The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Feb 8, 2021


Happy reading!

The feri war

Chapter 6

The boys' screams caught the other werewolf's attention. It zeroed in on them with a snarled.

'Rye. Do your thing,' Layra yelled.

Without a second thought, I bathed the young wolf shifters with feri energy and teleported them somewhere in the village.

As soon as I did that, I regretted it. A head-splitting headache left me reeling in pain. The feeling brought me back to Feri Court Island when I was at my most vulnerable. Weak and drained, where some asshole sealed my body when I was in a search vision. Trapped. I couldn't get back. And the longer the seal remains in place, the more it fed off my energy. But this wasn't the time to be reminiscing. My friends needed my help. Now if only I could push past the pain that would allow me to move.

None of my companions seems to notice my dilemma. Bending over with hands gripping my knees, I watched as the girls went on the offence.

Kaia was already screeching in eagle form. She flew straight at the first creature she could get to, scratching and pecking at its face, all the while avoiding its jaws. She found help in her bondmate Robin.

Robin was more than a mere witch. She was a warlock. Hands thrust forward, she moved the sand beneath the beast feet. Pushing through my haze, I noticed the sand crawling up the werewolf's body. Its weight made the creature's movements sluggish. This allowed Kaia's attacks to be more effective.

The other werewolf snarled.

Rushing past Kaia, Layra and Eva met it head on in full beast mode. The werewolf felt victim to their claws and teeth. The wolf and the tiger tore the vile creature to shreds.

'Are you ok?' Alessa asked. I didn't realise she was behind me.

'I'm good. I just need a second to catch my breath.' I said and gave her a wan smile.

'Don't lie to me brother. You're far from ok.'

Before I could protest, a third beast made an appearance.

Alessa placed a heavy hand on my shoulder to keep me from moving. 'Stay right here. It's my turn now. I'll take care of this one.'

Just like that, she was gone. She moved so fast that a minute there I thought she had wheels on her feet.

She produced two energy balls and hurled it at the werewolf. It dodged the first one but it couldn't move away fast enough to dodge the second. But it kept on coming towards Alessa.

With intent, it trudged towards my sister. Another energy ball to the chest, it shrieked, but it kept on coming. Baring its teeth, it had every intention of hurting my sister.

I glanced at the others and they all had their hands full.

I had to help Alessa. My sister was strong but I can't stand letting her get hurt.

Swallowing my pain, I reached out for the beast's core. That was weird. Normally, I felt disgusted when I touch a darkling' core, but this one felt different. He was full of emotions. He felt angry, fearful, sad and... nostalgic? Why on earth would a werewolf be feeling nostalgic?

Curious, I tapped into that particular emotion. Oh no! Not now! I sensed a vision coming. Feeling helpless to prevent it, I tried to focus on the images that flooded my mind.

Across the sea, to a far off land, the werewolf had a family. They were poor but happy. That's why the image of him being torn away from his wife and daughter' arms were heart wrenching. And the pain, he was feeling so much pain. I couldn't bare it any longer. I had to let go of the vision. But the pain, my pain was too much to bare. Second later I was the falling.

In a distance, I heard the girls cheered but I was too engrossed in the pain before I completely blacked out.

'Honey, are you ok?' Jan said joining us at the shallow pool. We just got back from Valpak.

'I'll be fine. I'm just a little weak now that's all.' I said trying to keep any trace of annoyance in my voice. But then Jan was an empath, wasn't she? She knew what I was feeling without me telling her.

She gave me a knowing stare. 'Come. Let's me feed you and you'll feel better in no time.'

I didn't argue as Wren guided me towards the kitchen. Charlie, Eric, Logan, Nick and my sister followed quietly behind us.

I avoided eye contact with the servants we met along the way. It was exhausting trying to appear strong. The same reason I left Valpak earlier than expected.

As we entered the kitchen, we saw Connor, Wren's cousin hunched over a plate food. 'Connor, what are you doing here?' Eric asked.

Wren sat me opposite him and pulled the chair next to me. The others joined us soon after.

'I need to get away from my father. He is driving me crazy down there.'

Everyone chuckled. And despite myself, I couldn't help but join them.

'Can I please crash here for a while?' He said with a pleading puppy eyes look at my uncles.

If his father was anything like Wren's, I can understand his need to get away from him.

'You're welcome to stay for as long as you like,' Charlie said looking at the plate of food in front of him.

'Excellent!' Connor said but then frown. He seemed to sense something was amiss. He turned to Wren. 'Is everything ok?'

Everyone remained quiet as if what happened to me was a big secret. I knew they were doing it for my benefit because they think it would upset me. It certainly wouldn't. I was upset though but more at myself. I never felt so helpless in my life.

'Nothing major. Just the girls and I were attacked by werewolves in Valpak,' I said trying to be casual.

'No shit!' Connor said. 'What happened?'

'It's all a blur to me but Alessa was there. She can tell you.'

Innocently, she grinned before launching into the tale. People kept stealing glances at me as she recounted the even but otherwise I felt...fine.

'Wow! You girls are badass. Remind me not to mess with you lot,' Connor winked at Alessa and she laughed. Nick did too. Connor was clearly flirting with my sister but I guess Nick wasn't threatened.

'Your father will be proud of you, Alessa,' Charlie said, 'you too, Rye. I know how much it cost you to save those boys.'

I wanted to tell them about the vision I had when holding the werewolf's core but it felt awkward to do it now. I'll tell them later.

'What's the plan now Char?' Wren asked. I'm pretty sure he was trying to fill in the silence that once again fallen across the table.

Charlie sighed. 'Commander Stryker arranged a meeting with the Warlock council at the Guild headquarter in Roccia. I'll be joining him there.'

'Really?' Jan said with interest. I've noticed that she was always excited to hear about Commander Stryker. I think she fancied him.

Nick glanced her way before he chortled. I guessed I wasn't the only one who had noticed.

'When are you leaving?' Wren asked.

'The meeting is in two days but we'll be leaving for Helding this evening,' Charlie said.

'Why so early?' I said before pushing some green veggies in my mouth.

It was Eric who answered. 'Remember the delegation from Helding who came yesterday? Well, they invited us to a ball. Since they were so polite we couldn't refuse.'

'They insisted we take you with us Rye but in your condition, it will be prudent if you stay here and get your health back on track.'

Wren gave out a whistle. 'Thank you Great Feri. I hate balls.'

Everyone laughed.

'You hear that Rye,' Connor said, 'he hates your balls.'

'Connor, you little shit,' Wren said throwing a piece of meat at his cousin. Connor ducked and the meat fell to the floor.

'Boys!' Eric said sternly.

'He started it,' Wren said pointing at Connor. Alessa, Logan and I laughed because he sounded like a spoiled child.

Later, Wren and I excused ourselves and left the kitchen. As soon as we were out of sight, Wren picked me up in his arms.

'Hey! What are you doing?' I protested.

He stared down at me. 'I'm carrying you that's what.'

'I can walk you know.'

'You don't have to pretend with me, babe. I know you're hurting. Now let me take care of you.'

What do I say to that? I rested my head against his collarbone and melt in his arms. 'Thank you.'

Wren undressed me, massaged my aching muscles with herbal oils, bathed me and carried me to bed. I fell asleep the moment my head hit the pillow.

I felt something heavy against my shoulder. It didn't take me long to know it was Wren. Fast asleep, he was snoring a little. It made me smile.

The headache has subsided but I was still a bit stiff.

I glanced around the sunlit room to see the elfin gazing out the window.

Hands clasped behind his back, Delvin's eyes never strayed from beyond the window. 'This crazy weather is changing again. It will rain soon. And it seems it will carry until the next few days the very least.'

'Huh!' I said somewhat absently.

He sighed. 'You should wake your bondmate. What I have to say concerns the both of you.'

Okay, now I was attentive. 'Is everything alright?'

'Wake him up.'

I nudged Wren and he scurried to his feet. 'What... what!'

I snickered. 'Calm down love. Devlin here has something to tell us.'

'Right... ok,' he said wiping his mouth in his palm. 'How are you doing, atsa?'

'Still a little weak but surprisingly much better.'

Wren returned to bed. 'We'll get through this, I promise,' he said and pecked me on the lips. He then proceeded into helping me into an upright position. Sitting next to me, he held my hand while giving Devlin his full attention. 'What is it? Is Rye going to be ok?'

Devlin moved away from the window and stood at the foot of the bed. 'The professor just left. And both, he and I agree that you need further treatment.'

'What's wrong with me this time?'

'As we've hoped, the remnants of the dark energy inside you has worked its way to your core. Instead of absorbing, however, the dark energy is now encasing your core like a shield.'

I met Wren's worried expression before returning my gaze to Devlin. 'What does that means for me?'

'That you can't use your powers. If you do, then you'll end up hurting yourself.'


'Before you go punishing yourself with yet another down spiralling unconstructive thoughts, know that you have a choice to make here Rye.' Wren chuckled when he said that. "We could get the professor to give you another serum to banish the dark energy once and for all or we could attempt to infuse the dark energy with your core using a catalyst.'

'Why do I feel like option B doesn't sound like your typical walk in the park?'

Devlin grimaced. 'Because it isn't.' Then he grew sombre. 'It can also mean your death.'

Wren flew off the bed and got into Devlin's face. 'No fucking way. You can forget it. I'm not letting you do this.'

Without even a flinch, Devlin stared Wren down. 'It's not up to you.' He then turned to me. 'The choice is yours young feres.'

I remembered Devlin's words from before. If we could infuse the dark energy with my core it means a cure for my kin. And they could finally wake from their slumber. There was no thinking about it. This was an opportunity for me to save my people and it will be stupid on my part not to take it.

'When do we start?'

'Riley no!' Wren protested. He climbed back in bed and rested his forehead against mine. 'I don't want to lose you too atsa. Please don't do this.'

I knew and understood why he was begging me not to do this. He'd lost both his parents last summer and it will kill him to lose me too. But he needed to know that I have an obligation to my people as well. Fifty-fifty chance or not I have to try.

I tried explaining this to him. He wouldn't be Wren if he wasn't trying to convince me otherwise but in the end, he relented.

'If anything happens to Riley. I'm holding you responsible,' he said to Devlin with a death stare. And he meant it.

'Alright then,' I said excitedly, 'how do we do this?'

'We need a witch, a powerful earth elemental.' Devlin turned to Wren. 'That's where you come in.'

'Me?! I don't know any witch with earth elemental powers,' Wren said confused.

'Of course, you do. We need Celia, your grandmother.'


End of chapter 6

Next: Chapter 98: The Feri War 7

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