The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Oct 1, 2017


Happy Reading!

The Feri Light

Chapter 21

'WHAT!' Kane blurted out. He clamped his jaw so tightly that I could see the workings of his muscles. Understandable, for it was his father we were talking about. He loves the bastard. Truthfully, I wasn't feeling at ease either. I was visibly shaken, not entirely from grief (more for the Graylard brothers than their father) but mostly from shame and fear. How am I going to explain this to Wren? Would he blame me for not telling him sooner? What am I going to do if he never speaks to me again? I could barely acknowledge Logan as he pulled me close to his chest.

'Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on?' Goran exclaimed. Keene launched a series of explanations and to say I was listening would be a lie.

Suddenly, a surge of adrenaline rushed through me. Fear of what Wren will do when he finds out that I didn't tell him. I have to tell him. He has to know. He needs to know about his dad. I was instantly on my feet. I glanced at Kane. He was quiet now. Well, that was an understatement. I know he was doing his damn best to reign in his anger. I felt it. After all he was taught to stay calm with dignity and pride. Either way, I was going to see Wren and I couldn't leave Kane here. Not like this. I had to take him with me. 'Kane. Take my hand.' He glared at me. I don't know what he saw because he didn't hesitate to take it. I sent Keene a silent message before Kane and I teleported out.

We appeared at the base of the lone tree in the middle of the grass plain where the others and I had camped the last time. It was also the place where we were captured. Stars were making an appearance in the night sky. Kane didn't ask any questions. I was glad for that. I found the fire pit we built and a stack of firewood nearby. I lit a fire with an energy ball then turned to Kane. He leaned quietly against the tree trunk. I felt bad for him. Without an audience, he was now showing sign of grieving. The irony of it hit me like a ton of bricks. His father hasn't died yet.

I sat down by the fire, closed my eyes and invoked a search vision with Wren in mind. With the interference of the inhibitor crystal it took a while. I found him lying on a mat under a makeshift tent in Koff's dungeon. He wasn't alone but I knew Caleb wouldn't snitch on him if he went missing. I used my core to make a connection with him. He immediately stiffened. "Close your eyes for me atsa." Though he was a bit confused he didn't resist me. I pushed feri light energy through our connection and brought him to me. He shot up like a startled creature when he felt the grass beneath him.

'What the ...?' He spotted me by the fire and his face softened. 'How did you...?' He stopped mid sentence when he saw Kane. 'Kane?' His brother didn't respond. He just stared blankly into the darkness.

'Come sit by me, atsa,' I said quietly. He closed the distance and plopped down by my side. 'What's going on Rye? Am I in one of those dream things again? What's up with Kane?'

'Love, I need to tell you something. Forgive me for what I'm about to tell you. Know that it wasn't my secret to tell.'

He frowned. 'What're you talking about?'

I told him. Everything. He listened intently. Every now and then his gaze switched from me to Kane. But otherwise his face remained stoic, which was really disconcerting. I didn't know what he was thinking. Devlin had offered to help me devlop my telepathy, I refused because I didn't want to get overwhelmed with other people's thoughts when I could barely contain my own. How I wish I had said yes to his proposal now.

'... With his course of action, I think the vision is now set in stone.' I ended.

Wren locked eyes with me. 'Are you certain this vision will come to pass?'

'I'm pretty sure it will.'

'How sure?'

'Ninety-nine percent.'

His mouth formed an 'oh' but the sound stuck in his throat.

Wren's silence was unnerving. I was on edge with regret. Fear of being rejected wasn't far behind. With a sharp breath, my shoulders sagged in resignation. He hates me. Wren noticed. 'I forgive you for not telling me this sooner but right now I'll have a word with my brother.'

He went to Kane. I decided to give them some privacy. So, I put up a feri light domed shield over our camp, rendering it invisible from prying eyes and went for a walk.

I don't know how far I went, where I went or when I got back.

Kane was fast asleep. Hugging his knees to his chest, Wren was staring absently into the fire. When he heard me approaching, his face broke into a smile; a genuine smile. 'There you are? Come,' he said thrusting a hand in my direction. I took it. He pulled me onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around me. He kissed me on the nose. 'Sorry for earlier. Know that I'm mad at my father, not you, atsa. The man is so full of shit. He drives me crazy with his inability to let go of his pride.' He took a long pause. 'He made his bed now he will lie in it.' He didn't mean that. I know he didn't. He was just angry and hurt.

I stayed glued to his chest until I fell asleep.

The next morning when I woke up Wren wasn't there. Kane was also gone. I thought they left me until I found their pile of clothes. The fire was out but I found some fruit carefully wrapped in a leaf bundle. Wren left it for me. He knows I like fruit for breakfast. I ate while I wondered where they went.

It was more than an hour later when they came back.

They were naked, sweaty and grimy. 'Where have you guys been?'

'We went for a run,' Wren said.

'You didn't?' I gave Kane a stern look.

'What?' He said.

'You shouldn't be doing that in your condition.'

He shrugged. 'I'm fine.'

'What wrong with you?' Wren asked a little confused. Kane brushed it off with another shrug.

'Your brother got bitten by wargs. He shouldn't be running with venom still in his veins.'

'You should have told me,' Wren admonished.

'Look. I'm grateful for your concerns. I admit I'm hurting a little right now but I'll be fine. I am fine.' He donned his clothes and Wren shook his head while doing the same. 'I'm glad you brought us here, Rye.' He changed the subject. 'I hate to bear ill news and face the family right now.'

'I agree,' Wren said. 'In any case, we sent a whisper to Eric. Told him what you told us. We wanted him to be prepared in the event it all turns out to be true.' The vision was a reality. But they wouldn't be Graylards if they weren't intending to prevent the inevitable. They may not admit it. They were as stubborn as their father.

I brought Wren back with us to Haven. We met with Keene who was waiting for us by the shack. I sent him a whisper prior to our arrival. His nephew Theo was with him. We exchanged a few words. Theo convinced me that Wren could stay with us. He wouldn't be missed because apparently the cave was an open prison. The inmates can do whatever they want as long as they stayed within the fenced limit. The guards didn't see Wren leave so there wasn't any problem. Besides, as Theo put it, the guards never come within the fence unless a particular prisoner had been summoned. They changed shift too often to memorize every prisoner's face. Therefore, they won't notice Wren's absence. I didn't want to leave Caleb and Ferard to rot in there either. Theo advised us not to do it during day time. There would be too many prying eyes. So, we're busting them out tonight.

'Well. I'm meeting the professor. I'll give him the good news, that you are safe and sound. He was really upset when you left,' Keene said.

'Oh! Please, send him my gratitude. And if you may, can you have him meet with us here this evening. I want him to meet Wren.'

Keene smiled knowingly. He knew we came all the way here for that purpose. He nodded, 'sure.'

As Keene and Theo left, Logan arrived.

I introduced him to the brothers. Kane lifted his eyebrows when he saw Logan's sexy lips. Wren was as equally intrigued. He kept staring at them.

'I'm taking them to the river. Want to tag along?'

He cheerfully agreed.

Wren and Kane followed us. We weren't even half way there when Logan whispered in my ear. 'What's wrong with my face? Everyone I've met lately keeps staring at me.'

The brothers snorted behind us. With their super wolf hearing, they'd probably heard him of course. I didn't tell Logan. I hate to embarrass the guy. Nonetheless, I decided to tell him the truth, well, as much as I possibly could.

'There's nothing wrong with your face, rather urh ... your ...,' I pointed my index finger at my own lips.

'What's wrong with my lips?' He said touching them.

'No, no, nothing is wrong with them. They're just... Shit! I'm going out on a limb here, so don't go crazy on me.' Here goes nothing, I thought. 'You've got fuck-me-lips. They're full and sexy as hell.'

Behind us, the boys gave a full hearty laugh this time.

Perturbed, Logan glared at them. With years of pretending that they didn't hear anything; it was easy for them to shake off his suspicions. Logan leaned toward my ears one more time. 'Do you really think they're sexy?'

Logan watched us bathe. I have to admit, he was a lusty one. From the moment Wren and his brother stripped and stepped into the water his eyes were glued on them. Correction. His eyes were glued on Kane. I inwardly laughed. They would really make a cute couple. It might help to loosen Kane up for a change.

Like always, Wren couldn't keep his hands off me. Frankly, I liked the attention. I was also looking forward to some down time together. We kissed like we'd spent the last century without a drop of water.

'You guys are worse than bunnies,' Kane grumbled. We laughed as he made his way to the river bank. Logan was quick to provide him with a blanket. He was being flirtatious. I was pretty sure Kane noticed it too. I didn't know what they talked about but they left together.

Wren chuckled. 'Your new friend shouldn't get his hopes up with my brother.'

I drew my brows together. 'Why?'

'Kane is probably the only person in Theran who exclusively prefers the company of women folk.'

So he's straight as an arrow. Huh. 'I sense there's a story in there somewhere, isn't there?'

'I don't really know. For as long as I've known him, Kane isn't known for being promiscuous. Urh... Rye. I don't want to alarm you. There's a creepy old man checking us out over there.'

I laughed when I spotted the professor.

'Hey there,' I said cheerfully as we stood naked in front of him. He didn't even bat an eye. 'You're early.'

'You summoned me Your Majesty.' He said with a slight bow. The gesture took me back a little. I thought he was annoyed. He wasn't. He grinned. I gave a small sigh of relief.

'Accept my apologies for dragging you here professor. I just wanted you to meet my bondmate.' I introduced them.

'Amegra's son?' Dorek said with an expression of surprise.

Wren nodded. 'If you know my mother, then you should probably know why I'm here.'

'I believe I do.' The professor moved to a tall tree, planted himself on an exposed root and boldly watched us as we dressed. When we joined him he stared at Wren for the longest of time. 'I was a healer in Theran when your mother came to me for help. Although I was against the whole idea, I couldn't refuse her. I understood why she wanted to do what she did. Her fears were real. I should know. We're distant cousins after all. Everyone in the family grew up with the crazy stories of the male heirs bestowed with the gift.'

'We're related?' Dumbfoundedly, Wren asked. 'I wonder how come mom, Auntie Vera or even Grandma Celia never mentioned you.'

Dorek gave a wan smile. 'Wait a minute. Aunt Celia is still alive?'

'Yes. She lives in a little cottage near Theran. She moved there when I was born. According to her, she wanted to be close to her grandsons.'

'I never knew.'

'I'm sorry. I don't know what to tell you...'

'You don't have to apologize. The gift, which many dubbed the curse, is what put a wedge between us.' He took some time to gather his thoughts. 'About your powers, I'm very sorry. I can't undo what I did. Sealing magic is an advanced form of magic that needs a spell that can only be performed by a powerful witch. Alas, I don't have that kind of power anymore. Understand me. I really want to help you. Like I said, I can't. I relinquished most of my powers to the Keeper of Sandridon as payment for passage to the human realm.'

Disappointed, Wren's face fell. I rubbed his arm.

'Isn't there another spell?' I asked.

Dorek shook his head. 'No other spell would work, although, every sealing spell has a failsafe.'

That perked Wren right up. 'Tell me about it.'

For the rest of the afternoon, Wren and I helped Goran and his people harvest the fields. With bad weather coming, the clan needed a sure food source to sustain them through winter.

As the sun fell from the sky, women and children headed for the brook to wash up. The men stayed behind to clean up and secure the granary. When the women were done, the men took their turn at the brook. The whole affair was filled with vivacious bantering, tricks and merriment. When Wren and I were done, we joined Kane and Logan at the shack. Logan brought us clean clothes. After putting them on we followed him to a small clearing that served as a meeting place for the Keene clan. On a long table next to the roaring bonfire, several dishes were on display. Not wanting any special treatment, we queued up like everybody else. We settled on a grassy patch with our diner plates in hand.

I wasn't used to eating like this. I particularly found balancing my plate with my left hand while trying to eat with my right a challenge. Wren and Kane had no problem with this. They said in their warrior training days, every meal was served like that.

Phil, one of Logan's brothers, had bonded well with Kane. Not in a sexual way but more like a friendship type thing. Logan was jealous of course. He kept interrupting them every time which Wren found kind of funny. The pair ignored him after a while so he turned his attention towards us instead. The guy talked a lot. Since I was eating, I could do nothing but nod as if I agreed with everything he was saying.

Women with jugs filled our goblets with some kind of alcoholic beverage. I asked for water but that only elicited giggles from them. The liquid smelled and tasted slightly like wine. I didn't see any grape vines around so I refrained from asking for the ingredients of the brew in case I might not like what I would find. Two sips were enough for me, so I poured the rest into Wren's goblet.

'Hey. A few guys are having a little get-together latter tonight. Would you like to join us?' The request was innocent enough but the wink and grin on Logan's face suggested otherwise.

Wren raised his brows at me. 'What do you say Rye?' I knew exactly what he was thinking. He had been cooped up in jail for the lengthy stay in Koff, probably without much form of release. Certainly he would want some play time.

'We can go,' I said.

'All right!' Logan's burst of excitement sent us all into fits of laughter.


End of chapter 20

Next: Chapter 85: The Feri Light 22

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