The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Sep 16, 2012


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The Last Feres

Chapter 6

Exactly, three minutes and forty seconds I waited for my Uncle to say something, and when it finally looked like he was ready to spill the secret he'd been keeping from me for almost eighteen years Eric opened the door to tell us that Linda, the witch doctor, was done and that she was leaving.

I could have killed him for it. I remained cool only because I too wanted to know how Wren was doing.

I entered the living room after Charlie and stood a distance from the adults. Wren slept. Bandages had been plastered to his wounded shoulder.

`How is he Linda?' Charlie asked.

`He'll be fine. If he were a mere human he would be lying in a coffin just about now. But he's a shifter. With his abilities and the fact he's immune to wag venom; he'll make a full recovery in, give or take 48 hours. I might say you Shifters are a tough breed; we're tough too but not anything like you guys.'

`What about medication. Should he take any?' Eric asked.

`No need. His body will take over from here. Just make sure he gets lots of sleep. He is quite pale, though. In theory he should have regained some color by now. Had he been feeding?'

The two men stared at me as if I had the answer. If I did I would have answered but I had no clue as to what they were referring to.

The witched Linda followed their gaze and now I had three adults gapping at me and I didn't know why.

`You haven't told him, have you?'

If by `him' she meant me, sure they haven't told me. It's a fact; nobody wants to tell me anything.

`Wren has to feed soon. You know that right? The wag may not have killed him but no feeding will.'

`No worries, we'll take care of that later,' Eric assured her. Linda looked skeptical but she didn't say what was on her mind.

`Well, if you say so.' She packed up her medical equipments and walked towards a place free of furniture.

`Charlie, about what we talked about earlier, I'll ask Nickolas to drop by tomorrow morning. He'll be glad to help. He'd been on my case to join the Warlock Guild ever since he conjured his first fireball.' She chuckled.

`Thank you. With Wren down we need all the help we can get.'

With that said she nodded and dematerialized into a glow of blue light. If she did that somewhat before Wren's shocking transformation last night I would have questioned the logic except now all I could think of was what she meant by Wren is going to die if he doesn't feed.

Charlie called me over. He told me to take a seat.

I sat next to Wren because I missed not having him near. I lifted his feet and place them on my lap. Oblivious to what I was doing, I stroke them while I waited to what Charlie and Eric were going to tell me.

Rye, I won't beat around the bush. By now you already know what Wren, Eric and I are,' Charlie began. In my case was. And you may have already guessed we're not from this World. The place we're from is called Targeten. The humans know it as Tartarus; the prison for the fallen Gods. That is if they even believe it existed in the first place.'

I know what Tartarus was; I took Greek mythology for my optional course two years ago. However, what's that got to do with Wren's situation?

`Let's cut a long story short. Targeten is not a prison rather another realm similar to Earth. Now, where it's nearly impossible but not unheard of for humans to travel there we can move through the barrier between worlds easily. But there's a price to pay. To cross over a sacrifice must be made, usually something of equal value to the time we had to spend over here.'

Okay, I do know where this is going but, hell, I asked for it.

`So what did you guys gave up?'

For me was my ability to shift,' Charlie said, but for Eric and Wren...'

`Let's just say we can't survive this world without some "spunk",' Eric cut in without joking for once.

Oh my God! They have to drink... Then it clicked. Charlie and Eric that time in the kitchen... how Eric looked the next morning at the breakfast table...Eric bad spunk joke...and that's also explain Wren's behavior when he caught me masturbating.

`I don't get it? Why?'

`Courtesy of the bastard Helledon,' Eric said with contempt.


`He's the immortal gatekeeper we bargained with at the Barrier to be here,' Charlie chipped in.

Now I get what Linda was trying to say earlier. `What are you guys saying; I have to feed Wren my semen?'

`Yes. He fed from you first and now until we go back home you have to keep feeding him your spunk or else he'll...'

He didn't have to say the last part. I already got the picture. Wren's going to die. I wanted to think it over but when it comes to Wren I didn't have to. My heart spoke loud enough.

`What are you two waiting for? Get him upstairs now. He needs to be fed.'

I startled both of them when I started barking orders. Again, they did the annoying exchanging looks. This time I noticed something peculiar. Eric's lips were moving. They weren't being obvious but I was certain now they were communicating.

Three times that evening, I fed Wren my cum. At first I felt uncomfortable and weird. I couldn't help but feel like a pervert jerking off to a guy who was down for the count. On the other hand, I kept reminding myself why I was doing it and I grew more at ease.

Morning came. Wren was still sleeping. I repositioned myself so I could watch his face while he slept. Ten minutes later without warning his eyes popped open and I found myself lost in his big brown eyes.

`Hi,' he whispered in a coarse sexy voice.

`Hi to you too sleepy head,' I whispered back.

I leaned in and pecked him on the lips. He smiled.

`How's the shoulder?'

`Much better.'

I caressed his face and slid my index finger down his exposed neck, chest, and bumpy abs down to his treasure trail. I felt his cock twitched and his eyes glittered with interest. Encouraged, I moved my hand down to his pubs and splayed my fingers through. He genuinely exhaled and instantly grew hard.

I chuckled.

Feeling horny myself, I lowered my mouth to his slowly. He did nothing to stop me. His hand slid over to my waist to my belly to my nape. The kiss deepened. His tongue thrust itself into my mouth.

`Are you up for it?' I asked when we finally broke apart.

He nodded.

`What about your injury.'

`No worries, I can take it.'

Bending forward, I kissed his jaw line sucking my way down to his nipples. I gently tongued one before doing the same to the other. He smelled and tasted like the sea minerals found in my shower gel. I liked it.

He brought his hand on my head urging me to keep on going. I started dropping kisses on the way down to his groin. Swiftly, I peeled off the sheets and exposed his erection. I licked my palm with my tongue and reached for him. Looking up at his face I smiled and he responded in kind.

He carefully turned and lay on his back, spreading his legs apart. I moved between them and lightly began jerking him off. He closed his eyes and grinned.

I surprised him when I took him into my mouth. I jostled his knob with my wet tongue. Alex did it to me once and I liked the feeling, and by the response I was getting from Wren I knew he liked it too.

I pushed more of his cock into my mouth but I didn't try to get it further because I knew my gag reflex would kick in. God knows, I tried so many times with Alex but I could do it. I always end up retching afterwards and that was something I didn't want to do right now.

By then I was hard as wood too. Wren's reached for it and toyed with it. Every now and then he would abandon it to play with my balls or to rub my perineum, in which he would purposefully touch my hole.

The sensation of his fingers there brought a new desire in me. I lusted for it.

Letting go of Wren, I reached for the night stand and pulled open the only drawer. I then drew out a bottle of lube.

On my knees by his side, I pour a generous amount of the cool liquid on his cock and worked them in. My own cock jerked with excitement.

When I thought he was ready, I lubed my ass and straddled him. Our eyes never broke contact. I aligned his cock to my hole and I slowly sat down on it. The initial pain was expected and with intended pauses every once in a while I managed to get the whole eight inches in. A perfect fit.

I bent forward and we kissed. In excitement my hand accidentally brushed against Wren's shoulder and he hissed in pain.

`Sorry atsa,' I said when I sat back up. He didn't reply, only caressed my thigh.

With the uncomfortable feeling of being stuffed gone, I leisurely began humping, impaling myself on Wren's prick. I went at it for nearly ten minutes and that was when he tensed up and spurted in my ass. With his cock still in I took hold of my own and gave it a jerk. I came all over Wren's six pack abs.

In my post-euphoric state I began to laugh. Wren joined me.

`You're hungry?' I teased Wren.

He nodded yes with a chuckle.

I bent down over him and sucked the cum off his body. Then I walked on my hands to reach his face. From the moment our lips met he took possession of my mouth, emptying it with suction and tonguing.

After we broke the kiss, we got out of bed and freshened ourselves. It was late and I was quite hungry. I helped Wren put on his t shirt and pants, which proved to be difficult with him trying to kiss me every chance he got. Next I made the bed while he stared at my ass.

I fluffed the pillows and as I bent over to pick the lubricant bottle off the floor by the bed I saw a photo frame next to it. It was an old photo of Alex and me hugging each other for Charlie's camera. It probably fell when I was rummaging the drawer for the lube. We were nine years old when the photo was taken and we were missing our two front teeth. We looked cute though.

`Who is he?' Wren said over my shoulder. I didn't realize he'd move, moreover I forgot he haven't met Alex yet.

It's Alex. My best friend,' I said quietly. You should meet him. He's quite energetic. He'll jump right in your pants if you let him.' Would he really? He was shy yes, but I believe he would, I mused and smiled.

I wonder where he was right now. I haven't seen him in a while. That was so un- Alex-like. `I thinking I should go by his house later to check on him.'

Is he even at home? I pounded while sliding my thumb over his picture.

Without warning my vision clouded just like the other night when I touched the mysterious antique box, which was lying on the coffee table. It only last a second before I saw what appeared to be Alex's room.

His room looked as if a tornado when through it. The curtains were dancing to the breeze coming through the opened windows. Next to the windows, his bed was unmade, different clothing items were strewn on it and everywhere across the hardwood floor. Alex was gone, so was his backpack and laptop, which he normally kept at his desk.

My vision clouded again, this time I was shown the various rooms of the house, which I might say were mirror images of Alex's room; furniture out of place, stuff all over the floor and blood... lots of blood everywhere. Then to my horror I saw Susan, Alex's mom, lying on the kitchen floor in a puddle of blood with a bloody knife handle protruding through her chest. I completely lost it.

I screamed my lungs out and fell on the bedroom floor with a thud.

`No, no, no, it can't be. She's dead. She can't be dead, NO,' I kept rumbling.

Rye, look at me. Rye!' I heard Wren's urgent voice in a distance. Rye, look at me!'

I heard footsteps coming through the hall and soon Charlie and Eric burst through the door.

`What's going on?' Charlie yelled.

`It's Rye. One minute we were talking and the next his eyes turned white as smoke and he fell. He kept repeating that she's dead. And I don't know why?'

Charlie squatted next to me and ran a rough hand through my hair. `What is it Rye? Who's dead?'

I lifted my head and stared at him with tears in my eyes.

`Susan. Alex's mom. She's dead.'


That's it for this chapter guys. Cliffhangers are so fun!

Coming up find out what happened to Alex and meet `Nickolas' the new guy. If you want me to keep it coming or have any comments of any kind please don't hesitate to email me at . Nell

Next: Chapter 7

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