The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Sep 7, 2017


Happy Reading!

The Feres Light

Chapter 20

I spent three hours controlling my core to perform the tasks Devlin set for me. To say the very least, it was tough. I did enjoy every second though. I learned to teleport anew, to defend myself from an opponent using nothing but my core energy. Keene and Logan got to spar with me too. I had a hard time staying focused and keeping my core energy shield up when they clobbered me with weapons. The fun part was when it was my turn to go on the offence. Of course, Devlin shielded them so they wouldn't get hurt but I enjoyed bringing them to their knees with the sheer force of my energy balls. Truly, I never had so much fun training before.

"That's enough for today. You're really a fast learner, Rye. I think congratulations are in order," Devlin said. About an hour earlier he could no longer sustain a physical form. He vanished and started instructing me through Keene.

I thanked him and went for the water Keene brought.

'I'm beat. I need a wash and some food.' Keene said. He glanced at his nephew, 'so does Logan apparently.' An exhausted Logan was leaning forward with both palms on his knees visibly quivering. Sweat trickled down his handsome face. Keene's eyes returned to me. 'Do you have enough energy to take us down? I don't think either one of us could make it on foot.'

'Sure,' I said through a panting smile.

I teleported us back to the healing shack. Logan suggested we get clean in the brook but first I wanted to check on Kane to make sure he was okay. When I entered, the old healer stood up to leave. I nodded at him but he didn't respond. I shrugged it off and went down on my knees next to Kane. He was fast asleep. I checked his vitals and then felt his forehead, neck and chest just to make sure the fever hadn't returned. When I was sure he was fine, I joined the guys outside.

'Come on. Race you guys to the brook,' Logan took off across the tiny field towards the cluster of tall trees.

'How come you get a head start? That's not fair,' Keene yelled after him. I stood there laughing for a second or two before I chased them to the brook.

The brook was only knee deep, and it was more inviting when I saw a naked Logan and Keene splashing water with their feet at each other like a couple of kids. I stripped and got in the water.

While the guys were being boisterous, I lay on my back and let the cold water sooth my muscles. Judging by the position of the sun, it was getting late. I sat up and started washing myself when Logan trudged up to me. 'Do you want me to wash your back for you?' he offered. I shyly blushed as he positioned himself behind me. His long legs flanked me on both sides. He brought a handful of sand to my back and started rubbing it gently. As soon as he touched me my cock sprang to life. I was getting horny. Not wanting to jump him I distracted him instead.

'Where's Keene?'

He laughed.

'What?' I said when he didn't stop.

'I find it funny that you keep calling him Keene.'


'Keene is our clan name. It's like calling a dog, dog.'

I glanced at him and faked a gasp. 'Are you telling me you're a clan of dogs?'

He laughed louder. 'You're hilarious. I never thought the feres had a sense of humor.' He splashed water on my back, washing away the sand. I was wrong in thinking he was done. He massaged my trapezium muscles. I sighed with satisfaction.

'Oh yeah! That's it right there. Man, you're making me horny. Shit! Did I say that out loud?' I blushed profusely.

Logan chuckled again. 'That's normal. Look.' He thrust his glyph arm forward. 'I'm a wencher. I'm always horny.'

'Hmm. Here's an idea. Why don't we help each other out?' It was better it came from me because of my status. I find people are often too reluctant to make the first move in this sort of situation.

Logan didn't reply. Instead he dropped kisses on my shoulder and neck. I pushed back my head and rested it on his shoulder. His arms snaked around me and began feeling my abdominal muscles and my groin area.

Suddenly, I realized we were in full view of anyone passing by. I pushed up with a start. 'Relax. Nash went to see Shelly about dinner. If you ask me, he went looking for some ass.'

We both laughed.

Logan got up and pulled me with him. We wrapped our arms around each other and I finally got a taste of those magnificent lips. 'Mmm,' I groaned in his mouth. We parted. It wasn't enough. I wanted more.

'Keene told me you mated a wolf shifter. Aren't you afraid he'll pick up my scent on you and go ballistic?'

'I assure you, the only thing he'll want is to have his turn with you.' Logan grinned. I can see the mischievous glint in his eye. He was thinking of the possibilities. I sighed. 'Not another Wren,' I said under my breath.

We kissed again before I dragged him out of the water. We settled under a tree. I stood with my hands supporting my upper body at the back of my hips, which gave Logan free reign of my cock. He grabbed my hard-on and gave it a jerk. Still on his feet, he bent down, parted those luscious lips and swallowed my glans. I oohed and aahed as my cock slipped in and out of his lips. 'I've been dying for you to do that all day.'

He pulled off me and grinned back. 'Great minds think alike.' he replied with a wink. I sniggered as he sucked me back between those voluminous beauties. I've never felt so turned on by a pair of lips in my life. Since he was doing it sideways, I pushed gently on his back so that he was in a squatting position. In the new position I could see myself between those miracle workers. The suction he provided nearly brought me down a couple of times with spasms.

Jeez! I was in love with that mouth. I loved the sensations. I loved the rhythm. I loved the faces he was making. Jeez, I loved everything he was doing to me.

'Can you go deeper?'

He nodded slightly. I near lost myself again as those suckers glided down my shaft. Buried to the hilt, he contracted his throat muscles bringing a new sensation. Okay. This guy was a pro. Wren will be jealous when I tell him. Logan pulled out a couple of times before I felt the urge to thrust my hips. I honestly, couldn't help myself. I began to moan knowing I was reaching a climax. Logan seemed to sense it. He did something which brought me to the edge sooner. He grabbed, pulled and squeezed my nuts. I could literally feel the pressure building up at the base of my cock before it jetted out an explosion. My knees buckled and I had to steady myself by leaning against the tree. I thrashed about like a headless chicken against his mouth. He finally released my cock with a sharp gasp. Cum and spit drooled down his mouth and chin. 'Shit!'

Logan didn't give me any time to recover. He wiped his wet chin and lubed his ass with it. Back on his feet, he turned around and pushed my throbbing cock past his rings. 'Fuck me,' he said over his shoulder.

Inhaling deeply, I grabbed his hips and thrust.

Normally, I was the bottom during sex. Not out of necessity but out of choice. I love a hot hard cock in my ass. I love the feeling of being filled. I love the pleasure I get from it. Wren does bottom occasionally but he is a better top. Ever since we started, we kind of reached a plateau in our sexual relationship. There's hardly any change. We both sort of stick to the position we favor best. Not that I was complaining. I love what we have.

Logan was a greedy bastard; true to his wencher nature. Seeing as he was pushing hard to meet me halfway, I had to ramp up my speed and vigor. I was more like a horny jackrabbit. His grunts were laced with both satisfaction and delight. I had to admit. His tight ass was just as pleasurable as his mouth. Once or twice I nearly lost it in the frenzy. After a bit, Logan's skin became too sweaty and my hand kept slipping. I had to grab behind his elbows to keep steady. Quick and hard, I pounded him. Rocking rapidly back and forth, his head sagged. I guessed his neck got tired. I was wrong. He was cumming. And the little devil never even touched his cock. As the contraction started, his sphincter put my cock in a viselike grip. That was it for me. I flushed him with cum.

With labored breath, it was a chore to stay on our feet. Logan straightened and stretched his back. He threw an arm over my shoulders and dropped a kiss on my sweaty neck. 'That was exhilarating,' he said like he still had enough energy to burn. I could go again too. Unfortunately, it was getting dark. I wanted to check on Kane before I went back to the professor.

'Let's wash up,' I said moving us back to the water.

There were a bunch of people by Kane's shack when Logan and I reached there. There was one guy in a Koff's guard uniform, the old mute healer and three huge men that shared similar traits with Logan.

'You're back.' Logan kissed the older man. Before the man could reply, Logan pulled me closer to the group. 'Father, this is the Feres King Riley. Your Majesty, this is my father Goran Keene and my brothers Finn and Dave. The one in the uniform is my cousin, Theo. Be careful with that one, he's an ass thief.' I gave an uneasy laugh not because I was embarrassed, rather I didn't want Goran to get a bad impression on me.

Theo slapped Logan upside the head and barked a laugh along with the others.

'Enough with your bantering, you're making His Majesty uncomfortable,' Goran said in a stern voice.

'Naah! Rye is a cool guy,' Logan said with a wink.

'Boy!' His father admonished, 'haven't I taught you proper manners.' Logan grinned sheepishly, while the others sniggered.

'Don't be too harsh on Logan, please. It's my fault really. I consider your son a friend. And my friends are allowed to address me informally.'

Goran's surprised face was indescribable. I could see he put much effort in raising his boys like proper gentlemen, with manners and all. He doesn't have much, but it shows in his clothes, body language and words that he values dignity and pride. I could be wrong but these were the vibes I was getting from him.

'Ah! You two are finally here,' Keene said from the shack door. He wasn't there before so he must have been inside. 'What took you so long?'

Goran scowled at Keene for a microsecond before a more neutral expression returned. Huh! I was right in my assessment of the guy after all. I didn't bother to explore the man any further because I had a more pressing concern. 'What going on? Did something happen to Kane?'

Keene chuckled. 'No. Kane is fine. We're just having the meeting here.'

I was confused. 'What meeting?' No one told me of any meeting. I glanced at Logan to ask him if he'd known about this. The vague expression on his face told me he didn't know either.

'Nash, get everyone inside already. I have things to do back at the infirmary.' A clear mature voice said from within the shack.

'Is that the professor?' I asked making my way in. I was genuinely surprised to see him here. Isn't that going to compromise our safety? The man might have saved my life but I wasn't a hundred percent sure he could be trusted. I also wasn't sure about Theo. Then again he was related to Keene and he might actually be a spy for Goran.

'You're right on time, Rye. We were going to start without you,' the professor said. There were cushions arranged in a circle. Kane's makeshift bed of fur had been dragged to a far corner. Kane was looking pale next to the professor. I sat next to him.

'Are you alright?' I asked him.

He nodded yes as he eyed every last person entering the room. Even sick he was on alert. I didn't doubt his apprehension. 'You did a great job in healing him,' the professor said. 'I had no idea you were so skilled.'

'Did you tell him about the wag venom thing,' I asked Kane. Partly because I wanted to make him feel part of the conversation so he could relax a little. Unfortunately, the professor answered for him.

'He did.'

'Don't you have an antidot for it in your infirmary?'

'An antidot could be made but it's impossible if he can't identify which wag bit him. Wag's venom is unique to each individual. That's what makes them so lethal. Your friend was lucky to have built some immunity.'

I looked at Kane. 'I didn't know that either. According to the professor here, I was given a drop of venom every week since I was five. Did you know he used to work for my dad?'

The professor worked for Elron? It was possible. That would explained how Amegra and Verna, Wain's mom, knew of him.' Speaking of Amegra, I have to arrange a meeting between the professor and Wren. That was the reason we came here after all. Tomorrow, I decided, before all hell breaks loose.

Everyone took a cushion. Logan chose the one next to me.

Someone was missing. "Is Devlin coming out?" I projected to Keene who was two people down from the professor.

"Don't fret, young feres. I am here." Devlin voice resonated in my head.

Keene called for everyone's attention. He gave a short introduction of Kane and then jumped right to why we had assembled. Then he called for the professor to tell what he knows about the celebration on Halcyon day. 'I gave Uren a physical this morning. I asked off-handedly about the event, actually. He didn't say much just that an important guest is to attend.'

'The guards had similarly been informed of this mystery guest. Uren wants everything to be perfect. I tell you. He was barking orders like crazy. Like he expects that person to criticize everything,' Theo added.

'Does Devlin have any idea who it is?' Goran asked. I raised my brow in astonishment. He knows. I glanced at the professor. No reaction. He knows too.

I frowned at Keene. He ignored me.

'No. He doesn't know.'

'Let's not get worked up about this. Keene, tell us about Devlin's plan,' Goran said.

His plan was simple, too simple if you ask me. The ceremony will be held shortly after breakfast. Every civilian is to attend. Uren wants the citadel and village empty. Wargs will patrol the grounds. Half of the Uren forces will guard the citadel while the other half will secure the arena. Theo will get the armory open for Goran and his sons who will release the prisoners. The professor will get me to the stand as close to Uren as possible. Apparently, he's mine to take out. Keene and Devlin are responsible for creating panic amongst the civilians to provide cover for the fights in the citadel. Whichever way you look at this plan, I have the toughest part because only with Uren's death will the guards surrender.

'Before we put the plan into motion, Your Majesty, you asked for some items to be brought to you,' Keene said to me. What was he talking about?

'I did?'

'Devlin said you did.'

I knew what he was referring to. I wasn't happy that Devlin can trudge into my attic whenever he wants. Note to self. Learn how to block telepathy.

'Professor, Theo, if you please.'

The professor, Theo and Keene produced small bundles. One by one, they placed them in front of me. The professor's bundle contained a brooch, presumably Uren's. Theo's, a chip from the inhibitor crystal, and from Keene I got a pebble from the arena.

'What are these for,' the one called Finn asked.

'He needs them to invoke a vision. To see if our plan will be effective,' Keene answered. This must be coming from Devlin. Asshole!

All eyes were on me as I reached for the brooch. Nothing happened, not even a fizzle. I got nothing from the crystal either. As soon as I palmed the pebble however, all hell broke loose. My eyes turned smoky white and images flashed before my eyes. When I finally released the stone I was white as a sheet of paper. I couldn't believe what I saw. It was a vision I'd seen before. Actually, it was exactly the same. I was sure of it.

'What is it, Your Majesty? What did you see?' Keene urgently asked.

With a trembling hand, I reached out and gripped Kane's forearm. 'Kane. Your father. He...he... he dies here in this arena.'


End of chapter 20

Next: Chapter 84: The Feri Light 21

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