The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Sep 22, 2012


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The Last Feres

Chapter 7

`Rye. Tell me what happened,' Charlie asked.

I told him what happened, what I did before the vision and about the box the other night that caused the seizure. He remained pensive for a while then looked at Eric. They shared an awkward moment before he said: `Wren, stay here with Rye. Eric and I will go over to check on the Parishes.'

With Charlie and Eric out of the room, I got off the floor wishing what I saw wasn't true. I went to the bathroom to wash my face because I suddenly felt too vulnerable before Wren's eyes. He didn't tell me that but I could see it all over his face.

When I returned Wren had his arm in the sling and was staring at himself in the full size mirror next to my dresser.

`You're still handsome,' I remarked.

`I know. Just making sure you see it,' he said cockily. I laughed despite myself.

`Come on. Let's go get something to eat downstairs and hang out in the den.'

`Don't you have to work today?'

Shit! I totally forgot about work. `I'll call my boss later. It wouldn't be a problem. Besides it's Friday and he owes me a day-off.'

We ate cereals and drank some coffee before retiring to the den. Watching TV proved to be the perfect distraction but then again not when I heard the ambulance followed by the police sirens fifteen minutes later.

Fretting what I saw was real; Wren and I went out the front door, down the driveway to the sidewalk. We weren't the only ones. The whole neighborhood stood on their lawns and on the sidewalk by the Parishes' house watching as the ambulance men wheeled out a black body bag. I cried. I wanted to go over there but the police had already surrounded Alex's house with yellow tapes and pushing back people that were getting too close. Wren held me as I wept.

`Come on. Let's go wait for Charlie and Eric inside.' I reluctantly said yes and we headed indoors.

Once inside I almost had another seizure when a guy appeared out of thin air in the foyer before us. He genuinely looked surprised to see us too.

I though Wren, Charlie even Eric were tall but they weren't as tall as this guy. He resembled a six-feet-eight basketball player with long limbs and torso. He was also three shades paler than us and had short chocolate brown hair and eyes. He was chokingly cute.

`Who are you?' Wren menacingly asked. I could sense his inner-wolf sizing up tall- guy. My question was though, was he friend or foe.

`Hi! I'm Nickolas Faraday, Linda's son. You can called me Nick, everyone does. And you must be Riley and Wren.' He said offering his hand. I shook it but Wren just flared up his nostrils ignoring the gesture. Nick laughed not even offended.

Wren brushed against him and led me to the den. Nick happily followed still chuckling. I would have laughed too but that would seem highly inappropriate due to what happened to my best friend's mother.

So guys,' Nick said after he planted himself in a sofa, Why the long faces?'

I glanced at Wren and it didn't look like he was going to say anything. He's posture was rather defensive than relaxed.

`My best friend's mother was found dead in her house just now.' I chocked.

`Oh! Sorry dude,' he said reaching for my hand. Wren's growling stopped him though.

`Ease up mutt. I'm an empath. I was just going to ease some of his pain.'

Immediately Wren shot right up ready to take Nick on. Without a flinch, Nick also got to his feet producing a fireball in his right hand.

`Bring it on mutt.'

I couldn't believe these two. Susan just died and she was like a mother to me and they didn't even care.

`Enough!' I shouted angrily in an inhuman voice I didn't know I had. I surprised myself because the house literally shook. Both of them stared at me utterly shock.

They followed me with their eyes as I left the room fuming.

I walked in my room, locked the door and climbed into the bed. I lay on my back and stared at the ceiling worrying about Alex. I didn't know how long I've been there but soon there was a knock at the door.

`Open the door, Rye. Char has returned.' Quickly I got up and opened the door.

I'm sorry, Rye.' Wren said. I was acting stupid and I apologize.'

I looked at him and nodded. `You're forgiven and so you know you were acting stupid.'

He chuckled and on the way down said, `What was that earlier. You scared the shit out of me.'

`Annoy me again and you'll find out.' I said.


`Sit down Rye.' Charlie said when I entered the dining room with Wren. I pulled up a chair opposite Eric. Next to me Wren sat right across Nick. The two gave each other death stares before turning their gaze to Charlie who sat at the head of the table.

`You were right Rye. Everything was exactly as you described. It appeared that she has been dead for some time though. The police are out there looking for Allen and Alex. They're missing. Allen wasn't at his workplace although his car was and nobody had seen Alex for days.' I shivered and my heart sunk even further just hearing about Alex and his dad.

`Shouldn't we be out there helping with the search?' I interrupted Charlie because I was feeling guilty. Alex had been missing all this time and I had no idea. What a terrible friend I was.

`Not so fast Rye. Of all people I know what Alex means to you but we can't risk being exposed to the human. The police already suspect foul play. They fear that father and son might have been kidnapped. With us in the fray will only draw unwanted attention and God forbid they don't find out about us because they will come for us. No doubt about that.'

Everyone started talking at the same time voicing their opinions about what happened to the Parishes and what we should or shouldn't do. I, on the other hand, was lost in my thoughts.

Charlie was right. He and the others can't be involved except I wasn't about to stay there quietly while my best friends was being tortured at the hands of those bastards who took him, whomever they may be.

It was decided. I was going to look for Alex by myself, that is, when I get the chance to get away from my Uncle and his friends. At the corner of my eye, I saw Nick gazing at me but I pretended I didn't see him. Does he read thoughts too? I wondered.

Suddenly feeling flustered and powerless I left the room. I thought about going upstairs but I needed some air. Standing outside didn't help either. So I walked. I didn't have a particular destination in mind; just needed an outlet to vent my frustration and walking seemed to do the trick.

I'd been under my own steam for almost an hour before I recognized where I was; Olsen park way across town. Nowhere else to go, I stood at the shoreline overlooking a ruffling, bustling ocean. Feeling way calmer than I did before I left the house earlier, I leaned over the railing that separated me and a sheer thirty feet cliff and sighted.

I took a lungful of salty tang air and enjoyed the caresses of the gentle wind coming from the open ocean. The melodic waves crushing against the rocks bellow also helped to sooth my troubled mind.

Behind me I heard giggling. It suddenly made me aware that I wasn't there alone. Straining my neck I saw, fifteen feet away, two young boys were taking kite flying lessons from their dad.

More noises turned my attention at a bench close by were a couple, embracing each other, laughingly watched an older woman who was mumbling to herself after being overwhelmed by a squad of pigeons she were trying to feed. I too watched for a while before out of the blue, I heard a voice in my head. Not so much a clear sounded voice than a whisper.

. It kept repeating. The voice seemed to be everywhere and me like a monkey in front of a mirror kept turning in every direction trying to locate the source of that dreary voice.

it finally whispered, pulling me to the left.

I didn't know if it was curiosity or even my idea, I followed the pathway on my left while scanning every face I came across believing I could identify the caller.

It continued to whisper like this for three minutes till I stood in the woods next to the park. I didn't know why but I waited to hear the voice again. It didn't come. Then a thought occurred to me. What if this was a trap? It couldn't be, would it? Knowing what I know about my Uncle and his friends and the fact that someone was after us, I grew conscious of the danger I may be in. How gullible was I to follow that voice? God, I better get out of here.

Nervously, I spun on my heel to see the way I came. Impossible! There in front of me the pathway was no longer. I could only find dark green ferns in the shades of very tall trees.

`Over here,' the voice came again but this time I knew it wasn't a whisper, nonetheless it startled me.

Promptly, I turned to see a blond guy smirking at me. He was young and handsome, yes: five foot eleven, big shoulders, big biceps and spotting a gleaming smile. His demeanor screamed out cunning and perhaps devious. His eyes however, tell a completely different story. I saw hardship, pain and regret.

`Well, well, well. What do we have here little brother?'

Another blond guy, a lot older than the first enter my line of vision followed by a third. Both newcomers were identical; slightly shorter than the first with even bigger muscles. They were built like tanks. Oh God! They have blue eyes, kind of creepy.

I don't particularly hate people with blue eyes but theirs reminded me of the neighbor's cat which tried to claw my face off on the Halloween after my seventh birthday.

`The little prince is alone, without his guard dogs, how sad?' he teased. His eyes glimmered and I shivered. This guy was dangerous I could feel it.

`He's kind of pathetic for a Feres, wouldn't you agree Ted.' The third one said.

With his arms crossed before him, his thick eyebrows creased over his piercing ocean blue eyes looking as mean as his twin.

`Yes. Pathetic but he is a cute xenon. Ned do you think he had a nice ass?'

Ned didn't share his brother's opinion so he said instead, `What shall we do with him?'

`Master wants us to bring him to the manor remember,' the one that lured me there said.

`Relax Bron I just want a little fun. Besides I'm an alpha and Xell isn't the boss of me.'

He walked up to me and took a long intended sniff.


Before I knew it, he had me on my back on the ground wincing in pain from where I hit the forest floor.

`Don't cry yet little Feres. You'll be screaming with joy in a minute.'

He pounced on me and started biting my shoulder while squeezing my neck. I fought back and try to dislodge him but he was too strong.

Standing not too far off his brother began to laugh.

This was it. I kept thinking. I'm going to be raped and killed.


End of chapter 7.

Rye is in trouble, who will save him? Charlie, Wren, Nick or Bron?? Find out more about him the "Feres" and of the "xenon" in the next chapter.

This chapter was dedicated to my pal 'And' (you know who you are) LoL. Thank you for being my muse.

Hope you liked it.

Next: Chapter 8

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