The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Apr 15, 2015


Happy reading!

The Feri Circle

Chapter 19

From a palace balcony in Yull, I stood and nursed a mug of herbal tea as I watched my bond-mate with his aunt Verna in the garden below. She had travelled all the way from Theran to hear about her twin sister. Although, they had been down there for almost an hour, Wren had yet to break the news to her.

I understood his hesitation. It pains him to talk about his mom. Even before their meeting, he wasn't too sure how he was going to tell Verna, or how she would take it. But like he said himself, it has to be done. I concurred.

Finally, I saw Verna cover half of her face with her hands. She was crying. Wren wasn't. He had to remain strong for her. He pulled her into his arms and showed everyone looking that they weren't being modest about their grief. I could hear Verna weeping from way up here.

'He finally told her, huh,' someone said from behind me. I didn't turn as Seth and Dale joined me on the balcony.

I didn't answer either. There was no need because it was clear what was going on down there.

Dale's arm snaked itself around my waist as he pressed himself against me.

'Are you going to be okay?' He asked me.

I tore my eyes from the scene below, nodded yes while giving him a wan smile.

Together, we continued watching as Wren released his aunt to show her Amegra's memoria. Wiping her tears, she hesitantly grabbed the smoky orb. She asked something before cradling the object close to her chest.

'Thank you for welcoming us in your home,' I said to Seth. I expressed my gratitude to his mom the night before when she met with us, but in the midst of things I never got to do that with Seth.

'No need, my friend. It's a pleasure having you with us. Everyone is beside themselves that you're here.'

I smiled.

The Yull Palace was on a hill overlooking a magnificent city. Buildings that looked like skyscrapers stood tall surrounded by trees. But the trees were crammed with wooden structures that looked like elaborated tree-houses. It was even more breathtaking seeing and hearing the hundreds of eagle shifter in animal form diving in and out of the canopy.

'Your home is beautiful.'

'If you say so,' Seth said.

Dale and I gave a short laughed to Seth's bashful reply.

'I'd like a tour if you don't mind.'

'It will be my pleasure,' Seth said excitingly. 'Do you want to go now? I can take you.'

'Not right this instant,' I said. 'Later after I'm rested and have seen how Wain and Riven are doing.'

The recent battle didn't leave us without casualties. We lost thirty-three Nereii, eight of our own warriors and two dozen more with various degrees of injury. Most of our injured were transported back to the High Guard Camp. Unfortunately, the infirmary there was already bursting with refugees so Charlie sought help from the eagle shifters. I remember seeing the relief on his face when the Queen gave the go ahead.

Wain and his brother were among those who were injured. He dislocated his left hip while River took a blade to the stomach. Wain's injury was easy to deal with. After they reset his hip, the healer told him to stay off his legs for a day or two, time enough for him to heal naturally. River on the other hand wasn't so lucky. It took nine hours for the healers to set him right. They said he will be fine but he has yet to regain consciousness.

Reed lifted his head when I entered Riven's chamber. Holding his brother's hand, he was lying next to him in bed.

I'd heard about the bond between twins but I never knew to what extent until the Graylard brothers. I felt proud for Reed; caring for his brother even when the latter didn't approve of his relationship with Bron. It was nice to see, that their arguments hadn't weakened the bond and brotherly love they share. Well, we'll have to actually wait until Riven wakes to know if the feeling is mutual.

'Where's Bron?' I asked noticing his absence.

'He went to grab us something to eat,' Reed whispered so as not to wake his brother.

He brushed a lock of Riven's hair from his face. It warmed me up to see that tender gesture.

We both sat there watching Riven in silence for ten minutes before Bron returned.

He came carrying a tray loaded with food. He placed it on a table on the other side of the large room. 'You will never guess who I met downstairs?'

Reed slid out of bed and stretched his long limbs. 'Who?'

I didn't say anything but I was also curious to know who it was.

'That tall, dark, weird brother of yours, what's his name...?'

Reed snickered.

'Kane. I know. He came with Wain's mom. Probably father sent him along to find out about the fight.'

'Or maybe to spy on us,' Bron added.

Reed chuckled again. He gave Bron a peck on the mouth before taking a seat at the table. He reached for a slice of shredded meat.

'Rye, you're joining us?'

'No thank you. I already ate with Wren and Seth.'

Bron sat down next to him. It felt awkward just standing there watching them eat. So I excused myself and left.

Wren and Verna were in Wain's room when I entered.

'Atsa! There you are? I want you to meet my aunt Verna.'

Wren, Wain and Lyra giggled as Verna surprised me with a hug after kissing my cheeks.

I blushed.

When she released me, I was able to observe her more closely. Long, honey brown hair, high cheekbone, medium height, her resemblance to Amegra was uncanny.

'It's nice to finally meet you, your Majesty,' she said.

'Please call me Rye.'

She smiled. 'Well, Rye. You're just in time.'

'In time for what?' Wain asked.

Lyra was sitting next to him on the bed. She waved at me with a smile and I responded with the same.

Verna sat on the other side of the bed next to Wren. I stood nearby looking down at them.

'Wren, you told me something that happened at Feri-court that I can't stop thinking about.' Wren looked puzzled. Verna grinned, touched his cheek before she continued, 'you know the part where Helledon was taunting your mother. Well, he was partly right about Amegra avoiding you.'

Wren tensed. Verna kept physical contact.

'She wasn't just avoiding you, but us as well,' she said including Wain. 'My sister was trying to protect us.'

'She said as much,' Wren said.

'Did she tell you why?'

'No. Yes. She said that she had to protect me because I was a feri-child' he said.

'Well, that and more.'

'What more?' Wain impatiently asked.

'Like the Faradays the feri power she had runs in the family; one that only the first born has to endure. Since she was born first she inherited it. And now you have it Wren.'

'I didn't know about the family legacy thing,' Wren said.

I touched his shoulder because I felt he needed me.

'Why was that a big secret?' Lyra asked quietly.

Verna smiled at her. 'What Meg didn't tell you is that she consulted an oracle, an old mage name Dorek, just after your birth. She wanted to make sure you really had the gift. You have to understand, no one beside a witch, ever held that power for three generations. And it troubled her that you were a shifter.'

'Why is that?' I asked not able to hold back.

'She was scared of how the power would manifest in her son.'

'Did she find out?' Wren asked.

'Yes. You have the ability to transform into any beast known to man. That excludes crawlies. You're what we called the All-shifter.'

Wren stared at her with his mouth open. I was shocked too.

'That's so cool!' Wain shouted excitedly.

Verna wasn't smiling.

'Have you ever heard stories of Wilfrick the All-shifter?' She asked.

Wain, Wren and Lyra nodded no.

'I'm not surprise your father hadn't told you. Well, you all know that Wyrmer was ruled by bear shifters half a thousand years ago. They were a great clan united under one alpha; Wilfrick the All-shifter. He was a horrible man. He decimated ten villages which defied him in a single night. He used intimidation to keep the other shifter communities in check. He also had done many awful things, awful things that I won't mention.' She sort of shuddered when she said that. 'The irony is Wilfrick was a relative of ours. His mother had the gift and passed it on to him. They say it drove him mad.'

The room became morbidly silent for a minute.

'What happened to him?' Lyra asked.

'He died at the hands of the boys' great-great-great wolf shifter grandfather Elron the first. The old bastard was a clever man. He sent Wolf shifter females to infiltrate the All-shifter's harem. They seduced and killed the guards before finally letting in their males. Since the bears were more powerful than the wolves, the wolves waited for the second day of Morak Tal to launch their attack. It was the day the bears would have their guard down, sate their sexual appetite and get piss- out drunk.'

'We are not descended from bears are we?' Wren abruptly asked. He was clearly appalled by the idea of being a descendant of that dickhead.

Verna snickered. 'No. Wilfrick didn't have any children. They say he was sterile. And his power simply jumped to the family's next first born, which was my great- great grandmother.'

'I don't get it. If Wren is the feri-child, shouldn't his power manifest itself already?'

Lyra grinned, I had no idea why.

Verna breathed deeply before answering.

'Meg, when she was told about Wren, begged Dorek to seal off his powers.'

'Oh!' I said.

But that wasn't good enough for me. Regardless of what he might or might not become, Wren is a feri-child. I need him at full power if we're to release the others from slumber.

'How do we remove the seal?'

Verna gasped. 'Why would you want to do that?'

'If Wren doesn't get his powers back, your sister, my father and all my kin and yours will be trapped in the eternal sleep forever.'

Verna remained quiet for the longest of time. I grew irritatingly impatient.

'Auntie, please,' Wren begged.

'Dorek used a blood seal on Wren. It's hard to remove one once in place. Unless... unless you seek out Dorek, because only the person who put a blood seal in place can break it.'

'Where can we find him?' Wren asked.

'The last I heard he was somewhere near a town called Koff.'

Wren and I left Wain's chamber a bit later. I had a stressful three days and I wanted nothing more than to clear my head, kick back and relax. A bubble bath and a glass of champagne would do me so much good right now.

As we reached the hall Wren grabbed my wrist. He pulled me against his chest and wrapped his arms around me.

In my daydreaming, he really caught me off guard. I normally like it when he does that, although, right now I wasn't in the mood.

Driven by his rut, Wren didn't notice my reaction. With his engorged erection poking me in the rear end, he was thinking of nothing more than breeding me.

'Seriously! Are we doing this here?'

He noisily tongued my nape and shoulders. 'I've been dying for some action since we left Feri Court,' he said between licks.

'Why am I not surprised. Who else would think of sex after battle?'

He suddenly went still.

'Are you rejecting me?'

'What if I am? Are you going to rape me?'

He let go of me instantly and moved to intercept me.

'What's the matter with you? Why are you being so difficult?'

Did he just ask that?

I sighed angrily and without another word, brushed pass him and stomped down the hall.

He rushed after me and brought me to a stop.

'Rye. I'm sorry.' He cringed when I looked away. 'Rye, come on. Talk to me.'

I sighed one more time.

'Wren. All you think about is you, you, you. Not once have you considered me. What I've been through in these past few days.' I could see the surprise on his face. 'You're forgetting that I'm not like you. My upbringing wasn't like yours. I'm really trying but I'm not use to all this violence, stress and merry fuck after. These past few days really took a lot out of me. If you'd been a good mate you would have noticed that.'

I had tears in my eyes when I was done ranting.

Wren took hold of my hands. He brought them towards his face and crushed his lips to my knuckles.

'Rye. I'm sorry. I admit I should have been more attentive but I know that nothing I can say right now will make up for what you've pointed out. Except, perhaps if you let me make it up to you.'

He pulled me in his arms and gave me a tight hug.

I'd be a fool not to forgive him. But I didn't want to think about it anymore, I just wanted to feel safe in his arms.

'You two should get a room,' Seth said coming down the hall. He was hand in hand with his bond-mate. They looked like they were up to no good.

'Go away,' Wren snapped.

'Ouch. Aren't we the grumpy one,' Dale said.

'Seriously guys, Dale and I are looking for some fun. Would you be interested in joining us?'

Wren released me so we could face them.

'I'm sorry guys. Rye and I have something else planned.'

I didn't regret saying what I had earlier, nor was I blind to my bond-mate's desires. It took a lot for a full blooded Targ like him to refuse such an offer. Of course, I wasn't going to put his needs before mine but he also went through hell in these past few days. I was just glad I'd done the essential for our relationship. I told him how I feel. The ball is in his court but that doesn't mean I will stop playing or stop encouraging him to play better. Besides it not me against him, it's us against the world.

'Your room or ours?' I asked the pair.

'Yours,' Seth promptly replied. 'You have the larger bed.'

'Alright!' Dale shouted.

'Are you sure about this?' Wren asked me as Seth and Dale led the way.

'I love you Wren. Just be sure to know it.'


End of chapter 19

Next: Chapter 61: The Feri Circle 20

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