The Last Man on Earth

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Nov 29, 2015




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


[Note: This story involves an adult and his underaged progeny having a sexual encounter. As always, my stories are fantasies with no basis in reality either intended or implied, I personally have a clearly defined border between fantasy and reality in my own life and can enjoy these sort of stories with no desire to go out and emulate them in my own life. But if stories of this sort offend you, please, spare yourself and read no further. I write a wide variety of stories (it's what lets me stay so prolific) so check back next week for a story of mine that may not go too far for you.]

[When I came up with this concept, I couldn't resist using the famous little two-line horror story as a part of it!]

The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock at the door.

Sighing, James (he'd had a last name once, but why bother with it now?) turned and said, "Enter." The door opened and Waldo walked in. That was his name for his robo-valet, a personal automaton. Waldo supervised the myriad smaller robots that cleaned his house, cooked his meals and washed his clothes and dishes. Waldo incidentally worked as his personal liaison with the enormous number of other robots that worked on this, the final city of Mankind.

The city was built for many people, and once had held a population of some 40,000. But that had been centuries ago, before the virus. A subtle, insidious strain, it had been slowly decreasing the population of Mankind by striking at its progeny, a reduced fertility rate that had stripped Asia of her teeming billions, emptied Africa which had been turned into a continental nature preserve, Australia, South America, Europe.... The last strain had been the strongest, not only had it reduced the population but left the children who had been born sterile. Oh, it had been caught, a cure found, and he had been born with a few others. They'd been supposed to continue the race, him and the seven others. The fate of those other seven had been varied but lethal in all their cases, and left him, at the tender age of seventeen, without a partner. Could he blame the others for giving up and ending it all? He'd thought about it, but he was human, he was male, he was potent... And hope is the most potent of all ingredients. He'd held onto the hope even as he'd attended the funeral of the last of the former generation, watched while robotic mourners had sat behind him, a robotic minister had said the rite and robotic pallbearers had carried the coffin to a cemetary where robotic gravediggers stood waiting to finish the internment. He'd sat among them, a young, handsome, virile human man, and when the funeral was over, he'd felt more alone than any widow at her husband's grave ever had. The widow at least had brothers and sisters, children and grandchildren, friends. He had nothing but the robots.

He'd stood over the grave of Robert for some time, thinking about how alone he was, how he alone was left to carry on the human race...somehow, some way. But what ways were left, a way that would leave Mankind human and free as well?

"What are your orders to us, Master?" the robot nearest to him had asked. "We await your orders? Shall we dismantle this city as we have all the others as Mankind ceased to need them any longer?"

"No!" he had said sharply and given what at the time had seemed to be a foolish command. "You will maintain this city as it is. Keep everything functional and clean until it is needed once again."

"Will it be needed again soon?"

"Soon enough." he'd followed on. And with that, a manic need to keep the city alive, he had begun what became his life's work. That had been years ago now.

Waldo had come over to him as he'd mused in seeing this robot approach him. "What is it, Waldo?" he asked, as if he had no idea why the robot had come.

"Time for you to see the children, Master." Waldo had said.

"Yes, yes, the children." James agreed. "It is time, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is, sir." Waldo agreed.

"Then let's go do it." James led the way as was proper for the final member of Mankind.

Their journey wasn't very far, downstairs and across the courtyard to a door that was used only by James and Waldo. When the door opened, the sounds of human life was sweet indeed to James' ears.

For the room was filled with a dozen young boys. This was the room they all shared. Four large beds were where they slept, and as it was now past dark, they were here to prepare for their sleep. But what young boys were ever ready for bed? They wore the same green set of pajama bottoms, but were bare above the waist, for the room was kept well warm, and they slept only under the slightest of sheets for bedcoverings. And all that was part of James' plan.

Clones. The greatest tumult of the last centuries had been the long-established ban on cloning of human beings. Research had been supressed since before the viral infections had begun, in fact. This had worked against humanity, when it became apparent that some way to supplement the numbers of the human race had been needed, the technology had not been there. The final barriers to human cloning had been broken only after the death of all but James. Well, with cloning, one person was enough!

The faces that looked at James from their friendly tussles, from their small games, from their shared confidences, were much the same and in each of their shapes, their eyes, their noses, their lips, James could see much of himself. So James looked at twelve boys that were the same as he had been when he was younger.

But not totally identical. James had feared that they would have all been the very same, but genes don't work that way. They were alike as brothers were alike, similar but not the same. Even their hair colors varied from the light brown of James' father to the darker brown of his mother. And that, combined with choices of hair styles, set them as far apart as any twelve brothers could be. All of them had been born within the space of the same year.

And the boys swarmed him. "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!" they called out. He visited them every day, but still they did this. Craving human companionship in a way that their brothers couldn't provide. Robots tended to their every physical need, of course, but a robot, even ones designed for nanny duties, could not love.

He got onto one knee and gave them each a word and a hug, making sure they knew that he knew them all and was keeping an eye on them. "Edward." he said to the first one in his hug. "Better study harder in math class. Your grades are slipping."

"Yes, Daddy."

The next. "Frank. I hear you hit three home runs at baseball. Wish I'd been there to see it. But I had it recorded, and I'll watch it tonight."

"That's great, Daddy." Frank bragged. "Watch for the second special, okay? It's in the fourth inning."

"I will." James promised.

And he kept it up, but his eyes were waiting for Theo, the oldest one, the last one in line. Tomorrow was Theo's sixth birthday. He alone wore his full set of clothes and was last because the robot in charge of him had warned him to be for James' arrival.

"And Theo." he finally got to say. "A special big hug for the birthday boy. Happy Birthday, Theo." And he gave Theo the hug he'd given all his "children."

"What are you getting me for my birthday, Daddy?" Theo asked, not like he wanted to but he had to.

"I have a very special present for you, Theo." James promised him. "And you're getting it tonight, instead of tomorrow."

That drew a chorus of envious noises from his brothers. "Each of you will get it on the night of your birthday." James promised them. "Theo will tell you all about it when he gets back...early tomorrow morning."

Of course, he didn't get to leave right then. He was a big part of these boys' life, several hours each day were spent in dealing with their needs and monitoring their activities. Tonight he stayed and read to them from a book one of the immortal tales of Mankind, reminding them that the way things were now were not how things had always been, how there had been a long, long history of many, many more Men. One bit of deletion, all mention of women was removed from these tales, male counterparts had been inserted into their place. The robots had worked over all the many works in the libraries, preparing for the day when these boys would be adult. They would have to live in this new world, no reason to burden them with what had been before like a ghost. Not until they were old enough to treat the subject logically.

But after he was done and eleven boys had been tucked into their bed, he turned and took Theo's hand and led him out through the door that had been always forbidden to the boys in the past. Theo looked about as though he expected to see wonders galore, the courtyard was designed to block the view save for a small growth of green hedge before the doorway. Theo was disappointed, James could see, that the courtyard was just as many others they would use or play in during their days. Even when they went into James' quarters, Theo could see that it was much like the apartment beyond his own bedroom, though designed for one person instead of twelve. "So where's my present?" He wanted to know, itching to find it out.

"It's in the next room." James promised him, and led him to his own bedroom.

Theo looked at James with a great deal of puzzlement when he got inside. "I still don't see my present."

"Well, your regular birthday present will be delivered tomorrow." James said. "This is more like a special event."

"So, what do we do next?" Theo wanted to know.

James felt incredibly nervous all of a sudden. It had only just come clear to him how very different these children were from him. He had thought clones would be like smaller versions of himself. Theo's genetic material was the very same as his own! Yet he was looking at a child that was as different as he could be. James had been born with his father's larger, almost regal nose, yet Theo bore the smaller, more pug-like nose of James' mother. Their skin tones were several shades apart, Theo's so much lighter than his. James had been tow-headed as a child, his hair so pale blond as to be near-white, it had darkened as he grew older until when he was in his twenties it had become mid-brown. Theo's hair was already darker than his own, and had been since his birth. Again, his grandmother's influence winning over his grandfather's. Theo's body was larger than he had been at that age, even. He was glad about that.

He knelt down and said to Theo's question, "Well, Theo, it starts like this." And he pressed his lips to Theo's. His kiss was clumsy though he had kissed Theo as a father kisses a child for years, this time, he was trying to kiss Theo the way a man kisses his lover. He had never had a lover before, though, the final child of the human race to be born through the mating of a man and a woman, after all. All he had were the records of men making love to men, created long ago but preserved within the computer archives. He knew what to do, but had had no chance at all to practice it.

So he kissed Theo passionately but clumsily, his lips smeared over the boy's lips as Theo was dumbfounded and unmoving. James moved his hands over Theo's arms and back, feeling the young flesh. He'd planned this for many years, ever since the robots had reported the clone had been found viable. There had been abortions and failures, and still were, but now he had his younger self as a lover. The first of the first twelve, that is.

Theo had been unmoving so far, but now he moaned softly and pressed himself against James' body and the small arms went around him. "Oh, oh, Daddy!" he groaned as James moved his lips to nibble on Theo's neck.

"Theo, oh, Theo!" James whispered to him in return. "I've been waiting for you, dreaming of this day."

He reached with trembling fingers to unfasten the closures of Theo's clothing. Pressing the single button near his throat caused the entire top half to fall to the floor in two separate pieces. The bottom half, pants-like in shape and function, required the simultaneous pressure on two points at Theo's waist, but then they fell to the floor in separate halves as well. Theo grew emboldened and did the same to James' top half of his clothes, and the clothing fell, and Theo pressed his bare flesh to James' chest in adoration. "Mmm, you're a lot bigger than Edward." he told James. He reached up and his fingertips gripped James' nipples and gave them a firm squeeze.

James gasped at the sudden influx of pain and his cock transformed it into instant pleasure! "Oh!"

"Edward likes it when I do this." Theo confided.

James smiled. He'd planned it, putting the boys together so they had to share their bed, share their lives, they even bathed together in the same oversized bathtub. Everything designed to have them discover their sexuality together, he needed them to find their pleasures that way. The robots had been instructed to carefully encourage the behavior, even. James had worried that he might even have to slip some of the adult-oriented images their way, but the robots had assured him that his children spent their nights in ever more complex and sophisticated explorations. He knew that Theo would be delighted rather than shocked when he did what he did next, which was to reach down and grab Theo's tiny boy-dick in his fingers and fondle the diminutive organ.

Theo giggled, then groaned as the pleasure of his dick being worked by his father grew. "Yes, Daddy, oh, yes, Daddy, oh!" he grunted. "That's nice, Daddy, that's really nice."

"I know you boys have been doing this in bed together." James told his clone-son. "I brought you up here to show you the rest of the things you can do. If you want to, that is, and when you get older. But you're old enough that you can do it with me if you'd like, from now on, at night."

"I'd like to, Daddy." Theo assured him.

"So let me finish getting out of these clothes." James went on and reached for his lower clothing's closures. The pressure caused them to fall away from himself, and he was now as nude as his son. Theo eagerly grabbled for his cock and caught it in his slender fingers, and James moaned in a passion unlike any he'd ever felt before! He'd only had his own pleasures up until now, the final child in a shrinking world, he had only had his own hand to touch himself sexually, and upon his adulthood, he'd been alone entirely. Now, at last, AT LAST, he had someone for his own! Flesh of his own flesh, heart that beat as did his own! Their hands were busy upon each other, and James was so enraptured by the feeling of those boyish fingers upon his cock that he almost forgot his original intention for this night!

But he did manage to remember, and he said, panting, "Now, son, it's time for me to show you some things you boys haven't figured out yet!"

"Yes, Daddy, yes!"

"It's all about how you can make your Daddy feel a lot, lot better." James went on. "You can use it on the other boys if you want, but it's not going to work as well. Mostly, it's a way to make me happy. Do you want to learn how to do that?"

"Yes, Daddy, yes!" Theo cried out again.

"The first thing is how to suck on a cock." James went on. "And for that, we need to get onto the bed." He led the way to the bed, his child's hand in his own, and he got into bed first and lay back on top of the covers, his cock hard and ready. "Now you get in bed, and put your face down there." he told his son. Theo complied and he went on. "Put your mouth on there, and watch that your teeth don't scrape it!" He was quoting from a video he had watched over and over, as it had told more than most of them about what had to be done and what was to be avoided. "Keep your mouth moist as you can, and work it with your lips back and forth, move the skin up over the glans and back again."

Theo had paid careful attention and he began to move on James' prick, and James just laid back and moaned. "Oh, oh, ohhhhhh!" Those little lips weren't getting very deep, but they didn't have to, they had his glans busy with the cockskin being stroked and down on it, and the lips were just as tight as they needed to be to hold that skin firm to its task. The joy James was feeling was far more than he'd expected, he was having to fight back his climax. He wanted to show Theo so much more, so much more!

"Oh, oh, Theo, stop now, please, there's more I have you!" he moaned. "I'm so close, so close!"

Theo was oblivious to his pleas, though, he bobbed upon his father's dong with the same energy as before, and James felt his orgasm overwhelm his feeble defenses, oh, God, he wasn't going to last a full minute here! "Oh, I'm coming, Theo, I'm coming, here it is, AH-HAH-GAHHHHHH!"

Theo was struck by James' eruption into his mouth, caught off guard, he choked, sputtered, raised off and was splattered on his face by his father's spasmotic ejaculations. James finished up while Theo coughed and coughed again, then James was done, panting hard, and Theo's coughs pierced the veil his climax had thrown across his son's distress. "Son...Son!" He panted, gulped, caught some breath. "Are you all right?"

"What...What was...that, Dad?" Theo asked between his coughs, which were decreasing at last.

"I'm sorry, son, I was going to warn you before." James said. "I just got too turned on."

"But what was it?" Theo coughed again harder than before.

"That's what happens when you grow up." James explained as best he could. "When you feel so good, white stuff shoots out."

Theo was examining some of the come he'd scraped off his face. "It tastes funny." he said. "Kind of salty and gooey."

"Yeah, it does." James said though he'd not considered it before now. "But that's okay, it's fine to drink it down. If you want to."

Theo licked a bit of it off his fingers, smacked his lips. "Yeah, it's not bad, really."

James was determined to set things back on track here. The last thing he wanted was Theo hating what had happened. Well, those videos he'd watched had an answer for that...of sorts.

He reached down and pulled Theo up to where their faces were together, and he began to lick at his son's face, cleansing him from the wads that had smeared his face. Theo giggled, and James took a wad on his tongue then inserted his tongue into his son's mouth and deposited it there. He fed Theo the rest of the come-wads like that and Theo was contented and pleased when they were done.

From there, he moved down to where he could take his son's tiny pud into his own mouth and he gave his son the best sucking a man can give the small organ of a six-year-old boy. Theo lay and enjoyed it, and when he began to shudder, quiver and moan, James sped up and kept his son on the edge of ecstasy, all the way up until the last dregs of delights had been drained from his dong.

"I guess that's enough for now, son." he told Theo. "But there is one more thing I need to teach you about lovemaking. Let's sleep a while and when you wake up, wake me up, too and we'll get you started on it.

Theo was more than happy to do it and James was unsurprised that his son woke him some three hours later, in the very darkest hours of the night. He was sleepy but determined, and Theo helped by going down without being asked and sucking on his pud again. "Yeah, Son, yeah!" He moaned. This was better in its way, he'd had time to recover, but the edge of his desires had been taken off, he could take his time and do it right. "You get me all greased up, and as hard as you can. I'll need every bit of it and so will you, to do what we're going to do next." And he maneuvered his son around so that he could dig his tongue into his son's butt, find the anus and probe it with his tonguetip. Theo gasped, but by now, he was ready to trust his father, he just spread his legs and his buttcheeks wider.

"That ought to do it." James gasped after a time. He was getting more turned on than he wanted to be for this. He'd have to have all his patience to do this right.

Theo let his small form being moved into position, on his back, his legs raised up as James got in between them and lifted him even higher and he only gasped when he felt James' cock pressing against his sphincter.

James took it in slow stages, a little at a time, he pressed his cock into his son's tender virginal ass. Theo only groaned as James pushed it in deeper, and James would stop yet again.

After nearly an hour of this, he had his glans completely inside. He began to move faster, now, his son's cries were all but gone now, and he could move knowing that he'd gotten his son beyond the threshold of the pain nerves that guarded his body across all its surface. Theo's bowels caught a time or two, and again James would stop, until Theo's innards would give a bit of a gargle, and his way would be unimpeded once more.

And then he was able to finally begin to move back and forth. Theo cried out, but in pleasure only, and he clung to James. "Oh, oh, Daddy, yes, yes!" He groaned. "This feels so good, Daddy! So good!"

"Yeah, Son, yeah!" James grunted. "So sweet, fucking your hot little ass. Yeah, baby, yeah!" He'd taken these lines from a video as well.

"Oh, oh, fuck me, Daddy, fuck me!" Theo cried out. And then he clutched James tighter and shook in his little-boy climax.

He'd made his son come, just by fucking him. Oh, God, that was so hot, so hot! "Oh, Son, I'm coming, I'm coming!" he groaned. "Here it comes again, baby, here it comes! OH-OH-OH, OH, OH, AH-HAHHHHHH!" And the come sprayed out again, not as hard this time, but it flowed freely into his son's body, and it was like he was claiming Theo now, in a way he hadn't all these many years. Theo had been a thing growing in a tube, then a baby he saw only as he felt the requirement, then as a growing child mostly raised by the robots. Oh, he put in his time with the boys, but that wasn't the same as really raising them. He had to give them more, give them everything, to truly be their father!

And in that frame of mind, he finished and braced himself atop Theo while he recovered, then he rolled off and pulled his spent dong from his son's ass. And Theo scooted over to press against him and the two went back to sleep again. This time, they slept until Waldo came in to awaken James for the day's duties. "Shall I take young Theo back to his brothers?"

"In a moment." he said. And then, to Theo. "Son, I want this all to be your choice. And your brothers' choice when they get a little older. So think over what happened here. If you want to keep doing it from now on, come back tonight after the others have been put to bed. Waldo will let you in, and the robots in the nursery won't prevent you from leaving like they do the others. So think it over, and come when you want to, and not when you don't. All right?"

"All right, Daddy!" Theo got dressed and then he and James embraced, and this time James had no problem giving his son the kiss he'd wanted to give him the night before and botched.

He worked away at the many duties running an entire city, even with a population of himself and twelve children and lots of robots. He also wanted to start some more clones to replace these boys as they grew up. His plan was simple, to have the boys in his bed at first, then he would encourage them to forge their own unions from among their siblings. Another batch of his own progeny when the second batch became of age. Soon the eldest batch would be old enough to start making their own clones. A good thing, for the cells of his own body that worked well for cloning purposes would be depleted seriously, and the area scarred badly. He could then pick his own playmates from among the children of his own children and finish out his own life.

With the human race repopulating itself through cloning, it could refine the technique to make it feasible to continue forever. The human race would live again, after a fashion, no longer prey to the virus that had made breeding the disastrous thing it had been. The children of himself, James, would reach out and fill the entire Earth once more.

He was thinking this after returning to his room after he'd tucked in the children. He'd kissed and tucked in Theo the same as always. Had Theo said anything to the others about what they'd done? He suspected not, no matter, he could teach them each individually if he had to. And Theo had to choose for himself to come back to him. He had to give all his children freedom, if he wanted to rebuild the human race on a firm foundation....

The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock at the door....


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