The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Sep 22, 2018


Happy reading!

The Feri War

Chapter 3

"Rye, someone here for you," Jan's whisper brushed past my ear. I was glad to be anywhere but here. I told Wren where I was headed but he wanted to stay. He and the others were having a blast explaining Notwitt to Logan. Plus, they were enjoying Seth and Dale's little show.

'Rye!' A little squeaky voice yelled as I entered the lounge. Two fast little feet carried Kenzo to me. I pulled him into my arms and twirled him around.

Kane, who was standing by the sofa, was all smiles.

'How are you little man?' I said.

'I'm fine. Is it true I'm going with you to a party?'

'Yes. We're going to have some fun.'

'Will there be candy?'

'Yes, and a birthday cake.'

'What's a birthday cake?' Kenzo asked with a perplexed frown.

I was tired of explaining the concept of birthdays to people. However, Kenzo was an innocent child, I had to explain. His face lit up when I told him next year I will throw him a party to celebrate his birthday.

'Yay! Daddy I'm going to have a birthday party too.'

Kane chuckled as he drew near. I still had Kenzo in my arms.

'He's not having any more candy. He's lost too many teeth already. One fell out only yesterday,' Kane said.

'Which tooth?' I asked Kenzo.

'This one,' he said pulling at his mouth to show me where the tooth had been. He was also missing a front tooth. He laughed when I told him the tooth fairy will bring him presents if he puts the tooth under his pillow. I was sure he didn't understand but he didn't ask.

'Where are Wain and Lyra,' I asked Kane. They said they were coming too. I hope Wain can make it. The guy had been working nonstop since his coronation.

'I'm afraid Wain can't come. But Lyra is already in Valpak. She went early this morning, so she could visit her cousin.'

Lyra has been a good mate to Wain. She has been by his side ever since his coronation. They are now an official couple. Targs don't have ceremonies to celebrate their unions but we were there when Wain announced their bonding. And we did have a little get together in the Graylard's family room after.

'Where are the others?' Kane said.

'You don't want to know, trust me,' I said raising my eyebrow.

He seemed to know what I was on about and he laughed.

'What?' Kenzo asked.

'Nothing. Let's go get you something to drink,' I said.

I put Kenzo down and held his left hand while Kane took the other one. Kane and I made small talk on our way to the kitchen. We were stopped halfway there by Jan and Eston.

'Your Majesty. It's nice to see you again,' Eston said.

'Eston. How are you?'

'I'm well, thank you for asking your Majesty.' Ever so polite, Eston gave a little bow.

Eston has been with us since the very beginning. He was a warlock in Commander Nicodemus mercenary troop when we first met. He proved himself invaluable when he took over the construction of Ryestown. The little village, that was built to cater to witch refugees, had grown into a bustling town overnight thanks to his leadership. Because of his effort, Ryestown was now a culturally diverse hub for all races. It's a good thing because now there are more people to defend it. Ryestown also has an agricultural innovation that no one in Targeten has; greenhouses. Crops can be grown throughout the year, not just in the summer. It was an idea of Helen's. She learned of it from her little greenhouse when she was hiding out with her sisters in the human realm. With a little magic, they've yielded nearly half of the food production needed to sustain themselves and the troops. It was a great accomplishment for such a new town.

'How's Helen and Cole?' I said.

'There're doing fine. Helen is busy as usual and Cole, he's been amazing at setting up Ryestown defenses.

Helen and Cole moved to Ryestown so that she could be closer to Highguard camp as she was the logistician of our army. With Nicodemus in charge of Highguard camp and Stryker in Koff overseeing the new recruits training, Eston is now the mayor of Ryestown. A concept not very well known to Targs. Up until now, villages, towns and cities were being run by a clan for Wyrmer and a Lord in The Sear.

'You should visit us soon, your Majesty. We've made a few changes since your last visit,' Eston said.

'I will,' I said as he followed Jan down the corridor.

During the brief conversation, I noticed the glitter in Kane's eyes. He fancied Eston. It was a mutual thing apparently since Eston's eyes kept appraising the shifter even though his words were directed at me.

'He's a nice guy and apparently a single dad like yourself. You should get to know him,' I said to Kane who blushed in embarrassment. To be truthful, I was surprised when Nick told me Eston was a single dad. The guy didn't look much older than Wain's twenty-three. His son is a year older than Kenzo. And the boy's mother died in child birth. The boy had been living with Eston's sister in the witch city of Rocia. But he's now united with his father in Ryestown.

I glanced at Kane. I caught him off guard with that comment since he thought he was being subtle about his interest. He didn't say anything, but I surely got him thinking.

After, Kenzo was hydrated, we met with the guys outside, next to the shallow pool. The rain had stopped but the chilling wind was giving me a headache.

'Rye, you forgot Chase's present,' Jan said running towards us. I transferred Kenzo to Kane's arms before taking the present.

'Thanks Jan.'

Jan was staying behind. She's in charge of the support staff and with visitors at Notwitt, she can't leave since Charlie and Eric were not here to cater to them. Not that Keene and Devlin were strangers, but she took her duties seriously. Speaking of Keene and Devlin, they were standing in for Charlie on the war council in his absence. It was a good choice since Devlin had a similar position in the Feri king Rem's army.

'Get into the pool Rye,' Wren said. They were all waiting for me as I climbed in. One last look at Jan and the crescent shaped courtyard vanished.

'Are we in Valpak?' Dale confusedly said. He wasn't the only one confused. I wondered the same thing myself.

We were in what at first glance appeared to be an ancient temple of some kind. The whole structure was wrapped tightly around the shallow pool. Above us was a large sunroof ceiling supported by eight great columns reinforced with massive bleacher-like parapets in between. I counted four levels. Each level was large enough to fit two men standing back-to-back, in front of a waist-high parapet. On each level were sixteen men armed with bows and arrows pointed at us.

'Identify yourselves?' Someone yelled from above. Before one of us could reply there came another voice, a more familiar voice.

'Stand down captain, these people are my guests,' Warrick said. He was standing in a narrow slit of a corridor between two great columns with his hands behind his back. We'd been silent all this time, mostly because we were in awe. The warriors slowly lower their weapons.

'A bit over board, don't you think?' River said pointing at the guards.

Warrick smiled. 'We are having a celebration in the middle of a war, master Graylard. I take the security of my guests seriously.' And to me he said. 'Welcome to Valpak, Your Majesty. Right this way, please.'

The lone structure was in the middle of what looks to be a park. There were benches and a well-maintained lawn. Fifty feet from the structure, I realized the city was built around the thing.

A chilling wind blew towards us from the east causing me to shiver. We couldn't see the ocean, but I smelled salt in the air. I looked up. The sky was covered with gray threatening clouds.

In front of me, Kane and Wren were chitchatting with Warrick. River was close behind hanging on their every word.

'Have you been here before?' Logan asked me.

I smiled at him. 'No. It's my first time.'

'You'll like it here, Rye,' Reed excitedly said. 'People are friendlier and more laid back.'

'Yes. And they have the best craftsmen and market place,' Rhett said. 'My mom used to bring me here to buy goods for her business.'

'Oh my God!' Bron suddenly halted in his track.

'What is it baby?' Reed nervously said.

'I smell leopard shifters. A lot of them.' Bron was a leopard shifter. But he feared others like him. His fear was not unfounded though. His animal's unusual white coat was perceived as undesirable by his clan. His mother was ordered to dispose of him. Instead of killing him however, his father sold him to Xell, the necromancer. So, his uneasiness was perfectly understandable.

'We have the largest leopard community in Wyrmer,' Warrick, who had heard Bron's concerns, said. 'You don't have to worry about them. You'll see that they are more open-minded than others of their kind. We don't discriminate against anyone here. They live, they work, and they contribute like everyone else. I'll ask you not to hurt any of them because we defend our own here.'

There was a menace in his tone that caused us all to be alert. However, I was dumfounded. Here is a wolf shifter, let alone a clan leader, willing to stand against everyone for the sake of a bunch of leopard shifters. I was impressed, because finally someone shared my views on racial divisions.

'No worries here, Warrick. In case you missed it, our Bron here is a leopard too,' River said in defense of his twin's mate. I saw Reed pull Bron to him and the others closed in. 'We're just worried for his safety because his kind have hurt him before. And to be perfectly clear. We will also defend our own should it come down to it.'

I wasn't surprised River was defending Bron. However, it was in a way amusing. When he and his twin first met Bron they were very hostile towards him. River because he hated leopards but Reed because of the attraction he felt towards someone he was taught to hate. Well, opinions change, people change, and River certainly has changed.

Rhett, Kane and Wren were watching Warrick closely, waiting for his next move. The man needs to think carefully about his next words because, friend or not, I was pretty sure they would attack him.

The older man chuckled. 'I would expect nothing less. Now come. They are all waiting for you.'

As we climbed a set of marble stairs to the main hall of a beautiful and sizable palace, I smiled at the first person I saw waiting for us.

'Alessa, how are you here before us?'

We exchanged kisses while the others gathered around. 'Nick and I left right after breakfast. We were helping with the decorations.' Nick would know of birthday parties. He lived in the human realm for a time. Speaking of the devil. There he comes.

'You guys are late,' he said.

'I had to help Wren into his corset,' I said to which Nick laughed aloud.

'I can picture that,' Nick said. Once again, the joke was lost on the others who were staring at us like we'd gone insane.

Lyra came and greeted us. She took Kenzo from Kane and together we walked into the main hall.

There were no balloons, nor confetti, but there were flowers woven into green ferns along the columns and walls. Three dozen rectangular tables adorned with white covers where on either side of the hall leaving the center empty. The high table that the Blacknells occupied was filled with snacks and drinks. There were a lot of people present, especially young people. I was sure they were Chase and Charlie's friends and family.

'Rye!' I heard Chase calling.

'Happy birthday!' I said as we kissed and clung to each other. When he released me, he took his time kissing and hugging all the guys. I kissed and hugged Mani, his inseparable cousin. After we gave him our presents, the gang broke off. Seth, Dale and River headed towards Seth's sisters, Kaia and Selene. Lyra, Alessa and Nick were following Kenzo to the snack table. Wren went to speak to Eric. Kane went with Warrick and Rhett and Farren, well, I couldn't see them.

'Who are you looking for?' Logan asked me.

'Rhett and Farren.'

'They're back outside. Did you know they were arguing this morning?'

Were they? But I kept that thought to myself.

'There you are?' Caleb said approaching us with a short haired blonde woman. 'Logan! You're here!' They kissed and hugged. 'It's nice to see you again. What are you up to?'

While they chatted, I turned to the short woman. 'Hello Eva,' I said. Her eyes were everywhere but looking at me. 'If you're looking for your brother, he's right over there,' I said pointing to where Dale was.

'How rude of me. Hello, Your Majesty,' she said blushing.

I smiled at her. I hope Caleb and Eva will get together, but for now, they are just friends. Playing the match maker, I introduced them a while ago. But they just acknowledge each other. While they are civil, they didn't have... the spark. Niall met Caleb too. He likes the guy. He offered the tiger a post of commander in his army and I was happy when Caleb said yes. What Caleb and Eva don't know is that Niall and I are conspiring behind their backs. We're doing everything possible to bring them together. Of course, Wren and Xander disapproved of our methods. Xander said we should let nature take its course and that if they were meant to be together, they'll come together on their own. I heard him, but it can't hurt to give them a little nudge, can it?

'May I have your attention, please,' Charlie yelled over the many conversations taking place, behind the table with Eric.

Everyone edged closer. Wren appeared by my side. His arms snaked around my waist as we listened.

'It appears we've lost the birthday boy. Chase where are you son?' He said.

'I'm right here Dad,' Chase yelled from a corner. Everyone laughed.

As Chase and Mani joined him, Charlie continued. 'Today is my son's birthday. I know a lot of you are not accustomed to this human ritual, but it means a lot to me, Eric, and our son that you could attend.' He turned to Chase. 'Eric and I, we always wanted a child to care for. Because of circumstances we never had the opportunity. Until we found you, that is. Although, you haven't been with us for long, we are proud of the man you've become. We love you very much son.' Tears welled in my eyes as Chase hugged his parents. People applauded them. 'Now, we asked Chase his wishes for this day, he said nothing because, according to him, he already has everything.' Again, people laughed and applauded. 'But Eric and I have a surprise for him.'

'Dad! I told you I don't want anything,' Chase said. We laughed.

'You'll be sorry if we take this one back you know?' Eric said. That piqued Chase's interest.

'Let him in,' Charlie shouted to someone at the main entrance. The door opened and in walked three tanned and raven-black haired youths, not much older than Chase.

'Ravi! Dad you brought Ravi!' Chase cried with joy. He embraced his parents again before the crowd parted to give him a clear path to Ravi. He pulled the slender boy in his arms before they shared a kiss.


End of chapter 3

Next: Chapter 95: The Feri War 4

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