The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Nov 26, 2014


Happy reading!

The Feri Circle

Chapter 14

'That's absolutely ridiculous,' I exclaimed.

Wren and the others laughed. We just finished the evening meal and we were heading towards the courtyard to join the adults.

We were talking about the weather. I asked them about Helen's "winter was at our doorstep" comment made at camp yesterday. And if I were to believe them, winter is just about a month away, which was plausible but not the part where they said it will happen instantly, like one minute summer and the other winter.

'It's true Rye,' Bron said. 'When they put up the barrier a long time ago, it affected the weather patterns. Now we have only two seasons; summer and winter.'

I noticed River wasn't in on the fun. He was all quiet and brooding. I was curious to know why but as I followed him through the door in the hallway I decided I didn't want to know. I was already anxious about going to Island as it was and I didn't need any more aggravation. So I shrugged off the bad vibes and returned my attention to the conversation.

'Summer in Targeten is hot and humid with occasional showers. Good enough for us to grow food,' Reed explained, 'however, there are no snows in winter like in the human realm, although, it's dark, stormy and chilly. It's quite depressing really.'

'But there's only a momentary window of calmness between the two seasons which we call Halcyon. It lasts about a day. We shifters can sense it coming.' Wren added.

Halcyon; I've heard that word before, from my English literature class. It's a period of peaceful times mostly related to the past. Maybe there was a connection there; after all the Targs have been crossing over for centuries.

We reached the front door.

'You still doubt us?' Lyra was talking to me. It was the first time she had spoken directly to me since I met her. The quality of her voice was sweet and very seductive, an angel voice that can utter nothing but the truth.

'What's the hold up?' We all turned to see Eric standing outside the door leading to the courtyard in the moonlight.

'Nothing,' Wren said.

'Well, come on then. We don't have all night.'

We silently followed him to where Charlie, Amegra and Helen were.

'Well, listen everyone,' Amegra started, 'because of the recent attacks on The Sear, Pixan is on lock down. Shielding spells are up and all pools had been blocked.'

'How are we getting to the island then?' Wain asked.

A miserable looking Rhett was staring at him intensely, like he always does these days. I got bits and pieces of his story from Wren. Apparently the blond shifter had fallen in love with Wain. Much to his dismay, he had no chance of having his feeling reciprocated now that Wain had found Lyra.

I turned my gaze from Rhett to Amegra. 'Fortunately for us, my friend Roman was out at sea when they closed the harbor. He agreed to drop us close to the island. I have the coordinates to his location. He and his crew are waiting for us as we speak. Teleporting to a moving destination can be tricky. So gather around and lock hands so that I don't split anyone by accident.'

As soon as we all touched hands I felt the pull of teleportation. I closed my eyes. I had just eaten and teleportation always makes me nauseous. When I opened them again, we were standing on the deck of a large boat. Well, not standing but flat on our asses as we materialized. That is everyone except Amegra. I guess we weren't prepared for the unstable floor beneath our feet.

Laughter came from all around us. It was night but the moonlit deck and a few lanterns here and there were enough for me to make out a few gruff yet friendly faces.

I got to my feet as did the others. A breeze coming from the starboard side blew in my face. The salty tang of it tickled my nose but otherwise I welcomed the fresh, cool sea air.

To say we were standing on a boat was an understatement. Now that I was really being observant, I'd say we were on one of those ancient caravel sailing ships like they used in the human realm in the fifteen century.

'Amegra,' a large bearded man with broad shoulders bellowed. 'It's been ages.'

The man lifted Amegra off the ground in a bear hug. He planted a kiss right on her mouth. 'Roman, put me down you scoundrel.' Their laughter was joined by the crew.

Wren wasn't bothered, as I thought he would be. He was grinning. Oh! I forgot. Hugging, kissing and groping were part of a Targ's greeting.

'Roman I would like you to meet...' Amegra began but she was interrupted by the captain.

'Introductions later love, I must get this vessel to full speed before we lose wind.' He barked a few orders to his men. We all watched in amazement as they hurried to get their tasks done.

Roman stopped a crew member rushing by us. 'This is Caleb. He'll be attending to your needs while you're on board my ship. Boy, give them the grand tour, will you.'

'Aye, captain,' he said.

'That's a good lad.' And to Amegra he said, 'you young lady, I'll drop by your cabin as soon as everything is calm up here.'

Amegra waved him off. 'You haven't changed one bit, Roman Gooly.'

As Captain Roman sauntered away, we followed Caleb through a door beneath the quarterdeck. The room was tight but large enough to hold a huge table that sat twelve people. There was other furniture; a large cupboard with glass doors that served as a bookcase and a sturdy padlocked chest. There was a small window in the back wall. On the other walls there was a large map of Targeten and a few portraits of bearded men in attire much like the captain's.

'This here is the wardroom. And through that door,' he pointed to a small well crafted wooden door to the right, 'is the master's cabin. Some of you will lodge there. We have four empty cabins on the lower deck but they won't hold all of you.'

Charlie peeked inside the master's cabin. 'Guys, you take this one. Wain, Lyra, you'll have your own cabin down below with us.'

Bron, Reed and Nick entered the master's cabin to have a look around.

Charlie turned to Caleb. 'Lead the way if you please.'

'That's alright Caleb. Stay with the boys. I know my way around this vessel,' Amegra said.

Caleb nodded. She exited the cabin with Charlie and the others.

'Guys, there's only a tiny bed in this room and I call dibs,' Reed yelled.

'It's called a bunk you Napidn,' his twin cockily said.

'Fuck you.'

Although, I wasn't a leopard, I was more than offended with River for using the N word.

'No need to fight guys,' Caleb tersely said. It was clear that he wasn't happy with River's comment as well. 'There are mattresses in the hold. I need two of you to come with me to get them.'

Nick and Reed volunteered to go with him. As they left I saw Farren bending forward on a chair.

I went to him. 'Are you okay?'

He looked up at me and shook his head no. His face was pale and his skin was ice cold to the touch.

'Guys, Farren doesn't look well.'

'If he's going to be sick I don't want him to be in here,' River said with a disgusted face.

'Don't be an insensitive asshole,' Rhett said heatedly. He came towards us and helped Farren to his feet. 'Come. Let's go outside for some fresh air. It will do you some good.'

Everyone watched them leave without a word.

'Nice going, dummy,' Wren said slapping River upside the head.

At that moment the others arrived with the mattresses. After they'd set them up in the master's cabin, they joined us at the table in the wardroom.

'Do you need anything else?' Caleb asked scratching his head.

I studied him.

Rough around the edges, he looked young, but older than Wain and Rhett who were the oldest among us friends. He had a five o'clock shadow and his long messy hair, that had a few braids intermixed, covered most of his face. It made it difficult for me to see his eyes. I couldn't see his body either under his worn, loose tunic but I knew he was ripped. Also he had very large hands.

'No, we're good,' Nick replied. Just like that, Caleb turned and left.

'Did you smell him? That guy is a shifter,' River said to us, 'He smelled like pussy. He must be another freaking leopard.'

His twin cringed and Bron stared at him with furrowed brow. I too stared at him with a frown.

'River shut the hell up,' Wren berated him. 'We had enough of your vile attitude. What he is, is a man. So are you, me and everyone else in this room.'

Abruptly Bron got up from the table. 'If you really want to know, Caleb is a tiger not a freaking leopard.' He didn't say anything else as he stormed into the master's cabin.

'Way to go bro,' Reed rebuked his brother before he too got up from the table.

Infuriated, River pounced on his twin but he was pushed back by Nick who grabbed and placed him in a choke hold.

'Fuck you, Napidn lover,' he yelled at Reed who followed after Bron.

So that's what's wrong. He found out his brother and Bron were doing it. But that doesn't make it right for him to act this way.

River fought to break free.

'Calm yourself down or I'll be forced to hurt you,' Nick hissed.

'Let him go Nick,' Wren calmly said.

As Nickolas released his younger brother he grabbed him by the nape and hissed in his ear. 'Go cool off and do not come back until you're ready to apologize to Bron.' With that Wren shoved him out the door.

I nodded at Wren when he glanced my way. He shook his head and sighed with disappointment.

Later that night I couldn't sleep. Restless, I tossed and turned for hours before I finally decided to get out of bed.

I wasn't the only one not sleeping. Reed and Bron were fucking again. Again, since this is their fifth time since we entered the cabin to sleep. They were too busy with each other to notice me slipping away quietly. Just as I was about to reach the door however, I heard Wren's voice brushing against my ear.

<Where're you going?>

<Go back to sleep. I'll be back in a minute.> I whispered back.

Without another word he drifted back to sleep.

It was freezing outside. If I had known I would have brought my travelling cloak. I folded my arms close to my chest while involuntarily tucking my neck between my shoulders.

The sea was calm. The sails had been lowered as there was no wind. At a standstill, the deck was deserted.

Well, almost. I heard someone cough above me. Leaning on the handrail was Caleb.

'What are you doing up? You should be tucked in your bunk at this hour.'

'I could ask you the same thing?'

He grabbed a lantern and raised it enough for me to see the comical expression on his face. 'I'm on duty. I have the right to be up here.'

I found the stair leading up to the quarterdeck and I climbed up to him. He had a blanket covering his frame. The smell of tobacco stained the air as I reached him. He had been smoking, evidently to stay awake or to pass the time.

'You're him aren't you; the Feres King?' he asked.

'Yes,' I simply replied.

He didn't comment. He just glanced at the forward part of the ship before returning his gaze to me.

'I've never met a Feres before. Is it true you can control the feri-lights?'

'I see people have been talking about me. What else have they been saying?' I was interested to hear.

'I heard about you and the feri-lights in passing, from the second mate. If they are saying anything else I haven't heard. I rarely get the opportunity to get off the ship. When I do I can't leave the Captain's side.' He sounded miserable when he said that last part.

'Why? Are you the Captain's bodyguard?'

He snickered. I saw that his teeth were in perfect condition. He must take good care of them.

He raised his brows. 'I have a servitude bond with the captain. I go where he orders me to go.'

In other words, he is the captain's slave just as Bron is to Xell. Swiftly I grabbed his hands. He didn't stop me when I turned them over to see the glyphs. On the underside of his left wrist was a chipper glyph while the underside of his right wrist was the mark of slavery; the three interlocking chain links inside an intricate but tight circle.

I was stunned. I thought the captain was a good person. 'Are you the only slave on board the ship?'

'...Yes,' he said.

'You hesitated.'

He sighed annoyingly. 'Let's not talk about it anymore, please. If someone hears us I'll be in deep trouble.' I heard the panic in his voice. I decided to stop pushing, although my mind didn't relent. After I put an end to this war, I'm bringing down the slave system. I grew up in a society where everybody is treated the same, so my people should be afforded the same courtesy.

There was an awkward moment of silence as we both suppressed our emotions and thoughts. That was when we heard a suspicious thud.

'What's that?'

'Shush!' Caleb said covering my mouth with his hand. Slowly we ducked behind the railing. Through the bars we watched as a short ghostly figure tiptoed its way towards the main mast. As it approached and stepped into the moonlight I was able to see who it was.

It was a boy; a naked, pale skinned boy with long, wet, silvery hair. He held a small blade in his left hand. Reaching the mast he slashed at the wooden barrel tied to it. As the rope fell to the floor he pried open the lid of the barrel and something splashed within the large container.

The boy held the blade between his teeth and thrust his hands into the barrel. He pulled out a dolphin pup who was squeaking in panic.

The boy held the creature in his arms and rocked it like a baby. The dolphin stilled. He smiled.

Just as he turned towards portside a net came down from above and I heard loud voices.

'We caught you, you little bastard,' one of the seaman said. He was bulky with shoulder length curly hair.

Three more men came into view carrying long curved swords. The boy's eyes bulged in fear. He fought furiously against the net but there was no getting it off.

One of the newcomers was elegantly dressed in a colourful jacket and hat. He seemed to be the leader of the small band.

'Who are these people?' I whispered to Caleb.

'The one with the hat is the captain second in command and the others his followers. They are traitors. They've been planning a mutiny for months now.'

I was stunned. 'You knew this and you didn't tell the captain?'

'Brock is the captain's right hand and I'm just a slave. He wouldn't believe me.'

I understood his reasoning. If someone told me Nick was a traitor I would probably laugh in their face. Despite that I couldn't let him get away with harming the boy.

'What do they want with him?'

'Beats me but I'm not sticking around to find out.' He cowardly started crawling towards the downturned lifeboat behind the ship's wheel. He was scared. I couldn't blame him for that. But I wasn't.

I was about to intervene when I heard the one called Brock say, 'Summon the ghost and let Xell know that we'll be at the cove by noon tomorrow with the Feres and his entourage in our custody.'

Caleb was right. They were traitors. And they are working for Xell.

To the naked boy Brock said, 'and you my little fish friend. You're going to lead us to the treasure your people stole from me last year.'

The boy was a Nereii in human form. His mergent must be in the water somewhere close to the ship.

Before I knew what I was doing, I was on my feet.

I had no idea how they planned on capturing us, but if they think I'm going to sit down and let it happen they are dead wrong.


End of chapter 14

Next: Chapter 56: The Feri Circle 15

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