The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Feb 22, 2015


Happy reading! The Feri Circle Chapter 17

Dusk was quickly approaching and I was anxious to be out of this astral form. Charlie had called in Helen to have a look at me. Now that she knew what she was dealing with, she said that I may have a chance to get back to the land of the living. Not that I was dead, but I might as well be as long as I was in this state. I missed my friends, my lover and the sweetness of his caress, his kiss, his embrace. God, I missed it all.

Helen placed a hand over my chest and the sealing mark she had made visible a moment ago. 'The spell can easily be removed,' my heart skipped a beat when she said that. I heard a collective sigh of relief as if everyone cramming the cabin were holding their breath moments before.

When I say everyone I mean my family and friends. All but Amegra, who was out there putting the seamen to sleep. I have no idea how she would manage that but she had the seaweed Kai brought back with him.

'That's good. Although I might be mistaken, did I hear a "but" in your statement?' Eric asked Helen.

'You're absolutely right Eric. While the spell is preventing him to wake, it is also draining his life force. He will be very weak when he does get up.'

Okay, I get it. Do it already. I urgently said.

Kai snickered before relaying my exact words to the group.

Wren chuckled. 'Take it easy, atsa. Let the woman work.'

The others were laughing now.

Helen exhaled exasperatingly. 'Here goes nothing,' she said before cracking her knuckles.

She grabbed the medallion around my neck and pressed it hard against my chest.

Hey? I felt that.

Closing her eyes she chanted some gibberish. The medallion began to glow. It emitted a faint blue light.

'Is it working?' Reed asked to which everyone shushed him.

With sweat running down her temple, Helen pushed more lights inside my chest. Suddenly, I felt a pull. It was coming from the medallion. And like a piece of magnet that couldn't resist the other half, I was pulled right into my body.

'Ouch,' was the first word that escaped my mouth. My eyes weren't even opened but I knew the others were elated to hear a sign of life from me.

'Atsa!' Wren exclaimed, 'I'm so glad you're back.' He pulled me into a tight, bone crushing hug. My eyes went wide. I couldn't breathe.

'For Feri's sake bro, let the boy breathe,' Wain said slapping Wren upside the head.

Immediately he loosened his grip. 'Oh! Sorry, babe.'

Nick came by the bed and yanked me out of Wren's arms. 'I missed you Rye.' Tears welled up in my eyes as he held me close.

Wren put his arms around us and whispered "I love you" in my ear. I cried. The guys joined in and made it a group hug.

Eric stood nearby and laughed. Charlie wrapped an arm around him and winked at me. 'Welcome back kiddo,' he enunciated without any sounds.

'Thank you,' I said back.

The happy reunion was interrupted when Amegra came storming in. She wasn't alone. A few feet behind her stood Caleb. I was glad she didn't put him to sleep. In fact, I asked her not too. Caleb was a slave on board this ship. He was an innocent.

As soon as Amegra saw me she gave me the once over, although her bad ass expression didn't soften. 'It's great to have you back your majesty, but let's move now people while time is still on our side.'

She was right of course but why was she in such a hurry?

'You've heard the lady, move people,' Charlie all but shouted.

I sat up with the intention of getting to my feet but a dizzy spell brought me down again. 'Guys it doesn't look like I'm going anywhere soon. I'm barely able to move a muscle.' And I felt like I had a hangover only with a lot more pain.

Kai sniggered. I knew he heard my thoughts. "Don't you dare tell them," I projected.

Oblivious to the little exchange I had with Kai Wren leaned forward. 'Here let me help you.' He lifted me into his big arms and pecked me on the lips. 'I'll be your ride for now until you can trust your legs again.'

How sweet! I kissed him full on the mouth and sucked out some of his air. He smiled and sheepishly looked around at the witnesses.

'What are you waiting for? Go already,' I said loud enough to cause a stir. Wren laughed before following the others outside.

The fog was still there. Hearing splashing in the water below I knew the mermen were here; that and the buzzing inside my head from their telepathy.

'As we planned, Rye, Wren, Nick, Helen you're with Amegra. The rest of you, you're with me in the second life boat.'

The plan was my team would follow Kai into the secret network of caves that run beneath the island. Our goals are to sneak in and rescue Elle and hopefully Cole. The other team would be the diversion. They will draw out Helledon and Xell in the hopes they won't get in our way. Once we rescue the hostages we close in on the enemy.

Helen was right about me being weak. I couldn't even stand without falling. Farren had to fly me down to the boat into Nick's awaiting arms. I was starting to wonder what use I may be if not get in everyone's' way once the battle begins.

Kai and three of his kin maneuvered the small boat towards the open water away from the Island.

'Aren't we going the wrong way?' Helen said before I could.

'We have to stay clear of the reef. You don't see it because of the fog but it's impossible to get through. It's too high and the currents are too strong. Besides, there are sirens there. They are in league with the Keeper of Sandridon,' Kai said. He was hanging to the side of the boat while effortlessly propelling us with his long fishtail.

I frowned. 'That's not right. Helledon gave up his powers. He's no longer the Keeper of Sandridon.'

'That's where you're wrong,' Kai said with a knowing expression. 'Two weeks ago my mom tried to psychically attack Helledon and it didn't work. Through the connection she created with him he blasted her with barrier energy and put her in a coma for a whole day.'

'It can't be,' Wren exclaimed.

'Trust me it can,' Kai replied.

'Then what happened to Rye the night of the supposed transference of power between him and Helledon?' Nick asked.

'I could think of only one explanation,' Amegra sullenly said. 'I've always thought it odd that Helledon gave up so much power. That maniac thrives on power so he wouldn't part with it easily. No. I think what you felt that night Rye was the bond that ties the keeper to you being broken.' She said.

Amegra was making a lot of sense. Not once after that incident in my bedchamber did I manifest any of the keeper's power like I was told I would by Kan, the previous keeper.

Then I realized something.

'Guys, that's how he can come and go as he pleases from the Island. The keepership is a feri power, the Island can't expel him.'

'He is more powerful than you think,' an older Nereii swimming beside the boat said. 'He brought Darklings to the Island,'

'What do you mean he brought Darklings?' Amegra asked.

'The men in his company, we've been monitoring their movements closely ever since they arrived. They all have a deformity of some kind. They looked more like darklings than men.'

'If he can shield darklings from the Island, then he's more powerful than I thought,' Amegra said. She said it more to herself than to us though. 'Helledon must be stopped or else our friends will perish. Not even you Rye are a match for him now that the bond is gone.'

'What do you suggest we do?' Nick asked, anxiety etched on his face.

'We get Rye more power. And I know how.'

'Keep you voices down,' Helen hissed. We were getting closer to the cave entrance. Since there wasn't any fog on this side of the Island we could see it clearly even if it was a bit dark. And that's not all. There were three slimy luminous fish creatures with human faces there as well. It looks like they were guarding the entrance.

The Nereii immediately slowed down and stopped moving altogether.

'What are they?' Wren asked.

'Sirens,' the older Nereii said. 'They are sensitive to movements so we must be careful. They are also loud creatures. Their cries can shatter eardrums.'

'How do we get past them?' Helen asked.

'Surprise attack will do it. They are slow and sluggish.'

Before we could come up with a plan, Helen stood and propelled herself in the air. Using her telekinesis, she hovered above us. She surprised the lot of us with that move. She threw out her arms and two invisible hands grabbed the creatures by the necks and chocked them to death. As their lifeless bodies fell from her grip she returned to the boat.

'Wow,' Nick and Wren said in unison.

Amegra smiled and said to her, 'remind me never to get on your bad side sister.'

The others laughed but I was still in too much shock to join them. Helen was motivated by her love for Cole. She'll do anything to get her man back home safely.

The Nereii started moving again. Just as we were about to enter the cave we heard noises coming from the other side of the island.

'The fight has started,' Kai said.

'Then we must make haste,' Amegra urged, 'Helledon will soon realizes we're not in the fray.'

The journey through the cave water pathways took longer than anticipated. Luminescent lichens covering the cave walls lit our way. It was a blessing that we didn't encounter anymore sirens.

Finally we arrived at a huge stony archway leading to a small unstable looking wharf.

'Here is where we part ways,' Kai said to us. 'We are going back to join our kin on the other side. Follow the stairs on your right. They will lead you to the dungeon of Helledon's keep.'

We waved them off as they dove beneath the water and disappeared.

Wren lifted me from the boat and placed me on a rock next to the wharf. As soon as my feet touched the stony floor I felt the buzz of feri energy radiating from the Island. Instinctively, I drew on it and by the time Nick and Wren had made torches from their tunics and pieces of wood they found in the cave, I had gained an ounce of energy back.

'I think you guys should go without me,' I told my friends when we were ready to go. I raised my hand when they started protesting. 'I'm serious here. Helen if the Nereii are right, Cole would be just above us so he shouldn't be too difficult to find. Amegra you go rescue my sister with Nick. Nick it will be easier to track her down by her emotional imprint. It shouldn't be difficult since she's the only one with a pure innocence in this place.'

They all knew I was right. So they just nodded and bolted up the stairs.

'Are you alright, babe?' Wren knelt beside me with concern in his eyes. I was tired, sluggish and in pain but I didn't tell him that.

I wrapped my arms around his head and pulled him to my chest. 'As long as you're with me, I'll be fine.'

He hugged me. I don't know how long he held me close after that.

'Come. Let me carry you up the stairs,' he told me.

'No. I think I should walk. There's feri energy everywhere and I need direct contact if I want to recover.'

Holding my left arm over his shoulders, Wren held me close as we ascended the stairs. I grew stronger with each step I took. By the time I reached the dungeon level I no longer felt any pain.

We found Helen and Cole first. We found them in a very compromising position.

'Are we interrupting,' Wren coyly said behind them.

Quickly Helen straightened her skirt and Cole wiped his mouth. Their redden faces brought laughter from us.

'Rye, you're looking better,' Helen said to change the subject.

"Yeah" was my only reply. An awkward moment passed before Cole greeted me and introduced himself to Wren. He was the same as I saw him last; clean and well fed.

'What do we do now?' Helen asked.

'We wait for Nick and the others.' As soon as I said that, I heard movement coming down the stairs that led to the dungeon from the floor above. We hid and waited to see who it was.

It was a relief when we say Amegra followed by Nick and Elle who was clinging to him like a parasite.

'Rye!' Elle shouted as she jumped into my arms. She kissed my cheek and chocked me with her arms around my neck.

Wren, Cole and Helen laughed at her enthusiasm at which she rumbled about her rescue.

When she released me, she went back to Nick hugged him. I could see the admiration in her eyes. That made me laugh even more.

A reddened faced Nick stared at me baffled. 'What did you tell her about me?' it was hard to miss the accusation in his voice.

'Nothing really,' I lied. And Nick knew that I was. When I told Elle about Prince Nickolas, I didn't mean for her to fall in love with him. It was just an honest mistake.

'Focus people,' Amegra urgently said. 'We need to get out of here.'

'Where are we headed?' Helen asked.

'We need to find the temple. It would be a paved open air structure with white markings on the floor,' Amegra replied.

'I know where that is,' Elle said.

That caught Amegra's attention. 'Can you take us there?'

'Sure,' she grabbed Nick's hand and half dragged him up the stairs. Wren chuckled as we followed behind them.

'Whether he knows it or not, that girl is never going to let Nick out of her sight,' Wren said to me.

A wave of guilt washed over me. I hope he doesn't hurt her when he confronts her about it.

Elle brought us to a great empty hall with a large mirror stuck to one of its four walls. Once in front of the mirror, she reached up and touched the glass. The glass turned into a watery substance and her hand disappeared inside it. She turned to us and smiled.

'This is a shortcut. Follow me,' she said before walking through. Nick went in after her, then Amegra, Helen and Cole and finally Wren and me.

From the moment I appeared at the other side, I felt the power of the place.

Under the crescent moon, large pillars formed a circle around the equally circular temple floor. As Amegra said, there were markings on the floor lit by large dishes of flames above each pillars. Bolder markings were in five circles around an even bigger circle in the middle. It was impressive but I didn't have time to appreciate the beauty of the place because right in the middle circle stood Helledon, hands behind his back and a stupid grin plastered across his face.

'Welcome friends,' he condescendingly said. "You took your time getting here.'


End of chapter 17

Next: Chapter 59: The Feri Circle 18

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