The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Oct 30, 2016


Happy Reading!

The Feri Light

Chapter 16

Ever since I woke up, the professor made it a point to check on me every so often, so it wasn't a surprise when he appeared again early the next morning.

'Where's Ferard?' I asked him when I saw his bed empty.

'He was escorted back to the dungeon. Fun-loving and full of life, your friend is quite a fellow,' the professor said.

I'd never thought I'd say this but the little time I spent with the guy did change my opinion of him. I regret having judged him so harshly. Like the doctor said, he was kind, funny, outgoing, a few traits that reminded me so much of my childhood friend Alex. Yes. Ferard was indeed a friend.

After my daily dose of medicine, the professor told me that I would probably be released tomorrow.

My face fell. Although, I was glad to be reunited with Wren I couldn't help but dread the conditions I'll be in once I'm behind bars. It was peaceful here. And I was getting use to the solitude.

'Cheer up. I've got news that will brighten your day, your Majesty. For a while now, I've been searching for an assistant. While you slept yesterday, your friend told me you have some knowledge in healing. So I took the liberty to request you be released to the infirmary, under my custody.'

I was shocked. 'You'd do that for me?'

Tears pooled in my eyes.

'Yes. You're Royalty. I can't condemn you to that rat-hole they call a dungeon.'

'But my friends are down there. I can't abandon them.'

'On the contrary, working for me would be to your advantage. You would be in a better position to help your friends from up here.'

He did have a point, I thought. But I wanted to see Wren.

Suddenly, a noise from the other room made us both jump.

'Who's there?' the professor yelled in a commanding voice at the intruder. Alarmed, he strode to the door to see who it was.

My heart was racing. Honestly, I was scared that whoever it was might have heard us.

'Good, you've arrived,' the professor said. 'I'll be with you in a second.'

I heard the other person speak. I knew he was a man but I couldn't clearly hear his words.

The professor turned to me with a sigh of relief. 'No need to worry. It's just a dear friend of mine. I've invited him for breakfast. In fact, why don't you join us?'

Relieved, I was able to breathe again. 'I'd be delighted to if I could find my clothes.'

'They're in the bottom drawer to your left. You'd better hurry if you want to get something down your belly. Nash can't be trusted with food,' he joked.

I chuckled at the professor's enthusiasm. It seems he really likes the guy.

I found my clothes. I was surprised they had been washed and properly folded. It must be the professor's doing. I was indebted to him.

Fully dressed, I look at my reflection in a stainless steel jug. Holy crap, my hair! I'd forgotten. I'd dyed it blond. But it has grown longer. I'll have to shorten it once I get back home.

Replacing the jug I went through the door. The adjoining room was much larger than I expected. It housed the professor's workspace on one side and his study on the opposite side.

I found the professor, by himself, at a small wooden table on the far end of the room next to a large bi-folding window.

'Come and sit by me,' he beaconed.

'Where's your friend?' I asked.

'He'll be back in a moment. I sent him on an errand.'

I looked down at the breakfast table and I suddenly wasn't hungry anymore. No porridge, no fruit, we were only having flatbread and a thick creamy broth with tea. Nonetheless, I was politely invited, so I just had the tea and a piece of flatbread.

The professor was a chatty type. In the short time we waited for his friend, he spoke of his past, family and latest project. I half listened. But much more, I loved that I didn't have to say anything.

The professor rambled on about stem cells when in walked traitor number two.

'I'm glad you're back. Take a sit, and let me introduce you to my new friend,' the professor said excitedly. 'Rye, meet my dear friend Nash Keene. Nash my boy, this here is Rye.'

'Nice to meet you, Rye,' Keene said as if he didn't know who I was. Since it wasn't customary in Targeten, I thanked God there wasn't any hand shaking involved. I was equally relieved Keene didn't make any attempt to kiss me either.

Truthfully, I wanted to leap across the table and strangle him with my bare hands. Alas, I didn't want to be sent to the dungeon or much worse, be disrespectful to the host who had shown me nothing but kindness. Ignoring him was also out of the question because the professor was gazing at us expectantly. I really was between a rock and hard place.

'Nice to meet you too,' I said.

'Excellent. Now, where was I. Ah yes ...' the professor exclaimed and right away picked up where he left off before the interloper interrupted our conversation. Meanwhile, I couldn't keep my eyes off the traitor.

'The daggers you're shooting hurt you know,' Keene said.

It was so unexpected that I lost my grip of the mug I was holding and spilled tea all over the table.

'I'm sorry professor,' I said with trembling lips, 'it was an accident.'

The professor quickly rushed to his workbench and brought back a piece of cloth.

'No need for apologies, Rye. I know you didn't do it on purpose,' the older gentleman reassured me.

The professor was oblivious to what had been said because Keene never uttered a single word. He said it in my head.

Perturbed, I glared at Keene. For the likes of me, I couldn't figure out how he was in my head when it was common knowledge he was a Hag.

As I recall Hags were Targs with no powers, even though they were born to magical parents. Biologically, they have a rare mutation that nullifies any ability they might have had. Unfortunately, the man before me was no Hag.

Keene grinned from across the table. "Hag is such a derogatory word, wouldn't you say. I particularly hate that word."

Oh shit! He's telepathic. He heard my thoughts. Has he been pretending all this time? Oh God!

'If you're not a Hag, then what are you?'

I heard his sarcastic laughter in my head. How repulsive?

"You should know I hate repeating myself for we already have had that discussion."

What in the world was he talking about?

"Think hard, Rye."

I glimpsed at the professor next to me. He was still rambling without any clue of what was going on.

"All right then. I'll give you a clue. The last time we met I told you we'll be meeting here this morning."

This guy was getting on my nerves. First he befriended us, then betrayed us and now he's toying ... meeting this morning.

Oh shit! It couldn't be?

"Yes, shit. But go ahead and say it."

"Devlin! You're Devlin?"


End of chapter 16

Next: Chapter 80: The Feri Light 17

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