless others' in our racial gene pool. Now they all get to share my genetic information and can change.'

I think I understand. Although my father made it sounds easy, I knew the process was more complex than what he was letting on.

`Now, about the feri children of your generation. I don't know who or where they are. But follow the bird to my sister Amegra. Besides Helledon, she's the only one of my generation who has not entered slumber yet. She can guide you in the right direction.'

All of a sudden, my father's orb began to glow red and I could feel it pulsing from where I was sitting. My father shivered. `I really have to be going now or else I'll die for real this time.'

He stood, bringing me with him. I wanted to hug him goodbye but he was non corporeal. Leaning forward, he kissed me on the forehead and smiled before he dissolved into a cloud of white smoke and darted straight for his memoria.

Once I was outside the Memorium, I went in search of Wren. I couldn't wait to tell him about my mother.

I was passing by the kitchen when I heard Helen shouting; `Get away from there you filthy creature!'

Her irritated voice was soon followed by scurrying feet, thrashing noises and an ear piercing shriek. Thinking the citadel was under attack I rushed into the kitchen ready to defend her. But when I got there I did nothing but laugh.

The place was a mess. Food items and utensils were strewn everywhere. Two maids were clutching each other in terror. Helen on the other hand, was angrily running around with a broom held high above her head. She was chasing a spooked crow, which was croaking franticly and staying clear of the broom.

When it saw me the bird flew towards me and landed on my shoulder. It was visibly shaken.

`Hi there, Pitch,' I said remembering his name. He belonged to Amma, Wren's mom. He must have followed Ned and me here.

`You know this creature?' Helen asked poised with her broom.

`Yeah. He's harmless.'

Huh!' Helen huffed and lowered her weapon. Harmless! Do you know how many diseases that thing carries? Let me answer that for you – Plenty. And I will not have it near my food. I will not have it in this kitchen.'

Okay, okay,' I said. I'll take him outside.'

`See that you do or else it will end up in a fire pit.'

I suppressed a grin as I made my way to the door.

Helen gave out a displeased grunt. `Come on ladies. Let's disinfect the place before we start all over again. Filthy bird,' she said as I reached the hallway. I laughed loudly this time.

`Can't keep away from trouble can you, Pitch? What're you doing here anyway? Shouldn't you be with your mistress?' I said patting his back.

He croaked and shook his head sideways as if to say no. Huh! Does he really understand me? It croaked again as if he heard my thoughts.

I laughed.

I was almost at the door when I met Ned and Bron. Together?!

Huh! They made up. I never doubted that they would. Being the only two leopards in a houseful of wolves, I wasn't surprised.

Hey guys. What's up?' I asked before my eyes fell on a conspicuous traveling leather bag hanging across Ned's shoulder. I looked at him and frowned. Are you leaving?'

Yes,' he said. My heart sank. But before I could think of anything else he added. I'm not abandoning you if that what you're thinking.'

I glanced from him to Bron with a quizzical look on my face. `What going on?'

`I'm going to Belen. I met Xander the other day at Camp. We got to talking and I found him sympathetic to my predicament. Embarrassing as this may sound, after pouring my heart to the guy, he agreed to teach me the ways of the sword.'

With the pain lifted from my chest, I gave him a heartfelt smile while I moved closer. I touched his face with an open palm. `For weeks I've watched you drown yourself in regret and sorrow. Moping and walking about the Citadel without a purpose. As if you lost your very soul. While I don't know how it feels to lose part of myself, I get that you needed to grieve. But let me tell you that your leopard was only the mask you wore not the person you are inside. Even if you haven't, I found that person. He came out to me in Xell's dungeon and I forever held on to his courage and kind heart. Now get this into that thick skull of yours, you're not useless. Everyone has a purpose in this life. You go find yours and then come back to us.'

He pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. Pitch flew off with a displeasing cry. Ned mumbled a thank you. I peered over his shoulder and saw Bron grinning at us. I winked at him and he laughed.

When Ned finally released me, we walked outside to the shallow pool. Bron came to stand by my side and we watched him disappear with new hope etched in his eyes.

`Do you really think he'll be okay?' Bron asked.

I sighed. `I'm certain he will.'

Shortly after Ned's departure, Farren came to us outside. He had a message for Bron. Apparently Jan needed his help with something.

I turned to face Farren. He was staring suspiciously at Pitch who had returned to my shoulder.

`That thing is a familiar. If it's not yours I suggest you get rid of it, Your Majesty.'

`Why?' Both Bron and I asked in unison.

`Familiars are spies. What they see their masters see.' Straight to the point as usual, I thought.

Farren was a mystery I have yet to solve. He rarely has spoken to anyone since he got here. Whenever he did however, I found his words made a lot of sense. He was... I suddenly paused in mid-thought. I just realized how Amma found Ned and me in the forest before she saved us from Xell's men. Since she couldn't enter Xell's shielding spell she sent Pitch instead. That puzzled me a bit. Why send Pitch after me in the first place? She must have been on my trail for a while then. Hum! Whatever her intentions, I will find out. When I know how that is.

`Don't worry about Pitch. He is to me like your bird is to you.' By the way, where is his bird?

I looked around and I didn't find it anywhere. How could that be? I heard that mergents can't be too far from their mergers. Well, not entirely true. Lady Maia's horse did go on an errand way across the fields to the river's edge without her. But Maia was an elder. Her knowledge, skills and discipline give her certain privileges.

`Is something wrong, Your Majesty?' Farren asked puzzled by my behavior.

Your mergent,' I said. Where is he?' Bron pulled a puzzled expression as well. I guessed he too was wondering.

`You won't find him, sire. I tucked him away.'

`What do you mean tucked him away?' Bron asked.

`We Neornites have found a way to hide our mergents from others who might wish to harm us. I personally don't know who came up with the solution but we are able to keep our mergents close on our bodies. Here sire,' he said turning his back to me. He pulled off his tunic, revealing a large white tattoo of a bird with tucked wings and its eyes shut on his back.


I reached up and traced the tattoo with my fingers. The moment I touched it, the white bird opened its eyes and wings. Displeased at being disturbed, it crawled down and disappeared to a part of Farren's skin covered by his pants.

`Outstanding!' Again both Bron and I said at the same time.

Farren didn't respond. He just put his tunic back on and left.

I stared after him for a moment. Long blond hair, blue eyes with high cheek bones, he was the puppy in the pet store that every breathing male or female was searching for. Yet, he was too composed, and that gave him a look of maturity way beyond his years. Always on his guard, he hadn't let down his hair even once since he arrived. Is he happy here? Does he miss home? I know he rarely shows emotions but does he have someone waiting for him there, because he hasn't solicited sex from anybody. He must be sexually frustrated. I know Wren and the others would be if they went that long without it.

`I swear. That guy is getting weirder and weirder every day. I believe he has spadis in his blood.' Spadis are Targs who willingly choose to stay clear of any sexual activities. I guessed Bron had the same burning questions in his head. But Farren wasn't a spadis. I saw his glyph. He was a breeder.

`Of all people Bron, you shouldn't be making fun of Farren.'

`Sorry, Your Majesty, but ever since I arrived here the guy hasn't even glanced at anyone with interest. I don't know how he does it. I surely couldn't. Not having sex for a day.'

I chuckled.

`Not everyone is the same Bron. Besides, he is proof that all Targs can have control over their addictions.'

`If you say so, Your Majesty,' Bron said grinning.

I laughed while considering his previous statements. True, Farren is a mystery. But the truth will come out eventually. It always does. Then my mind switched to Bron. He said he couldn't go a day without sex. Who has he been doing? I'm sure the wolves haven't been too friendly to him. But before I could ask him however, he suddenly became stiff and his face changed. His frown and guarded expression told me someone was behind me.

I turned to see Wren approaching with Reed by his side. They were sweaty and dirty. Reed had a dangerous look in his eyes as he pinned Bron with a stare. It's not the first time I saw him looking at Bron like that. I wondered what had gotten into him.

`If you'll excuse me, sire. I think I'm needed inside.' Bron said before he left.

`Hey! Are you okay?' Wren asked once he stood in front of me. He bent down and gave me a long loving kiss. Pitch flew off when he had heard Wren's voice. I wondered why?

`Yeah, I'm good.' I said.

Well I'm not,' Wren said with a devilish grin. I'm in need of some loving.' That means he's horny.

`Oh, yeah?'

`Oh, yeah. I need a long bath and a naked massage from a naked guy. You interested?'

`And if I'm not,' I played along.

`Well, I'll have to settle for Reed here. But quite frankly, I prefer you. My brother is rotten at giving massages.'

`Speak for yourself mutt. I give the best of massages.' Reed replied. Now that Bron was out of sight, his mood had returned to normal.

Wren and I both laughed as we followed him hand in hand to the common bath.


End of chapter 5

Next: Chapter 47: The Feri Circle 6

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