The Last Hurrah

By SheWhoWrites

Published on Aug 27, 2002



Hello again! Another story for you, I hope you enjoy it. As ever, be warned - this story is sexually explicit and contains descriptions of lesbian acts. If you are a minor or this is illegal where you are or this will offend you, then please do not read it. I take no responsibility for corrupted morals. You have been warned.

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The Last Hurrah



My heart felt heavy, but I knew it was the only way. We had grown apart now, there was no denying it, and I had no choice. Either lose her or lose my sanity.

It was raining hard, and my windscreen wipers were working flat out so that I could see where I was going. I hated driving in these conditions - it was dark, the fog was restricting the visibility and the road was very treacherous, I was constantly terrified of skidding. I hadn't wanted to go out at all, but the time had come, I couldn't put it off any longer. Kay was expecting me. She was probably expecting my news, too, but that didn't seem to make it any easier.

Eventually I arrived, and I parked the car outside her house. Her road was so familiar; I'd been here so many times. I wondered if this would be the last time. I locked up the car and ran to her front door, ringing the bell. She seemed to take an age to come and let me in, and I was quickly becoming drenched.

She was looking radiant, of course, when she opened the door. I knew she would; she always did. She smiled at me and I entered, relieved to be in the dry again. I took off my jacket and hung it on the stand in her hallway. Kay came up behind me as I did this, and put her arms around me.

"Missed you," she said, and I was instantly consumed by guilt. I didn't want to break her heart. I swallowed, and turned around in her arms.

"You wouldn't believe the journey I've had," I said to her, trying to keep the tone light.

"I can imagine," she said, and then she kissed me lightly on the lips, the way she always did when we hadn't seen each other for more than about five minutes. Instinctively I kissed her back; I couldn't not do that yet. The relationship had run its course, I needed to move on, I didn't feel the same any more - yet she was still a delight to kiss.

I could smell that something was cooking. I hoped that she hadn't gone to too much trouble - I didn't need that on my conscience too. I followed her through to the kitchen, where some vegetables were on the boil. From the smell I could tell that it must be cottage pie - hardly a surprise. Kay had been taught well in the culinary arts, her mother had been an excellent cook, and cottage pie was something she did particularly well. Something else I'd miss.

"It should be ready in ten minutes or so," said Kay, poking the vegetables.

"It smells great," I remarked.

"I thank you," she replied, and came over to me, putting her arms around my neck, "so how was your day?"

"Oh, you know," I said, "same old same old."

"You always say that," she answered, "interesting things must happen occasionally!"

"Kay, I'm an accountant. It really isn't that exciting, you know that." While Kay had inherited her mother's flair for cookery, I had inherited my father's skill with numbers, and as such found myself following in his career path too. I thought it was clear who had got the better deal there.

"Well, never mind," she said, "hey, do you think you could lay the table for me?"

"Sure," I said, and with a brief kiss she let me go into the dining room. As I put out the cutlery, she called to me from the kitchen.

"Chloe, are you having wine?"

I thought I'd better, it might help. "Yes please!"

I laid the table slowly, trying to collect my thoughts and work out exactly how I was going to do this. She was all cheery, and maybe she wasn't expecting what was coming after all. That made it all the more difficult. As I was setting out the napkins, Kay came through from the kitchen.

"Thanks love," she said to me.

"It's okay," I replied, accepting the large glass of red wine she gave to me. I took a sip and set it down by my place.

"Supper's ready," she told me, "you sit down, I'll bring it through. How hungry are you?"

To be honest my appetite had all but disappeared, but I didn't want to be discourteous. "Moderately," I told her.

Kay went back into the kitchen and started dishing up. I sat down and took a mouthful of wine. I could feel my heart racing - why did she have to be so nice just as I was about to end it?

A couple of minutes later Kay returned with two laden plates. She placed one down in front of me, and took her own seat opposite me.

"This looks great," I said, trying to prevent my smile from looking too forced.

"I know you like it," she said with a grin.

I started to eat, and though food wasn't a priority at the moment I couldn't deny that it was good. We didn't talk for a minute or two. I wondered if she could sense that something was up.

She broke the silence. "Those holiday brochures I ordered came through," she said.

"Really?" I replied, trying to sound interested.

"I thought we might have a look at them after supper," she continued.

"Yes, we could do that," I said.

"Or did you have something else in mind?" she asked cheekily. I couldn't help but smile.

No, this would never do. I couldn't let her believe that everything was alright. "Kay, hang on. We need to talk."

"Sounds ominous," Kay said, looking a little worried.

"Yes, well... oh dear, how do I put this..." I was being clumsy.

"What's wrong?" she asked, looking me right in the eyes.

"I don't think... I'm not sure that things are right."

"Right how?" she said.

"With us." I was avoiding her gaze.

"What are you talking about?" she asked, "Things are great!"

"They were," I said earnestly, "but that was then. I just..."

Kay swallowed hard. She had stopped eating. "You just what?"

I was struggling for the right words. "I don't feel the same any more. I don't see this lasting any longer. I think we've come to a conclusion."

Kay said nothing for a while. I wasn't sure if she was trying to compose a response or hold back tears or both. I felt terrible. Finally she spoke. "Where has all this come from?"

I shook my head. "I honestly don't know. It just doesn't feel right any more."

"Is there someone else?"

"No," I said.

"I don't understand," she said, "I thought we were so strong. How long have you been feeling like this?"

"A while," I answered.

"Why didn't you say?"

"I needed to work this out for myself," I said.

"Is it something I've done?"

"No, you've done nothing wrong. It's just how it is. We're not right for each other."

Kay was looking down at her food now. She looked so sad, and also shocked. I wished that there was another way.

"Maybe I should go," I said, getting up. I started to walk towards the door, but as I did so, Kay spoke.

"No," she said, "you're not going."

"I'm hardly making this any better by being here," I said, still moving.

She stood up and with no little force pushed me back against the wall. "You're not going until you've explained this properly. You don't just get to come in here, break my heart and then leave."

"Kay..." I started, but my protests were drowned out when she kissed me hard. Initially I tried to resist, but found myself kissing her back. She was kissing me with a raw passion that hadn't been there for a while, and though I knew better than to respond I couldn't help myself. My arms were around her, pulling her closer to me. She pressed me hard up against the wall behind me and seemed to pore out all her emotion into me.

I felt myself melting with the passion that she was exuding, but then I remembered myself and broke away. I sidestepped away from her.

"This isn't right," I spluttered.

"Felt right to me," she said with a growing anger in her voice.

"Maybe, but it doesn't change anything," I said. I made for the door again, but Kay caught me in her arms once more. She was a few inches taller than me and I struggled to escape her grasp.

She flung me down onto the sofa that was by the door, and was immediately on top of me. Again I tried to protest, but the moment her lips were on mine any objections that I might have had disappeared. She knew the effect she still had on me, and she didn't have any problems about making the most of it.

As we kissed hard I felt her hands cupping my breasts through my clothes, and I knew that my nipples had gone hard. I couldn't let myself get turned on! But I was powerless to stop it. I emitted an audible moan, and Kay pulled away from the kiss and looked down at me with a wicked grin, tinged however with a hint of despair. She sat up so that she was kneeling above me with a knee to each side of my hips and unbuttoned the simple white blouse that she was wearing. Underneath she wore the blue bra that she knew was one of my favourites; it framed her beautiful breasts in the most flattering way. Kay let the shirt fall away and her long dark curls now lay over her naked shoulders.

"You want to give this up?" she asked.

I couldn't answer. No, I thought, this was great, but there had to be more. Then Kay reached around behind her and undid the bra and let that fall away as well. Her breasts were now before me in all their glory, and that was all it took. My barriers had been broken down. I sat up so that my head was at the level of the two globes, and I began to kiss and lick them hungrily. Kay let out a deep sigh as I did this and threw back her head. Her hands were on the back of my head, her fingertips running through my short hair. The taste of her skin was so familiar to me, in a way I found it comforting.

As I sucked on one of Kay's dark nipples her hands found their way to underneath my sweater. The feeling of her fingers on my bare skin made me jump; the girl knew exactly how to touch me. She was firm but gentle, giving me just less than I wanted at all times, keeping me coming back. Still under my jumper she undid the clasp of my bra. By now I was too far gone, there would be no leaving for me, so I didn't complain. I extracted myself from her breasts for just long enough for her to pull my jumper and bra up over my head. Then we were back where we'd been before, she on top of me, skin to skin, mouth to mouth.

Every time she kissed me it was as if we'd never kissed before - she took her time, seeking out each part of my mouth with her tongue. My hands were everywhere; on her breasts, in her hair, on her back. I let my fingers slip underneath the top of her trousers, gently caressing the tops of her firm buttocks. I felt her muscles tense and her breathing quickened. Now she was kissing my neck, letting her tongue roam freely between the tops of my breasts and my jawline. Her lips were so soft, yet there was real purpose and a certain urgency to every move she made. Kay was a wonderful lover, I knew that before.

I felt one of her hands travel downwards and she began to undo my belt. I slipped my shoes off as she unfastened my jeans, but she didn't push them down very far. Instead she slipped a hand into my knickers and thrust two fingers right inside my drenched pussy.

"Still want to leave?" she asked, with a vindictive look in her eye.

I looked at her wide-eyed. "What?" I managed to stammer.

She withdrew her fingers a little, then pushed them back in, harder and deeper this time. "Well, you seem to like this," she said.

I didn't know how to react. Of course I liked this! "What are you doing?" I asked, trying to sound calm.

"Fucking you, by the feel of it."

This wasn't how it was meant to be, and I wouldn't have her think she could control me like this. I sprang away, forcing Kay's hand away from my pussy, and pushing her back against the other end of the sofa. I held her down, and hauled her trousers and her minimalist underwear away from her so that she lay totally exposed beneath me. Then I resumed sucking on her nipples, hard, and she clasped me to her. It had become a struggle for power, a battle for position, and I wasn't going to let her get the better of me.

With my tongue I darted all over Kay's stomach, and when my chin hit the top of her bush she inhaled sharply. I forced her legs apart with my own, though in truth she put up very little resistance. Easing myself into position, I inhaled the musky scent originating from her pussy. It was nectar to me. Then I dived in.

My mouth locked onto her pussy as it had so many times before. Kay groaned at the first contact, and the sounds grew louder and more intense as I began to develop a rhythm, running my tongue over her inner lips and flicking her rock-hard clit with the tip. I made my tongue hard and pushed it into her, and she grabbed my head with her hands and tried to get me deeper. Then I made a seal around her clit and sucked hard, and her entire back lifted off the sofa. Everything I did got a different reaction, but the one constant was the way she was gasping with increasing volume and crying out.

I was giving her everything I had, calling on all my reserves and pushing myself into her. I slid a finger into her pussy, then another and another, until finally all four fingers of my right hand had disappeared into her. I could feel the walls of her pussy, slick as they were, contracting and relaxing. Her gasps were now quick and shallow, she was clearly close to the edge. I thrust my fingers in and out of her hard, and rolled her clit against my tongue quickly and in every direction, and she started to moan long and loud. Her pussy contracted tight around my hand, her cum ran down my chin and her thighs gripped my head so hard it was almost painful as she came violently. I didn't ease off but continued to drive into her, and her body jerked about above me as I forced every last drop of orgasm out of her.

And then she stopped, and I withdrew and lifted myself up onto my elbows. I was watching her as she caught her breath. I could see beads of sweat on her chest. I wanted to move up and kiss her tenderly, but I had to make it clear that this was just a fuck. There wasn't room for affection.

I couldn't read Kay's expression, but I guessed it was somewhere between hurt and grateful - after all, I knew that had been good. I felt guilty again though, this wasn't meant to have happened and would surely not make things any easier. I hadn't come over for this, I was hoping for a clean break and this just made things messy. I sat on the edge of the sofa facing away from her.

"I really should go," I said, trying to sound relatively calm, "this isn't helping either one of us."

Kay didn't reply, so I stood up. As I did so, though, she caught the waist of my jeans, and managed to pull them down a little further. I tried to pull myself away, but Kay moved and instead she managed to haul them down to my ankles.

"Kay..." I started, but before I could say any more she pushed me so that I was bent over the heavy oak coffee table that was in front of the sofa. Totally vulnerable, I tried to twist away, but Kay had her weight on top of me and it was useless. She kicked my legs apart and without ceremony rammed two fingers into my pussy once again. I let out an audible groan, and stopped trying to resist.

Despite my conscience telling me otherwise, I'd become more turned on while I'd been sucking Kay's pussy, and now I was even wetter than before, a fact not lost on Kay as she started to thrust her fingers in and out of my pussy with increasing vigour. Now the noises I was making were not ones of protest, as before, but ones of utter compliance. Somewhere in the back of my head was a vague feeling that this was wrong, but it was clear to me who had the upper hand. Kay added a finger and I felt so full. With each stroke she withdrew her hand almost entirely, before ramming it back in up to the knuckle. There was nothing gentle, nothing tender about this.

"Leave, will you?" Kay shouted as she drove into me, "You do not choose when this is over."

It was beyond me to respond coherently. I was bent over a low table being fucked out of my mind; if Kay wanted to feel that she was wielding power, that was okay by me, for now - this felt so good. I could here the sound of her hand pummelling my pussy, and I was thrusting back onto her fingers, willing her to go harder, faster, though she was already putting so much force into her efforts. I could feel her flexing her finger joints inside me and the walls of my soaked pussy clenching down on her. Kay had one hand across my shoulders, holding me down on the table, but I wouldn't have tried to escape now anyway.

My breathing quickened and got louder as I neared orgasm and so did Kay's; there was something frantic about what she was doing. I pushed back onto her hard, and as I did so I began to climax. I let out one long moan that grew in intensity as the waves of pleasure crashed through my body. As I came Kay was pushing me down so hard it actually hurt, but that did not bother me now. She didn't let up but continued to pound into me until she had wrung the last spasms out of my body. Then she released her hold on me and I lay slumped over the table, completely sated.

She fell back onto the sofa, and for a while neither of us moved. There was no sound save for both of us panting from our exertions. After a time I looked back at her.

"This doesn't change anything Kay, it can't," I said wearily.

"I know," she replied with a resigned look in her eyes. I could tell that she considered what had just happened to be in some way a victory, and despite my earlier reluctance, it was the least I could do to let her have that.

Slowly I began to gather up my clothes and put them on. Kay didn't look at me as I did so. When I was fully dressed I went to leave, but I stopped in the doorway.

"I'm sorry," I said, and then I left.

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